LlPAT, OCTOBER 8, 1989. JUr off j TT W naimtm Harmony Delights tffeIusic Lover in the .fMERKYMAKERS JYew Longer-TIayi?ig nmmwk RECORD 20013 THE MEWCYMAKEKS IN SPAIN THE MEHKYMAKEKS IN HAWAII More Musical Treat in Store for You on These Latest Brunswick Recordings " 1112.! UCKY DAY Tret Mass IhmI with Or. " ",,L "MA 4 V,CTB BLACK BOTTOM VftR. J22$ HOW MANY TIMEST BLKKPY HKAI) Bf MOi LUCAS. Tfc. 0M Bf T-Mkesear lUlHAHY PACK Tr.u fcr nrs ULm and WHO WOULDXTT OUCHES"! KA Jttt WHEN YOl' IUNK A DOUGHNUT DON'T IT MAKE IT MCE? HOW COULD UKI) MDINO HOOD (flave Hern So Very Good and St. II Keep the Wolf From the !W?) r. TrU--lt Jl'XrtNC JACKS Jlk Vsral CMu im-HOW COl'LI) KEI) HIDING HOOD (Have Hern So Very Utcd and SliU Keep the Wolf from tkl poor?) Me Tab H rSai KVKKY LiriLE WHILE imk yacht club r-nra Visit Your Nearest Brunswick Dealer To-Day Page and Shaw's CHOCOLATES The Csndy of Excellence A NEW SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED A urted Chui olal.-. I Ik Ih 51-00 Vvjrted Gliot'iilnlr. 2 lU,loxes $2.00 lUrd Geiilre till"' "late. I U- $1?00 Hard Oiilre Cliui olalev S II. buxr $2.00 A -orlrJ Nut Chmulotr. I lb. boxes $125 We olu liavr fiAVOVli S. XKILSON'S ami MOIIl'S Chocolate in bulk .hkI in 1 Mi. rikI 2 lb. boxes. Ormes Ltd. The l'lONLEH UHlUdlSTS The UKXAU. 8T0IIB PHONES 82 and 200 These Chilly Nights lln-iiuc heal in lln- Ii N Wi'ived -mr i . . it t-ii t f .Gurney Oxford Heaters . . -;iimoCIm' excelled. For t-uiiumv and ' Lull mid u-pe. lour loi k. W curry ii romplele line of Condor Electric Lamps In all sties Stork's Hardware Limited 710 Second Avenue AMMUNITION 8hot Qun Shells. "Ifle Cartridges. Coleman Lanterns. Coleman Lamps. Cold Blast Lanterns. Airtight Heaters. Coal Oil. Candles. Carbide. p Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. West P. P Box 247 Resldence, 244 Firth Avenue ANGER, The Tailor Fine Imported Serge -and Scot. Ii (ff A ftf) Tweed Suits .made to order in our shop hi Prince JUiperl as low as I. ANGER, Cutter 223 Sixth Street $50.' prince Rupert, B. C. THE DAILY NBWB PAOI THRU Local and Personal KSH BIG SLUMP IN 1 tf; P.I ,-"-"5S555S55S-ij COTTON PRICE Arthur's TuL - Pbon 678. t.' II jgk LaSSmf II Comfortable B.C. Undertakers. UOVF.KNMOT ASNOlWCLMtXT OF . LAKtitK CHOP JJtPKthhtH MAK- Ojrro Hoedown, Auditorium, October pi ii . 313 1 a 'foothill BtoVe Coal, $13.00 per th.. So 'soot; Phllpott. Erttt & Co.. Ltd. a KnlghU, of prtblu opening WbU' Dtl e nd Dance. October 18, in Boatou , nail. Arthur, orcheatra. 237 Children', cla&aea for Uacf work and embroldtry every Saturday Xrom 2 to 4 pm. Mrs. J. Field. Second Avenue. Mia Ethel AUe sailed laat night on lie Prince Oeorge to enjoy a holiday Tlsltlng in Vancourer, Victoria and Beattle. Don't mlaa the Anniveraary Supper and Concert in Pint United Church on Uondayv night at , JO. A "double header" good .upper and a good pro. gram. Annlfeftary aenrlcea In First United Church Sunday morning and evening. A splendid musical treat. Iter. Wm Allen of Terrace wll preach at botjt serrtcea. Concluding a two mouths' tour of this district, the Imperial Rainbow Orchestra of Calgary, under the Sutler-ship. of .eo'Euson. played at a fareweU bance iq me uoose iiau laat evening There, was a good crowd In attendance A dance will be held at the Armory on Friday. October 8. at B pm. All members of the lit North British Col- wmbla Regiment are asked to accept this as an Invitation to themselves and their lady friends. Charge 79c p couple. 23S While crossing yesterday from Mas- ee4t Inlet to this port CNJt. steamer Prince Charles, Capt. NeU McLean, made a special call at Ketchikan tc trlng down a number of passenger who sailed last night on the Print Oeerge for Beattle. Union steamer Calais. Capt. A. John-tone, arrived at 1030 last night froui the souh and sailed at midnight to make her calls on the Kaa and Skeer River btfore sailing from here on her return to Vancouver and wayport at 1U o'clock tomorrow morning. Rev. William Allan of the United! Ctaurrh. Terrac. U expected here tomorrow and will remain until Tuesday. He will lake the anniversary serf lees at the United Church here Sunday and alto will speak at the anniversary entertainment Monday evening. E. T Jonea. city solicitor, sailed last Bight un the Prince George for Van city" pose ragreement with the do dock. Mr. Jones expect to be back on Wednesday next 1 1 r.lUL NOT H I- The funeral of the late James Ritchie will take place from' the Pmbytrrlar. Church on Sunday at 3.30 pjn. Rev Chaa. J Cameron. MA.. PbJl. offl- elating. 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS. 4 St Andrew Society Ladle Auxiliary Bazaar. October 8. Royal Purple Sate of plain fancy sewing and home cooking, tober IS. and Oc Hallowe'en Dance, auspice Women's Hospital Auxiliary. Friday. October 29. 23 Hill W IODE. Baraar, October 30. Presbyterian Uadlca' Aid Baxaar, November 10. Xtoose Bazaar November 16 and 17. Anglican Church baraar, November Bsptlrt Ladles' bei 25. Aid Bazaar. Novem- United Church Bazaar. December 3 TUGBOATS Day Phones 423, 539, Green 238, Black 735. Night Phones 687, . 539, Qreen 238, Blaok 735. RUPERT MARINE PRODUCTS, LTD. GEO. U. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Exquisite- 8 lock of t'ui TrlinmlnKa a low pne B. C. FUR Co. Naxi O.W.V.A. Third Ava if. P. McCaifery Is sailing this week end for Vancouver on a business trip. Herbert Hampton came In from Port Clements on the Prince Charles last night. Ur. and Mrs. W. Ranee sailed last night on the Prince George for Van. cuuver on a holiday trip. Mrs. S. D. Johnstone sailed last night on the Prince George for Victoria where the will visit with her mother. Mrs. Joshua Klrtgham. John Sheppard waa fined 2S, with the option of thirty days' Imprisonment, by Magistrate McClymont In the city police court this morning for Intoxica tion. Mrs. W. B. Robertson and family of Asyoz. who have been on a trip EaaC rt -ached the city, on yesterdsy afternoon'! train and wtQ proceed Sunday night on the Oardena to the amelier town. A. L. Clements, assistant manager of the Union Steamship Co.. and Mrs. Clement, were passenger arriving from Vancouver on the Catala last night. They are making the trip to the Skeena and Nta Hirer, on the vessel and will debark here tomorrow morning to catch the steamer Cardsna on Sunday night and make the trip to Anyox and" Stewart en that boat and proceed south on her. MXidINO OI'tKVIIONS 8KIDEGATE. Oct. 8-James Gillespie who has taken over the logging equipment of the Sitka Spruce Mills came in an the last trip of the Prince John. It 1 understood that Mr. Gillespie will snake quite a few changes and will open several new camps in the Inlet. NEWSJNBRIEF Thefts of rare books have occurred at such an alarming rate In Pari that oUrc are keeping an international tj- tax old book shops and auction rooms. The first German railroad, built Si cower, where he sill consult with the year ago from Nuremberg to Fuerth. management of the Canadian Oovern-1 Bavaria, a distance of six miles, ha ment Merchant Marine regarding the been sold a junk The first Buddhist .misslen to England haa been, established In the wes end of London under the leadership of Abagarlka Dharmapala. Oyiter enjoy feeding on yeast ana make rapid growth' oa this food, aala the report of the British Ministry rf Fisheries. Use of moving pictures as weapons of civil education and national propaganda is made compulsory by the Fas cist Government. Each movie program must contain at least one reel of educational or propagindlft film. That third sons are Inclined to be weak mentally Is the opinion of Dr. S. Watanabe of the Education iJrpirtmrnt. ho examined 438 "backward" children in 21 primary schools of Tokyo. Just why. the psychiatrist was unable to aay. SIMPLEMIXMElttAKES STOMACH FEEL FINE Simple buckthorn bark, magnesium sulph. c. p. glycerine, etc. as mixed in Adlerlka, helps stomach trouble in TEN minute by removing OAS. Bring out a surprising amount of old waste matter you never thought was In your system. Lutheran Women Aid Sale of Work. Btop, that flU, blo,t.rd feellmi and December 1. I makes vou hsrjrjr and cheerful. Exrl. lent for chronlo const. patlan. Adlerlka works QUICK and delightfully easy. Ormes Limited. Druggists. 'SCHEDULE OF FIRST ! HALF BILLIARD LEAGUE The following Is the schedule for first half of the Billiard League season: OCTimEK 8 Tigers vs. Lions. 12 Cougars vs. Bearers, IS---Bearcats vs. Tlgcra. , IS--Lions vs. Cougar. 32 Beavers vs. Bearcat. ' 20 Tiger v. Cougar. 29 Bearcat vs. Lion. M)EMIli:it 3 Beaver v. Tiger. S Cougar v. Bearcat. ; "' 0 Lion v. Beaver. 1' 12 Tiger v. Bearcat 18 Beavers v. Cougsrs. V 19 Lion v. Tiger. ' 23 Bearcat vs. Beavers. 3d Cougars . Lions. 29 Tiger Vs. Bever. 1IK(TMI1IU 3 Lion vs. Bearcats. 1 Cougars v. Tiger, 10 Beaver ts. Lion. ; 14 -- Bearcats vs, Cougar. I NEW ORLEAN8, Oct. 8. Following a government announcement of an in creaiw by five hundred thousand bales over the estimated yield of 18.500,000 bale of cotton for thls years crop quo tatlon slumped more than four dollars a bale this morning. Since September 8 the decline ha totalled almost 3D a bale. BIG TAKINGS AT BASEBALL CHICAGO, Oct. 8-Commlesloner Lan dls' office today announced that the players' fhare'of the World Series amount to 1372.300. the largest World Series taking In the history 1 of the game. The World Serle winners get 1156.000 and thea losers S104.000. The balance of the taking 1 split up between the second, third and fourth teams In the American and National league. The number watching the game yes-terday was 39.500, the game paying f 168 00. TOO LATK TO CLASSIFY " HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FOR SALE. Phone Black 183 after 8 o'clock. WATER KOTICE. Olisrson snd Uss TAkE VTI:E Knoervllle Caiiiwrr iiiiiLtiir. Ltd.. whose l1rr i ire tvruue Wturf. Vsni:uver. Bx.. will !?! or s ItreiM-r In lake ltld ue JS KSIlun brr nituule of ater mil of small 'ream. iHirtiVs.l and draru mlu Jedwir llartrr alemt 4(1 feel nurthet of nillel-t ronwr f Toro MuHns claim. The s!er u-itl tie ditt-rird rruui the rlreatn .! itmut .Uiat iu feet suatbel of mmiiIi- rtft rorner uf Tosii Min.DI Claim, and will De ued fur luduxlrlal purp uikib tuev iid deM-rlljed 11.x srre iwhiih-sm i Tr Miuiuf claim. Hit notire was i ported n ine rnuni in tne vio nay ui sn- irr, 1tr- 4 ropy of iWi iftlre and IU H'llralkJi iunuiu luereut ano w iiw Water rt" will be riled In Ibe orflce of be Wale' Itmirder at frill- Ittirx-rt. 3.C. ohienii tis tu Hie slllrati4i may be .1it wim me ia ipr niwraer or llh the Cmntnller uf Water lllrtil'. I'srKsnnt nailclliir. Virtuels. H.: i.h- ta lliiriy dayr after the nr.l apl-raram-e J thl Dx.t)r In a ri newspaiier. td lair ft the first publlrsiKu of tins no- l-e is oeiier . isrr.. "IVEBVILLE CA.EKV CO.. ITU., Applteaui. H- rr-1 Iw.ttriMy Mslher., Areni. WATER NOTICE. Dlt.rson and U.s TAkF. XtlTUX Hut MHiier-iiUr CaiuieryJ. ictiiupauy. 1.11.. wrie saarr - urr i Avenue Wliarf. Vsonuner. B.C. will applt Tvr lirriK-f in lakr a IK uh riw.u- xr mmeie or water out or man .iresm. alsn kt-TWri a- .Mill Sltnm, whl-b riiwr nnrllieol ami drain? mlo Jedway Ha:lxr alxxil Ivs yarilt nortbwe.l uf MMJIhraol rm-r uf Tr MinUi claim. Tlie a;er will be diverted front Ibe Hrr am si a ,Milnl abuiil feel rruin II. hmiuib in a Kiailiwe-'terl.v dlr-lbin. sihI will be ae fur mdutrial purpura niin lb" land derrileil as 11.2 sere norttiraM nl Tore .Vllniurr claim. TbU notire was pocteri n Hie sruiiiid mi Hie Vlli day or rptrm ber, tut. X ropy of tlUf notire and an appliratiuu pur.u.ut thereto and to Uie -Waler Art" will he riled In ttHwulTlce or the (Water. Ileewdrr t I'rinre llui-rrt. a.c. objrrtiotis la the aii'ltrallon may be rikd will Hie said Water Herwrder or with tin; Coniplroller of Water HitcMV Carl.'jiiirtil Bullduift. Virions. B.C., within lluriy da srier tlie firl spiesrsnre r Ibl intl-e in a lorsl newpaH-r. Tbe dale of the ftrt pirhllrallon or tin notire Is Oriit-r f. ivf.. (MlKVIl.Lt .-.NEnv t-O.. LTH.. Appliranl. Hv Trrd ieBr-iay MallM-r, Arvtlt. LAND ACT. Nelks of Intsntlon t Apply te L.aa. Land lu T'liHe Unpen Lsiid Itif-ordiiir 1I.-Irlrt. anj Mtustr al Jrdwsv llarbur. (,'ue.n l.harlollr Island. TAkE .MiTICI. thai -iuiiierttll'' Caiimty i'iiuisiiy, Ltd.. Vimmver, B.C.. urrupallMi I ih I'arkrrs. Intendt to apply Tor lra of the fullowius derriti-d land. Ciiniiiienrmr at a (t plantwi at tlie ulhrs-. ronier ttt I tie Torn MiiK-ral claim ih- ratrrly houndsr.v In s norltierly dir-rlloii 18 rhalin; iIh-ikt li.ii lhra-lrrly 1 1 (lain to high wile: mark: Itlenre iullira-lerl a Inn a- the Ulrb wsli-r niark III rhain-i; tlH-n-e MMilliwest-erlv 1 4 rlialn. nmre or lesc to the Mtml or rt4iiiiH-in-eineul, aud rutnainlur 11 arn-. UHre or lei. SO.MtRVILLF. C.WMRV OMI'AW. I.Tli.. Applli-ant. I'rr r. i. .Maihers, ialel rpleint-r nth. m?i.. LAND ACT telle of Intsntlon te Apply t Lsa.s Land In Prlnre Rimer! l.anl Rerordinr Dl- Irlrt of lianre 4, Cut Land DiMnct. anil titnsie on rssre isiana. take notice tnai t. d. rrsnris, or pomiks. Alberts, orrunatlon Minister, in- u nd tu apply for a leae of tbe follow Ini ilr.'-ritied landj; I Ci inmrnrinr at a pjm plsnted st the ortb Went end nf l'aafrr Inland, twirl CoaM Trlanrnlstlnn i. Il4t: tbenre around the Island st hlrb water mark and rontainlnr loon arre, more or lew. Joseph briti."id tu as 1 4th. . vppllrant Established 1923 DELAYS are COSTLY, I? ? If attended to rrgular-1 J oil ran sate jour leelh for furflirr jears of venire. DsEPKpnnx DENTIST Exchange Block Phone 10 .: . - aa V At s tor an ine IlHi, I Vn'l CemStutieiu. is s artf a!rt wrigku. cU rem S7J.0 U STM. iisaBBB,s,',l,''Z Orrrishf. 1121. StsBflelra Limited. family k JV , I jfsasasasasasasasasM rvml I "7l VBjbbbbbbbbbbbbbI l'f"tV"t,'r'mtte'- j3 f irmr. tn m wirf. ckoirt ' ff ( ni rt(i. rem $tJt,f. TX70MEN, children V Y and infants men and boys ALL can wear Stanfield's with the same surety of perfect fit, warmth and all-round comfort. Stanfield's "family underwear" is made from materials of luxurious, downy softness, in all sizes, styles and weights. Designed from living models to give an easy, natural, comfortable fit without bind-ing or bulging, Stanfield's garments are easily lausdered, and. given ordinary care tn training according to our direction, will not shrink! The lurpriiing low- cost of Stanfield's 'jringi the luxury of real underwear comfort within reach of alL T...i TnhIMP gai ' fATIHTIB 1 A new7, excluiive rment, " TWIN FABRIC" consists of WO FABRICS. woven together so that silk or cotton comes next the skin for comfort and warm wool out-aide for protection. Made and patented only by Stanfield's Limited, Truro, N.S. Write for free booklet showing iwatche and styles of Stanfield's Underwear for all the family. W J Stan field s Underwear SEND IT TO THE LAUNDRY -:- -:- ALL CLASSES OF LAUNDRY WORK Including three distinct services for Family Work, v'u: SOFT-FINISH, THRIF-T-SERVICE and WET WASH al most reasouable prices. DRY CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING Pioneer Laundry and Dry Cleaners Phone 118 and we will do the rest, t t4sBBBS. liraAurusBil 11 SI SJiasj l SaSI SSI ar-m-j MWKf Wiaiiwsv 1-tf i Canadian Pacific Railway j o. c voasr soeryicei , Sailincrs from Prince Ruoert Ts a.tchlksn, Wrsng.ll, Junssu and (ksawsy, , 1T, Oeu f, it, It. T Vancouver, Victoria and Stattls S.pL 4, 11, 21 1 OsL 1, 12," 21. PBINCISS BCATRICZ. Hlvse, and Vancouver .very S.turdar 11 am. . for Butedals, Isst Ball !. Oce.n rail., Namu, Al.rt Bay. eat fe all ttsamahl Lis... I W. U. ontnaa. svnvrai avwi. Pull I formal Isa fros Osrase of 4Ui atroot and Brd Avsnu. mass Rupert. B.0.