25 YOl, XVI., NO, 90, iik- hi ii .1 Il Tl TAXI Ambulance Service Anywhere at Anytime. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. and 6th St. MATT VIDECK, Prop. Croup of Claim on Weit Side of Salmon River I , i i .mil fYAwro Kinp a .1 by p. I rmiim i .',!,..:, and T. W Mr- l.'..uv.l f II. ka.ni " ' I'rcmirr OuM Min- iimr U mi mill until at H.. i lhi It ! propel ir- ni ' ii tuiVs nf Un- l'i Min,i Imi' American -ii- "i Hi" li'V'i ilUtru-i. Tit- I In t miry ' Un' inw- ll III ut'cre (iii til ii -( ' The I'ritiiiii'i niiiii'i) t:.u. preparation tu i'nu-iii n 'lpH with ii crew of 25 FIRE LOSSES CENTRAL WEST Million Dollar Frea Caute Three Deaths and Livestock In North Dakota T I'M I-, April 17. Three '' .i'Ii1- it ih"iiund ucre nf I""'' i- ii'il over ntiil a monetary Ii"" Hiiriutniiilfly $l.(mt.()iMi i? tli 1 "n lots from prnlrle firr i in '1'iiHiil tiorlliwmt. r.iMi-nl ' .4 ii' liyi'dtwrk i ri'lMijIi-il I" li;vi' tipi'ti (li'nlrii'l in Noilli l!Uru BUILDING EXTENSION LOWE INLET CANNERY Tt york urf on u to hy 1 ao cxtiMuloti lo dm Liiwo InU't niniH'yvfur wliirli lln'y have tht rmilnicl. Alii. ". J.' Hirer ml AitIiK' lloalty uccoiiipanieil hy Clart tiro Tinillny nml Jurniv Oick miili'il fur Mm kuiUIi on Hi" 'l-nlu Uii uflnnmon. Aid. Hirer rxpccU In li Imr.k in al'init two week lime liul the remaftnler or ih piirly will ijnolialily be away for about two iuohMih. prigeIfIishon THE COLUMBIA RIVER VICTOUIA, April 17.- The C.nU iiiulila Hlvcr 1'l.iliermen n Prolee-live Aniftoc'latloit lias ileciilcil In iliMiiaml Mlxleeii ernlf a IMHiinl for Cliilkool walinon when Hi" heiiinin oprrt on Hie river ftu May I. Parker Muled that Hie.v will a.llieiiv In lal year' pr of IwkIvo cenls. '' , ' Hlli Li OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL ENGLISH LEAGUE DlvUlon ,1. Ar-rnal :l. HmMerdflelil I. A 1 1 'it ilia 'I. Toltciilinm U. Ilfilluii Hii.leri'i !. Sheffield 1. ftiirnh 2. lUiry - l.iVil I tilled U, llli iiiiiivli'iin I. Li'ire-ler t'.ily ManrbeMer I".. : LiiTmi 1. IHnrklMirn Hovel NeM iille I . 3. Neil llruniw U'll fi lUiiiuiy t'jinlifr l. l Ham I. lAorlon II. Division II. I'u I hum I. llaekKHil I. MiiMlenlHiru I, Derby IjMinly -' (lilliam i, Hull ily I. purUmoiilli 3, llnnlford I'.Hy I Proton X.K. 5. Ntlt Forest ir. Thv Vclneday 3. Hlaplon O. 0. South Sliield-Siiulhampton. noi played. Sloefcport f.ounly 2. DarllnKtun a. lk i:l(y 1. :helea J. Swuncea a. U.ini"ley 0. iderhamplon a. l'orl Valo t. SCOTTISH LEAGUE ' Division I, - Alienleeti I. Haiti llnven t. Airdriennian a. Kilmarnoek' 2. Clydebank I, lleiirls i. . ..wilenlieath I. I'anlck 1. Dundee U. 0, SI. JnlinMnne 0. Falkirk I. Hibernians !.. Ilauiillon A. I. Celtic 3.' Uuern Park 3, Mortori mttm PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper l'lUNCH KL'I'KHT, 11.(1. 8.VITIIIUY. AIMUL 17, W20. YeIrdji Ctreolaliun. 1487 Strwt Stic 131 Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing ' floor for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, The latest and bent for the least. Phone 457. PRIOR FIVF. CENTS. ANOTHER WHEAT FLURRY WINNIPEG TODAY NUMBER AUTO COMPANIES THREATEN TO CLOSE RESULT OF CUT IN TARIFF General Motors Reopen iCOURT ORDERS Monday but Other Firms Preparing to Close Down Directors of auto industries fail to agree on line of policy in view of tariff change announcement TOIIOXTO. April 17. Jut what . effect the . tariff reduction I f - I I I... I .:! I mi tnoior ' ur uniiouiioi-u iiy me u-uerai uiiuget win nave on me u: ii.-iic uidii-try (if Ihe Dominion is nut defiiiilely known. The tlf i .r of hiiio iiiiiiiHiritf'. win) t-uiiMiJemi I lie mtiialtoii i -..r.rj.,1 hunrs vcslenluv uuioiirucd indefinitely without i .... . 9 m . , ... it... i ....i...., i.. i i....i...i I' w i- un. minced today lhal (he deiierul .Motors plant ul l (inikf l'rire udjii-lnieul. Un (lie oilier hand Doflue llrotlier close their iluiit nmunn mrrrnn i . mi . r ii ni iif v AMERICAN SIDE it Bonded caniu ana francos today uinl u liuiMirt'il men are ufterted in UiU faclnry. Statement- nf official- of llii Dodge i r.lKTI'll WffC lit lilt' effect lliut it v- impossible tu compete w i I li American price under the ih-m tin iff arrangement. Orflriiilt nf the lanadian plant 'it Hi' I u rant Company an oon-. lifting mi inventory preparatory it rlo-in .low it. il was slated. to V II. I'enii, manaprer of Ihf Surf Inlet initio, and Mr.. I'enn nailed on Hie Calnln lliii nrier- ..m .i.k.l i.iillli mum lor iii-iMii-i mum ..im.nle lo New York and l'liila- IlIuIiiii. Mr. l't'iin is pom ensi ni mi.any HiiineM! ami vwn cour-e .mi in Suit unci in inn of ilie next lew weoK. J I.. Stewart, who has been on ii... -lair of Hi" lielninnt-Surf in lei Minim Co. ul "rf i" viilor in Hu' fUy on hii wiiy to Vnviiv where he will Joiiulho uf- rii,.i inir of .J ho firu'iiby Co llefore proi lintr lo Ihe smeller (own. however, he will fpon.i few day in mo nm-nm. I W. ruber iall by llio in.-., ilharlps nn Monday morn . i ...hi f.w V I'lorla wnero no- win i .1... l...n liiilnrv P.lnh .... .. III. U t .1 I I III. 1111. 11 IH'MHJ ....... l u dlsliict coiivonllon. v. W. J. 'TibblU will bo -..i.trnr from Attypx In 'Van l'rincn'ACl.nrlo ootivcr on Monday inorning. , ' CHIEF SKUGAID SALE FOR CREW Former Local Vessel Alleged to Have Acted as Supply Ship I For Rum Runners j ACTION NOT DEFENDED i VA.M HI Villi. April 17. . The mile of the hu tun auxiliary -ehoiioi-r. Chief Skn&'aid, pur-' cliai'l ri.i the lbuor rtiuuinxi liuniie-- fin in I ho Cnitadiau Fish A Cold storupe tJinpuny ofj Prime Itupert and later engaged in the liiiuur export husinc uut of Hi in purl, wai ordereil yeler-dny by Mr. Justice Martin, sitting us it judpe in Hie Admiralty Court. Libels plastered on Ihe xessel total (12.000, the plaintiff be-In? six members of the crow who claim waves for a five month' voyage during which time the vespel is alleged to have a fled as a supply ship fur ruin runntrn off Hie r..st of California and Mexico and ul-" U'r Vancouver rc.iiii'i s. The iirti'ins -were not defended. WILD MARKET WHEAT TODAY PRICE IS UP WINNIPEG, April 17. Whoat Is again up In price. On ono of the wildest markets during recent months, wheat advanced more than four cents a bushel this morning n response to heavy export buying. HALIBUT FARES 212,000 POUNDS llnltlnil landings herv tod a;. lolalleil SU'.imO pounds, cigh' American sehooners .selling l.7.- W0 in)unds at prires ranging front IS.le nml Oc In l.ic ami Tr. add oishl Canadian OS.OQ'i lMiu,ml ul from I2.J0 and ic. Ii IS.He and 7.rQ. Tho arrivuls were follows American IteJeglaud, lO.Otm pounds, and Forward, IS.tiud pounds, lo tho Canadian Flh Cold storage Conipiiny. Cotislihilion, :i(i,0(i(l pouuiK, nml iSihoma. I7.1KI0 oounds, lo Ihe Hoolh Fisheries, Itrothers. 11.0(10 pound!', to llio Itoolli Fisherirt!. Alliitillc. 22.000 pounds lo the Uoval Fluh Co. ! Ilonaiua, 12.000 pounds, ami Yiiiiuln'ii. 10.000 pounds, tu lbs Pui'ifio Fisheries. Canadian P. Durroeu, 7,000 puumli; Fislieh 7.0(H) pounds: Mayflower, l.OOO pounds, and loodie, .,000 pounds, lo llio Allin Fisheries. Ilno Spll, 17,0(1(1 ' poumis; Vorna, 3.500 pounds, ami Hingb. 0,000 pounds, to Ihe Canadian Fish A Cold Storage Co. Atll. 7,500 pbumls,;io-tli! Iloynl l ish Co. Salmon Xarliellufng. 2200 reds and 100 wliileh. al 10.7c and He, to llio Canadian Fish & Cold Sloragu Co. The American balibul schuun or llninh with 10,000 ioumls, rleared for Seulllc. Subscrlbo to the Dally News. Head of Prince Rupert Spruce Mills Takes His Own Life in California LODI, Cililiirnia, April 17. Having bt'cn in a sh ii lariiitii here ever sinir last November snfferiti)? '.villi a hoi -voii" Itre.'ikilowii believed lo have been ocrasioneil xis n te--iill of llio ilo-triicliiiii nf his. big sawmill al I'riii. e lliijicri hy fire during Hie full, John A. .Smith, president anil managing director of Ihe I'ritue Httperl Spin re Mill Lid. an ; Ihe Sinijli-Dollar Timber Co. 'Ltd., took liis own life early I ti i - tiiorniiig. He had -pen I Ihe night al the home or an old friend, J. K. Nelson, ami tipnii culling him for breakfast, il was found I hut he had heeii dead for two hours.1 The lale Mr. Hmilh. who had been lung connected with ihe timbering business on Ihe Hrili-li Culniiiliia ru.j-1. more particnlui ly vvilh logging (ban savvmilling, wus. burn in I'eiuisjlvania. Hesides his other inleiesls, he was managing director of Ihe Keysloue Lumber Co. ami director of Ihe Warren Timber Co. He was al-o n pasl president of Ihe Hrili-li liolombia Lugger.-' Asoi ialiou. lie was ubuni 55 v ciii's 6f uge and is survived hy a widow and lhrce child-ten, all of whom air in California. SCOTLAND AGAIN SOCCER WINNER VERSUS ENGLAND MAXCIIlCSTKIt, Aid. 17. Soul la ml defeated F.iisI.i'hI one goal lo nuilimg in the final uilernaliuual succer game llus afternoon. LOST HIS BALANCE AND WAS KILLED PHW FLL IIIVKK, April I J. - Losing his balance when a pajer ; 5 Irurk in which ho was standing , overturned while beuwg hfled on i un elevator, Victor llarl, a pulp; mill employee, fell leu foet and i was instantly killed, on, J lie wharf lore. A. D. Clark, who i in the boiler making business al Kel-rhikuii and who arrived in tho oily from Ihe north ycslerday, will leave Iiy this evening's trail, on a business (rip (o Clinton and 'les Moines. Iowa. FORD STOCKS HEAVY DROP Bellef Expressed In' New York That Americans Lose' Ad-Vantage In Canada NEW YORK, Apr. 17 Heavy selling by holders of Ford stocks on the curb market here Friday and Saturday caused a loss of 160 points, the belief bolng expressed that tho tariff reduction would wipe out all tho advantages of American companies operating In Canada. : BIG LEAGUE BASEBALL American League New York 3. Hoslon 2. Philadelphia 3. Washington 4 Cleveland 3, Detroit 5. National League llrooklyn 2, New York 3. Chieazo I, Cincinatli 2. Hoslon G. Philadelphia 5. Pittsburg 2, SI. Louis 3. Mental Hygiene Commission Asks Thai Those Marrying Get Clean Bill of Health VIGTOHIA, April t". The menial hygiene commissioi silling here yesterday asked for three important changes in tin laws wilh a view to improving the general menial condition u' Ihe people. Possibly the most important of these was u recom mendation that llio-c about to marry undergo physical exantina lion from a physician and he compelled lo get a clean lillie of health before being permitted lo enter the slate of wedlock. The second was Dial slricler immigration laws be enforced to prevent Ihe entrance of menially diseased imnngranl.s. The ihird was Ihe establishment of psychopathic wards in Hnlish Columbia hopilals. W. SARGEANT of Ihe Lecture Starr International Bible Students' Association, will speak in the Westholme Theatre Sunday Evening at 7.30 'You are invited. on SUBJECTl "ISRAEL THE WORLD'S HOPE!" Can Chrislendom be Saved Without the JevV? No collection. Local Man Reports Loss of Money and Furs on Gasboat Wrecked at Bonilla Island Claiming lo have lost u wallet containing loo in cash as well as a quantity of furs when his gasboat Leueish. which he recently purchased from Thor Johnson of Hie city, was wrecked on Hnnilla Island last .Monday night, A. T. F.ekoff, local fur dealer, was brought hack lo the city last night by Ihe provincial police who effected iiis re.-cue. Kckoff had been on a fur buying Irip lo the Hanks Island neighborhood and his boal, being unable to face a stiff .sonHi-east blow Monday night, was anchored for shelter in a small rocky bay on Honllla Island. The r- anchor failed In bold and, Ihe jropeller slrikin.z a rock, Ihe boat was crippled. It then drifted .urther on the rocks and Hie hulll was considerably ilamag.cu. I.ck-off and his employee. II. Saul, together with Jimmie llyan of Metlakalla made shore and the boal was pulled up us far as possible with the high tide. Kckoff and Saut made camp while llyan, at eonsiderable risk, uu-icrtook lo make the twenty-mile rip in exposed waters to Kilkat-a fur assistance. Ileachiug there safely, he came un into Prince lupert and notified Ihe provincial police. Late Thursday night. I'ainiii was despulchfd ou the jasbu'at' Zailasdi. Capt. iiaminoitf ffjr the euiJuiauoJatiieil by 'tyan. Arrivjng.al JJonilla Island yesterday morning about 7.30. Ihey found Kckoff and Saul asleep and cuile comfortable ashore. They had been able to remove blankets and food, etc., from Hie stranded boat. Picking (he stranded men up, the rescue party relurned lo Ihe city vvilh lliciivlale yesterday afternoon. II appears that nobody suffer ed much' hardship although it may not be possible lo salvage ho Leneisli. In any case. Kckoff irnpo-es lo return more io see ii the boat can be saved ami if tho money ami skins, he claimed lo ave lost, can be found. GRAIN CARGOES OUT VANCOUVER Hiohoh Maru fur Yokohama 100,000 bushels, for Otaru il,- &iy bushels. lleiyo Maru for Yokohama l'J7, 302 bushels. . ' 1 Pogeu Maru for Yokohama 70,- 000 bushels. London Merchant for Man chester 7 t,ll(tt bushels, for London 18,007 bushels. Krt-ingtou t'ourt for Antwerp 257.200 bushels. Noorderdyk for Rotterdam 37.- 333 bushels. La Marsellaise vvilh the option of Kuropean continental ports 10G.300. for London 1 1!,333 bushels, for Antwerp 55,000 bushels. Canadian Freighter for Avon- mouth 37,333 bushels. Wairuna for Auckland 1,631 bushels, for Sydney l,i35. Judith for Puerto. Columbia 10,700 bushels. Leikhauger for Calluo 30,95 1 bushels STRIKE IS SETTLED. XKW YOUK, April 17 - Tin strike of tugboat men employed in New York harbor was sellled last night qod shipping activilios were resumed. The men were ranted an increase In wajrest unH shorler hours. Mrs. 6. A. Hcngers and family will leave on this evening's Iraln for Melville, Snskalcliewuti, whero Ihey will join Mr. lingers and lake up I heir future residence (n Jlie Way Kasl, lUvy wjll visil for a few days in Kdmonlon. i ELEVATOR SALE HAS BEEN MADE Splllers of Vancouver Sell Out to Eastern Clients of Royal Se-cuprltles Corporation VANCOL Vldl. April 17.. The Province -ays: "Sale of the Van couver terminal (irain Com pany's elevator (Spillers: vvas made this morning to the lluyal -rcurilies Corporation, acting for Kastern clients, whose identity has ""1 Jt biv disclosed. is pdorstuo uuii -llie "price 'paid for Ihe big Vancouver elevator - was 2.000,0oo." No report of Ihe figure for which Hie sale was made has been given .''lit, but Ihe statement from Calvary, when Ihe sale of Ihe Alberta Hraiu Company's elevators was made was that the consider-alion in that transaction was ijtfi.OOO.OOO and now il is an nounced that Ihe tolat amount involved in Hie whole deal, includ- liisr the Vancouver elevator, is; ,0O0,(M0. LIKE TO SEE ALL RED ROUTE! Sir James Elder Anxious for. Trade Development Between Canada and Australia V1CTOIUA, April 17. Sir lames Khlcr, commissioner for Australia in Ihe United States, was here last night after making a farewell lour of Uie republic and is goirag homo by way of (treat Britain. He is anxious to see trade development between I lie two dominions over all-red route between Sydney and tirilisli Columbia instead of between Svney and San Francisco. DR. BELAND IS OUT OF DOMINION CABINET Lets no Portfolios of Health and Soldiers Re-establlshment OTTAWA, April 17. Hon Henri Severin Iceland has resign ed as minister nf health and soldiers' re-eslablishmenl ami Hon. .1. C. Klliott, minister ol labor, was sworn in as minister in those Ivvo departments. Dr. HoUnd's resignation is for the purpose of reducing the size of I lie cabinet. VANCOUYEREXCHANGE Did. Asked Wheal 1.59 Vi D.C. Silver 1.95 .I0 Daly Alaska - .20 Howe Sound .... 3Q,0(i 35.00 Indian .09 .09 t- & L. . iV J-1.V-. .15 Marmot ...J.. .U7,!i .09 premier 2.25 t.33 Jjilv.ercresl Surf In lei .I0V5- .08 .12 .09