dne iday, April 14, 1920. - i tip ihuijt fiiswn w i i . i m BANK. AcCOimTS Large or Small Established l8l7 1 Total Assets in excess of J 750,000.000 Dank of Montreal, which THE for over a century has been serving the industrial and farm ing interests of Canada is equipped to handle large bank accounts and financial transactions of first importance. At the same time, it renders the fullest and most careful service to smaller accounts, which are equally welcome. " BANK OF MONTREAL HOSPITAL : COTTON in I ll. ?h'. Special Price 50o each Good Form Hair Nets -ingle or iImiM' n. -ii 11. gnlur lc am) 15c. Special Price, 4 for 25c Ormes Limited Tli Itrxall Slorr 3rd Avenue and 0th Street. I'm ! ft III M jjgi-N Phones 82 and 200 Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped In handle all kind of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38F Prospective Builders! COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDEris aurrui LUMBER. Timber. Dimension. Sli.'i Fir Kni'oli, Flooring, V Joint, Huslic ami Hovel Hiding, Cellar and Mr Hoal Lumber, Fir nml C.ollonwood Veneer. Moulding. Hliuigle. Ki.liiie.l Shingle. I.atli, Oak. Hardwoods, Himh and .Doors, Wood Pipe. CEMENTS, Etc Portland (Jenicul. Kecue (.cmeiit, As belns Cenieiil. llimlwnll Plaster. IMusler or Paris. Plaster Himril. Mine. Hydrate.! Lime, hreclay BRICKS, Etc. Common Uriek. Fire Hriek, Pressed Hnck. Agricnltiinil Tile, Vilified Pipe. Flue billing. MISCELLANEOUS Null. Ilnildilig Paper, lar Paper. Miiliberuid UmifiiigH. .lolin. Mnuville' Asheslos Mooring, Afphall, Asplmll llixifing Paper, Saml ami fii'nvel. . NANAIMO-WELLINGTON COAL Try our Nut Coal for your Kilehen naugo. ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones 116 anc! 117. i ii bbbbbbbbbbbhbhhhhhhhhhhhm ' Local and Personal lMione'l5. P.P.. Coal Co. Arthur's Taxi. Phone 678 H.C. Undertaker. Phone 41 Sneddon's Taxi ami Messenger Service. Phone 134. II Tlu- Prince llimert Tennis Club will hoM it annual dance Ji Friday. Anril 111 in the v.n- 1IOIIIC. HH Hyal Purine iiridge-whil drive ntul dance, Wednesday, April 11, ai H.IO In lllks' llnmi. ArlmU sion 30c. 87 450 tons Nanalmo Welllnaton Lump Coal Juat arrived. Albert & McCafTery, Ltd. Phona 116 and 117. 11 Account up to April i total ling H3.o:i5..5 ami including various departmental payroll wre paasel for payment at laf t piifhi's council meeting. it O. Johnston, manager of fht crura Cannery, in a visitor in town today on business, lift rrpurt preparation proceeding steadily al I in ernes h fur the at last night' council meeting The local improvement bylaw providing for the inaltre grad ing of Miisgrave Plate between r nut ana .-ixiu Avenues wa finally reconsidered and adojited al last night's eonueil meetinir, Thr roadway approach leading fniiii Mrllride Street and second Avenue In I In- court house in be ne resurfaced and rolled by tin department of public work and ttnl .ulrr be given a coating of fa ma. The Hoard of Work will re port tothe city council nexl week in connection with thr request of local Slirlner that a civic arch of wclmoie h erected for the oc casion of the bWlroa of Ihr Shrine eertuiMMrllif here next month. ' Settlement on the ba-.i of jialf or UiA claim of Jt;. pre rnttl'tiy ii Itpyal .luhilcc Ho pilal, Medina, for Ircalinent titen J. HouHrrXtfitjiiaVtty Va approtw.1 Jit the tity osipcll lal liigui on rrcoinintnilUtioM or (Ii. finance cdifTiiiit t-. PcnidK-ilon Wiii yraiilcd by Uir city cotuieJl tnt nfalit to Ailcen sicphcti to puroliae Inx nh icrliricalr rfplit" in lol SCI and '.'I. I.i.k It, Motion i, for an oiler rotcrlRU Uixf and Inlerrnt Tin followijijr tat tale rvrlifieaio riKiil tvrrr t0 Mild lit t'.. Walker: lol i, bloeli f3, Hcrlion o. yiuiiJi: 101 11. iiioflii :i. er lion &. I01'.or; lot II, block 3U. fcclion !, 77.7ii; lot 23, block 36, eclioii 7i..-3: lot 31, Mock .lit. eeioiK 3, $71.53; lol SI, Idoek 30, soction 5. 'J3.85. The Fair HoanlV haycd ball roniinillec coniling of llert Morgan, rliairmaii, It. H. IUmon and Howard l'riizoll met last infill to further perferl plant for the bip event that will lake place on April 21. The affair will ! opened with a (irand March fur winch the pipe band will play Hie iuumc and there will aln be the Sro!ti.h orrlie-Ira. of whieh John ltrcmncr will be Hie leader, to play Tor ijeoU I: Mi dance. In addition to this I here w ill be a full jaw orches tra. It ha been decided to give pi for it llliai'lclon contest and for the best roniic costume. A Few Doses of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup May Slip That Ciugh Mr. Frank D. Comma, TYert Bata orat, XJB., write: "I tid a rerj bad cold and cough that settled on tnj lungs, and I thought that I wouU neyer get rid of it. One day a friend ipoVe to me about your wonderful remedy, to I sent and fot a bottle of It, and after the flrat doae I took I got relief, and by the time I had ilnUhed the bottle I was ompletel rolieved of all my trouble." 'Dr. Wood's" is pnt p edy by The T. ililbum Co., LimiUd, Toronto, 0 -1 ... . . I.. Mid lit Vancouxr, BO. DcvdopwIatWarU'i Foremen t SdantiAc Institute WlU .tain, nim untodnr. ad anlmaia. 5 s.JPjL. MOTHS! I SuudsjuttsLH txb l Yow-Orocfr grmvggur Mrs. WiP F. Ilnrwne sailed lat evening on (he Maiden a for Vancouver. U.N. It. steamer Prince Reorge, Capt. Harry Xedden. is due in port from Vancouver and intermediate point at i o clock UiH afternoon. I). 1. Cameron, fiherie over- neer, who sutahn'l an injury in hi IrK recrtitly, ailrd lal night on the (lardcim for Vancouver uu iick leave. ' Daiicin? Matinee in W e.sltiolim Theatre lomorrow afiernoon a: 3.IU p.m. Air. 11. i. i;rew in pivfDK a pecfal performance fur children. AdiniIou :5c. Adult 50c, ' Mm. Hill llarrincton and o,i who are viUiti? here with In spector ami Mr. A. K. Atdaud, 133 Fifth Avenue W csl, will continue their voyage to Wranjsel on the Prince! Iloyal on Monday next. Charlo I.tmliitjiM, a fisherman on the Iujrred' II. caught bis leg in the shaft or Uie ensine on the loat Sunday ami 'broke the ankle in two places. He va taken to the bo-pilal for i real men t on ar rival here. Jean Johnson, colored, who ha been coiiunitlcd for trial on a charjic of keeping a disorderly lioue at HIW Second Avenue, will appear before Judpe Ymmg in the Oninly t'.ourl ou Moinlat morning lo elect. Sunt It A MalleiPs tender of 1I0I.07 for walerwork fUpjille a accepted by the city council Iat uighl on reconiiiinendalion of the Hoard of Work. A second bid from the Piince'jlupert Sup ply 1:0. wa for lial.l0. (ioternment Auct.l and M Norman A. Wa'l and il.iupliicr returned ;n thi. nioririlis' traVi from Terrace where lliey have been peiidiiij' a couple of wcelo for the benefit of Mr. Wal' 1 1 0 a 1 1 1 w hich i s now somewhal linpnited. Mis Joan West, who ha been spending the Kasler lioliday in the cily wilh her parents, lr. and Mr. John A. Went. 32t Fourth Avenue West, reluined by lh: Onrdcna last nilit (o Vancouver where she will resume her school studies. Jlmiloch Mackenzie. Lawrcnc? Uapsijck and larrov I'.asey, charged wilh atteinpled rape, were further remanded in thu riy police court until Friday inorniiiK lo allo (tie evideucD in the case lo be transcribed by the slenoprapher. Hail of Si, 000 for eaeli of the accused was ro netyed. Mackenzie and.Caey are out on bail but Catis(ik i til in jail. . ' Mi Annie Fountain,' provincial secretary for guUVAtork of the Protectant ehurclies, is a visilor in the eily in "the eoursd of u tour of the district. She anited from the mteriorion tbi niorniiig, train and will proceed south on tlio seacnier ? Princo George Friday morning, Tonight Miss Fountain will bv the guestl of honor r BARGAIN SALE OF CITY LOTS Council Decides to Withdraw all Properties Untll Next October The cily will hold a bargain sale of retcrlcd lot during the mouth of October and, for tin; remainder of the year, lax alo lot will be withdrawn from the market unless oilers are made for thciii eipial to or exceeding the assessed value. This will be the effect of the following re commendation that was pre sented lo the council last ni?h( by tlie finance committee' and adopted. "Your finance cduiinitiee re commend thai all reverted pro perty from this dale be. withdrawn from (lie market until October I, llli'C, when a list of all revelled property al (hat lime will be prepared and advertised in sonie manner agreed upon by the council and tender will (lien be received for the period of thirty days for the consideration if the council when all proper- lie will again be withdrawn until October I of the following year, always provided (hat (he council will consider al any time the application of any one offer ing tlie assessed value or over for any' of said properly, (hiy resolution (o have no bearing on applications now on file with the cily clerk." Aid. liascy, chairman of the finance committee, said that ih scheme1 recommenced wa 01 an experimental nature- designed to! meet as fully as possiide the requirements of both properly seekers and present holders. The recommendation had the endorsement of Cily Solicitor Jones. WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE LAST NIGHT IN METROPOLE HALL A crowd of 150 persons attended an enjoyable whist drive and dance which was held last night in the Metropole Hall by Mi,. f.mlie iif Hie Mno,1ip:,i-t I.e. 2ion. I'liere were cei.itecn tables of whist and prize w inners, were: Ladies' first, Mrs. James! Sturgeon; second, Mrs. H. Schu-I ImtI; consolation. Miss C Zarclli Met i'm first, John Hcsmulles; second, C. It. lliggarl; cousola lion. A. Oluiesong. After cards. refreshments were served and (lancing followed, music being furnished Arthur's Orchestra. Joe Slatfgard was master of ceremonies and the committee consisted of Mrs. J. Field, convener. Mrs. P. .J. ItyaiT, al tho door. Mrs. I'. Herry and Mr. J. Hatchford. PLAYGROUND FUND GETS $144 FROM PLAYERS' CLUB - The Gyro Club ha received from the prince Ituperl Player' Club a check for StU.50 being the proceed from the play "Weddins Hells'' recently put on by tlie players' Club. The money ha been placed in the Gyro Club's .playground account. ASK CLEARING HOUSE FOR MENTAL HOSPITAL VAN'COLVHH, April II. -Witnesses ye.sierday before the menial hygiene commission advocated the establishment under oti'i'iiment control of a psycho-1 pallnc liospilal for the care or all cases of mental disease as discovered ami to acl as a clear In? house for I he mental hospi tal. x TO THE PUBLIC- In introducing Mr. Holhwell, who is looking after my bui- nes, I would ask, while out of the city, to site him the same co-operation as I have received. I can thank the generosity of Hie officials and the public generally for the success f have inada , vv. 1; iMiice. I came o prince liupcr'.. ' aUatdinrjor heing given L. ,, ..,., ,x by the. IW.I.T. ortfid t nlted I.,1 " .... t ........ . .'. . ..i. 7t. (.lllinii iliui lumuiriMv niiu will ibe the guesl at a slniilar fuin'-I lion lo be given by Hie Preb lerian C.G.I.T. Afler suitiier to- . morrow night, there will be a ipublie mecliiiig at the Presbyterian Church lo which all girl of. Hie eily with their parents! and friend will be uni ed. PAIN in BLADDER Promptly Eaied by SANTAL IMIDY Be aure to gel the Genuine Look for the wcrd "MIDY" sold by all 0i'UIl.rU r ;4 TheWfcrld Moves on limes and Methods Change - 'Ine newest and btway to wash clothes v-;-.. if ANNOUNCEMENTS 19 Hoy-aJ Purple bridge, whist dri and dance, F.Iks' Home, April It. Lutheran Women' Aid Spring Sale, April 15, at 616 Sixth Ave West. Tennis Club April 16. Cat hollo April 17. Pall, F.Iks' Home. adijjV Spring .'' Anglican Concfcrl, Hall, April '-'0. Sale, Cathedra! Presbyterian. Church Ladies' Aid Spring Sale, April 2k Fair JJaysecjl Dane, Wednesday, April J2l. HidlW' ilonie Bazaar May -0. III! PAGE THRE1 M l NO-llll RUBBING Yovl simply soan me clothes a couple of hours, or as long as ljou like. Rinse, hang out and that's all. Rinso 13 MADE BY THE MAKERS OF LUX .11 iliililllll Steamship and Train Service S.S. PRINCE GEORGE atxl PRINCE CHARLES will leave PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, and tuleruiedlate point FRIDAYS and MONOAYS al 9.00 cm. lor STEWART IIHl ANYOX, WEDNESDAYS, SATURDAYS, 1000 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN rorllllfc'lllly for VANCOUVER lla QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. PASSENQER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY It 8 p.m. Tor PRINCE ttEOROE. EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, alt point Eastern Ciii.iiU, lulled Stales. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. CJtf Ticket Olflci, S2S Third Af., Prlnc Rupert. IcanadianT PACinc Phone 260 Canadian Pacific Railway B. G. Coast Services j Sailings from Prince Rupert tETOCIAN. WIAM21L, JUNttU. ACWAT f TAKCOUHt. VICTORIA ti SEATTU FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST The city's next debenture issue will lear five per cent, interest. it was decided by the city coune;' last nit lit on recommendation of the finance committee. i MuA 19. 29. ApHl 9. 19. 30 .Kink 23. Apl 2. 13. 23 S3, rsi.xass eutkki Foe BuUdtli, ,Sn,on Bif, Etit Bella Bella, Ocean Falla. Nni, Alert Be?, Campbell Rler, and Vanceueee eeeri Saturday 11 a.m. Afency for all Steamahlp Llnee. Full Inlormatlon from W. C. ORCHARD Oeaeral AaenC Oerner ef 4th Street and 3rd Aeenue, Prince Rupert. B.O. Tweed Coats, Tweed Suits LATEST DRESSES DRESSY COATS DRESSY HATS SPORT HATS Goods Flight. Prices night. "Demers" We aim to please. Phone 27. P.O. Box 327 TUGBOATS Day Phones 423, 539, Green 238, Black 735. Night. Phones 687,. 539, Green 238, Black 735. RUPERT MARINE PRODUCTS, LTD. GEO. G. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. m