;yIf or vw THE NEW Orthophonic Victrola Musical .marvel of the age. Entirely new from tart to finish. NEW FMNCIPLI HIW DtllQN '1B j ORCNADA MODEL f 200 Othr Kodtli 11S (315 There i nothing willi which to compare it except the ing-tn K ""'I playing of the Hct.hnud-blood urlisls tlienibelveti. Only Uib Orthuphunie Victrolu can reproduce music wild mucJi flnvle realism. "Some day" you in Lend to gel iur Orihuplionir Wli-ola. Why not NOW? Think of the joyi yon -arc linking! Uoine in uuy lime for demonstration. Page and Shaw's CHOCOLATES The Cndy of Excel ence A NEW SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED Aborted Choinlatc. I lit. boxes $1.00 AssurVd Chocolate-.. 2 tl. boxe $2.00 llnnl Uentre Uhoolote, 1 lb. boxes $1.00 Hard Uentre Chocolates 2 lb. boxes $2.00 Aborted Nut Chocolates 1 lb. boxes $1.25 We nl-o Imve (i.WONd'S. XK1LSO.VS and MOIIl'S Chocolate in bulk aud in 1 lb. aud 2 lb. hoxe. Ormes Ltd. The IMUXKKII IlltHiUiSTS - The M'X.vLL STOHE PHONES 82 and 200 SEND IT TO THE -:- LAUNDRY -:- ALL CLA88ES OF LAUNDRY WORK Including, three d'ielunl service Tor Family Work, viz: SOFT FINISH, THRIF-T-8ERVICE and WET WASH al tnofl reasonable prices. DRY CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING Pioneer Laundry and Dry Cleaners Phone 118 and we will do the rest. DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & fold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. But and Taxi Meets all Trains and Boats. ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI, Proprietor. Phone 34 , P.O. Box 196 Simmon's Steel Beds. Springs, and ' Ostermoor Mat-tresses In every room. C2 Hooms. Hot and Cold Water. Baths and blowers. Bleara Heated, Hleclric Light. Corner of Third Ave and 8lxth St. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. . . i Local and Personal Arthur Taxi." Phone C78. t. B.C. Undertaker. Phone 41. Crystal Firelighter, 48 for 11.00. Hyde Tranafcr. Phone 680. II ! Try Foothill Btove Coal, $13.00 per ton. No soot-Fhtlpott, Evltt It Co:. ' Ltd. - tSJ Alfred Adam and. son Of Maasett all tomorrow night on the Prince Ru pert lor Vancouver. The Baptist Ladle- Aid will have a I sale of borne coking In the church Parlor on Thursday, September 23 Anniversary Service will be held In fit. Andrew's Cathedral for .Centen- tStl Rebckah Lodge No. 40 on Sunday August 19. All members, visitors aud Oddfellows are Invited. NEW AllKIVALHl Ladles' Coat, Hat and Itrrkors. Mrs. II. S. Pur-ker, ljidlm' Kraily-to-Wrar Mure, 210 HUtli Mrwt. Plume tirren SOi. Licensed Hotel at Usk. B.C.. completely furnished, for sale as going concern. Snap to right party. Apply Rupert Table Supply. Kalmon tlahermen! Take Notice!!' Meeting at lrepe I'luh-inen's I'nlott Hall till afternoon at 3 o'clock. J R. C Bcott of Queen Charlotte Clt Will return to the Islands on the prince John tomorrow night after having spent the past few days In th city. Prince. KuiH-rt Ehlbltlon llraw-lug fur Chmolrt Couch will take place tonight (itlunluT) In the i:hllilllofl HjII :il 830. Queen Mary Cliipter X.OJ3X. wU meet on Monday 'next at 320 piu In the I.O.D.E. Hall. All members requested ' to attend. Mrs. Olof Hanson returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morn ing from Vancouver after having plac ed her daughter. Miss Llnnea Hanson. In school In the south. Tea and sale of home cooking at tb home of Mrs. D. Thomson. Second Avenue, on Wednesday. September 33. rrcra 3 to 8 by the Ladles' Aid of the Presbyterian Church. All cordially In vl ted. Motorshlp Fairbanks arrived In part from Salt Chuck Mine, Alaska, last evening with a cargo of thirty ton of palladium concentrate for tranship-ment over the Canadian National Rail ways to Irvlngton smelter. New Jer sey. 1 in. stui p m Anarewi -Anglican wourcn ai '"" evening of Miss Charlotte Boulter, j laughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Boulter leaen Place, and William Henry Mont-fomcry. son of Mr. and Mr. W. H Montgomery. Ninth Avenue West. Union steamer Catala. Capt. v Johnstone, southbound from tbo N'su Klver to Vancouver, was in port at 12.30 noon today. Among her pai engers from here to Vancouver th-CaUla took Mrs. FTaser and UU Fraser. Mrs. W. C. Rtlth and child M. L. McLellsn. A. W. McArthur. A M. Thompson and J. C. Mackay. O. H. Nelson, former Prince KuPJ ne-paperman, is spending a couple of days in town renewing old acqualn-tsmces. Mr. Nelson arrived on the Prince Rupert this morning from Victoria and at the first of the week will proceed to Jssper Park, making the Triangle Tour on a holiday. On account of heavy rain for tl Pi wnm. wira up TIIE DAILY NEWS PAOB TITRKI V1 "" lur "" "'ker. Oliver Haveland. Chester Clsp3 at unit oi wnung suu snowut,. uu,tnt, W1U xMt win ll tomorrow all crops In this part of Alberta not -ut being under snow. I will be unable to resume business In Prince Rupert untlt November 1. O. F. Brine. Auctioneer. Wolf Creek. AIUu. September 15. 1626. Miss Beulsu Elderkln. MA. who has (xen appointed principal of the Terrace High School succeeding Thomas Peddle. MA., of this city, arrived Iron Vancouver on the Prince Rupert thla, McLrnnan. of M? ,nJ and to the interior morning proceeded MnL j c Mclem.an Bort,fn 8trte. b? .!rlT; . M1" ad.e' 18 dU4t!!IU sail tomorrow night for Vancouver of Ute t,k University of Toronta She wnfre M conUnue hl8 ,tualw K - ; tin iuv v.k jmi PAIN from j Bladder Irritation toon ssttd by SANTAL MlDY Bcwsrs of Imltstlon Loes itr th word "MtOV bold by all ilrugiHH niwrf t Established 1923 CONSULTATIONS FREE itaun trrin We particularly p.. Invite those who have difficult cases. ----- DENTIST Exchange Blook Phone 109 HEALTH jESTORED 'FRUIT-A-TIVES" OVERCOME STOMACH AND UVER TROUBLE n ..IsPflsfesfek l ALBERT LAFLEUR Tor three years I' suffered with biliousness, liver and stomarh trouble and I had Revere pains and a choking feeling at times. Since taking "Fruit-a-lives" I have been completely relieved of these troubles. I can faithfully recommend "Fruit-a-tives" to any one suffering- from liver and stomach trouble, as I was.' Mrs. Albert Lafleur, Labelle, (Co. Labclle), Que. "Fruit-a-tives' are so wonderfully helpful in Liver and Stomach trouble because they are purely a natural remedy made from intensified juices of fresh oranges, apples, prunes and figs, combined with tonics. "Fruit-a-tives' sweeten the stomach, regulate the liver, bowels and kidneys, and purify the digestive juices so that Indigestion and Constipation are quickly corrected. 25c and 50c at all dealers. Mrs. W. C. Relth and child sailed to day on the Catala for Vancouver. We have money to loan on improved1 property. H. U. Helgerson. Ltd. Archdeacon . A. Rlz left on this morning's train for Terrace. Next wee he will be going to Winnipeg. Capt. Saunders and W. L. Stamford cf Dlgby Island will sail tomorrow tt the Prince John for Queen Charlotte City. Prince Kuprrt Exhibition ltance tonl;ltt In Exhibition IU1I. Ad-mixtion So cents.-- Iff iTirA RlMrker of Queen Char llotU CHjr, alter hiring spent th twit Oar rlttvi In th 1t will rrtvirn .to. the Islands on the Prince John tomorrow L. Jessen. manager of the Bot1 Bros., the diamond drilling company 's a passenger on the Prince Rupert today going through to Stewart front Vancouver. Mrs. C. F. DiVls of Vancouver making the round trip this week Xr, Stewart on board the steamer 'Prlnc Rupert of which her husband Is chief engineer. Mrs. Isaac Lear and family, who have been visiting for the past tew months with. Mrs. Lear's parents In Saskatchewan, returned to the city oi. the Prince Rupert this morning. C.NJt. steamer Prince Charles. Capt. Neil McLean, will saU at 1330 midnight for Ketchikan taking members of the Alaskan baseball team and their crowtl of fsns home after the big tunc in the Fair Building. a party consisting of Chet Schlen- night for Seattle. They will motor to San Francisco and the "local boys may remain In the south. CvN.Il. steamer Prince. John, Capt. E Mahbs, Is now expected ;ln port ..'from the, south tomorrow and wlll Jsall tomorrow evening for Vancouver tis the south end of the'- Queen -Charlotte Islands. uklng an arts course at the Unlver- islty of British Columbia. J. A. Crawford, purser of the steat -er Prince Rupert, which came In front Vancouver this morning, proceedc, through to Jasper by train and will go .011 to Vancouver, Joining his ship there next week. Mrs. Crawford also came north and Is going through to BUwart to visit friends. Oordon Ollli-land is acting as purser on the Prince Rupert this trip. If Troubled With Diarrhoea YOU SHOULD USK IT WILL GIVE YOU PROMPT RELIEF This Taluablo preparation has been on the market for the pant eighty years, and holds a reputation, second to none, for the relict of all bowel comnlairtt Manufactured only by The T. Mil-bum Co., Liiuited, Toronto, Oat. tiotno; i il OGDENS CUT PLUG "Ripe for the pipe " Save the VALUABLE poker hands Church Notices SALVATION AKMV A hive of aetlvltlesl Public meetta- rvery Saturday. Wednesday and Tnurs- t n ik Bible Clan on Monday at C pjn. Scouts and Guards on Tuesday and Friday. Thursday at 6.15 Sunbeams. 6 to B years. Home League every Wednesday at 230. Sunday ser vices at 11 an., noiiness. ouuuj. School at 2J0. Evening at 130. Subject. "Talthfulness." Come to the Arm-. of Service. Lt'THEKAN CHURCH St. Pauls English Lutheran Church Metropole Hall, Third Avenue. Rev Thos. O. Rlnde. pastor. Service Bunds morning at 11 o'clock. Sermon theme Transforming Power." Sundsy Schoo at 13 noon. Evening service at 7.3C 3ermen theme, "A Pastor's Concern Is his Ccngrcgatlon." Solo by Mrs. . Field. Everyone cordially Invited. BAPTIST Clll ltCII t Mnmlncr aerrlce at 11 o'clock. Sub ject. "The Oreatnea of Trifles." Sunday School at 230. Primary Department ' prily. Evening service at 13.0. Ret. Nelson A. Harkneea, secretary of the (Canadian Bible Society will be the pcaker. All cordially invited. I'KKMIYTEBIAN ClUKCIl Morning service at 11 o'clock. Sub-.ect. "The Victories of Christianity.' nnT Krhonl and Bible Class at 12.1 i I Evening service at 7J0. Subject. "Oreat ' Christians and Oreat Unbelievers." Rev ;Chas. J. Cameron, MA., PhJX preach er. All coraiauy inviiea. !T. ANDKEWH CATIIEIIKAL (Church of England) Rector. Archdeacon O. A. Rlx. Sundsy services at 11 tffi.( and 730 pjn. Sunday School at 230 pjn. Holy Communion first Sundsy of month at 11 axn third Sunday of month at . Preacher. Rev. J. Gibson q: Smlthers, B.C. ( IlltlSTIW SCIENCK SOCIETY Service every Sunday morning In the Hays Block. 345 Second Avenue. Sub Ject on Sundsy. "Matter." Testlmon; meeting on Wednesday evening at ! o'clock. 1XITEB t ill KCII Service Sunday morning at 11 o'clock i Rev. Nelson Harkness of Vancouver will ' speak, on the Story of the Bible In irteiv lands. Sunday School at 230 Send the children. Evening service & 1 730. Special anthem by the choir Speaker. Rev. Geo. O. Hacker. You will ' enjoy our services. I TAX KALE SOON The city's annual tax sale will take place on September 30. About 163 parcels are advertised for auction butj a number will probably be redeemed before the day of the sale. ! ANNOUNCEMENTS. tgllcan Church, bazaar, November ,23. BapUst. Ladles' Aid Bazaar, November 23. St. Andrew's Society Ladle Auxiliary Bazaar. October , 8. ' Royal Purple .Bale of plain and fancy sewing and home cooking,- October 16. , . , , " Presbyterian Llsdlc'-Aid Bazaar, November 10, United Churc.1 Bazaar, December 3. From Pay to Dividend Cheque laid by in youth is worth double the , MONEY savings of middle age. Many a rich man today bought the right to his dividends with the savings he made once out o! his pay envelope- Anyone with determination can do the same- The osn who saves is the man with none. The Royal Bank of Canada Prince Rupert D ranch - - F. E. Robertson, Manager Everything for the Builder LUMBER We have the most complete slock oflinihers, dimensions, shiplup, ,fir finish, flooring, V joint, veneers, etc., in Northern B.C. We can supply everything in a building from the foundation to the last piece of finish. ,. before buying inspect our slock. It will pay you. Our pnees are right. ' v Albert & McCaff ery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 117 Rochon's FRESH IN I iJ- jy Bens Chocolates I Re-organization Sole S1.00 per 1 lb. Box Also Boxes ut S2.00, S2.75 and.OO 4 I- , , . - . Slashing Prices ROCHON'S ALMOND ON CRISP $1.00 per lb. Il l Coats, Suits and I Rupert Pharmacy DreMes Phone 94. We delUer. NOW ! ! ! i. . . Envelope