PAGE BIX THE DAILY NEWS AUDITORIUM Dances EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY EVENING Heginnfnir at 9 o'clock Floor In lie Finest Shape MISS CURRIE'S ORCHESTRA Ladles 25c Gentlemen 50c Tlje Hall is now equipped to take care or Dances, Concerts and Meetings of any kind. The building is 50x100 feet, maple floor, newly plastered. Clear title to properly. IT'S FOR SALE Phone Black 449 L. J. MARREN, Proprietor. AUDITORIUM Pure )rugs PROMPT SERVICE RIGHT PRICES t'ou will always find the highest quality at this store together with prompt, efficient and courteous service PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED Carefully and Accurately "Vc fill prescriptions Just as your physician wants them filled. LET US SEltVE YOU Rune pt Pharmacy Prescription Specialists Phone 94. We deliver. I Lead Others Follow The Home of Trunks and Suitcases, pioneer's Friend Hudson's Bay Blankets. Piere Paris LoRRers' Boots. Big Horn Brand Clothing. Original Diamond Sweaters. Genuine. Fur Seal Coats, guaranteed. Nice's Dyes. Tents, Blankets, Bag3. Pat Ptiillipson Second Avenue Genuine Indian Made Curios Meat Department Leg lloa'sit Veal, per lb.. .25c Shoulder Veal, p -r lb . . 18c Veal Chaps, per lb 25o Veal Stew, 2 lbs 25c Prime ltib Beef, jier lb. 20c Boiling Beef, per lb. ... 8c frJIuiulder Slcak, per lb. 15c Jot lloasl, per lb. . . 12o (horned Beef, per lb. . 6c Hausage, 2 Jbs 35c Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones18 and 84 417-423 5th Avenue East George rorie Chartered Accountant and Auditor Receiver, Liquidator, Trustee, &c. Phone 387 New Address: 243 Second Avenue West PJUNCE nUl'ISRT l30 WHALES AT ROSE HARBOR Total Catch For Season on Queen Charlottes Has Been 1G3. Whales ecm almost as numer-, ous as ever, judging by reports received from the whaling; sta- tions on Oueen Charlotte Islands. Up to date a total of. 163 mammals have been caught. Of this number 130 go to the credit of the Hose Harbor station, which is the largest and opened up ear lier than .aden Harbor. The oilier, station has caught thirty-ihree whales. In the case of llosej Harbor an increase of thirty is shown from last year, while Na- den Harbor shows a decreaes vi fixe whales. .Naden Harbor has been experi encing very foggy weather and. was somewhat handicapped in not starting so early in the year as Hose Harbor. If weather condi tions improve near Naden Harbor, however, a good catch can he expected from this station. During the last twelve years 7.019 whales have been taken by the British Columbia whaling fleet. The largest yearly catch was 1,198, and the smallest 187. Last season 20.9 whales were tak- n and processed. In the British Columbia whal-iing industry which has been high- j micui,iiiui,ui me tunic taitar? niter bcinff inflated with air LAND ACT. Notlca of Intention to Apply te Laata Land In Stiktn? Division, :asur. Land Kr "nidinif liisirirt or catsiar, and aitualr at Orand Itiinds. the stiktnr Wvrr and lu the wi r Surveyed Lot 47(1. TAkE NOTICE that I. Walter sniti Simpson, ut Ti'lrrrapti, H. C., orrutialioii, Hanrher. m:cnl to apply for a lta-e ut tlif fiiihiwinr d-rrll.pd landv Coriimpii'-inir at a post planted on tlir NiirihwrM rurner or Lol Hi), thrnre Soulli 48 chain ; tlienrr VVeM 1(1 rhaina; tbtu.-r North 4' chain: tlirnrr East to chain, and routalnlnr Forty arret, more or less. VVALTEII SCOTT SIMPSON, Ailnnt. LAND ACT. Notlca of Intention to Apply to Laaaa Lana In rnnre Hnpert Land Itecordiur Uu tnn or Coast llanrr t, and Ulune o.. North Itarhael IMand. TAk'E XOTIT.E thai Airred Swanson. C rrinre Kupert. occupation Manner. In tends to apply for a lea? or the follow Inr described lands: MimiiiMii inr ai a pol planted at tht south end or North Rartiael Island; tbem-. around the Wind ai bifrh wler mark, and comaimng to acres, more or less. ALFRED SWANJON. Applicant WEEK-END SPECIALS PRESERVING. PEACHES Arriving Friday Per Crate S1.45 This is the lowest price we expect to have them this Reason. In fact we expect Wie next shipment to lie higher. OllfUJl NOW! Jumbto Pack Applos, 3 lbs. .. 25c Per box S1.95 No. 1 Mcintosh Red Apples,, 2 lbs for Per box S3.5C Fancy Okanagan Wealthy Apples, 2 lbs. for 25c Per box $2.90 Musk Melons, each.. 20c and 25c Unwrapped pears, per basket 35c Net weight 5 lbs. each. 50-tb. box $2.75 Fancy Okanagan Bartletl Pears, for preserving or eating, wrapped slock, per case $2.95 This is the lowest price we expect In have this season. Outdoor Grown Tomatoes, pet bakei 40c liitaranteed 5 His. net weigh! Net weijthl 2Vj lbs. GROCERY SPECIAL Malt or White NN'ine Vinegar, per pallon 95c We will allow 25c rebate for each jar returned in pood condition. Shelled Walnuts, broken, lb. 35o I Lard in bulk, 2 lbs. for 39c 'Malkius Best strawberry Jam. 4 ;lb. jiail 790 I Wool Soap, 13 bars for .. $1.03 j The liijrjregl value in bath or toilet soap on Ihe market. H. G. Fresh l'ullel Kpjcs, doz. 40o 3 dozen for $1.1B i Rupert Table Supply Co j Phones 210, 211, 212 I flavor of fresh I mint gives a newVr I j I thrill to every bite. II J L Wrigley's Is good J and good for you i:th GROCERY Sterling atBp, S0y bottles, while they Inst, 3 for BOo Itulk Creuinery Hatter, 2 lbs, 7Be Hrick Croamery Ituller, lli....40o ltrook field Ituller, in cartons Fresh 1'jjrps, 3 doz. for Choice Iiry dQi"'. her Hi. tUiiiiee'.Itab'itff-lp.txtloz. utrummrjsr.... JOHN OLIVER AT MEETING Took Seat Near Chairman's Table at Mefchen Gather ing Yesterday VICTOIIIA .Aug 18. Witii John Oliver, British Columbia." premier, sitting near the chair man's table, Pri'inier Meighcu yesterday afternoon addressed n public meeting from the steps of the Parliament Building. After a general reference lo .Mr. Oliver's presence, Mr. Meigheu proceeded with his speech, announcing the intention of his Government to present a bill for the revaluation o! Ihe soldier settlers' lands on a practical basis. Speaking of the effect f dissolution on uncompleted leg- lslalion, the Premier turned lo I Ihe accusation of "Diclalor tow-d ba.k to the whaling sla-; Mej!ien- llHng resvoni,n,v tur tmii ai.d there stripped oi its wual tJie (jovernor-(leneral had Middier and meat. The Ikinadian'done. je ait lf n, was , ,. Pacific coast industry annually . iiolit rrponi1ile for the (iover-j proauees auoui iuu ions oi vvnaie nfir' conduct, "I am glad to bone meal and 900 tons of meal accept the re.p.nsihilily. They and blood lor fertilizing purposes. 'do me an honor I don't deserve. A small quantity of the latter is But if they ntsist on pressing sold as fertilizer in British Co-jit upon me I am ready to aecepl .1 (Km .... Jl " mjiuiia anil 11 I t. Illu IIUl; I 1? Ci II pm-teii. principally to the United Slates. 30,000 PEOPLE THE BANKRUPTCY ACT. IN Tilt! KSTATE OFA.NIt ltlCHMONII. AntlxniK-d Alimr. NoTHX It hereby riven thai Annie lllrb-nwilMt, uf ITIIK-e lliiiert. B. c. did oil ttie 1 7ili day tit Aurukt. 16. make au auttHir-led auMiniiiH-ni or all her rnfiert)' far Ihe twuerit or tier rreditoro. and tliat II. f. ManiKi. orririal Itereiwer, lu ap-p'lliiled tee In be cuittodlan t the eUte -f the (IHihir until tlie irediuir at their MrM rueettnic tiiill elect a trtulee to ad-nuniKier Hie etate ut the debtor. N"Tli:i: ir rurtlier inten that the firm N.e'linr of rredllor In I lie above elale 25c wl" ' ,lr1 '!"' "ffii or tiie orririal iM-rt.,rT ai wir Miun nnue. I'rinre uii-liert. ii. :., no Ihe tltb day or A u (runt. Ifi. at II oVtork In llie nreiMiun. Ti. entitle Viii tu vnte tliereat priHif ut ynnr claim inuai be Indued ith Hie berore the llieetlnif in held. IT' iien tu tie ued at the meetlnr muni be liNlaed Mllli ine prMir therein. And rnrllier take millre that ir yiiu hate an rlalm acalnut the debtor tur hlrh ym are eimill In rank, pnmr of "iirh i laini iiiiikI 1 riled with me Vklthlii liiirly dayo rnun ihe dale or thin nutlrr fnr from ami arier tlie riHrllin uf the lime men ny mnM-u,.n a or tteriNni 17 r Ihe eald Art I nhall distribute (lie ir. ceertu .,r the iVbtnr'a enlaie amour the lumen entitled therrln harlnr rea-ard unit In the claim i if hli'h I have then notice. at Prlnee lluperl, II. nil- ir Aupit. in. I. Nil II1IAY II l.l.Ul. (uatudlan., per in. 7i l nil n ninnir Sweet Spuds, per tb .. 15o LAoH & LAKRY wrau M(j(jics, J III IUI 96 1 Damson Plums, per crate. .$3.15! Buy yuur Damson l'lutim whil I you can get them. SIXTH STREET jWlxon Plums, jier basket .. 75c lt.kles in infilled for which you Net weight 0 to CVj lbs. regularly nay Ojc. our iuicc..45o Red Malaga Grapes, Jiasket .. 50o:or 3 bottles for $1.25 PROHIBITION EFFECT CHICAGO DOWN TOWN I M . . tAfltk D....II That '.Hi . v j mus 9 I . ii.mi TX V V TNFT1 i iKiUkbi IM11H! Bu-eT.uB.Hs":crn ) . LOMMJ.N, Aug. 18 . -Sutrhffe's! l??' Tl .... ... tJ. , .renting for an aggregate of fl,- score 1 r 101 and liol.s even l.un-!000 000 a d OQl ,n featured the second innings J.,- ;c,liPIlKO-s w dl,wn.loWn ..i i.iiMioni in me ic!i criii,Hi...i.i ... nmi,ii.,i,n l,B .r. mutch with Australia yesterday. V4m' siuaips were drawn England had a spore of 375 for six wickets' and were thus 353 ahead of the touring 'visitors. Thirty thousand people attended . TORNADO DESTROYS" FARMLAND NEGR0E5 WILSON .Ark., Aug. 18. Five j negroes were killed and twelve in-i.; 1 1 red and an unestimated amount I of property loss incurred when a jiornado dipped northwest of here !a-t nig-ht. The grealer part of 'lie damage was confined lo farm htiildiriigs and tenant houses on Him plantations in the territory. Women of Mooehcart Legion Bazaar lea to be held at Mrs. Edwards, Hays Cove Ave., Thursday aflernon, will be postponed until Friday owing Id the fimoral of the late Mrs. Franks. supplanted br other lines of business which, with few exceptions, are paying two or Ihrf.' times as much rent- This far-; was revealed by a door-lo-door survey by a representative of The Christian en-nee Monitor, visiting 216. addresses listed a' City Hall as paying "Loop" liquor license in 191'J, au I consulting witli real estate authorities. The transition observed eover an area of 35 average blocks, romprisiug the' centre of the of fice, theatre ami shopping district. Twenty-four foruiT saloon sites have been erased from the map by new buildings, either complete and occupied or now under construction. The" buildings already up are of the aky-scraper variety, replacing in a number of caes obsolete strue.- lures of three and four stories, ramshackle fire menaces. Sutu old buildings held baek values ror entire neighborhoods, or i-onlribuled o the general do- presion in their vicinllici. The ieUerm',nt r.ave helped foslcr a common upward tendency in "Loop" rents sinee the war If profits of the saloon vi-crc still rolling in, many of these destroyed obsdTete buildrnas would still oe hanging on, ac cording to rehfal atilhorilles New builjings have '.ended to clean up their localities, empty other outdated structure. to tiring desi -dtile liusjnpss, raie rents and i:. -cease real estalc values PROVINCE OF QUEBEC HAD GOODLY SURPLUS Liquor Profits For Year There Were Over Five Million Dollars. Ul'KIIIX. An. IK A surplus of t.Di'0.1iO.;5 of ordinary revenues over expenditures iirourred by the Province uf Otiebco in the fisral year f-ndiiag 15)25-2(5, ending June 3(1 was a'mtoiiirceU today at the ( rose ir Hie Cablnot ineel-ing, and later followed by the detailed statement Issued to The (ilobe liy Pri'iniur 'J'ascliereau and Hon. Jacob Nicol, provincial treasurer. Inevlenlally premlei' an nounced that the surplus uf the Ouebec I.itpiur Commission for 42'j0 1'eriod meirtioned was of ?5,(IH1,- S1.00 ct0.l)0, u ciinslilenible increase . 10o over last year, but he was not in BOo a position yet to ffivo any details HUlWreaf-pfRlb, Boo '"is conneciion. Fresh OroUhd 'ISoffe, per lb...8o un. Jocab .Viool staled thai it Peas, Corn und Tomatoes, tin 1Bo wait Hie intention of the proviiiee 7 tins Singapore Hliced Pineatitile' l fedeem in November next an Seedless Haisins, per lb 1Bo Fresh llipe Tomatoes, 2 lbs...25o Fresh Whipping Cream Dally Fresh Fruit and Vegetables At Lowest Prices 85o. issue 01 u,ou(i,mio o'j per ceni bonds 011 winch tin option for re deniplion exists,,., Theso bonds are succession dflly free and also nywrn uiKiier ralo iil inuires.i tiiun can now be obtained by the Considerable iticreuaO in the raircus .cze.'a Sen ety m An O CAm.M fmrmula Inymt utm ViM ttaut aalt irMti. to mHwitt bjri latwl to Dim. Ik. Ukvtta laal tHi laia aixam. fat tnal au al. Sana to aartlat. OIOROI r. Lit f .0. h 1472 Vktarla. SC. lands and forests revenues are recorded in the detailed report given out by the provincial treas urer. They altained ((1,0(11, as compared with (M.-8S3.230.74 last year. ABNORAML HEN'S EGG IS FOUND NEAR EDMONTON Large Egg Has Ordinary Egg Within It and Is Large as Turkey's KIiMONTOX. Aug. 18. A rare euji'iosity in Ihe form of a larg" egg, the size of a turkey i.rg. pro-rly shelled and complete L white and yolk, which contained within it an ordinary hen's egg, also well shelled and complete as to content, which was found within Ihe body, of a chicken killed by Mrs. Tlif..iia Uodard o-i tier farm In Ihe Sroh dUlriet. The large rag was found oi. measurement to have a small rireumferenee of incite with a rirfumference of exactly lo inches Ihr Ions way. II i -orreel as lo shape, with lar- er and stnaller emls. wa cov ered willi a strong shell, ami contained a large yolk and while in addition to the Miullrr egr. The two were not adherent in any wuy, and the smalier ego is of medium ue and when xumined apart from Ihe larg.r one in which it an eonlained. ! not in any var unusual. Danaer From Rain "It's rainin? am my wife i down lown." '"I'hat all right: shell nr. bably ?tep in some shop." "Ilia I jul it!" LAND ACT. c:tMar Land ImtrlrL Land keruedra Dlinrt of r-rtnec Itupert and aituated mi Taku Arm. abnut f mllea aiminmM r nxMith uf Attinle liner Ake. NOIICE Out rranrla Rlrhard tuaki at Allin. b.(... orruriatluii mill ma urer. Intrnda to apptr tot perulnthin land. MirrbaM Uw tollavlni deM-rilied CAmmeoelnr at a put planted uo Um uOl Immt of Taku Arm about I miut oUt from the nmutb uf Atlintn River and ranaint thence to rhaiiu rl Iheore f rtijHn aoglh. theorc TO rhalna eaM; and Ibettea rbaina iMirta to i wmi or rununenretneot, oxiUlnlBf aerva. niore ut le mianus Rii:n.nD ounlop. applicant fit, Allln. May t. t. LAND ACT Notlc of Intaet'oa U Aplt la laaaa Lan in i'rinre nuneri una neraraint m- Irk-i of luii re i, tMt Land Diitnrt. and iliuaie on fiuin Inland. TAkC NOTICE that J. B. rranrla. .f Pnreika. Alberta, nrrupalloa MlnKier. in lend lu apply lur i hu f Ihe fnllowint deeerUied Undii: Onimenrinr at a tmat planted at the Nurlh VVel end uf l'aare Itland. near Cnatt Trlanrulallnn Sta. nil theme armind Hk laland at tilth water mark and mniainin li acren. nwr ne leu. jiismt Hhin.ANn riiANiia, 'ilae tlin t tpplieant MINCRAL ACT Caetlfkala of lmpeimnu. Bnimnle No. t. I.oi M. Vllneral lalra. Unite In the Allln Vminr Iuiokd .rf ihe i:alar IMtrict. the VV Arm r Ta kun Arm. aUwi three quarter ut a mile up Urea in frii the iMHilh uf Wann River TAki; NOTiri: that I. Charlea t OilfiKWT. Tree Mlnef'K Certiorate Nn. nil inicrxl llty day fni ilw dale lirreof I., aiifily tu tlie Mininr llemrder fur a rtiricaie uf Inipmremenln. fur tlie tHinme ut ob taltMiia a rin Orant uf (be ahixe uirn And further taken re.llci. thai a'-tlm Mttder M-rtMm H. mnt lie rimine-iKed br fure Ihe Mne of Mien rertirn-ate ..f tn (nrvenieait. OMtll thl III da) of September A ll ittt. II VrN HUm, ar-nt MINERAL ACT Caetlflcata of Impeavamanta. Wann I'rarthuial N. t. Auyuv and Jtia mta Mineral i:Uinn. ailoate in tin- Allln Mliilliar lilvUbm iif tlie r.aaalar ln-4rrt almiil Mie mile up Ireaui fnn tlw WMuh f Wann lover. TAkl NOTICE thai Tlie Ijim.eer D.rfd Milieu Ltd.. Inc.. Tree Miner. i.nin...i. Nn. KS77IM . Illlend. IU- dal. fr..i dale In-renf .to aeMi In the Mininr li. etirder for Orllflrate of lliinitemeni fur the IHtrtxwe nf nblaiinnir a Orant t tlie almve elalm. Ami fnrllier lake muter thai ai-tinn un ner See I Si, mul e riiiiunrm-ed before uie imir hi aiicn ".eriiiicair r mmivve menta. II McN. IIHHKH. ttent MINERAL ACT Caetlflcata of Improvtmanta. liriiwnie Nn. ; Mineral i;ialni. iiuale 111 the Allln Mininr invminii ..r nw 1 fiKtrlrt, on Wann lilver. adjnlniiiir and tu Ihe MiUlh ut llnivmc Nn. 4 M.i TAkl: NOTIr.l. Ihat 1, jiuic. H. Imim free Miner u-rtiricaie Nn. aeif iniiKl' l.t rtaya from the date hereof, , ,.,.,1.' to Ihe Mininr llernrder ror a ' eiiirimii of !uiMiveiiieiil, fur tile tiiirtm of ob laminar Crown (Irani of the almve ciaioi And further take n.itl.n thai .... iter reel Ion . t I tie rut lin ed U-rnrr '-criiio-BiB iii inipruve 1 1 nt ...L'.Tf " Ul" rt, "f teiilemlHT. AJI I VI B, II. VrS, IIUSt LAND ACT. Notlca of Intention to Appljr to Laaaa Und In ITtiiee Huiier? Land llerordln tn.. TAkK NOTICE that Enirrne II Rlmn ann or Mrll. rriiiallon ranner in lend to iilj- for a ea iif the follow "mow Inr dearrlbed land:- - nnrtheaat miner . (if lllork in Maaaeil Townalle.: Ihince eaaterly HO feii" Ihetirr aontliiTly 1.000 feel; thence wea lerlj 160 feet: Ihenee northerly OOO : . 1 ' iicncriiiFni, arid ron. " Ulnlnir 1 arre, mare or ea. ' EUOENF. II. SIMPSON baud Juu , list. Pl'cant. Wednesday, Au&ut jg Our Optical Parlo is now in charge of an OH r Expert Graduate Optician Mr. F. M. Duchemln, late of Blrks, Winnipeg and Vi couver will give you personal and courteous attenti!" when you consult us about your eyes. 1011 With the latest optical Instruments and a perfectly pointed examination room linked with the precision ,l talned by continual successful Optical Practice In the Jt centres, there will be no fluost work about the glaste, T" 0 receive. A satisfactory fit is guaranteed with our service. USE IT Max Heilbroner 527-529 Third Avenue The Diamond House of the North WESTHOLME THEATRE Wednesday and Thursday, 7 and 9 p.m. "THE STILL ALARM" A srel ci en fii-intiK i mil irntn the l.itti ' IihIi.iiiiu tin- sinif iiuiiic I'oimduig d ,.. guiiK: hiicinip on r n and Mu rttar ui t (hrdl vim in Hn 'Siliiirr I'hotupiay wlml licls the danger and dilfir-ultirs in Ihe h'. fiphler. The Irajrir slairy f a tlfoerted iiiifaitlifnt wife worked iml to a . t lui . colorful M'eiie mrlude a gMfgetMi ihm1i dazxlinx maiiiieiiin Mnde liowiug all h-fahioii. Stionf? cat. William Russell, Helene Chadwlck, nichard C. Trmn, John T. Murray, Edward Hearn, Dot Farley and other. Comedyi The Gumps In "ANDY'S LION TALC AESOP'S FILM FABLES 35c sntf tfe SEND IT TO THE LAUNDRY -:- -: ALL CLASSES OF LAUNDRY WORK Including three duiiii' i -emn e- t.i Fam. v SOFT FINISH, THfllF-T-SERVICE and WET WASH al mut reatonalde pri et, DRY CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING Pioneer Laundry and Dry Cleaners Phone 118 and we vvili do the r- DEMAND "Rupert Branjd - Kippers "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." 8moked Dally by Canadian psh & Cold Storage Co., W Prince Rupert, B.C. Fishermen's Supplies FISH LINES, HOOKS, ROPE8, TWINES, t FISH NETTING AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCERIES. Compare Our Prices Lipsett, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. Second Avenue and McBrlde St. V