The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. P. PULLENj Managing Editor. LOW RATES FOR CHOICE ACCOMMODATION. F Th ROBE A 2S People .who know the bracing delight of Fall travel by Cunard prefer this tdS all se'alsbrtsf' Ari ideal holiday trip. Weekly ailint from Montreal and Quebec for Plymouth Cherbour& and London. Re&ular sailings to Liverpool, Belfast & Glasgow ad ANCHOR-DONALDSON LINE Ptfttcutari from KEFORDCO, UmUti, TORONTOiPhanm Elpn317T or any STEAMSHIP ACE ST Th r.icn.Ml Cl.niM.k!. K I f I j - .1 6Z2 Hastings St W., Vancouwer, or any STEAMSHIP AGENT. Loggers! Loggers! "' . . "-ssssissssssssssssssssssssj f -" f I - ' We have the only complex stork of Gilchrist Jacks n;id parts in the North. We handle Logging Cuhte, Axes, Peavies, Baws, and general Camp Equipment. , It will pay you to see us when outfitting. Stork's Hardware Limited 710 Second Avenue FAIR EXHIBIT OF FARM CROPS' THE KXIIIIIIT Ol- T.IRM CROP TRO-.DtTTS AT THE FAIR THIS" YEAR NOT IT TO hTAMllRIt , SUBSCRIPTION' RATES t ' I The eshlbtt of rcot?aud field rrous iCity Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 Uo giwin and Wd.; was not By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year $6.00 'respond & wen on other occasions. to an oiner countries, in advance, per year . .. $7.50 (All advertising should be in The Daily News Office. before 4 on day preceding publication. AH advertising received subjeci fi . to apprbvaL - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Read to Interior Next Big Work. SATURDAY. SEPT. 18, 1828, The lack ot these was made up by the , special display of trulu and vegetable put up by the FToaer Valley Association which was a most excellent one and attracted much attention. The prints ere asfollows. 1 itooTh axi iicui mors I Two swede turnip 1, (special) N. Van de Veen; 3. James Lever; 3, Mrs. F. W. Bonier. I Two mangel 1. Hamlin & Thomson;! S. ' Mrs. r. Van de Veen; S. Jamos Lever. ! Two sugar beets 1. Hamlin & Thomson; 2, James Lever; 3, Mrs. F. W. Bohler. . .1 aa n" carrots, james uevet-. 7. Tho n... r c i,:. r . ... ...v. ..vw.v t.i iiHiirj en,c i-riiii-e nujieri ume goou aavicc Mrs. N. Van de Veen; 3. Mrs. .when he urged that they make everv possible effort In son i r ', Bonier. tue luiiiuinff or Hie road to connect Prince Rupert wiih the interior and the whole outside world. He spoke of other places that had buHt roads in places just as difficult as the Skreria gorge. Heboid of the traffic in the sonth from American cars riming ink.tfie coimtry and urged that Prince Rupert prepare Jto share iu the influx. Already the provincial government is working on the corv-Rii'ctiiig up qf ihe various. iijh1I, place jn the interior so a fo gel J he Kilsum'kaliim and Lakel-e vahVy iii touch with the outside. Also a start has been made on the faction across Kaien Island Hvhich. is already being used as far as it goes. Next year it is promised that this section will he completed to Galloway Rapids. The building of the road tip the4 Skeena Valley i said to 1 ijuite a feasible proposition and wheu completed will be one of ihe most picturesque drives in the world. Tourists will come from far and near and Prince Rupert will asume a wholly new aspect as tourist headquarters from which car will be shipped to Ala-ka and southward. Vancouver Begins r Shipping Grain. Vancouver has commenced shipping grain and it is noticeable .that the first cargoes to go out from that port are consigned to England and not to the Orient. This grain is grown iu southern: AUerta but the .northern part of the province, from which Prinr Jtuperi will draw, is jater and rain and snow have hindered the harvesting operations there. , France and Germany Getting Together. France and Germany, old(time enemies, are getting together and lhe,eIiminalingof points of, disagreement between Ihe. two countries is one or the most hopeful results of the -work or the League of Nations. , V . The League is gradually becoming a powerful peace or-ganizatibn and. in spite of th? fact that the Ulilted Slates is nol a member.-bids fair to hold a place of great influence and perhaps to be the controlling iufluencejii Ihe .world afeVjears hence. Much depends oil 'how its "work is -carried on. So far it seems to have heen a decided success. ' Prince Rupert Should Be Represented at Conference. The annua ronvrnfiroi of Hip Vnrifir rv.ic ' One sheaf spring wheat ( Marquis -i 1. Mrs. S. Van de Veen. One sheaf spring wheat (other vsr-letyl 1. BUly Bohler; X Mrs. T. W Bohler, 3, Jame Lever. One aheaf winter wheat 1. Franco Lake; V James Lever; 3, BUly BohleM One sheaf oats L James Lever; 2,' Francois Lake: 3, Mrs. F. W. Bohler. Three sunflower beads 1. Mrs. F. W. Bohler; 2. James Lever. One quart Timothy seed 1, Billy port authorities is to meet in Vancouver next year and Prince SL,. I Rupert should by theu be-established as a grain shipping centre j one quart flax seed-i. Biny Bohler:' and should be represented there. We must stowlv but surely2. Jim Lever; 3. Mrs. r. w. Bohiej assume a place of importance in the commercial world and we i 009 prm wh"t i1rti should netrlfi-t nn ni.iioriiinifv r.f m.lti,, t..,.,, k named 1. Mrs. r. w. Bower; a, Bu.yi j -. - 1 wi v. ui u .iji nullum ll nnh1r ...v ruFu iiiiifc- uui uie uiliicuiues in connection Wlltll One pect winter wheat 1. Billy Bon us commercial development ' iien 2. James Lever, a. Mrs. r. vt. Excellent Work Of One neck white oats 1. Hamlin ti Native Bands. "fUri' Thomson; 2. James Leren 3. BUly Boh-, The sxrellent playing of the native bands is always a subject Xa- , , of comment from visitors to the Prince Rupert fairs. This year J wj-i, Jame. has boen no exception to the rule. The bands 1 have given local 1 one pi field peas 1. jame. Lever, resident and visitor a great treat. It is to be honed that nr. 1 m-ecialh rangemeiifs will be made for some of them to come even- vear OM Hanon v2 tat wmner ot essential to a successful orgainzalion. It seems n pity that Lever sometarrangemenls cannot he made for one nf ihnm or nprhnnu' , . both to tour the country. Perhaps by next year something might be done if they keep up the good work. THE MAN IN THE MOON anyi: w1 sua fvu tifci 1 uu. i, nmimii cw looni son; 2. Jamea Lever; 8t Mrs. t. W.J Bonier. . 1 One Pumpkin 1 (special), Mrs. Y4 W. Bohler; 2. K special). James Lever; 3., Billy Bonier. Six white artichokes 1. Uamlln It Thomson; 2. Mrs. NeU Van de Veen, i srrriAi-i ". The AUee Burpee Co. offer worth of seeds to the winner of the (reaeest cumber of firsts In claws I1L and IV James Lever. j The Association Silver Cup for exhibitor winning' the greatest number of points Hamlin A: Thomson. 1, Subscription to Farm and Home. oo-. hated by the publishers, to the win ner of the first price In sedon one 4- Olaf Hanson to the winner of first and second prizes In section S JK.IS AND SIXDS One sheaf, Timothy 1, James Lever; 2. Mrs. T. W. Bohler. 3. EUly Bohler. One sheaf, western rye grass 1, Mrs.1 F. W. Bohler. One sheaf, other cultivated variety 1. Mrs. F. W. Bohler. Sheaf collection cultivated erasM-, not less than four varieties I, James! Lever 2, Mrs. T, W. Bohler. 3. Billy Bohler. One aheaf, red clover 1. Billy Bub-i ler 2. Hamlin ic Thomson: 3, Mrs. T. W. Bohler. One sheaf. Alslke clover 1. Billy Bohler; 2, Hamlin li Thomson: '3. James Lever. One sheaf Alfalfa 1. Fapncols Lake; 2, Hamlin A; Thomson: 3. Billy Bohler 1,1 -n Women may be more Influential than iormerly but 1 do not notic that the chaperone has much to say. The school of experience Is often a very expensive Institution. Men like sensible girls but the sen- fclhl irlrla at thn that trv t9 please the men. They dont went ts stay parked at the roadside of lite !ort the rest of their days. TERRACE Mrs. Glass left on Tuesday to spend a holiday In Prince Rupert. Miss Deacon returned at the begin ning of the week from Prince Rupert., Miss Agnes Desjardlnes 1 spending a few days In Prince Kupert this week taking in the Fair. Rev. W. Allan left on Wednesday to attend the Presbytery In Prince The ladles of Knox United Church. Terrace, .held a very successful salo of home cooking and afternoon tea in the church on Tuesday afternoon. Election returns were received here on Tuesday night between reels of the picture show. A lcature of the election here was the fact that with only two exceptions every registered voter who was at the time In the district, polled his vote. Mrs. H. C. Creelman and children of Lucerne are renewlnc aeaualntances In town this weeki They were" accom panied nere by Mrs. Creelmsn's mother, Mrs. 3. Raven, of Katurn Lake, who ha spent the last year with them. 1 WARNING ! Only genuine Congoleum CANADIAN SERVICE FROM MONTREAL TO PLVMOUTH-CHCRBOURO-LONDON. . .. . . ..... .. 4 Aurama Atii'tiia TO LIVERPOOL TO BELFAl 1ST Kept. 31. IK't. tS. 3"V t AND GLASGOW . ct. I l.etlli , icL tr, FROM NEW tOni. TO QUCENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL rmnr. ni .. t:, Hinmri ... 'iri. , TO CHERBOURG AND SOUTHAMPTON ' Maiin-ttii (tcpt fii, Kit .jn. ,,v ID, Aquiunis (el r fi. Sov. 17. rr. llfrMinni del. la. Miiv. j. .. . ti I TO LONDONDERRY AND GLAsQOW Ollrftftllls M'M ' slirumts . "el. PLYMOUTH-HAVRE-LONDON LarK-atria s-pt it, snnmiis . .Oct. :t i TO PLVMOUTH-CHERBOURO-HAMBURO Amlaiiii or l. 7. Snv. II FROM BOSTON TO QUCENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL Kamaru i(rt. Lsnmlt .. Oct. 17 :ll st rivniciulli. CsnttMiiind. Money nrdor. drsri snrt irsvellers' 'ftMiiir t Inwr(trsif4. Full Informstlon trntn Inrsl Arm nr :ranpsny' Ofrires. 6;' IUtlnr st W., Vancouver. B.C. ph,m Aey. m their home at the beginning of the: week. Mrs. 8, r. (Mills returned on Tuesday after a ahort'v holiday Pnt In Prince Rupert, ' i. George Little "lew oh Tuesdsy on A business trip to Smltbers, Vander-: hoof and rrsser Lake. Mrs. H. 0. Bleeker of Queen Charlotte City Is st present a guest at the home of Mrs. Oretg. Miss Leah Bleeker Is now attending school In Prince Rupert. Everett Thomas is In Prince this week taking In the Fair. - s,m; i'uow w Prtnc9 Rupert or three moutlw la Terrace, left for Byth A hurs-onkUdayT Bs-.JY eanoc.t SAILINGS TO EDROl'U MAKP. RrnrnrvATioxs NOW FROM MONTREAL id kiftrpoei I!'! ,V i' ;! nlrl.r Mojiisim To Chtrbours-Southsmptoft- -i Aatwsrp on. . to.' i .Mdiii "' ''' MMl..a Ts Bslfsst-Olssgow Oct. 7, . I MelatMiii PROM QUEBEC To Lltsrpool i' l- ' Monlnijsl To Chrbouro-Suthsniptofi-Hsmsf a 1 H Hiiprps. 4 Frsnr... To Chtrbourg-Southsmpion k ff6;' . Lmires .if m utiand To Balfaav-Olasaow o.-t ) vn . Mmiinslrs uintUT SERVICE TO IRELAND ' to Aeemt everywhere or . rUKSItK, uto. Aft, .R. St.tMMi. V . rui icwpnons atymour Zeis. C.n P.c. p- Tftfic Agents. LUMBER Wp ore inamifacliiriiig rough and drenM-d luni-Ier. Edac grain boat cedar. Malihut and salmon boxes. Ask For Prlceg Seal CoveLomberCo.Ltd. PHONE 562 I I i Name Street Hailuia- tr rAHl 'WEDNESDAY, J . P KnG0LEHM :J EM I GOLD SEAL 1 t.'Pt 4 t P 1 GUARANTEE 1 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Maii i i.i. . . i ' ; i . if n bears this Gold Seal Guarantee If a dealer offers you ConIeuni floor-covering that Hoe not lcar face the GOLD SEAL i.shown above), vou know that floor-coverinc j genuine joiu ocai vngi)icuin. All guaranteed Congoleum Gold Seel Art-Rugs and Floor-Coverings have this Gold Seal pasted on the surface and you arc thereby covered by our unconditional pledge of "Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back." By issuing and upholding this Gold Seal Guarantee vc protect Congolium users against even the 4ightest dUsatisfaction. But it only bv waning you, for your own sake actually to see the Gold Seal before buying your lloor-coverings that we can help protect you against inferior imitations. Waterproof Durable Congoleum Gold Seal Art-Rugs are an improved form of waterproof floor-covering, with a firm, smooth, sanitary surface remarkable IkhIj for its beauty and resistance to wear. These modem, labor-saving rug are seamless made in one piece. They will not absorb dirt or spilled things. A damp mop instantly renews the freshness of their beautiful colorings. And Congoleum Gold Seal Rugs lie flat without fastening of any kind. 0NG0LEUM Made in Canada by Canadians for Canadians GOLD SEAL 4rt-Rugs : -; ks. on it Sv s not trjTM. Patterns for Every Room You can chooc from Oriental motifs; delightful floral effects; and neattilcji ' design pattrtn to suit the tatc of cvervone. The ics range fiom mall, hanuy mats to 9 x IS foot rugs. Your local dealer will show vou Congoleum Gold Seal Art-Rugw And remember -don to look for the Gold Seal on the tttgt ypti buy! f Congoleum Canada Limited 1 2 70 St. Patrick Street. Montreal. Quebec Cunculrum CAJ LwoifeJ UTOSt. I'airuL Sitrt I MuOUtst.0u.beC t niu Prime :iirlr ft Tin ANYOX WIDNCSOAV I r STEWART SATURDAY ... . PiiY MASSCTT INLET MONDAY . . . far SIIDEOATC INLET Slid SOUTH CANADIAN isaiuftr Grollrat--J sUsQ he glsJ to KsrrjBMi ttpi me cost vt vUiirnl Jt ff kT UUttt BimTy y.' ' a-ith Cnnr Itnm Arfkug. 1 I v Steamship and Trah Service IU PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, tl-AY, 4.00 p.w, sift THURSDAY sn.l SUNDAY ' 1Mb QUEEN CHARLOTY fortnioUy. . PASSENBER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT dallv o ti.t fll, lor PRINCE OEORAE. EDMONTON. WINNIPEO, S. Uiiaiis, (imied siai, Afr sll Ocesa Blsemtlila Ltnss. ti. Use insdlsn Minimal Etprvat for Mnte Orrters. romr slso for yuur m-i sliipnirul. wiif vilivv. inirs w.w r-r"n -- ooF lC.0f IU1t Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Servico Sailing from Prince Rupert To EstshUao, Wrsesll, Junssuw, Sssowsy Ssotr , 17. ' Jt To Vancoimr, vlctorls and SastUs sspt. " , PRHsOCSS BEATRICE.' ,' J Osmpball Rl.arr and Vaovoutae stsrv XuJlSJ J.m, Nw. j" Alert " Ba- or Butsdsls, East Balls Balls. Oeean Fslla, . ,. - . f1" .(l,rlBallos Aaay for all St asms MS LUms. , . O. HOWARD susesl Asawt. ,m a Osrnsr sf Sift Btestt an Bed Avenue. Prt UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED BSIIInn rroB prince ni. Tusaat. r of VAWOOWEN. VIBTOtttA. SwaAOon Bsy. oed Alert " T it to VANOOUYSR. VICTORIA. Alert Bsv. S"d Sssas . . . . arw..aAvy1a V OtTfl ror port SIMPSON and Naas Bltef csnneria a.m. Poj PORT BIMPSON, ANVOX. ALIOS ARM. STEWART. u""''' up.rl, ft 1 InS A.anua. R. M. SMITH. Agent r,'n" m