ue,dr, March 2, 1020. Wright & Ditson Baseball Goods Tennis & Badminton Sporting Goods Made In Canada l throughou! the world. Kvery article bc.iung i. me i guaranteed. Your money back. Catalogue I on request. Our price are catalogue prn-e- ;.iUtii Canada. Tin- best that men can m.ik t. lui.v. It i ulwnv vie and nafe In mrciac made hy a dependable ru in and olcl by m dependable liu Ihe bel and stands back nt the goods. THREE FLOWERS Preparations For Exqultlto Care of thhe Skin Ci .m-ing ' im r --hi 1 1 1 1 1 , . in. i Vanishing Ciimiii . 50c each For the Face- I'.i powder h, while, natural .nut In ntielt.' 75c ami $1.00 I in dark. medium, and light h (. 50c I :-h-k .mhI K'lii'iv pencils, each 35c 1' "ii'1 T. ileum Powder. Simii ami Perfume. With each SI .00 box of Three Flowers Face Powder I i- gIMIIg . J..I. k fir i c.lll.llllli: M t'l.l1 -ize Three Flowers Preparations Free. ii-" ' I ; ! --iiij.' 'I' Ari- von may l-lr ;.p III' .l-hillg. Ormes Limited The Itcxall Avenue and Glh Street. Pioneer Drnggi! Phones 82 and 200 Specials! Specials! Hi - Bedroom Furniture V 1 . . .I lli-iH'h. and 1 - - r bnig : i tinrror Willi' III If i 'f - $43.30 . -ii'i. I". il.ii liivi- I 1 1 1 inn fi .I'i'l (fi!i-h 528.90 V II). --II. u Tab!" . nil'' III I I'l or ',. .ill'l iirii'll $24.40 1 Di ' -iii TaW"'. Mini' bevelled mirror ami bench $18.75 BARRIE'S Home Furnishings One dnor - i "l I . 1 1 New - Oilier 3rd Avenue. Phono. 123 WHY NOT DO IT? . ' -; YV.ih hay N..i i n' a i: dll tin- -T- ' : U'r vim, ti i .in l i i - ! ''in li'.nii' u i .i ! i .(fc(-ui'ijjinii mid lignrc tin' co-l "I doing y.nr vveekh 1 1 Imnif. Ynii will liml that von .ire working for I nr example da uuil bluing . 25c Fuel it.eil In heat water . , 50c -in- iiiin at the inw'-i etintate, Km- per hour y hour- $1.35 $2.10 1 1 - H your energy sjeiil.' Compare Ihi with our 1 1 1 1 1 i T Service Si- pound pin lc per piece. Every-thoroughly washed, all Hal work beautifully ironed, ik apparel, only a lilllr d'-ving ner-.ary. then iron. And tho average bundle costs $1.50 CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaners Phone 8 TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 530 Or. 238 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. G. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. Nignt Phones G87 539 Gr. 238 Black 735 vv- vii majority of 5V.V02. This Lassie Has Her Colds "Rubbed Away" The mother of t! .is attractive little girl, Mrs. E. E. Iirnrnaru, of 215 Seventh Ave N. YL, INartape La I'rairie, Maru is one of the many Canadian mothers who are tnthuaattic about the vaporizing salve, Vicks VanoKub. for treating children's i colds. Mrs. Emrnans writes: "My little ! fir! had croup at night pretty badly and Vicks did her a lot of good. I have also used it with very satisfactory results for bead and chest colds." Vicks is just "rubbed on" for sore throat, tonsiitia, bronchitis croup or . deep chest colds. When so applied, Vicks has a double direct action: tUr-ttaity medicated vapors are inhaled while, at the same time, ttttrnally, it is at orbed through sad Hirmilatre the tlaa. V VapoRub i Qttn2l Million Jars UscdYeamy FUNERAL TODAY OF LOCAL LADY nv. Father McQrath Omclated at Interment of Mrs. Palrr.era Clarenbeau ,AHrr a ete- in tlnj Cliurvh of (be nniHie rut inn at whieh H. Father I'. .1. M.iiratli ofll- rmled, inlcrnifnt of the lale Mr. faJiiiiMa lturcniifau, wlioe 'Hi M-c irrvd in tin- Hridv! Uitlpfrl iJi-iiithI Ho)ital at thi "tut nl tin- Mwii. took plan' Him ifliM iiHti iii Kahiaw '.mitory Tinmi' .i-iidiiiK flower- includ- 'I Arthur t.lnrenb-4U, Mr. and Mr- I.. M. Martin and fmnily, Mr .in.) II r-. Mnlanu, Mr. and fMiv l. t'.avaliur, Mr. and Mr l Siinii-rtiaiic. Mr. and Mr ninv. ir. aim mi-.. I-,. Nr. mi. I Mr. HidM-rt McKay. Mr. and Mr. David Scnii. M a Hit Mr. K. Cnvenaile, Mr. un.l Mr-. K M. IVIIimiikux Hinl faiu-dy. Mr and Mr. . O. VaridiiT, Mr. ami Mr- K. Mannau, Mr. and Mr V. I rritni and "family, Mr. n nil Mr. I. uanidi. Mr. and Mr-. lUmia, Mr. anil Mr-. N. Mniill'iu. Mr. and Sir. 8. I.. Pcai-tn'v, Mr. .mil Mr. I.ouia l.i'rmiv. Mr. Muzi'i, Mr. and Mr-, li.-i.rjii' Oninni' ami Mr in.l Mi-. i..-..iuf Hill. MALES PREDOMINATE MANITOBA PROVINCE WINNII'Kii. M.uvi, ii,,. mali' impiilatiiin id ManilnlM out-nunilicr- tin- femali' populalinn iy tin t than 31.(100, according li ;ali,!ic! iii)ilt1 by lht in-Iii-!:ihI dtiviMotmii'iil hoard in roiiitcidiofi wifli its iiiurkftiuir -iirry nf Ho- prairie provinces. In Mantlolia there art J?0,5o7 male and :'Mtf,55l fi'inalt'. In Sakatidnnvan Utr fimiriw lnnvj tin' mali' pnpulaliun im'dmninat-niM al.o Ihe figures lit-inu 413.- frt.r nmlf and :H3,t57 females. !n Alitor la. tin John liore. distriel superiu-lemlciil of the (inveriiini'iit Teh.- THE DAILY NEWS PAGE TIIHEB HELIUM USED IN AIRSHIPS Has Advantage of Not Being Inflammable but Is Very Expensive LONDON, Mar. 2. The new dial helium ha bf ii discovered in nuiiMidcralde ii.mlilii' in Canada i (,'ralifyin. Hitherto Hip United JUale have had n inuiiciiuly of llii rare ga, and I lie Mrnrcily conihined with Hip niuni)ioIy ha kejd the cot of it at a very hijrli. figure. This figure (louljlli'.i will now tend to drop, hut it iiiul he a very lonjr I imp before htdiupi can, enter the I il a a fiMimierci.il rivul of hydrogen. lli'liinn may he ilecribod a a jireal undeveloped ooibilily. A an iic'cnt for liflfiiK airliii it is nnl known what future lie. he-fore it; it i not ven certain thai if helium were a plentiful and a cheap a hydrogen that Ilrili!) aimhip exiert would eleci in tie it in commercial air- i rafl. Nnval airship, would, of I'Miir!', he a different matter. Great Advantage A a lifting asenl helium lias mil' very yreal advantage; it is ii.ni-in. 'Inimitable. It has also Auc great drawback: it is le tiiMiyant than hydrogen by about lie per eenl. Now when one j.l'-inin? a emumereial airship iafely from fire is of sunreme iniporlaiice, and ne.l n: import ,aui'e comes the capacity for lift I INK' weiahl. II would he a seri ions matter for an airship com pany which hoped I" pay divi dend to have In sacrifice five per cent of its profitable carpi. It safety ran he obtained without that sacrifice such a solution will he Hie iiniil popular. In oilier words, if the inflammability of hydrusren ran he discounted, then I ha I yas i to he inferred to lit hum. The Fire i Danger Major i. II. rfeott and other British experts have staled many lime, leith publicly and in pri vate, thai the u-e of hydivven in an uirsinp is only itun?eroui when petrel i- carried on tin) hip as fnel for the cn?ines Theri have, I lliec. been only two caps in wliich llritish air- liiiip hae cauKhl fire in the air. hot olher countries have bad more disaster of Oil' Jtiud. It is believed thai in all the oases lh Tunics of the pet nil first ignited and then ,el off Ihe' hydrogen The most olivioiis4 safeguard, therefore, is to abolish petrol en gines for airship use, and this is being done. As an additional precaution, though not an es senlial one, Ihe liafft of hydro yen can In- surrounded with i layer of inart ?a. As for the daiuer from light n inc. exerls do not admit clear proof of a single airship i not ex eluding the Dixmude) eery hav fheen deslroyeil by lightning, and I hoy do not admit the likelihood of such an event. The moliti framework can lie used as a safe Kiiaril. Hie Micuandoah we: huffeicd to pieces by u storm, not struck by liylitiiinK, bin airsinp have no business to Ih in th centre of a violent storm. MONTANA ELK USED AS BASIS OF FARM HUSTON, March 2. - Klk breedin.' will sunn Itecome a new i ml o I ry in Massacliusells. Three lioston men are m Iheir wav to male noast a 'Missoula, Mont., to Jiriu? back Mr. and Mrs. Y. F. Iide ot siewart were arrivals in iho" city on tie (laniosun this after- noon. Mrs. Lade i goins through on (lie vessel lo Vancouver pi. route to viKit her bntne in Lasi- ern Canada and Mr. Lade, stop-pin: on" here, will return north tomorrow night. Mis Doris Ilielby or Vancouver, who l(a been in the city for he nasi few weeks, will return lo her home in the south on tho Cmnisun this afternoon. 150 cow elk which have been .i-.i unieii irom ineir iceij.: raisyes hy Sturm and fainiue. On their (rip In lloslon the elk will travel in palace slock cars. They will be turned loose on tho Nemasket rouge at Mltldleburo, a OOO-aere urescrve. lo which j another 700 aore will he added ir a herd of hull elk Is imported later a planned. Montana ranrers sent word that the hull elk probably would drift into the Missoula corrals as their food shortage becomes more aeule with the increase of winter snows. The hulls will ho sent east to join the herd at MiddlelKiro... Animal cxpris declared thai the herd would thrive gi aplis. has returned lo (he city . in New KKulaiid climate and mul allei- hav in y spent three week I v.ti'.i t imi in Van nivcr. WATS BUM cm ALE or STOUT Builds Up Yoitrlkallh tipl.v m snjmcicnl numbers to supply puhliciarks as well as j provide food forSijarkid. The venture foiroSjJhc offer lor the United Stales DeVj,r(nu'nl I of Agriculture to give IhV elk, ) which have been " slurvinon snow and icecoered rnnaesto persons who would lake adeuuu of ..I" II.K... care them. Pimples, Eczema, Rushes, k Rough Irritated Skin disappear as by magic TVONT neglect any skin trouble, however slight and unsuspicious ! Unless attended to right away, that rough patch or pusistent irritation, may easily develop into eczema or other serious disease that may be difficult to eradicate. Your safest and most certain remedy is Zam-Buk. Tbis highly antiseptic herbal balm quickly soothes pain and irrita-tion.stops germ infection, allays inflammation and soon makes the skin sound and heaithv. Local and Personal Phone 15. JUL Coal Co. tf 'Arthur's Taxi, l'hone 078. tf H.C. Undertakers. Phone 41 Cameron's Dance Orchestra. Phone 177. if Two cars at .your service heJdon Taxi. Phone I3A. tf Mimeographing circulars, etc. Miss Johnstone. Phone 387. tf Oeorge .McKeuzie, local car penter, left on lal nkrht's trai.i for Halifax where, on March lie will embark aboard the steamer Itegina to visit his old. home in Scotland. 1 Major Oeorge Sin i I It. territorial auditor of the Malvalioi. Army, after a visit to Alaska relumed on last night's tram lo his headquarters in Winnipeg. Union steamer Cainosim, Capl. . 11. Dieksou, arrhed from Auy- j IS. A. 1-UIa. CVll. express superintendent, after a visit lo ancouver and Prince Huperl on' official duties, left hy lasl; night's train on hi return to hiv headnuarleiN in Ijlmoolon. I Oordnu MiMire vas fined' 3 to in the city police court lliisj niomim: for an infraction of the! Motor Vehicle Act. Ho drove his! ear on the wrong side of the street and unloaded a passenger. and Ibis .city on Army business' ox, Alice Arm and Stewart all i:lo Ibis afternoon and will .-sail for Vancouver and wayporls at 5 -o'clock. Passenrgers hooked to' sail from here for Vancouver on I the vessel include Mis lori,; Hielby. Miss M. Hebden, H.N..! Mrs. M. Seott, Mrs. Danowski. NV.j H. Sutherland and J. W. (Iraler. j ,1. J. Little, superinleudenl ofi ulililies, reports thai repairs to the break in the Woodworth Lake pipe line, caused hy a slide last Friday night, had been completed this morning and that power service from the city power house at Shawatlans Lake was restored early Ibis afternoon The water main from Wood-worth. Lake to the Acropolis Hill re.ervoir is also in operation ugnm. Repairs were effected with more despatch than ha .1 been expected. CARD OF THANKS. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Black ami family desire In convey their sincere thanks to I he man:' friends who so kindly remember ed them with expressions of sympathy during the lime of Iheir bereavement. ANNOUNCEMENTS : ' Westliolnip Theatre, March. 2, lind 3. Prince Huperl JMayers Club presents a new joyous' comedy "Wedding HpIIs." r i iv'i . CATARRH k ff the BLADDER FEfhC.r- bm tunic UFJ Zam-Buk owes its superior remedial virtue to its herbal originandits penetrative power. It searches out the hidden roots of disease. Zam-Buk is safer too, because of its freedom from the rancid fats and coarse drugs found in mere ointments. Bgin with Zam-Buk to-da and mate roar skin dear ami healthy Zam-Buk Medicinal Soap is a splendid aid to tbe treatment IIJ Drult'ti' nd Sloretttll Zam-Buk B.tlm at jtk fcx J l-r l-2S Ifu Zant.Bik Soap tic a cakt Prospective B Loggers! The standard of Purity Jor over 160 years Hills & lllilli DEMAND Mil SiM'U tOl Inm 2am Salt C., Trtnt. "Rupert Brand" ppers "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. uilders! COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDERS' SUPPLIES LUMBER Timber-. Jjinicnsion. Sinpiap, Kir Finish, Flooring. V Joint, Huslie and Bevel Hiding, Cedar ami J'ir Boal Lumber. Fir and Coliomvood Veneer, Mouldings, Shingles. Kolored Hhingle., Lath, Dak. Hardwoods, Sa.h and Doors, Wood Pipe. CEMENTS, Etc. Portland CenumL Keeue's Ueniciil, As heslo Cement, llaniwuli Plaster, Piasler of lris, Plaster Board. Lime, llyilrated Lime, Fireclay. BRICKS, Etc. Common Brick, Fire Brick, Pressed Brick. Agriciiliiirn! Tile, Vilrified Pipe, Flue Lining. MISCELLANEOUS Nails. Building Paper, Tar Paper, lliitdieroid Moorings, Johns, Mauville's Asbestos Boof-ings. Asphalt, Asphalt Hoofing Iapers, Sand and Gravel. NANAIMO-WELLINCTON COAL Try our Nul Coal for vonr Kitchen Bnugc. ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones 116 and 117. Loggers! We have the only complete stock of Gilchrist Jacks and purls in tin- North. We handle Logging Cable, Axc$, Pcuvios, Haws, and general Camp HipiipinenL U will pay you to see us when outfitting. Stork's Hardware Limited 710 Second Avenue London B$y Gia $3.25 the bottle This, advertisement is not published or displayed by Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. the