ee N vembcT 12, 1020. h'dr THE DAILY KEWSi r :! PAGE FIVE This 175.00 i j d: namunu rvniu the man who wonts a r ujraKement ring at a r i price, thin U about '' ' 'i .i: ftone is perfect and size for ine money, i i .iarantoc the quality or r back. Set Irr the ' pattern getting, white low gold. Ofher at $2.". td flM.OO. cJFAVELLERS O.THC STOHE WITH THE CLOCK BENT'S Indies' Keady-to-Wcar l: re -eived a splendid line of LADIES' AM) MISSES Winter Coats :' ' : la'e material and f! u d a fine selection t: K '-oon Dresses also I'rcea for ort t zci :!G to 44. Price from StlJ"( J. BENT rhird Avenue. Phone 651. ii-' t'H WW rOCCiJOMTVj NOW MAKES X, vj "7 'Al V a dcrj't need a telescope -at Winter is nom The man who look;" h i vv I fill up hl bin r r 3d coal now and keet !. ' i At a anfo illttnnr U'c lave a battery of men, i r :d tractor and lot V al ammunition awaltinir fn r all to defend the home M r cold. Libert & McCafTery Limited Phones 116 and 117 LINDSAY'S triage and Storage Phon 41. Farias, Warehousing, and uiatributina- Team or Motor 8ervlje. Goal Sand and Gravel Special!. In Plan antf Fumltur B.vlng, UGBOATS W Phoneg 423, 539, I ureen 238, Black 735. I'oht Phonol G87, 535, uroen 238, Black 735. UPERT MARINE ODUCTS, LTD. -U. U. BllftllRV Man nl LUMBER Wo nrc inniiufiicltirlng ""wgh and dressed litin-,'Pr K;ltre grnin boat ;rp'inr Halibut and snl- nion boxes. Ask For Prices ?al Cove Lumber Co. Lid. PHONE 562 i BOUNDARY OF LABRADOR IS NOT SETTLED iiixiTTi: n m:;x ensa ox iok put tmkxtv r.K ami cost MILLION llOI.LtKH LAM) IS VALUABLE LIIOKT TO IH-(im: or imimt lamis .titouTMi: otvivu to MCK (l TITI.K OTTAWA, NOV. II. -The parties to th fr over the boundaries of the pen- meuia oi Lauredor were the Domlnkm of Censd (with which ru associated tbe province of Quebec i fend Newfound -I. The (iumMob which the privy council tu asked to answer was: "Whet 1 tbe location and definition of the boundary a betaeen Canada and Newfoundland In t! Labrador penlnsu-I Under Statutes. Ofdr-laOouiKtl. ad Proclamations'" It took fire Tear to agree on the exact wording of this qttestlon. Md tbe whole ow haa been la preparation for over twenty yean. nd baa already cost tbe two govern-menu about a Bullion dollars. iiitokv or tkohiij: lU unusual difficult arlsea from the character and history of tbe disputed mrl .p. T-. . ,u . . Jrudor i Mid to have been ksown to tbe ..iwi!;'!! 000 ytmn ago. It was part of Jchii Cabot's dlscorerlas. but It re-mii.ftd a no MMt country. After the :onquet of Canada in 1780. It was de-.:.i-Hy counted as a Hrltlsh paaataalon. nd southern strip was given to Quebec in 17 But east of tbe St. John Rim the roast was given to Newfoundland At that time tbe material point in the minds of those making those arrangements was to secure or give fishing rights, but tbe legal argument today turns UrgsiT on the meaning of ttw word "coast ' This word was frtetr uted in state documents without be- ling defined. It has been used in dlf-J (treat parts of the world to mean any-j thing from a beach to a whole ooioor. ! Whatever territory it was considered to ! embrace was given back to Quebec in ; ,774 and restored again to Newfoundland its IMS The population consisted then. as it consists today, of a few hundred 'Indians and trappers whodweUlng along tbe coast and inlets, make espedltloBM . inland, to trap fur-bearing snlmala. Consequently, neither the Newfoundland government nor that of Quebec has at-, tempted to maintain any effective administration, though the Newfoundland 'oame Lawsiwere enforced ' I (IKMT KIOl KCI.S I Interest first began to be taken fh the area in the nineties of toe last century Tbe growing world demand for paper pulp brought a new value to Southern Labrador Some 60.000 square miles out of tbe 110.000 are areas of ; forest growth, rich In spruce Umber The . lint parUes to seek grants from tbe ! Nea f ouiKtlaod government were mslnly sperulatora. who believed tbe wood would increase In value. The Newfoundland royernment made a number of grants to commercial eomptniea. The Quebec got eminent warned a party to whom a grant had been msde that they would not be allowed to cut tbe wood, and sent a grnrrnment ship and aelred all tbe logs The lawsuit arising out of this inrtdent was stayed by counsul, and it was agreed to seek the deolatoa of the Privy Counell. who had been de dared the proper authority by the Colonial Boundaries Act of IBM. The years that pasted In the collection oi evidence inrrrated the value of the land Not only dd the rapid exhaustion of the forest areas of North America nuke the spruce timber an increasing Asset to whoever held it. but the development of hydro-electric por mode the control of the Hamilton niter and the other rivers of the terrttosv highly val. uable thing. It Is estimated that the available wwter power n tile disputed area Is equal to half the total water power, some 7.000 000 p. at the disposal of Quebec. , The provnee had. therefore, a strong tddtional interest In urging her claim when t the end of the war, the question again became prominent. With experts fixing date some twenty years exhaustion of her Hence as msTkng the present lorest resources, with the In--reaalnn demand from the United States foj wster power, and the prospect that electricity would mxke quest i ant of du- tance leu and less Important In its utilization, there was every ground for seeking to obtain a legal title. The Ottswa government stood behind Quebec, and found the money for the action. New- jfoundland showed an equally keen In-tention of holding an Increasingly val- uable possession, and In the clrcum-, stances the attempts to settle the ques- "on by buying Newfoundland out have not come within sight of success. ; .tKi:i iiiavv kick ' j The most serious cf these efforts was 'made two years ago by the Canadian I government. Newfoundland asked 8.-1 000.000 for the territory and territorial , wfttert. with a guarantee of full fishing right. Alternately tbe offered to will tbe hinterland for half that sum. The! offers which the Canadian government! made did not approach either of the figures. The Canadian attitude was that ,tse post -mar finances of the Dominion did not permit of a high offer, while Newfoundland public opinion has strongly supported It government. It : H recalled In Newfoundland that Alaska. which has so much In common with Labrador, wss sold 59 year ago by Rus- jsia to the United State for a sum (CI,- 400.000) which seems today the merest! trifle compered with the manifold forms of wealth which Alaska has since been found to yield. Alter the failure of these negotiaUont, It was agreed in a most amicable spirit to carry the question to tbe Privy Council with as little delsy as might be. With so much turning on tbe word "coast," It became of the highest interest to the parties to prove that the hinterland was or was not a "marine area." The forms of life, geological formations, tbe characteristics of tbe riven, and every tide of natural history were found to have a bearing on tbe case. Libraries and museums have accordingly been ransacked, and expert witnesses have been summoned, not only from Oreat Britain. Canada and the United States, but also from Norway and Sweden. This testimony has been collected Into eight stout volumes containing over 4.300 pages of evidence. I.EVIXomKNT IIKIJi II In the meantime the development of resource in the area bat been held up. A Canadian geological survey reported that there were vast deposits of coal in tbe north, but various syndicates that have wtabed to obtain powers have found no authority with whom tbey could eooiidently deal. The actual coastline of Labrador is not ha dispute. It belongs to Newfoundland. But there Is an influential party j In Canada which I anxious, whatever tbe decision of the Privy Council on tbe hinterland, to acquire some, at any rate, of tbe coastline by purchase. The United States possesses certain rights on the coast, guaranteed by treaty in 1818. i which promtaed that American citizens should fish at will east and north of Hoot Jolt and be entitled to land on sunsettled part of the coast to dry! and cure what they had caught ARMISTICE DAY fAXAIllAX l.i:HO IIAMJITT IX IIOHTOX IIU.L LAST LVENINO to Mi.MiiKAiii.i: AXMVKKSAKV The annual Armlatlce Day banquet under he auspices of the Canadian Legion (formerly Oreat War Veterans' As-sod at km ) took place last night in tbe Boston Hall. There were ex-ervlce men and friends to the number of 160 In attendance and the event proved to be an lmpresalve a well a an enjoyable and enthusiastic affair. Sam pel B. Marshall, president of the Prince Rupert branch oi the Canadian Legion, occupied the chair and during the evening there were numbers by the band under the conduc-torshlp of Comrade Arthur Beale. The proceedings opened with the observing of a one-minute silence followed by the sounding of "The Last Post" In tribute to the honored dead of tht Oreat War. "Revlelle" was also sounded by Sergfatnt Ranee and the loyal toast tu "The King" was proposed by the president and honored In tbe usual manner. Community singing, with W. Vaughan Davie at the piano, followed and popples were sold netting 4J for the relief fund. Features of the evening's program whlcb was as follows, were the speeches of J. C. Brady. M P.. Rev. Dr. Charles J. Cameron and Archdeacon a. A. Rlx, as well as the playing of the First North B.C Regiment band .which was sssem- EDWARDSBURG CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP Hot only ci Wonderful flavor but unusually Wholesome as well s I turn of $73 bslng realized. Tbea In tartlingly The tone-of the Orthophonic Victrola is the tone of the music itself--? etc Nothing else is like it. SHOULD YOU by chance hear the music of the Orthophonic Victrola and not know it to be - Orthophonic .Vtctrola music you would feel it to be the music itself. Many, many people ' have told us, have written us, that they have been thus impressed. Small wonder! These extraordinary musical result are due to the new Orthophonic tone 1 Victor Talking Machine Company Made only by Victor bled by Bandmaster Wright Davles: TIIK PKOOKAM Speech Mayor S. M. Newton. Song Mr. Haggerty. Speech J. C. Brady, MP. Speeches Lleut.-Commander it. P. Ponder, representing the Royal Canadian Naral Reserve; and Col: J. W. Nlcholl. officer commanding the First North B.C. Regiment. Song Comrade Bob James, "The Sergeant Major." Speech Rev. Dr. Charles J. Cameron. Song Tommy Black. Ukelele selection James Watson. Speech Major Archdeacon Q. A. Rlx, VJ3.. chaplain of the First North B.C Regiment. Duet Frank Morris and Meth DaVles, accompanied by Tom Wilson on the cornet. Song Will Murray. Speech Vice-president Sidney Bird. Vote or thank to speakers, artists and committee. Cod Save the King. The efficient coinmttttee which had arrangements for the banquet in hand consisted ot Comrades Malcolm Lamb, Fred Hardy. James Watt, Arthur Beale, Jock Talt. and Charles Barker. ST. PETER'S SALE WAS SUCCESSFUL The annual sale ot Work and tea by theS eat Cove Women's Auxiliary held in St, Petsr'a Church yesterday afternoon was an entire auctess, the eatlafactory charge of the various departments were as follows: Needlework Mrs. David Scott and Mrs. J. O. Velreck. Home cooking Mrs. W. O. Oakley and Mrs. T. Brewerton. Candy Mrs. W. H. Ooodsell, Refreshments XIrs. J. W. Durran and Mrs. George Kelsey. Advertise In The DaUy News Cough Caused Constant Coughing Mr. D. M, Nolan, Douglastown, NH, writes: "Two jeart ago I had a terrible oold which settled in my bronchial tuWs and caused couttant coughing;, and 1 could not tleep day or night. 1 read about Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup an, tKnntrht I would tire it I trial After taking threw bottle I was completely rid of ray tough, and have never had a eold since." vn rn,t,, tin l)ei on the mar- I ket for the past 38 years, and itt timely use may save you irum suucuug from some serious bronchial or lung trouble. Priee 35c a bottle, large famllv site 0a.j fut op only by Tht T. Miltmrn ' L 1:; r -dj mm. chamber, a remarkable discovery of modern science employing the principle of impedance" or "smooth exclusive to Victor. Orthotth ''matched flow of sound iB You can have this wonderful instrument in your own home on convenient terms from any "His Master's Voice" dealer. Prices from $115 to $385. And remember to look for "His Master's Voice" trademark on every instrument. None genuine without it. omc True Sound" Trade Mark Refi'd Victrola ' of Canada, Limited '. "' '' Look for this trademark' try nanai SEND IT TO THE -:- LAUNDRY -:- ALL CLASSES OF LAUNDRY JVOHK Including three distinct services for Family Work, viz.? SOFT FINISH, TIUUF-T-SEKV1CE and WET WASH at most reasonable prices. DRY CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING Pioneer Laundry and Dry Gleaners Phone 118 and we will do the rest. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Railings from Prince Kiipert. For VANCOl'Vr.H, V1CTOUIA. swanion liay and Alert Itay, etc, Tuedar, 3 p.m. lor VAM'OrVEH. VICTORIA. Alert Ilaj and Hwanaon Illy, etc.. tatlirdat, For I'OKT SIMPSON. ANYOX, ALICE A KM, MT.WAKT and Naa Klrer Canneries Sunday, 8 p.m. . 1SS 2nd Atenne. K. M. SMITH. Aent. prince Milfiert, H.C i