:,l r,!3 1 i -m It is the Flavor that Counts II Alberta Crop Is - On Thfl Inrrf co '- '' II SALADA1 The Daily News j PHINCE RUPERT - BRITISH .COLUMBIA Piibi jslrtd Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince "Hupert Daily Now?,. LimitedT Third Aveniie. H. P. PULL.EN, Managing' Editor. T4 Has tHe largest sale in North America. SUBSCRIPTION BATES: , City Delivery, by mail or carreer, per month $1.00 By mail, lo all parts of the British Kmpirc and the United Stales, n advance, per year . . v. . $6.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year ........... $7.50 Transient Display Advertising. ., .$1.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Pag6. . .. $2.80 per inrl Local Readers, per insertion . , ... , . v .25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion-, ,. ..2c per vor Legal Notices, each insertion. . . 15c per, agate lin Contract Rates on Application. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations, DAILY EDITION Wednesday. April II, 1 920. Save The Forests Once More The Cry. Canadian people are usually reasonable and they are wijl-ing to be shown. Today there is nee d for education and co operation in the movement to save the forests from destruction. It is a reasonable proposal and one that .nil will endorse. .Mucii has already ween none in tins respect: I he young boys and girls who are growing up and leaving school are thoroughly imbued with the idea that forest fires are a menace to the whole community. The .difficulty is with the older people nnd with the immigrants. It will take years of campaigning lo make people understand that-; when one source of wealth in a community is destroyed the whole community suffers. Wealth From Poles, Ties And Pile's. 'This last' winter fewer ties than usual were taken nut be cause they werejiot needed by the railway. The result has been that-the. interior country was not us prosperous, as usual. The production of ties, pules and pilars in the pal five vyr wil give -nmitlea-vf .what the luines means. . ' I The local production of ties in five years was . 3,337,000 valued at 1,000, of which ithere was distributed in wages Si, 121,000, in supplies and equipment 475,000, and the government received in slumpage and royalty $277,000. These amounts are- very large and mean an immense lot toward the general prosperity of the pbxe. Take another example, that' of poles and piling. There was cut in this district during the five year 8,S(J3,000 lineal feel valued at $1,152,000 of which there was distributed in payroll 0U 1,000 in supplies and equipment $230,000, and the gov eminent rollccled $115,000 to take (he place of taxes. Tvo further argument is needed. . Boys' Week Is Latest Idea. ,,v , ' The latest movement for,, education . is the institution of Boys' Week. It is from Malid to May 8 and is a very worthv iiijjcii. a iiv iui jiii-i- in uitr.iu i(,uiiuui. m i.-.- iiiii ii.iuiiiia movement is as follows: i- ' - To develop loyally on theparl of the potential manhood. o! lilt IIUIIIMIS. v? To lurji May Day into ajloyalty' demonstration of youth. ro.give the public an opportunity lo review its potential citizenship. . x To awaken an interest on the part, Of the puldia in orgnni zations engaged in work for boys. ' To fiN-us the attention of the public upon the boys a the medium through which air problems of society can eventually rinii a solution. , TijicYeate a healthier 'attitude toward the boy. " To develop in the boy himself a respect for the ideals of his1 country, and the opportunities which, await htm t'i the com munilyij j ' ; ..... .' . ,', . To provide an opportunity for the schools nnd Die oreaiil zatioiig.working with boys to demonstrate their programs of work. . ( t. 'To cultivate in the mind of the citizenship at large the idea . . ... . . . . . 11. 1 1 l. I ! 11. If' i - l uiiu mi? iiu is uiu luuiiuaiKin siouc upon wmcn a nation is built either strong or weak. ' The amount of land .bdng culhvntnl in Alberta is con stantiy on the increase and this w ill affect verv mnteriallv the uiuif in i riiirii iiiiikti ;m .nil HYitnrr rpiurp mmph 1110 Aiiirirt IBANDCONCERT LAST NIGHT Good Crowd Out to Greet Lads at Westholmo Theatre En- tertalnment The splendid progress made by the buys tiiuid sinco their last public appearance was h general theme of conversation after the concert last' night at the .Wes.tholnin Theatre. , which had been arranged by the- llotary Club in aid of the youthful musi cal orpanixation. "The feature of the evening was the playing of the boys, who gae eisht or nine selections, iu a manner which mifc'ht have done credit to a much older organization. During the intermission, Thomas MeClymonl, president of the Jlotary I'.Iub, explained that the band was not a llotary band but a civic organization backed temporarily by the club until it was able to become self-supporl-iiKf. KxcMlenl results had been obtained through the efforts of liandmaster Wilson, whom he complimented. ISforts to form a band of older people had been made on many occasions and failed. The present effort lie wrts sl'nd to1 feel had succeeded and he thanked all those who had taken part in the concert or in my other way contributed to the financing of the baud which they .vere hearing with such enjoy ment that evening. Of the other performers it is nore difficult to speak. All ac quitted themselves with preat credit and their efforts were .nuch appreciated, the following beinj; the complete prosram: The Program Orchestra selection: West holme Orchestra. March: ' Mutual," Boys' Band. Marchi ''"Normal,". Boys' Band Dance: MN Klizabeth Mc-eod;" aceompauist, Piper J. stunpeon. , Recitation: Miss Adelia Tliur- ber. J-Vmi?: (ar'Hn.e Bud," U) Down Here," .Mrsvi. Johnston. .Heading from, Shakespeare: Dr,. Charles J. Cameron. UMandoline duet: Biissanicli Brbs. Sonp: Indian Love Lyric. Miss Catherine. Jones. March: "Invercargill," Boys' Band. Waltz: "Heart Throbs," Boys' Band. Selection: "Ambition" BoyS' Band: .March: "Safety," Boys' Band, onp: "Moonlight and Hoe," Mrs. Jarvis'II, MeLeod. .Mandoline duet: Bussanich Bros. Sonp: "Somewhere a Voice is rallinp." Mrs. LimUay Waupll. Skoteli, "Scene from MaeBeth," Mr.! and Mrs. llrady. Miss Alice Pijlsbury, and Mr. Perry Baisler, Dance: Fortune. March: "Indian Patrol," Boys' Bfriut; J ; . Serenade: "Idle Fancy," Boys' Band. Bandmaler and conductor, I'liomas Wilson. Memlx-rs of the Rotary Club wea'riiip their distinctive caps acted as ushers, 'those underfak ing the task being' 0. H, ..Orjne, Johnlnn, 'IhomasV -Trouer John Dnre. W.-'S. Fisher. II. F. pilllen, Wallace Orchard, George ttirhmnnd, eo. Bryant. I"aCl Bfirrie and Jim Sleen were stape "manocrers and Wilier Vance sold tickets at the door FISHERMAN'S DEATH RESULT SCUFFLE WHEN THROWN OVERBOARD. Continued from Papo 1. NMieal Pool has arranged to take over the elevator wo are niiich1"'avp an(1 ,I,c.n UP0T u,tt' more interested in the. Imnneiilnire niul Ipvolnnnimii nt iiw,pif. oe was pomp. ncierniib We must more and more realize that their prosperity will mean greater prosperity for us, and that if depression hit's them it will affect this port. Fur that selfish reason we are glad to see Alberta developing rapidly. No bran is added to SHREDDED WHEAT Itontains aBtiwbranin the whole wheat to fishing, Burcball had said that it was a muifs game. mere was nothiiiflr noticeable In Hie atti tude of either man toward Hi other. ' On Hip morning of the inci dent, witness saw Oeorpe on tin rucks callinsr for help and ask ihg that a boat be brunhl as a man had been drowned. 'George's clothes were all wet. Men and boats were immediately sent to pick-up Oeorgo and attempt to save; the man who was said to be drowning. hater, on shore, Oeorgn said to witness: "I will givo myself up to you or anyone who will fake me in charse." Had a Scuff le Telling of the incident, flcorge told witness that he and hi partner bad bad a scuffle in the boat. Oeorge had accused Burcball of put link' dope in his food and Burchall had called him a liar. Then Oeonge went after PRICE Only large pro-, duction could build Champion x superior quality at such low prices as 80 and 90 cents. 4M lSm . Mcluilvslv for Ford ba j peeked U lb IUJ Bo OW for can nbertbaa FurJ la ik bW Bum 90 CHAMPION Dependable for Every Ei A Canadian-made Product Windsor, Ont. The jury Ihert refjred 'flnd re I turned, after fifteen minute de- lUiercilion with its verdict. Patrick John Burcball, the man who wii drowned, was 28 year of ajre nnd was' horn in Surrey., Knplaml. He had been 10 years in Oanada, I lie ino't of the lime around Toronto where a brother is jylieVeil (n. lVsidKf'i 'Two year-ago, ffiti cano jo J(iif4 coast and was- 'employed as.-ii ilrcdermav. al VjiDCotiver fro;i(' vyldci placp lie Cfinie north about, two weeks esley eorRe, ttif? man charg ed with the killing of Bureliall. i. tl) yi'urs of ne and was born in the I'niteiJ state hut is a nat-uralizcil Canadian, I;'ir som" time he lived at Marpole but came north recently from Seattle where, his wife, Mabel Oeonge, and iwii children now reside. Advertise in the. Dailv New. The Real Cause Of Constipation Is A Bad Liver -v Mr i. Jan Iiohtlr, Ninn,l.0., rrlteit:- " For many rears I bav tweu troubled with my liver, and af, fered terribly witlf coortipatiuu. I HEARD ABOUT Milburn's giro and have ia greatly im proved lo I tttrtcj to tak tbin. I rannot reromniend thfip, too highly lo any ont who l truublait with their liver," Mllburn'a Laxa Liver Pilja are not a new and untried remedy They have been on the market for the pmit 22 yeara; put up only by The T. Uilbuiu Co., Limited, Toronto, Oat. V ; .i. ; .v. W1nfhy, April 14, t938 HAGE TWC; Tit?. UA1UY W73 THE MAN IN THE MOON THIS is the season when want lo trade their radio sets for loat or nrsi payment on (lie new car. OMKAT men "aie (( murh like Hie dlier kind Jlial HJ harl lo distinguish t lieni op , llie ilreel and they snore Jl as Jond when they po to' bed, ' COM PBLFOIIY training of p.ir-enls is what JaU -say we ought to liave. jind perhaps he is aboiu ripht this lime. Wit I IN a man lM'gliis tn blatiix bis wife, you may" he. sure be ha Jul taken the- count anil He elar.-d himself beaten. W'F. nil priimlde at the Oov-erninenl taxes lint we lax our-M-lves mucli more lilshly and do not complain the ha'i. IF it were nl for nerve, what Would Iheocvr da for a llillp? rj? VOF know ri'tTsnudian nt once !liecaue ho wanfi::tuc1it down all ;ihe trees. If Adam -.had been a ICanadian Miere would liae heen ;no fruit lo iluekb'eaUe the tree world have been rHpjliated be. '.fore it bore fruit. Burcball and both wot in the llllv tuinii conc-ri iai vvalr ;iiil Ii.mI lie I.H IIIISIH wa tl POOH one l"ll llie tried lo save Buivliall. It wa 'lu-lierinp came in for,oine cnt It is said that the slntde a very short distance lo shore 'oiicNm. which Oeorpe had saul that heliiek were loo atlentive to had swum. Flewjn also evidence as to reeoerini4 Bur-cliall's hody. Prnvthetal Police Constable Smitli told of niakinp the inves. in? Burohall's li.xty after it bad I been found. Anorw the etfeel was an identification disk reud- inp': "P. J. Bui-cliatl. 10 Sackill! Terrace, Toronto." In the ho- dtal, .Oeorpe appeared to he piite normal. His rtpbl was bandaged. Body Identified Provincial Constable jrave uirN and did 'not look after the oilier people. . AIo too much levity. there wa JAKK wunU. to know bow llpalions after the drowning. lit:hoe olr men sot an Wea lliey the course ' of a search ntteonld usher? lie says it lake (ieorge's cabin, Ji pud was Tnu no "'youth ami brains for a joh lik on whictr wjis wrlllen the words; that. two. livefe for Mabel Oeorpe, ' " ' " 1 371 1 38lhStreel W., S.satlb-" The officer tfien inlervieweil Ocorge in the I'oH Simpson Hos pital. pikiu 'ot the drowiiT inx, Oeorpe said: "B was no ac cident. I threw him overboard. Oeorge was immediately placed under arrest and duly wamcl. The officer then told of search-1 OANCILLATION OF HK(HVt. mithe is iimm nivt: out Uwnr f,IM tcr ri,lrrl riuOx-r l ufiu-r- .iv Otll, UliHlfil an I'll! UUmL I'.antr 4. I ! IHHrl'l, I rinrfllnt. . 0. n. wor.M, IVfiuit Vmiir "I I m1 m TIMBER SALE, X7S49. Sr.lrd T-llJf ll rrrOiMl by Ibrf Uml.lrr nf UikJ, ,11 rluri. imiI uiri iim iuH.it n iim vfna nur b Aurii. flu rui l.ir.J.OilO tfrl nt snriir. Mnnlnrk. I h4U.ni anil i:Ur, nu n' urt Wlutl iu. faro nivir, oilme DV. n.riliwr cnl.i li.iiaf I. Cii nmriM. ('iiiiinl Thrr (J )ir. wUI L b llnwnl' to triv, nviiLmi'it riirrnliiiriif inir 1 1 . f i luriltfr nartlmmr. ct the r.hif Toe i MM, VlrlorU. B.C., ttf til'trlft TorMl't, r 1 11. u. 1 ln..,,...in Oonstalde arfd . of Smith Inspector! .rtn,: nnin. m'.i ipiuer look inc sianu 10 nieniiiy NOT) 01. Hut hiiilv iv-hii'h hail Iioimi rol'in'nr-I ..... . , . I IV TUl- ,1 , ,Tf II. ..f .M .r.r.ll.ll..n t i i. iiiin-.-ii huh ,wimi-iiim' ft 'ini iur til i"tiviiiiii.ii ijtiiih'.i. or I.,- "' 'TUt ti tOTM-il 1 "B" III UU MVM (j). BbM-k Mtiy-.Jliliij. iiiMtii.ii oi j,l riru tiun1-i iukI fuMr-nll (JU) rwi IV Vp to to:t io:ti. yiiirn ilurl.illr lWlrirl silirriir.v .ruit jft ly hi, nr llj irlirinlr i.r TlUl-n.i.rlur ltf tMir Unit lutiu. l-ru t0liW! 0. II O mv InimUiin bi liiifc'lrirt ilif rxMraibin Jul m iiHuitb friiii.".llk X(ri puliiu-aiioii ivr-'or, a vrpiuiii.n irrjuirain in mi to 11m .Uii la(.Hl In. Oir, tiariir of llul iiunrru- MaAarL - f lw ttrlfinal Crriiflcli' or Tille l illlwl III tMh i-f Anul. I HIS, ami I nilfuOArfkl (II mi I. . IJlllil n-.l.irr- i 'lil r, .. rril,'- 'miii( 'III' 1 tl, l.rili l'l.n lur.. vtron. . . V rlirr nf Tllli-. OOVIRNMtNT LIQUOR ACT. Notlca of Appllaatlaii for ' Lk.nca. NOTirj: IS in:irirMlrJl'0 iliat nn ilw Stli irtav tit M.v' iM'tli Jh. .niiiloriiliiiH'il ln ihmI Ii) awly l"'llJNlJr''t''''f" l"rdi for a IIii-iii-p Att rfprtC In pri-mlo' kiM.ttu a o.W.V,''llvit.' nlliialH la thi) lnvni-lli- nf fori I (fiiihlC fl.t.. iitMin Hi'' IjihU iIk -Ibril' H4i.,ijlb.' half r.f M ami , bi'i'K ,h, OHl'iri flni tiq, v""1 r.turloilr Jamll roN1i'l,,arrirflinK In a r-ill mai Ma 'iMjimI al Ita'1 l.aiul llvUtrk- itfU'fV'IHnllie "UV t Crlnrr ITInrr liurwrl. liurwrl. ltVXiiit'jilitiilMrrl llJViiiI.'jilitiilMrrl for for Hi IIih Mir lr nf nf ')M'rr'Ml.i.llrS' lici'rTlHilllj' ! l. or r li In llK UIH'll IhiMIa'. fiirOlilllKlllMlnll no Ui iiiipti ir-iiil. ' 4'H . ' Uali-il al I'rov Hlif'.ri;, B.C . ihl Slh la nf At-ril, lVfii -I I MOtioi. ' IX THE MATTER nf an application .r tlu lni- nf a ITotl'IdniU (rllfU-alr of Till for l.ol llilrtv flm (J5, BI(X'k lucnly lmi HI). Srrllnn H (4), City nr rnnr nuprn. in iw rrnvinc. ut nru Ikti Columbia. (Map J1). aOfarory proof of h Una of lti rrrtlUral of Tltlf comma Oh- almvr lam havlnf Wu priHlnrril li ruf. II H my Inirnllon In aflrr Oir iplra- lion of ohm iimnlfi frnm tli flnt nnlill ! rallon Iwri'iif, a I'roviiinnal crllfrair if ! Till- In ili alinVF laml In tlir- name nf rKTrn m:ofitos. in nrinnai cunti. run of TIIIh K dalrrt th J7ih of ,1ovcim tier. 10 1 T. ami l liiiinbrrrd 07401. I anil Bfrimry offli-r, I'rliir nuprn, H. C. Manh oih, 1910. ii. r. Mari.Fnn. Wrrl'lrar of Tlllw. ronm r. Notice of Application for Oartlflcalt of Improtament "HM" "lihlaral Claim Situate in Hie Vrlm-e fluprrt Mlnbit nitlon of I lii- flkrena nuirlrj, Wber. Iniatrd: Mrar lli hi-ad of KlMiimkaliim Lake, Lanful ImMrr: fwan lulln. Nuru. lr of holdiT'a rrre MlnT'i Orliricale. TAKE NOTICE that I, an Oalln. Frerl i.rr' Cerlltliale Mo. 0IC, liiiend at I Mm rjK) of tltly day frniii I lie- lime Imriwif, lo apply' to llw Minlnr Mronli-r fur a Certiorate of IiiiprorpniKiila for ih piiaxxe of oiitalnlne a Crown Oram of lh ebuve rlalm. And. furitirr lake n.Ur Uial arilon. nnilrr "rrllon 85 of lh 'Minrral Arl," mini li. roiiiiurnrril Imi-fore ih liianr of aiirh Crrtltlcale o' Innimvemmfa. Datfii t hi Jrd rtar of February. SWA-f nun. Owner. I I. T. Kenny, Afaov. s i J" Bald DOUBLE STRENGTH T X DEMAND HIGH MILEAGE Suitable Types Suitable Prices Therw It an efficient Dunlop Official Service Depot In your locality to cooperate with ut In filling your dtrrundt to your entire tatltfactloru AJ4 "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD.' Smoked Dally by f anaiiian Pish 1 Polrl CtnraaA Cn I til .hUMIKUftHIH IftJII lA- .U.U I.U. U ftw U . . , . . v m I v j j r m Prince. Rupert, B.C. Fishermen s Supplies FISH LINES, HOOKS, ROPES, TWINES, FISH NETTING AND TROLLING GEAR, ' OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCERIES. Compare Our Prices r.nsett Cnnninaham & fn I id 8cond Avenue and McBrlde St. Zip-Glo Zip-Glo In four thades, alto black, white ant) clear Half pint ... , , ti 750 KiMl; ... $1.25 0'iart t. 12.40 It ilrlos in thirty niinulos Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd.