1 PI It ?l Page six FRESH IN ! Rochon's Chocolates $1.00 per 1 lb. Box Also Muxes at $2.00, $2.75 and $4.00 ROCHON'S ALMOND CRISP $1.00 por lb. Rupert Pharmacy Phone 94. We deliver. New Shipment of French. Evening Dresses Just arrived. COME AND SEE. "Doners" We aim to please Phone 27. P.O. Box 327 Specials SATURDAY YOUNG PORK Small Lejr, about -i His., ler Hi , . 30c buiall Loin, per lb. . . 30c bhoulder l'ork, per lb. 25c BEEF Boiling Beef, per lb. . , 8c Pol Huasl, per lb. .. 12!2c Mil) Housl, per lb. . . 20c rflioiiIiJer Steak, per lb. 15c Sirloin Steak, 2 lbs... 55c Hound Steak,. 2 lbs.. . 45c Satisage, lbs. . . ... 35c MUTTON Chops,, per lb. . 30o Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 84 417-423 5th Avenue East When your eyes ache, sling or feel tired, it is Nature's. variiiiig . ibcy are strained. If you are wi.e, you will heed that warning and will have a cumplete exu miliar lion of your eyes marie and llius probably prevent serious eyesight trouble later on. Can you afford lo waste the nerve energf 'necessary lo carry along defective cyjes? A, E. Ireland (Jiunr.m: oi-TOMKiitisr 27 Year Practice Inl Atemie. Opi. II.W.V.A. 8UMMER SUGGESTIONS FOR WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Birch and Spruce Per load ......,.. ,$6.50 Per half load .., , 3.50 Per sack ............ .50 Burn Wood and Keep Cooll HydeTransfer '139 Second Avenue Phone MO Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. i i HEINZ 57 Varieties SPECIAL DEMONSTRATION This week end by Mr. H. Hramley. Special prices listed below will bj withdrawn Saturday. COMBINATION SPECIAL, 95c 15 Oven Baked Beans Lot1 8 tins Pork and Means, plain of Tomato Sauce . . 95c Lot 2 0 tins Pork aifd Beans, meji-. nni size. Special . . . 95c Lot 3 1 tins Pork and Beans, large size. Special . . . . . 95c rz Spaghetti 5tti ;3S7 Cooked foSeme- Lot 7 tins Heinz Cooked Snajr- hetli, small size .... 95c Lot 5 5 tins Heinz Cooked Shag-hetti, medium size . . . 95c Lot 6 :t tins small Pork and Deans tins small Spaghetti it tins small Tomato Soup The Ibt, 8 tins, for . . 95c Lot 7 1 jar llcinz Sweet Pickles 1 large bottle Heinz Tomato Catsup 1 small bottle Heinz Vinegar. 10 oz. Lot 8 1 jar Ileinz Salad Cream 1 bottle Heinz Vinegar, 10 oz. 1 jar Ileinz India Hclish nsmuotUi Cwamof lomaco Soup Lot 9 0 luis Heinz Cream of Toma to soup, small. Special 93c Lot 10 0 tins Heinz Cream of 7'onia-to Soup, medium, for . 95c Lot 11 1 bottle Heinz Tomato Catsup, large 1 bollle Ileinz Chow Chow 1 bottle Heinz Beefsteak. Sauce Lot 12 - . . 1 jar Heinz prepared Muslard ' Jius iiemz Pork and Heaps, small 2 tins Ileinz Bnatrheltl. small 1 botlle Ileinz Tomato Cat sup, large. I) i T I I P l n nuueri laoie ouppiy to Phones 210, 211, 212 THIS DOG SHOW WAS QUEER ONE I'HIZKS tllVKN, FOR WOKST SPECIES IN LITTLE SOMEKSKT TOWNSHIP LONDON, Oct. 7. One of the queer, est dog-shows surely ever to be held took place at the charming little town- ship of Poiloek in Somersetshire. Trn pilws were solely for the worst specimens of the doggy race which the exhibitors could produce. The exhibitors certainly did their best to get Into the front row. So prizes were awarded for the: v Ugliest dog. Dog with the longest tall. Dog wltli the most spots. Dog wltli the shortest nose. Dog with the handiest legs. Dog with the largest mouth, and Dog with the most sympathetic eyca No superior nose-ln-the-alr thoroughbreds were allowed to take part In the show. The worse the mongrel the bet-ttl his or her chances of winning a prize. Badness became a recognized virtue, and features at which an orT dlnaxy show Judge Would have held up his hand, In horror Induced the Judge to beam with satisfaction, to pat th exhibit on the headland to award It 4 prize. The competition ' was promoted bv Cecil Aldln, the well-known horse ane, dog artist. CALGARY NURSES MAY HAVF RORRFIa HAIR'fcaturc of the wearer- thc superintend Hflf Li DVDDLU UnlfAient of nurses exDlalned. and must also CALOAUY. Alt.. Oct. 8. Nurses lo training at St. Pauls hospital. h!thert barred from the bobbed hair fashion. rasy now shorten their locks and they hitf-e done so. . 'Ihe edict was removed recently and out of 108 of the ladles In tralnlnj only about a dozen remain with tressc. Te permission to poln the ranks or fashion's followers was greeted wlh Jubilance among the nurses, but they have been very respectlul of the wishes CANADIAN NATIONAL RAIL- WAYS Tenders for Soft Wood Ties in British Columbia SEALKIl TEMiCIIS addreM-rt lu I lie Un-(U-rnlrned and rmloixd "Tender Tor Sft Wud Ties" will be rerrlved st the ofrl e f ihe Oners I Tie and Timber Arem. Iiomii suf, :ansdlan .Nitloiul tiiirpm iiulldliir. MHilll Slreet. Moiitreil, until weive iioaiii. Tuenday. OrUitxr llltli. Ms. i.ll' llallU.k' ttll I,, lu, Iliinilf.nlnUil ....... r.'"' " l"-V"". "rll UU rrar, imiDer rui oeiwc-n nrlolier tl, lti6. and1 day 11, l7. and delivered bciuren Jan- i arj iy7. aim juiy IH. ivtl, K.o.ll. -w.f. ...iiiumii i.aiiiuun ABiioimi ..ii'iuai Hallways, ltaiiwjr, us , ae-1 ar uriiiiiir -e wait MHTiriiii.,ii s 3 w i. re-1 July istb. for Son Wuwtj rif. Ties of earn itriile to s luarirri ftparately. leiuiiT roriui ran Ie nutaliied at tlie ffice ut Ihe Tie Arwit st Wliinlnrr. I'u:-- elu'lmr Airriit at Vancouver, or Ocnrral lie and Tlmher Aitrnl, Montreal. Tenders will no I be roinlciend unli .Hide out on fonn supplied by the Hail way Company. The lowe.l or any lender not nereir ily aecepled.- . l'. MrUllE.. Central Tie and Timber A Ken I. Montreal, out-., Se.t.lnler tmii, int. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR LEASE In the Land Perordlnr lil.irlrl i,f Ailhi .Mlniiiir blvislon of tlr ilntrld. i.ki. Aurith thai trie Enrlro-er Gold Mines, Ltd.. Inc.. s rrrlMried inliiiiir roin psny opersllnir within Hie Province of Brl-llih (jiluiubia. iirrupatlon, a ininln nnu-tauy. Intend to apply for s foreshore lese of the follow Inr denrrlted landst- UJlMiienriuir si a poM planled about 00 reel dlMint In an Kaalerly dlrertlon from Ihe .North Went corner of lit last, sky. ark Mineral Claim, situated at the mouth or Wann Mlver. on Taku Arm or TarUh Lake, tUnee in s .Northerly direction Iti feet, tiienee Ealerly 100 reel, thenc ioutlierly I GO reel more or lens to hlrh water mark, tlienre Westerly 100 feel more or less lo nolnl of commencement and ronlalnlnjr o.S acres more or less. Located ini ifitn day nrAinru.l. ittt. (Slimed) H. Mc.n. rnASEn. ; B. c. I.. 8. a rent. LAND ACT. Notice of Intention to Ao'y t Lssss Land In Stlkine Division, vtxxis land he-'ordinr filtlrlrt of Caailar. and situate al rirand liaplda. on ths S'.lslne. Iilver and lo tne west or surveyea i-.t rto. 470. TAkE NOTICE Ihf, i. Walter Scott Simp-on, or Te'irrS(ih Creek, B, C ocrupatlon. Hanrher. intends to apply for a leae of Ihe folloVinr dewrlbed fand: Conuneneinr st s pnt planted on the XorlhweM corner or Lot 470, thence South 40 chain: thenre Vel 10 chains; thenee Noclh 40 chain; Ihenre F.aat 10 cnaln, and contalnlnr Fortv srren, more or less. WALTEfl SCOTT PIMrSON. - Anplleant MINERAL ACT Certificate of Improvsmsnts. Brownie No. S Mineral n.lin llnile In ihe Allin Mlnlnr Dlvlnlon or the Calar riijtrlrt. on Wann Iilver. adolnlnj and to Ihe south or nrownle .No. 4 M.C. TAkE nOTlCE that I, James II. k'emliaw, I'rre Miner's Certificate .No. 896(13. Intend, suty days frtrfn the dale hereof, to apply lo the Mlnlnr flecorder for a Cerlirirste of lmprovmenls. for the ourpone of nh-lalnlnr a Crown Oranl of the sfxive claim. And further take not ire that anion, under section 5. mult be rninmeneed beforr the Itsue of such Cerlirirste or Improvements. TE" ,hl "l at of irwmhtt' k Tt- im H MeN. mAHEIt. Asent. WATER NOTICE. Diversion snd Use. TAKE NOTICE that nober! fieors-e Johnston, whore sddreiw Is Inverne Cannery, will apply for a licence to take and tme lO.nno Kallona per day or water nut of creek weal or wharr at China Hat. alo known as (no nnrnei. which flowa souih-eal and drain Into Trout Bay about 400 feet ni Hi along- Ihe beach frpm the south. esM corner ld "A." Kitasoo l.n. The waier will be diverted from the Mi earn at point alMiut roo feet from its moulh and will be used for domestic and cannery piirtxi.es upon the land dearrlhed as l.ol ''A' . kltaoiMi Ml. This notice was olel on the rround on the Ulh dny of ep. tclnbi-r. l!n. A-ropy of this males and an aiinHcatlon pursuant thereto and lo the AValer Ae'r will lie filed In tllf of-rire of the Water lleeorder at Prince Unpen, obiertloiii to the apliralion may le filed Willi the said Water liecorrter or with the Comptroller or Water lilrhK, I'srllsiiuMit Uullillnrs; Vlrtorla,' n.C within Ihltty days! after the flrit appearance of i hi notice In a local newrpaper, The date of the pr.t publication of this notice It September An, 1030. llOUtllT OtOllOE JOHNSTON. ApplltaaL THE DAILY NEW8 a Book of Recipes for Delicious Salads, Sandwiches, Egg Dishes, Cheese Dishes. Pickles and Relishes. Write for a copy mailed Free. y CslmaB-Kwa (Cassis) Llmlud. Dept. 82 MM Amhsrst St, MootrcsL Colmans Mustard aids digestion. o fthe authorities over them In conforming with certain provisions which accompanied the new regulation. The bob must conform with the facia. be becoming to the nurses' cap. So fur. the superintendent said, the effect bus been very pleasing and satUfacUon if lelt on all sides. GAMBLING IN MILK TICKETS BY WOMEN IN FACE OF RISE TORONTO. Oct 8. An Interesting feature In the discussion as to flxliiK of winter milk prices Is the "cannl-nesa" of local housewlves. The situation so far as thq. distributors are concerned Is that If 'the price of milk U them goes up tbey cannot In considerable measure recoup themselves by passing the Increase on to the con. sumer. The reason for It speaks well for the economy measures which th general housewife takes. She reads about a coming inci eaje and lmmedl- Wnm .rM.1.. n milk .1-- r kits, enoueh to do .them for two or three months. Thev DA v summer n. . i ' ' autumn prices I gettjng seventeen or sixteen tlckeu 'for a, dollar. Distributors ckn beat this procedure by Issuing different colored tickets only, which will be accepted under the high-er price, but they dislike doing It. It causes work In the redemption of old tickets and doesn't Improve the friend Mness of the housewjfe. SCENE OF NOVEL MARTHA OSTENSO NORTH OF WINNIPEG EDMONTON, Oct. 8, While Martin Ostenso wai supposed to have jecelvct the inspiration fori 'Wild Oeese' In Canada, the name of .this country was not mentioned. EhOj has now Issued r statement that the actual scene of th, stoty was a pioneer farming community some two hundred miles north of Wiei-slpeg, For the failure to locate It 1.1 the teat, her American publisher, It Is presumed, was responsible. The bonk has been criticized oh the ground that it was appsrrntly written with one eye to' the movies. But jMlss Ostenso says that' when engaged on It she had ns Idea of Its ever belni used for picture production, filVYAN OF BAHADUR LIKES CANADIAN WOMEN, HE DECLARES W1NNIPEO, Man,. Oct. 8, "You would like me to talk to you abou-. women?" ssld the Dlwan Bahadur SI. T. Vljsyaraghavacharya of Cochin. 'I like hest to talk of women, They army favorites. I have 'worke dwlth then, and for them for a great many yean I like the women of .Canada. They are to me the excmpltficailo. not whit, shall t call it?--daintiness. I think. They are so graceful and light arm wonderful HURLED FROM WAGON WOMAN IS SAVED MONTREAL, Oct. 8r Hurled from her wagon when It was struck by an automobile, Mrs. Joseph Constant, aged 34, of 8t. Lambert, clung for several minutes to the railing F0f Victoria Bridge before she was saved from dropping Into .the swirling river waters fsr be' low, Men hauled her to safety as her fingers were losing Ihclr grip on the wet rail. In order to escape death slit was forced' to drop jier purse Into the river. It contained 38, the proceed of a day'i sales of farm produce at ths market. Another Illustration of Scotch thrift; Last January, so the story runs, a Scot sent a card of greeting to a dear friend, "With best wishes for 1920-37-28 and 9.'- -London Opinion. nam ijnuj QUESTION OF TIME IN RADIO SENDING I.MESSAdi; si:.T l HUM V.WCOt'VEH m:.uiu:i new 7.IUUM) m:xt hay VANCOUVER, Oct. 7. Scientists credit radio transmission with amazing speed, saying that signals travel, at the rate of 188.000 miles a second, but despite the rapidity with which then Impulses move more than seven time ' the circumference of the world In thav 1 second, a broadcast from Canada will' not reach New Zealand until the next day. Impossible) Well, here's the answer. CNllV. which Is the Canadian National Railways' radio station at Vancouver, B.C., received a communication from an enthusiast In Nelson. New Zealand, Informing the manager that from 6 p.m. to 8.15 p.m. one even ing he picked up and held CNflV until the latter closed down. That was Interesting but It became a problem when an Individual with an Inquiring turn of mind wanted to know I how could a man In Ne wZealand pick up CNRV at a time when that Canadian station was not, on the air. -But his triumph was short lived when the time eiperta disclosed that 0 pm. tn ' New Zealand was 10.30 pjn. in Vancouver the day before, the plodding an.) j having lost almost a day in travelling the Intervening 8,4 JO nautical miles. f.WWMAX rtONIKS MONTREAL, Oct. 8. Attracted first If all by the display of Canadian peon-lea at Wembley. Lady Mond during her stay tn the city, took steps to enaur- the planting of a bed of local peonies on ner estate, sine net court, Ramseys. Hants, where there Is one of the fin- lest farden. In England. m TIMBER SALE X8263 Srslrd leliiler wUI be rrrrUHl by 11m-UltiUlrr or Mmls Hot later than ihi ou tlie 30111 il4 or Seplriiiber, Ittt. for the tmrrlu of l.ui-ure 9tt3, lo cut Itf.sni. il;nal I eel of Ui poles and Ptlmr on an tea adjoiiHiit Ij.i. 1 4 if snd titl, Icr tUM-n Ba. a luiler Went of I'ort Clements. yueen charlotte I.IjimM Ijiud liHlrii I Three n, year will be allowed for re moval uf iiiulM-r. urihrr particular of tlie Chief Eures-ler. Vlrtorla II. :.. or Imtrlct lore.lrr. rrtiiee itutvri. B. c , AUCTION SALE In.lrtirtrd by Hie CANtliUN NTMNM IIMI.WAV. I will sell, for frrlahl ami isr n-tilal due. by public AurlMi, In Itallwa) Vaid. I'rmre C.eire. al J pju. lelday. OrtoUr lh. 116: I Steam Trarbtr Knilne. i Eilnioion Wheel , I Hux H. It.. I Twelve bolt. mi I'loUtll (k.ll. I, weltht u.ivoi it, cooliiel n John Nehrint. Term ttrlrily eah. nr liiarkrd cheque, ' an-t-iiied. i SuLJecl lu renerte bid. ii. a. iiAiii-iii. AuctlotH-er. II, 'T. Iliiiiilnslon. Asst. Coon.el. Wertern liefloa, Vsimmver. II. C, t pleml-f iit . IN PROIATE. IN Tilt SCt'BF.MK Ctil HT Ol- UlllTISII COI.IMIll.. In Dm filler of the AduiinUtratlon Art: ami III the Mailer of the E'tale of hobrrl Park.. )rreaed. liib-tale. TAkK .NOTICE that l.y order of Ills Honor. E. Melt. Yfriinn, lUlid Ihe fti day r Misii.I. A.I i. I. wst spiMilntrd il-tnliilrtrator of ihe Kslale of lloberl I'arka. deeesMd. and all writes havinr claim tliil Hie said elal are hereby mpilrril to furnl.h tame, fni-erlv teriflnl. tn me Lihi nr before Ihe 7lh day of October. A.l: izd. ami an pirnes iiHlcbteii I lie e tale ire rriulrel lis pay the anxnml of their Ihih blednrs lo uJ forthwith. NOUMVN A. WATT, orrinal AdiiiinUlralor, I'rlnn- Ituperl B.i.. Iialed the dlh day of OcMier. A.U. lto SPECIALS Friday and Saturday Japanese Cotton Crepes, 5 yards for . . . . $1.00 Unbleached Cotton, ,10" Tor House Hresses. Hpecinl quality, i yards for $1.00 Coates Crochet Cotton, while and ecru, ball 10c Girls' Scarlet Flannel Middles, value lo ij!i.7r. .Special $2.75 D o y s Donegal Tweed Bloomers. lfg, !jC.r0. for $1.05 Chambray House Dresses. Hpecial, each .... $1.25 H. S. WALLACE Co., Ltd. Phone 9. 3rd Ave. and Fulton 8treet Dr. Alexander Smith Blook Phone 67B DENTIST WE ARE OFFERING A MODEL MODERN A GRADUATE EXPERIENCED OPTICAL PARLOR REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST TO SERVE YOUR EYE NECESSITIES It is the great difference in the results obtained from correct methods of evJiiiiualloii for defects; the careful attention lofilliiffllie prescription ami the details so nece sary in correct frame filling that causes uur patients to discriminate in favor of glasses filled in our Optical Parlor. We use modern methods. We Iry lo give courteous ier vice. That's why you will feel so much at eae when yori arc deriding on a frame (hat will exactly Miit your particular liking. REMEMBER No case presents perplexities to one qualified In the 8clence of Refraction. Consult our Optometrist as you would a frioinl. The ml vice will be just as reliable Max Heilbroner 527-529 Third Avenue WESTHOLME THEATRE Friday and Saturday, at 7 and 0 p.m. Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. Norma Talmadge in "Kiki" Norma Talmadge a Kiki. un-lim or the ftnller. h.i den. guiiiin. wepl up lo huiiir like n jewel round Ihe thr.i.it or Paris, ini.lre- of Pleasure. The rmiii va rruxy. (.i lo fall in love Willi her. put on Ihe Miinrle! revue in I' m-and cnutsx'iiough not lo be angry when Kiki ruined In. limv. .She winked her way. laughed her wmv. sighed h. i way, tried her way. and if KiklN hearl w hvv wheiUhcv howled her rf Ihe lage, it wellril until .ie llmught . would buir for Ihe sheer joy or knowing (hat In- dnln i laugh, thai he tell sorry for her. I'rcliy girl and mugiiift cent selling. -Strong i iil : Norma Talmdge, Ronald Colman, Maro MacDermott, George K. Arthur, William Orlamond, Erwjn Connelly, Mack Swain, Gertrude Astor. and many others. COMEDY -"A TOLABLE ROMEO." PATHE REVIEW 80o and 25c Canadian National Steamships Co, Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Opersiilng Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock tnglnoers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Elo. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle al! kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38 Fishermen s Supplies FISH LINES, HOOKS, ROPES, TWINE8, FISH NETTING AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCERIES. Compare Our Prices "BissssssiSassssssSMBaaaBaBjm Lipsett, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. Second Avenue and McBrlde 8L DEMAND "Rupert Kipp rnroAT, October 8, 1929. Brand" ers "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish 4 Cold Storage Co, Lid. Prlnot Rupert, B.d.