y, January 12, 1920. The Orthophonic Victrola The most wonderful ci i al iii-lniiiiciil ever pro- ii ( i lcoiil ili -itijiI him. -it riiiiic in ,nnt hear for your- e v ml everybody In Iiimi- il ,iiii don't for a ino-ni'f iliid iiii urr under any obligation tu hjiy. Credenza $365.00 Granada 200.00 Coruotette ... , 115.00 I- iti.irv i. working 21 hour per dav In Irv In mel In iIiMtluml, Order fillcil in Hie order of Iheir reeripl. 0c SPECIAL OFFER 40c 2 Packets Envelopes with a 100 Sheet Kid Finish Writing Pad Ormes Limited The lkv!l Store Ii..iu.t iritI- trd Avenue and 6th Street. Phones 82 end 200 ,n 8 . in ! 9 i in. Suodix- ,u if Il.ili,,i (. lo nnJ J lit i j, hi. DEMAND, . "Rupert Brand" XT' ivippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert RYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock nglncen, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Foundars, Woodworkers, tic. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINQ. Our plaut is equipped to handle ali kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 381 The Savage Washer and Dryer At lite last (Jueliitc Kxlitliilt"!) repealed it -ucics- ol tin1 previous ear, liv iigntit vviiiniiiR Hi'1 tiohi Medul Willi dis-liiiclion over all oilier makers of American und Canadian Washers. Cash Price 5185.00 Also sold on easy Icrins. Kaien Hardware Co. Local and Personal li.O. Undertakers. Phone 41. Large sdfR for sale, Max Ueilhroner. cheap tf! Two cars at your service Sneddon Taxi. Phone 134. tf Mr-. J. W. Durrau sail Ihi evening on llin Cardena for I'x-AIdertnan McMordio's committee room, nl Ihe earner of Second Avenue and Fourth Street.' will he open every afternoon and evening'. 11 j C. A. Pyne, Prince (ieorgc insurance man. after spending n few day in the. city on busiuc.-., returned to (he interior' on la! n iclit'i train. ( j .. E. (luliek. loiTi! manager f Ihe Swift Canadian Co.. returned on the Prince Marv yesterday; aft r rnoon following a bualncss l rip i,i Vancouver. Harry I.ove returned oil I lie Princes Mary ye.icrday afler-ii.ii.ii after an ahscuce of lw week tii a huiuc Irip to Vancouver and Seattle. Mr. and Mr. A. A. Mitcbclk! will sail this evening uu the Car deua fur Vancouver In which city Mr. Milrhell U being lraufe.rrei in 'hi forestry ncrvire. Mr. and Mr. Wallace C. Orchard, after having pent tli" Christina and New Yer holiday hi Vancouver, returned to the ell? no the Prince Mary yesterday afternoon. M. I.. Slcpp. Iniled Slate rufom officer here, railed yes terday afternoon aboard the Princes Mary for KHrhikan on official Jut. He will be back at the eud of the week. J The current issue of the llril- i-h Odumbia liaHle delimitate tin- area over which .Vuriuaji Al len Wall ol friar e Ituperl is ad- nnn:tiraior and likewise the territory eoxered by Stephen U cuioiii orMrrr al Mjiuniil n !; Whir.- H-mnn Hallway line, wlio.c wifeHta hern ill in Seal-(!. Ma a panjter aboard !h.' Prune.. Mary yelet.lv after- inion rciurniiig north. t . K. iJMeara u Victori . rninel tt the Xaa Hier In- lurt- iu eoniipciion with llt.-.f land Inini.. is returning nitli on the t'.ardena today after hv- it'jj "pent the pant w day coii-fernna with the native in the nort li. The fWatr Stmitr l'owinir 0' iiarce Drumrock i lentpor- atily enyaae,! in carry' n roal lwlwi'i-ii X'aiiainto and teen I all. At the end of the month he will resume her log earryintr erviee from the ljueen Charhdle Uland. The reioaint of the late Pro vincial Onifllatde J. P. Kvfleihaw of Terrace will be forwarded th' even i tig aboard I lie Cardena to Vancouver where inleriucni will take plane. Accompany in? (he widow oulh will he Mt. 1. W. tlaK.oel of Terrace. iM'.M. I earner Prliicei.. Mary'. ('apt. C. t:. Saiiitey, not ilihouad front Vancouver to Alak.i porl.-i. vva here from 3 lo i o'clock - lerday afternoon. The veel had aUoul -5 paoweneri on hoard aiiin lliroujth, about eijilit jom-inK I lie hlp here. Tlieri' wa another meeting of Kx-Ald. McMordie eitpporlern lal night in the eonuttiltee room at the corner of Second Avenue nnd Fourth Street. A check-up wa made of the voters' list after TEH fl.MLT jfxvr WAV THM GV a II Save Money! Make your own hard or soft soap by using waste fats and LLETT'S PURE I VC FLAKE IbY E. It costs less to make , soap than to buy It I FULL DIRECTIONS WITH EVERY CAN tic Currie's Taxf anl vlesseuger. Phone 666 nifeht or day. tf Mr. and 5fT.; John K. Iavev and family wili mtil tin- evening on tb UardfM l Victoria on a huiiday trip. Circular, notice-. balance nheci. liLs, ebft. tninn ographed. Prosipt service. Call Mis John- (tone, 219 teeoofid Avenue Weel. Phone 3H7. tf M. A. llurhank of the C.N.Il. rngiuei ring deparlineni rcturiuil lo Prince 4eorye on lal uighlV (rain after having viwiicil Hie cily on company buine. Ander Turvik. loal fisher man, leaven on tomorrow ''igh'' train Tr OtenhaJu. Hi iiUMirk, from whence he will iriH-eed t ln home in Norway, returnlap here in I he spring. The city council decided lat nurhi t m'II (ax ialc cerlifical righlx in and to lot ii, block 31. .eclion to ti. : Wilxon lor 01.41 plu inlcre1. Mr. Vilon had an application lo this effer. hefore Hie council. Tlic la! mecliiiti of the- IHi'i city council waf held laitt night. It wail a In n'f M-aoioit and one of the niol hai iit'iniou- of the yea The nest council myelin will tn a week from Thursday when fpe body elH-ted on Thitrly of thnt week will have it first eiion. J. A. Ward Ib-H. direetor of the Prince Hupert Spruce Mill. I.UL and John A. Manlovc. V 0. Shal-en And A. I). Everts, Insurance adjuitlers. who have teen her for Hie paid few day on Uuxi- ne-. in ens!e!ion xviih JSie r- eeui fire at I he sl Ceve rnill. will n'turn south ou the Car dena I hi evening. Patxengers hooked t tail this even top on the Cardena for Van rouver inrlute Mr. and Mr. John li. Iavey and .'amily, J. A. Ward nell. J. A. Manlove, P. XI. Shal-ero. A. II. Kverl. Mr. J. W. Outran. Alice Will mm, Mr. and Mr. A. A. Mitchell. Mia I. Watson, Mr. J. P. Kaglebnw and Mr. I). W. Cael. II. K. Allen, manager of the lloyal Mill at ilanall, and Mr. Allen are visitors in the vily. Mr. Allen came in to attend the annual meet tug of the .Northern H.C. Titiiltermen AtMciutio t which vva held yi'lerdy afternoon and will return tir the Interior on lotuorrovv's night' train. Mr. Allen will remain I winch lite campaign committee ( here for the week u the guel of announced that a large majority i her damrhter, Mro. (1. 0. MoMil-lor.Kx-Ald. McMordie in the an, Fourth Avenue. Wesl. mayoralty contest on Thursday j : wa mdiealed. Pcier Hluek, Jr., w)to went jsoulh recently will, the intention' PUBLIC MEETING. of entering tin 1'niversity of H.C. but who foil iiiUl il was eotnmeiiciiig ai n.u lor ine pur. uutne oil ll.c l'i,mi's Mary yes-pose of giving an account of llo' lerday afleinonn He will eon-' stewardship of the IUS5 roiinc;! tinue' his slmliis ,il home with, All IIHMIlliHrS of thai Imdy aild'llie iilea ol .-iiI.tiiu the t iliyei -1 ull catnlidales nei'ktng elect m t-sily next Tail i 'ii I hi your will he' given an impartial hear- 'work In lii crc.l::. pete studied Ing. jlasl fall at the l imci-sitY o S. M. NUW ll. Washinuton m Sfallle. 1 S. c. fiordon of AiyanMh aiU Him eveuuiir on (he Cardeua for Alert Hay where lie will upend a vacation. Itefore returning noilh in ahout six weeks' time. he expects to viit in Vancouver. In low or the tug Pacific Monarch, Capt. Uum Koellmcr, the l carrying harge Hinainon is now on her way front Vancouver I-Thurston Harbor where he will load lo;.-- at the Kelly camp for Powell Itiver. 1". W. Crawford, president n! the Vancouver Tobaeeo Co, which control the (Irolto cirar slor5 in the city, return kouIIi on I be Cardena llii evening after hav- i ingr spent the pat couple of da in the city on business. John Mclvor, who ha been i patient in the Prince Itupeil General llo-)ital fur ouie lime, will leave on tomorrow niiil' tram enroute to lilt iiome in Scotland. He will embark from St. John, Xew lirunwiek, and laud at iireenock. A puhlie meeting will he held , impoUil for him to Un so in I 'hall a in Hie Fnipres Theatre louighl (he middle of the year, rHiirned'liiiil A. A. MaeDouald, a--ilanl fire marshal for the province who ha? been a visitor in the city for several lay making an iupeetion m eonneclion with the recent fire al the Seal One xawmill, left on la-l nighl f (rain for Ihc inter tor. lie will viit Smillterri and Terrace on departmental dulie uid will return to the cily toward the end of the week. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. IHOHV ISI.AXlV Koggy ralm; barotneler. :i(t.2C; temper ature. 37; (hick eaward.; fi.tS a.m. eleauier Cardeua left Sluw- ar; luiuthhouod. IEAI THKK PiH.Vr. Ha.- me(er. 30.J2; temperature, 37 IH I.I. HAItHOIti Clear, HcH southeast wind; harumeier, 3o t; leinperature, 38; modemle -ea; 7 ii. nu ioke lug Paeifrc Monarch lowing barge Hingainoi abeam Mexicana Cily Ixtund for Thtirton llarlo; 8 p.m. epoke tug Cape Scott aheam Naiitu bound for Xanaimo; K p.in Mpoke k learner Amur 3iK miles nun Prince Ituperl uorlhtKnnl: 5: lit a.m. poke uteamer CiMiiiie- hank at 8 p.m. 158 miles from Tatoo.h. Noon ' 1HIIHV ISI.AXI). Foggy, enltn. barometer, 30.lt; teutpenilure. ii, ea smooth. 1)ILH THKK PdlXT. Uaro meter. 30.SS; teuiperalure. II. Hl'l.l. UAHHOIl. 4:iear. fre-h MMjtliea-il wind; baromtter. 30.- II; lenieralure. i7; tii"dera.' wa; S.2( a.m. epoke lug Pacific Monarch towing barge lliiiamnr WO ns;h itortiiwesi nl Naliarlli- Har bound for Thurlou Harbor. ACCOUNT SETTLED. The account of the Prince Uu- per! dry dock a?ainl the cilv fiM- tower xiipplieit during Xo- vewitier and liecomher when the eity pUnl at Shawallan wa clo.e ilown for overhaul wa -ellbil by (he council lat night. A rerommenilation front the finance and utilities committees and the Miperinleiiileui or utili-lies that to.:;:M.M he paid wa adopted. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert j W. H. McAfee, icorgilown;! Mr. and Mr. H. K. Allen, Hanall Central (i. II. Tyeho, Sniitlier. CARD OF THANKS. Mrs. Hiehards ilcsire lo express deep apprcciat ion lo all those who exlemled assistance lo her during the long illness of . her little sou and to those who sent llowefr and otherwise extended their sytii-Itathy on the occasion of hi. death. Particularly doe Mrs. Hicltards feel indebted to Dr. Tretnaytie nnd Aid. Casey for I heir assistance and sympathy at all times. ANNOUNCEMENTS C.N.Il. l.inpl'iy. secutiil annual in Audi! "I'lum Friday. Fen- v 1 .' IH VII IV'J r Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai aif Tske-Owi f Rffcrw CATARRH , k vf thr BLADDER Each Cin.ult VuiniA teiriomt t3 J A Sir TO. SIGHT" j P, ISANrS Send us yoanift . 3rd Avenue. est ProcuraMe rump end vi oifl send you I Wsb7 V Distributors for: (?D!mm K9L9RED I i 3 (THE ORICUOX, Pure Scotch Whisliy RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT Biln-Clnlil DwAma. Udi- a8l This adverliseiiniiit is not published or displayed by the Linuor Control Hoard or by the Government of Hlih Columbia Supplies V6ocA vtm V&jS Lumber Brick Cement Lime Plaster Stock your winter's supply oi Nanaimo-Welling-ton Coal now Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phoits 116 an! 117 Apartment: DINING-ROOM Suites N These suites are made on a smaller scale tu correspond with lite room of an apartment or small collage. Itnlli are in Old Ktiglish Oak and ace the latest designs in Mining lloom J'liniiture. Ileasoiiably jiricel ut $94.50 and $113.65 BARRiE'S Home Furnishings Phone 123 How Many Days of ttio Year 111 ill You Spend Willi lie Wash? One day a week ."- davs of the year une seventh of your lime ' That's whit yon'l! spend with the futility washing during lUl'd, if yon do it yourself. Is it worth ail this time and euergy when our TJirif-T-service will return your family bundle spotlessly dean, with all the flat work neatly ironed and al such u moderate cost? Call our representative lhi week save o2 days in 11120! THRIF-T-SERVICE 5c a Pound and 1c a Piece CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY Phone 8 UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Stlllnn (rum rrinr Hupert. of VANCOUVta, VICTORIA, Stnn B. M4 Altrt Blf, Ty4r, P.. VAMCOUVCR, VICTORIA. AUrt . n4 Swantan turdr, 10 A. at. For ANVOX. PORT SIMPSON nd N Rlr Cnnirlti, Thurd p.m. tor PORT S.PS0N, ANYOX. ALICE ARM, STEWART, Sundiy, a pjn. US tM Aimi4. 4, Brill, Af Mi PrlnM vprt, B.O.