P. Zleman (Terminals) . 6 1200 200 J. Hillman (Moose) 8 1200 200 O. Krause (Oyros) 1 200 200 Geo. Mcllmoyle (SLA.).. 1 200 200 P. ODonnell (Terminals) 6 1107 193 W. E. Wllllscroft (8t.A.) 3 576 , 192 Ben Self (Oyro) 5 941 188 Prank Aldridge (Gyro) . 6 1118 186 J. Andrew (Grotto) 6 1113 186 C. Balagno (Terminals). 8 1112 . 183 Fred Pyle (St. Andrews) 3 ,922 184 J. May (Moose) 6 1087 181 D. Howe (Terminals) ... 8 1086 181 Dr. West (Orotto) 6 1075 179 W. J. Nelson (Gyro) ... 6 1074 179 J. Hamilton (Orotto) .. 6 1068 178- S. D. Macdonald (St. A.) 3 878 170 H. Oorbett (Terminals). 6 1053 173 W; H. Long (Oyro) .... 6 1024 171 O. Waugh (Grotto) 6 1018 170 Don Brown (Moose) ... 5 852 170 M MacLachlan (St. A). 6 1003 167 J. Brown (Moose) 6 1001 167 A. Macdonald (Oyro) .. 3 822 164 O. P. Tinker (St. A.)... 3 783 157 S. Darton (St. Andrews) 1 156 156 J. Judge (Moose) 0 922 154 O. Anderson (Orotto) ..8 897 150 Bert Morgan (St. A.).. 4 593 149 A. Harvey (Gyros) I 131 131 SPORT CHAT Baseball men look for aggressive leadership of the Pittsburg Pirates next season by Donie Bush. The new pilot of the 1923 world's champions, succeeding the quiet and reterved Bill McKechnle, bring with him a reputation for nugh and fear less leadership In t';e American As oclaUon. wbtr for two ytars h guided the destinies cf the Indianapolis team. A star shortstop In his major league days at Detroit. Bush did not hesitate to speak his mind when he considered plays of poor judgment. Battling with arbiters frequently re suited In his banishment from the field. Not as an amateur athlete holding two worlds records n dslance running, but as a professional school teacher. Intending to study American education- methods. Would Edwin Wide. Swe- dent leading track star, come to the United States. Since his defeat at Paaro Nurml at Berlin, he has been asked whether he would consider becoming a professorial, to which be re piled In the negative. "I should like to go to the United States as a graduate student of educa take part in track . games, provided I was In form and found It convenient In connectoa wth my work of a school teacher. As such, he would prefer to pay lis own expenses. On the outskirts of Amsterdam work is progressing on a 35 acre site which is to become the Stadium for the Olympic gardes of 1928. Pile driving U In full swing, for the soggy nature of th Dutch subsoil needs strengthening to bear the weight of the buildings and public tribunes. Where the Court of Honor will stand, flocks of gulls thi fall hare been screaming over a watery waste, but according to the construc-6 tors' time table work Is right up to date. RIFLE ItANGE Only tour marksmen participated In the shoot of the North B.C. Regl inent Rifle Association at the miniature 1 range last night, the scores being as j follows: R. Wilson 94 A. Wylle 9 W. Brass 93 H. B. Eastman 92 WHIST DRIYE LAST NIGHT ENJOYABLE St. Andrew's Society Entertained at Etent In Their Rooms on Srconil Atrnue St. Andrew' Society entertained at I an enjoyable whist drive In the rooms brain, ahapely and fair, myried har-on Second Avenue last night. There j mony of form and function, and as I were iourteen table and the prize win-1 ners were: ladles' flint. Mrs. Charles Taylor, ladles' second, Mrs. Role; men! first, Marcus Andrew's; men's second, j W. F. Cameron. After cards, refresh ments were served. The committee in charge of the event consisted of Mr, i Charles Taylor. Mrs. George Scott. T. Seattle, w. Anderson, T. Flndlayson and" George Abbott. Who doesiitJM Chocolate Gcike i THE BEST RESULTS ARE OBTAINED BY USINO Baker's Chocolate (Blue Wrapper Yellow Label) In naing Cacs, Pies, Pudding,' Frosting Ice Cream, Sauces,-Pudges, Hot and Cold Drins For more than 145 years this chocolitc has been the standard for purity, delicacy of flavor and uniform quality The trade mark, "La Belle Chocolatiere," on every genuine rtcise WALTER BAKER 8C CO. Limited Established 1780 Canadian Mills Booklet of Choict THt5 DAILY NEWS PAGE FOUR ELKS WON IN BRINGING UP FATHER I - By George McM v nr- f jiqQS,MElAD-rOU '-v I NEVER VOUREALLV.. TtJO KNOW v THOUGHT ITWIMK THATS Tk DOL iTIf l MR BASKETBALL MY,ACICE AM'lKVE OP THAT, , Ft TME THltsJ G I 1 MIDDLE NAME- vCOr1AN RUN PER DIMTY! I U ' . ' 1 DO AO I - I 1 J - . ; HEAT liRAND TERMINAL! AMI YOU LL G,T the vriT rr OROTTO NOSEI IN" ONE POINT WOMEN'S I 1 T I ABOVE HANKERS , Eks 35. Ornd Terminals. J9. 'Bankers 15: Orotto 16. " Star 17; Colts 12. To be leading throughout the game and then. In the last minute, to ,be beaten by one point was the experience last night In the Intermediate basket' ball league of the Bankers who looked good to put their first mark of the season on the win side of the schedule by defeating their opponents, the lead tag Grotto team. Their hopes were grasped from thee; Just as the game ended In a score of 18 to IS. The details of play in the Inter mediate League game were as follows: Bankers R. Egerton 2, R. Mortimer. 4. O. Hill 1. E. Johnson, R. Matheson 8. Total 15. Grotto D. Gurrich 4. V. Meagher 1. D. Stalker 1. J. Sim S. W. WrathaU 4, E. Bayllss 1. Total 16. Referee R. B. Skinner. senior League In the Senior League, the leading Elk bad a comparatively easy victory over the Grand Terminals by a score of 35 to H. Lee Dell refereed and the details of play were as follows: Elks. D. Balfour 17: E. Smith 6: O. Mitchell 4; M. Budenlch 2, O. Bryant. & Moran, 6. Total 35. Grand Terminals. H. Gordon 9; II. Ryall; C. Thompson; Underwood; S. Gurrich 8; H. Howard 2. Total 19. JI'MOR UlUil E The Junior League game resulted In the Colts losing their first match of the season to the Stars. The game was fairly closely contested and ended In a score ef 17 to 12. Stars. T. Kelsey. 10: E. Smith: A. Cross. 4; D. Morrison. 3; W. Murray; W. Donald. Total 17. Colts. H. Macdonald. S; E. Raich ford.. 3; R. Stalker. 2; R. Irvine: J. Scott. Total 12. Referee- Ralph Smith. The league standings to date are as fellows: Senior League W. D. L. Pta. Elks 5 0 0 10 NatlveSons ..1 0 4' 2 Terminals .... 2 0 4' Intermediate League Grotto 5 0 1 jO f Terminals ..... 3 0 2 i Sinkers- 0 -. 0 S - -t, : League Maple Leafs .. 5 .1 0 11 Adanacs 0 1 5 1 Jnnlor League Colts A ... A 0 1 10 j Stan .. ..." 2 0 3 4 Tuxls Boys ..I 0 3 ST. ANDREWS WINS j ! BILLIARD TOURNEY Defeated Moov in Last Night's League future bj Sew of 949 to St. Andrew's defeated Moose In th; billiard league last night by an at gregate score of 949 to 820. The results of the Individual games were as follows: Oeorge Mcllmoyle (St. Andrew's) 200; Don Brown (Uoose) 14S. O. P. Tinker. 200; Jack Judge. 104. Bert Morgan. 173; J. Hillman. 200. U. U. UcLachlan. 200: Joe Brown. 170. W. E.;will!acroft, 176; Jack May 200. The league standing to date Is a follows: Game. Total Average Terminals . . , 6617 93S Oyros ........ S310 883 Moose ...... 9247 873 Grotto ....... 5173 863 St. Andrew" 3113 852 The averages for the player In the league to date are as follows: Oamea Ttl. Aver. I 0 1926 mr Heart Palpitation Dizzy, Sinking Spells Mrs. M. A. Gannon, Donat-ille, Alt-, writes: Srnne tiaie ago I was very nervous. could not sleep at night, often had dtzrr, siskin spell raid palpitation of the heart, tad was so run down I could Dot do aj housework, but just leave errcrjrtlunj and ait down. I fjv-nt lot of money using medl-eine fi na t doctor, but it did not do me a: y good. At lait a friend told me to rise and after using a couple of boxes I was not the same woman. I tejan to i u i... ad aiter a few ! more boxes I w as i bi perfect health. I always Teeom-raend them to all those I know who are suffering from heart trouble." Price 50c a box ti all drnj-fristf or dealers, or mailed direct on rereipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., limited, Toronto, Ont. In The Letter Box VI-IOX Or I UTl'KK Editor Dally News: A prophecy fast being fulfilled, a vision of the future arise. I see a world where thrones have ervmbled and kttrgs' are nasi. The aristocracy of ldle-ftes haa perished from the earth.. I see a world wttheut a slave. Man at last la free. Nature's forces have by actenoe been enslaved, lightning and light, wtad aid wives, frost and flame and ail the aubtie powers of the -earth are the Unless toller of the human race. I see a world at peace adorned with evcrr form of art, with maste. myriad ! oices thrilled while life fcs rich vrttft ! word of love and truth; a world m:'""1 "Ting vo gev no oi inem. which no exEe sighs, no prisoner I "" mourns: a world In which the gibbet' i C VFR flRfl F Hfil D shadow does not fall: a world where labor reaps Its full reward, where work and worth go hand In hand. I see a world without the beggar outstretched palm, the miser's heartless stony (tare, the piteous wail of want, the Uvld lips of lies, the cruel eye of acorn. i te a race without disease of flesh look life lengthen. 4oy deepens. love canopies the earth, Joy deepens, love the great star of Faith, ROEERT INOERSOLU Copied by JJB. The Tokyo police bureau announced that crime ha shown a tremendous in crease In Tokyo during the last twelve months. 9 77 High Award in Europe and America DORCHESTER, MASS. at Montreal Raffxi cnt fret it- Ntl Fkatukc Scnvkc f Cms! Brittura rsft trnmrvrnj SCOTLAND IS BEING INVADED iMMKiKVNTS IKOH IKIMI IRIK STATE SAIU TO HE TIIKEATIA-IMi MIIOI.K STKITTI RE SCOTTI"!! I.IIK LONDON. Nov. 27. (By Canadian Pre! Scotland U being invaded by unlgranu from the Irish Free State to an extent which according to the Presbyterian Church a, U threatening .he whole structure of BoottHh life. Sir John Ollmour. rxutfcarnentary secretary for ScotllLIMl received deputation irom itir rmoTicnin unurenn, wnicn tried t&e government to appoint a com- asssteo of enquiry. Dr. Jahn While. Glasgow. Church of Scotland, said there las been uncontrolled immigration of son -Scottish people In such number that thetr inatttutieiu. edueattonal. crvlc. and politkal. had been seriously affected. They did not object to Immi gration from the Irish Free State. T hey asked to hare it regulated. Unregulated Immigration waa always a menace to the bornogealety of a community and to It iastrttttien. Many of those who earn :n remained non-Scottish In Idea and ideals. They were educated apart and continued to remain apart. Many of the lixunlgranu did not represent thetr own ivtllsaU02i at Its beat, and acme not even at average. The Scottish Secretary. In reply, said the subject raised a very broad question a between not only the United Klaf 4?m and Southern Ireland, but If anything was gafng to be done ef de- I'tntte nature -between this country and the Daatntons. He did hot say that thh subject did .tot reurre" ctose tbefutry. bat be would 'ike some real indication as to what .tep. might be taken by the Oovern taBt It was easy to see dlfficultitw rhesd. but great problems might be TEA AND SALE TODAY Prorreil af Alfair IMng Held Thl At-lernmn TA III be t'oed lor I hrlMirm illV lur Nalhe OilMrrn The proceeds to be used for the pur pose of sending a Christmas bale of toys md warm clothing to the native child ren of Kin eolith, a tea and sale u bvne cooking Is being held this after noon -In the Presbyterian Church by the Stiver Orel group. Canadian Girl In Training. Under the general supervision of Mrs Frank Rice, various booths are in charge of the following girls: Home cooking Mlsse Rosemary Winalow and Evelyn Rice. Candy Mia Isabel McKay. Kitchen Mlsse Mary Walter. Annie Eslker. Elite Findlay and Beurah Mc- Ktnley. Fancy work Misses' Lot McRae and Mary Dowther. , Tea rocm-t-Mlnes Olive Oordon, Maud Wyatt. Irtaef Mitch tl. Betty Eastman Mary Wllllscroft and Sheila Stuart. Cashier- -Miss Miry Kerr. During the course of the afternoon there will be a brief program with Principal Thomas Peddle In the chair Contributing to the program will be Mlsse Nellie and Molly Lawrence with a violin and piano duet; Mis Christine McLeod. violin solo; Mia Mary Walters and Miss Jean Grieve, piano duet, and Mrs. William Millar, vocal solo. UNITED STATES MILLS GRINDING CANADIAN WHEW AT BUFFALO Shipped In ISoml and Ground In Can adlail ntlr. It-fore llelng KxtMirtetl Canadian millers oppose American milling of Canadian wheat In bond for expori), but. according to a new publl cution of the Pood Research Institute of Stanford University. California, this practice Is likely to persist. 13 .583 ,000 bushel, were o Imported and milled in the risaijear 192328. chiefly Jsy. mill MTU -taCebJraer!ng thr0rear Lake Bulfalo. because of It location, is the great American centre for milling Cad adian wheat, whether for domestic con sumption or for export. The tendency thus to mill Canadian wheat is likely vo grow and Buiialo to expand a a milling centre, because American wheat good enough to mill Into standard flour for export is becoming too expensive. It tend to become too expensive be cause doniMtio demand la principally for anted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken fo leu than 50c WANTED MONEY for your property is what you want 1 have the buyer If your price Is right O. C. Walker. MAN WANTS SPARE TIME WORK FOR several hours dally. Phone Blue 776. BUTCHER WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Apply Mussallem' Orocery. Phone 18. ARENTS WANTED MAN OR WOMAN TO TRAVEL AND appoint agents. Yearly guarante 11092 (being 121 weekly average) and eipensea. Experience uanecesaary Por particular write Winston Cb-Teronta FOK SALE POR SALE. SIX ROOM HOUSE. TOLLY modern, manae vtew, ceotrslly located: first ctasa condition. 13.030 00. 1 1000 00 cash, balance month!. Siiteen room house near Dry Dock, with furnace. Will sell eheap and on easy payment: Thro. OrrfUrt Limited, Westholme Theatre Block.. tl POR 8AlE-TO CLOSE OUT AN Es tate, we are authorised to sell leiml lota, some corners, harbor view, and on sewer. Price low and term from 110 00 muilhly. Enquire T. MrOlyiaonL tf FOR BALE. DOUBLE BARRELLED shotgun. Neumaa. ehoke bore. Damas-eu barrels. MOM. Phone Brae 49. P.O. Box 109. Prince Rupert. S O. FOR SALE. HALIBUT BOAT 14,300 give one third interest M good well known boat. Loan or partnership. Apply Box 9 Dally News. 23 FOR SALE. THE KINO GEORGE Hotel and Oaf, contalalfig 30 room fully furnished. For particular ap ply T. McClymont tf POR SALE. CHEAP. HALF A TON OF old newspapers. Apply Dally New, rt FOIl KENT FOR ItENT MODERN UP-TO-DATE flat; large airy room; fir place: (lose In. Mar. Heilbroner. FOR RENT FURNISHED SUITE Phone, 18. Mussallem Orocery. HOAI(I) BOARD. THE INLANDER. 00 Second Avenue. Phone 137. the highest quality of bread flour, made from superior wheat of which do not in ordinary years produce a 'surplus. Soft American wheat are not so used and the profitable dispueltlon of their under-premlum grade i one of the pro blem of American wheat growing which is likely to be accentuated In the future. so long as demand tor flour quality continue exacting. Some Canadian wheat, In 1923-24 over one and one-halt million bushels, pay the duty of 42 cent a bushel and is milled for domestic consumption. At time Canadian price are below American, even' when cost of transportation are considered. Hence st such time American miller in the Great Lake territory may find importation for domestic consumption advantageous both because of price and because of quality. .MOSELLE MITIIKA CULT LIVED IX H0.MAX DAYS TREVES, Rhlneland. Nov. 27. A shrine to the Persian god of light, Mithra. ha been discovered tt the toot of the Mountain of the Holy Cross near Treves by th Archaeological Com mission of the Rhlneland. This discovery would appear to confirm the hypothesis that th Mithra cult was in vogue in the valley of the Moselle and throughout the Rhine country during the Roman occupation.' The excavated shrln contained a collapsed altar ot Jurassic lim.tone with the Phrygian cap and th dagger, which were the insignia of the god. PAIN from Bladder Irritation on 8ANTAL MDY '""Utlons ! ,ir "o "MiDr" Xgjj Bold by mi ilruin.u ItSllSI' . dreasrd nn- w CIIIHOPHAITIC lR. R. E. EVOI ISON ciiiKurittrToH tZ3 Third A ten He. orsce vuiu lico llouse calls 1200 for tppolnUnent Phone oace Blue t) Residence Black 2i2 DEHMATOI.OdV lAritl. ltIJ:MI-lllt KEMOVI.It by the latest cJntlfl method rr.HMtNENrv iiniiiviitu, No need for dlsflgurutg hair or other blemishes any more. Phone lltarh CM HESTAUKANTS noon EAT CUE Mrs, Unger. ProprtetreM Third Avenue, Nut O. W. V. A. ( Jood Home rooked Meal. Phone Black 700 nui.Rs miJiH. mi.nv "Scatter Sunshine wHn Glads (ihe Gladioli HuIIm foe fhrtMma and make your friends glad for year to come rt:C!L rillllHTMtl FttKtlira tm, 1 1 -Vi. tfjw. SLSn and up. Write for prtre ttst l, It. MrT.lll P.O. Bo rts. tirioKit. nr. FU11S FURS MADE TO ORDER AND RE modelled. Raw tkln tanned rs4Ot t W Mall order womptly atund-.If- . , r ed to. Mrs. F Tsrr 234 Broadway : mk , - . East. Vancouver ANOTIIHK inn :::i)UlT!()N IN CUKVHOI.CT COMMKKCIAI. CAK I'KICKS 1-lS Ton Utility Eiprets Chassis B23M ! 4 Ton light Delivery Chassis I ft)0 Touring and Roadster I I3 Sport Roadster I saOM Coach and Coupe 1199400 Sedan 111)360 Landau 11113 M tr.n cn ov iim 1 Ford Light Delivery, open . body 7300 1 Ford Light Delivery, panel body 113400 I Ford Light Delivery, starter ' equipment 1230 00 I Ford Tudor Sedtn, starter ' equipment .t. 130000 1 Oldsmoblle S-passenger Tqur . Ing, 1922 MOOOO Term can be arranged on both new and used car to suit th purchaser. KAIEX GARAGE Dealer In radllar, M(Uuhlln, fhiktsnd, Piintlar Oldmiiblle and Cheirolel Cars. I'hone 3t ,OW 1 THE TIME to buy that car you hsv been considering, Why walk during the unpleasant winter weather W have several new model on hand, price are at a low level and easy terms are available. fhKH CARS Two Ford Self Starter Light Deliveries guaranteed. On Ford Truck Amp, One Chevrolet Light eDllvery Oood running order. Make us an orter, S. F PAKKEK LTD. IOIIII lir.AI.KK TAXI I'honc-fJ Tnxl (Call GcorKC, Paul or Gust) Six and Seven Panrtonjccr Stude-bakers at your dlnposnl nny time. K0SS HHOS. POOL KOOM Meeker Illock. (Acroig from Empresa Hotel) Arid, VATE.tt 0THE lilt Hit ti ) 1 TAKE hoii Ooaapaay. i Vanoouver to tak- sji i . Of wi -r oi,' flow aur-.. .. Okpta :a t Oo rttr the '-'ritani j fit II. n.uu!;. , a n in) ud n iMO 'i'RkTT In Oaat Dto'r. oa tlie gr. u i rao.rxr Iuja SB tppllr,.: . ; Us Water )OtTl c '4 thf v. (RlllH'r' Bt oatkin nay t Bearreorr .r j I Water BlxV-TCt'jri. l bt t 'UN f:r.t Pir rmtrsuon M. I lM. llOflBE h WATER N0T1IX tiiiti 1 AXE Jew:i ' X a Ottawa . take im1 u wUer cajt of How east. pi Kl t B.C TV- take rt. . Nt --! th-atK).i.-tKi. V. ic wv. tatsi .-i r - urxi oi 4 A --t" . r. tflUrt. t 1 n;n.ent n wtth i. :mr p-ri.. i " r rn- of tht r. a DEKAttTMi. ' LA Ml A'T MIT H I. OI IMi ti:tK ' L-iioti in ufahsiii : tJtatui Land lu taprrt rJ -llase.t lb.?' ' take no;;.". Ouihpa.iy I. in. ixrui;kMi Si ply f it a iK scrtbrd land Coo.nseiK: . northeast c i : weeterlv. foil . t aid Lot to ' : Lot. then- easterly. loli : FersuMMQ Bi . pejlnt f Erhii' - ' easterly to thr . II and culUii.i:i. : . .. POW I i.19 Dated 4th N' LAND Alt l- IVVIVTIi)N TO ft' in oon ki ' - of Prince Rui" ' an istaM m ( li l-: opcroatte Bin ' ST 3. Ooa U surround!:.-. TAKE NOTl t Ooevs River. D Intends to ;' lowing der"i Oommeti'' k feet north of IttH 21. ther thence SCO r-' feet BOrthwe.i ' planted, slid cor or less. TV led Or 2fl LAND CT. ,,,," " Notlct tt l(iUiln t III rrirt' i II irirt. i ""' ' ClHrUMi' M''1 ' TAkE I ' 1 Camptn), im , Klll lfkr. mi'. ,r the full.."'"- , Commen-inr ' smiibes't "'" CISIlil. fnlli.w'iir ' noriiietty 'i , , , lUMrttiedkli'rit ' 1 ..if mark; iheim- e wiler nurk i" tW i jw rh1'"" It pAftit r emnw ... I,. - - - - - I1T, llir- , p