r F- - '1 PAGE FOUr. TO IMPROVE Importance of Ileallh in 'the Pursuit : of Happiness, which is one of Hie fnndanipnlal aims in life. He "particularly stressed the advlsahility of preventin disease and ill health, and ex plained methods hy which it might, he carriel nut with the children in the way of cleanli ness, care of teeth, nose, throat, etc. He also spoke vory favor -ahly of vaccination as a preventive measure. Mr.sIt. llaney then delighteil the audience with two vocal solos. These were followed hy two others hy Dr. Large which were 'thoroughly enjoyed. ltefreshinciit. were served a" the close 61 the. meeting. TERRACE WOMEN'S CHURCH AUXILIARY ELECTS OFFICERS , TKmiACKIl.C., April 17. The annual meeting of the Women's Auxiliary of the Angli can church was held at the home Of Mrs. T. .1. Marsji on Thurs day afternoon. The reports for the year showed it to he the most s'iieCessful year in Ihe life of the auxiliary. There were Iwenly-f)ve paid lip members, nine ad-lieronU and four outside workers. The election of officer for 'the coming year took place Willi results as follow;: President Mrs. T. .1, Marsh. .'Vice-President Mrs. H. Smith. Secy-Treasf Mr. W. H. llur-tietl. " Work Conveners. Mrs. G. R. Oilliorl and Miss K. 11. Iieac6'n.' Convener of church decorar tfons. Mrs. J. K. Frost, Visiting commillee. -'Mrs. A. Carr, Mrs. W. Sim, Mrs. A. C SCHOOLYARD Terrace Parent-Teachers Hear Address and 'Listen to Music at Cast meeting TF.ItllACF, April 17. The rS Kulnr jnonthly; meeting lif Hp Parent Teachers' "Association ,wa hold on Wednesday evening in tlio school house with the largcsj attendance, of hny meeting since the association was organized. A committee composed of Mrs K. T. Monro, C. II. Thomas, .1 McLaren and O, Orifrin was appointed to. lake charge of ihr work of i beau I i Tying I ho .school grounds. ' II was also decided to hold all (lip remaining mcelin of the year in Ihe school house instead of alternating willi meeting in town, as has heen heretofore practiced. Fine' Address After Ihe close, of the business meeting Or. iArge of Hazetlon gave nn interesting talk on The rpwler Mrs. J. Warne and 'Mrs. T. .1. Marsh. SESSION OF MANAGERS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MEETING LAST NIGHT Willi Mr W U Vit4imliiP will he lield next week BATTALIONORDERS Ily Lieut. Colonel :i. AV. Nicholls. Cl02nd Hn. C.15.F.) Parade. The Ilallalion will parade In Ihe Armoury, Wednea-L- nay evening, April 21, at 8 p.m. Lecture by Lieutenant 11, I Ponder, ll.CN.V.11. "Naval Oper alions'in Mesopotanla." Muki'liy. Minialure lllfle range qfrai'Ticc, Friihiy at 8 piin' FAIracl from flenefal Orders. ,1 02.1,. "No. 1)8, beceinber I,, 1925: Prov. Lieut. 11. V. O. LeVlne, N.II.Q. ; negi. Is -awarded Hie Colonial 'Auxiliary Forces Long FerviceMeilal. Kxtrad from (ieneral Qrders, 11)26, Wo. 13, February 15, 1920; .lfon. 'Major (len. A, ltix, Cana dian Chaplain Service (attached -N.B.C. Rcgt.) Is awarded the BRINGING UP FATHER the court. irnimnp ,r. . .. .. i ) m I i ... rssm A Pimply Face Is Unsightly Miw C C M. Smart, Sena Eitil. ford, Sask., wriU's: J,A while ago I w troubled with faeiil blemishes, enpecially pimples, and waa really ashamed to go out with such a bad looking face. I tried 2 or 3 different remedies, but they didn't help me any, so one day a friend, who had been troubled the same as I ttks, advised me to nt After I had taken two bottles there wasn't a pimple of any kind left on my face, and I now hate a clear, amooth and velvety complexion." Put up onlr by The T. ildburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Out. Colonial Auxiliary Forces Of ficers' decoration. Orderly officer for the wec ending Saturday, April 2i. 1D2G. Lieut. X. W. Pringle. Orderly Sergeant: Sergt. W. Horrobiti. S. I). JOHNSTON. Major and Adjutant Attached 1st X B.C. Hem NEW AMERICAN FISH BOAT ARRIVES HERE Yaqulnna, Owned and Skippered by Ole BJerke, In Port with First Halibut Catch Another fine new addition 1o the American halibut fleet usinjt this port is Ihe long liner seine-boat lype sehooper Yaquinna, owned and skippered hy Ole njeike fnot nf (he Akulan which is here today with her eafrh afler having made her maiden voyage to the fishin? grounds. The vessel, which is about CO feet long and delsel powered, was tiuilf in Seattle luring the winter. RUPERT WILL JOIN FROLIC AT HYDER IN EARLY PART OF MAY ' I a i: . m i t ii.v iinil Mis. J ri sieon n '4l a meeiiiig oi i ue moos? two nieiaber of the board of h"rt, L'io" last night it was de- iiiinhirers iii.noinle.l l,v Ibe ' rriiire jnieri leRinn lii.li.s' Al.r fn nllendanen. il.er wO"1'1 represented at the i' . . II. T .nil- I l Wa a: joint. meeting last iiigtit of y - iiyuer the session and the new hoard 11 wi,s mrirn ai of lAini.ier of the Kii-i l'r... Hie meeting that Ketchikan would hvlerian (Mmrcli I"" rl 1,1 "orce anil a numiier Thomas McClvmont w n. """ "" irom fiewari. i-rinre nointed ehiiirmnn of ihe brir,! .ifl Huprl will have a number of managers afid J. L. Christie. 8(;c ''iegaie present, retarv treasurer. The financial condition of the t.nargen wiiii a breach or Hia church was discussed and it wa "'"or regulations in throwing decided, to have a statement pre- linmprs Into the water frwin tin- pared for anolher meeting which l"": jrwernmeni wiiarr wiiii-n in I Iffi.nt. r ir iim, n,1m, I o4 11, .1 I is reconsmicnng, jotin i;urrle contractor, appeared in Ihe eit I'oliee court this morning to answer to charges laid hy the harbor master. Caul. H. 0. Marsh ,V x.r". , n n . "'" warning. It havirw been the first u" in iiaiuiu hi in: ill rsi-iiieii lu 'TENNIS CLUB Distinctive Event Last Evening In Elks' Home Proved Very Enjoyable There is always something distinctive about the tennis club nail and this year was no excep-lion lo the rule. The event last igli in the Hlks' Home proved o he ipiilc up In Ihe standard set hy (his sports organization ml was much enjoyed hy those privileed to ,e there. The num- er was reslrieled to just about enough lo make dancing ideas raide. The hall was decorated with ow paper streamers willi nets, rackets, and leu'nis halls, while at the side of the hall as a small table on which trophies were di.-plii'ycd. The vhole scheme was fn the club colors of blue and while. , ' Music was prondeil liy Kenny Itood'.s orchestra which played in a specially constructed ami nicely ilecorated Wclieslra booth at Ihe centre of one end of the hall. :iHowiug sitting-out nooks a "ilher side. A. 11. Carmichael was master of ceremonies and ommittees were as follows: A. II. Carmichael chairman), I', W. Marenlelle, 1 lunulas Slork. Howard Frizzell. II. Howard, A. K, Walters, F. II. Smith. W. Cruik- shank, Miss firnce Curtin. Miss aroline Mitchell. Mrs. F. S. Tail. Miss Ktanda Marsli. Miss Pele I'remavne and Miss Vinginia Hiel. STANLEY NEWMANIN FINAL APPEARANCE BEATS LOCAL MEN In his farewell extiihltlon game I the (irand Terminal Milliard tub last night, Stanley Newman, (he llrilish professional billiard Iiampion.met four local men and, jilayinjr each 200 to 100, won by an aggregate score of 800 lo 52. Incluive of their starts, ion l!rnwn made ISO, Fred I'yle, I3(i; (ieorge Waugh, 100. md W. Long, Klti. Waugh was not. given a chance to make a shot as he ran into Newman's liivh hrcnk'diiriner his visit in Ihe i.ty. ?no. In an. exhibition game yester lay afternoon especially for ladies, with about twenty lire sen!, iNewmnn liea'l McllmoyIehy a score of &00 lo350' after hav ing given Mcllnioyle a starl of 250. After the game, refreshT menls were served. Newman, after havinsr spenl the iast len days here, will leave on Monday' train for Ihe Kast and will visit Prince Oeorge Kdinonlon and Saskatoon before proceeding to FnBtahd. SPORT CHAT . The Smilbers jloard of Trail is recommending lo Ihe provinela game board that Ihe open season for grouse in the Hulkiey vulU he sej forward fron) Scplnnihcr Shoes last longer when you shine' them with "Nugget . It waterproofs' and protects the leather. "Nugget" Tan Polish preserves the original colour 'of ' tan shoes. 4V ShoeBdish 'litdikTurfTonty Red-Dark Brown "and Whit (Ntutral) forl,ihl'6i.lo$. WW DA1J.Y NCV3 nlurday. Au .1 HOW - DON'T EVER LET' ME tittG. YOO OAJSClN" 1HE CHKRLCtTON l jwt. II l ssxl II A -irvi . Kiirc FT J I Hill I 1 I la-F- -lJ A bAV UA1UL PCQPUE. ISEVCRTOM-ACE. av aaM i 1 1 1 1 i a n y-w II ii a. in iiriiiiiL i: i c t a -p t : II i II v iijiw V Anted For Sale For RentJ r9ari C 1926 bv Imti FcAtimr Scnvicr Ite IIOAlUi A.M) HOOM. Peal Cov- Hotel. Pluine t8. lo September 20, in Order Ilia: the birds may be protected until I bey reach nialiirily. The di. trict lias made appHeajinn fm fifty more pheasants to lie ucd for proogation purpose, a firs, fifty last year having thrive some of them heing found I have travelled as far north n flabinc Lake. Officers a ( follows wen elected at the annual meeting o! Ihe Hazellou Athletic Assncialion which was beliHhls week: Presl- ili'iit. It. S. Sarsent; vice-president, C. W. Oawsnn; secretary- treasurer, S. J. Winby; execu live commiltee J. Tyceluirsi Allan Itenson and Cooper Wrinrlt. here has been talk of wcllfuy new athletic ground at Hazel: m hut il septus most likely Inn Ihe same ground-n. last season will tie iMcil again lllis -year irilthers has olfercd 'lo cohie (own lo New Hazellnn for i isehall game on May 21 aim Hazellou bus been invited to g to Telkwa for Ihe Jay, ALLIES DROP OUT; MOOSE ENTER TEAM Meeting pf Prince Rupert FpoV 'Last Evening !Al Hie meeting of the princi flupert Football Association last night, the dailies iuUmaled Ilia I they Would be unable lo field team this year hut Ihe gap will be filled Willi n (cam to be en If red 'by the Moose Lodge and the posslTiilify of a fourth Mam en tering was jncnlloheil. The nnx meeliiiig of the nssocifillon wll lake -place n rhtirsilay I'veufng A meellng of those InleieSlef in the formation of an -Inlnrri'ie diiite: League will lake place h the city hall on April 30. Or ganizalion of a Jdnior League 1 kilo alioul lo ;he umlertaken. Last I'llalit saw (he last short! of he eason nl Hie mluiatiin ranges, the MrNichnl ranges lie lug utilized ,smn 'hy those Wh wish fo prarflce rifle Xhoiillng Tlie .scores rist nlght were: W. Tlras ...... ... . . 98 JL J)avidnn 97 H.Tnyd .. . 93 H. P.-Fasttnan ... ... .. 92 11. Wilson .. 91 M. M. Lamb '.'. F. Ilussell Wright Davlesi . i t 4 80 75 "NECR. OrVHCC THT VrVt ACilri - 1 ViONOER UHCRC -oMC P1CKEO .top-.it-, CNftBriii nfktt wwnij Oil SALI. Itemlngtnn porl.ihle lyewiler. iarly ne'wj solid 0.1k dining table mill vdmlr. and other houselmhl Effect. 7IA HIkIiIIi Avenue KiUt. IMiftij-lllack 2 1 9. ' tf FOll sale, I h.p. I-cyrle 1023 model X. .V S. engine com. pletc: oulfit praellfally new. Snap for rah. Phone lied fl 1 eveninus. helw'een & and ft. 90 Oil SALK. -Five roomed house on Iwo lot, furnished; all in gardeiranl berry hushes.' II-730.00 on term. Apply T. Mc-Clymont. . if KOIt SALi:. Prlnre nunerl' llest Itargaln Ihree lot on Taylor Street, all for 37.'.O0 cash. Westenhaver Urns. Oil SAI.F..- Ilaby earnnge In exrellenl condition. Phone IHuv7.J2. l TO RENT I WO rooms lo rent in privali home, waterfront view, Up-lo dale furnUhinc;. 330 Fourth Avenue (last, phone Itlue Sort Oil IlKNT. Three room col lage, parWy furnished. IHn iugroom table and chair for sale. Phone lied 023. 91 Oil IIFXT. Piano, player pianos, phonograph and s'ew- marhlnes. Walker. M u s I ' ' - Store. - FOIl It i:.T. Modern four room- ed flat, with Monarch ran get In Clatip block. Westeitliaverllfos L'ltNISIII'.ll llousekcepliw Itoorns lo rent by the day, week or month. Phone lied' 007. If Oil HKNT.- -Furnihed hritlse keeping suite, Mussalleu Aparlrnenls. Phone 18. v if FOll IlKNT. Four hot water healed. A Mallet. room suite, Apply 8niil M0I)Fll.N FLAT for IlenLApply Max Ilnlllironer, LOST. Suppy spaniel, flirt months old; no tail: slraved from Provincial Oorrnmcnt wharf Wednesday. Firidc please phone 30. TAXI Phone 67 Taxi (Call Oeorge, pniil or Ouslt S"ix and Seven Passenger Slude bakers at ynur'-ilispoiial Any time ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block. Across from F.mprcs Hotel PAIN from Bladder 'Irritalio Soon aaiad b '8ANTAL MIDY war at I'm). i... Look for lha word MIDV) mi DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. i ,2c per word infadvance. No Advertisement Iaken'f6r leu than 50r !Ifi .MOXF.Y selling "Super-Service Won'l Crease" Neckwear. Advance styles. American prices. Canadian made good Samples fr,.e. Public Service, Loudon,. Ontario. Manager with crews Awanled. WAXTFIL Maiil for genera! Iiousework. Apply Mrs. Tre-piayne. Hays' Itloek. Plion-. 311. WAXTF.I). Si rl for dining riion work, with some TJie Inlander. Phone 137. BOARD AND ROOM. lOA!U. Second -- Ihe Avenue. Inlander. 830 Phone 137. ItOAItll, flnonis and I'urnisliis Suiles. Palmer House. FOR SALE I'llll SAI.F.. Well built house In Wiwlview, four lots. 13.130.00. House on Fifth Avenue, See lion 7; two lot. 1, 800.00. We have also fwo of th very he I residences Initio cilr for sale at allraclive prices. McCalTery A- Ollibons, Ltd., In urance nrid IlHal Kstale. FOIl SALH. - Oak ohlffonier. be elled glas; kitchen table, new; spring ml: oak dlnliu extension Inble. agless spring. 3 oak lilirary table, if trunks, several picliire franies at specially low price Hit wefc. Northern Hxrhangc. 213 Sec ond Avenue. Phone 2.1. AUTOMOBILES See the New Improved CHEVR0LET3 'I'ourlng. price F.O.IJ. Prlncv Ilupert ' 1878.00 lloadsler. price, F. O. II. Prinre Illiperl 1878.00 Uoiipe, price F.O.H. Prlnre Ilupert 11.10.00 Coach, price F.O.H. Prlnre Ilupert ll.ltS.OO Sedan, price F.O.H. Prince Ilu By George McManus r'Arllclea Lost and -oiind,&c PEP IT UP- rT&ni pert !,szo.or; Landau Sedan, price F.O.H.' Ilrlr... lliiiirl It fttl OO - I IV. A ...iivi- ' i if ,. (Uiiii)uerflal Clinssi. prire F.O.H ttQm v V I'rfnee nupert 1708.00! rt t-IH Inn CIiasi. price F.O.H. Prince nunerl 980.00 CnlMri and get parllrular of the u.m.A.u. taay rymeni nan. A few bargains in Second Hand Cars. KAIEN QARAQE llealers in all (Ieneral Motor ProduM Cjulillar. MiLnugti-lin. Oakland. oliNnmblle. I'on-liac am) l'.he role I. WltKCKINO SFUVir.F. I.Y ANl Xli.HT NF.W HKAtTY OI OKSlOV I'JIICFS AT N I AV LuW I.F.YFL NKW TIMK PAYMKNT PLAN He live red price al Prince lluper' Keif starter ami taxes included. lunahout A3 cm Fourlng cch:&g Coupe -T. 1833.00 I'udor Sedan 865.0u Fordor Sedan Z IUJ9.50 fUimmerclnl Chaxls 1539.30 I ruck Chassis .. . 1095.50 Guaranteed Used Cars al Specially low prices. IiKMOXSTIIATIO.NS "It IHUVIXO lesson nl any lime. 8. E. PARKER, LTD. ,219 Seond Avenue. FURNITURE AND RANQES ItAXOl-X and I'urnilure nl most reasonable prices. When you require njiy arlicle for Hie hrtme, Jul ronie m or phone. Used furniture bought outright or exchanged for new furnlfnrp. A. MaehViiile, Fur-nllurc. Phone Vt. QOOD EATS CAFE, Third Avenue Opposite llenson's Ktudln. Ot)OI MFALS. flOOO CAKF.S Coffee or Tea Served. ItF.AL IIO.Mi: COOKF.Il MKAI.S Mrs. lnger. Proprielress. BOOKKEEPINQ. VAXTF.I). Hooks to post; gov- ertimenl returns made; publli! audi!.. Hales reiisonahie. .1 O. Willlamon. Photm lilncl: 81). Back to the old stand. 3fr TIi Int Avenue. All the latest In RIIFIT MIWC. r r Columbia Nevy Process RECORDS AND PHONOGRAPHS. JROTHWELU8 TRANSFER Coal Wood atidt Furniture '(Hovlno Haggagn and Kxpress 8lr.nd;LIllln's News Stand, Pliohe .352. fie.. Phririe (Ireen 03 FURNITURE. New a n il Hecondlinjid Furni- lure Hinro. We lluy. Sell and Fx cliange New ami Secondhand floods, OEO. PAPADOPULOS oviu in an nrnirritl . Rallad bv 0J Third Avs. phoni Die 1jZW"I .- .x ...... - t, . . 0 ( MAIL SCHEDULE OUTHlOINa. fr tht l4t . MmhI), rlivji M tll . It ' VnC0tlltr Uuikltl HMkUjr iriln TuaM VtluUr lU Irtm rr.lj iMrii UiVUril Otlq ip.li.. Aprti t. i t . To fi, lk Arm, lUatrt A WMIMItrl rri.i. ... ' "I ' "I Ml Ml Itlul la nufii ..... Vrtnr.lu . . ) J! T , Part Simp m Nu, pain! TtiurMr . Ta 'aiatla palMa . Mrtl t. It. i Ta Qaaaa Clxrlalla lilu ftlau April 1 IT. iw-ccaiina, Fram Iha ftat . Utr. Wnlov1- tan r. dtrib r u ittu Hlur4jr -p.a.. n t. t rom' iat, Alfta Atmt, Stair(atM, Tilli rntftr .... fram Aarai, Part SIm a4 ba Ultar PalaU Suvriltfi ,, rraai Slrrla Palatr pMl . II. t. from Qaats CMrlalla UUm hMi-pf1l I. ,11. M. OX COLLICTI0SI Scbs Ortkam A Atnn e Ml At A lib SI I lh A A inUa - IN r A ThntnfMm 1 t. II A Skrfttrw.k Sla !3 C II A Cnafi.1 SI s ih A a Httt rm t m A Hart Car Clrlr lh Ur. A IbMHn l . lh Al. A WrfirM i a 4 I'm 0ti. f-Mr . . Pro. OnH. wiiatf . . S 0 T.P. Wlurf ,.. ta OT.P SUflMi t J ti ItnA Af. I M S. I ' ' , Int An A rlr ft I ' 1 lr4 A. A IH SI lb ti ' I I STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS Far Vaseavtar - MihmId . pnno hai -c TUMdt) lantmt rrtitat Prlni-c fte-sf, "loriUjr t i aiala . I'riiHvaa luain' ApHI 11 at. I'rliwea Uu: )tH tt - . I rlnr.. frm Vantaatar SsiHUr I inlrtia Wrttfw.Uy . CMim r i.i . rrlily- a. i aula . SaluhUr . I'rinrraa lit'tt Satunlay . frinre :hit April IS -. PrlnTa in i April Jo . Prlnrrit Hi Far Perl Slmaaan and Naaa !'' fridar - , ciuia From Port Slmaaan and Naaa rn 1 1 , StlunUr r.iii. PRINCE RUPERT MU8IO STORE.i "'m Charlalta lalaada- iirn i rrinra John April it prlnre .Inlm Db r tl It lb lb a t t Far Alatka April l ... rn . April !-. rrinrr h ii ' From aiaala April U . rrlnrr Mat ' April fs CHnrr-n n 31 1 Far Stawart, Aniai and Allta Arm n1r . cariirru . 1 WntmtUy i-rinre r.i r sainmltya. . -rnre r.im From Slawart, Anyai and Allca Arm-VirtMlay . frliire riirlr 1 t--Uy , fjir.-fta 1 )'rM ... rnni nwo ' For Anfai l"M.lav , fiuu ... 1 From Anroi . SiliinUya Call la 1 jrjFor guaan ctiarlotta Ulanda "ini i ( rrinrr jonn OANCKLLATION OP RCStRVf. NoritK is lillil'uT OIVK.N 0"'.f" ll-rrn an.iiiiK ,,vrr lrcl , , ',; I.Krnir No. mil, aiinatnl on J' ' Itlllir) t. t'uMAt lililll la Calll it- d. ii. ,rl lb. a. III....I.K : I "'L. TIMBER SALE,)(7649. MlEf.Vr;1 Tari;i,r- , rirrlvril M IWB, for Urn t'irrhn of Llirniw "vi u.iiu ..0o ( "A hi Spr re. Ilrtiii" i!n'Jamv,'fi l"'."', y. oanlmr ' ?KJ' ""rir . . w rrl ' ma will br tllowrit ' rrmnval nf llmlirr, airlv1. lr"Pilart nf Ihr Chirr Z rXvW;?: II' r Dl,,r,cl ftfr