PAGE TWC VH iivlLY NB'wS. II Full of Flavour SALAM II I; ' TEbAi So why accent exHtvusted bulk tea. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince .Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. H. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year $0,00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising. . . .?1.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page $2.80 per inch Local Readers, per insertiori 25e per line Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c per word Legal Notices, each insorii&n 15c per agate lino Contract Rates on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - . - 88 .AlTadvertising should be in The Daily News Office before 4 p.m. on'day preceding publication. All advertising received siinjen to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Wednesday, Aug. 18, 1926. Conservative Scheme to ' Delay Old Age Pensions. The Conservatives are opposed lu the idea of old age pensions. The Consccvnlive majority in the Senate defeated the bill, which should now have been law. Seeing that there is a demand for this measure on the part of the people whose voles ihey-want, the Conservatives have hit on a scheme fo put off the parsing of such a measure. They say they will first have a meeting f the representatives of the provinces an3 try to get them to agree lo a general scheme. This is likely to take time and will also probably fail, but if it does they will have someone to blame. Those, who wish to -see a pension scheme passed should support those who will support Mackenzie- King. Very soon, if senators voiiliiiiie to die, the. Senate will be Liberal ami it will then be possible to nut through Liberal measures without having the Senate holding a cJulr over their heads all the time. Give King Majority And Vote For Progress. lu spile of all the blue ruin talk of Premier Meighen everyone knows that Ihe country is niore prosperous today than it 'was under the former administration. Immigrants are cominc in and are being absorbed on lire land and this year would have been a very busy one had it not 'been necessary lo hold an elecr Uon. Elections always make business stagnant. The only way to gel a more permanent condition is lo return Mackenzie King with a larger majority and then .watch the country go ahead. Prince Rupert should be particularly interested in -this. Just Got Start, Then Why the Brakes? Prince Rupert is iust about to start. Then, why nut on the .brakes? Why band us overbnee more lo Ihe lender mercies of a Conservative Government? Any person who lives in Prince Rupert and who votes Tory is a fit subject for brain examination. It has taken time to put the city . .on its feet, so now let us keep going. Increase in Electric Power This Year. The 'generation of electric power in Canada is on the in crease and that is an indication- of indtistrinl prosperity. The Royal Rank, report, just received, says in this respect: "The amount of electric power generated in Canada for Can ddian ntf ;diiritiR the first five months of 1020 Mirpnd that proilncjeir in the eorrespomlilig months in 1025 by 17 jer cent and that of b" -18 per cent. Increased growth in Canadian use of electric power is indicative of increased industrial ac tivity, miice a mncli larger proportion of the-electric .power gen ernp'u in uanaua is nsen lor mmisitjau purposes man in -more, thickly sejtled countries where there is a larger proportional amount used Tor lighting." Miners Are Men Who Are Helping the Country. Thu miners arc.llie men who nre helping develop the conn tQ- and making it prosperous. .Yesterday we told of a mine about to be developed by Iluke Harris and associates on Rusting Arm, near Anyox. He may not be thinking about . that. Probably he is trying. :lo make a little money for himself,, but he would dig it out of 'ihe ground. The 'producers a.e the people who count and that is what we want in this norlli country. There nre plenty- of office men, but always a lack of .real producers. Here's lo the miner who wrestles with mother" earth for Ihe riches that lie buried beneath her bosom. Health for the kiddies SHREDDED WHEAT BuUc prftd bofrs and goed diffftwn Delicious with milk or fruiti SNAKES SKUNKS LIBERALS AND PROGRESSIVES Professor LeacocK Thinks All Should Be Driven Out of Land So Tories May Rule. Education is a wonderful tiling. says the Edmonton Bulletin. Prof. Stephen I.eaeocfc, speaking at a Tory nominating convention last I week, In the presence of Premier, Meigheu, pictured the happy nays, that are in store ror Canada when the last Liberal and Progressive has been silenced and tho beauti ful, ccmelery-like sileirte of Tory-j ism falls over the land. He suhi:i "The snakes have been driven: out of Canada; the skunks have' been nearly all exterminated, j Now there are only Ihe Liberals; and J'mjfressives 10 e jroi nu m. Bolshevik Sentiments If a teamster or a mucker or a coal miner had uttered these sentiments, he would have been misunderstood. The police would probably have arrested him a a Bolshevik. Charitable people would have deplored the effect of stroiw drink upon the common people. But the standing of the! professor as a scholar aiuLa Jiter-ateur saves him from such 'suspicion. The professor, as a matter of fact, is a specialist in political economy. Be believes that '"a-nada can become rich iy increasing the price of farm implement, tools, clothing, bonis and shoes, and the necessaries of life. His millionaire friends back East who control big monopolies fully agree with him. When the professor speaks ex cathedra, as he did at the Tory picnic, they dole upon hi words, for money magnates dearly love the voice if authority. They think the professor's opinions are authoritative and free from bias; that his remarks show academic restraint and catholicity or thought. Sticky Mess Bow then can the Tory mille- nium be brought about? Snakes have been exterminated by shot guns and skunks by sleel traps Bur Liberals and Progressives would he such a sticky mess for the learned professor to soil his lily-while hands on. The common people will have to he invoked. Anything (hat is -to be done had hctter be done before September' li. 11 is suggested Ilia t Bon. Mr. Meighen and the shadow cabinet hnuld issue an Order-in-Council under Ihe Oame Act declaring-an open season for Liberals and Pro gressives, and. giving a bounty of $5 a hide for every Liberal, Pro gressive and Lahorite who bt ex terminated. In a city the izc of Edmonton here j room for many trap lines, 'reference should be given in is suing the licenses to those Tories. who wen disappointed in not be ns made returning officers or cjgistrar. Card of Membership fir if the professor and his mo ney barons cannol wait, why not put lo the sword every man. wo man and child in Canada who can nol produce a rani flf membershiii showing that they have mid their dollar to the Tory Association? This would be a more humane lealh than compelling everyone. not a 'I ory, lo read a copy of Prof. Leacock's works. THE MAN IN THE MOON aya: Did you hear about life lour I jsi who asueu one oi me provincial police the nearest wav to the Art Gallery Two hairdressers 'fought duel n Paris recently. It Is said they-are1 still alive because they both bobbed when the or der lo fire was given. A Judge has suggested that cookery book be given free with every marriage license. But what man wants to study cookery book? Most women nowadays take man for belter or divorce. The latest, addition familiar compact of women is a can-opener. Some meji lose their and sie.l married while get married anoe, to the married balance others and lose their bal If a woman won't do work for $2' per hour, house. thul'1 Child Life protected Soiled hand and faces ire natural to childhood, but wherever there is din there is danger danger of infection to tender skins. The antiseptic ingredients of Lifebuoyf-the world's most widely used soapare your sure protection against skin infection. Give the children and your-self the delight of Lifebuoy. Lb-570 nriue: poi worn A caterpillar ed worm. V tntt Bnxfcm Liimttd Toronto he'll do it fo,' nothing, I hat s marriage Did you ever hear of speaking; Esperanto like live? m,n na if a cat has nine lives you'd need a nine chambered gun which lit shoot one. is an uplioller A wnriian re.-enUy slapped Iipp husband's, face after & gme t brfafcre. Won-Vr If ho followed suit With a club! What a lifel But stHl wouldn't be wilhoul it. we A giraffe l one- of the hej ronverrulioiialisl in the zec-beeause be can open his mouth without putting his foot in it Holding the breath 'J good for the health. It s a wonder more politician are not siok. The latest in Paris Is dresws lo mateh the voice. Suv we-know what U tho mailer with. the dress of some ladies. Probably it was the federal elections that made the Sells-I'loto elephants wild when they cached Canada. SATURDAY LAST DAY SOCKEYE RUN ! ON NAAS RIVER (From tluverumeiil lb-port Iliii iiiK I lie last few years (; Naas River snokeye runs have been of particular mleresi because I hey have shown notice able inconsistent variation which eaaliol be explained hy obvious reason. . -s lias been pointed out by lr?. Blber, Ihe cycle in this.nvep is de nude v a rive , ear n. " illustrate 11m nronnteiieie the following examples are cited: The ruit of l21 was except ion - ullv Poor, although Hie brno.- year, tutu, aeenrumg u too m-tv or. I and colld HODS OH Ilie snuwnlnE grounds, was excel lent. Vice versa, in l'J2S I here occurred one of the largesi runs or reeenl years, and yet I'D eenl of the run was hatchM from eggs spawned in 1917 which is recorded us a very nc- dioere vein cn-es,. Hr.t (iilberi says : Tile nature of liir exrepnouul ei.iidiiions, favorable or un i a viable, which were re upoattiiile foi these contradictor) results is not known to us." Tin' ,al three years have shown a closer correspondence beivvee i Ihe pack and their hrood-years Cac 15123 -- l7-2 Illtt 105 ... 1018 ... HUH lUJO In spile f the fact a.t,avo 1U.351 Ul.SIll ni.7 n) that thee last three year have conformed more nearly lo expewtaiiry ai -cording t.i pack recorils, there i still -onie dir.iepanc) lie-j tween actual return and pre ) die led returns la-ei on the spawning 3riuud iMndilion. tor instance, in UMl the spuwn- tv IhiN presented a vety unfav- orble Hpot, bat olio of the srrcatAAl runs the X&a un anown ivcurml In littl. The pack ol I U25 was small, par ticularly In eompurisoii witu those of ti 22 and H'-t, bill II Mas expecteit. no', only beeanse of the amall iaek ol Ihe nmod- year. ID.'O, but, in addition, In spector Hickman was of tli o-,.mio that tbe run of IV30 w;i not m latw as any other year on record, with the jmuhIM ex iceiiiion ol ivjy. Only ,5 iter rent of the pftcK was derived from .he I run and an unusually high perrenlage (.1) formed the four-year-old oir-veiir-io-lake . group. Tin is very ilifficull lu understand, partleitiarty a inee individuals Vr desceiidanls of the ItfJI run, wlikth is the smallest on rword (1,8ft 1 ra). Ii U, possible that we have erred in nome of our drinuialioin, tiverlooklng a very small first winter in the lake, and cons, queutly placing; individual, wbi.'h .enlly If'oiuicd in the' live-year-obl tw-years-in-lake Class, in the four-year-old one- year-in-iake group. Condition of Run rear lias leen expressed thai! the .Naas run is declining. Tb results of this war's pack, to FAR RFfFIVINfi VERSES r"""'r w"" knowledge mat Limerick Competition Closes Ab solutely on Saturday Even-lino of This Week The I.irnerick competition clos(tt absolutely on ...fcaturdaj-j cvenfnir for tVsideniiT of prince Rupert and Jor out of town residents verses niUst be malldd not later th,m uaturday, a rca.1-oiRihlc time being allowed for them to arrive. Following are' one or Iwo of the limericks sub mitted A town that was noted for rain Had a Ooveriiuiont Morehouse foi rfrain; Said Meighen when he viewel il. v , "I always had iiied It Your right to exist now is plain" The man who will do thu right thing And once more prosperity bring, Is Brady the leather, Most excellent preacher, But he hasn't any use for Ih'j Kiiiig. There once was'a a 'candidate, Brady, For Ottawa lie was bound maybe I But ftlnrk changed his mind And like the stork' kind, Left Brady behind. like Ihe ha by. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Mrs. O. B. Flevvlif, Port .Simpson; fleorgii Bupert, Anyox: 'Kinar Milkspn nod Ncls Xeslund, Ketchikan; T. Haunell, Anyox. I from the smallest run on record, nre not encouraging. On the other hand,-(his year Inspector; Hickman observed at the (mad. or Meiadln Make a far prealet uiimher of spawning fish Ihani he hud seen In any previou year, and he aUft reported enormous number of soekeye ninsi.j el below both upper and lower falls. But experience has taught that prediction are not neces sarily realized in tips river. 'Conseipienlly a few more year must pass nefnre Ihe real eon-dilion of the Xaas run is definitely known. "OOVKRNMCNT LIQUOR ACT1 Notlet f ApellMlkn for Con,nt le Trin,l,f inr LIcmim. notick Is in:iu:nY iiivm mi nn iht InlriKl lo ippljr lo iim Liquor :r,ninl Hoard for ronKcnl lo Irannrrr nr Ilirr Ii I mire nuinbf i-d 17(1 ami In vurrl pr nrrminM. Iirinv part of a liulMma1 known at Port i:inni-iit liotri, pnrt cio l iiiriil, 0. I... upon ihn land tlPM-rlbril l.ol 7, lllork 47. In SulHllH.lon of Lot Tin I Uiirm CharloUr land. Prlnrt lluiri Land nuinatry hlalrli't. In Him Provltwe crl HrnlMi Columbia, from frank lllrai to' llrrlirrl llainiilon, Tlxtwlor Mumml and 1 i Clrronr or die Ti.n of Port ClrmcnM In" Ilia Connlv or Crlnr llupcrt. In thu pn, i iintT ,,riuiiii rfnniiiui. inn iranrfiriiia OATKI. at I'rinre impert, M C. . ihV i Sl.i day of July, l(i. MMIIIKIIT IMNPTOJI IIIKIlPOIIk MI'SlfiM , , , ? Ap)Hlraiil1ina Tranfr., Caolar Land niMrlcl. Land fiprordlni filMrlrt of prlnrr Miirl. and lluat, T on Allln I akc about 31 ml lea auuUiw'ii ol TASK NOTICE that r.ilwln Jiilxa Ftrrrl pt Atlni. In Dip Proyln.H of Brlo.h Cnfiim.' j.fa. orrupation omrallnir tminat Uiinrh Inirnda to apply for prrtnlMinn lo int. rliar th followlnir d)-rrltird land' Raimnenrlnt at a poll planted ai bo aoiiUinatt rornir of niar Hay. In Allln LakB, altuaiMd aa abiv: Ihrnrr 'follow J lli Mhorj. Iln wmi (0 rlNilna; n,"nr! vinlh to rlialna; Ihrnre MM to rhahwt tliMir norm to chalna, to point ii rnnunenrempnt. EllWIiV JULES EC10EHT. WWW. DW1 Miy to, IttS. Wednesday, Aun g COKSYS SPECIAL SELECTED IIIAttLllMf n VI. Jti it-, i Very Smooth u K (ettid at J f.A t..L. 4 Very Flavorful Very Popular CANADIAN RYE WHISKY This advertiBemcnt i not publi'-hed or uspi y-1 by fte Liquor Control Board or by the uoverumeot ol British Columbia PREVENT FOREST FIRES YOU CAN HELP B.C. FOREST SERVICE Steamship and Train Service Sa.linta from pnincc RUPCRT r r VsNCOUVtR, ViCTOioA, Mttv arh MONDAY and THURtOAY 4.00 is, SATUROAV, -00 " For ANYOX ami tTl WART MONDAY, fRIOAY, 4.00 ror ALASKA WtDNIIDAY, 4 00 p.m. ror MAtirrr inlet monoay, 4.00 .in. Dl ror KIDtOATB INLIT (iwl IOUTM QUttN CMARlOTTa " fvrtnlahtli, fAltCNQIR TRAIN! LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT dally 'V ) am for prince oeorqe. Edmonton, vwinnipeo. ai Canada, l nltl SlalM. Asanay Ocaan tUamahlp Llatt. U Cana4tian .National iprrt fcr Motwy ordri. for- lo for your iwit bipmrnt. Ollf Tlctat Offlaa, (21 Third A,., Prlnao mnptrX. r' ICANADIAN vPACiriC kiaiiaiT To Kalchlkan. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Serviceg Sailings from Prince Rupert , Wranoall, Junaau and ikagway Auqual 8, 6. ,4' ?! W' To Vancouar, Victoria and Saattla Auauat 4, 7, 11, 1i a' PRIN0EC8 BEATfltCS. 0mkl Rl,r, and Vaiuoutar aiar Mtu'daY 11 a m, r RutadaU, Eaal Balla Ball. Oeaan falla, Namu, Alart Ae far all ItMmaMp Llsaa. Pvll InfarmalK" W. 0. ORCHARD Oanaral Aftst. Ooraar of 4th fllraal and 3rd Atanua, Prlnaa Ruoart, B.O. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITEDJ aiiinta trom Princo liuaerl, . r or VANOOUVER. WIOTORIA, Iwanaon Ba. and Alart B., TM.t. t, for VANOOUVER. VI0T0RIA. Al.ft a.,, .d twan.or, Ba. Ealurdal. Por PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rlar Oannarlaa. Thuraday p."- f-T TP"! NYOX. AllOE ARM, ITEWART, unda. R" . 0. t. Barmltr, AaL pnoa