PAGE FOUR THE DAILY KEWa Fiidn ANNIE BESANT BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM anus OW ARE YOU ( fltslE- I.JOST U , , HUH It MUST j fl, ; If" IbClTiWEI i WEUL-FOLUOW AND MESSIAH SOME ME- TMUUfc'S I . , 1 U- . - I FEELTVJEMT ) I 1 V HAHMT J M ALU DAY - DOWN RUG'o,, STAIR'S 6AYS KIUSIIXAMIKTI IS NOT WOltUI PnF I h YEAR6VOUMGEH1 J . T"J?PA?, TH AT -OiJ OA'S .Al . ewe oc yji7 TEACHKIt lU'T MAV HE I'SED IT LL UOY W as" vKinri.i: TORONTO. Nov. 12. Mrs. Annie Besant. president ot the World Theoso-phlcal Society, speaking In Massey Hall gave a resume of the history ol modern psychology to show that "mind could manifest Itself apart from the body. With this argument, she prefaced her statement of Krlshnamurtl's relation to the new Messiah. "Over and over again." said she, "I have stated that Krishnamurtl Is not a world teacher, but can be used as a vehicle whereby that teacher can once more visit his world. When he comes he- can enjoy that particular' body If It grows up worthy. In the beauty ot his character." said she, "he Is fit to be the dwelling place of the Great Teacher. Do not take my word for it. I ask you only to think for yourselves." Mrs. Besant came on the stage with the utmost simplicity. There was no chairman. The curtain at the rear of the platform parted revealed a stately figure In trailing robes of white silk and with hair that has the whiteness of eternal snows. Various occult emblems, a Jewelled swastika, an opal trlf-ollum, a huge signet ring that had once been Madame Blavatsky's, gave her a alight hieratic quality, but there was nothing rhapsodic in her manner or matter. Her speech was distinct and lucid, at times flowing, but never florid. And her voice had none of the quaver of old age. The Parade of Fashion IIKII.I.IANCE IN SHAWLS Shawls worn by the fashionable la the New York parade, made a color array that Is something for a chorus to vie with In brilliance. They not only are those Imported from Spain with their heavy embroidery or other striking importations from China and Japan, but are made from gorgeous weaves in metal cloths or woven with designs In brilliants. Some of thesa shawls dazzle the eye with the play of light on their encrustments of crystal or metal designs. iiorsr. or EAititiMis At the London premiere of "The White Witch" almost every woman In the audience wore earrings. The craze for ear Jewels apparently is Increasing. A note of novelty was struck by ore woman whose earrings consisted of small Jade parrots In golden cages. FAVOKS MLVEK COMAS Lady Louis Mountbatten has been dining at the Rltz, attired in beautiful silver gowns. She is planning to spend the winter at Malta where preparations are underway for the gayest, most brilliant social season In years. . TIUAMJLE EVENIXO WKAP An evening wrap so constructed that It created the silhouette of a huge triangle between the arms and knees has attracted fashion followers. It is made in rich chestnut-hued velvet, lined with golden lame tissue and bordered with beige fox fur. It Is finished with a high 'storm" collar and hat long ends of golden lame ribbon hanging down the back. NEW VANITY KKACELET A new vanity bracelet for evening wear In place of the ordinary slave bangle has appeared In the drawing rooms of ; Mayfalr. It is composed of four little flat, gold boxes, each about the size of a penny and attached to a Milanese gold chain. The boxes con tain a supply of powder, rouge, and lip- stick., the fourth containing a powder puff and mirror. The new mode does away with necessity for a Dorothy bag and can be easily slipped on and off. (lAltTER RECEPTACLES Garters with cases for holding powder and XMS, and others with clips for holding handkerchiefs, are among the latest fashion for English women. PETAL SKIKT FROCK England's nobility accepts Its fashions from America as well as Paha. Lady Rosemary BooUe-Wllbraham, the young sister of the Earl of Lathom, appeared at the Embassy Club dressed In an American petal-skirted frock of pink, open-work embroidery. The background was a black velvet cloak. Around her neck was a ring of square diamonds with a big pearl drop. SLEEVELESS COATS While a large number of the new English evening wraps are being made on the coat principle, with Inset sleeves, some women prefer the sleeveless, cloak style of garment. English designer are trying" hard to do away with ths old stereotyped circular cape, a" cape which Is finished in a triangle Is one of the results. It Is made In velvet or fur. MELTING POT IX SHOES Styles In slippers seen about New York were never more varied. They are made from almost any material or leather velvet In light shades, brocade, metal cloth, and reptile skins. The heels of evening slippers are works of art. Brlllla: a stud them or brilliant colored leather Inserts add 1 IC 1926 a. Ktx Fs Siwvks. Inc variety. Some of these gorgeous heels they look as though they belonged In j the window of a Jewelry shop cost as much as a gown. ; Tissrn PAJAMAS j Gladys Cooper's new golden pajamas are the talk of Mayfalr. They are fash- loned of golden tissue with a curiously meshed surface. The long trousers fit closely to Miss Cooper's ankles while the jumper is held In by a deep, closely swathed hip sash which is knotted In front. rAvoit rlack ami nr.ii Black and red are the "fashionable" colors for this winter in Germany tex tile firms report. Red mixed with a little blue Is regarded as especially 'nifty." Blue as ground color has al most gone out of existence. iikf-ss of iiitonins May Allison, movie actress, in a new picture, wears an evening gown of 'simple black chiffon, designed especial ly as a background for a diamond brooch which she uses to clasp a narrow collar band of white ermine. Sometimes the brooch appears again on a gown of black taffeta, made with a bodice waist cut to fall low over the arms with a band of brilliants over each shoulder. WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE LAST NIGHT LOYAL ORANGE LODGE An enjoyable whist drive and dance was held list night in the Metropole Hall by the Loyal Orange Lodge. There were seventeen tables 'of cards and the winners were as follows: Men's first. J. A. Underwood! men's cecond. Allan Davles; ladles' first, Mrs. A. Jacobsen; ladles' second. Mrs. J. Munro. After cards, refreshments were served by the ladles and dancing was 'enjoyed until one o'clock, music being provided by Mrs. Ponder's Orchestra. Mrs. Lemon was the winner of a luncheon set which was raffled by tbe ladles. J. A. Teng was master of ceremonies and Jack Munro presided at the door. WELL KNOWN LOCAL COUPLE MARRIED MM I.llj Wlrks lierame Itrlde of (lie Oleen At Ceremony Performed On Wednesday Mht. The marriage of a well known t local couple took place on Wednesday even- leg at the Luthern Church parsonage when Miss Lily Wicks was united In ; marriage by Rev. T. D. Rlnde to Ole Olsen. The attendants were the bride- groom's tfster, Mrs. R. E. Johnson, and mm raw NOTE: If "you take YEAST for your HEALTH, use Koyal Yeast Cakes. Write for free booklet, "ROYAL YEAST FOR BETTER HEALTH". E. W. GILLETT CO. LTD. TORONTO. CAN. Valdemar Slmonson. The groom is a fisherman, having been a member this season of the crew of the schooner. Prosperity A. The bride ! has - been in the city for the past year. I Mr. and Mrs . Olsen are takng up j their residence on Eighth Avenue East. pDCCCMT A TlflM MAM? iVlULdt in 1 1U11 UiniLi AT BAPTIST CHURCH TO DEPARTING MEMBER Tha ririila mM.iFAV mtin In (ha Baptist Church on Wednesday evening , was conducted by the Ladles of the Mis- i slon Circle. Several papers were given on tbe work of the Baptist Church on the Home and Foreign Mission Field. At . the close of the service opportunity was taken to present J. Harvey, on behalf of the church, with a Waterman foun- . tain pen and pencil, also a solid gold nugget tie pin in token of the respect and esteem in which he is held. Several short speeches were made expressing re- j gret at losing Mr. Harvey and all wished him every success wherever he may de- , clde to locate. Mr. Harvey suitably j ' actlowl edged. Refreshment were served and a very enjoyable social hour was spent. ; Mr. Harvey leaves on Friday. November j IB for Monrovia. California, to Join Mrs. Harvey who has been there .for some time. E LA HO RATE PLANS FOR PRO-I'OSEI) NEW HOTEL HAVE HEEX PREPARED. (continued from page one) over tbe harbor and with a picturesque and attractive pizza. i At one side of the main "entrance .to - the hotel Is a room set apart for museum purposes, where it Is proposed to offer housing room to the local museum collection and also to take care of commercial exhibits advertising the- In dustrie of tbe whole district, such' as mining, fishing, and wood working. A metzanln floor is set 'apart chiefly to tbe use of ladles with suitable rest room and beauty parlor. , On the second and third floors there are 48 bedrooms each and on the fourth flcor 40 bedrooms. These are in addition to three complete suites, one on each floor. All bedrooms are outsldt rooms with a view. There Is bath in each room. ctT-orr wincj- The building s so arranged that if necessary during the winter season the wngs may be entirely cut off and closed. If this building is erected. It will prove a great attraction to tourists and will be a decided acquisition to the city, making of It a tourist centre. Ar- rangements have been made with the railway for complete co-operation In re- gard to bookings and stop-overs and Foreign Exchange Bulletin will be sent to you FREE UPON REQUEST It contains f 1. A comprehensive review of economic aud financial developments in France, Italy, Belgium, Germany, Russia, and other countries of importance. 2. The most extensive list of, and latest quotations on Government and Municipal Bonds of the world. 3. Opportunities for investment in selected Government and Municipal Bonds. IT IS THE ONLY PUBLICA-TION OK ITS KIND IN NORTH AMERICA THE INVESTMENT HOUSE Or C M. CORDASCO & COMPANY SrCtAUZlG KXClVSlVtLY IS roRticN corzxsHCsr axd ML'NICifAL BO.VDS MARCH. TRUST BUILDING - -202 ST. JAMES STREET MONTREAL $ CANADA Please place my Dime on your mailing list. N 41 r 17 j everything points to the makinc of successful commercial venture BRIDGE PARTY AND DANCE LAST NIGHT Mirreful Affair Took .PUee In llflh .,eue ...... 1 naer .Me. ol MunWpal t hapler. A successful brdge party and dance ' was given in the Fifth Avenue Hall aai mgni oy Municipal Chapter, Imperial Order. Daughters of the Empire. There waa a good crowd In attendance. there being fifteen tables of bridge. Mra. A. T. Parkin was convener as sisted by Mrs, T. Andrew while the refreshment committee was convened by Mra. John Manson assisted by lrs. 8. J. Evans. Mrs. D. Orchard McLeod, Mrs. H. R. Smith and Mra. Robert Da vie. Mualc for the dance waa played by Mlsa Irene Morrison and the master of ceremonies was W. S. Fisher. Prize winners were as follows: ladies first. Mrs. 8. 3. Evans; men's first. R. Berney: ladles' second, Mrs. R. G Mc-Auley; men's second, R. O. MeAuIey. WHIST LEAGUE Monoe llite a Kiibttahtlal lail lUtlnr Senred Four Wins And No The Moose are now leading In the Fraternal Whist Lesgue by two games. having scored four wins and no losses. Oamea played laat night resulted at fOllOWS; vuiKiivs 01 ryinias vs. 00ns ot van ada, postponed. Moose 7; St. Georges, city 3. Elks vs. St. Andrews, postponed, St. Oeorgts, Seal Cove S; I OOF 4. TABLE P. W. L Moose 4 4 Elks-. .. 3 3 St. Georges, Seal .Cove,, 3 3 LOOP 4 3 t. 8t. Georges, City 3 1 Sons of Canada 3 1 Knights of Pythias .... 3 t St. Andrews U 3 0 HOTEL ARRIVALS 1 1 Hsvoy Charles Desford and J. Campbell, Terrace. Central W. Hutchinson, Anyoz; C Mlcbell, W anted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken fof less than 50c WANTED KTTCHEN HELP WASTED.-- INLANDER. AfiEXTS WANTED MAN OR WOMAN TO TRAVEL AND appoint agent. Tearly guarantee 11001 (being 31 weekly average) and expenses. Experience unneeeal7 For particulars write Winston Co.. Toronto. SITUATIONS VACANT ; LADT DESIRES SmjAJION AFTER-noons Box 326 Dally News Offlre. FOU SALE FOR SALE.--SIX ROOM HOUSE. FULLY modern: marine view: res trail y loeat- ed. first class condition. aj.MCOO. 11000.00 cash. baUrtre monthly. j Sixteen room house near Dry Dock. I with furnace. Will sell cheap aad I on easy payments. ' Theo. OotUrt limited. WeatJwtme Theatre Block.. U FOR SALE. TO CLOSE OUT AN Estate, we are auttiortW to sell sever! lots, some comers, harbor view, and on sewer Fnrea low and terms from 110.00 BtonliUy. Eaqulre T. McClymont. U TENT FOR SALE. NEW THIS YEAH and ued only one week. Frtet 130 Pullen. Dally News. f FOR SALE. CHEAP HALF A TON OF' old newspapers. Apply Dally News. r FOH RENT FOR RENT OR SALE. -THE LATEST Improved cola operated electric pianos. For terms, address Electric Piano, care Dally News OX.c. FOR RENT FURNISHED APARTMENT on Second Avenue; four 'rooms and tfelh. Water paid. Phone 647. FOR RENT. 8IX ROOM MODERN flat with bathroom, at 171 Third Ave. East. Apply Hyde Transfer. tf FOR IIENT MODERN UP-TO-DATS Hat: large airy rooms; fire btace; dose In. Max Hellbroner. roR REJrrrTRST CLASS MODERN UoMttb rtnge; ,.,t M Westenhaver Broa. tf FOR RENT. FURNISHED SUITE. phone 18, MussaUem Grocery. LOST LOST MUSIC DICTATION BOOK WITH Mary Ellen Moore's name, between Fifth Avenue East and St.. Joseph's Academy. Fnder please return to Dally News office. CHIROPRACTIC IML-.R. E. EVOI.rrOX IIIIKOPKACTOK (It) Third Atenue. Offlrv rlsiu lloO House calls 13.00 For appointment Phone Office Blue 83 Residence Black 253 Edmonton: E. Chesley. Shames; M. Watson. Dlgby Island. I'rlnie Rupert George McAfee. Georgetown; H. E. Ooulbourn. A. Russell and W. R. Buck-nell. Vancouver: Mra. J. M. Hoar, Terrace; T. D. Forester, Toronto. Three million hunting permits were delivered throurhout Frane fnr tn pment at 300 frBnc, tlfn A tfleo Ii.pi.nti0. w .r . , ... .. . . . men, dQdw Tlili 1 sufferer litersllr envered with .tin )!. es-l$ Vesr, ! .ufTerlni- -thea hit M. IJ cleared off la 41 t.ew skia grown on wis. no lutinc. mi IrtttsUia. TUi ly seeni lr.cre.1 il4e si hutxtreili of fitUf raws rrllered by tlie fowrrful IkiuiJ tut the treatment ol skin dltrsKa. F finl tlM Iwii f,l,, ,f , 4 W. J, McCutcheon Dpuq Storo and Ormes Limited HOARD BOARD, THE INXANDER, tt Second Avenue. Phone 137. FOUND POWD. - m"E BASEBALL BATS. Ap- ply Dally News One .MISCEI.I.AN NEob.S MAKE MONEY AT HOME MEN AND j loUntr t. worn m can earn ft to II an hour ln DwmoJr"' spare time writing showearda. No lit Usieet) u canvassing or sol telling. We Instruct i tract mr a jw you and supply you with ck. JJjJJ Write today. The Mrnhennlt Com- tvilvvry po- - pany Limited. 81 Dominion Building. AP' Toronto. UJiT.1 " . FIIKS FURS MADE TO ORDER AND RE- modelled. Raw afcias tanned aud dreMed. Mall orders promptly a it ruled to. Mrs. F. Tarr. 31 Broad ay EaaL Vancouver. DERMATOLOGY I triU, IlIKHMIM Kr.Mlllllt by the Utet tftmixt method ri:MEM V 111 AKlMl.t ll. No need for dalirufUg, fealrs or other blemish any More, rhon lUara fit RESTAURANTS r.m c.tir. Mra Unger. ProprietrrMi Third Avenue Neit O W V. A. Omxl I lame Cooked Meals. Phone Black Too ANOTHER OIQ REDUCTION IN CHEVROLET COMMERCIAL CAR PRICES. l-m Ton L'l.Hty Kg- priM r.l.gMi $ H25.00 S Ton Light Iielivery nimssig t fl.10.00 Tourlnp ami lloa.Mrrf 815.00 Sporl lloaitr 80,00 Coach nml Coup 11020.00 -'lan 11135.00 Undnii . 11185.00 USED CARS ON HAND I Foul I.whI Delivery,' open body $ 75.00 Fnr.1 I.ljthl Delivery, pnl hoily 4150.00 I Fonl I.lirhl Delivery, Mnrter esiuipmenl .... f250.00 I "-Fonl Tuilor Sedan, starter equipment .... f300i00 t Olflmohile 5 pi-men- , , er lonrinir. 99S tooo.oo lerm en ln arranged on both new nnd used nr lo mill the piireh.ier. KAIEN QARAQE Deslera In Cadlljc, McLaughlin, Oakland, uiasmoDiie, Pontlac and Chevrolet Cart Phone B2 NOW IH THE TIME to buy that car you have been considering, Why wslk during the unpleasant winter weather? We have several new models on hand. prices are at a low level and easy terms are available. 1EI OA UN Two Ford Self Starter Light Deliveries guaranteed. j One Ford Truck Snap. ' One Chevrolet lighteDllvery-Oood running order. Make us an offer. S. E. I'ARKKR LTD. l oitn Di:i.i:ii TAXI I'honc f.7 Tnxl (Call GeorKe, PauI or Gut) Six am Stivon PaKnenKer Stude-bakem nt your tllsponal any time. HOSS RROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Rlock. Across from Emprcso Hotel) Loiti 31AIL lONTian SEALED r 1 - t. OooUwct 1111 f Tender m Offk ot r PttM Mill- and at t of . ttt4e!M r 1 1"2 Dtetni 1 DMiftft S :- flWKJ' ' : NfHlhr- I'UU'TI.MII If Saerd Tr-X4t0- wtr. -Htfe. U M BC sb t-41 dT . cbase of Fv WsafceT .nut -3 i Queefi t lai i: Tfctrty yar removal of u:e - t- AJI lender -1X3 IB Of f e The kaclwx th. mm r ,t!E tcJ Sealed Ten Mhttstef or ; -later than v. rem bee . lftr tturt X4J0Z Spruce. Hem: 1 situated on II - 440 and 41 Cterkrtt i Two rti yea c moval of tui.'x Further eater. Victor ,- trr, Prlnre Rupr IN I'ROltATE IV Tinrti ral ir t n' " " t ol " iri In the Mattr I Art: atxt In the Matte West, l TAKE NOT! . IIVIIVI, ' day of Ort-iK poiniea aoou - I George We. havlni culm a hereby req-.n? 1st day of (X 31 r parties indet. aulrtd to pav ebteaseM u Dated the ft. TV- IN rilODATfc v .1 imi 1 ir. ttM it r" Hil l MUt, In the Ms-Art; ant In the Matter Pedewen ! TAKE NOT! Hone F M 1 dsy of Oe' 1 pointed adm i KrUtlan Pe'H parties havi ' raute are rj ' taxte. ptooe-fore the 3rd 3r and all par required: t,j , Indebted ne 1- Dated thH av. ma. LASH ACT. .A .NOTICE Ol' of Prince iiu;i an Island in v J -,ti opposite Bloi C TAKE HUI" IPI'i. l intends to a: .. - BIS ' - lowing des Comrarui -j feet north ' FOH lri lot aiiw: inr-thence 1. 300 ter 1 feet northwr' sisia planted, ana or less, JO t Dated OctJb.