HNER WINS SUIT FOR FIFTEEN MILLION DOLLARS FROM SMtLllWb LU. rrince Rupert Figures Large in Convention Mayors at Vancouver P s. WCOl Ell. March 2. Prince Rupert figured ruihcr . i yesterday in Hit proceeding- of Hit' i tni i,tiuti l mayip-s ut n 1 1 1 1 1 tlit- i ourludiiig 1miiiil- was the lor j, . isuHuii uf I lie Wc-lerii Cunuda Dcveluptne'ul I inly (Ulnars ol Hit' iiiw organization ure a- follow-: dent Mayor I in lor uf uiirnuvcr. pic-olent Mayor Bardie of Eethliriilge. r! in iicorge ii i ! ii r VfliinMjver. Minor lirrjrnr) of Nnrlli Ba'llclord. I did ray of Virlurla. ' . iM-i iiiiieiil lloiie ami Ii U ndi-d liV nffieuil- "I i nil- itiiludm Jndf-. - uud I'li'i U-d tene- I !l- . ..(ii'' THREE HUNDRED Fire Sweeom Arkansas Village il Causing Damage Amounting Million and Half N N I'OHT. Arkansas, Mm . J ' i e went this villupp Mon- ur c ,1'muu ii n.l canted a losf w ,i . iimi iiiiiiiii.i ni ii iii itl ion 'I a hulr dollars. Tluer bun lniitn , ehurches and small hli. I; ui liirmv uliinln were lies ct There were no known ti te.i JOHN LINCOLN HANGED TODAY E'KNDON, Mar. . John Lin- rulll son ii f t trim I ilia Lincoln. birtniM" (iermiin spy. wim bunged '"! lnoi'iilug for l.lio murder of Mword lliehiinls. Irnvrlling v UKent ; lllatrhfiird of I Uliiionlnii. Newlon uf Prince Itupcit, VKJUVIJ llllLiJULllVl M,t)IM. MrUi-eii f IIIkkbc Minor! Mayor! Mayor I and rw w -vm Muvitr Tuvliir -mikf yesterday KIIYN Sri H Al 1 "" advantage of the port ofj UJ J iMVA Vancouver and wa- followed 1')' Mayor NeuUin who sakl he would . . . ..r Take Over Former Vancouver like hi w ativauuinw. mi Uland Whaling SUtlon For l,,n,r -'rU,n c,nf, " , , . -el forlh. Wliulever helped the Reduction Plant im,.m,.i ,.f era in Ui Vancouver : V. Man-h 2. Tin- ni.alniji -latum on the oi Vancouver Inland ,.' ia ed I')' , . i ' doui to-met?!'"" w" ;,Hiiy ! lx Wti for a 'mil tilatit. Mir whalro hae ihi nipmu in tin- wairifc ivrr I eland ami it lui- -iirjr lf jn farllier Item. The rriill i- r Mir whale liunllnp ii i In- Quen Oiarloltr i ' ions. JANQUET FOR THE GOVERNORS Dolnt Affair Clen by the Pro vincial Government for Bruce and Nlchol i' HI Mur. 'In lioimi w I ii'iilniaiil tlovernor . li It. llruw and Hi' i i'H'i'i-iitnlie of tl"' Niehol. a ImhoI' I I here lhl Vflimi. im iuimnrejt of the prmin-lillllMll. It will jwa I,. .iiihI In help Prince lloprrt, j Victoria New Westminster. Mayor Xewloii wai named mi a nommHlre on organization. MILD SPELL CONTINUES IN INIERIOR VALLEYS Only at Burna Lake Was Froet Reported Except on northern Boundary of Mild wealher eirtilJHile in III'' eeiitrHl alley- of HritUh I'Oliim- Uia MrcorUuuj lo the weallici i.uorl of tin- Dominion ioern-menl VIvi ah Hi eiuld o clock tin- iiioriona. Al uo place there it fcecm eamepl al Hurin- likc alljioliph firtlier norm Ihci-e wa front Hiid in Ihe ukn il went an low in ome place as in liouivn ImIow fero. The re- (.nrl follows: Trrwioe lart clowly. nlu; lenipcialure. 3rt. ni. r.leai. ealin: temperature. 11. Ilnelion -I on. calm; temperature, 3t. Tehwraph tUiiuily. culm: tcmperHtiire. St. Sinillieis- Part eloiKly. calm: ii.iiiiMM'alure. 30. Munis Lake Clear, ealin; trm- peralure, 2. Wli le iore laoiniy, wind: lemiwriilure. 27. south Stewart liner i.ioim.v. cnini, lrnierlnrc. 10 hehw rero. Dawson Cloudy, calm: lem-pei-ulure. 10 Mow ero. . u. for ukon -10 nhove BUILDINGS GO campaign to sell PACIFIC COAST FISH VTTEE. March 2.--The us- MH ialion or Pacific J''l"'r,,:!,iiain-nilm.,..l today plans for a Ut,- rn s -. campaign, UOO adverlisini: ... v ttiirukhardt of bealtle OCIIl . .. . i said il ll be the "r1 ""V"""" ,lverlisin ciiinpai- cv.:. UMiiplpd. The purpose ... .. ...i. the iiuhlic as lo the l run" . . uilue of salmon as a food fish. Two hundred tiiousiimi ......" 1 . SMS I I nlrrndv and it IlliS nee. i ... . i ii ii i ihi amount will 4 lienevei . . ...1.1...1 iin-niembers or ne o." : . ii i ,l. ion have been Invited , ...uucipale in Ihe campaign ..f Ihe lale .luliu i in ri iii""" i...... iieulh occurred Johnson. ,,, vesler.l.iy mornuwr m ...- il.niel'.il O ll.ui. orS, del Hu umrnlng to Port funpnil will ssing-on where oinorrovv aflernoou, m. I (iHETEST It Cfc EVER III N ON A WINTER TRVCK The firw turn of the $:iu00l New One its hand. u,. ,u-running . win. h wa w.uiessed liv u crowd mi iiM)0li re zied fans und winch was won by Ntinm. njrbe.;rer oMlie Ureenlree stable uml owned iiy M. Payne Winnie. . uU r a neek-uiidnerk struggle Willi Scratch ursd Dazzle!. The photo shows how closely bunched were the 21 starters at the turn. MOVING CLOSURE IN THE COMMONS TO END DEBATE 4 iiavr lii'tice of the cloure wlncli MMuld e moved lo end (he deltatr. It i he-ln-vi'd dial il will automat ically tinisli on Wed- HCI'liV Mil Til Ulg. INVESTIGATION Board Will Make Further Inquiries Before Enforcing Leplslatlon Recently Passed ! tin . March 1. IIimi. LiiicM l.aM.inle, ; ItWttM- ldr. du?iti2t ItJie- ,t wwei -Krftif ' laJ ".iPhl- HOURS OF LABOR VlivmillA. Mar. v. -Chairman J. D, McNiven announced thaltl i nieuilMrs f Ihe eigiil liour ilu? law bcHiMl of adjustment hud lurainl from a week s inveeliga- Ikvii uf iUdii-'rial conilitiou in the style of Washington and wl' Mm.hirtl fur! her inmiU'ies In Hellish Columbia before enforc lui.' Hie new legislation in tin- province. FOUR MILLION DOLLAR FIRE Plant of Colonial Sugar Com pany at Adelaide Destroyed Wit 15,000 Tons Sugar MI-lEHDlllNE. March 2. The nlaiit of .the Colonial Sugar Com pany at Adelaide, livethcr with iri.000 tons of sugar were du st roved by fire, the total loss from plant and slock amounting lo 1,000,000. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Wheal U. P. It H.tUBTIver DiuAvell II it xr 1 1 (I ti I.. I. .Marnib PreinjVr Porlrr Idaho Silver Ores I Surr I ulrvt .. Howe Sound I.ueky Jim A'ic'uria Hid. Asked. .... 1.18 ...150.00 ... 1.75 I. HO .. 2.13 2.20 .01 ft I ... .17 M .20 .07 .10 2.00 2.70 .11 .12 13 .15 Oil .10 31.00 311.00 .17 . 1 8"H .20 Copper Miner to Get Fifteen Million for Pnfont Infrinopmpnt HEAD OF KNIGHTS WIN. MP Eli. Mareh i. News was received here oT the death at Ilorhesler al noon yc-lenlay of A. V. Iledinond, dislrirt engineer of the Canadian National Ilailway liei'e and head of His Kuichls of Columlius in Canada. Taken ill wl the beainnint' of the vear. Mr. Jledtnoud was sent lo Ihe elinir at Ilorhesler ten days iiko and shortly afler bis arrival there look r turn for Ihe worse. Prior to the c-ordination of Hie railways, the late Mr. Iled inond was engineer on the trans continental railway nl Cochrane. STRUCK BY TREE. ' POWEI.I. lUVEH, Marrb 2. - Struck by a falling tree Die Mar tinson. 10 years id nge, was in -slanlly killed al a login cam: near Lewis Lake. LITTLE CHANGE Mostly American ' SA.N FRAMilSGO. Marrh 2. tieorge Uinijdiell Uur.Miii. opjier miner und deserl wnnderer. who has looked up a! Ihe . t a l ..r .1 r.kH .-....? .f ti tailla citlill HALIBUT PRICE OF COLUMBUS DEAD -""' , rt" ""J"" V. Redmond parsed away at Rochester Where he Went Recently to Attend Clinic Halibut arrival Ibis morriiu totalled m.100 pounds, 103.500 pounds beins from five American schooners and '.1.000 pounds roui Iwo Canadian hottom. Price- ran from lO.Uc and ic for American fish and about the same fo: Canadian. , " Arrivals were as follows: American OmHiiev. 32.0011 pound-, and I'latlerv. 5.500 pounds, to lb Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Company. Albatross. 20.000 pounds, lo the Allin Fisheries. Superior. 20.000 pound, 10 the Pacific Fisheries. Mildnnl No. 2, 20.000 jvoundj, lo the Hooth Fi-heries. Canadian Johanna. r.,boo pounds (1,000 rrom the Kaien and 1.000 rintn the Ed. EipseH '. to the Canadian Fish & Cold Slorajie t.o. Joe Haker. 1,000 iiounds, lo tlie All in Fisheries. Government Attacked by Member for Yukon Who Characterizes I Action as Political Burglary OTTAWA, March 2. Resuming the debate in the llonfte of Commons on the mldress tins afternoon, (ieorge Rluck, Gun- eev.'ilive mem lie i flip lli.i Vnkmi Ijiniiclieli u flirlllCI' illlnck Ull Ihe govenitnenl in respect to Hie payment in 1V2 of $1110.000 lo the llommza Creek (Uild Mining Uompauy out or the public Imistiry. In paying Ibis money. Major ..Black said, "The government performed us neal a piece uf politiiud burglary as ever wus nulled off in this einmli-v " - - '-tf i. . iltf I'llIII ii 11111 111 7SJ1II11 IIFI WUMl 11 t'Vin i - I has finally won his hnvstiil and is how placed in ii position lo. m-eivu forlune of prohuldy n15.000.0U0 I rum Ihe American Smelting and Refining Company for alleged infringement upon a patent simpuiying ine reiining oi copper on-. Every court in the country inriuuing me i unco nui.r iiiiin'tne court has decided in favor of Carson but the company wihed lo hae tlie ease reopened on nv evidence. The district rourl here yesterday declared "the etnli of justice deuialid thai lit teal ton should cud here"' CIRCULATION AUDIT IS ONLY QUARANTEE Practically every import mil newspaper in CauRula and the United States ii a member of the ii if. I it human of -Aieeula- lion is sp small, thai Uie owner is ahan''d rlii publish Hie results or tlie in-veslipaliou. The audit is thorough uud il is impossible to pw. I tlie figures without being deter led. Tlie figures are available for all advertisers and are a guarantee that the circulation is what it is represents! to be. J. W. iiraler. auditor for the bureau, is eoni-plelinjr his work on tlie liaily News here today he fore oiii2 to Vancouver aihlil Ihe dailies in that city. VICTORIA AND SASKATOON WINNERS HOCKEY GAMES VANCorVEIt. March 2. Two hockey sanies nlayed last niht in Ihe WeMern league ended in icli.rie- for Vicioriu ami Sas kaloon. Tl. c rame hei"e was a elnse one Victoria wilUlinz llV H siore MINISTER RESIGNS OOTARIOOVERNMENT Had Been Trading With Persons Having Government Contracts so Withdrew TOHONTO. March 2. Hon. Janies'Eyons, minister of lands and forests for the province nf Ontario, has resigned because Ills firm had been trading with per-sonswho had orovernmeut eon- tracts and be did not wish to embroil Ho- government in a cpn troversy. , HAD FIVE HUSBANDS SANT.V WELCOME GIVEN AT VANCOUVER Western Mayors Told all Pacific Ports Should Work Together Without Jealousy VANCOUVER. March 2. In an address of welcome at the opening session of the conference of western 'mayors yesterday, Mayor Taylor of Vancouver stressed He: need for the four I'attifir ports, Vancouver, Victoria, .New Westminster and Prince Itupert working together with no thought or jealousy. Mayor lllatchrord or Edmonton, the chairman, save a resume of Northern Alberta's .possibilities as a wheat and nuyd producing country and aid "El Edmonton I feel we are buildin; a greater city where a greater oily spou'id be. WISH PIONEERS TO OPEN ROAD Objection Taken by Native Sons ,. to Suggestion. That Kipling ... be Asked to Officiate VANClH VEIL March 2. Tho .Valive Sdns of Canada are pro- lesling to Hie minister of pulilio ,voiks. Hon.. W H. butbertand, a(:ainsl a proposal made by Ceo. V. Walteni at -Calgary yp-slerday . hat Un.Iyurd KipSiiu? sliould bo asked to officiate at the upeniug of the Cariboo Road through the Eraser Canyon. "Much as we admire Kipling, the pi jto.-t states, "we feel this iceasion should honor the memory of the pioneers who pon- strucled ana uV" the. out roan "ather than one wlioe only interest in Rritish Cohphbia is necessarily very meagre.'' IS NOT GUILTY OF BLASPHEMY Anthony Blmba Must Pay Penally for Sedition but not Ancient Charge ltltOCKTON. Mass.. Mar. Anthony lliinba.rommunlsT editor .. ii 1. 1... . r '--wrr--r ' Mil JUUUMJIl, WHS 1UUI.U KUlllj r iw.r to one aaramsv ine ,hiil mn.,tint. ...r ...att.uir sedillnt . i ,r. . ii i IOI ill jinni'Miiuiiai ii-utu bad slrul out for the coast learn when Portland railed to score. against Hm- home aggregation and the uaine ended with seven mials against them. ... t...... .w.a.1 - fimtiil .l.nft. The gain- ul Saskatoon was a ;.,.. ,.r i-in.,,!,,.,,,.-. fur winch he was recently tried under 'n Massachusetts statute 225) years idd. . f This case has atlracleurvvorld wide attention as hcing some what akin lo the evolution trial in the conduct of which file late W. .1. llryv u died when lighting for the atfieut doctrines. TRUNK FOUND WITH OPIUM Drug Valued at $8,100 Discover ed but no Owner for It Appears VICTORIA, Mar, 2. Mystprv surrounds Hie ovueiUll of. u Irunk put ashore from the'.Ein-tness of Itussiu when ihe liner docked here a week ago and IlUCn 1AC VTADCi w"en l,l,cJied today, -was LIYlU IUj ILrlKa found lo conlalrl opium valued tat about 8,I00 ' Customs 'offi- HOSV. California, rials who kepi Uie Irunk under believe The Yukon representative said he believed Ine governineutj March ? Mcs. P C. c.,! surveillance surveillance for for u u neek. iieek. be would ttol a-k Parliament lo vole upon the disbursement because ajted 101 .died yesnenlay She dad , 'In' owner got "rotd Teet"' Jhey could uot justify il. ' nu' lived ' .vo busha-ds 1 "a. led i -laim a. and it i ... w TAXI Boston Grill il'a.iT 25 nd:. Wmm Ambulance Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing 4 Service floor for hire. m i Anywhere at Anytime. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for the and 6th St. least. Phone 467. MATT VIDECK, Prop. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Y XVI NO 51 '.j. PRINCE RUPERT. B.C., TL KSDAY MARCH 2. 1020. Vesientay cim.uuuC, un street sain, . PRICE FIVE CENTS. R1NCE RUPERT DISCUSSED AT VANCOUVER ? lie 1 I 1 Jstfti