" - w a W SUBSCRIPTION RATES i City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month 91.n1: By mail to all parts of Ihe British Empire and the United Btales,- iir advance, per year frt.Oo To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.f0 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. B E T II R -a OAiLY EDITIOH cabins all that makes Cunard service exceptional. Weekly sailings to Cherbourg. Cabin Class, $ 150 and up 5 new Cunard ships. Smooth-sailing 3 G U X A K D S GUEST n Dancing, gymnasium, bridge r anu uiimcr parties, venuiaiea oil-burners. burners, 1 0M td Particular from ANCHOR-DONALDSON LINE ioGtasgou) r. ROBERT HE FORD CO, Ui TORONTO IPhon Elf J71 or any STEAMSHIP ACENT The Cunard Steamship Co. Limited, 822 Hastings SL W.t Vancouver, or anys STEAMSHIP AGENT. The Daily News PIUNCE KUPMIT - BHITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert, Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. H. P. PULLEN" Managing Editor. Tueday, April 13, 19SC. Another Great Man Has Passed Beyond. Luther Biirhank was one of the. world's supermen. Hi work in the plant world brought him lame beyond any who have gone before in that realm, in other dtrettioiis he wa-f also famous and he had the courage lo rome out and express opinions which were contrary to public opinion and were bound to bring on himself a storm of criticism. Now Burbank's work is ended and he has had an opportunity to lest out his theories. The sad part of it is that he cannot lell us the resulL At any rale he.has not done it so far. Fascism Coming Force Of World. According to Shaw Desmond; as set forth in the Forum of April, Fascisrii is going to split- Europe into two Camps, the Bed and the Ulaek. Desmond says he has travelled through .'many European countries and Ihe result ot his observations is thai there will be civil wars between the opposing forces and that most of the people will have to line up with one or the other. 1 ''jffiS1.10" kees. furl her lhanjhis. Jle sees the movemen.' become an international oiie and Spreading to Hns couuiieiiL TJie writer says, he firs;! tnet Mussolini wjhen lie was a syndicalist in Ihe socialist international, "lie was then a believer in direcl.acliou or force and he still believes in the same method, but on, the other side. The man is a deadly parallel with the other dictator, Nirolai Lenin, whose corpse today in the Kremlin is more living than it was before he died. Both nien were extremely sincere and their bravery a,nd sincerity carried them oer all obstacles. Both established a minority dictatorship. Each believed in his Maraud each stands for much ihe same thing under different names. Will Cover Europe As A Garment. According to the authority of Desmond, Mussolini believes thai Fa-eimn will cover Europe a a garment. It is a revived philosophy, lhat of Ihe rule of the superman. "I am the stale,"-declares the dictator, the superior' ruling oyer the inferior. Mussolini believe lhat when he dies God will elect his successor, and in order to help him in the difficulty, it is said thai nomination of a man has already.,beej made. TO'him the people will lie required to give umpieslfoniug obedience. Steps Already Taken To Make Dictator Supreme. ... ' ,v The steps already taken lo make the dictator simreme were first the passing of a law making him responsible only In the King and hot lo Parliament. The second provided for Hie appointment instead of the eleelfoil df prelects. The third wa the esianiisiimenl or compulsory arbitration' courts crippling bolli plutocracy and democracy. From these courls there is 1111 int. peal except lo the dictator. Fourth, a liw has beeh passed making criticism of Ihe goveruniept jpunishable bv confiscation of the property of Ihe crilic It t announced ihal llaly Win Jet Out tm a campaign of extension and colonization, Mussolini asks for" more population, and he will pel iL He is incrensintr the iirosoerifv nf Hie cmmlrv- by keeping the wheels of indusjry turning ami he i appealing iu 1 ne jiuinouc spun 01 me people lo make the country once more great as u was in the days or ancient Home. Sees It Spreadmg To Many Countries. Desmond sees Fascism spreading lo many coimlries. He says there are S00.000 alre'ndv eiinriletl in rntri-,,,,1 ,nP l coming lo the front and taking charge of France. .Spain, Germany, and other countries and eventually America. The situation, as he sees it, is an interesting one but he may be among Ihe false prophets and possibly the influence of Mussolini mav never pasi.lie.jnd Ihe confiiies of .hiV own beloved Italy, a cuhnlry which was so well prepared by internal strife lo rceeivfi him. No bran is added to SHREDDED WHEAT kojotaiis al Ae bran ii the whole wheat WHEAT GROWING District Agriculturist Says Mah Ing of Market Will Stimulate Farmers ALREADY MUCH GROWN Hopes to Have at Leant a Thous and Acres This Year as a Starter H. l. Stitju'i. ilistrii-l affrtcul-lurist. ha?(hen very much im pressed uiai mo secure methods. ays the sees in Ihe Operation .of the Ituperl ele- vator lhe making of a market for uheatJ grown alnnp t Ii f line, of i ne railway 111 111 immense 111s-trict, strrtcJrtns from Tele Jaime (-ache west, which should have a marked rffeel upon farmin? Iist week. In furlherance of a muwchHoii froni V. (t. Iiawsnn of Prince Buperl, Mr. Sutton made I reijtiesl thai the farmers who :ave tieen producing wheat in 'he district contiguous to Prince '(Hrge should submit sample if their prafn lo him. So far three farmers have complied. I Tqlrfdle and T. Houplimanirk. of the Vanderhoof . dislrid. and Andy Miller, of the MuH Hiver district. The samples reveivetl nre of hi?li irrade and Mr. Sutton ;s adiised Ihal others are on Ihe way, to his office. Hay Declining The operation or the it u pert levator, in the opinion of Mr. Sutton, cannot Tail to have a stimulating effect upon wheat production all along the line of the Canadian -.National within the n-ovinrial huuudary. There are a number of reasons for believinz this result; jvilf lie achieved. For years the 'rjiief crop of the lands aiong ,iue rpiuvay lias tieen hay. Wheat'wifl noFgive the same re-tun4pr afre fhal hay has in the ,ias, 'Jiyi h'ay prices have been steadily falling and most of the farmers are reconciled to smaller price for Ihe future. Last year imy yielded the fanners from f lK to ITS per Ion, and in one jr two eases, in which the pro ducer reached his market direct, a qirice of around 2I was se cured. Willi an aterage of two lon !o Ihe acre this would Hive Hie farmer a return of about j if. On these prices the return on ;;li'-al production f not so had in comparison. From such ex periment as have been made it 1 eslimaled an average yield of 25 husbeU to the acre could be expected throughout the district tm laiids suilalde for wheat pro duction, and at a price of 1.25 per mishel this would tme a return or $30 lo Hie acre. Wheal production, however, -would put the farmers In on a cunrparalive- iy,sianie market, and would enable tticru to adopt olie of the bel -four-year crop rotation systems known. Wheat is con ceded to be the best nurse crop or the seediiur of grasses and clovers, and Ihe advantage af forded for a desirable four-year rotation crop system would go a long j'aylo make up the first disadvantage on crDTTsale as compared with hay apd wheat. Not Generally Hazardous Experience gained during the past few years has in a great tueaure altered the prevailing opinion as to the hazard of wheat production in the district. There are admittedly a number of lo calities, in which wheat produc lion may be extra hazardous. but results seeureil over a num ber of years precludes Ibis Iran dleap rom. being applied to the district generally. If Ihe matter ran lirt nrnrierW- tipenpriteil fn flm farmers there Is no reason why at least one thousand acres fhould not be sown lo wheal Hits year and a start made at enter Ing the district in the list of wheat producers, and this without disarranging Ihe settled pro gram of the farmers in their plan of crop rotation, but rather Improving it. In the Vanderhoof district Messr. Tiircntle. and Hough maruck are, but two rf the far mers who have- had considerable suecesd In wheal production. K. Smedley will have 20 acre In wheal ibis Reason, and there 1 so much land under cultivation lhat It wyuld ffe rather difficult to spi a limit upon Ihe acreage which might be Jimiled to wheal. J. P. Mver. of Fort Fraser. de monsfraied what could be done In his section' last fall when he threshed 200 bushel of excellent wheat In spite of unfavorable THR DAILY Nv73 Tileaday, April 13, JO" weather 'nditlSn5,'i; Near Prince George 1 Closer tu Prince eurge, per- L7AD CI L7U ATAD ',aiu Mlc ,,,,,,,, succes m rim rJT.VAllIK wl",ul I-fo"tion ha l.wiiMr- jveriy uisuici. IuV some year, pus! he hits been cropping around uiiy ncre each season. Onej ear he was badly Jrqeii out, hut I I his happen in the' best of wheat ditri' and t.iVtu over a (riot of your if is assorted his .-crops haw Ih'pii more uniTprndy wood than have thotY from most ofhe wheat-urmViiigr .eel inns on lb prairie. Andy Sillier. of Hi Mud i Hiver district, ha tieen uroduo- Iiib wheat JW ji uiiiiiImt of years anil lias tin doubt as to the anil wnh'Jlie v;I,Hie announcement. Uy ,r Hip district to produce ill y&$rr,n wheat pool has'iice u stable export market isj aTease upon the Prince (secured. ' IluiK-rt grain, elevator, s; Prince (teorge CUixen. Jle In the Pinevlew district II. J, Blackburn bus been producing wheal lor it number of years and B. JUMtdleksiitt.'Ffgd llutHiell ami Ons Lund in Ihe same nekshboi -hood h.le also had success with It. In the Woodpecker district uniform success has attended I he ef-frtrls or William Kollilig, Ihe Kerkhoff boys, Joe aje, K. O. llulchtson, and Pete Holtwurt In llie growing of wheat, and given S chance to reach a market there Is every reason to expect thai! wheat would berome an import- ant fat-tor in Hie crop yield of' this section. 1 Increases Will be Steady Wheat has been gruwii suc It all comet down to the Congoleum Cold Seal The whole question of Kitting loto-priced, dependable flbor-coverihg conies down to getting rugs which bear the Gold Seal. It's ah infallible sign of superior beauty and proved value. Still more, it is the emblem of the outstanding durability and quality lor which congoleum QolJ Seal Art-Rugs have been famous for many years. This record of satisfactory service is with-out duplicate among labor-saving floor-coverings. And when you become acquainted with the wearing qualities and convenience of these charming, easy-to-clean rugs you reamre that the value represented by the Gold Seal is well worth seeking out and insisting upon. Congoleum Canada Linvted MonUeL Quebec cessfully in (he Salhiun irher . ... . . valley for ajiiunitM-r f ynnrs by StaJt in Cmnmda Johnson, Jen Andrews, the tun,. m their encines after Ihe Loekyer brothers and Fre,l Ham- strenuous i ranking of the d.nr tlinild. In Hie 1t1nity of Meltridc hefure. .he experience of John Oakley has been most encouraging. All, AXi:ilOHAt!K nei.ide are ad-1 ihal is needed to bring abuit arii,jfll!r ii.ir eWu a winter- very substantial wheat lrduc-:ror. So ha PHnpe Ilinrl a "Irtii is for the farmers lo realize .iPV rim. me it will J(e to Ihelr advantage lo1 ; sou a jxiven acrease of their, what I'm Uon.teri? i. if: land lo wheal .each season.'.. jugiii irum jeie jaune ru-. , h . nmaU.H, IZmydon. Dunler, MeBrkle. Xew-j laml. Willow Hiver an.1 Ols-! . .... come there. are areas favorable .- liking for n to wiVat nroiluclkin. llwr i t.i. . i ery reason to believe the Ice , .... . .,nn. Will be well broken lbi season.' ' and thai each stn-ceeding year w " will see a substantial addition t" tlie flow of the giiliten era in 10 the elevator at Prince lljuiert. THE MAN IN THE MOON ay: H SI. bora all Other Ui(iv anJ relied lor Defective Elimination Constipation Biliousness The etion of Nature' Remedy (NT Tblett)U more natural and thorough. The eflect will b m rcvela Uon you will (eel to good. jviaae the ieL You will appreciate thi difference. Thirty rmr Chips off th Old Meek M JUNIORS Utile Me vmairom&. rorclillilr.il and 4ul ae SOU IT YOUR MMMMT bnad.; Ten Years Ago In Prlnc Rupert April 13, 1916. ' The city council at night entered into an arrangement will.' t !!. It. FilSlnn if the fiiuimi.il THE hiiiiilde are those who ea:i ionjse of Spllzer. Itorick A I'ak of die wiili. ml rails itiff anyone t.Thio. In lake up practically ih rejoice. whole of Pie bonded indebtedness OXK advantage of lellipg Ihe Irulh i you don'l have to remember what you say. t the Hty ainodnlitijr lo l.fli0.-( 11 an uit? nine iievmri M po-jr' I'mi-r "yi' ni.jn, i. sieal exercises wis devoted .til and "J.i. production, the price of Xortd pro-J' ducts would drop , about 25 pee cent. IL II. Mayrtail,- Jiu.jf de MaVe land A. Carr h.lift pad througn' It,-:....: ihi, ' . . ' t iiiiiii-x on nii-ir way nacii i i PHnce Itujwrl frjjfpi the Fmnl. There i very 'slorirty .weather in (he interior and .111 telegraph A PIAXO dealejy I'm uol snrr;Iiu's leading inlf lle rily ar" lr it was Saw thorn, '.Maclaren nrjdowti folay. Walker, jjot air order from llitfi , , counlry for a pahoslrtng witli pADTV IM UAMfUf fit a requesi that It'eforfS sending i-.!inni1 111 nirjlUn UT be Inned lo fl.- as, f while the- were able to put lit, they wtw not able if! le string, 1 ijlcH, A Mllljlflli is all fii'lil j'or girl MR. AND MRS. ROGERS WHO LEAYE SATURDAY leav-' Mrs. " 0. A. Ilbgor. wjio is " shor.l' and! but men be -careful, , ?: use 11 in moderatlbmrSfear ofi Melville. ' ' " i'1 ",K iny suicidi 1 THF.IIirS one woman in llil-town wiio thinks her Tare is her fortune but she mu be head nvnr liAfla in ,11.1 ln.lAlnn l.,t .... . ... . r- ... ,( LJJf.Jl FJ uppearam-es. I. MOXHAY is Hie day Ihe Iroys go down to the Vncht r.lub and ASSISTANT DISTRICT ENGINEER IS COMING for' Kakal'c4iew,irt, where she' will Join Mr. linger and make her future lionn, wsijt, the uuesij or honor at a' pleasant partyj which wa liebi. Ia'l-eening al' nie nome or aiorMrs. Frank Morris. There jivre iiIkmiI twenty persons present imd 'the' evening was sjienl enJojCbly inf dancing, games and roirfriiunity singing. W. Vaiiglian llaies prcide? NH Hie piano and the h IT air came lo a ilose with Ihe singing .. i ... . . . . .. . - ot( i vuiu i.aug ."syne ami Jod Save the King." Appetizing n'-freshmenl were served in Ihe course of the evening by Hie hostess. FOR ATLJN DISTRICT Mr. Talbot, who has been wtlli the provincial department of public works in (he llevelslke dislricj, will succeed J. A. Klevhcn as assistant dislrlct engineer for Allln district and will arrive here from Ihe soulh on llie steamer prince Oeorge totnorrow. Mr. Stephen resigned from (lie ser-vice recently and will go houlh in Ihe near fulure to locale. The hcadipiarlers for I lift an distant district engineer Irt Allln; dislrlcl have been moved from Anyox to Stewart. GOLD SEAL gARANTEE .mnMCWRANIffl', SEAL DEMAND WITH "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD.M Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., 1M Prince Rupert, B.C. Prospective Builders! COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDERS' SUPPLIES LUMBER Timbers. Dimension. Hhiplap, Kr Km It P ing,- V Joint. Ituslic and llevel Biding (;edar and r f Hoat Lumber. Fir and Cottonwood Veneer, Mouldf ft -Shingles, Kolored .Shingles, lilh. Oak. Ilardwiu. Bash ntul IhHirs. NVoml Pipe. CEMENTS, Etc. Portland Cement. Keene' Cemenl, s berito Cemeiil, llardwall Plaster. PlsIcr of Par Plaster Hoard. Lime. Ilydraled Lime, Firiiclay. BRICKS, El(v Oimmon llrick. Fire Hrick, pressed Ilrb k Agricullural Tile. Vitrified Pipe. Flue Lining. MISCELLANEOUS NaiU, Hiiildlng Paper, Tar Paper Hilbberoid Itoofings. JoIuik, Manvillc1 Aslrfstus Hoof ings. Asphalt, Asphalt IJoofuig Paper. Hand and (1 ravel. NANAIMO-WELL.NGTON COAL Try our Nut Coal for your Kitchen Ilango. ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones 116 and 117. UNION STEAMSHIPS. LIMITED Siilinr from frlore huptrt. f VANOOUVtR. VIOTOaiA, Swiniee Bay, e Alart Teaaeai, S PJi ' SJOOWta, VICTORIA. Alart Bai, aa Bm Rei, Setereat. iB AM. for AN VOX. TORT SIMPSON ana Naaa Rlttr Caaaarlta, Thuf, m Itfl t4 Aai. I. Baraalar. Afael erMaa Pruiaa aiV. Ml w mmT99 r L m i Of MrMukAmf Nvparl, I B. rnr a mt to.sichv GRANT'S Best Procurable (THE ORIGINAL Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT BmiIW awl tMaiM4 k WllUa, C...I h immt Ubu4 OiMlUaWaMj Mmw.CUm DlMiTama. Dsft- This advertineincnt is not published or displayed bv the Liquor Control Hoard or by the aoverSJJf,? ofV iirillab Columbit