jrsday, May 13, 1026, BUY Better Business More Work BRITISH COLUMBIA PRODUCTS THEY LEAD IN QUALITY MAY 10 - 17 British Columbia Shopping Week Leading merchants arc featuring B.C. goods which it will pay you to buy Lists of these products with their brands and tradenames may be obtained from B.C.Products Bureau, 300 Pender West, Vancouver, B.C. imely Suggestions In Iliur mill Mu(ii-f. ready mixed 35c icui! $arapurilla Compound, Spring T"im- 51.00 y vi in fur Preserving Kggs, 2 Hi. tin 25c lui Ivi' ml .olur 25c llii .ii Je of l.iiue Ili-iiifiTfanf, lb. tin 20c h Mall- 25o exall Cedar Napolhaliiie Flakes, pkge 25c ISTMAN FILMS KODAKS 'AMATEUR FINISHING OB LTD. ! 1 1 1 1 til I 1 1 III. : .wi.nl Lila- ! lYnure I ft 1. 00 ti' ZSSSZZZSSS ' I'iiKiuil- Kan lh. Hi x Ra, Druarjiis i d: Liiiii..e Phones 82 and, 200 j fg- :5 ) ishermen's Supplies fFISH LINES, HOOKS, ROPES, TWINES, fi FISH NETTING AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCERIES. Compare Our Prices ipsett, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. Second Avenue and McBride SL Bus and Taxi Meets all Trains and Boats. OYAL HOTEL lone 34 J. ZARELLI, Proprietor. P.O. Box 106 f .Simmons Steel Heds, .Springs, ami Oslcrmoor .Mat ties iii every room. ft 2 Hounis, Hot anil Colli W'nler, Hatha ami Showers, L'uiu Hunted, Klcrlric Light. Corner of Third Ave and Sixth St. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. HE SALVATION ARMY urgently needs your help in its big "Self-Penjal" effort Be Kind to the Collectors 'ertise in "The Daily News" THE DAIL.Y NEW8 .PAGE THREB With the Shriners Local and Personal A wonderful nail ill) Hip ennui through "the inland parage" from Vancouver anil Victoria 16 I'rinee Hupert was reported by llii' visiting nobles. There wan "..X"" .program of entertainment ilH Dili -nul u I .......... I .... II. .ni7v. ridlllirrji nil; coast with muck trial., concerts, dancing,, etc. The steamer slop ped in iii,- course on" Alt'rl Hay to pick up a couple of nobles and another slon was made at Oreuri Falls where the bit? paper plant proved a source of'greal intern to many who had not seen sued a mill before KquaU ling Ihc interest of the nobles in Ocean Fall was lhe fiilerest taken by the residents of the paper town in their visitors. Amoitg the visitors arc .N'oble Con Jones, the famous western lacrosse proinolcr, and Noble Charlie Welsh, a former: member of the Sew Westminster Minto Cup lacrosse team. , His legion of local friend ate particularly glad to welcome Noble Will IMmupd who U a membcr'of w Hand Will raid In the pretence of Chief Vickers loo, that be had brought bi "mooushlno" wllli'lilm. i. Noble J, F. Jlrandl of i- also ih the parly, lie 1 accompanied by Mrs. Drum!), win is the daughter of Mr. W. II Kits in of thin city. Slill another former local resident in the party i Nob'e Paul Aivannlf and Mr. Aiva'znff. Noble T. II. Johnson of Prime Ituperl, who Vent south to meet the delegation, returned wtt' them and the unanimous oplntoi. of the parly wa (hat a a guide he could not have been excelled. If Hie rent of the Prince Ituperl noble are like Tom Johnson, the Micro of (be pilgrimage if Prince Hupert stand assured. Nubia i J. A. MeXiclioH, C.N. It. general iusetigcr ageitL and Mr. . A. McNieholl are with Hie paHy. At 1 3t t:hi afternoon, there was a luiwheou at the Klk Home after which the noble .a ml initiates -paraded to lh Kifilb' lion Jlaliforlhe first Irip "Over the iiurniiiK sands." Tonight tt.e second ami Hiird stages of the ceremonial will take place. An important matter in eon iiection with the festixilles is tin entertainment of the fifty m more ladies who are visiting the cliy from Vancouver, victor4.! and district point. In change of llii i a ladie' committee consisting of Mr. T. MrClymonl Mr. Olof 11.11101), Mr. A. H. Hazel i-Jom, Mr. J. fi. McLen nan. Mr. Itcrt Creech and Mr It. V. i. LePine. This ladies' committee wn al the boat when II arrived lo nr' dhe wive ot the visiting Shn . There arc n number of bright affair plan ned for the ladies during the next two day. The olivine bant paraded llii morning, oon after arrival, ic the Prince Hupert nenernl llo-pilal where n brief program was given. The hand-men were un daunted by the showery wcath- aiul the ilemlid muir which I hey rendered wa fully enjoyed by ln)pilal slulT and patient-) alike. Subscribe to the Daily. News. NOTICE TO CRUITORS. Ill ttlr Mallfr of Ihr L'klilD (if John Oluud, M'lli h I liirrliv U(Mi ilni ill iht- k.ii Imvlnr -laliit maui'i Ihc Ulr Jolm oiuiui, vvh, i ami ii llii' Cllv uf trni.'t lliilx-rt. In llic I'riivlm-p r lirlllli n-iinihU. mi lti' Kill iliv t Janiiarv. luid. mit In Winn, rval ami iMriii.iul i'iaii- Irllrra iniali wrre nunlcd lv Uik ii- iirriiiK i.iturl uf Kritluli Cnlumlila hi April 14. Will. In Jolm liylilmtn r I'rtmr llu-li-rl, II. i .. ari rwiii-Ml In urnd bv r'iti-lrcil inl rriai(l, or drllvrr In Urn niKliTi-iinn'il rull Mirtlriitar In wrlilnr uf lliclr claliiK antl alalinipnK of llirlr ar-i'ihiiiI-. ami Uh ntltitu iliirrnr.' and ilii M'l'iirltlr If anv. IipIiI hv iticiu ilulv vrnfliMl liv alamii.iy (tirt.iratuni. Aim ijkp nnnri mat iricr ih n.i iiav . .i'iiiiiir in.il 11111 Mitt', ii.., iii.iia Piled lhl 1st day of M.iv. ISift jomn Dvnuw.v uf I'rlnPK llnprrt, B.C.. Esfrutnr of Ihc l:Miiie or Jolm Olnnd. t)eopirl. QOVCRNMCNT LIQUOR ACT. Nolle of Application for Boor Llconoo. MHICK I HKllliHV r.li; Dial on IIK Sill dilV uf Jllllf. ll.l Ihn llliil..r.l.tinil Intrliilf In iply lo llif l.lquur t'.nnlnill iiimrn lor 1 nicnri" m impi-rl or tire. luNvt llnat nn Main sirrt-t, Maflt, II. aii'l tiH,n flip litn,1 AKHiTllicd at l.ol C lUmk U, May I0, 1'rlnrr liuiwrl liwr iierr liv )V ll- ui arias irlaiia nr nr Phone 15. P.R.Coal Co. tf Arthur's Taxi. Phone 678. tf B.C. Undertakers. Pbone 41. No halibut was sold this morning on the Fih Fxchauge. Crystal Firelighters, 48 foi- l.()0. Hyde -Transfer. Phone 580. tf S.S. PrihccgslLouise ail for Vancouver ahdVictoria Saturday noon. 11 J Tlie train liue-from the Iat al 3.30 this afternoon wiU arrivf on1 lime. Dave Itoberts came in - from Pacific on yesterday afternoon's (rain to attend the .Shrine ceremonial which is being held here. The drawing for the gasboat "I.ef Ho" vvfll take place at the Prince Hupert Yacht Club Thursday night at 8 o'clock. '. - 112 Mr. II. L. Frank and datihlcr Mr. T. K. Hrook, are visitor in the city , having arrived from Terrace on yesterday afternoon's i train. The (anker Mina Hrea, Capt. Hrown, arrived from loco a( 5.:0 yetenlay afternoon and i discharging fuel oil al the Imperial Oil Co.'s .local tank. J. Iteid, well known resident of Usk", came in on yesterday afternoon's train lo attend tin Shrine ceremonial. Mr. Iteid i a noble of Grand Forks, North Dakota shrine Frank yiiepKiard. aila?it local auditor for the Canadi-m National Hallway, arrived from Vancouver on the.; Prince Hupert llii morning ahd will be hern until tomorrow night. Motor ship IloUiiutiaiii. k'Mpt. Anderon. was hi port from Ket chikan yetenlay unloading the usual carload of fnh halibut for tranhipnien East over the 1-MiiailiMii National Hailway. v aner t iwen. iilitanr superintendent of provincial police, left for the 'Prince Heorge di.-triet by till morning's train. He was arumpanicil by Sergeant T. Van Dyk, the divisional gaine officer. CN.lt. sleaincr Prince John from Vancouver via the. Queer ICtiarloltc Iland, 1 due to .ar- rive here late Friday night. The veel will sail on her return south over the samo route at o'clock Saturday eu'nlng. Four more men froi the local dry dock will sail tonight on the Prince (Jeorge for Kelowna where they will ail in the as sembling of the lake, !camer which wa built hercv 'More men will be leaving on tjie Prince Charles Sunday night for National Hopital Day is being observed at the PrfnCe Hupert (teiieral Hospital today by throw- ins the institution open between Ihe hour of 2 and I o'clock th: afternoon, for public Inspection. 1 he visilors are being shown through the place by Mis Jean Harrison, H.N., lady "superintend ent, and her slalf and .uch members of the board of man nccmcul who are available for the occasion. Mrs. P. I. Palmer reported til the police al i;55 lasthiight thai, frnni her residence, on Fourth Ayenue Hast, she had heard wluu seemed to be small boys calling for help from the middle of the harbor and flashing a lisht olieo officers hired, a boat and proceeded into the harbor but were able "(o find nothing, Tim nt Juno. !, iIm rxfniior wilt irtnwl '1 ,,.,, i,,.. ,..,,.,,,.1. i itnirihui mi- an nr uik iiVra.ni ! morning II Was icpotled tliat a tinona :11m irn eniiiw UmttIii. havina couple of small hoys had beew ' ",u" miu mi rra-anl rrraril mi only v In tn Him Uik rliim. cI.iiiih ht .r uhirh whlrh paid hli 1 "W 11 the the harbor harbor in in on a small boat and, after some difficulty, had been able to land at the dry dock. SPANISH AVIATORS ARRIVE AT MANILA MANlia, May 13, - Captains Mud Hi iri ration niMrin in tii? i-m- Lor ga and (ml nna, Span sh villi nr lirlll.h t:oluml)la, for tlm .mIk nf: . liv fh .,1.011 i.otil.. nMatlll'S, , i,,,,,, ClUIIDlcted ,, , , a 1 loll"; fliullt riV 1 1 for .niiin.iinn on Jiio'i'irinlv's, . . . i from Madrid to Manila llL unirii ai criilPK iiupcn, 11. U. tlll SID day of May, it. j morning , ' , having , arrived . , here ...; ' ' B' UAXAp.piicnt. f,,Pm Apa'rri In Northern Luzon. UanVM S. .i ll HVP.i 'T'HE old-fashioned wash-day is gone. With it has gone the everlasting rub-rub-rubbing and ugly hands, lame backs, frazzled nerves and short tempers and a soapy odour all through the house. Instead you use Rinso and part of a morning for the weekly wash. You change the hard work of washing to just rinsing. Just soak the clothes a couple of hours or overnight in Rinso suds, rinse, and that's all. Simple. Efficient. Time saving. Labour saving. Don't try to do another washing without Rinso. Twelve leading washing machine makers say "Use Rinso". Made by the makers of Lux EEMl TODAY Lata Donald John Matheson of Stewart 4s Laid to Rest In Falrview Cemetery The funeral of the late Donald John Matheson of Stewart, whose death occurred last Tuesday morning, took place at 2 o'clock this alteriKion from the chaoel of the H.C. Undertakers lo Fair- iev Cemetery, Itev. Dr. Charles J. Cameron officiating. Among those who sent 'floral tributes were Herman lledstrom Alex, l'rudhornnie and Neil Math eson. VICTORIA JAPANESE COMMITTED SUICIDE VICTIIHIA. May 13. With death apparently caused by a se ere r 'volver wound, the body of A. (tjima, ,io years of ae. Japanese, was found at hi resi deuce here today. The weapon was nearby and a note informing llic police oi the intention to rommil suicide. YOUNG WIFE AFRAID n TO EAT ANYTHING "I was afraid lo eat because I always had stomach trouble after wards. Since taking Adlerika I can eat and feel fine." (sipned Mr. A. Howard. ONF. spoonful Adlerika. remove OAS and often brings surprising relief to tho stomach. Slops that full, bloated feeling. Hemovcs' old waste matter from intestines which you never thought was in your system. Excellent for obslinale constipation. -- Orino Limited, Druggist. For Anyone With Weak Digestion B0VRIL 15 Excellent D 32f i3 R-419 .'I Throw away the Washboard Use Rinso Loggers! Loggers! We have Hie only complete slock of Gilchrist Jacks and parls in Ihe North. Wc handle Logging Cable, Axes, Heavies, Saws, and general Camp IviiiipiuciiL II will pay you to uee us when outfitting. Stork's Hardware Limited ((canadwnJ PACinc 'aaiuYX 710 Second Avenue Steamship and Train Service 8.S. PRINCE GEORGE ami PRINCE CHARLES will Wtir PRINCE RUPERT tot VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE and iQlenm-dlale liolul. THURSDAYS and SUNDAYS at 11 p.m. lor STEWART and AN VOX WEDNESDAYS, pjn. tor STEWART ONLY, SATURDAY, 10 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN tonilghtly Tur VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT dally Mrept Sunday at 11.30 a.m. rr prince qeorqe, Edmonton, Winnipeg, ait poinw Eastern Canada. I oiled Statrs Agoncy all Ocoan Stoamahlp Llnoa. l'e Canadian .National Kiprvos for Money orders, t'orritu Clieques, te, alo rur your nest shipment. City Tlcaot Office, S28 Third Ato., Prlnco Rupert. Phono 260. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert for irrcmiAN, wrancol jinuu. sucwat u,i. 31 For TAKCOUYEK. YICTORU ui SUITU I Jaa. 4 SS. PRINCESS BEATRICE For Butodalo, Swanton Bay, tait Bolla Bolla, Ocoan Falla. NaniH, Alort Bai. Campboll RIor, and Vancouior otorf Saturdaj 11 a.m. Aonci tor all Sloamohlp Lln.i. FiSii information from W. 0. ORCHARD Oonorat Agont. Cornoivot 4Ui Stroot and 3fd Atonuo, Prlnco Ruport, B.O. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Salllnrs from Prlnco Kurort, or VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Swanton Bay. and Alort Bay. Tuoaday. P.M. or VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. Alort Bay. and Swanaoa Bay, Saturday. 10 M. For ANYOX. PORT SIMPSON and Naaa RIor Cannorloa. Thursday p.m. r.0.' r0RT tM0l,' ANYOX. ALICE ARM, STEWART, Sunday. S p.m. at Sad Afolu-. i, Barnaloy, Afont. Prmoo Ruport, B.O. a