jrdayr November 27, 1020 Safe Speedy Relief i)( u :? ', treble the joy of ? YuicMoe season wun me t i hophonic Victri'la. OI H CHRISTMAS CU'H AH'OKDS an casv way. j. uhg now and raying $5 per week vm 15 DEMAND iHLalrm nura(7a Ucadachc ECHEUMATISM Xcurilis Lumbajo Sciatica Ott We or tl fcoi of Traokton't R1umatl UfKUri. Bold nt ttr xr -mtUa by JOOO Canadian dVusgwtt. Bnxt 10: foe bot.klrt and urn. pie to TcmplcUm ll King W, Toronto 2. -tare TI HI REAL MUSIC in Your Home This Christmas "Rupert Brand Residence 244 Fifth Avenuo West ANGER, Thi Tailor m V Wilt et aside and deliver one of thvst; wonderful r ro you on Chritma Kve. NO I XK SHOULD Hi: WITHOUT Ml SIC AT CHRISTMAS eMaeMvs.Md YARDLEY'S 3rd Toil 1" leer DniKgintM Avenue and Glh Street etnes ' r. now tied for mr- ihun 1;0 year. Since 1770 they . nvn uhaurpua- iurpa!ed Ua a The Itexall Store Phones 82 and 200 -ii.,. riptions taken for any Magazine at lowest rates. 5 Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD. Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. $ if p. O, Box 247 l'"'iio Imported Serge ftiul H"'l'll(tlCA 00 Tweed vSnlls mado lu order m "r Ng B vu shop In princo Hupert ns luw n 223 Sixth Qtrtti I. ANGER, Cutter Princo Rupert, B. C. versus Traditions." Sunday school at 2 JO. Evening worship at 730. Preach er Rev. decree Hacker. Subject: "A Churehless Religion." At the close of the morning service a meeting of, members will be held to consider a call to a minister. h.W. ATIll I You need Ocd. He needs you. Get; the habit. Saturdav at 815. Choru W.t in n or th Best In us." Our oa Zf services are full of life and song ln-j"r ! splratlon. You are sure to meet your j .1 friend at the Annj. Bible class every? , Wednesday. Young people meet Tue-;day. Thursdays and Fridays. Let the Army serve you. ! PKKMIYTKIUAN flHItCII i Rev. R. J. Douglaa. HA, D.D, Of New Westminster, Synodic! Missionary. jWbo has the oversight of all ,ralssknj and unsettled congregation of the j Presbyterian Church. wUl arrive In the 'city next week and will occupy the ! j pulpit for the next two or three Sun-1 for their cbarm and quality. J itakeuy by Mr. Fraser.' yarieii l Vrdii vUvendr t d jajsoctety wi worship g ideal Christmas nftta forffhT men St ,ur." h ould make make Toilet Water. Face Powder and Soap SU0 ' ! a.. Face Powder and Soap SI.0I1 r: Talrum, Soap. Fai PoWder and Sachet $:i.ro, Sd'o & ,si(.oi : and Sw S !.."( Shavinjr Soap amt Shaving Lotion S-MH, & S UM! it IlowU. with lid rhh Lavender Wh1 r 7."k. $1., SI. 73. S'JJ0. SiLSH r Ituth Cr)-UN 5I.0, 2-HI, SI-.O d Iivnder Hhmnm. for !5'r'"i It. i'ace Powder and ("ompacta SI. OH & S1.."0 ilei Sarhft In Silk Envelope , mt h o some wonderful French Doll Powder Puffa and lowder Iloxe from $,0 ul Ormes Ltd. ; service at 7J0. Music Quartette. Mr. Howard Mevrs. Howard and Wilson, speaker. Rev. O. F. Marrls. enjoy this, service. DENTIST Exchange Illock. THE DAILY NEWS .P AGE, THREE Church Notices Local and Personal u NT. AMlltnV'tt CATIICDKAL t'hurrh of England Ilcctor. Archdeacon O. A. Rlx. Sunday services at 11 am. and at 7J0 pm. Sunday School at 220. Holy Communion first 8unday of month at iniro ounaay oi raomn at o ajn. Being Advent Sunday, the Sacra-meat of the lord 'a Supper will be ad- ministered at 8 a in. ( IIUISTIW HCIKNCE. Service every Sunday morning In the Hays' Block 24S Second Ave. Subject on Sunday "Ancient and Modem Necromancy.'" Testimony meeting on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. I.I'TIILRAN ( III KCII St faul's English Lutheran 'church. Metropole Hall, Third Ave. Rev. Thos. D. Rlnde, pastor. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Sermon theme, "In what Spirit are you entering the Advent Season?" Sunday school at 12 noon. I Evening service at 730. The evening I service win be devoted to a special i program of song and recitation. Selec-'turns by Norwegian Quartette, Male Quartette. Ladles Trio, the Choir and Sunday School. Everyone cordially imiivr cm in ii. Morning service at 11 o'clock. Speaker T t P.h,nlnn BnhWI' "AllthinritV Arthur's Tail, phone 878. B.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Coal CoaL "the best.' Phone IS. P. Men' hult by r'ahlon Craft anil LcMiinan's nt real reductions at llrant & ireer hale. t: R.I 1 333 33 (Jukk sale of ISO Men's hulls ' at llrjant &. Orrrr. i i it i i)M Scandinavian dance tonight In Metropole Hall. Good music. ' . Miss M. Ekstrom was a passenger leaving this morning on the Catala for Vancouver. Wm. McRae baa opened a ahoemak-Ing and repairing shop at 330 Eighth avenue Wert. Phone Green 717. 378 Tlie American steamer H. W. Baxter is at Ferguson Bay in Massett Inlet loading cedar poles for Seattle. Hour. Sunday at 11 o'clock. Subject' dX School. Treasuries of the Buow." Sunday I School at 250 with a personal touch. age. Evening at 7 JO. Subject: It will take about one week longer to complete annual overhaul of CNJl steamer Prince John which la In dry dock here. The Universal Trading Company Is showing Boys' navy 'chinchilla Reefers, double breasted, red flannel, sizes 33 to 28, clearing at 5fi5. Hear the Harmony, Quartette at the United Church Sunday night. Rev. G. P. Merrls. of Toronto, will be the speaker. Come. You will enjoy It. Special program tomorrow evening at St. Paul' Lutheran Church. Selection Norwegian Quartette. Male Qusr- Ladlcs Trio, the Choir and Sun- I C. P. R. ateamer Princess Beatrice. Capt. 8. K. Gray, arrived at 11 o'clock thla morning from the south and sail- ed at noon on her return to Vaacou The brt realy .to wear nien' suits made In Canada on ale nt Itryant and lirrer's. IUhman's and t'atlilon Craft. Onl) l.Vl to mII at ialr prices. Do jou know Mhat as In ".Mr. Temiile' Telegram? The l'la)er' Club will rHe jmi the an-wer at the WeMlioline Theatre. Ireemler " and 8. Constable and Mr George Wyman returned on thl rnoraing's ' train St. Andrew's m the etty. ConsUhle Wrnian having; 4t4ne evening ' been a witness in the Sankey murder! I M1l.il ( III Ki ll. Rev. Rev. George George O. O. ANNOUNCEMENTS ' Lutheran Women" Aid Sale of Work. December'l. United Church Baraar. December 5 Adair Cars I.O.DJS. Bridge. Dec.. 3. Native Sons of Canada first Annual Ball. Moose Hall, December 10. Prince Rupert Boys' Band Concert, Presbyterian Church. December 14. Established 1923. I'OKCEIiAIN llKIlM.EWOHK K: a .f Our plates and bridges are guaranteed to give long service and perfect Children's Golds Att bt,t trttttd ti. Wntllr. ChKk Ihtm vtralihl without "doilm" br rabWng Vickt svtr ihroit saa thttt St b4tlmi. WICKS w VapoRub trial. Ed. Wtnther. a well known local hall- Pastor. Haeker. but nncrman. leu on inis morning i Deaconess. Mlas Isabel Haddock. Sun- train for New York where he will sail I day school superintendent. Earl Darrte.on a Norwegian-American liner to j Morning service at 11 o'clock will be! speed the winter vUltlng hla former . (conducted by the paster. Sunday home in Norway. I J school at X30. Your children need the , j lsi.nrt .rfiool. Send them. Evening rassenger. wuuug by Harmony ,cew Beatrice tor tne soum mciuaea Mrs. Racer. Stan Rooney, C. II. Fogg. J. P. McBeath. Evening You will Union steamer Catala, Capt. A. Johnstone, having made her calla in the Skeera River before coming here. Sadao Suga, G. V. Mlshlkade and O. L. Audatad for Vancouver: J. M. llockto for Ocean Falls, and Wong Fook for Victoria. J. M. Smith, operator of the Itnnuut A (ireer have 150len's MilM lu illiKe of quick, made liy rahlon Craft and telrhman. lahlon Cm ft VJM ult for $l.l.t; :IIJV0 Miltn for ?':t.l5.' IMinianV SIS to SHO suits fur JJI.I.V (irt juiir now. Many friends will be glad to know ! sGOLDBLOOMHAS that, after lying critically 111 with ! ,mootn, Mr. and Mrs. Adolpn Prince and family, AtUu Avenue. Westvlew, sailed j this morning oa the Catala .for the I south 'and will spend a noiidy -visiting Phone 109 tutancouvjtriu-YlrtaiMrpince ' master, being owner nd skipper of the schooner Scrub. A KEMINPEU. St. Andrew's Annual Ball Tuesday. HOTEL ARRIVALS'- lrlne Rtipert J. II. Hamilton, Vancouver. SALE OF FURS FOR THREE DAYS hkims so mv tvim tiik opening Ol' THE KAtV U K SEASON. Mil AHKDEAI. (iOUUILOOM IS (!IVIM IP THE It ETA IE BfSINESS Wm. Goldbloom, the fur man. has very lrge orders to fill for mink, and as the season Is now opening, does not have the time to devote to selling b made up furs. He ha to get 15.000 mink skin to suddIv his eastern or- ' ' ' Port . . . t. . Goldbloom i yours. t IKELESS KEI'OKT IF my Read the Secret of Health in These Letters woman 13 interested in another woman's letters, and we shall give EVERY their with Dr. Chase's Nerve the women a chance to present experience Food by quoting their letters. There is scarcely a town, village or hamlet in this great country but can produce splendid evidence as to the restorative, upbuilding influence of this well-known treatment for the blood and nerves. Especially for Women "From my experience as a wife and mother I find that the majority of users of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food ar-women, especially women passing through the change of life; next by young mother to regain strength after baby comes, and also by mothers for their young daughters entering their womanhood. .While it u good for all classes of humanity. I am sure it is especially so for women, as they seem to be troubled most by nervous diseasea." Mrs. H. Alchorn. 23 Gerald Street, Charlottetown. P.E.I. Motherhood Mrs. A. Ernest, R.R- No. 4, Walkerton. Ont.. writes: "For some time after the birth of my first child I was in a weak, nervo-il condition. I could not sleep well, hai freueat headaches and buzzing in the ears. I also had neuralsic pains through my body, twitching of the nerves and was aubject to weak spells. I had indijestion and seemed tired and languid. I b:gan to use Dr. Chase' Nerve Food and found the results most satisfactory. I have used a great many different medicines, but never found one as good as Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. It is especially good for quieting the nerves and I feel very grateful for the good it has done me." win fcaungicn-liaysporv ierry. saura hlm too busT. So for the next arrived at 8 o'clock thl morning from rooming on the Catala for Vancouver nf dayj wry fur ,n nU store wtl, Vancouver and wayport and sailed at! he ne wui spena me wimer. raarked down practically to your 10 o'clock oa her return south. ing Mr. smun s aosence, o. . ujjiiuu- wn flyure- eon wUl conduct the Skeena River Thlg u n opportumty too good to ferry service. ; , u wouid ilke tun at the ven '. cheapest possible. So see Squaredea' before Wednesday and gee Advt. K a.m. DIQBY ISLAND. Part cloudy, calm barometer. 29.48; temperature, sr. sea pendlcltl for two weeas in me iiaxei-: DEAD tkek poiNT. Barometer. ton Hospital. Mis Ella Cox 1 now ei-ijj. temperature. 31. pected to recover. Mlsa Cox Is the! HARBOR. Overcast. Iresb daughter of Mr. ana Mrs. t. K. cox, formerly of Prince Rupert. Sadao Suga sailed today on the Prln cess Beatrice for Vancouver where on gUmn w naster ,t Fergus011 Bfty uecemocr ne ut m loading: 8 ajn. spoke tug St. Faith! C.P.O.S. Empress oi ianaaa or japaoi UUna nortnfcound. where he will spend the winter. Thla will be his first visit to the land of his origin tor he was born In British Columbia. 'south wind: barometer. 2938: tempera-Iture, Hi sea moderate; 2 ajn. spoke 'steamer Prince Rupert abeam Sunny Island southbound: 8 aan, spote Noon DIQBY ISLAND. Cloudy, calm; bat-! ometer. 29.48; temperature 47; sea smooth: 11.10 am. ateamer Princess ; , 'Beatrice passing In northbound. A commercial traveler, who. arrived; rjED TREE POINT Barometer, 29.-n the city today, found, on his ar-3J. temperature. 38. ! rival, that his trunks had been left be-j BULL HARBOR. Cloudy.' fresh hind at Bella Coola. This means that ! ,outhl.t wind; barometer. 2947; tern-he will have to resort to. verbal per- pmture 48; wa moderate. suasion until the samples with which he usually beguile his customers can; arrive a week hence. j The Japanese pot'c hereafter will bs given the regularly prescribed military drUl. ; I 1! Use SiMONDS SAWS BECVUSE Biiaranteed to cut 10 more timber in tame time, with less labor than any other saw. .SIMONDS CANADA SAW COW LTD. MONTKSAI. VANCOUVER. ST, J0MN, N.a TORONTO 1 Middle Life Mrs. M. E. McCarthy. Gardner's Creek, St. John Co.. N.B., writes: "In my estimation thrre is no medicine that will so quickly build one up and restore the nervous system as Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. From worry and hard work, I began to get behind as regards general health. It seemed" as though ea:h day some new ailment cropped up and before I realized it I was just about "down aad out." I turned to Dr. Chase's Nerve Food for help and was not disappointed. My nerves are as steady as I could wish them to be and I am having no trouble at all in passing through that time of life when some women experience so much suffering. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food 0 eta. a box, all dealer or The Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine O., Limited, Toronto 2, Can. Boys! This Snappy Weather YOU WANT ALL WOOL SWEATERS Mackinaw Co. ts, Suits, Steve King Third Avenue. Caps rhone Green 85 SEND IT TO THE -:- LAUNDRY -:- ALL CLASSES OF LAUNDRY WORK Including three distinct scrvices'for Family Work, viz.: SOFT FINISH, THRIF-T-SERVICE and WET WASH v at most reasonable prices. DRY CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING Pioneer Laundry and Dry Cleaners Phone 118 and we will do the rest. " AdjustablfcWrencheis 6 inch, each 8 inch, each 10 Inch, each CRESCENT WRENCHES 4 inch, each $1.00 12 inch, each . J2.7.1 . . $1.23 15 inch, eacn 4i.u" . $1.50 Double end, 6"-S" .... $2.2. $1.73 Double end, cT-lO" . $2.75 18 inch, each $6.00 Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, R.C.