HATUBDAY. BIPTTEMBER 18, Hit Dr. Alexander Smith Block Prion 678 DENTIS1 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phont tS. Cartage, YVtrebouiint, and Distributing. Team or Motor Bervhe. fioal, Band and Gravel W tpclallz In Plana and Furniture Baying. SUMMER SUGGESTIONS FOR WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Birch and Spruce Per load $6.50 Per half load 3.60 Per sack 50 Burn Wood and Keep Cool I HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone (0 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. TUGBOATS Day Phones 423, 139, Green 238, Black 735. Might Phone? 687, 539, Green 238, Black 735. RUPERT MARINE PRODUCTS, LTD. GEO. is. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. a i GREATEST WATERFRONT WHIFFS I ! Many Boate in for ExhibitionFirst Hunting Parties Met With Success Halibut j Landings Heavy - In, .spit of the tact that It ha. U-ta Fair nd election week, there haa bee , unu.ua, activity along the waterfront. Of course, there have been a large number of visiting boat In for the festivities, but their occupant have been . uptown among the brlgnt llghu. In fact, the waterfront ha. almost had. a ; deaerted appearance especially on Thursday afternoon when moat of the offices. ,tore and hop were closed so that their employee might enjoy the half holiday declared by Mayor Newton. There haa been the usual large delegation of natives, ; moat of whom came from their yarlou village in their own boats. Many people ' also came from the various canneries, in boat, n is rratlfvln to note that. ' ;lri spite of the many visitors who came! '. .. Into town to celebrate, law and order 'was maintained more generally than dur- j ing any previous Fair week. A previously stated In these columns a keen Interest was taken In the federal election along the waterfront. Now that the smoke of battle has cleared and Mr. : Brady's election 1 assured, the boys all Join In congratulating him. The winner UtLllltN IKOM ' CANMICV HOICK. ! P R. B. II. powerboat Pachena, Capt. I Paul Armour, returned to headquarter jthia week after having spent the past I ' three months operating nut of Lowe Inlet under charter to the cannery there. I Dr W. T. Kergln's power cruiser Full Moon returned to tne Prince Rupert Yacht Club float on Thursday after-inopn after baring been under charter 'for the put two month to the B. C Packers Carrying official on inspection !to the company's widespread Interest ion the coast, the Pull Moon travelled ) extensively during her period of charter and made a voyage to Vancouver and several to tbe Queen Charlotte Islands. engine and cook was the burden ot a tale un-foldtd by Capt. .Jet Saint on his return from the recent whist y voyage to the Bllklne River. It appears that Helge Essen, said "chief officer, engineer and cook, while the vessel was In Clarence Strait. In Alaskan waters, returning to Prince Rupert, became entagled In the ' bight of the towllne and was purled over- board as the line was running out. j undoubtedly received many fishermen's ! ,fur wme mtneodvexlng. Alex, .votes because there was an unmistakable , ,. ... , , .. .., ' f..nn. ... i ,i . .. .v- .. i ' " ...... 'rcent of their Interests. It now remains ' to be seen whether or. not their new member will be as faithful and energetic about their affairs as was the old. Two : Important matters' before the federal 'authorities will be with regard to aa. mon traps and the proponed new Cow Bay float. To retain the goodwill and support of the fishing population It la necessary that these two matters be promptly and effectively dealt with. by means of applying a pike pole to the seat of the psnU and all the thank the rescuer got was a bawling out for ' bringing Helge .aboard minus the seat i of his pant. Just as she was approaching the government dock this week to list her ball-but catch on the Exchange, the American schooner Trinity suffered the burning ovit of an engine bearing. Powerboat 28 towed the Trinity up to the Cold Storage plant where she unloaded her catcb and then back to the dry dock where repair , were made. LAI KIK I.t.Mltl.V IN lUTiiiiooM r.utri:. Well, here' one on tour old friend Laurie Lambly .who seldom can be made the victim of Jbke because se so so-berly and assiduously attends to his business as skipper of the ferry boat 33. Laurie was taking his evening ablution to a showerbath and had negligently! reft hi clothe outside the door of the , bitbhouse. Someone, Alex Saint Is strongly suspected, heaved the clothes. over the partition Into the bathhouse! and Laarte mistook them for a towel, ' belne about the color he tiara when I Mrs, Saint Is not home, and stood on Capt Percy Snrith was In command of; them. If there had been anybody around tne vessel witn rred Kergm acting as Jurt Ittr tnU incident they might have ) engineer. I glanced a bashful Laurie making a hur- jrted.nin foe cover In bU birthday suit. P H. FJ. It. power boat 28, Capt. Alex Saint, made several trlpa during the ; Unon Oil CumnanVa tanker Olimm fpast week to the Bkeena River to tow i , port to load the tank of the ! ; 'w vre w ( company newly established station here Mcvurry which 1 now in operation. How the P. R. B. II. power boat 28 , His many friends ber were dlsap-nearly lost a good chief officer, engineer ! pointed that Second Engineer Tom Mor- for thejirst time completely cus hioned assiV ram when tmu AUTOMOBILU au built McLAUGHUN-BUICK WILL BUILO THU4 rubber heels for the McLaughlin Buick engine The McLaughlin .Bulck in-Head engine now has "rubber heels.?' ' Here is an -engine completely insulated and isolated from all metallic contact with its chassis. Thick rubber cushions, fore and aft, absorb noise, and save the engine from road shocks and strains.; Never, in all its successful years of motor car manufacture, has McLaughlin-Buick ever produced a car so far ahead of its field in performance and value as the 1927 McLaughlin-Buick. Money can buy no finer performance, no matter how much you are prepared to spend. MLAU G H LIN-BUICK EVER BUILT For Demonstration, phone or call Dave Ross KAIEN GARAGE Br.? A VftriN UTTIK A VTO M O 1 1 AM BUILT. MtLAU OHUN-BUICK Will IU11D TMIM 1 GET-AWAY You mutt try Champion Spark Plugs to prove how the hotter, more intense park they produce increases the rapidity of 'our get-away. Why be J eft behind when the traffic signal flashes when a set of Champions will put you out in front? Cksmpion X eaaJustvcly for For da packed iathelUdBoz 411 80c ' CkMrntimmm fat rare other rkaa Forda packed laths Blue Boa 90c Each Champion Dependable for Every Engine A Canadian-made Product Windsor, Ontario rlson was not aboard the lighthouse ten-, der Eatevan. Capt. Harry Bllton, which arrived this meek to spend a month do ! Ing heavy lighthouse work In adjacent waters. Tom is taking an examination In Victoria ao could not come north. However.' other members of the crew Known here are renewing acquaintance. The Estevan coaled at tbe Albert & Mc-Caffery dock on Thursday before pro-1 feeding to tbe Queen Charlotte Islands. I Tag B. D. U. l,du from Vancouver with a Kowload of fir lumber for the Albert li McCalfery yards. III NTINU r.tKTIKS MKT WITH ?CT.s. First hunting parties o'f the season which went out at the end of last week ' met with general snccess. A good mim-1 ber of deer were bagged and there win doubtless be more nlmrods out this week ; end. j Dr. V. T. Kergtn and Will and Fred' were down on the Sunbeam III to Welcome Harbor and came home with; a bag ! of one each. The deer will nave a better chance of survival when the boys go. back to Toronto to Vunue studies In-, ' stead of wild animal. Welcome Harbor mas also the hunting ground bf a party led by Jack Lindsay on the Irene L. These huntsmen also , bagged three. Charlie Etarr and Claude KfrkeadaJl , ' were gunning at Refuge Bay and shared a deer. They will be out this week-end to get the other and settle any arguments as to who got the first. i Dr. J. P. Cade went In the Edac to Smith Island and picked one off. j Bill Watt took ueoree Pearson and Though they were a very menacing trio, ' the deer they chased are still alive and well. I Shef Thompson, popular caretaker at the Prince Rupert Yacht Club, had a bad cold on Thursday and was seriously considering going to Fraser Street and I getting some of John Oliver's sure cure. With winter painting or Doe Is on uie program, a lot of work la staring Shef in the face these l- The provincial government' road roll- ( er 1 being used to good advantage this . week giving Vie Cow Bay road a badly needed resurfacing. Charlie 'Waul of White Lily fame waa a prominent exhibition Visitor lhl week, Charlie,' somehow or -other, has .developed ft great 'friendliness with Ketchikan and he was betting his head off on the baseball game Thursday afternoon. Charlie waa last seen trying to find the winner of hi umpteenth unsuccessful bet. Ket likes to be but Insists on holding the states. In other words, If he cant be ' the banker he won't play at all. "High- tali, Elghtah from Decs tan. Ma baby needs noo shoes." MOST OK IIU.IIU T ' WAS AMKItlCWN. Though halibut landings at the port have been heavy daring the past week. ' little Canadian fish has arrived. Of the total for the week.of 801,400 pounds, Ca nadian boat landed only 4a 500, while Americans brought In 753500 pounds.' Prices have been fairly steady during the week though bid were Inclined to be a . little lower. louu jafiniug lur tne port aor uie season to date are: American, 19,083,300 pounds: Canadian, 5,636,700 pounds; total, 20,740.000. Landings for the past week (Saturday to Friday, Inclusive), were a follow : American Daly, 33.000; Spray, 30,000; Wizard, 42,(00; Atlantic, 33.000; Arrow, 40.000; Arctic. 28.000:, Sunset. 42.000; Oladstone. 21.000; President, 26.000; Wave. 4200; Sitka. 60.000; Commonwealth. 50.000; Omaney, 42.000; K. Nell-son. 12,000; llelgeland. 32,000; Radio. 43.000; Trinity, 57.000; Scandla. 40.000; Tatoosh, 32,000; Atlas, 30.000; Kanaga. 36XO0. Canadian Rose Spit, 12.000; Unotne, 4XKX); Iris. IJOO; Swing, 2 .000; E. Lip-sett, 8,000; Toodle, 4.000; Minnie V, t,-000; Maynower, 3.000; Gibson, 400; 11. and R 4,000; Verna, 1,600; N, and 8, 3.OO0. Mrs. Younliritle (as her hus band prepares for a swim)- Iion'l o any 'farther -than th horizon, will you? Winnipeg rice rrcss. 9 ltiversMe, la jewels $45.00 P. S. Barllett, 17 jewels Regular, 17 Jewels. 1 I $24.00 15 jewels $18.50 7 jewels $11.50 This is the regular men's siie. If interested wo are glad fo show you other siies and grades. Tilt STORE WITH THE CLOCN MINERAL ACT Csrtlticat of Improvsmsnts. Wsnn Fractional Nu. f. Anrox and Jua nlta Mineral Claims, situate in Uie Atlln Mining Division or the t'jisslir DHtrlct, about one mile tip stream from the houth ef Wsnn River, ' ' TAKE NOTICE that The Engineer Gold Mines Ltd., Inc., Free .Miner's Cerllftrste No. 7Jn, Intend, slty days from the uair m'rvtii ,ia spmy to ine .miiiiiis roriler for a Certificate of Impreveiiienn, fur the purpose of obtaining a Crown Grant or the shove claim. And further late notlc that action, an dor Section 85, must be miiiiuenred before tne issue of such Certificate ot improve, nienla. mTEn this tit day of September, A.D, ' n. McU FRASER. Agent. I Ford Trucks and Tractors 8EE THE NEW MODELS ON DISPLAY AT OUR SALESROOM, THIRD AVENUE EAST VK CAIIMY A LAIIOK STOCK OF P.BXUIN'E FOIU) PARTS FOI1 OAKS, -jTMUjtiKH AMJ THACTORS WE HAVE SEVERAL USED CARS FOR SALE AT VERY ATTRACTIVE PRICES NEW CAR PRICE8: ' liiiiaIout .., 1381.00 Tudor Sedan 700.00 Sport Jluaditer 080.00 Fordor Sedan 831.00 Touring 002.00 Light IWivery 502,00 Coupe 751.00 Truck ..,,., 581.00 These prices include freight, taxes, self starter and balloon tires S. E. PARKER, LTD. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Call or telephone for demonstration or driving lessons. - Netlct of Intention to Apply U Less Land in rrmee Hupert Land Recordlnr D' trlct of future 4.- Coast Land District, and iliusr on I'Kiitr Island. der (he :nent INCRAL ACT Ctrtlf leato of Improvoanoat. Browiitp No. i 'Mineral tlsun. sttuaie m the Allin Mmmr Divlio ot tn Cislr District,- en Wann River, adjoining and, to tbe south or Brownie No. 4 M.C. TAkt MOTKR Ihst I. James B.- KersbiW. Tree Mlrtt-r's Cerliflcale . &J, rntend. I Land In Stlklne Dlvnion. Csssis., Land Recordlnr Olstrirt of Casslar. and situate at Grand Rapid, on tbe Stlkra Atver and to the west of Surveyed Lot No. 47t. TtkF. NiVTICB that l. Walter Seotl Simpson, or Te"rraTh Creek. B. C eeralkn. Rancher, intends to sppty ror a lease of the fniinwitir described unda: Cojiunenrlnr at a post planted n the N'orUiKrtt rnrntr of Lot 470. thenre South 40 chains; thenre West 10 chains'; thrnct) Xxm la chains; tnenre cast lu mains, and ronulnlns- forty acres, more or less, WALTER SCUTT SIMPS":. S-PTitlcsnL WATER NOTICE Diversion and Us aitilrrsa'u Wraarell. Alaska, si Ml Tefetrapk l.rrek, n. win apnl.w rir' a (license in tike and use S.dtfO miner's im lics.tlow of tvster out or Bucks oulrh: -which riows eastrrlv Into. Hesse Crei-k. The water wiB ke diverted rrora the stream at a Mlnt about tuu miles iid the stream from Its ninntll lain fwase Creek and IW le used for hjiksulh nilnlnt purjse upon benrh rhtrer rlalriH known and described as lease' Nn. IvU ami 111. This iwillre i MMteil n Ine rnmnt on th tJrd day of loir isaa ' A ropy of Hit's lmtlre and an awlh-tilon rmrsiiant thrrrlo and to the "Water Art. lull," will lie Med In tr orfKe of the Water neennler at Telerraph Creek, nhjcctlons to the aptillratlon may be tlhsl with the MM Water 'Recorder or ltn thv Onmntrorter of " Water lUrhl. ratiianieni puiionifs. victoria, n i. within tMrty day after the rirst arpeanmce ot this notice In the local newspaper. The iWte or thejirst publlcatlgn of this notice U September nth, im. ' ,l Phones 83 and 93 BRITISH COLUMBI A The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO THE END OF DECEMBER, 1825. Uas produced Minerals as follows: Placer Gold, $77,603,045; Lode Gold, $122,808,-WJ; Silver; $74,111,307; Lead, $89,218,907; Coprr, $107,6,2,0.7; zinc, $30,925,047; Miscellaneous Minerals, $1,'594,387; Coal and Coke, 273,0.8,053; Building Sttfn'e, Hriek, Cement, etc., $14,005,886; making its Mineral Production to the end of 105 show an v Aggregate Value of $920,919,628 -Production for Year Ending Dec. 1925, $$1,492,242 The Mining Laws of this Province are rrlore . liberal and IM 'ees lower (thin those of any other Province jn the Dominionor any colony in the British Empiri Mineral locations are granted to discoverers ibr nominal feesT" T 1 $J Absolute Titles are obtained by developing such properties, the security of which is guaranteed by Crown Grants. Full information, together with Mining He ports and Maps, may be obtained gratis by addressing THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MINES Victoria, British Columbia. N.B. Practically all British Columbia Mineral Properties upon which development work ha-, been done are described in some one of the Annual Reports of the Minister of Mines. Those considering mining investments should refer to such Ve-porls. They are available without charge on application to the Department of Mine?, Victoria, B.C.. Reports covering each of the six Mineral Surrey Districts are published separately, and are available on application. Reports of the Geological Survey of Canada, Winch Building, Vancouver, are recommended as valuable sources of New Prices Waltham Watches These are the new reduced prices for movements which can be filled into any Case desired. -. Vaniruard,. 53 jewels $58.00 ' f Cre6nt2. jewels;. $50.00 UtftD ACT MINERAL ACT worUflcat ' Improvomsnta. Bmwnte No. 1 Loi soil. Mlnersl Claim, i .nuaie in in .111n .mninir uitiskjq ui iuc TAkt aoticc. inst j. b. Francis, oi casslar District, on tne west ' Arm or t Ponoka. Alberta, occupation Minister,- nv mm Arm. about three quarter' of a mile tends to apply for a lease of the f ollowtng I up iireain rrm the mouth or Wann Rlverv Jerrllied JandJ: . t TAkE .OTK.E that I. Charles E. Ollmore. Cumiiienclnr at a PJM piaoted at trie Free Minor s Certltlrate Mo. 8974J, intend. Xortli WW end of Passage Island. neartttr davs from the date hereof, to apply. Coast TrlinmlatloD sta, lilt; tbenceiu,- uie Vininr Rerurder for a Cdrtiricate around the Island at htrb water mark snl ,if improvements, for the purpois of b-ronuinlnir tcvo arrex, more or:les. iialnln a Crown Oram, of the shove claim. JOSEPH BR1TLA.1D FRANCIS. I And rurther taken notice ttut action, 'uae Ilth. Ittft. AppllcsnL ( under sectlun 8S, must, be ronimenced be rore Ine issue or surn certiliraie oi improvements. . fi DATED this lit day of September, t ;A.D. H. MeX FRA3ri, Agents Units .'LAN6 ACf. 1 ritsntlon to Apply to Losso Land. . lu . ii . Henirdtng pismct- or rrinr Rnpe. and situate on north shore of an I nn.?u Day nu ?ouin. rsi t.uai i ."KJlwISLfS " "lto et.mm. Bluff v .M iaa sV wi sv ova w . wdHiivain,,. (ji jm as ln $22.75 of improvttfteftt. for.th PBrppse of .ob-' n . ,nTirtt ,h,f p nouaw . of Lowe Minnie a rani or ine aixwe cisna. : - i . ; j"r n,i,r.h rvumhKia .. n,1 nd furtlier rurllir lakeTMIce like nntw ileal that x-lhSi .cth... un- iin. Jl' niit,- I Jl.Vir vlnee of BrUisD .Tnds Coiniwa. io occu- VM KiSV WifCro?? & 3& 3W issue or kd wriineaw r rmprovo-. -lg lh C(mt-x at t Pntert on .nlilure n a nnnanied hav en. the sou lb - DATED this ..,. ... 1st day of j... September. - - -AJB, ISIt. . H, wry. FRAStB. Atent. LANS ACT. Notlc of latsntlo t Apnfy t L vest t'M.t ft l'lii Island, about one mile east bt a.ttft foli.t- thenre north twenty chains; ience east twenty rbains; Mience nun twenty mains, more or iei. to wimn nr.. (i . . Ik,... ,itlnnin. HI h rate nairi .w.iK, ........ niark westerly to point of commencement, and rnnialnlnr elrbty seres, more or les ciATKn jury lou, ivs. . . E. ROUSSEAU, npllcant. MINERAL ACT. Osrllfkat of hvrprovRiU s pen take No. 4. ;SweeoUk Ho. t rracllonsl and Sweepsuke Noc; Frse-lUHial Mineral Claims, situate tit the Atlln Minlnfr Pivtston of cassiar nistrtrt. wnere iocaica:-rt.asi sine oi. issu nrin. Hear SheT Creek. - TAKK wince inat iieamsia symes, barrister, and solicitor, of .40 West l'rn -r St.. Vsniiwver. British Columbia, art.-hir a airent Tor Sweepstakes MlBin Corporation Free Miner Crrtlflrptej No, I513H, inn-mi. amy nay a imm'iiie uaie hereof. t sppllr tn th MlnlnrUterontef fur Ci-rtlflraies r. huimveiiienMl for In purpose ut iiutaininr trowa ijicania oi the sn-W clslota. ', Jt .ANn nnTiitn take Niniraathat aej tU.u atuler serlitiH HI ltiut be-ewhiiaM-iired liefore the Issue f MifU cerlifiratM of Inmrnvemrnls. HVTFD thlsrtlt day of Seplrmber, A.D. TIrIBCR SALE XSM3 fi,.L. Kill h. MMlfirf 111, ttWI Mlnlaler of Lands txit later Itian nn on the ssih day lit Sepinnber, lift, fur tb i.uri oe ui License XMol. to rut lt.l lrneil fret rf t'eiiar fcifs a nil pilms on sn srea atijotmnir iw Mil iwr iiu, rer VIImhi Bay, S mile West of I'lVrt Clenienll, Otieen Charlitte Islands Uml Matrlrt. Three (S) vrars will be snowed for re movsl of timtier. , , runner narlirular of Hie Chief rore. ter, Virtorla H.- c.r- or 'MUrlrl forester. II. D. KYLE, Applicant. I'rlm-t Hupert. B. C