35 k? STEAXSHtP AGZ&T The Cunard Steamship Co. Limited, G22 Hastings St. WM Vancoinrer, or any STEAMSHIP AGENT. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rnperi Daily News, Limited, Third A venae. H. F. PULLEN - - Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per raoath By mail to all parts of the British Kmpiie and the United State, in advance, per year To all other countries, in advance, per year Transient Display Advertisinc, per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch Local Readers, per insertion per line Classified Advertising, per insertion per word Legal .Notices, each insertion per agate line Contract Rates on Application. Advertfcing and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - CONSERVATlX PROCRA3I RATHER DIS.PPOINTING. Tbe Cocsrvative - 93 Member of Audit Bureau f Circulations. DAILY EDITION. 5L00 fiOO 57.50 ?L40 fiSO 25c 2c 15c Saturday. Nor. 27. 1926 Make sound teeth TRISCUIT Shreidcd Wheat in cracker form Contains all the essential food rfmnts.Crisp,fcisty and nourishintf WAR ACO.VTBCAX Xer. ST. The Trade De- knuoo to Canada of tie Ccica of S- rtet H-irnrtte ReaaUfc has faaaed the fUtowac muiafni rtfirdrrr ecettacue wnTnKTi ta Baulk: Tbe Saxiet Vatoa. wiueii lu its tenth rear U tv.i'.tnc LTCi Doclh. hu reached the pre-ar rx'.t of arodUetrrltr: sod te Btaath'te-oaoath flrare of In- 'dcstrtal output are shaviar a sabstaa- ;al ens' csattr.eat raia. Tlx Scnet Ualoa eaters upon tu tenth year alnse the mtttCSoa wrth the monthly ngufra of Ind-zszriil production apprcxsaatla' those d 191 J aad show ts- a steady awathjy jxin. Tree years aea tbe nooUUy output m leas than U per cent of Cut of 1613 The re- Ofceery has beea paruc-ulaity rtpta dur- the past tae years, wsh the exerp-tloa of a t3x durt&j a period cf rrasnetal stttngeacy last winter For Use &jrset fiscal jear enfilac Sestembnr ti per cent grater ttiaa irarmi the R-cal year 1SJ-2J. sute taOvaxrj peloid a art prafu lor tie year of izsuTMXKA Repcrts cT tie arrest reserred tttM tar tedlca a cxa&i cm tn t!ie rmr. tartKKl ol ZaojXOPOO teateis. cr aljcut 22300.000 bosie!a (mitr t- jear. TH3s ta dote to Use banes? rf 1911, as aTKage pre-var rear. In tlx FWa temiory of Ute Smrt Caioc Tae tecB&iczl crop, taetaijsj eaca. te, oa eenis aad potatoes, aie a aaore i pre-war aTeraje. -rtth V exeerOan of mi,r.i and biu breta. rratocsnS d7se$!tt in tbe ry; oea xroc(: that crop beiov last jeir. The loreifn trade tcmater 2ar ths Pt SwcaJ year. wr tbe Curopeaa nottierv. vas aMSjSOJOO. an taenaae cX IU per rest oeer the prertooa rrar ITS atfTene bslasce Xar tee tear wa ;M4UJ00. Dartn Lrmaj the the tart lart ipiarter. ipiarter. 17 - uv:--u ae cob-;jji vection at Kasloops is rather disaoooizitiB? in ft f n'w-rir,-;bffo tcparu were nrroaDr baianmL aKty. 'However, it is not to be supposed that Conservatives wouldLL ? Tbeir name and policy has always been to hold tj-ht 2 t teId aad let the 1st are take care of itselL Of tenConservatives ! wK!x I9JtTS er Apat uaa. an are responsible for rood lesislaUon lt i x. . Jcscrr' of 25 per eeat. ltgulafii that kaa been proposed aid popolarked by otier parties. If this mere not tra tV.or- nM nnt t. r- . t. j. -- w vaucnunes. &aai-i cats ait is advance of public opinion. Uberals con just behind aadt (mm or iM -TKir.s The otput ot ri tbe tsdustrtea e the part fiscal year. tth the com- Pisoas of aad of lll tai CiiCCi to T2.C2trXl T-ntnn rrr fcot -.t - .1 j . 1 w. . T?? X13-, Cosservatives whose feaction it is to steady im-a ism-ss 1911 "P i tate aad author ttr wrll to ike past. C"1 aea ijn There are exceptions to the rale, bet when Consratir rit 08 - (Mat uuo sr- iad onexiJored seas tit-r ar lr, i1 s iy x Tbey then becoae either Radicals .r T ,. iTt JJ ?ette - I! ' " as in .... 13x5 Jn nartiM whirf, r- .V zso TL frza tgrapb-d through yesterday pledged the soar u i lira . ilTrliS4iOIli- ttirs Eniain has had for year. I Tie teaae -7 shed oct-i01211393 gOTemrreBt provided for jost before tl f-- j J freJer ttaa that of a55 ileisLes debacle, bet -whlrh rvrrf 1 . iisit-u t m-w r ttssotstioa of parliaect A conference of prorinces U favored to I61 to es iwreassd irotn "Tlir it abozt. Tfce rrfT w . ljSiJ.501 J0i ea a Seateiher Septessbtr 1. 1. IMS lais. in to i t . - . i..uc 01 tae firry Sf-"r IIiUoa to protect nido-rs of prospectors tras , ledred. ilore facilities for lop!e wishing to go on the land were afroved id cf cosrse there had to be an aEti-OrienUl dart. It tad to do -irxih the occo ration of Orientals underground. EAST AND WEST LONG WAV APART. When Esdyard Kipling wrote -East is East and West is West, - "IT e tnln skl11 t." he -might almost have been thinking of Canada, so great are the distances in this country and so dJ-P,1 ?e IEterett Wlli,e People from the Weal often visit the East, the Easterners do not often visit the Wert , . . nra and iuiu the tee result reSBU Is oa Septezabe; 1. vatat taereaaed J7 per oea& durtac the year. OJ exports fcr the year were 1.4MJ00 toes, breaktnz sll Rmaian records. The pre-war average was about 900 00 tons. ixix-TKirirr PectnacatlOB autde actable profreta Sae the year. Ia 11T ectne tnn MAUoa eatafed ta reaeral puhUe aer- vxe had a total capacity of oary 334XX kacwattt. Thto year tier -were brouxht up to aeany 1XXX3JXO kilowatts. DELIYERINGMAIL BY P0S1MEN ASKED rvi.. Utat there IS rrosa imcrano nf ew. r, j . .. U.,. , Uxg .v tbe nuauyt elrctncal . tcmtrmrr.t tr Jiaa-A. Sanson referred to thUn 7jZ?Z? - .J . ' ""--rj wau noidinir u" irocuoa, arer half of which i.v. , , are tmf -i osr tact tin tbe south aarl -with a riir....,. i: . . BOW J" tT rl. e nonk. cheap and rapid communication is necdea get to know each other and the problems that affect the other sections of the country. BUYING NEWSPAPERS TO READ ADVERTISEMENTS. I Many people buy the Daily News just to read the advertie- Jwr ff neaef I acUviUes of PrirLe Lupert Advertisers are asked during these busy days to get their Iwti"f 10 0rdeT Dtv disP'y dveVtising several fee that the mechanical department of a newspaper here is not as ortt" VS"" Uwr dty "d that rusTseason c" operation cf the advertisers is necessary. The News will trr to Jndle all the advertising offered but large displays must In th ouice weU Jn advance. 1 rKeaoa Sewsi Evaders are adrised to keep in touch with the local adver-' U uma ot how d'UTrr7 ' Rupert tk before Wdlng outside. V ",DCe la fan or Partial oneratlm tdj Volkorruoy atattoo S3JU00 kUowatu. near Leaiagrad. U to be formanT oan. ;edt)us tnooth. " Aasencaa-Raaslaa trade for the year IBM promise to amount to about .-O00O0O. as compared wtth SlOSjOOOOao la 1621 aad j0O0JBO0 ta IS I. Xacreased credit fscuttles ta Germany aad Eng. iana cut tnto the Asericaa trade some-what tins year. ta all DrobabUltr Trxii 1. mniifu or aearly qusUfied. ea the beats of . J reteaue which Is one of the two standards set by the department lor the adTanct la aerrlce that It deairea. 'Nelson's postal menue for many years lass exceeded the sucdsrd required for J house-to-house delirery crUea. . ThU is .only one of the requirements, ihoaerer. The goTeramcat fixes a nual-'rauat popuUUoa which the otherwise (qualified Oomm unity must hare, to Iachlere eaUUemrnVlo tbOfhew facnity, Although for XelastV aod Trafl the .staje cf 10OO0 population has ret j beea aebleeed. aad they are thus uader the rules or the deparuaeat. not ea-1 Otled at this time to house delirery, i the role has beea broken tor two other British Columbia cities, w hich admitted, ly cannot aieet both quahflcatloaa. I Oq the strenfth of precedent, there-tore, probably Nelson aad Tran could job Milam tarn house oouse dtirrery oeireery If if they they chose chose to to The tHE i)AILV KEVVc O.UR CHRISTMAS GUESTS SOVIET UNION -QUEBEC LAST L& riles for choice accomnonatim To F!rn33tlv Cherbcmx London. kl??,5 IS RECOVERING SESSIONSO0N Dc liANTO.NIA.-frcr: HahfJ-x ' To Belatsr. Liverpool sad ClOw Jng I DcJ 1. LETITIA, from Saint John. N.R cjS KlSSIt.V OUriT PtCL.KCD TO w:!uEiit.Tt re vn-r OR 1WKTH 11 from Hakiix tgi'AL TO THAT Of IMS TUIE l JtM'ACV: w a arrif a S& Jr.ird LJcss one mrjr STATE INDUSTRY PROFIT TIIEKE to firtfitA iom. FozaJ Tris 515S. . GRAIN CKOrs ALMOST S shaeesu Islature of ae po- n AtFRUSE r.!MV tU.IOCE 'us. ej Qurtw wtB epetj Jxctary 11. ' im. aad all) be Ute last cf the see- teal avsrahlr. The?e are t-o vacaactes to the Lcnrer House bath caused bf tfce deaths f Xhe cectzpa&ts tu the last seaaion. aameit Q"-C West, eara&t through the death of Rsa. iUTJa Uadden. a ho aa also a i BMi&her of tie cabicet as rrfrrwntalrte ; of the Irish m-ttorlty a&d TKBSarouata. racsat throc(h the death of Jittes La&t- Ifc. torxoer Oocaerratire UXJL la the Cpper or appotnted Hem there J ( m uiir Tscaocaca is oe luira. Prenler Taschereaa SB lead the Moate ; for the sUUt tCae. si he becax&e Pre-1 taier of the prortaee ta 120. As far as the rahiset is eooeeraH thert has be Ml . - ....-rii wii awtv ... a , eesMMi. aad R ts ast thaufat that aar' ppo&itneau 1B be aiade before dfeao-1 ratiaa of Ue LriHJature uses tiace at ' the end f the fertheantaf parUantent tt Is ae expected that twsnvnil Aeasure mtii he suaterwa. Uewerer. tt Is eurreat rmaw that a farther more ai be made be the aoreraaveat to re- trace the burtUa of the deba C thel auaklpalfiies as far as the mteat of ejads ts caoeeraed. t The Wartateaa Ooeapeaasttaa Art. chkh 1H eome torto forte April 1. 1J7. ; aai he ftiea a faa- eta before aay! chance ts ad Mihar aaveadaieBta. hsveeer. m prabatlr be phued befare! the aembers. , raleaaico of the atesl tax. which was pat lata efef rt about Mx vtn aio. , t aB Bteiate, whether served la bsAeia. ' raBwars or otwbs. is forecast, but wtthj e chaaeta la retard M the rat, sal si ta do sway with the aeceicrj of cot- j lertlag- odd test tattead at a dear free or tea ceat tax. Ueala are. aaw taaed ea the basts of fare per teat en all beals oosttBf ace daBar or awe A few chaagea bay be aade to the rtrc- teral law. eapomay with a em cf hartas dtetsiocM cf eaaru rtade.-ed taart rsptdty thaa al prtweat. teaortaat lef-laUoa reardto the aiainf hrw wta abe be preeeeted Tt Is aot proposed to mire sbt aavrad. ateats to the preseat tlqaar Uw. The preaalltBt OBtaloa H that the esaloa it be shar.. TBE MAN IN THE MOON aajra; Whe raey were asxklac a leader far the OooserraUTe nm t -.nt i ihiak how they came to orertoo me But as they dVl aot ret the best au posA(e. I ceccrataute theai ea tT- -t doee the aext best. j Taa are welecwe Dr Totadc j T the place waere footer d. fbr I kaow yww rraoMxe Whea ywa ec a taorwachbred. Jadxe of castle. ode of horses. Too tea vhoald U jueje of mm. Cat yaw leader whip ea nvaafrcU Ceahee "the appoaitlca dea. Tabaie. Uie this Up. reneAher. The party taxes Its rue frora yau. Mch depeada apoo their leader What the tank aad TSe win do. Editor eapixaied that a "dark fluid be chaeen to r Oocserraatea. The edtter was wroac. Jt was not a horse bat a horse Aortrw Xtost thlcra are worth about what jao pay far them except clears. JaAj- use by the ar-tO. J shouU asy aome of tfceai are worth coasKrahl iu th.. a UckeL exrent nvrS.n. r - r r " J. oawanted visitors away. T"1 Too fa to a restaurant ton BYCTTY OF TRAIL; w,s Nearly Cray With BoHs All Over His Body Mr. a I Bark, Bamseld, KS, "t! "Pot rrr tiae I was aearf air Ml boils all orer nr hoij I tried ererrthtsg I eootd tkiak of to gt Til of tlam, lit ts &o a tail, in u J0a as ohe ass VeaVd op aaotker 0ttld appear ta take its plae. I aat adrued to take 1 tlaSWSBmSS J sfter 1 laa awd two Utiles tie boili kai aS iisrT'J4 aad I Lart iw treaMed wtU th atsnn." I Oueea Uaric Menu to hare dlsap- ( peared aMwh more ouletfy than she sr. i rtted. tt is about t t.-r .fu.-v.; outburst. 1 It IS Shoat tlans tn ... . i - .mm . 1 aeat u aaaex, the Cnl.d , Sute v Canada aad more' the Eznolre eanttai ti uu cwuaeat. - - - aea. . . aw aai --ill ' lmr P'super-TEV Outstanding Features of Mercury Super-Ten a wi a- rji. ma i ' SlMll.V JUOm .! Sfa tU HfT wi a MpeA4 i. i.ni .. r.m lra S.M M mm CilM p I JlliilWll. M 1m t j as liim 1. it.iW w Ha Sm itara W lUiw Im.n ij ll aiih.BuM.ywIiiln.i, V T ' cannot expect both carters to he Irak tor aayway? fWaee Bupert ts ap screral years aow since t&e aceat Irred here. UlMad t i II u. W ew ye Sw a Snp Hiimi, u w rf-j iu i. -Krr MtlCZSt l ln KM (lw .SI.i amd W.I m tmUtt CUM, LS.I f- lias MaWl D. Tat sv 4m MS ImcIv4 htW s4 Law ebr isaao T.W. mI IjM the egrs aad the What do you pay to date It it a sewtac mscti- Oae way to reduce Is to use a pSaac. eat carbafe people here would hard? waat to haadle the ahstt&r Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert Notrmbrr T5. 1S A water pwatr notice appears uader the suasture of o r jsoea Co Ltd. which indicates aaotber atte&pt on the part of the Prince Rupert Hrdro-Eee-jtrle Co. Ltd. to serure a raufieauoa of :tae appucatloa for the purpose brla&C ru po-ser into the my Pn&e Rupert. . W U. Barnes, a weB kaowa local "railway efeployee. died reverdsT ta the Priace Rtrpm Oearrtf Rotprtal at tt ace 01 liny He Is sumTed br a wwi restdeat ta the city aad Bulkley Valley. a soa la the Coawtahle Jack Shea, fotiacfly a meat, ber cf the Prince Rupert aij police force and aow at Aayox. has receieI ord of the death of ht brvxbrr, lru. bert Sklet. from - . . . , . , , -"' sustainn I t I J 1 "Hello. Klabel, u-hat are you i -evening. "Why. nothing special, Ethel th might take in a movje to paw the tinv ' Well, you and Tom kwtle :r things and come right over. A a Jack bought a MERCURY SI i'l RECEIVER and it s Mmply w This is the set tht uxki the A Grand Trophy in the Suinmer Rr Test, anJ it certainly cteeerved the ' ast f a 1 nurry nou-, sutxL In h.1: M KIPP C -4.7 YONOC ST. NOW ON FOR FIVE DAVS ONLY 7 - r WJ2, New York, is gang to hra . specul dance programme, and whe- in our MERCURY youH hear Rx-never heard it before " Bit J- AAt arr sf f Km KW 2-1 p ? W, , ,i, af; s.- - at luvt a vtar ArraAcnvt raorosir:- r tii-oNsmx MAUts. aatitroa raKTKiiAt: . TtN TORONTO CANADA MONTREAL IMPORTERS Sale of Sales OUR MONTREAL PRICES SLASHED TO THE BONE We have aome heavy payments to maVe and reqtrire eash oakklf. Hi now. Our stock is all fresh new goods Both lag shopworn from lying arofw ments arrive for fas every week atralitht from the maaafactarers. And at this Sale of Sales, our Montreal price are H marled way oW our store and see the goods for yourself. Judge the value offered and buv ill MONTREAL IMPORTERS Third Avenue. J. II Miller PreprW Han ad ian NationM CTn. m t n t . . c. Amend tatatu CAMAOIA PAcinc VS1(.4T To KHrhlUn to UMM sj " Steamship and Train Service . ... . . ... ... , vtcotvia .vrntllS-" A rINCC Ill Plnr lll lea.e mi( C Kiri BT It . .Vtt I . . . . .. ... ... . . . I Vt.ll wmv "Mini, ana inieemreuie pmei . . A. rrri' mnvr t .tiii iur ivnt ntDMi1'' miNcx riitaiiiH tmr vtriu iri u oiiia oittt: I-tMiH. fortnlthlly. rt;M!i.K tkunh in,,..-. Lr.Atc ... . ntiNfi: " - - - 111 Kirtat MKT . . iv . . M ............. . . ........... . "1. - " --, niiitrviiii ami Mil Kim - -... i iUlK'ilL l.llMOMOV. MINMriU. all pll Miera - of 'TJt P .ttlllMV IX flCMN tttM-'Hir , tW CsnsdUii .NslhMtal i:pre for Meaey Orers eet: etc . al fr year net! shipment. , jd tin TKKLr iHiiir, : riniiit r.. wimx atrtki rt' 1 Canadian Pacific Railwr B. C. Coast Servicei ' Sailings from Prince Rupert nn. nrsnrrll, Joneaa and Msisj V 7 trr. Vklwls anS yeallle Not. S. IS. I" miuTia nriTuiii: . ... rar ItalrdU. I .u rwu. imi. Aimh rail. sa. Wf1 tampbrll lihrr, and Vanrwotrr eirrj Mlyrdsy. II VltMi -tmry far an Meaimhlp IJne. ! hmtl W. f. ORtlltRll. Clenersl tfewl- at