bora 5 land Roval Hotel. 3rd Ave. and 6th It. MATT VIDECK, Prop. OLI rr. EI7MANV ANn iiiiiiiniii nil is OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL FMIl.MI I I. tot : hllNmi I. Arsenal 2. Liverpool 0. Aston Vllle I. Bury 2. Blackburn 2, The Wednesdsy 2. Bolton 2. Cardiff 0. Derby County t. Newcastle I. Everton S, Leicester 4. ltuddersfleld 3, West Hsra 1. Mancheeter United 2. Burnley 1. Sheffield United I. Leeds 0., DhMon II. Clspton 2, Wolverhsmpton 0. Fulham 1. Oldham 1. Orimsby 0, Portimbuth 0. Mlddlesborb 2, Hull City 0. NotU County I. Notta Fowt 2. Port Vale 4, South Shields . Rrsdlne neaaing 1. I. Msnchester Msncnesier City 0. Swansea 8. Barnsley 2. Blackpool 1, Darlington 1. Bradford Cltf 0, Chelsea 1. HCOTTISII LEA It It F.. Dl ' Aberdeen 0, Morton 1. Alrdrleonlans B. Cowdenbeath 2. Celtlo 2, Hamilton 2. Dundee United 3. Clyde 1. Dunfermline 4, Hibernians 2. Hearts 0. Rangers 2. Motherwell 3, Dundee 8. fartlck 8, Kilmarnock 0. Bt. Johnttone 4, Talklrk 0. 8t. Mlrren 8, Queen's Tort I. 1 tz.'U ........ .ni.liit. iv in TTtMHV) PKOIILEMo Al l ITTINO KAt II GENEVA, Bept 11. rollowing lengwy verssUotui between foreign Minister j r.i.and of Frinw tnd rortign midwi ( HLresrmiau w vvi as -! . Mheh iaioiiinn annouiiLm Utemen had examined ail tne proo- proved they will continue their !:. oration and arrive at decisive f.:lta. EDMONTON, III Nt LOAN ANO lt-l'. RIILtVAV lit tK TAKEN OVER ON NOtEMIIlK II 1 297 bushels. . President Pacific flail - ,:ld was born while In her eighteenth sy today confirmed a report that the . . .t -hii.i tha Edmonton. Dunveian and British ...kiM Columbia RaUaaT onerated bv ms com- un is unctr w uij - - ij-any ior several yrsra. . Last month the Alberta government FRANCE AGREE S , enrd notice that the agreement would i terminate In three months by November 11 a ben tbe transfer takes effect. illy that time the CPJl. wUl hare had the opportunity to haul most of the (rain crop of the Peace River It the teather conditions are Isvorabte. GRAIN SHIPMENTS TO GREAT BRITAIN (.(l.MJM. Verl Tske llrt Car guen Irum Thst Purt This'' , Sraoi Iras existing between the two couu- vANCOlfVER, FROM VANCOUVER SepL Ui-Orsln shlp- .n4 rrrondled their Tiea-poinis nine hss' commenced again ana tna n Minir solutions. i first cargoes' clesrtng' from her art The forelra mlnlswrs have agreed t consigned to United Kingdom points. r fer their conclusions to their re- The two vessels taking wheat from her --tlvs eovernmrnts and If they are, this week have been: Canadian ?Tanponer ior Avonmouin, ;iSlA07 bushela. I Canadian' Seigneur for London, 64. SCHOOL TEACHERS ARE OUT OF EMPLOYMENT IN PROVINCE OF ONTARIO 8T CATHARINES, Sept. 18. CHANGES OTTAWA, Eepi. 18 Monday premises to be a mrtnenious-dV in Cin&d'aa pollUrt. The CoRrTaUve cahuiet-Ul hold a fcrmal meeting'. naratorr 'to' tehdertnr the Korernmcct's resignation while, at the seme time. the fcrmer Liberal minuter are expected to confer with their leader. Mackenzie King, a ho will probably be called on to form a Oovernment next week. the Liberal pary. former Premier King la devoting Liberal cabinet Scute of the former ministers are already here and others are HURRICANE AT TURKS ISLAND MHITINU AMI MHAKYES rARP.IEU AWAY .INII SALT I.KitlTEK I.O-T I ItOM MOICM. ItALIPAX. Sept 18. A hurricane swept Turks Island and earned away shipping ; llritllx and wnarrr and demoitsnea novues ana changed the entire ica front, according to a report reaching the cable company; here. The wind reached a velocity of I expected over the week-end- to confer wnh Mr. King on Monday. Political observers continue to express 1 tbe belief that a fall session will be held ! in November, probably about the 17th or 20th. the main purpose of which will be to give parliamentary authority for expenditures from the treasury. A long Christmas recess would lollow. ALL BUT FOUR POLLS All polls In tbe federal election for 150 mUea an hour, leaving desolation n Uudtng tni RlTe it have sno l uai ia lis wur. rwuf ww escaped. Many salt lighters were lest. but so far as known there was no less of life. NO SCOTTISH ALLOWED ON ENGLISH JURY Woman ludUtril Refuses Any Fur Theft North t In London Ihirdrr I LONDON. Sept. 18. A woman In-dieted for theft at the London Sessions demanded to know whether any of the Jurors were Scottish. "I will not have anybody Scottish. I dont mind what they swear." she declared. The Chairman: Do any of the Jurors plead Scottish. A Juror: I am Irish, my Lord. Doe TWI V... f 1. .It Hht T' th drV iry iln one Another member of the Jury he- PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British' Columbia's Newspaper ' PIUNCB Hl'PEHT ti. C, SATUIHIAY. SKl'TBMIJr'It IS, 1020- HAVE NOW REPORTED JOPLEY MINE Majority er Mork ManiK Today at 3:3. now reported, and J. C. Brady. Conservative candidate, lias a majority of 375 over Fred Stork. Liberal. The-total vote so far Is: Brady. 4.164: Stork, 3.739. Polls repining since yesterdsy were: Brady Stork Morlcetjun 4 7 Dorreeu 7 12 Sudnlt II 6 Green Bay '. . . 7 8 Biblne 7 9 Evelyn 10 24 Olectanna 13 13 Kamu 36 20 North Bolkley 4 7 COLLEGE GRADUATES DRY UP THE SOUTH ;cnooi teacoera may m w w. r' " : al exDerts make un the force with which and Reflnln Refining Iployment In Ontario during the jlng autumn term. Judging by the I numerous sppllcatlons made for posl. I Hons on teschlng staffs In this section. In Merrltton. for Instance. 100 teachers applied for one vacancy in I the town school staff. School author!-1 ;tle here, while admitting that younrfl i men and women throughout Ontario consider the Nlsgara peninsula a far- Ull, twl i,int rlnl In Fair, f lored field of labor, also give as the , M)U ja,na, u)l( p. iiurns Het explsnstion tns me wnaii n Commercial llooth. Southampton 1. Preston North End I. ' Ontarlan? now UH; growing - need Its own teachers and com com.' Tne wnurman: un. tnais an ngv. - ,. Is to .... The defendant then allowed the Jury to be' sworn without further objection. BIG BAY LUMBER CO. WINS AGAIN not go out there any the jnlrl Twr jn UCCC!1.,ion the more to to shoot teach the young Idea how FAMOUS MUSICIAN DIES AT TORONTO Big Bay Lumber Co., Ltd.. pas won the gold mrdal for the best Industrial display of products manufactured In the 'district at the Prince Rupert Exhibition. i his work - and a conslserable decrease In (the quality of the whiskey. FRENCHMEN WINNERS AGAIN AT TENNIS IN Llvlne Un to standards of Dast Vears. hnno nf the Unted States of annexing tractive one and much credit for the faded yesterday when .Vincent Richards j manner in wnicn it was uiiiijr u was etiminaiea uy jean uorotra, tne NOT YET SOLD M MIIF.R OF LAROE MININO C OMPANIES It K HE EN INVESTHIAT-IN(1 PROPERTY. SMITHERS. Sept. 18. The Topley continues to attract the attention, of the their engineers the property. Several companies are negotiating with a view to taking over the property, but Prank Taylor, the own-1 er. has not as yet accepted any of the! offers, although a deal may be closed In the near future. Taylor .was in town ths tore part of the week and reports thst a further provincial government grant has been recejved for road building and this work Is now being pushed ahead rapidly. I The main cross-cut tunnel is in eo feet and the ore Is still holding up in i values. The rock now encountered Is hss been extended over fifty feet, fol- hsd llted many years In Scotland !..,., Msny American .rrt..llntanU ,nd Dth.r nrn!Mlan., m..n.r. for th. SmeltlM I . a ... a f a ? ham ttnt ranrii T ner ' - Company visited the pro- O D. Jackson bringing prohibition erty last Saturday and took numerous the states of Louisiana, Mississippi, Ar-1 samples to make a test of the ore body. kanaa and Alabama . i - One effect of tneir work has been rt ported Increase of 200 per cent in the , price of whiskey since Jackson took, up VANCOUVER CHOSEN FOR CONVENTION OF PORT AUTHORITIES ' PORTLAND, Sept. 18. Vancouver was I chpsen for .the next annual convention ot the Pacific Coast Association of Port rU 1MDIAMCUID TAMfC. Authorities t a meeting here yesterday. VnmUI lUllOnu .UA1ULO. S L. Prenter and W. a. Stlckney, both - . of Vaucouver. were chosen president and POREST HILLS. Sept. 18. The laat i secretary, respectively. FISH ARRIVALS TORONTO, Sept. 18. Dr. Augustus to R. V, O. LePlne, the company's local . French Davis Cup star 3-6, 6-4, 6-4, 4-6. : Two halibut boats sold catches at the Vogt, 66 years of age, founder of the manager. , 8-6 6-2, after Rene 'Lncoste1 defeated Fish Exchange this morning and got hgh Mendelssohn Choir, which he conducted Among the .commercial booths. Swift; Henri Cochet 2-6, 4-6; 6-4, 6-4, 6-3 In ' prices for them. The American schooner from 1894 to 1917, died yesterday. He Canadian Co. Ltd. and P. Bunu Co. Ltd. the semi Ilnsls. . lAlkl received 16.9c and 8c for 11.500 was one of Canada's outstanding musl- were the winners, the former getting j - . .. .. . pounds, while the Canadian boat Kalen ciaus. Bold tnedal knd the latter, a silver medal. Advertise In The Dally News get 17.4t and losMor 8,000 pounds. Circulation 1709. EXPECTED Sals 584 new YORK. Sept. 18. Cleveland furnished the excitement, in the American k dT, pre- Lea fcU.bSM ball jrace yeatedsj lind ,todaj they ara within trireeind hall game of the leading Yankees, b:m tney deieatea maay in tna laus-iaugai; fttnr la the National League St. Lcul recovered tne lead -by. taklns aiv-eesy. yaai frcm Philadelphia, while New York was trimming the Cincinnati- Rids in a tin ... NATIONAL LCIOli: St. Iculs 10. Phllsdelhpla 1. Pittsburgh 1, Brooklyn 8. Clndnnstl 4. New York 5. Boston-Chicago postponed. AMERICAN LEA dill Boston 2, Chicago S. New York 1. Cleveland 5. Washington 5, Detroit 4. Philadelphia 3, St. Louis 6. FAIR GATE IS AGAI AHEAD!; Admissions to the Exhibition sports i ground yesterday totalled S219.50. repre- j sentlng 439 persons, as compared with , (S8 from 172 persons on the correspond- j lag day lsst year. To the masquerade j ball lsst night 612 people paid 1432 JO i trT nnn1 Mill S43 50 for admission.' to enter the hall yesterday afternoon as exhibitors were allowed tree to remove their exhibits. j t-r- MASQUERADE WAS ENJOYED NOT MANY IV COiTt ME. HI T EXCEL LENT D NCE TO RAINBOW ORCHESTRA. NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 18,-Two thirds solid and hard and progress Is necessarily Jj part, '(iitrtes and side. The Imperial agrnvs ruion-nig proiuouwn slow wn nana arming, oui a ui.iw Orchestra of Calgary provided of the country's most difficult being run nearer the surface and this - of excellent music end tn the trewnce presence a large number of out of town visitors added much to the variety of the even-Ing. Dance followed dance rapidly, the Intervals being very short. About midnight there was a longer tntcrval for refreshments after which the dancing continued. Only a dozen or so people same in cos tume and some of those did not Join the march around. The prlre wtnneds were for the best character representation. Mrs. Anna B. Campbell, of Kelchlkan. as Mother Oo:se. and the best drecacd lady Ulss Emmons, of Ketchikan, s a aw girl. Mr. Holpln as a clown won tbe men's prtre. . Dunns the evening tickets were sold for the err and it was announced that the drawing tor It would) tske place tonight. Visitors who hsd not been to the fair before took much Interest in the display put on by the Fraser Valley farmers, the general arrangement of which Is so ef fective. Prime Rupert Exhibition sle tit fruit ami teci-table. compiling Frorr Valley Dlilay. Mill be auctioned off timlzht (saliiriUy) at 9 oclwk. ARREST MADE -a TAXI Boston Grill and Ambulance Service Anywhar at Anytime. mu mam Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor for hire. NEW SODA. FOUNTAIN, The latest and best for llie least. Phone 467. TRICE FIVF. CENTS. MONDAY incr iyitm rnn nrnii . ut iu hath tup mil tad it c njtornAii irinirc m m Bar ill avi mm m m imi imi ia iwi imi awr m m mm m lata f a a ar i m mc la m. m mc ia m i m m iiv iiiiiv run i r i m i 111 1111 11 i 11 v iiu iiiii 11 .1 iih.ik.iihi.i. i.i.hiii 1.1 MUJKJMU AtVXl A VTA M JLJ1 ja 11 11 1 JL JtX 1 A V 1 II JUU lUHUVll X4V -ri aVTi. JUaa uutAUVUW 4 n if f r remier Daiawin urges miners to Keturn and Will Back Agreement LONDON 8ept 18, -Peace vat no nearer today than H vu taenty rear ajo. ' rvrrriarr Lmi ni liisw ai i una rrurraiiun. liib mnuuir. juiiuvuik muia 4.fl..u . ik nsnmant'a Im s Ika mini Aa'naM Int A winf. . ...el,-.. a aa-. a n. iA tka me ai vs4 Kaup . avnaW ' 3 uii at iiabiujuva as awl iriMtti vvr v s tu m a wassu uvu eauu uvui vi wvas Premier Baldwin baa not abandoned negotiation altogether, but there arc) it nrritiifU I&ihI tndmr of tn etrlv aettlement. , - Sir Baldwin told tba miners U they returned to work tbej might aecure ' nanda aa tha nation wide agreement had been accepted In effect, II not in , M KATUN MUCH GREATER w pi: ii cent increase own iw. OTTAWA, Sept 18. Immigration Into iiiu -. a A rtmr r. nt rreater than I Of e aamt period laat year The total lor ht aeren montha this Tr was B.M. compared with Sl.400 In iiu. GRANDMOTHER AT 37 YEARS OF AGE HALIFAX, Kept U, The Claim oi a- . ll.sta- w-nman nf VM disputed by aomeont wrtunf to tua m mm tixrm i'wi mi wyumj- - I IN miii: male at miami iikacii floods inland JACKSONVILLE. Florida. Sept. IS. A one-hundred mile gale whipped Miami beach today and Ut irporta aald the Uland was under "lx leet ol water" running over the Miami Beach causeway. All wire communication la gone. C.P.R. LEAVES PEACE RIVER one better than una. i w T" 7. mi mw i aa ann h l a m un in et m a - h. mirriMl and her first "f ' The Prince of Wales went, a few days nxi.Ji ii twi! l'..ik. F -.: K t. iri I. 'n acrpt a iti'otu? lntlTuiu un liehalf uf Hie Hoy SiouN tf the lmli-h F.mpne. II was prpsPiileil Iiy the Hoy Brouts of Amerii a. Monday to be Busy Day in 6tawa C cse Race for Pent a t in Eaih Political Circles Owing to T Meetings of Leaders th of American Baseball Leagues it Day as Giants are Nearly Overtaken KAKE ISLAND i FIRE LARGE f HElir.F HAH BEEN TAIkE!? TO IMllANH ; IIV I'NALiUA FHO JI NEAL. JUNEAU. Se;t. 18 V.'orJ received here j from the TJ. 8. coastguard 'cutter Unalaga , aajrt 92 Indiana are homeleas and without' I fcod follwlrg the lire which dratro.ed three fourth of the bluldingi cn Kake I Iabnd. Three atores. the only onea In jtewn, and 21 dwelllngj were wlp:d out 'Among the building burned waa the : pctt office. : The Cnaleg. which wa despatched from here when wcrd of the firs waa 'first received, took tenU, blankets and feed for the Ind:acs. CARS SMASHED IN COLLISION TRAINS MEET OX.C- P. K. XEAK KENT. ONTARIO. WITH FATAL REM LTS. LONDON, Ont.. Sept. 18. Three trainmen were killed and two two seriously injured as a result of a head-on collusion between two Canadian Pacific freight trains near Kent early this morning. Twenty cars were smashed Into kindling wood and piled 30 feet high, one on the other. LOS ANGELES In the recluslon of Laurler House, the official residence of the leader of inning aflalr In which eight pitchers were used. Pltuburg" slid further away fr.'m (MOTHER or AIMEE SEMPLE MrPIIER- himself nuelf'to the selection of a the pennant when Brooklyn held them down three to one. "l ,, '-5W TODAY; AIMEE ILL LOS ANGELES. Sept. 18. Mrs. Minnie Kennedy, mother of Aimee Semple Mc pherson, evangelist and builder of the Aneltu Temple here, was arrested late yesterday afternoon on charges of criminal conspiracy. The Evangelist was not arrested as her physical condition, prevented her coming to Vie hall of BAEIULL (lME DREW S1I9JM) AND 1 Justice. Mrs. Kennedy was released on .MAMJIERADE I1U.L IS'LM. bail of 2i00. NUDE BATHING LAND OBJECTED TO bringing the total gate recelpu for the j day to 1652. No admission was charged MEN AND WOMEN DRIVEN FROM IS. AT -MOITII OF BY POLICE THAMES CANVEY ISLAND, England. Sept. 18. A hastily formed vlgllence committee has prevented Canvey Island from becoming the British sun-bathing headquarter. v Attracted by stories of the care-free, open-air life led by residents of this pretty little Island at the mouth of the Thames, below London, sun bath, er flocked here this summer. TLa bathing suits they brought became scantier and scantier, and then disappeared. Shocked residents, .on. the Island ap- .nealed to the police, who arrested As a mssquerade. the affair at theMTerai men ana women for lying nude Exhibition Hall did not amount to much last evening, but It was a very enjoyable and several hundred people took while other hundreds watched fram on the beaches. But finding the Island's lour policemen could not cope with the hundreds of sun bathers, the men formed a vlgllence committee, and are thrashing all men they find sun bathing in no clothes, and fore lng all over-enthusiastic women to dress and leave. AVDITORIl'M FOR WOMEN TORONTO. 8pt. 18. The need of n separate auditorium tor women wai dally shown at the Exhibition; when In the "Three Arts Room" hundreds Living pictures oi Canadian women ana listened to various addresses on Lit. erature, Art and Music. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Bid, Aaked. Dunwelt 1.33 US Wheat ,I3?i C.P.R 163.50 B.C. Silver 1.82 1.90 Oranby 80.50 Howe Sound 41.00 Independence ..05; L. and U ... ..... .03i .10 Marmot .09 Ji .11 Premier ... 8.20 2 JO Porter Idaho M'f M 81 lver Crest ' Surf.jlnlet .H tW M Richmond . .. ...... '-i.U!i ,13