PAGE TWC. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - .BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited, Third Avenue, IL F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES! City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month By mail to nil parts' of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year To all other countries, in advance., per year Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - . 88 . 86 Put on the kettle-Mrs. Housewife, and make yourself a cup of BOVRIL You will accomplish more you will renew your strength and energy if you stop in the midst of the day's work, put on the kettle, and make yourself a cup of hot, energizing Bovril. And it is so easy to do a spoonful of Bovril, a pinch of salt, in a cup of boiling water. That's all but how it will refresh and "buck you up". Try it! BOVRIL IS SO GOOD FOR YOU $(;(() $7iTn All advertising should Je in The 'Daily News Office before i p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. DAILY KD1TIOR til Tuesday, March 19JC. Gambling On Margins And Betting On Horses. There is really little difference between gambling on the stock exchange by dealing in margins and the betting 011 a horse to win u race. Bull) are immoral ill .that an effort is made tu secure money without earning it and often money is lost that should lie Used in some other manner. , Mot people like to gamble. It seems; inherent in the nice that people should slake money on something. Some people buy wheal or some oilier ciminioifity.on piargju, others buy slocks on margin. Some buy real eiMalehqpii to make n profit by a rise in price and again others buy mining stocks and oil slocks on the chance of becoming rich ipiigkly. Card games, dice, roulette wheels, and a dozen other forms of gambling appeal to various people. Few never take a chance-with their money, but some take more chances than others. Gambling On Margins Is Betting On The Price. If a. person buys a thousand shares of -slock, paying niily.H, small deposit 011 his shares in the form of an option, he is betting with the other person that Hie shares will advance. If they do, lie cashes in on his venture.' If Hie -prices go down, he loses everything. lie does not buy the slock. All he gets is an option to buy. . ' The person who buys real estate by paying a portion only of the purchase price, hoping to e at a profit before the other payments come due is gambling -mid is very liable to lose. Some buy unimproved properly, not in use but simply to hold for a rise, hoping it will go up in price before the taxes and interest on the investment have eaten ijp all difference, lie is gambling. Buying mining slock in a 'company which holds nothing but a prospective mine or oil stock where nothing but boring operations are going on is a form of gambling. H is a better form of gambling than betting on hordes or "cards or Ihrowinsr dice. because the money subscribed is used or should be used to open up the mine or to drill the oil well and there is a possibility or an industry lieing established as a result of the gamble. Thi form of ganlbUng, like "rear.estata gambling, is usually spoken of s pjnftti()ii.' It i ,npt Investing monoj-.J , . I : . ". The'jiersojr whrT rnvests placehis cash where lie knows he will get returns 011 it. The dividend may -fluctuate but be is sure of returns. Investments are made in government or eitv bonds, good established industrial bonds or stocks, or in income bearing properties such a houses or stores or office buildings. Those are inveslnieuls. Poor People Should Stick To Investments. Poor people should stick to investments and leave specula tions to lhoe who can afford to loe. Yet often it is the poor inexperienced person who is rieeeed by the silver-tongued vendor of speculative securities. 1 It may be taken as an axiom that slock which has to be hawked around by an agent is sje.rnlalive, to say the least. It does not require an agent to sell (I.P.R. stock, government bonds. or tiny of the best securities. They sell theni-elves. They have a nenniie niarKei value and can be exchanged for cash at any lime. That is Hie kind of security for Hie wage earnerv Put By Nest Egg For Rainy Day. While we never like to pursuade anyone to be -penurious or close fisted, it is desirable that every person shall save a littbi money and invest il. Those wjiohave beeonie weallfiy have usually done so by investing hard earned savings "until they accumulate enough to be in a position where Ihev ran buy a good investment when it offers. Money is power. The man who ha-a lillle savings account is much more independent than he who has nolhitjg. Small beginnings have to be made and the more sell-denial 'he savings cost. Hie greater i Ihe pleaurV nf acquiring nnd the more rare is likely In be taken in investing. FiNECONCERT Norwegian Choir Assisted Local Vocalists Gave Delightful Entertainment by A very delightful eom-eti va given last night in I In- Mi'tropoie Hall by the Norwegian Choir an trd by several .soloists 01 note. The hall wavs crowded wit 11 :i appreciative audience and in were agreed that a most enjoy able lime hail been provided. Si" pleased were the uudieii'-i' lh;i' every number was recalled ami responses were liheraL Consid ering the short training Iheelmii tias had, the results from it were excellent. John Davev was choir leader and the member takin: iarl were I. Fencss president : H. Charstad, J. Johnsen. II. Han sen, I.. 1'edersen, ,. I'edersen It. Langhtilen, Merfrsel ami llov- dcii, Mrs. John Murvold, Mrs. Johaiisen, Mrs. Jack lverei .Mrs. C. I.indsel, Mrs. Jolui Iver en, Miss Aleda Iversen. Mi Agnes. Iversen, Mrs. It. Peter sen, Miss M. Pedersen. Miss I Isaaliseu and the pianist. Mr. uackson. , ; The choir gave several selec tions in addition to the openini and closing and there were solos by Mrs. JarvJs ilel.eod, Mr. L 1), Larsen, is. fl. Jaeason. Mis Ml .N'ess, John Havey and A. Olap- perjon. Vocal duets by A. Clap pcrlnn and John Davey; piano luels by Miss M. Ness and Mis 31. Iverson and also hy Miss A. Lipsin and Miss ('.. Miiruan: n quartette by Mrs. Murvnld. Mis Petersen. J. Johnen and H. P.harsiad. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert March 2, 1916. A splendid cniirert was held last nijihl in St. Andrew's Ansli-. ?an r.hurch for the benefit of the ahnir funds. Then- was a mini feer of entertaining number hi. ludln? a "Kitchen Symphony" which was very novel in - nutun 'After the concert, the members of the choir were entertained ai the home of Mr?, ft. L. .Mcintosh. The Kagles' Club, which wa. recently organized in Ihe cit;. . field its first open ni;rlit la veuinz. There was a fine musi cal program and a number nf exhibitions of boxing. Aid. I). IJ vSelon presided and there wrt brief .speeches by V. . Cola, AW Casey, lien Self, niter llesner and Hud Corley. 'With the opening nf its Alaska service this month, the O.T.P lia .appointed axent in Inn north as follows: Ketchikan. J. J Haleiyh: Skagway, (iordon Powell from Hegina; Juneau. .1. I). Mi - Auley. THE MAN IN THE MOON aya: , THL flea keeps on the hop YOU can always tell a mail ires- It leokji like one. 1)11) you ever think how hard it is to shoot bird that is on the an excuse to slay away from home. SOMH girls muK trul In Hod judjtinjr by the coniiiany the7 keep. NOW that ,hank robbers have had lo come down to robbing fur establishments, anytliiiiK may bi: oxpeefed df them, Possibly ihey will he tryinif lo turn the knh of a newspaper safe. MAISIK say that eo-operalion Is a jfood thirg, even in kixsinu DON'T be deceived. A ra??H coal n'flen conceals a 'hotlle of Scotch. A SMALL boy Is iike n canoe. Ho behaves best if puddleij from Ihe rear. WILKIN'S, the explorer is not lo Kill frame on his way to Hie Vm.ll. 1 1 . . . . "f 'li x-uie i is ui no a someiiL tlu Iniled States will end a Eczema Was So Bad Could Hardly Sleep Mrs. O. Jones, Kitscoty. Alts .write: "I had eirems on wj lft hand, and my first finifr was so two)-leu, sore and itchy 1 could hardly sleep at night I got a prescription from jny doetor, but it did me 110 good, so I finally uyan to take After I had taken three bottles I was completely relieved of my eexeiaa, and would adTiso any on suffering frou any discaite of the blood to uee U.D.U.. as it 's worth its price many times orer. This valuable prei'sration has been on the market for the past 47 years J put up only by The T. Milbura Co, Limited, Toronto, Oat 1 - r yanie warden Willi bun as a Ihe Canadian htir l. i- lo e: thai lie does, not 'jet ,1 111 .skox or ll'' ptdar bear stenk Tilde Sam makes himself c miii unity fun tly sotiietinu. I KNOW h a: iri whu wears I- urtove t bed lo eep her bands , refreshment were er- sofi. Shi1 to bed. should wear her li.'l like lilts: Old times, 20 Id tunes. Times when w- were younx, Where's the Minw that can com nare W'illi the snnto r sun?? )l elancholy niiddl" - re Looks across 1ln- wav Tellinsr heart- were tifthler lbe:ii In its month of May. Patron Saint Is Honored In Fit-t'ng Manner by People from Principality dressHs on SI. David, who lived in the Sixth Century in Wale, and Hie dav whleh m:irU liiM memory were delivered bv FraOltl jreellalion' by Wrnrh l.tvie. Thire wns nlo Welsh eommun-"Ity singhss. j Urorre Hill acted a master of U-ereHionie". tour for teachers EUROPE THIS YEAR I think I Khmtbl have written Personally Conducted Party it linmetliine like this: HM limes. Mid lime1 'l'une when m- well' lronj Tho-e were tin' day- when ne" wer men And alo i-!tf ii t wrt wmntr. Hut I like lie -it Ihe new lime, And the mmlcii ways So let n made Uic liest of Hf. And liv Hie ; Ih.iI puvs. WELSH PEOPLE HOLD SOCIAL Leaves on S.S. Athenla on July 9 j Mareh 2. An-'iMueiMuent of a Hrnnally con-dnele.l tour to Ureal llrilain and ji'iiiM- hy the (Canadian Nalioiml jllailwayn in made today hy ui-enger offietalu nf Ihe sysiein I The nary witl innlifde leactiers jfrom all jrl of weiem :an-'iula and nseralion have been I made on the S.S. Atbenia. sail ibk from Montreal on July t, nn l returning on Ihe S.S. Aurantaon 'August 13, from Liverpool. The lour will take 111 l-.tiflam'. switierland and I'm nee, the inos important point in en eh of these I. on n I rtes behis included in tin , , itinerary, where recepiionn and Hie festival of si. Jiavbl, the ., ,.,.,...,... .m . patron mint of Wales, was fit- ..4..t ,v tVM .1,. linuly eIebrated loenl WeUh by .v, aowri j(, ',.,, !tn..r people at hijrhly a aiiresfiil, ,i. 1,1..;,,., i,rw. immhk whist drive and da nee ad jovial -fop iajsile. veninp that wan held last ntsrlif iu Ihe imperial 0n1r Daughter' of Ihe Kinpire Hall un.FiTth Ave. Kast. There were fealure tvoii-al of tin. naliiiMil 'H" T. J. Hhsii. inMrn! . .." . . . ism MWIMer me 01 uie auctmil HAZ ELTON LAND DISTRICT, Diltrttt fNCt an S. TUK MiTMI. thai. IM ,,.l 1 -I....I 1 , , TAF. JUttm. Ihal . ...... , .mm-,,,,!, .,. o, iiniii),: j Ti j iiritty Hie former in 11... ., ., ii, 1 .... I Hh Mlnltlrr nf 111.- . i.i. in ii.ii i.'ii-ii;. , j.,, ,.1- 11 iH Slirr at immi fur m liirlir priliaipalit n-l tr nal sml erlniN'iuii and Ihe environment bad bn 'ZLIl ? i.. HW,.mI made lo Ik- distinctly Welsh in KK'k.r&..B,:Xraei:! onaraolw. The table were itmrr ma n rnin. iumn- m io,.,,vnli..i .i.rr.. 111 ... , Hmai. Ilwnir xwlh rluUi.. llwnrr detorated Willi llafTotllls I anil ,., . rlums. l mini .r Mmum-m-i-iiMUl. leekM. I lie Uolslt .In wit. irivni. LSInl Jimiiry Mil. If a prdnrinenl plae in ttie. decora (' live scJieme which Mils further; yet It is likely to go to the do?:.,jenh.'infed with Usrwe portraits of Ihe Prinee Lloyd (ieorye. 1lolS tVt BI'.ATTV HAIILTON LAND DISTRICT. Dlitrlct f il IUn t if Wales nail li:ivid! TAKE otick ttut. nun U ifn-r . tiuik I, 1. 4. rriiiT. m'im ri'i In ' . . . tain..... r ..- a. ii..A..jl Welsh . .il nnie Ip iAV ..!(' priM , tT rusl sml lrin HllKllW. Mis fair nilfie. MrsJ .wmnMii-iiir at a mr nUni..l si "it AlflX. Maekenle, Mrs. Ilewiston and m.rkp.l tj.II imrtliraM riMiwr and Mrs. I I;,tk Morris acted .252 TJH'. '.,.,f.'"'.-.. .m'.iL "l wing. If you are always fra'i-as a reeeiition committee. Ail-I uhi". tn iiini if nMnmenmiM-m. I dm? around, it is just as diffi cult for a thought to strike you If there were no business, what would husband have fr'v I.nrttnl isimary Mil. If TIIQMs jmi;s HKTTV. MSIILTON LAND DISTRICT. District f Oeait Rng B. ID ily If it llilrniH In ipph lo l.mnU for a Irii-nrs , Bile nnd the latter in Kiisllsh. ovrr Alii arrrn .f la ml. 'i'i..... ..1. ... t. 1 1 i'nmiiirliir SI a imihi iilanli'd li mll- ... .. . ni,..rjl . i nrr:-,,II III atlendanre. At eleven laldes of whist, the following wiM-i- winners: ladien' first. Mrs. Howard Sleen; ladies' seeond. Mi- 1: Kemic men's first. C. V.ih m Is ; men's second, lti'y iiial.l .n.-r aids 4iMin of III" ImrtftwfM runirr nf ..i s. Minrc 5, ami mtrktsl T.1.R.' miilli uptl rrnr. llii'iiiT ikii'Ui so cluiii-llienre eal M rhaln. Oienfe mlh Sll rliaUM. tin-nil- il so rhalno. In point nr i-iiiiiiii'iiiMiifni. liraleil Juinary sth. Idf. tuqVias jmks nr-mv. HAZ ELTON LAND DIITRIOT. District Sf Coaat Rang 5. T.uF. oTl.: tim. mir iy arter l dan 1. T. I Hi'lllr, In I cm I In apiilv In tin .wimirr .ii (.aim a ui'niirft tin.f k. t for mat anil Jflriilpiiin iivi-i '.n arriit nf lam). a fiillnw: oinciK'iirlnr at a ikhI f.lnls1 al lhi t ulhwen runiPl- fit Sfl'llim 17, Tl. I. Hanri an;l utaikml T.J. II. wiiiiip, e n mm- Ihi-iirc imrlli Sll i lnini. ihenrt. fail Sn rialn, llniirr miiiiIi so rhalim. tlwnr. ui-H an rhalns, In minl nf rum m.-nii-inrnl , l.iM'alisI Jannarv llili, ItfA. TII'IMVS iM I ',) HFATTV. HA2 ELTON LAND DISTRICT. Dlitrlct of Coait Rant B. T.VKI- MiTlfF UiaTUly iU.V" Iflrr nali I. T. J linlly Inlcmls In aimlv In tin Mlnlilr nf l.anil fur TTihik'S In pri.p-''i for rnal anil r.rt roli-iim "r iiki sith nf Intnl. f..iii,v . isniiiPiirinif at a IkiM fiino"! at llii iHififiwiM riirni-r nf Mil fianrn mi iiiaiKi-ii tj.II. nnrinwni rvrw llM-nr. ii.nih so iliatns Utw nt so halni llirnrr imrlli Sll ruln. tin-lira well Sll rlialiiK to Milnl of riiiiiiiipni', Lorsiril January Mil. lots H10MA8 JAMES BEATTY Ttitviuy, w , PRITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO END OF DECEMBER, 1024. Has produced Mineral s follow-: Placer flobl. $77.n82,5:l; Lode a, n ,s I7:,i0; Silver, 908,8a4,r7; Lead, ?70,548,o7H; Copiier, I87,48U,:);k; I.7Hu7; .Misn'llaneons Minerals,; Coat nii(i'i;oke. 9.mpj,88ii,(MK; H,, 1, lm il-:..)- I'moxiil ! ... 9 )-. u I . in ik 11 1? its Minernl Proiloelinn 1,. n... - '. HMIIM . Ill 11 IV, . ,, , . , ..........o - " -- " .---- .'.' ,f i,ii ' J qj 10IM show an Aggregate Value of $859,427,386 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1924, $48,704,604 The Miuiiik Laws of this Province arc. more liberal nnrl he fee lower Hunt ti:i n, any oilier Province in Ihe Dominion, or any colony in Hut Itrillsh Kinpire Mineral location are granted to discoverer for nominal ee. Absolute Titles are obtained by developing such properties, Ihe security of wh. h l4 uuaruuleed by drown llmiits. l-'n 1 1 information loellier with Alining HeKit-l ant Map), muy bo obtained k .st k. a.ldressiug THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MINES Victoria, British Columbia. . ... k?a is .it it i k a la. '.. a .n. rniciicaiiy nu nritisn (.oiumiua .vinierai rropernr umui wiiu-ii ir ,e work ha been done are described in some one of Hie Annual llepnrtx of tin of Mines Those l ousideriug mining investments should refer lo uei repnr are available wiHiont charge on application lo the Deportment of Mine. Vi Deport of the Geological Survry of t-iiuula. pacifir Diiiblitig, Vnncouver o-n , mended as valuable source of information. wd and daocin; followed. miKir' fceuiu furnished by W. Vaut'liiin levies mid Howard While. Tli'i KDDIR IbiMt (he el sin,rt. jr,,BPnm include! a eoniic anli.j or the synillcot mwMiH'r r-juy n. ,do hy Taffy aenlly wrote ver- soBMHitnit irri, h.I ArlliiLr .Inni. and a T :r III Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Opartllng Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Englnoars, Machinists, BolUrmakars, Blacksmiths, Pstlirs msksrs, Founders, Woodworksrs, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINQ. Our plant in equipped lo handle at! kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38 Fishermen's Supplies FISH LINES, HOOKS, ROPE8, TWINE8, FISH NETTING AND TROLLINQ GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCERIES. Compare Our Prices Lipsett, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. 8econd Avenue and McBrlde 8t. Steamship and Train Service a., fBINCf NUPCRT Vk 111 l. rWNCI RUHHT I' 1 vcoui. VICTORl, StATTLC ami Inirnimliiti- mint rsrti mioar st I .. PRINCE RUPfRT fsr TIWART SiKl UNYOX, WCONIOf, M1 .. rRiNCf John ronniibily for vancouvcr ia ouns cmioii ISLANDS. PASICNOCR TRAINS LEAVK PRINCE RUPERT EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY SWl SATURDAY SI p.m. lor PRINCE EDMONTON, WlNNlPEO, sll mints tatirrn Canatli, 1 nil' ' - ! ' AQINOY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlcksl Offlc, lit ThlH n. Prints Rrt. TJr A Nit TO. .SIGHT" pla GRANTS Best Procurable (Till: ORIGINAL) Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT BeftM aJ mMj ir WMmm Cl a m LmhmJ Cl, 4 BtlniM.UMUiml D4Im, (Ml fmm-i Glim i. ilniln 110 1 aSWssllSlSlss t-SL - This ndvcrlinenient is not pul)lllied or displayed by Liquor (Jonlrol Hoard or by the novcriiment of Urltlsh Columbia the