PAGE FOUR PRICE ST Dry Cleaning and Pressing .Men's Suits, cleaned and pressed $2.00 Moh's Suits, sponged and pressed . 1 .00 Men u Pauls, cleaned anil pressed 1 .00 Men s Pants, sponged and pressed ..;.50o Men's Overcoats, cleaned and pressed, from.. Jf2.Ho Men's Overeoals, sponged and pressed $1.00' Ladles' List Ladles' Soils, dark colors $2.00 Ladies' Soils, light colors . 12.50 Ladies' Skirls, dark colors x $1.00 Ladies' Skirls, liglil colors l.?5 Ladies' Skirls, pleated and cleaned . . , ... ... $1.75 Ladles' Skirls. preej only l.00 I. mlies' Skirls, (denied $1.00 Hoffman Vacuum Pressed Is Best IAD! IMDflY 8 ORY PLEAHERS Phone 8 Stamped Goods Luncheon Sets, Pillow Cases, Aprons, etc., all stamped ready for work. . A large variety of stamping patterns lo choose from if yon wis! i lo use your own materials. Heal Irish Linen Tablecloths, 51 indies, each $2.50 Silk and Wool llose four shades, per pair . . $1.25 Collon Crepes, per yard 25c Mrs. W. I. Wilson v Tfirrd" Avenue P.O. flox ' - - 989 J'liouc firoer 389 Sausages! - - - - Pure Pork Sausage, per Hi. 30c Heef and Pork Sausage, per Hi. ... ... .., 25c Tomato Sausage, per lb. 25o Fresh Home-made Head Cheese, per Hi. 25c lleef Dripping, per lb.. . 10c Sealy 8 Doodson Sixth Street Phone 455. We deliver Wood! Wood! Now U your chance Dry Cedar Full load . . , . $G.50 Half Load . . . $3.50 Large sacks .. DOo HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phont Cf . 'triage, Warehousing, nd Distributing. Team or Motor Service. i'-oal, Band and Oravel W Speolallxs In Piano and Furniture CovlnR. BRINGING UP FATHER EAIT.V NEW3 T f NOW UtTCN -THCPn: tNOTHINf j I TT I jj I'LL. KCUP UP TH3 OUiJTT ; s sNv ' OOC MX w THE MATTTr V't H Np"f FOOT. WS 1 WITH NiAd&IE-I'LL tHKK. OUT OA AUTTUC VHrSV PETENDE THNT tT WOZ ( s EaS M VHtL. jHE s OUT rr-4' a,rr A JY ' " j) TIMtT WHEN Ou WMNED - THEM TOO 3tQJ I M ,0 W ilillitriiiiiiflljV:,1 N dgrpR.g SHE DOE'S ... IJf AbNX. I HMi A, Pmni S, O 1926 r I hi v Future Sewvicc. Inc. ""' tWm.. mint inl C!gBggSgl n i fi J I l I fe J MUCH INTEREST LOCAL LIBRARY Average of Slightly Over 144 Books a Day Loaned to City Readers The public library circulation for I be month of February mounted lo 3,010 volumes out f a lotal number on Hie shehe 1,777. Thi- is a heavy record tnd iinlii atr lhe interest thai i - taken in the library by ritiien generally. The amount of fiction' aken out was 2,6 1 C volumes non-fiction 525 and juvenile 7o. j The averaire circulation each layi Mil i in z ii:iv4 run nnrarv wua open was Ht.R. liirinr February 42 new read- . , . rs were added ,.- of whom 18 were juvenile while t cards .vere can-l ellel. f the 63 new books aiMed nurinx Jtie inonih a weni Kift and r8 purchase, while It were discontinued as unfit for further circulation. JUMPED IN HARBOR RESULT OF DREAM Elof Gustafson Tells His Stary to Police Will be Snt to Mental Hospital With Charlie Nelll Elof fiuslafson, lahoror, came to Ibe city polieo station at 8 iiVloi-k last nvfhi in a drench;-.! oudition and reported thai. llioiish he bad jumped in the harbor between f'ow May and the ley dock last niifh! and went to the tiottom twice, he could not slay down so he scrambled out.. lie cxplaine.l that si dream hud been the cause actuating his jumping in the harbor, .iustnf- son, who lias been actiiiK Hlrangely fr' some lime, was dried out and given medical ex amination wild the result Ibat i! has been decided to send him If. F.ssondale mental hospital with Charlie Neill, the man who jump ed out of a hospital window on Sunday afternoon. NOVEL "WILD GEESE" SUBJECT OF ADDRESS Rev. G. Q. Hacker SDsaker at Meeting of Corner Club Last Evening Ilev. (. (1. Hacker was lb. speaker at the weekly mceiinj: ol the Corner Club held in the lec ture room of the Ilaplisl Church last evening. Mr. Hacker gave brief resume and criticism of I lie new novel "Wild Oeese" which won first prize in an open com petition oil this continent. The address was interesting through, out and the speaker emphasised the moral value of the story and pointed out that invariably novels had a tendency lo porlray extreme characters, yet these same characters were not hard to find in real life. At the close of the address re freshmen! s were served by I lie trroup in eharge of the profiraro for the evening. Next week V V. Wright will be the speaker. VANDERH00F The Npehako Valley , Liberal Association, at its annual meet- iiiiK hero last week, elected officers as follows: President, L. )H. Smith : first, vice-president, O. .1. Ileid; second vice-president, W. F. Park: secretary treasurer, .William It. Malheson; executive: L. II. Dicl.insoii of Fort Si. iJames; Archie Stewart of lhe, 'Lakes district - F. C. Meiieachv of v ii.,.. f r-- 1 . ' u' : .napes; .MCJvcown 01 CUIlco : II. C. I.udwlg or Ilraeside; ll. W '.. Mlijure. or F.ngen:, iSeoiyi Sharpe or Itolrlicr Flats, and il'iiiuie of I'iiiniiiiiore. " ! Ms. and Mrs. rieorge figs'. n j will arrive home on Thurd.i afternoon from Rdmrmtrin Whenj Mr. U;rlon has been ill in the hospital for -ifveral weeks. (. II. iowir. school inspieii ,pionshlp of 'Ilnh-h Columbia . fr-irn Prince iieirye, wa in thir,' Fourteen rn.k have beeif" district wek oii.oi'fii-ial du formed In Jrtn-c (ii'..rKe in pta 's- durlnn the next or si To. various eurlhiK ir ii'liie in that ROYAL CANADIAN NAVAL 'V-,H Hay,,7 r,,Tw VOLUNTEER RESERVE." - r-ieul- n- p- Ponder commanding, - urnis. .MoiKiaytt, t.4u o p.m. Thursdays,- 7.30 lo 8.30 i ti m nnr iwui UHir IIH'II Willi Hill IUI jP ; ,. . . mil. .IUI,,,.,'... i '"W irainmp. r.very urin ni-tit, 8.5 to u.ia p.m.. Hatinas !.... lo'" ,h' i.lanc- himself. Kur-be attending drill in uniform are properlv dressed. No. 3 riv,n ls Nn,'sl her race of with jerseys, jrailers and blue .'.'' ntiur litis week, cap are to le worn. Jnecial nara.le. All ratine sltouM nmke every enjeavor tn,hf "''"-Ml dWisii-n billiard lour- nllenH -a i.,-i-l nurU l. I .. held on March II. at 7.30 p.m. Signal competition, A cup hTi been presented for competitiotT amongst onmpanies of the Western dhision of the II.O.X.Y.U. ('.ompetilion will be at Ksitui-mall. Teams will consist of foil raiinffs rrom each eomiaii.v. .Men of this company wishing enter, are lo hand their names ii. the ship's office. V. lll'MK, 11. Lieutenant. CRIBBAGE LEAGUE C.N. Mechan'cal, Moose, Sons of Canada, Knights of Columbus, St. Andrew's and Elks arc Winners Itesulls of last night's gamas in the Prince Ituperl Crihhnire League were as follows: Cold Storage, 13; C..V Mech anical, 1 1. Moose, 17; Prince Ilupeit Holel, 10. C.X. Operating, 10: Sons of Canuda, 17. Kuighls of Onhimbus, 17; Loyal Orange IUdpe, 10. SI. Andrew's, 15; (ireat War Veteran, 12. Dry IMcJc, III, Klk. 17. .Hie leagll'e? Dltindliig lo dale is H follows: r - W. L. Pis. 11 5 12 7 12 II 8 11 II 8 11 10 0 10 10 ) 10 10 J 10 10 9 II) J 10 ii 7 12 7 5 II 5 5 It 5 (range Lodce . C.N. Operating . i. W. V. A Klks K. of C C.N. Mechanical Moose Cold Slorage Dry Dock St. Andrew's P. It. Hotel Sons or Canada . Indigestion When chronic, is best relieved by Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. In most cases, Indigestion results .from torpid liver and sluggish bowfl action. Tablets for the stomach and aids to digestion fail In this chronic form of Indigestion. You must get the filtering and excretory organs right before you can expect permanent rrlUf and this U ben accomplished by the use of Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. Chronic indigestion is a very common condition. On this account many suffer for years not realising that relief is at hand in the form of Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pilla. TIMiUr-kx l.tltniicnooi spells of constipation and diarrhoea are among the accompanying ailments. What a relief it would I to bo free 1 LI, ... i . . " 1 e inisrrame ann u is so easv tiv usinff this .well-known rrulator of the liver, kidneys and lowtls. iit-1.. .. i: : ' . . SPORT CHAT lit The Prince tiem-ye hoe'niy team expects l leave eurly this erk for VqnrouwM w'tere ii will i.ieet three le.iin hiiuberley, n.l-rbv ftfirf Hie Seafortii, of 'iieouver-T-ln tfte playoffs inlcrnMHliaii ii M'kev cbam rins. fiv. H. KuruiR if Prinrr M, ' , ' . . sa,,nff n h''" '' "Pliints ara-t F'kt aIia ... .u I. .a at... - ; " iieeided lo call or "" neiweeil I IIP ITHlce II!;- perl Fish Co. and Orollo whic wn not cJJMffdete.l last week. The playinn or the toiirname-M could have made no difference to the relative tandion of th-teams in the league. In the postponed game in the men's section of lhe Fraternal Whist League, the si. Andrew'.: team heal the Mie by 7 lo 2 thus increasing its leaderahip if. lhe standing over the Klkn to two points. Whist games scheduled for Thursday of this week an- postponed until Tuesday, n eek from tonight, when the. will be plaved In the SI. Regis ba nquet hall. BILLIARD AVERAGES Final individual averages in lhe iMllinrd League were a follows: First Division Oames TIL Aver M. Andrews f HP)., t 500 260 R. HoweHPi I 9l 240 . Ktlekney ,BP) 3 TMi 215 O. Waugli ;HP).... 7 1702 213 J, Howe (V. I 2t 211 F. Pyle (V) 8 IUI 1 230 V. Mitchell 'IU 8 . 7H 2 w. .1. XRifton cj!. :2 ha 234 fll. MnMnViliu fVS' i: iLtlt 8gt;tJetefdi (V)f.. n 115 ;2n D. Ilfowll! (IIP.. f3 . Jfl$ ; 23 1 lr. West (V I 231 231 F. Zieman ( IIP) .... 3 U83 228 i. Mcllmovl,. HP) e, I : .' 1 225 W. Long -V) 3 07. "i 225 C. Halwiio p) g n;t -i i. P. Tinker (V).. 0 1321 221 J. Andrews V).. 7 l3y 220 H. .lelieb l!p; I -212 212 F. Aldridge ifp).. 1 209 900 .1. Ilillinan (HI).... 2 388 I IN Second Division W, Long (CH; 8 1200 150 P. O Donneli (V) . t mo ISO F, .ieman f HP).... C, 881 147 H. Ilnwc (HP)....., C 870 145 M. Andrews HP).. 8 1 1 f 7 1 1.1 W. Sliekney (P 7 1002 I4'l .1. Andrews (V).... 2 286 143 Dr. Wis (V). . 8 1135 142 W. Mitchell (HP) C 8i0 no O. Howe (', 7 974 139 D. McAiiley MIP).. 2 277 130 A. McDonald (OS) 8 1002 157 J. Ilillman ((.... 7 u.-y 137 II. Parr ;'C.Si 8 1089 I3G W. .1. Nelson ?V).. 7 iiiy 130 J. Hensley 7 1)38 134 V. Aldridtre IIP).. 5 J7I .134 .1. McLean i 525 131 A. Harvey i:s 8 1039 130 J. Ilond ((;. 2 2f.O 130 H. Corbel I V , ... 7 001 12: .1. May (CS 8 1022 'J'- Morgan (i, 808 IS! I.I. Ilmye (V 05.1 110 . u n,,.,,,, 017 118 W II.., I,,., t. " ' C. I Yoim. fnun ' V V. Carlson F... 820 588 472 118 I Dl 118 Wantetl For Sale For Rent DAILY 2c per word in f"r;w..VTPI. Plain lriimakinv and nrwlnst: renMiel!in. re - pairing, knitting, le. Phone I i .... ureen mi. MrSKHATW wanlert lo buy foi breedine purposes. Ht.ile prices, " ' Win. R. Tminah. HwJI.i i:.C. ron sale ITtlt SAI.F. "evr and iwed machinery, boats and engine, piston rintrs and pmpellcrs. Northern Exchange. 2l3f4econd Aveniw. Phone 23. f KITCHKN ItANHK for -ate in excellent condition: also j.iirh." table. Phone ?;. r.c FOH SALK.- 28 fool Kali..t: h.p. Palmer engine. 'lnne lllue 28.1. ! FOR SALK. Baby caniaie j.-. excellenl Condition. Ph'.; 7,2. .1 FOtt SAI.F..- Ivory baby ciirria--'. . Phone Oreen 293. M PIANO FOH SALP.. Phone Uta.-h 132 TO RENT FOIl RUNT. Modern four room ed flat Willi Monarch range. Clapp IHork. Weslenhaver Hron If FOH HI'NT. -- Pianos, player idanos, phonoaraphs and sewing machines. Walker's Mimic Store. FOH HF.NT. Tailor-shop; two business rooms below, tw Ihrlng rooms above. Weslen-hnver Ilron. Ii FOIl HP.,VtV-Furnished modern house, Ct Fifth Avenue Was', next Catholic school. Phon 510. fit FOIl HF.NT. II 00m with or without board; naar elevator. Phone lied IS7. tf FOIl RENT. Keven roomed house, partly furnished. Phone (for HUNT. Fnrnlsbeil suit Musaallem ' AirlmertUi. Phont ' 18. . . u MODHHN FLAT for llent. Apply Max llellbroner. 7 807 115 2 226 113 2 203 102 3 300 101, 1 02 b; 135 08 1 58 58 2 70 35 .1. Krause fF) A. S. Hales (F).... S. Kuga Ml) .1. Judtre (V) A. Ileale ( V). .1. Allen (V) (i. Newell (F) O. Fleming (V) .... HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince FJuoert-IM. Adams and II. C. Alexan- der, ;oniervllle Cnnnnry. Central C. McLean, C.N.R. llertn' Arnliten, failing to appeal- in Hie city police court this morninjf in anwr lo a ehnrge ..r druiiket.ness, forreiled bail f25. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Tuusday, March 2 Higli 3:06 a.m. 20.0 ft. 15:14 p.m.. 10.0 l?81Low' 0:10 a.m. r. 8 21:29 p.m. 4.8 Wednesday, March 3 IliKh 'I: to a. in. :'n.o ft 15:51 .. (i Low ' ! II. in. r 8 ' 21 58 p.m. 5.0 By NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. f- advance. No Advertisement taken for test than 50 , PRY WOOD. !, . Hplli to any length In blurk. per load $C.0O. HALT HKIttllMl. A. ISAACSON, , Seal Cove. Phone Rlack A1 ooano I'.tiARh lh. Inlamler. SSfl .T,nt venue Phtli 117 li'UHD. 125 Third Third Ave imi. .tie Hed a:m. AUCTIONEER. THK POSTPONED Hale of Fur-nit'irv, ranire, halcr and ef fee!" will Uke ptce 011 lliur"-day at '.' p.m. next to Oeo. Tile's furniliire slore, on Third Avenue. Private ! dally. Phonograph Itecnnl excliaiitfc.t. (I. K. Hrine, Aor-tioneer, 2IMI HeeoiuJ Street Phone 74. DANCINQ. DANCINO. Hays llloek. f.esaotts any hour by appointment Sm'm.ts Charlesinn. e t c. Tuesdavs and Thursdays. Mr Howard Frixzetl assist inv. Phone Ait mornings. Urs. H. O. Cre -e. ROTHWELL'S TRANSFER Coal - Wood and Furnltura Moving llaggage and Express BbantllLltlle's News Bland, Phone 352. lie Phone Oreen n?w FURWITURE AND RANQE8 I BELL ranges and furniture of avery description: bed linen, heeling and pillow casing by the yard: Dominion linoleum, beds, spring anil mattresses; dining snils. living room ehairs and tables, seagrass ehairs. Furoiltire nxcbangeil. A. Mackeiuic, Furnllur. Phone 775. TAXI Phone 07 Taxi 4 (Call Oeorge. Paul or Oust)1 Hix- ami seven-passenger Sludo bakers at y.Mir disposal any tlin 'fir COo Service ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block Across from F.mpress Rnlel TRAPPERSI I NEED 10,000 MINK SKINS, Red prices paid. Sen 111c before you ell your furs. If Km furs IT. buy I hem. W. Q.0LDDLOQM, Second Ave. The Honest Fur Man. CAMERON TRANSFER Phone 177 Oaogage, Furnltura Moving. ir you want anything ent for. or dellverpd, phone us. n n un soo ..rjPR,NCE nUPEnT MUSIC STORE. I - 303 Third Avenue olengerils for Columbia Records We repair Phonographs, Itlcycles, Higgles, nacfjunlfl and Musical In-sirnrnents of all kind I I FURNITURE. I ' New n n lUSecondliand since. Wo liny, Sell ! chaiiKe New and Ooods. Furniture and Ex Secondhand QEO, PAPADOPULOS f35 Third Ave. Phone 61C George McManus TIMDER SALE XT j. HrSbsl T' tuh tliUi.ler ,.r 1 .,!, : UMW Muull Ml t jvtt,, roeth , ti rui S.4S ." halMMt) sar! . 'HI l, MsfS 1 iti 1 Tbf rai'tti ' r ttn.1- faroii in.. rm V 1 I I'riRfr ll , I, I' wsrta srt USE AhD S'Cr r s 1 . 1. 1 1 HUM I l..k ; H 1 . ' IHl ci.. ii,i. Kin ... i:i(i4i ' m k i:r. I- 1 llurr ji, I . r tk iiit-, br-. .ttn ...fill .f (:.. I.. " I'. Till. - I .I ,l ! Ihr fllll.. tig .t. Vtll tm . mi, . ,M ?l ll l If. I . I l-4 1 it" I I- f. 1 l.rl.1 Nji, I K l brail 4rl 1 I .1 , a . , . 1 it himI Iii-i I r a I h . Hi 111, 47 ' I r,r., I. I imkJ x tin a I 4kr. 11 an !. ) f, l'ii- & Ulr, ll,. I 4k. ll. I Hi, - III r , ' I a- I I n l'" .1 Nl-If I ar,H I'll I ' Tbr ll.i l!' m-m i r 1 III 111, I i.l i. ir.. .. llw ll:. I .1.1 ll bur, 1 !iN,i.n bfvl in 'I 1 n.. t Ivr kn.'Uii t,ii,. I..4 Ati. luntor . twr i iMftr 1 1 1.. r -i 1 . 1, . 1 ml rirfil I ik' 1 ttjr ,. ihi 1, n 1 7l4 ami 1 I t I Art 1 ..n.liii 11.1, I 1 In I I If. a r fr, 1 Ihr rlfrt i r v;l r .r Hr-. jb THIS N. ili K i ilfl ItV I.l !, ..f I , ' f Oil. 1,. i', . i, 1 ., IM"I, !! In fn ' Wslrr l. i,.r.l.r b.r, 1, Ihf 1J, Wllh llw .at !,. r ' trailer ,,f W!r lnr m. VI. 1. Ii Sfflf Ibr fir. I ; , III l,.fll IN'I. rirt 1'iit.ii' ji i i.r I TO, f. i t ri 1 tir- VVATIR MOT use io sn t TAkl Noni:, 1: , BOr I'l Him ' I .'!' ' rial. Vi'-ii- 1 a.ln. HI4S., Vnii'.. 11 ,-r. h . ecami. 1 nf..iiiu, 1 - UrOiMT ,. 1.1 kr urn pr arrmi.t itvl 1 re fr'l nf fr ahich fl.i witli l' ' 1 MMI Inlet llhi il tmm Murk lev pat he lorairil al ttta- 1 i'l a ptrftii Ih i, Hi, 1 InflMlHMl ln r i ' raai'iti ,,r iiw n abaatll T". lhiM4lul ' riiHSl atH.u 1 i.s wtwr ii H ilix, al a i". int iii. hi 1 rturav 1U111. 11.111" : USi'. ami tilll In- , liialrlal .1 , n ., i i S I III I Iii 4 Otlr. 'i IHct. TIiIh will." w trutnta mi tin' miii ' roMf nf llil 111. panmsai iin-rsiu "' ' Iu." wn o rn.ii " Vaier IwcirrtiT m 1 The die .f thr rir 1 nutlre l Pflssian ' UM A?mri I - I I'M' 111 WSTin KOTICt Dlnarklen V'-t TAKE SOTIi'K I'm' flair I,. M. Olftn 1 Irrrare. n, mill u 1 flnarlns irram 1 ' tallmn Hltrr ffrnlii ' i(irulnilrly IK m Mulhrrly anil rtrmn atinul Hll mlls r---1 The rOcr lo Ii 1 or otherwise rnnn'Mi"' 1 MW loirs iu1 all f ' r',nlriiilliii nt h Srnijii.U at the iih Mnewliere. Till- 11 ' the ground Ml llic , 1 Jiiniary, 1 ots. i i i an aniilirallun fnrnai' ' ', "Water H" Ml h' of lhe Walar !' -t nr. Mhjei'ii ! he nW with the -h i v 1 wild lhe :miiilrni'i" I'arll.iim nt Hmltllnc- In Ihlrly ih sfi' ' lh, nf UiIh nnllir 111 I 1 11 fl4le i.f I lis flfi P""'1 " lire is ivlinim- r''' nr1 hi ' . c 1 At