November IB. 192C. Ti)eda.v THE" DAILY NEW3 PAGE FIVE tsi i'i His Girl's Watch Dramas We have received Rome . .. jrood vnlue in girls' ; r - watches at a reason a ie rr"'e- , ;e movement i fifteen , -.wiled and the cate I a :.,ir quality of ((old fill-. ! the white or yellow - ; .-1 ribbon attachment, guarantee Jhcm to ha ..( tury as we do all our j r. price Is $8.50. TOHNftlMER .7 UJ4 V.1TH TOW itOT ,1 . , . vv .... . . , O KOW MAKES xP7V"IOn' ' ftp a Jewellers Hthc stohe with tmc ciocn BENT'S I .a dies' Ready-io-Wear J. re eived a splendid line of I, A DIES' AND MISSUS' Winter Coats ' i litest materials and r1- and a fine selection ' A e moon Ureses also I)reea for port t -izes 30 to 41. I'riecw from .SIU.."0 J. BENT Third Avenue. Phone 631. Y:u don't need a telescope s hat Winter is com-hg The man who look h;-J will fill up his bin tt 'od coal now and keep id at a safe distance. UV have a battery' of wen, ,r- ks and tractor and lots ,f al ammunition awaltinir r . all to defend the horn tru. rst cold. Albert & McCalTery Limited l'hones 11C and 117 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phono St. cftge, Warehousing. nd DlMributlnn, Team or Motor Service,. 5otl, Band and OraTeL w PeUlli. in Plana an Furiltura vlng. TUGBOATS Dy Phoneg 423, 635, Qreon 233, Black 735. N,0ht Phonat 687,. 539, Qreon 238, Black 768. RUPERT MARINE PRODUCTS. LTD. QE0. U. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. LUMBER Wfl ar0 iiiatuifncluring r "Rh mid dressed lum-lwr Krain boat r '"r Malibiil mill saU moti boxes. Ask For Prices Seal Cove Lumber Co. Lid. PHONE 502 CONSERVATIVE PARTY FIGHT uai.tKHinp ,, ,,MlaN llf;v. HHt.Mllll HIT AMI KEKN IN. ( lUt:T TtKI.N IN tllOKX ILLEGAL .METHODS CHARGED E-iulmall Uift i.r U fai led l urfluiM Mi-iImhI- ,f l-lrrdnt Illegal,.. VICTORIA. Nov. 10. -While the eub-urban ctattrvts irr quietly choosing delegates to the Kainloopa Conservative OonveoUou which favor Leon Ladner as leader. Uie city of Victoria la pledging Ma delegates to support former Premier W. J. Bowser. CampUInt h made recently of B.tCKKM used in thooala clatM- Oak Bay and Saanicb and now a similar cctapUtiu If made In regard to the EaqtltnMlt delegates. The following ie ter to the Victoria Timet eapan, the situation : HIUILT Mir.TIMi "Editor of The Time - Follow rng m the wake of the uoaattafactorv meeting m Seamen And Oak Hay for the purpose of electing delegate to the Karo- , loops Contention, cornea Esquimau. iatt TueMlay ' night night at the home llaslon Street. people were presetr.. inr-hiding the eiit temporary Leader of the Oppoat-'" R H Pooley At th.s meeting flvw d'legatea were elected to go to Kam-!opa Previous to naming the dcte-irt additional name v. ere added to the raerutivt of the local Conservative AMOrtation i thai la. those who were . unable to he elacud at the annual pub tic meeting) and from Uu enlarged ,xrcuue five were choaan aa delegates now. air. when you consider that the ' area covered by the lucaJ Conservative AMoriatlou contains over ISOO voter I in the pnasut case apparently only Uwe that were UMUght favorable to the -came' were haslteal. and aeane of lAXD ACT. JOHN BEROMAN, Applicant. Dated October 30. 192d IN PRORATE. in mi: srriifcMi: cih ki ok iiiiitisii CDHMIIIV. In the Matter of the Administration Art; and 1 In the Matter of the Estate ot Krttlaii PMterseiL. Decesard. Intestate. WJ Iff TAKE NOTICE that by, order of His Sundiya. FOR ALL your baking, use BAKING POWDER Mode m ConorJa - No Alum f 1 convention ;.Mderatio-: and probably included m the Party a platform, but from past experience perhaps thli la too much to aspect. "Messrs. Hoc ley Cot entry and Cox a meeting wat held I can do aU the explaining they dealre. of oapt W J cm. Wol- thay cm twist the constitution v. Saatltmall. alien fourteen ' Unrtr their own own liking, Ilkln taut but u tber r-nnr cannot oo will reaoCy aee how they will be make the thinking public believe otherwise that that thia to the moat important time in the history of the Party, whan jrvery eSort ahould hare bees made to get large and fully rec reset) Vktlre meeting ao that the future platform of the Conservative Party eould have been thoroughly discussed and the needa of every constituency fully conaldered aad placed In proper and intelligent form for the eaaatdera-tlon of and acceptance where practical by the convention. TO titlN OTt represented at KMrdoop I am given ' "W"iuj erevj wgieea ana h" be'n Mt Mld i0T UDoeeatand that tfce B C ConaUtu-1 pwUaf " tion rails for reasonable public nottee ,e ,nw mrP,e of tiu Irw ! P11 ttr e mln desire theT lKk. bettM eivea M Hash mertln. hut ;to elect aa Leader; I feel sure that the j method uaed by the Mpporters of Mr. ! Ladner on the aouth end of this Island M" do mor dt lhn ; ihe that were added to the executive iwere tMn h" "Wooeixu could have done. preeant ajaall I say k a4tsipauon lot 1 Cncrr" u thetr aaeataasi to Uftat badf 1 i ........i i tending toe convention will show In no j I uncertain manner, ii asr router auai an iwasisn arc alta.d ut a public lantlisg an such an irtipbrtaiit oct-aaton a the prevent otto bow could they with rooiidoce meet) tlunif ht that Raquimalt, aaove all other ronstlttmutes. having aupplled the temporary leade of the Party, would haw bee snore Has anxious to have a' Urge meeting for the express purpose f j (llaruaalng the Important problems of' the day ao that aoaae constructive rem-; ' luUotw couM hare been seat to the thetr reeanUatent of j such unfair tactics. ( "It may be claimed ttoai al the Es quimau meeting no candidate waa en-dotard or Instructions trlvrn to the dele- the same public with the maa they are-1 bul the personnel of now ftanung for. tf by a miraele be got ' drpnlr, chown ,hu WM unnrce,- Everybody should do a tittle busineas. la the Prwnt f0T fut" intcnIion Minn: or to vrn.Y To,"10' Ut-i; l.Mi re. In Oona River land Recording District Prinre B C . aad situate on ... of Rupert. " b 601 nW.. nice for tnt men te ,.lk ttik about about an taland in Oona Rive approximately opposite Block one and Twa of Lot 2199. women apparel but Jake aays lis R S roast District (mostly tide Itatjabes not like the length of his mother surround mg small Island l. i, ... . TAKE NOTICE that John Bergman, of j 7-O iia R.ver BC occupation flf rtnan, i inei!d toapP'T 'or a lease of the fol- i The other day a summons waa ls toCeSnrl.tUiM,po.t punted 300 P broadeUng with. feet north cf northwest corner post of out a Hcrtue. It waa at an.afteruoot ut 21W theavre feet southeast;!.., thence 200 feet westerlr. thence 1.000 ri northwest, thence 100 feet to Dust 1 planted, and con tuning ten acres, more, The great tragedy la being nutty and or leaa tnot knowing it. Chances are made to be taken If yau wouM bring home the bacon Bat whenever I make A filer they take All my' caah, before I awalten. Tfilnk of It boys' and girls. It once was thought' wicked to whistle on Honor F MeB. Young. dted the asm . dav of October. AD. 1828. I was ap- . .., . . . pointed administrator of the EsUte of The Prince of Wales haa taken to Kriatian Pcdenen. deceased: and all chewing gum, ao now we must 'expect yZJZS to e U tbe ,aw. working' on. Nob um .ironerlr verified, to me on or be- mil. lore the 3rd day of December. AX). 1928, and all parties indebted to the ertste are required to pay the amount ol their IndeMrdnrt to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Ofriclal Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C. Dated this IKh day of November. AX. IM The Prince once said by gum I wlahyou'd give , me aome, ft I'm -tickled to aee How delightfully The Wrlgley they chew and keep mum. EDWARDSBURG CROWN BRAND (purest and Best CORN SYRUP THE CANADA STARCH CO, LIMITED - MONTREAL CAM MflOSF. RA7A AR aiAV vrwa ft uji u til OPENED TODAY It ITH MANV ATllttfTIONH .HUAn- i:n, Air.tiu fiivi:N n:oiii: or Mi t ii M tct:sH , The annual bazaar of the Mooaeheart ladles was opened at 3 o'clock this ternoon In the Mcoae Hall by Mayor Newton. The affair, which gives promise of being a successful aa ever, will be in progress fprjtto days, closing tomorrow night with a big dance at which the prl7e tira wings wlU take ' place. ; Mr F. M. CrMby la general convener of '.he event with Mrs. O. Stegavlg and Mrs C. Edwards Valfco acting oa the general bazaar committee. In charge of the various booths are the faflowlne; ladles: PUh .Pond Mrs. Ole Baggan. Mrs. L. R Parry and Mrs. Jack Chrlatlansen, Home cooking Mrs. J. Field. Mrs. P Wlngham and Mrs. O. Quel pa. Candy Mrs. Bartlett and Mrs. D. C. Bchubert. I Sewing Mrs. Whatman, sr.. Mrs. If. Skattebol and Mrs. P. J. Ryan. Raffles Mrs. O. Stegarlg. Mrs. Ytrf-brg and Mrs. Joe Ratchford. Tea room Mrs. Jack Ratchford. Mrs. J. Oawlhora. Mrs. P. Strand and Mrs. Thor Jchnaon. A musical program la belag arranged to which the Moose Orchestra will be the principal contributor. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert OU:MrJK IS. I3IC Many friends were present last night when Mr. and Mrs. C. W. EmMetoo. Sixth Avenue West, celebrated Ihelr tenth wedding anniversary. Price winners at whist were: ladles' first. Mra. men's second, C. C Loop, men's second. Phil McDonald. In a debate lasj, night at the ttsrt- :nDDra sqaasn. io c ,b 7c nlghUy Club that the time waa not g"1-00; ruuJdn. lb 7c rlne for the Presbvterian Church to en- i 8reet Potatoes. 2 lbs. 25c ... ., tt. ,k a. i aaaisw w luwit vaisb asgjsNv7 assMsjsa wwu. , 2 Iba" 35c The afflrmatlve speakcxa were E. H.'1 PHlrt' P11 nibers. lb 15c Patterson. D. C. McRae and Douglas onten- ' " 250 Stork while the negaQve aide was taken by C. R. Murray. W. Smith and W. . Oranges. Valendaa. dozen .. nr 25c to 75c T,nh... Th. n.h.Hlw r ' Lemons. Sunklst. do. 25c and 35c aary. as those chosen to make the trlp,&w . by D Uf0orklndale. ,.Iv.-ii.i. win readily toe tne line ana no we bidding of their dictator THE MAN IN THE MOON say: MEN'S Suits and Overcoats We have received a very Iarj?e shipment of MEK'S SUITS and OVERCOATS' bought at a very special price in Montreal. These are perfectly tailored garments of splendid materials and at prices you will hardly believe. Suits $12.95 to $25.95; Overcoats $12.95 to $19 95 Men's Overall Combinations khaki color, best quality, per pair ".75 Turkish Towels, made in England, ood size at each 2."c Pillow Casc.4, jnade In Ireland, full size. Bach Very Nice Sheets, made in Ireland, full size, hem stitched, each .. Sl.ttt Third Avenue. 100 lbs 12.7 & Radtshea, bunch 5c New potatoes. 10 lbs 25c Potatoes. 100 lbs. 2.00 Fancy B.C. tomatoes, per lb 10c I Tomatoes, per basket 40c j Watercress, bunch 10c j Green peppers'. 2 lbs '.. 25c I Cnc.irnbfrs. each 10c and 15c, Parsley, bunch 5c Mint, bunch .. 5c Leaks. 2 bunches 15c Cauliflower. B.C.. head 25e-35c Toomire: ladles' second. Mlaa Birniei Corn on tfc? cob' Ac"a ' California grape fruit. 2 for 25c . - Tt Bananas. 2 lbs. for 35c i Candled honey 25c f mat r : IflQl n.i a 111.1.9 1 .xirwriru uvuej, m, .... iiiu l.tlti) Pure 2Sc J, : ApplM. Mcintosh Reds 1225 ; Apples. Wealthles y.. 3A5 apples, uravensteins jm Oooklmg apples 1155 Compound 250 : canteloupes. each 15c l:,::s j Peaches, case $1.45 BC. fresh, pulleta 50cjItaii,n prunes, crate 95c B.C. fresh, firsts 550 i Cocoanuta. each 20c and 25c ILC. fresh, extras 60c Honey rw melons, each 45c Local new laid 65c and 70c ,,,. jk ltv Alberta fresh, aecond ...... 4J;Ppar case I3J25 risii Halibut. Ib. 25o Salmon, red spring, lb. 25c Salmon, white spring 12 He Smoked kippers, lb. Kippered salmon, lb. DRIED FHL'ITS Dates, bulk. 3 lbs. 35c Dates. Dromedary 25c Raisins, bulk. lb. 20c S 1 ! 1K I Ralslna. package lb. ... 25c 150 ! CliuUr raisins, lb 25c Smoked black cod, Jb. Z2 : Lemon and orange peel . 30c Pinnan baddies, lb. 20c citron peel 50c Salt mackerel, lb. 25c Black cooking figs 20c and 25c Eaatern salt herring. 2, for 25c white figs, lb. . 15o Salt codfish fiUeU. lb. 300 Table flea. lb. 25c Boneless salt cod bricks, lb 25c; currants MJ-Jc MEATS Fowl, No. 1 lb Roasting chicken, lb. Ham. sUced. first grade 1 Ham, whole, first grade . Ham, picnic, lb. ......,' Prunes ; 15c-25c 35c to 40c !Apple9 25c IOC WJ O'JC , tw.h.. M.M So , . , 60S 1 1-, IV. . . . ." 4fk 500 35C NUTS v Almonds. Ehelled Valendaa 75c Cottage rolls, lb 400 ! Brazils and filberts 35e Bacon, back, sliced 850 ' WalnuU. broken ahelled ,.. 80c Bcon. side 50c to 65eWlljnutJ ve, 65c Pork, dry salt y.J 35c! Almonds S5c Ayrshire baconi lb. ....J.U. Sojpcanuta 20c Veal, shoulder a ' Manchurian w-alnuta" V. . 25c Veal, loin 40c canform, walnuts 45c V. lf 40c,No. I mixed nuU 35c Pork, ahoulder 30c j si'OAK l0,n r 45ci White, per 100 7.10 Porlc- ,pK 430 j Yellow, per 100 0 60 Beef, pot roast 12HC to ISO rLOl ll Beef, boiling ...f... 10c to 12olnour 4,. No , hard wnM.t 12.73 Beef, steak 25c to 40eirMtry noxa ,., eSc Beef joast. prime-rib 30c 'pggtry flour. 49's 2.0 ...V. . ..................... vw : j uuno, muuiuri ....f Mutton. leg v. 40c j Lamb, leg .......Ti,.,.. 48c Mutton, chops i M . . . 40o Muttcn shoulder ,. 30c: lltlTTKIt Brookfleld, Shamrock ' and Woodland, 2 lbs 85c E.C.D.. 3 lbs .-. 85o Capital. 2nd grade, lb. 40e ! rraser Valley, lb 45e ! riicr.SE J Ontario solids 30c latllton. lb. . .k w 35c j Kraft .i yf'v 45e Norwegian Ooat C5e Napoleon Limbrrger 70c j Roquefort 75c I Swlfta' Buttercup, lb 45c I Oorgonzola, lb. . . . 75c I McLarrn'a Cream, Jars, 45c and 85c IGruyere , 50o Golden Leaf, lb , 45o I YK.UIXUILES New beeta, bunch ..3 Cc : Beets. 8 Iba 25c 100 Iba a.75 'New carrots, bunch 6c D.C Carrota, lb. 3c 1 100 lbs. 12.23 Headache Made Her S3 Sick She Could Not Work Miss Lola White, Cape Bald, N.R, writes: "I suffered severely, for a long time, with a Lad headache. It would ache and arlwi uutil it made ma so sick I could not work at all. A friend recommended D m 'l'SrSSBSISSSSSSUBSSSkBSSBSSSBSSSSSSBkBSSSSSSSSSSSsl , Ruttbagas, 6 lbs 25o, Co., Limited, Toronto, Oat. and after n;bs a few bottles of this medieiria I feel that I cannot rwom-tnend it too highly t til thoxe who suffer from headache e( any kiaL" For the pat 4S years ll.B.n. has Wn, put up only by The T Milbum Men's All-Wool Working Socksi, at per pair A great assortment of Men's Flannel Shirts below manufacturers' price. Men's All-Wool Ribbed Underwear, made in Nova Scotia, by the Stnnfield people. Only broken sizes. Per garment SI. 10 There are a lot of other BARGAINS which space does not permit us to mention. Call and see for yourself. We are getting goods daily from Montreal and are selling at Montreal prices. It is not necessary to send to out-of-town mail-order houses, as our prices are lower and goods of the best quality. GIVE US YOUR PATRONAGE WE WILL PLEASE YOU. MONTREAL IMPORTERS J. R. MILLER, Prop. i "40c ! Oreen orrtons. dozen 25c , Terrace cabbage, lb, 6c r DC head lettuce 10c! ! GirUc Imported, per lb 40e i the Grand Trunk Padfle HaUwaT Co. B OooUng onions, lbs. 25c; outdoor. 3 lbs. .. with respect to the -application of Johr. Raubarb. nd bns- 3 lb8" Emerson for a site at Seal Cove whara w 8n e proposes the erection of a sawmill. i!?ftle: mrrow- ,D 25c 25C . ec 25c Great Clean Sweep AT r?P!i SPECIAL RARGAIXS FOR WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY. , 54 INCH WOOL COATINGS Value to $8.75. See windows. To clear, per yard LADIES COMBINATIONS Spring needle. Values to $7.50. Sizes 32 to 40. From $:;.. to $..()() SHETLAND FLOSS WOOL Regular 15c. Only a few left. 12 for $1.00 Regular 35c. - KNITTING WOOL Only a few left 6 for $1.00 WOMEN'S TWEED COATS Values to $32.00. Four only. To clear at $l:LT0 Mrs. FrizzelFs Ladies and Children's Ready-to-Wear. DEMAND Third Av "Rupert Brand" Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD."!' Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., DA Prince Rupert, B.C. Come in and See! Some excellent values In KYNOCU'S CELEBRATED SCOTCH Overcoats Also ENGLISH HEAVER CLOTHS, ETC. $2..00 and up Wolsey Underwear, Socks, etc.. Cars Mackinaw and ,1'antH. Third Avenue. Steve King Phone Green 85