PAGE SIX PERFUMES Jty lite ounce. A few odors .by llio leading perfumers. Coty's L'Origati - Paris Knieruudc, per oz. $4.00 Caron's Jllurk. Narcissus, per oz . 57.00 lladianl, per 01. . . . $3.50 Gucrlaln's L'Heure lllcuc. per oz $5.00 Jirky, per oz $2.50 Roger and Gallet's Jadc-YeraViole.lla. per oz. $1.50 Flours fAinour. per oz. $4.00 And many others. All new fresh stock Rupert Pharmacy Prescription Specialists Phone 94. We deliver. Wo have all sizes In stock In Navy Serge Gymnasium Bloomers from 3.25 lo $3.75 H.S. Wallace Co. Ld. Phone 9. 3rd Ave. and Fulton. CLEARANCE SftLE Higgesl llargains ever offered. Underwear, 10J per bent pure wool, reg. I .HO Biiils. to clear for $3.00 .Men's Working Sox, reg. 50c per pair, to clear at -pairs for 75c Ladies" ilose. rtvg. M.U vajiie. To clear al 75c Toiiiujs, reg. from 1 .25 to 50c. To clear at 85c and 40c Stocks limited. Come early and pick tip (lie best. Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 84 NEW SPRING DRESSES Latest Styles In Silk and Twoed 1' ro m- - $14.00 "Demers" We aim to please Phone 27. P.O. Box 327 Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgorson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Office Hours U to 6. . X-Ray Sarvlce Phone 686. Open Tuesday and Thursday Evenings Saturday's 0 to 12 nocn Fur rnsi Jacquettes An Kxcpiisilc Stock of Fur Trimmings at low prices. B. C. FUR Co. Next G.W.V.A. Third Ave, CHAMBER OF HORRORS ' ONLY PART LEFT OF A ONCE FAMOUS WAXWORKS Madame Tussaud's Has Been Sold and wD Probably Not be Rebuilt ' LONDON, March 2. -Madame Tussaud's has been sold, but it is doubtful if I he purchasers will rebuild the place as a waxworks exhibition. II is, Indeed, unlikely. Most of I he figures were lost in the fire last March; only llio chamber of horrors and the tab- j leatt.v on the lower floors cseap-1 ed. The business was generally. believed to have belonged lo the Tnssaiid family, bill the family bad purled with their proprietary uteres! over half a century ago. when a private company was for med, most of the shares being held by4rustees. Jf the purchasers of the site do not revive the old exhibition I hey will lose Ibe goodwill that wenl willi the sale, for I lie pub lic taste in waxworks can hardly be revived. II had been decaying for a long time. although Madame Tussaud's, as one of Ibe traditional sights of London belter known, perhaps, lo count ' visitors' and visitors from the Dominions and America than h Londoners themselves. -made n big fight. I he waxworks in other big towns so popular with the past generations have nearly all disappeared, just as Ihey have disappeared from the show- SHERIFF SALE. Ill tlir t niinlv of ITIikt Ituivrt: Stewart and .Mohlry Lnnlinl. pUuiilfla: Tutu r'mig and l-ee Ylrk. carrvlnr n busmen uiHlcr Ih name uf I'rlnir 11 14 lert c.rtirerlr. defendant: 11 v virtue or a warrant or exeeiiiMi ta nned 111 Oil- artlot). I hive seized iir the trHHl (if tile riererNlalll the follow inr lieiieral :rlf 'f groceries, toltarrtis, rlc; Imi smrr future, furnishings, etc.. all nf Wlcn 1 Mm 1 1 nr for sale Iy I'ulilir Mirtiin rnr caufi imi Friday. Ihr fifth ilav "f Mairh. luao. at o'rWk In the af al S4 Third Avenue West, la 1 hp cily or rrtn'-e Hiipert. JOHN sllIlll.tY. Sheriff. IV! Fr-d It Marklaiiil. Orpmv Slierl" 1; F linne. Mini. nicer and Ualllff. dated :ii I'rlirv import. II. i . February . A.I). i2' S3 MARCH Will be our lianner Month ami yours for Saving Money on (jrucenes First Come, First Served Phone 45 tins Uuaker J'eas, Xv. 5. . . 95c 0 tins Corn or Tomatoes, large 95c tins Tomatoes, 95c i tins Libby's Asparagus Tips 95c I tins Dulmuute Spinach, Vi's .-. 95c (i tins Lombard l'lunis . . . . 95c 0 tins Singapore Pineapple. . 95c i tins Delmoute I'eachcs, 'Sn 95c tins Heinz J'ork and Heans 95c 3 bottles Heinz Catsup, large 95c tins Campbell's Tomato Soup i carious Sunlight Soap . . . 95c i liig bars Castile Soap .... 95c 1 pkgs. Princess Flake .... 95c til bars While Swan Soap . . 95c t bottles Sterling Catsup . . 95c 'J lbs. Ontario Cheese 95c i do.. Extra Fresh Kggs . . . 95c 2 lbs. Hesl Creamery Hutler, bulk 95o i ilnz. Suukist Oranges .... 95c t doz. Suukist Lemons .... 95c Pure Marmalade, i lb. tin . . 55c iiberadella's Chocolate, 3 -lb. tin -.. $1.35 Malkin's Hesl Coffee, 2 lb. for MILK $1,25 ! Pure Lard Prices. : lb. for 75c u in. lor i.i:o: in in. . . Y-b McCormiek s Sweet Hiscuils, reg. fiOc values. 3 lb. for . . . $1.00 We Sell the Best. We Sell for Less B.C. Butchers and Grocers, Ltd. From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM We specially recommend our Table Cream al 15o for Half Pint. Quality and Service Valentin Dairy Phone 657 ROYAL YEAST CAKES For Perfect Bread NOTE: If you take YEAST for your health, try this: Soak a ROYAL YEAST cake over night in tepid water with a little sugar. Stir well, strain and drink the liquid. Delicious when taken in orange juice. STANDARD OF QUALITY FOR MORE THAN 50 YEARS E.W. GILICTT CO. LTD. TORONTO. CAN. I mm .tiuiiuK. The realism f tin vinenia was tiie last blow. 11111! lie kiuenia. loo, could give an equivalent for the chamber of iioiiois with I lie, additional custu tit nioveiueut. Nobody wanted lo ee knufs and queens and stales-men ami jockeys standing si if! und still when they could sec idem on the films walking about ;r riding winners. In the bis! li t of entertainment I tie waxwork has ended its chapter. Kenny MeOuaig of 1. Uurns Co. Ltd. local staff leTl Salui-iay night aboard the Garden 1 lo spend u holiday in Vuncouver. HAZELTON LAND DISTRICT. Dlrict of Coaat Rang S. TAkt otIi:l Hut. my dai atler I T I t.. .,,,,1. I.. l. .n-lj. IHir.NI, .v "t'l'.J 11,411- iIh MlnUIrr uf Uiid fiir a (irrnre in nrlirr for ral and iivlrOH'Uiii nvrr aim aerra uf laud. a fi)llo: ijiiiiiiwnrlii al a Uunl ntaiilml al :Ue iHtnlwa-l r.iriier of sertMHi 31. Ip. S. I . ..-m-.,,,. v I'.'imln' VHici. Ilaiim- i. .imi niarkMl TJ.H. iwwlliMi!-l'P"llin iotlll?. 1 eupli .vbsoi.i- ,oriiw, nun..- -uaii s rBant. iim-iih ation by Veil. Arnbdeaeou h of li llieiM-p eaM SU rhaiu, to Isiinl of (Mil-IliriM-clurlll. Loralnl Jauuary I nil. 16. THOMAS JAMES IIEATTV. i ..iMiiM-in-tutT al m msI planlrrt al llir HAZELTON LAND DISTRICT. Diltriet of Coaat Rang 5. TiF. MlTICK that. lll III tins Sniilcr's 'I'nni.iln Situ It 95c' dale I. T. J. HrattV. Illlrml 1 I . , . ...... ... I .,ul. r. mis King uscur sardines 9c m i.n.-ix-ri fur niai and IN PROBATE. .. iivrr hill arrt4 if laml. a follimit: In th Suprtrn Court of Drltlah Columbia. Ill I lie Mailer or the AOinlillHirauon aci: and In the Matter of I lie Kfilate of John lion- Id Maet.eiMl. Ileeenefl. Illtefllate. TAkK Motice Dial bv order of 111 Honour. F. Mi-ll. Voiing, Hie rd day or I'ebruar). A.I). OSii. I wan appointed Aihiiinlilralor of Ihe enlale or John IHHI- aid MjiIi1. ilieaeil. and all parliei having claluii' against the aald estate are lieiehy reipilred lo furnieli iame. proerly verified, to me on or liefor.' the I7lli day or .Mdnli. It'll, and all purlieu indebted to Hie. emate are reipilred to pay the amount or their Indebtednea to inn rorlhwllh. N0P.MAN A WATT. Prnier ftnpert, B.C. orrinal Adinlnhitraliir, Par i! the ."illi Ua;. ir Firbruary, A.l). tJ, MOTHERS TO BLAME FOR MANY DISEASES So Says Eminent British Surgeon In an Interview CHICAOO. Mar. -'. Mot ho of the twentieth century are to! blame for the prevalence of can ter and other diseases caused ly diet, Sir William Arliulhnot Lane, noted British ..surgeon, declared in an interview here. "Our hospitals are crowded Willi patients suffering from cauccd, .rheumatism, tubeivulo-; sis and gaslro-inlest innl dis -i eases," Sir William pointed out. adding his belief thai all or these diseases are caused by improperj leeding, luiiiure food and air. .mil lack of hygienic knowledge.! "It is the raull or women in, feeding their luVbies in not leaching them Ibe right habits, ", lie .declared. "II is the women who have railed in this 1 "There is convincing; evidence that, if men Will eat roods, adopt right habits, and lake sufficient exercise, the dis eases of civ libation e-an be kept at bay. The primitive pcop never had these disease, because Ihey lived a natural lire." j Sir William, who is one of t lie founders of Hie "New Health Society of Kiuilaud came to Khirago in company with Dr. Philip Franklin, an Amflnean- born physician who has gained distinction in British medical circles. They visited the Ameri can College of Burgeons here and MODERN GIRLS LIKE erington or llranlfnrd at their annual rally, held updi r the auspices of tlip Tortttiio DUtrict Local Council, in Si. John s Church. . In the name uf progress, h TAkt; mth:e nut. ui day. afirr aid. srirls bad cut their hair dalr I. T. J. Ilratly. iiilviid t awly Ul . , ... ,. j1lt, w..f..i..,. Ihv Minwir of Unds fur a (ireure and Clll their Shirts, Hl'ferrlllK ki rMirr for i-im! and js-tntlrutii 'irlruill ' the Parisian, niriH'r. Ilirow miuin tv imiijv. iii-'ii. . . rait K rhanw. thriii-e north HO rliain. In conclusion 111. the so-calleil imrthur.i niniff of vrtiirii a. Tp. 4. leader ill the way of fashion, Ibe HaiiKe i. aiHl liiarkeil TJ.H.'s northmflU . . . . . ., . . , .riirr. llH-iire MMHli so rlMln.. llH-iwe speaker said Ihul tlie bad to go at So Huhu. thriM-r iK.rlli su rlMlns. ,.. l" i,, ll" i.,. ir.,itli Ol lit l-iv civilization iiixiiinm thritre rlulli. U. point of rwii-i,,acK inriM-riiiriii. hi Central Africa lo find what Unrated January 1 1 Hi. 106. . , . ,. . , tiiomas james itK.vTTY. itbey wore. In the name of pr.- HAZELTON LAND DISTRICT. DlttrUt of Coast Rang C. a llrrnrr wlrulruin Igress the Parisian hud only I reached Hie same place Ibe cun-nilml in the Soiilh Sea Islands is i" Vpi.iy lo -as trying to geraway from. He believeil llial the ideal ol "v"r ,f,, ' "f fc"sl. follow: their own Church of Litglaiid was llnin-aicL Koiilinos 95c ir, iin tj litis tirunswiLk isuiuines . . a&c; , 1)lliniMirillK , ,, ,,unii two mti ,, . ... r.,,,.,,1., ti.v 2 tins Pure Honey, 95ci-ntii of u- iMirthwr't ron-r of ui m. rilil iiiiui tor i-nnan.i. iiov kJiui'I' :..and iiiarkwi tj.ii. iHriiirM .j,.v,.d in balanced , ,, progress 1 tin Pure Honey, 5's 95c bricks Pure Honey Comb 95c 10 tins Sally Ann Cleanser 95c Contains same amount us Old Dutch denser; 12 bars Pulmolivc Soap ... 95c smith m rci ANnFRSiutHtound hvwaaa uu 1,1,11, -i-iilt- That is Suggestion of Anglican Archdeacon Given ',0 Ad. dress at Toronto IttUONTO, Mar. ..- The pos sibility of going backward lit stead oT forwa fU was impressed upon some l.-'Od ineinlters of the .a.sssssaeji r perfection m ourtykisly is Due to 94 Years Experience (jdoderhamAWrts iwfcCANAD,AN prRYE WHISKY 9 YEARS OLD I Tins advert S' ln'-ni is not publislied hi displayed by M10 Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of llntish Columbia. Ill LI. HAHIIOIL-- Clear, calm; buroiiieler. 30.00; kempf ratlin , i.'IH- sea smooth ; 8 p.m. spoke learner Canadian Hover, Ocean l all for Naiiaiioo, '-"". '.'07 mile bolh delivered addresses Tuoa- ..I..I.1 l..r.r.. II... I'.liiiMiirn ""mi .iiiv, c ....... Noon spoke .v.vtv , . .1... Medical College. !,""""r 1 ,mr " Doclor Franklin whowl Prih"fM iHidnwht mn-lh- William s advice. ,.oinliug to lUo- m "lokp tu tlMr"'t precaution taken by Indian mothers In rariner their babies. "l .h-iiiii-i linrinn ivuiiiuuuim primitive rorl liIUIIV ISt.A,ND. Part cloudy, culm: barometer. 3U.O0; lemper-ature. Ml; sea rummiIIi; Camonui. due I'rince .Ilnperl 2:16 p. in niul' 1 nr. 1. ArchUeacoil anJ &u0 ittl r acr, rluii Df that ,Xr,.:ni. ' I urged then, lo lei llieu progress Loeatrd Jaimar)' Sill. IV0. '" ,P .lini, an, """ "a""" lialiinced ' " THOMAS JAMES IIEATTV. 1 HAZELTON LAND DISTRICT. Dittrlct of Coast Rang S. TAKE VITICK llial. mill dJV I. T afh-r J. limit), annuls to apply n" IIh- lllriHIiT of LaiHU for a liiru.e to pnisM--i fiir 'oal and 'ln)lfum Oct sin aisi nr land. a fiillown: CiiiiiIuvikmiik al a hm plinml at lh IMirthAMt rornrr" of Lot SMI. Itainr' '. and iiiiirked T.J.I1.. ulliwit innw-. i 'hfii.T north Mo ImIii. Ilwnrr -al OBJECTED TO WIFE SITTING LONG TIME ANOTHER MAN'S LAP rhaln. Ihrnii' miith ( rliain. Iliili'e ()ng ,u,y a man s Wife sit on till input. - lap of another with propriety .' I.mnliil J,iniiar mil. mr.. TIIOMAS JAVIKS HI ATTV form r. SIlA't'TLF, March 2 How I Carl Oeorge hwunsou thinks 15 minutes is loo long a lime and be I so told his wife as well as Hen Notlc. of AppMeaUonJor C.rt.flcat. of j,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,, ,,,ul,.,nim wilU Uw offending knee. Now Carl is MinVa. s.,ht calm Sllnale in llii- l-rliin. Kiirt Miliinr ttlllllg lleil, changing mill Willi lilvMon of Ihf Skwna Iiimrlrt. Wln-w! lini(,llr i.:.,,'u iifr,.i-Miiis alienniiiig ills wiles aiieciious. k..iMi ir tiu. iwmi i.r kiuniiikaiiiiiii Ukc LhTiiI holder: swan lialln. Nuni-hoi- of holder' Kiee Miner'n Cerllflcale. I HSM7l.. TAkK oth:k lint I. suan iwnu. rm-.Uiner'f icrllfiiale o. SVil?i:. In lend at ite- end of nitty dar froin the date hereor. to apply to the MllllhC Iterorder for a Ortlfirslc of lnrprnveiiiiiH for the niiHise of obtalioiisr a i:rown Orant of the above claim. And rurllier takr imth-e Ihul action, under wrtton Si of lie-"Mineral Art." mini Ite roiimieiired be-rore the iHMjuiu'e of autli Ortlflcale uf tlliproVeiiienlD. Iialed lhla Mrd day or IVhniary, 16. SVVAS IIAI.IM. Owner, ltv E. T. Kenny. Aaent. for wliicli be thinks be should be paid liberally, at least 15,000. Testifying in the suit, Swaiison said thai his wife bad sat on the other man's knee for as much as fifteen minutes at a time which he considered too loitg. A year ago this ui,onth Mrs. Swan- sou descried him lie said ami it was all because of Johnson. He said they bad married in Juneau in f U 15 and Hint all bad oue well until Johnson came between them. WIRELESS REPORT. 8 a.m. DIOHY ISLAM). Pari cloudy, calm: barometer, .'10.12: temper ature, it: sen smooth: 7. rid snoke steamer Cuinosim left Stewart southbound. KIIAI) THKE 1'OLVr. Haro-inelcr, JO.O.' totnperalurc, 41. POINT.- Itaro- meUr, 3.oi: lemjieralure, HULL II AHIIOlt. Clear, light stitilh wind; liaronmter, SV.W.' . lcuiMraliuv, ol; a smooth: 0 s(Mike lug Pacific Monarch in Cridae Pits- boond fur Sipnr-rel tlove Ailverlise in the Dallv Xr:. SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vacant unrrved. aunry4 Urovrn Umla tmiy ! pr"mptd by FtrllUh aul lecu over '.I rara of M. ltd b all'ina on dot-luring Intention to bc-om Ilrllikh aubj.cta. condl-(lnaj upon rmklence. occjpallon, jid linprovtment for agricultural ourir KtiU Information concmlnic ru-jitiona rcirdinK pra-emptlont la Klvvn In Bulletin No. t. Land HrWt. "How to Pre-empt l.and," coplea of ihlch can be obtained free of chart y addrvaMlns tha Iepartmtnt of Lnnda. Viotorln. ll.C. or to any Oov-trnment Aicent. neeord will be entnted covering only land aultable for agricultural purisMea. and which la not timber-land. I.e.. carrying over 1.000 board tel iwr acre wait of the Coaat llang Itange. Application! for pre-emption are to be nddi eaued to the Land Com-mlealoner of the Land Ilecordlng HI-vlalon. In which the land nppllad for I altuated. and are made en printed forms, coplea of which can tie obtained from the Land CemmUaloner. I're-ernptlnna muat be occupied for five year and Improvement mad to value of S 10 ir acre, including clearing And cultivating at leaat five acre, before a Crown Grant can be received. For more detailed Information aee the Ilulletin "How to Pre-empt Land." PURCHASE Application are received tor pur-chae of vacant and unreaerved Crown land, not being tlmberland, for agricultural purpoae: minimum price for tlrat-claaa (arable) land I IS per acre, and aeeond-clae (gracing) land $2.50 tr acre. Farther Information regarding purchaae or leaae of Crown landa la given In Ilulletin No. 10. Land Herlea, "l'urchaae and Lenae of Crowd Ijinda." Mill, factory, or Industrial lte oa timber land, not exceeding 40 acre, may te purchased or leaaed, the condition Including payment of atumpage. HOMESITE LEA8E8 Unaurveyed area, not exceeding 20 acre, may bo leaaed aa homeallea, conditional upon a dwelling btlng erected In the first year, title being obtainable after residence and Improvement condition are fulfilled and land haa been auryeyed. LEASES For grazing and Industrial purpoae area not exceeding 140 aerea may be leaaed by one perion or a company. QRAZINQ Under the Orating Act th Pror-Ince 1 divided Into grazing dlatrlot and the rang administered undr a Orazlng Comrnlaaloner. Annual grazing permit nr Issued baaed on number ranged, priority being given to established ownera. Btock-ownert may form an)clatlon for rang management. Pree, or partly tree, permit are available for aettlarc. oa'Mper and ttaveller. up to Ua China Tuesday, Ma , I an. China Cup & Saucer SPECIAL For Ono Week in our Basement Store. Special Dlitonni Roal Monoy Savers. nu OPTICAL DEPARTMENT Our motif in "I'li'.tl 'b iarlineol li,i , nuiiiv satisfied misIi.iih i n gi . , oplii-iuii who lia bail over Ivenlv -even vim No nerd lor von In go hirllier a- we can gi. service here a- Vim gel in any large cil gtiaianleetl. MAX HFILB30NER 527-529 Third Avonue WESTHOLME THEATRE THURSDAY ONLY, 7 and 9 P.M. Betty Bronson & Ricardo Cortez "NOT SO'LONG AGO" A ruuiiiiilic iiiii cih ilraom ol hllle when liniiuliii.i wb a girl. A i aplivnliiig flapperles davs when New rk was a .-i v a cowatii, whfii girls wore curls mol ; ami wenl jovmling h lni vi i- : - km? eggs were lilteeo i itl- i ilugi n ,w '. ini. i n'l. 'the laiidem Likw itiati1 a litp Hit. Mee It Looking back al IK&II with tilt eyee uf lUfli langli-. Sirimg cast. Betty Bronson, Ricardo Cortez, Edwards Davis, Uu ance Wheat, Dan Crlnimlns, Julia Swayne Gordon other-. COMEDY PATHE REVIEW 35c. and 10c llCANADlANI pAcinc Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert for lAHaCTU. YICTOIU sal SUlTU Si nivoij lurua for aulseal, -r,tn Cast B.ll Bslla, Oaeaa rails, Naeia, Ut, CampMII atver. Vanaeevee etery alrs, It a tsaei fee all liumilil, Line. fell lafem W. C. oaCMAgO O.eeral et Ceraee et 4U lUeet as J Atone, fries KeM't. BX. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF UtT Ssllliiis tlulo Prior Bvpert. r vancouvm, victoria, BoaKse aa, e Aisrt Bai, I or VANCOOVf SI. VICT0MI4. Alert Bar, toaasea Bat, alerst, ll for ANVOX. rORT airtON an ftaa Klvee Canneries, Tharsr rr r-orrr t.mrton, anvox. alios am. btcwart, Ismu, in tee Aveeie. i, Barealay. AfenU frla. BMrt.l A shoe lo fit the foot not the fool tofil the shoe Aidioltar kirrrri HusuaFool this &rrinq Steel Hiurport -sufiports the .VfayVmdkxif T?OR how many yean have pepl H H -breaking "breaking In1' in' a a tiair pair of of inocv, ihcKV. . ' ; x torture till the foot had. In tlnr r Of tlicthoestotitlheiootr tiuinowri.- have banished all that and your fool Jj J ( , the haKd.lo-nalure iiwolc of th i J(rf glove to the hand. Note Uo how 0'' ; hapeb It the last upon which Ar i are built compared with the old attic In addition to the concealed Spring SirJ rj and the special foot-form insole, it"' which Arch Defender! are built, wiin. cupped heel and foot-contour Ai. -'ljhoa cnt from the flat shapeless lasts of ordii.iry Stylish Scientific Sensible For Men and Women RCH rEFENDR kYJ SHOE Jabjur Bros., Ltd. sal