AiiE DAILY XsENTo T ,i PAGE FOUR WENT THROUGH BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMan 'IS -i GL AO YOU TOT TuTll want VvytLL IT'S ALL OVER Qyr " TUP gpn MAN DAT ABOUT TT40E. Rl"rJ"C3fA.tvtONOS-I'MlNfORlT OOT VQUR TO KNOW RUPERT MOST SEE K'b THB COAT QOTTHE N hOvaJ ' PRINCE HIM "THE PATRQIVAQON ORlVIN UP FON 1 GOT THAT COAT - T HIM MlSCOATj GAVE C E RT Al fs LY S MV3TERI OU TW AT rOU m SOONER t b Mg INI A UlTTUt WHILg' -rue pockkt3 WA3 PMON Rrv ON WAY HOME -v WANT5TOSEE VOO. SIR.' OVER BETTER' TME r I HW I OOMT80THER luST PASTE AQOuT THEM1 HARVARD LAW STIPFATS MADE voNnr.uri L toik to arctic OCEAN" 11Y CANOE RETURNED BY YUKON Arrived Ute for riae but Hearing Mlrrlne Tale of Adventure RAMDRIDGE. Mass.. Nov. 18. Pour young argonauts have returned late for the opening of their classes at u Harvard law and business schools with a stirring Ule of adventures In the far1 northwest to exphO their tardj arrival. I After the close of their classes last June they paid 1 1 00 for a much used automobile In which they drove to Reftca. &ak- leavtng their automobile there to the custody of the chief of paSt. ijwy proceeded to Edmonton, &r User purchased two canoes, ship-yyvj t&em to waterways, paddled down U CSearwater to Athabasca River. tttWBtsV Lake Athabasca, down the &tt Jfcw. - through the Great Slave Ltie d on down the MacKenzle to tit ttiewater of the Arctic Ocean J.txxi miles from Harvard. ckohm:!) divide Returning., they selected a section of the Continental Divide which seemed to offer a good crossing and portaged. paddled and waded by way of the Rat. Little Bell, Porcupine and Yukon river Q. A. Woodland is acting as cashier. There will be a musical program to which Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Donald Ross, Mrs. William Millar and Mrs. H. C. Fraser will contribute with vocal solos. REGULAR MEETING OF SHRINE CLUB Hate Set for I Iri-t Annual Shrine lull Two duett Were Present at Dinner Twenty-one nobles were present at the regular monthly dinner of the .Prince Rupert Shrine Club which took place last night In the Commodore Cafe. There were two guests Noble E. M. Harris of Al Mellkah Temple. Los Angeles, and Noble Dr. Charles J Cameron of Abdallah Temple, Texas. Nobis J. Arthur Smith, president of tlit Shrine Club, occulped the chair. The club decided to hold the first annual 'siwlue Ball In this city early In January on a date to be fixed later, Invitations to this affair will be con fined to members of the Masonic craft and their ladies. Of the 2,025 teachers in the publlr schools of Hawaii W6 are Caucasians 525 are Hawallana, 312 Chinese and 1C2 Portuguese. Advertise In the Dally Ntws BAPTIST CHURCH LADIES' SHOWER i:ent Took PUte Lat Nlsht to llenefU Forthcoming Ilaxaar To benefit the annual bazaar of the Baptist Church Ladies' Aid which will take place shortly a miscellaneous I Scene I, Act. III.. Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark, was the subject of study at the meeting of the Shakespeare Society last night. The various parts were taken as follows: The King, George Anderson. The Queen, Mrs. J. E. Milne. Polonlua, Mrs. W. IL Wilson Murray. Ophelia, Miss Mamie Dobb. RosencranUi Miss Dorothy Stephen. Oulldenster. Miss Jean Harris, R.N. Hamlet. Miss Dorothy Stephen. More than one hundred billion pounds of milk are produced annually In the United States, according to Rcbetts Everett, manager of the National Dairy Industries exposition. ; jljljr (ixporirnQni with baby's food If you cannot nurse him. Since 1857 Borden's Eagle Brand Condensed Milk has successfully raised more babies than all other Infant foods combined. Write The Borden Co. Limited Vancouver for free Baby Welfare Book. Condensary at South Suroas, B.C. Mother tpeciaJ-ly like it for chil. dren aa it take the place of inter Dal medicines. Local Druggists Hare shower was held last night in the Modem Reme dy f or Col ds church parlors. There was a good at-, tendance and considerable financial l A Vaporizing Salve which la Rubbed benefit was derived. Mrs. C. E. Larkln j Over Throat and Chest for Colds. wis convener and oreunled the chair' while Mrs. Frank Morris and Mrs, Bert j VjCks VapoRub, the "externa tn ihn vi,vnn t-,. -1 : ter-irritant, stimulating the skin, and thus helps the vapors inhaled to break up the inflammation. Colds are usuall relieved over pihi. ViCKS Over 2IMiiuonJars Used Ycariy The following schedule for the re minder of the first half of the bas-:ctbail season has been drawn up: NOVEMBER 18 Colts vs. Stars. Adanacs vs. Maple eLafs. Bankers vs. Orotto. Elks vs. Terminals. . 9 Tux is vs. Colts.' Maple Leafs vs. Adanacs. Terminals vs. Bankers. Native Sons vs. Elks. , 3 Stars s. Tuxls. Adanacs vs. Maple Leafs. Orotto vs. Terminals. Terminals vs. Native Sons. 8 Colts" vs. Stars. Bankers vs. Orotto. Elks vs. Terminals. 30 Tuxls vs. Colts. Maple Leafs vs. Adanacs. Terminals vs. Bankers. Native Sons vs. Elks. DECEMBER 3 Stars vs. Tuxls. Adanacs vs. Maple Leafs. Orotto vs. Terminals. Terminals vs. Native Sons. 7 Maple Leafs vs. Adanacs. Bankers vs. Orotto. : Elks vs. Terminals. 10 Colts vs. Stars. , , Terminals ,vs, Bapkersj, v Native Sonsi Elks? jW , f; ' 14 Tuxls vs. Colts. . . Adanacs vs. Maple; Le'afa. ;i--' Orotto vs'Tef mlnais? Terminals vs. Native Sons. 17 Maple Leafs vs. Adanacs. Maple Leafs vs. Adanacs. Bankers vs. Orotto. Elks vs. Terminals. 1 Stars vs. Tuxls. Adanacs vs. Maple Leafs. Terminals vs. Bankers. Native Sons vs. Elks. SPORT CHAT Gyros, who are In second place but unable to catch up to the Orand Terminals even if they make a perfect score, and the St. Andrew's, who are In the cellar but with a chance of getting out of It, meet tonight in tlie billiard league. The basketball authorities are pleased with the really splendid patronage that is being given their games. Even though there is the hill to climb, each basket ball night sees good crowds, at the Ex hibition HaU. Tonight the Elks and Terminals will meet In the Senior League., the Bankers and Orotto in the Intermediate;' the Adanacs and Maple. Leafs in the Ladles, and Colts and Stars in the Junior. The Beach Athletic Club Is doing good work among the boys of Anyox. The youngsters are being taught to box by Eddie Craggs; Charlie Harmon la In chsrge of physical exercises, while Otorge Lace Is Inculcating physical culture. Th older boys ar being kept fit and the younger are learning the ways of the manly arts. Although he can neither hear nor speak, Ilarth Able is captain and star back of 'the high school football team of Norway, a village of South Carolina. Able gets the signals by reading the lips of the quarter back, who is his brother. Kaxth also Is rated as one of the best pupils in his school. Football is becoming so scientific that the day Is near at hand when m team, however well trained, can count upon going through a season without . .....- .v.. -r mil T ....I Morgan had charge of refreshments! &I5!2JSZ Ltl 'who have been turning out sensational rhitis. ripen chest mlnL nr rrrmn l " ' ' j with Mrs. J. Thurber arranging the pro- football teams at Funnan University, nnnlied over throat or chest, the intrredi over uiroai or cne ine umtat- government radio station a&d one of appueu . . cram. cuts are released as vapors by the body , Greenville. S C. ihm them sent ,hm.rt through Uie air a laag-sup., ' vrofrTxm tociudrt solos by Mrs. heat pressed query ta tis cuty: -Safe. SJ.'Algle Huater v Houston, a reading! These -apors, inhakd with each breath did I pass y exaasr Tier tia b p H Unitt. piano solos by Misses! carry the .medication directly to the stevedored- az ssa-aaBed th.-iCeJiale I affected air passages. I-joscrung the May N. and Iverson, way throKj-t FiAtuzis azid Seward tat TV 1 .. . seiecuon ... v.J phlegm and relieving the congestion. PLTr tmt cornet by Athe same toe vfekactsasa coun- QUEEN , Milliters Max Larkia. ureen and mur- pcUre &u gna ttorm sp lar lost aztdj sxsmuiut s &as cm. F:'let1 yi snow m 1&jc StAutma prairies.; t&trf wer (iftiTiprrfl fto canpflrle their re-T2te Sanr dnzsces were Alfred E. MARY CHAPTER HOLDS TEA AND SALE Event Takes Flare This Afternoon at Home of -Mrs. I). C. Stuart, 2.t Fifth Avenue Wext Queen Mary Chapter, Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire, Is holding a tea and sale of home cooking this, after noon at the home of Mrs. D. C. Stuart, 725 Fifth Avenue West. Mrs. D. McD. Hunter, Mrs. D. W. Mor-rlssey and Mrs. A. R. Holtby are pouring with Mrs. David Thompson. Mrs. W. H. Wilson Murray and Mrs. Robert Blance assisting in serving. In charge of the home cooking table are Mrs. C. J. Nor' rlngton and Mrs. Frank Moore, while raffles are being conducted by Mrs. T, W. 'Hart and Mrs. Jamee Clarke. Mrs. Yaughan Daviea was piano CHARLES FOLSOM IN Crtnntf3 e ruibdapUa, Sherwood K. ; THiA cf OVafo. Alexander Lette of An Interview appears in this month's rmsansrsSi azd Fierce On thank of Bos-, Pacific Fisherman with Charles Foiled, aa graduates of Williams College, j som. formerly of Prince Rupert In re-Zach spent about 1250 beyond the cost gard to a proposed halibut pool from of their automobile, and they're all sat-tsfled that the trip gave them more thrills than it would be possible to obtain anywhere else tor the same amount of money. PLANS KKOM CiF.OOKAPHY They made all their plana from a INTERVIEW AT SEATTLE which the following Is an extract: "Mr. Folsom states that the Prince Rupert association has already had considerable success In getting its operations under way; that a number of business men of that place are actively participating and have offered financial map of North America In a high school . backing, and that the provincial gov geography. Although they had to live eminent has put up a new wharf and fot weeks on game, only one of them had had experience with firearms and that as a member of the Williams, rifle building for the association between the Booth- and Pacific fish houses on tbe Prince Rupert waterfront. He has club. Yet, except for snow in August; been in Southeast Alaska for some time and mosqultos all the time, they had past, and reports-considerable Interest no complaint to make. They found 1 In the project both at Ketchikan arid the Indians and Eskimos much more cordial than natives of the typical New England vacation resorts and quite as prosperous, because of the high price of furs, bringing a good trapper 3000 easily In a season. A missionary who had been offered $10,000 by an Eskimo trapper for his radio set, told them of listening in on hockey games broadcast from Boston Arena. Petersburg.' SHAKESPEARE SOCIETY MEETING LAST NIGHT Hamlet was. Again Subjeet of Study at lortnlzlilly flaliierln; of Dramatic Students SCHEDULE OF BASKETBALL i mi: taiile iok him uu.r or ia-iti-2; is itt:vici Bagenbaggage, Boot to Boot and other thoroughbred racers from the Idle Hour Farm at Islington will be nominated for tbe 1927 renewal of th Croffoth Handicap and other stak events at Tla Juana next spring. Ed-win R. Bradley has announced. Bubbling Over, winner of the Kentucky Derby this year, has been retired to the stud after a tendon injury. Bagenbaggage and Bojt to Boot hav a notable string of victories to their credit, twice running one-two in stake wents. CRIBBAGE LEAGUE GAMES LAST NIGHT PANAMAS NATIONAL Ol'CIt ATOIt- SI STA1NKD TIIKIK I lltT Hl ITAT OF KEAMIN HIT AKK STIIX AT TOP Results of last night's games In the Crlbbage League were as follows: Canadian. Legion 14; Knights of Col- ambus, 13s.. Orotto IB: Canadian Legion B. Orange Lodge 13: Sons of Canada 14. Dry Dock 14: ON. Operating 13. Prince Rupert Hotel 14; ON. Mach ines 13. ' St. Andrews, 13; Moose 15. Knights of Columbus 18; Co 14 Stor age 9. W. L. Pts. C. N. Operating .... 5 1 5 Orange Lodge 4 2 4 Canadian Legion ... 4 2 4 (nights of Columbus 4 2 4 Dry Dock 4-2 4 Orotto . . . . 4 ' 2 4 Moose 3 3 ' 3 C. N. Mechanics 2 4 2 Cold Storage 2 4 2 Sons of Canada 2 4 2 St Andrew's 1 3 1 Pilnce Rupert Hotel 1 S 1 ' CANADIANNATIONAL RAIL AND STEAMER vember 141 WINTER SERVICE rrrThe-.wtnter schedule of the Canadian National Railways, also the Coast Steamships becomes effective on Sunday, No .After that Oat, trains will leave Prince Rupert each Monday. Wednesday and Saturday at 11 JO ajn.. and arrive here each Sunday, Tuesday snd Thursday at 330 pm. The sa. -Prince Rupert" will arrive from the South each Wednesday at 10.30 am., and aall southbound each Friday at 9.00 ajn. Sailings for Stewart snd Anyox will be each Wednesday at iOOO pm. There Is no change In the Queen Charlotte Islands service. 209 Was So Nervous The Least Noise Made Her Jump Mrs. W. II. Yates, Ashern, Maiu, write: J'l vat bothered xnj much witb my heart anl nerve, arxl tlio least noiM would make me jump and almost stop nj heart beating. I told my mother about it one day, and she said that she had been bothered the same way and told nut to tt a box of SBBaWvSSSSSsV TOn I had taken th one tax I felt quits a lot better and by tha time I bad takia three boxes I got relief." Price 50e. a box at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by Th T, Milium Co., Limited, Toronto, Out V anted For Sale For Rent ACGNTS WANTED MAN OR WOMAN TO TRAVEL AND appoint sgfnts. Yearly guarantee (1093 (being 131 weekly average) arid expenses. Experience , unnecessary For particulars write Winston Co.. Toronto. FOR SALE FOR SALE. SIX ROOM HOUSE, FULLY modern: marine view; centrally located: first class condition. M.650 00. 11000 GO cash, balance monthly. Sixteen room house near Dry Dock, with furnace. Will sell cheap and on easy payments. Theo. Collart Limited. Wrstholme Theatre Block.. U FOR BALE. TO CLOSE OUT AN LH-Ute. we are authorised to sell several lots, some comers, harbor view, and on sewer. Prices low snd terms from 110.00 monthly. Enquire T. McClymont. tt FOR SALE. PLAYER PIANO, CHEAP. In excellent condition. Cash or easy terms. Phone Oreen 4S0. 2T TENT FOR SALE. NEW THIS YEAR snd used only one week. Price i'JO. Pullen. Dally News. If FOR SALE, CHEAP. HALF A TON OP old newspapers. Apply Daily Newt. t FOR SALE. ONE ROW BOAT. Administrator. FOR RENT omctsi OCEAN VIEW APARTMENTS. FIRST Avenue. Tw fully furnished two-room apartments now available. Clean, comfortable. Rent moderate. FOR RENT OR SALE. THE LATEST Improved coin operated electric pianos. For terms, address Electric Piano, care Daily News Office. FOR RENT. TWO HOC8EKEEPINC1 rooms, downtown. Nice for bachelors. Hot and cold water. Phone Black 023. 2C3 FOR, RKNT.'r-PURNISHED PARTMEJJT on Second Avenue; four rooms and bath. Water paid. Phone M7. FOR RENT. SIX ROOM MODERN flat with bathroom, at 171 Third -Ave. East. Apply Hyde Transfer. tt FOR ItENT AIODERN UP-TO-DATE flat: larg airy rooms; fire place; close in. Max Hellbroner. FOR RENT. FIRST CLASS MODERN Flat; Monarch range; water paid. Westenhaver Bros. ?f FOR RENT. FURNISHED HOUSE, CEN- tral; 120.00. Apply 215 Fourth Ave. East. FOR RENT. FURNISHED 8UITE. Phone 18, Mussallem Orocery. HOARD BOARD. THE INLANDER, 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. HULHS mi.ns. nri.ui. "Scatter Sunshine with OHd" Che (lliiriloll MuIIih for PlirMma snd make your friend glad for year to come M'M'IU, rilHISTMAK P.WK.tlll'.S HI OM St.tM) Writ for price list. l. l. MrTAVIsil P.O. Box 875. VlnoitM, IM PRINCE RUPERT TIDES MMtws tvi:iNFiiv, nov:mhi:h n "iRb 11:31 am. 221 ft. Low 5:18 a.m. 5.8 17:57 pjn. 3 8 " Till HSII.W, NOVIlMHUt III High .... 0;08 a.m. son ft i ' 12:ljpm. ajo - Low .. 8:03 am. - I 18:43 pxa, a.07 a. n rn mi - " M. U O 1926 Imt t Fiu See 1 MAKE MONEY AT HOME MEN AND women can earn II to U an hour in' spare time writing showearda. No canvaanlng or soliciting. W instruct you and supply you with work. Write today. The Menhennll Com pany Limited, 01 Dominion Building. Toronto. CIUK0PKACTIC ItR. It. E. lAOl TMIN IIIIKorKtPTOII rjJ Third Avenue. OSlce visits - II CO House calls 1100 For appointment rtione Office Blue 33 Residence Black 242 DEIt.MATOLOCY t'APIM. HirMIMlF KTMOMO by the latest scientific method PERMANENCY It'AKANTf tt. No need for disfiguring hairs or other blemishes sny more. Phone HUek CIS KESTAL'RANTS 4JOOII i:TM PAIE Mrs. Unger. Proprtetresa Third Avenue. Next O W. V. OimhI Home Ponked .Meal. Phone Black 700 ANOTHER IMC REDUCTION IN CHEVROLET COMMERCIAL CAR PRICES LlVi Ton Utility Express ChstsU i.... B24CO H Ton Light Delivery CfeiMU I 630 DO Touring and Raadater 81600 8port Roadster t 840 00 Coach snd Oaupe 11020 00 Sedan 11133.00 Landau UUJBO ti:il PAKt ON HtNII 1 Ford Light Delivery, open body 75 00 I Ford Light Delivery, panel body HSOfK) I'Ford Light Detlverv. starter equipment JNW 1 . Ford Tudor Sedan, starter equipment .'....'. ,7. . . 00 00 1 Oldamoblle S-pauenger Touring. 1922 t COO 00 Term can be arranged on both new snd used cars to suit the purchaser. KAIEN CARACE Dealer In Padllar. .MrUutlilln, Oaktaml, Pnnllae Oltlmohlle and Pliewnlet Psr. I'hime At NOW I.H THE TIME to buy that car you have been considering. Why walk during the unpleasant winter weather? We have .several new model on hand. price are at a low level and easy terms are available. ni:n pars Two Ford Self fttartrr Light Deliveries guaranteed. One Ford Truck Snan. One Chevrolet Light eDIIvery Oood running order. Make u an offer. S. K. PARKER LTD. , loiiit ii:.m.i;ii TAXI Phone 67 Tnxl (Call George, Paul or Oust) Six and Seven Passenger Rttide-bakers at your nny time. ROSS IIROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Rlotk. (Across from Empress Hotel) 3 VA DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Adrertiiement taken for less than 50c WANTED BOARD AND ROOM. NEAR ELEVATOR. Wanted by young man. Write P.O. Box 492. 271 WANTED. DISTRICT MANAOER AND agent. Apply Box 337. Daily News office. 269 EXPERIENCED WAITRESS WANTED. Boston Cafe. I t I US FURS MADE TO ORDER AND HE-modelled. Raw skins tanned and dressed. Mail orders promptly attended to. Mrs. r. Tsrr. 231 Broadway East. Vancouver. .MISCELLANEOUS I Article, round, 4t MAIL SCHEDULE Ol T flOINO I'or the MM - Mondays. Wednr' closes To Vanrouter Tuesdays Fridays . Saturday CP.U. Noe 19, a- to .(ii)ui. Allee Arm, Meant m mier Blinds)! . . . Wed&radaya for Vanrouter I t I it Tuesday . Cart. Friday - a, fr" ' Saturday Saturday a Pr,:;.TSJ t Nov. 19 . Pr:: U-Dec. 3 M Princes-"- Xi TVe lt u Pti: M U. I'riitn Vanrouter- Sunday--. Crlr 1 Wednesday , P Friday , Ca J Saturday as. Pr. rra Nov 39"--ss. Vt- : M-Dee. 13- a. Ttfi-:cs ' ru. n Pi 1 .-ait kli I To Ft. HmiMon and Na kintal Sunday To AUh minis- Nov. . Dn . ( T IJurrn Plurlollev Nov. 20. Dec 4. 3 IV-roMINO ITvin I he bil- Tursdsy. Thu:. st I"rn lasnairr- 8uads)a .. . Wednesday Fridays . CPJT. Not 29 I'lnm A tut. A IV iihm rresslve Tuesday FrkUy I rom Ft. ftlmpmn at4 i t ' Tuesday Iiimd Alaska Point- Not. 19. Dec Iiwm Qarea I'lufMlK- Nov IS. Dm 2 IIOV POIIKTiuN Oralum S Alltn lV At. A ll i tt fvli- n - Ih Ave ft TO i i 1 1 a .brbr- lr A , If ve a conrtil 9 tlb Ate. A IHyt lb A Mils i sib Ate rii. tlb tte. A MtBriti Fro. fH. HMr rro. itejvt WMrf U.TJ'.'Whsrf O.T.I'. Slsiiwn . tml At k Ind t 3rd re A full -n -1 3rd Are. A SIB SI 1 1 f I it. V ft 4i Mi I V nTniiiniiin Biniiriuvu I lor rt NlmiiMia sn-l Nas "T m rum iir n hi 1 . . . Sunday- a carar From Pvt Mnrw s' s.t.MN.ff iniAt and AILrf vw Tuesday a. Cardr s Friday. PriiX'J Fe ((ueen Pliarlnlle Nov. 30 . Prince t -Dec. 4 a. Prlnc V. Iluirt queer Phsriolle Nov 18 pnn -v 1 -t " Dec. 2- a Frlnce t t! For Alak Nov. 294, Prince Dec. 13 ss. Prlc. From Alaka Nov 19 as, Prin r J Mf Dec 3 . Princess Ut-n C.N.K.TRSINS lor Hie -.:ji' IIJ0 .m, From I lie I al jus Tuesday. Thur,::, 3J0 pm. I 1 1 PAIN in