ha ridl lit I 'I'll. Jien Winter omes. Lifebuoy's cleanly health odour quickly vanishes--the protection remains. DUBA In winter, lifebuoy, the all-year-round soap for hands and face, bath and shampoo, is especially good because It docs not remove those natural oils which are necessary to skin health. Irs mild, creamy, antiseptic lather goes deep into the pores, cleansing and purifying. It rids the hands and face of cold germs which, getting into the nose and mouth, would cause colds real protection against winter's worst tils. Lifebuoy, the ultra.rcfifted, world's most widely used soap, is an inexpensive protective necessity. Via LIFEB HEALTH rifies and UOY SOAP Protects Leva Brothers Lunitrd REAL MUSIC in Your Home This Christmas -. v?i. trrbli? the iu ult'iide iaor, wit:. 'tubophonic Vutroia OI U CHRISTMAS tLl H AFI'OHIK AN EASY WAY. 1 orvinir now and pay i us; c $5 per week W net aMld mid deliver utic uf thene wonderful - to you on Chrintnva Ev. NO ONE SHOULD UK WITHOUT MUSIC AT CHRISTMAS RRY S Fine Perfumes and Toilet Luxuries Ihiy t'renm. Night Cream. Hih SnliH. Hath Crystals. Knlh Salt Tablets. Hath Soap. ';".' Powder. Shavlnjr Soap. Complexion S win. Perfumes. The Duharry Manicure Outfits and the Duharry Comhina-n Case mae n delightful tfift. Combinations or Hath Salts f!1 Hath Soap; Hath Saltn, Hath Soup and Talcum Powder; lJmI'lexion Soap, Perfume and Face Powder, in artistic cases. X0M1:tH1N DIFFERENT Shaving Soap In an nssort-m, :if of Dtn-orated China and Wood Howls will make a Btrom? foieui to the men. Ormes Ltd. Tlie I'i linnn. tl. f 1 ora Ave. nnd 6th Street. The Itesall Store. Phones 82 . and 200. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREfl Local and Personal Fashion Fads Arthur's Tail. Phone 678. and Fancies B O. Undertaker. rhone 41. nketbatl tonight four fames m Exhibition Hall at 6:45. 25c and 10c. 8,.a' Wb, formerly a member ot the Dalfy News staff here, ha become Identified ,wlth a radio publication In C.N.R. steamer Prince Charles. Capt. Neil McLean, is due on Thursday morning from Vancouver via the 'Queen Charlotte Islands. Another reduction In price 'of our famous Edson Coal. Egg or stove 12.4b. Prince nupert Feed Btore. Phone 58 or 558. 272 Moose Dazaar will open at 3 o'clock this afternoon and will end up tomorrow night with the big dance and distribution of prUes. John Locke, druggist in the employ of McCuteheon'a drug stores, has taken a flat In the Besner Apartments. Sirs. Locke will Join him there next week. Mr. and Mrs. Itobcrt Lambly ot Lewu Island are spending the winter in town, hating taken one of the McKlnie houses on Fourth Avenue near the Flint Presbyterian Church. Making here first call here in two months, CJi'.rt. steamer Prince John. Caps. E. Msbbs. arrived In port at 1230 midntfM having a cargo of 500 tons of Ml fer the dry dock powerhouse. The vessel earn direct from Lady smith. S. D. Trrtheway of AbboUford. who Is Interested In mining in the Hazelton district, arrived with Duke Harris from the south on the Prince Mary yesterday afternoon and will prooeed to the inttnor with blm tomorrow morn- 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS Moose Bazaar November 16 and 17. Rupert East United Church Bazaar. November 18. Anglican THiurch bozaar. Novembe: 23 BaptUt Ladle' Aid Bazaar, 35. Lutheran Women's Aid Sale of Work. December 1 United Church Bazaar. December 3. Established 1U2.1. PORCELAIN HRIDfiEWORK No gold need show in modern brldgewcrk. We specialize in this brunch of dentistry. MP Renn DENTIST Exchange UlocL 'Phone .109 Women are changing the mode of riding to hounds and also the colon. ?! their riding habits. At a London hunt It was noted they had forsaken the side saddle, of which Princess Mary is a confirmed adherent, and were riding 'astride. There Is a growing use of colors in riding habits and where it was the usual thing to wear all black or dark blue, many women are now wearing browns, greys and cinnamon. KMIIIIOIDKlttll MHOtX Elaborately embroidered shoes with heels that glitter and sparkle are among the latest footwear fashions seen at the London Shoe and Leather fair. English toes show tendency to be narrower while heels are slightly lower of the shaped or Louis types. Champagne or light fawn seem to be the dominating colors while the shoes are chosen for their tone or harmony with the frock, rather than absolutely to match. fl.OTIIICKH P.V I OK DINNLIC May fair hostesses are finding clothing establishment helpful In meeting the expenses of their dinner parties. In return for permluron to send a lew of their mannequins to mingle with the guests and advertise their establish ments, the clothing dealers not only will Tne new pipe organ In St. Andrew's na for the dinner, but will eive the Anglian Cathedral will be used fori hostess a substantial check In addition the first time at the service next Sun day morning. A. J. Lancaster. 1 the organist In 81. Andrew's. ll.MlKl.lirilli;i'H AIIOI T HI IN The English attempt to revive the normal waist line persists. Women are The prlnUbop on Second Avenue! now getting out the big. brightly col-formerly one of the briner.es of MeRacjored handkerchief that were so popu-Bro.. Ltd. has been uken over by Alex. 1 ur a year ago and tying them about Jiense. the name of the concern now . the hips of their new autumn dresses. Detng Alex. Mcitae it Co.. Ltd. Moat of the Conservative delegatcx who win be elected tonight to attend th. provincial convention opening to i Modiste to try on some bats. Karaleepa next Tuesday will sail Friday thirty, many of them In white and palt awning on the steamer Prince Oeorg for the south. lists run a t t::x The Queen or Spain has made an appointment with a Kntghtabrldg Abom shades, have been made up for her. IIAHMONIZISO IIMirlt N.UI.S Finger nails to harmonize with the rest of the toilette It another whim. The effect 1 produced with coral, black green, blue cr ivory varnish, which Is applied to the nails with a tiny brush The half moons are left untouched. The new finger nail seta, consist o half a dozen tiny bottles, eweb containlnt sufficient varnish for two applications. Then there is a large bottle of fluid which is guaranteed to remove all trace of the coloring when desired. MXN IX LONDON: MICIETT - I Lady Osborne Beauclerk receiving Tnis afternoon' passenger train from guesu at a wedding reception attired in the East due at 330 I reported on a lovely deep lacquer-red dress and vet time. This train brings mall aa do also ret hat to matcn. in i Bursas y and ounday altersooc Attending a wedding- The Dowager ; trains under the trt-weekly 'ervlce whichrhaa just been inaugurated lor , the winter. R. C Hyde of Twin Falls. Idaho. former resident and large property holder In the city, who has eoiue witu bis dsughter to spend the winter lure, has uken the Starr flat in the Waldron Apartments fer three month while Mr. and Mrs Burr are away in the south. Th Northern Transportation Co.' motorshtp Korco. badly holed when she struck a rock early last week In Ketchikan Harbor, is being towed to Seattle for repairs by the motorshlp Thomas Crosby Last night tug and tew reported themselves stormbound at Nakat Inlet Union steamer Cardena, Capt. A. E. Dickson, rrtumed this afternoon from the Naas .River. Anyox. Alice Ann and Stewart and will sail at 5 o'clock this evening for Vancouver and wayport. Passengers booked to sail for Vancouver on th veael include Mrs. M. W. Scatty and Mrs. M Sparks. Duchess of Abercorn Wearing a black and gold coat and a black and gold vel vet hat. Acting as mannequins for Lady Forbes: Lady Cynthia Asqulth wearing house frocks. . . Mrs. Winston Churchill' sister. Mrs. Bertram Romllly exhibiting dance frocks. rotv:icKi ;las ih:.utiiii:s Powdered glass is being used exten sively in beautifying the new English evenlnn gowns. It la applied brocade-wise to a shot broche of shimmering silver and blue or ailver and green and produce an effect much softer than beads. All. IVIIITt: WIIMlIMiS All-white weddings again are fash ionable. One was chosen by Miss Joan Southey lor her marriage to the Mastei of Falkland. Her dress was of "moyeu age" white satin with a beautiful train embroidered in madonna lilies. She wore orange blossoms in her hair. Her mine young bridesmaids were attired in white frock and wore wreatha of Jasmine in their hair. IIOi: TIIINNEIt Feminine whimsy again asserts Itself, in the sudden return to winter fashion of the thinnest of thin black and gun metal silk hose. Man has a look and a shrug for the nether exposure ot the expensively fur coated young ladles on New York's Fifth Avenue, whose less ahlver in a covering ot goose-flesh and a St-gauge st.cilng that la lighter than a chiffon veil. MAT'S (lOI.DKN CltOWX ' Woman has found a new golden crown lu this year's vogue for a bit of gold metal that Is baudlng many of the smart winter hats. This recent crown! of fashion la In the form of a closely I woven strap, of fine mesh gold metal, 1 with a buckle fastening In the front or' on the side of the hat that weata It. j IN BALI, MAN'S WIVES NUMBER ABOUT 100 LONDON. Nov. 16. -One man In Ball ot the British Cameroons, West Africa, has 08 wives, while on the other hand there are 460 men In the town -who have no wives at all. Another man has 37. wives, while there are seven warriors with ten mates each, and 350 with but two spouses. Some of the tribes, says a government report, keep tip a slavery, witch rratt and trial by ordeal, and generally live in the most primitive conditions. The men In some tribes wear little clothing, and the women none, and It Is the women who do all the work, "SMART SILVER SERVICE" a new and dazzling feature of Community Plate Week in Prince Rupert Third Day Contents 1 1 TVaipoons 6 Denrrt Spoons C SuhA Forkt f Butter Spm4en 6 Stainln DcLuie Knives 6 Forkt I Sugar Tonp Exactly the pieces which you instinctively 6clect and which the latest correct usage demands charmingly grouped within the oval of this dazzling new Duo-Service Tray. Obtainable in all the Community Plate patterns. FREE! Ak for your copy of tie "Bride and Hostess Book," an interesting brochure cn the art of entertaining HOTEL AKKIV.VLS ine .orin esi rorner or loi sisy lark Mineral Claim, situated si tlie mouth or Wsnn Klver. on Taku Arm or Tartsh Lsse, i'enrc in a formerly uirrriiun iti U. tlienre Easterly too reel, ttienc Snuttierly liii Teet ui'ire or le tn hlrU water mark, thence Westerly tuo reel re ur ft 111 imini ur I'uiuniencement mil roiitslninir 0.B acres more ir less. I..w-aid this lth day ot Aunist. 9C. ISlMb-d. II. Mr. FrtASEH, K r s. rni LANO ACT. Notice of Intention to Apply to Lsass Land In Prince rtiierl Land Derordlur District, and situate at Jedway Harbor. Ouern Charlotte M.inclv TAKE NOTICE that Somervllle Cannery Company. Ltd.. Vancouver. B.C.. occupation K1h Parkers, Intend to apply for a lease of the Tullowlnr described lands: - Ciimtnencinr at a p'M planted at the southeast rorner uf the Tuiro Mineral Mint, rtillowinr tlie eslrrl.v boundary In a northerly direction 18 chains: thence n irilwMtcrlv n chains to Ul frit water mark: thence southeasterly alonr the hlrh wajer mark la chains: tltcnce southwesterly I i, chains, more or less, to the point or rommrncrmem. and containlnr l ti-rt. more or less. SO.MEttVlLLE CANNERY COMPANY. LTD.. Applicant. I'er F. D. Mathers. Baled September 9th. " Coughs and Colds Are dreaded by Mothers who do not know of Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine. What a weight of rwponsihility resis on the mother of the family during the cold weather season. In eve:y cotjsh and cold she tma to hear the warning of serious developments. Mie dreads croup, bronchitis, pneumonia anil consumption and renlizea that these nra the natural result of neglected colds. But Dr. Chase has provided t prompt relief for coughs and cold nnd a preventive of more serious ailments of thront md lungs, in his fcyrup of Linswd rnd Turpentine. This medicine is so well-known that only a reminder is neciwsary to most people to recall its effectiveness in relieving croup, bronchitis, asthma and all forca ct throat and bronchial troubles. - mT)r- I 43 pieces 6i' Same Set with 32 pieces With its glowing background, it adds a welcome touch of color to your dining-room and brings pride and convenience to the service of tea, coffee .and iced drinks. The velvet rack houses handily this loveliest of all modern silverware. TUDOR PLATE S3verware B tie Makers of Community Plate. Lower in price, surprisiagly beautiful On View at all The Better Shops Trlnce Kupert S. D. Tretheway. Abbotsford; Duke Harris. Hazel ton; A. D. BaUlle. city. , NHOT William Doucett. Seattle; 'C Heddeck. Nadina River; J. Johnson, city; H. Stegavlg. I"ort Edward; M. Campbell. Delhi Bay. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR LEA8E In the Land lcctnllnr Uistrlrt nf Ailln Minnie HiMioii nf :siar hinrlrt. TAkE .OTIf.E till I the Eniinrer Gold Ulues. Ltd., Int .. a registered inliiinic com pany uperslinir within the Province of llrl-llsh I'ulumbia. wcupatlon, a inluinar ctmi-pnr. Intends t apply tor a rurrthure lease or the folluwlnr desrrllted lands Cumnieiiclnr si a nu4l nlanied about SOU reet dletant to an Kasieriy direction from SEND IT TO THE -:- LAUNDRY -:- ALL CLASSES OF LAUNDRY 'WORK Including three distinct services for Family Work, viz.: SOFT FINISH, THRIF-T-SERV1CE and WET WASH at most reasonable prices. DRY CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING Pioneer Laundry and Dry Cleaners Phone 118 and we will do the rest. Residence, 244 Flfth.Avenue West ANGER, The Tailor Fine Imported Serge and Scotch Tweed Suits made to order in our shop iti Prince Rupert as low as I. ANGER. Cutter P. O. Box 247 $50. oo 223 Sixth Street Prince Rupert, B. C. Tier mr to-might" GRANT'S Best Procurable k'v J (THE ORIGINAL) Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT Gnat Si Sobi UiiiikI CIl4iiKk i rins advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Coutrol Board or by the'Coverumeat of British Columbia a . i'i (Si