""asssssSassnF: ! H PAQ& POtf ARTIST DOING SCENIC WORK JEAN' IIEMIT.I. IS IN THE CITY IX CONNECTION' WITH laNIISCAPE P.UNTINO Oe of the guests of the Rotary Club yesifrasy was Jean Van Em pel, an ar . tlst, who has been engaged In his pre fesslon for several years In Alaska O plctlng the beauties of that territory He is now located at Prince Rupert and proposes to do some landscape wors: nere. Mr. Van Em pel believes that the scenic attractions of a country are best advertised to the world by means of pictures. He has been doing work of this kind for the purpose of. advertising Alaska and he thinks similar .work might be done for this part of the world. He says that the people of the southern states delight to come north Just as much as the northerner delights to go south. The boredom of sameness gives place to a new vision. Mr. Van Em pel hopes to remain here for, some' time and In the meantime is Interesting those whose business It Is In the work that he Is doing. MONTREAL IMPORTERS INVITE YOU TO INSPECT THEIR SALE PRICES Sale rrloes That Are Lower Than Montreal ITIces on Whole Mock While Sale La-ts. This Oreat Sale Will End Soon The Montreal Importers Sale will continue for the ten days as advertised and It might be well that you buy while the opportunity lasts. This Is not a closing ou( &ale. No) The Montreal Importers are here to stay, to carry out their promise to sell goods In Prince Rupert at Montreal prices. There Is a large stock of the finest overcoats made by the famous makers, Samuel Hart and Co, from the finest overcoatings ever produced. They come in single and double breasted and some have belt backs and the heavy coat are lined with satin. Our suits are tailored from the-best British tweeds, worsteds, and serges by the cleverest designers on this side of the water. Every conceivable pattern and color In your style and size is here for you to choose from at a price that will please you. And If you want a Mackinaw now that the mornings are getting chilli We have them leather lined in the best materials at a very low price. Come and see them. And for boots and' shoes! We have a large stock of. meni. and boys' boots and h'1,lafljesapi mea,,s house slippers in all styles and sizes from the best makers at sale prices that beat Montreal prices. Men's up-to-date caps at 75c, also 10-4 flannelette sheets at 1.65. Can you beat if? Just drop Into our store and look things, over. You will find real quality ready-to-wear featuring all that Is distinctive, original and In good taste at the lowest prices ever seen In this town. Montreal. Importers, J. B. Miller, proprietor. Third Avenue. Advt. HALLOWE'EN FROLIC WAS NOVEL AFFAIR HI Crowd at 123 People Attended Event Lat Eienlng In Catholic Mall The Hallowe'en Frolic held last night by the bazaar committee of the Catholic Church was a most successful affair, some 125 persons being tn attendance and the financial returns proving most satisfactory. While there' was a whist drive and dance, several Hallowe'en novelties went toiWke the evening's proceedings of unusual Interest! One of these novelties was a-drawing to decide the Hallowe'en bride k and groom. Lawrence iAwlerand a young lady from Terrace were chosen and they led the Orsnd March. Another feature of the evening was a peanut race In which the winners were Lawrence Lawler and Mrs. Comadlna. At whist the winners were Mrs. W. Oratton and Leo ContoH.' Refreshments were served and for the dance that followed music was furri'shed by Mrs. Pon-der's Orchestra. The hall wm 'prettily decorated. Another feature of the evening was the fortune telllne by Mrs. John Brem- ner which netted a good sum financially ana was me source of much amusement. K ii Parade of Fashion Evening frock r this uh - 'v. Witumn that it la difficult to classify voem. me main distinction made bv Bond 8treet is one of silhouette. There is the frock that hanes straight, ex cept when the wearer moves, and there is rue definite picture eown. straight frocks are often draped, either to one side or to the middle ot the figure, the gathered folds hanging few inches, below the rest of the hem while the Uim skirt la slashed to dls close a finely plealed undersllD. Thins frocks are of knee length, and the picture frocks as long or .as as the wearer pleases. BLACK IIAIK VOdlE German men prefer black- or short at least they will during the coming aortal season, according to five leadlnr Berlin tonsorlal artists. They find that three fourths of their women customers who BRINGING UP FATHER l HOPE THEdUtTUATWROT& 1 TTBOOK ISIN.I t-UcjT J FlMDOpT THE STORQUT ffZ I HAVE'rJ ero-r-riME TOIEAP iTj IV l IS hitherto had their hair dyed blond, now demand black. PATCH WORK HETUINS The animated patch-work quilt out or grandmother's bedroom has made Its reappearance, this time on Paris streets. The lavish use of embroidery for day--time clothes and three or four different colors and fabrics in one single frock are responsible. Embroidery has Invaded not "only thi pockets and necklines of frocks but covers a wide area of he gown ot coat, or both. One winter coat In threes colors. taupe, grey and .black, embroidered in' silk and wool, silver and gold, gives an LMftTOHV THE WORLD TO .HIM BOT T b JUST ROOTS O TO ME. C 1926 er Iwt-l Fiatw Siiwwr. Inc. & Brims rtg j is of Jade green georgette. Though I handkerchiefs, chemises and a hundred ultra-modern, the woman's dress suit Is suggestive of picturesque bygone days. The skirt is slit up the centet to reveal satin knee breeches when the wearer sits down. When the weam Oerman women are unable to dres aa becomingly as the American becaum there are too many men buyers, ol women's clothes, a leading fashion Journal asserts in demanding that frati-lelns throw off the yoke of mascullnt dictation In the matter of dress. "while, in the end women dress f please men," the Journal says "women much metter Job or it When It comes to selecting umer aainues. mate Buyers for department or women's wear stores are usually hopeless." NAMES OI" NEW CREATION! ' Fantastic aa same of the nw m. stands upright, the suit would resemble i tlons adorning Paris windows may at-a sllm-flttlng frock were it not for the; to the mtn on the tiTrti H ,m, coat tails. itnat the dejimfr,- imagination miwt KNEE WATCHES (have been more severely axed In think - A new garter watch Has een Intro-; ln out names for them; ; , duced by the elect of Mayfalr. Thty! Debutantes' dresses have such Victor , Fox Tr ota Fox Trot (SO Process Records Where'd You Get Those Eyes ? and Hi-Diddle-Diddle CeorgeOlsen & Ilia Music ' Baby Face Jan Garber and Ills Orchestra Fox Trot Paul Whlteman and His Orchestra Organ Solo . Jesse Crawford Vocal The Revelers How Many Times ? KoxTrot Seattle Harmony Kings ir.i At "His Master's Voice" Dealers Victor Talking Machine Co. of Canada, Limited 20112 20105 Barcelona and On the Riviera (Two big hits of the "Valencia" type on the same record) FoxTrots International Novelty Orchestra 20113 Bye Bye Blackbird Fox Trot Vocal George Olsen and Ills Music Gene Austin (Tenor) Valencia 20W! 20444 20007 20075 20082 20133 7ZZ EAXL7 HnTy'3 FRIDAY ocTonen 8. im IS 3ARON LATA5CNSUIN? i u uirsc lo bue him; ,KE ARRIVED tMlj mormin; he. in room 2.16 ruu foo Op! , are about a half-lnch in diameter and are "set" in jeweled garters about three quarters of an Inch In width The garters have a buckle and a strap, like an ordinary wrist watch, and. fasten Just, below the wearer's rlgln knee, the watch face appearing on Uv (efthand side. ' WOMEN .MAY EAT AOA1X I While there is only a suggestion of j waists being shown in 'the new EckIIsJi I models, there are all kinds of devices j which hint at the waist line rather! than Indicate it. There are little gola buckle which fasten In the front ahn. bows which tie at the side. "Do these effects mean that women Idea of the color scheme now prevailing : re going to have their natural figures for autumn and winter wear. ' aealnf a modiste was aki . NEW STYLE WOMF.VS PHOTOS i "It we succeed," she said, "they may ! The Eton crop has started a new gradually come back in style again and Stvle In EnO-flfth fomlnfn hhntnmnhv thOSC Women 'ho r luV' 'IttrTMl thm. i names: "The Swan, Potery, Pastel. Candid, Innocence, Ingenue, a Promts. Nanette." Dresses for wear at dances, rang from: Valencia and Ballerlne to Jaw and First Step. Cloaks have sterner names: "Dicta tor. El Capttan and Sultan." SCHEDULE FOR CRIB LEAGUE I on first iiu.f or m:aon ismeo 'IIV fTlKli K. Hl ltMKl. MXHETAHY mowing Is the schedule for the first half of the Prince Rupert Crlbbage It has been discovered th.t th. n.tr.i telves for five rears will be hi. t -.I1111" " ,MUed b" " secretary. Fred curve of the body, not usually obtain -Ealn- able with long hair, appears at its best with a close shaven head and bare arms, shoulders and back. The poise of the. head adorned with an Eton crop, shot off the nape of the neck, which in' turn shows off the shoulders and arm and continues a harmonious line to the waist. IlKESS SI'ITS FOR WOMEN ' As designed for women, the new la;. J ATTACK MEN ni'YER dress suit is made .of moire and creps ! can make de chine. The skirt front and collai ,han mn- 11 Grotto vs. C. N. Mechanics. Canadian Legion vs. Prince Rupert Hotel. (grange Lodge vs. Moose. ' v Sdna of Canada vs. St. Andrews. - Dry Dock vs. Cold Storage. CJ(. Operating vs. KnlghU of Columbus. 18 O rot to vs. Dry Dock. Canadian Leglcn vs. St. Andrews. Orange Lodge vs. KnlghU of Colum- ."'' bus. Sons of Canada vs. ON. Operating. -' Prince Rupert Hotel vs. Moose. 2-K. Mechanics vs. Cold Storage. 25 c JN. Mechanics vs. Sons 'of Canada. Canadian Legion vs. Mocwe. range Lodge vs. Cold Storage. Dry Dock vs. St. Andrews. C-N. Operating vs. O rot to. Prince Rupert Hotel vs. KnlghU of . ' . CoQimbut.'' . NOt EM in: It Ll Orotto5 nx By Andrews. i vanaaian Liegion vs. uoia tsiorage. Orange Lodge vs. Dry Dock. -Son of Canada . Prince Rupert Hotel. ' CJ. Operating vs. Moose. ON. Mechanics vs. KnlghU of Columbus. 0 O rot to vs. Sons of Canada. Canadian Legion vs. KnlghU of Columbus. Orange Lodge Vs. ON. Mechanics. Dry Dock vs. Moose. C-N. Operating vs. St. Andrews. Prince Rupert Hotel vs. Cold Storage. IS Q rot to Vs. Canadlad Legion. Orange Lodge vs. Sons of Canada. Dry Dock vs. CM. Operating. Prince Rupert Hotel vs. -CM. Me- chanica. St. Andrews vs. Moose. Knights of Columbus vs. Cold Stor- sge. 22 Canadian Legion vs. Orange Lodge. Sons of Canada vs. Dry Dock. CM. -Operating vs. Prince Rupert Hotel CJJ. Mechanics 'vs. St. Andrews. Moose vs.Knlghts of Columbus. Cold Storage vs. O rot to. . 29 Grotto v Orange, Lodge. Vuwuui -ucyuii ) own van ada. '' ' Dry Dock vs. Prince Rupert Hotel. C.N. Ojxfatlns : ON. jMeotiatrlcs. St. Andrew's vs.-KnlghU of Columbus. Moose vs. Cold Storage. Di: E.MIIKK 6 Orotto vs, Knights of Columbus. Canadian Legion vs. Dry Dock. Orange Lodge vs. ON. Operating. Prince Rupert Hotel vs. St. Andrews. CX. Mechanics vs. Moose. Sons of Canada vs. Cold Storage. 13 KnlghU ot Columbus vs. Sons of Canada. Canadian Legion vs. C.N. Operating. Orange Lodge vs. Prince Rupert Hotel. Dry Dock vs. ON. Mechanics. Cold Storage vs. St. Andrews. Orotton vsj Moose. 20 Orotto vs. Prince Rupert Hotel. Canadian Legion vs. ON. Mechanics. Orange Lodge vs. Bt. , Andrews. Sons of Canada vs. Moose. Dry Dock vs. Knights of Columbus. ON. Operating vs. Cold Storage. A JOI.NK (IMETHY There was' a dispute In progress In the cemetery . between two of the sextons, who were both Irishmen. "No, Michael." said one, "I don't like this clmetry a bit, I dont." Ocli," ssld the other, "'tis a molghty folne clmetry." "No," persisted the first. "I don't like It. Never did, and, pwhat's more, IH never be burled in It as long- as I live," For a moment Michael pondered over the Other's dlctllrfl thm ha alinnlr U,m head, "Ye're an onrrasonable fule. to' be sure, Pat," h remarked aioly, "Why, man allvs, 'tis s.folns cemltry, ( SM. BAPOMi aILLVOU DOME A FAVOR,? TELL ME TMBPUOT IM TM At" BOOK OFTOAJls! & MS1 I l r- IN jit 3 THAI I , k.. V anted For Sale For Rent k BOX I HAVE AMEN'T -wis? ..cjott WANTED SECONDHAND SAFE CHEAP. P.O. Box 317. Prince Rupt-rt, BC. FOR SALE. PRICE RIGHT FOR QUICK SALE. At quality Alaska silver foart-a, limited number: blue loses, three years In pen; pen tamed marten; and l&o interior Alaska and Yukon Territory line dark mink, all highest quality, pen raised for four years. All er this foundation stock selected by on of Alaska's oldest fur buyers. For price and further Information, enquire of Mrs. ll. J. Bradbury. Prince Rupert or OoldsUln's Glacier Fu Farma. Juneau. Alaska, 231 FOR BALE. MODERN BtX unnt house, lawn and garden, conservatory, chicken house, furnished or unfurnished. 11.000 down, balance IX) 00 per month with small interest. Arthur Bailey. P.O. Box 3M. 241 5th Avenue West Phone Black 338. Why Pay Rent FOR BALE. TO CID6E OUT AN LS- Ute. we are authorised to sell several lots, some comers, harbor view, and on sewer. Prices low and tenrs from 110 00 monthly. Enquire T. McClymont. - u OR SALE. - PIANO-CASED ORGAN and seversl suites of furniture. A'l good aa new. Call suite S, Waldrou or phone Red 390. Nothing for aal after Monday. FOR SALE FOURTEEN OOOD HORSES Apply at Skeena- Lumber Co, Usk; BC. or Oeorge Rorle. Hays' Block, Prince Rupert. B C. 347 TENT FOR BALE. NEW THIS YEAH tnd ud on! one week. Price $20. Pullen. Dally slews. 'J FOR SALE. CHEAP. HALF A TON OF oiu newspapers, Apply Dany News, tt FOR 8ALE. BABY BUOOY. OOOD AH new. phone Blue 148. 237 TO RENT FOB RENT. SMALL FURNISHED house. 1009 Eleventh Avenue, near Cold Storage Phone Blue 334. POR RENT PIANOS, PLAYEll-plauos, phonographs and sewing ma-chlnes. Walker's Music Store. FOR RENT . SIX ROOM MODERN flat with bathroom, at 171 Third Ave. East. Apply Hyde Transfer. tf FOR RENT. MODERN UP-TO-DATE fist; large airy rooms; fire place; close tn. Max Heilbroner. FOR RENT. MODERN HOUSE; UN-obstructed marine view. Apply 315 Fourth Avenue East. FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR RENT by day, week or month. Phone lied QUI. MODERN HOUSE FOR RENT. rooms and bath. Munro Bros. tf FIVE BOARD AND ROOM. BOARD. THE INLANDER, 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. LOST. LOST. BUNCH OF KEYS, NEAR COM-merela: Hotel, Finder plea return to Dally News Office. 23) LOST. BLACK CAT WITH tall. Phone Black 103. BOBBKO 23$ and If me lolfe should be spared, why. then, III be burled In ut tool" Edfn-boro ScoUman. Oet on the crupper of a Rood stout hypothesis and you msy ride round ' Low mi wotiar-onrui. HJJH By George McManus COMMERCIAL CAR PRICES. 1 Ton Utility F.x- pre ChaMi 85.00 Ton l.iiriil Iieilre-y ChaMis ouriiiK and Snort Il(taillr U.irh anil Coune .... Sedan . Landau L TAXI $ (130.00 ilnadslrrt RIS.001 iTelivery." I mlor Hnlan . . . s. . Fonlor Hcdan Liglil Helivery Triirk . I 880.00 . fiOJO.OO . I I3S.O0 . 11183.00 USED CARS ON HAND I Ford I.Lsbl llcllvprr " ' t orMn bolr 1 Forrl Ughl panel btnly I Ion f.iirlil Marffr efliilrmenl i Konl Tnilftr Sislm !tarlr iniuipinenl .... I Olfmnbll r.Kisain zer Totirinir. I9S2 .. Term can ho arranced on both new and uf jars lo mill the piiffhaser. KAIEN OARAQE D-alors In $ 75.00 Cadllac, McLaughlin, Oakland. Oldsmoblle. Pontlac and Chevrolet Cars Phone 52 NEW CAR PRICES MunnliOiil . . Hporl llo.lilsir . . Touring OOupo 1 150.001 50.no 300.00 600.00 S:.8l.OO OHO.Oft 002.00 751.00 7irt.oo 502.00 A8i.no These prices Include freight, vaes, sen starter and hallnnn lli Ml or telephone for lpmonlrn- noil or driving le-oiis. 8. E. PARKER, LTD., Authorized Ford Sales and Service Cars FORD Trucks Tmctors Phone 67 Taxi (Call nporKe. Paul or riimll Six and Seven Passenger .Slude bakers-at your disposal any lime. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meoker Block. Arms from Rmpresa Ifnlel, PRINCE RUPERT TIDES IllintV, OCTOItl lt s ,uh 1J3 am. 13:43 nm low T in . m 20 .00 p m. KATI'IIIItV. OCTflltl'U "'Sh 3:41 am. MrlO tint !w I'll am 3111 pm. Hl VlnV. (ICTOIII'K 111 ,"n 3:16 ajn. 18:11 pm. 0:13 ain, 3l;45 pjn. ao.i it. 20 -$A " 48 - I 30.1 ft. ai.3 es 4.5 IBS ft. 31.0 " ta - 4.8 " MC DON'T SPEAK b"N il.l3HTHAT, DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lest than SOc WANTED. every town, merchant preferred, to taac uiarr ior Deal customs-made clothes tn Canada. Highest com-missions. Rex Tailoring CO. Ltd.. 1o-ronton (3)' WANTED. BRIGHT YOUNO WOMAN . .for Ladles' Ready to Wear. Start av ' once. Splendid opportunity for the! right person. Bent's, Third Avenue.' or Phone Oreen 709. OFFICE FURNITURE WANTED. FOR ward description and Drtce to not 320 riallv Nm. hffiM a- I J - - WANTED. OIRL FOR OENERAL housework. Apply Mrs. Oeorn Lit- MISCELLANEOUS WANTED. ONE RELIABLE MAN IN MAKE MONEY AT HOME. MEN AND women can earn l to 12 an hour in spare time writing showrard. No canvassing or soliciting. Wt Instruct you and supply you with work. Write today. The Menhennlt Company Limited. 61 Dominion Building. Toronto. FOUND FOUND.- FIVE BASEBALL BATS. Apply Dally News OfVe ' MS-asaslj tle. Terrace. BC. 230 'ANOTHER BIO REDUCTION IN CHEVROLET OI'T-CIOIMl l or he Fal I 1 TKANSLATCrt r i i i . . i i Articlei Lost and Found,4c MAIL SCHEDULE Mondsys. Wednedays and Ssturda to vsnrouter T flenart and Premier- If-'ivnl Sundays lOUtt .unaars 4 ;j Thursdsys m ti M oaiuruars it cr n. Oct 13 and 33 na Te njo. Alke Arm. Klraarl aas N wier sundars - ., Te rt. Mni(wniJ ' Rlirr p),t. Tnundsys u, fl 10 yiioka roinis October S and 1 t To l)vrrn I'turlnMe October B and 23 : f Ye .total and .litre Arm Wednrsdars Sit n Saturdays 9:5(1 I' mm he Mil IN-i-OMIMI Mondays. Wednesdays and Frlsn at l"rmi t snc-er Sundays Wrdneadays Fridays Saturdays , CJR. October I liwra Antat. A lire Premier Tuesdays October 13 snd 33 and Arm I'rom l)uren ClwrMIr October 7 snd 31 I mm An;ai and Alke Arm- 130 fa 1034 U. u . 10W 11 IS 111 , "Irasrt Frm 11. lran and ss Rir, rviiti- Mi Thursdays i nl rrm MeasM and Premier Sundays fil O.T.r. Whitf O.T.P. Sttlloa rnrt av 3rd Ate. 3rd Ave. IMIX COU.rtrTIOa On rum Atlin Ae. ut Air. a fm si .. Ilk Ate. & rulMMl SI. . tn A A TikimiMAn II Snerbfonk Area. II tve. a Cmrsd St. ih Ave. A llsys Core MB flats Cl.ve Orrle IB A. (Minn L MB Ate. A Wrnrlde l fre. Oovt nwr. fro Oott. Wharf . . . tad t. . Fulmn i ik 81. . 4. at, lo.so 10.1 10.11 lets loaat t ll to I ji 1)9 n I ii; III 1 1 ll . e it ii ll l.ti T.tl Itl I II III STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS l'r 'aneauirr Sunday sa. Prince tlupert 11 t Tuesday, as. Gardens . . " Thusrday- s Prince Oeorge ' Baturdsy-as. Catala in Saturday- as. Prlneem Beatrice ' Oct 13- as. Prlnceas Msry P Oct. 23, as. Prlnces Marr P I'rnm t'ditrii Sunday -aa. Gardens P nranemiay-s. Pr. Oeorge 10JQ Friday -s. Cstals 8iturCaya. Pr. Rupert . . 10.10 Saturday as. Princess Beatrice October -as. Princess Msry October 18- -SS. Prlnreaa UarV I'nr Port fflmptAn and Nss Rltrr Frldsr as. CaUla I'rnnt ISirt iimm. . u i Saturdayas. CaUla Tor Mrnsrt, Anyo and Alice Arm-Sunday at Cardens P rum Mrwsr'. Anyos and Allre Arm- Tuesday-1 Cardens J l ur Mesrt Saturday-as. prince rtupert . 10 Pl I'rom Meirart Bundayl-. prince Rupert . . 8P lr IJneen Chsrtotles Oct. 9- -as. Prince Charles Oct. 23- .s. Prince Charles From Queen Charlottes Oct. 7-es. Prince Charles . . i'I Oct. 21 as. Prince Charles .. .11 For Anim t -Wednesday aa. Prince Oeorge 10 t w ruin .mint Thursday-ss. Prince Oeorge 8 P1 For flewsrl Snturdsy as. Prince Rupert . . 10 P1 rrmn KtfHsrl Sunday. prnce Rupert ... Pl Inr Ali.ka Oct 8 a. Princess Mary n"! Oct. 18 ss. Princess Msrv 1101 rrotti Alaoks ap t p Oct. 13-ss. Princess Mary P'l Oct, 83 as. Princess Mary. P - Advertise In ths Dally Ntwi