. mUr 12. 1926, THE DAILY NEWS put PAGE THREE wr m Local and Personal RESIGNATION Victor JUDGE LEMIEUX Arthur Txl. Phoria 678. A POLICY THAT WORKS D.O. Undertaker. Phont 41. Hia FRANCOIS hEVEKH CONNKCTIO Shetland Floss, snr TIOV OMMIHMOV WITH AM' INVKNTIQATINO ANOTHER FOR BOTH OF US ProcfSS r -u. e-xji for $1.00; Jsbour Bros." sale. 268 AUTOIXTEII Barcelona foiTrot International Novelty Orchettra 20111 Cherie, I Love You ffalrt peine Wurlnft'a PenntilvanUn DEMAND 20074 I Wish You Were Jealous of Me Iu N Shllkret and III Victor Orchettra 20US Baby Face Fox Trot Jan Garbcr and Ills Orchestra 20105 Vocal Jack Smith (The Whispering Baritone) 20229 Where'd You Get Those Eyes ? foiTrot Crore Ulscn and Hi Music Tel Trot Fll Fly to Hawaii Gut tUlwar J and Hit Orchestra SPECIAL SALE! Hundreds of Ilcd Seal Records by famous artists at more than 1JJ off. Inquire at your dealers ! At "His Master's Voice" Dealers Tlrtor Talking. Machine Co. 20112 23U7 Tiro Faroritat by Jewc Crawford "At Dawning" and "Roses of Picardy " Orjia Solo o( Canada, IJmltrd 20110 "Rupert Brand" Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian pish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. Steamship and Train Service ' m PRINCt RUPERT r,- VANCOUWIR. VICTORIA, tATTs.1 " THUaVn MVOX-VVtPNItDAV :d ,UNMV' 11 00 pm .. 1000 p.m. .000 . I,,,"" JOHN fur VANCOUVtR VI. QUECN CHARLOTTE ISLAND , "lUNOtR TRAINS LtAVK PRINCK RUflRT Ul'V .Urpl Sunday tt ' ' ""ci ORol tDMONTON. W.NNIPIO. .11 ini. Cs.ter. -,n. Ir.ited 8Ui.. Aatnev all Ocssn SUtmiMp Llnsi. , "" ,U Etpres for I: JP nr lwnwit . ... ,80. " tkui Offlcs, B2S Third sir, Prme P"" ' 7" ' 111 i i in I Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Const Services 7 Sailings from Prince Rupert 1..,. V. .... Alert luy, .11 11 ..I i 1 1 11 i u 1 1 ivrilil lf-l' mm .m Wyflin ' tammner eirry - , frmll n, n... lr an Mrunuhl.. l.l. I mi - tr. W, '. ((('IIKH. lienrrl .' ,ui,rrt, lie. H'riirr of UK street und aril Atenue. Irl"e Mr. and Mr. Oeorce little returned on this morning- train to 'Terrace. Basketball tonight at 7.15 In Exhibi tion Hall. Three game. 23c and 10c. M. Y. Altazoff, alter a brie! bulnes visit In the city, returned lat nleht on the Prince Oeorge to Vancouver. One week sale of aeuonable mer chandise from Friday. November 12. till Wednesday, November 17 Jabour Bros. UO. 284 Mr. and Mr. E. Skogmo and child and P. HecUtrom were passengers tail ing last night on the Prince Oeorge for Vancouver. Mr. and. Xlrs. Edward Liptett. who are here from Vancouver to spend a few week, have taken up residence In the Federal Block. Pint Battalion North B.C. Regimen Cburth Parade on Bunday. November 14. Pall in at 1030 am. in the Armory Drew: drill order. Q.M, tore open Fri- aay at 5 p. 203 The Women Canadian Club will hold a luneheon on Saturday Novem ber 13. at 1 pm, in the Commodore Cafe. The speaker will be Mr. Justice D. A. Mr Donald. Canadian Legion member and ex Bervtre men are requested to attend Church Parade with the 102nd Battal ion oo Sunday morning. Parade at the Legion Hall at 1030. 26-B Mrs. J. M. Hoar, whose husband 1 ttgsged in mining activltle near Terrace, arriver from the Interior on yes-tertor en yrsterday'a train and aalled oca the steamer Prince Oeorge for Seat tle. Seln. official interpreter for the B. C. Police, who waa here to act In the Lee roon attempted murder at the spreme Court Assize, returned to V scourer on the Prince Oeorge last Bight. Wslisce O. Orchard, general agent of the Canadian Pacific Railway here, left yesterday for the Interior on a week's business trip. He wll vUlt the more Important paints between her and Prtnce Ocerge. R. A. Rlcg of Ottawa, inspector of the Employment Sen ice of Canada, arrived here on last' night's train and continued to Vancouver on the steamer Prince Oeqrge." While here Mr. Rlgg Inspected the local labor Bureau. Constable and Mrs. Wyman and Mrs. K R. Cox, Interpreter, who are to take part in th Sankey trial which has been pcatponed until a week from Monday, returned to Harelton this morning and wilt return to the city when the trial commences. Ladles' riU at half prlcev Bros.' sale. Jabour 295 Visitor at the Rotary Club luncheon yesterday afternoon were M. Alva-roll, of Vancouver. J. Bruce Johnstone, of Lakelse. Rev. Johannlson. of Vancouver. E. M. Atkinson, of Montreal. Mr. .Drake, of Llpaett Cunningham Co.. and Rotarlan E. Lipsett of Vancouver. 25'c discount on children's coats. Jabour Bros. 263 ! I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY POR RENT FURNISHED HOUSE. CEN-tral; 120.00. Apply 213 Fourth Ave. East. 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS 4V44V44444 Moose Bazaar November 18 and 17. Rupert East United Church Bazaar, November IS. 23. Anglican Church baraar, November Baptist tAdles Aid Bazaar. 23. Lutheran Women'a Aid Sole of Work. Dember 1. United Church Bazaar. December 2 Establishrd 11)23. PORCELAIN MMMJEWOKK f- i 6 t No gold need show In modem brldgewcrk. We specialize In this branch of dentistry. DENTIST Exchange Iilock. OTTAWA. Nov. 12". Sir Prancola Lemleux tendered hi resignation aa chairman of the commission lnveatiga ting the custom and Is replaced by Chief Justice Brown of Saskatchewan. senior member of the commission. Judge Ernest Hoy of Quebec. Is appoint ed to the commission and It la an nounced that alttlng trill be resumed here November 17. TRAFFIC OFFICERS WITNESSED SHOWING OF JASPER SCENES "Counlry lleyond" Whlrh Mas Pictured In National Park on Miore of Malltne Lake MONTREAL. Nov. 11. -During their visit to Montreal the passenger traffic officer have been given an opportunity of witnessing a preview of "The Coun try beyond, a film picture production, taken in Jasper National Park during the present summer with Olive Borden playing the star role and having pronounced 11 scenic settings amongst th- most striking which could have been secured. The outdoor scene in the film are all ataged in Jasper National Park, the major part of the action taking place In and near a cabin on the shore of Mallgne Lake, the largest glacial lake In the Rockies. Jasper Park was chosen as the location for the outdoor scenes after a lengthy March by, the director. Irving Cummin gs. who intimated that this wa but the first of several films requiring mountain back grounds, which would be pictured here. .In the preparations for making the picture, all the com pany's effects had to be transported by pack horse for some sixty miles over mountain trails from the Lodge ti Mallgne Lake, nearly one hundred horses being required for this work anj far the carriage of supplies to the com-psny. When the company moved to Hollywood for the making of the "Interior shots" required in the picture, a complete replica of Jasper Park Lodge, with lta rustic furniture and fitting was constructed In order that the interiors of the summer hotel in the I'hone 109 tain. mountains might coincide exactly with other parts of the film. TRADES AND LABOR COUNCIL MEETING IN BUSY SESSION The Prince Rupert Trades Si Labor Council met in regular monthly aeesion list evening, there being a .very satisfactory attendance.' Correapondeice from Vancouver was read. It dealt with th wage scale in effect at the Prtnce Rupert grain elevator. There was also correspondence from Mr. Harrison, Dominion fair wage officer. There was a letter from Tom Moore. Ottawa, requesting that the Tradea & Labor Council appoint a representative to the B.C. executive of the Trades Congress of Canada. S. D. Macdonald. president of the Prince Rupert Trades k Labor Council, who was In the chair, waa eiwoted. Thla committee wtll meet in V-ctorla early in the new year, wheu a uemcranduin dealing with labor matters will be laid before the Government A vote of thanks was tendered T. J. Shenton. on conclusion, of an eloquent and Instructive address. A discussion took place respecting the nted of adequate fire protection on the water front. This matter was referred to Aid. Larson, who will take It up with the city council. - The meeting voiced disapproval of the fact of Prt of the order for firemen' uniforms having been placed with Oriental workmen. MAY RELEASE SISTER FROM HER VOWS TORONTO. Nov 10.-Arkcd ah.ut the story received, from New Bedford. Mas. to the effect that the Pope had relented from her religious vowa a sister who hsd been In a Montreal convent for 23 years in order that she might marry the sweetheart of her youth whom ahe met at a funeral In New Bedford after a Upse of 23 years: "It la qujte possible,' said Rev. John E. Burke, rector of St. Peter'a Church. "The Pope has the power to dispense a alster from her vow. It Is never done In regard to priests In regard to sisters, yes." IMILATIMi IMTIKNTS ' The school board last evening at their regular meeting decided to write to the provincial board of health in regard to the present system of, coping with contagious diseases and preventing ther spread, with particular reference to the method of Isolating patlenta either at the isolation hospital or in their homes, there having been some criticism In this respect Ml XNOL1M MI K ROME. Nov. 12 Reports from abroad that another attempt had been made against the life of Premier Mussolini, Is characterized here aa " "absolutely Th Cecil High 7:48 am. 17.3 ft. 19:41 pm. 17.8 " Low 0:58 am. 6.4 " 1S:S7 pm. 10.1 " M.MHV, NONKMlltIS II High .. 8:53 am. 18 j ft . 211 pm. 18.1 " Low 2:14 am 6J " 15:02 pm. 8.8 " MOMIW, NOVKMHKIt 15 High 9:52 am. 19 8 ft. 22:14 pm. 18.9 - Low 3:23 am. 6J " 16:11 pm. 7.2 - i ant: Peps for r'gmimhr Ml fit. YOU'VE discovered, no doubt, that' the best thing you can do for yourself, is something you do for others. It's a good business principle. The best way to keep our business growing is to make it serve you giving better style, better quality, better service then keeping the price down. It works for you and it works for us. FASHION-CRAFT qKp (OUR KNOCK OUT) Line of Worsteds at $3450 ARE POWERFUL VALUES The "Cecil" is a member of the new free-fitting vogue; a Cana-dianized version of the British style, short coat, wide shoulders, low-set pockets, low buttons. frwfod-pRArr Style Authority for the Dominion in Cloihcs for Men and Young Men Bryant & Greer, Ltd Burberry Coats WEATHER REPORT i (Oovemment Telegraphs, 8 am.! Temp. 1 Terrace Cloudy, calm 41 1 Anyox Clear, calm Sttwart Part cloudy, calm 42 j Harelton Pog. calm 38! Telegraph Creek Cloudy, calm 30! Smlther Cloudy, calm 30 j Burns Lake Clear, calm 321 Whltehorse Cloudy, south wind .. 29' Dawson Peggy, calm 23 B. C. Keiey. Pacific Coast manager of the C.O-Mit.: Thomas Louden, superintendent engineer, and C. C. Labrle. C. N. R. purchasing agent at Vancouver, who came north with Sir Henry Thornton's, party sailed last night on their retum to Vancouver. 1'KINCE HUPEHT TIDES 4w4 SATl'KDAY. NOU.MUKIl 13 The Clothes Shop for Men" Jaeger Woollen Goods Easy Vacuum Electric WASHER You touch the button and the "Easy" does the wash. Your nicest laces, your daintiest silks, and your heaviest blankets slip into your basket washed thoroughly and easily. Free trial demonstration any time you say. An "Easy" will do your washing for you in your own home. Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 233 Third Avenue I'hone 101 Residence, 244 Fifth Avenue West P. O. Box 247 ANGER, The Tailor Fine Imported Serge and Scotch Tweed Suits made to order m our shop in Priilce Itupert as low as 223 Sixth Street I. ANGER, Cutter "TRY A NIP TONIGHT" 1 $50.00 Prince Rupert, B. C. BEST PROCURABLE tl-j BOTTtlD A 6Utll9jr 1 PSODIKI or JC0TIAKO T.t iio s swswf JuT K'" scen , The Original Label look for il at the Vendor's and insist oa GRANTS "BEST PROCURABLE" rtus advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia