25 III TAXI and Ambulance Service Anywhere nt Anytime .. 1 1 J f Island Bxcnansc nuuaing jlATr VIDlxn, rrop. pekenzie King Makes Speech on Constitution LVtMON III' LAW I.ElIf TO KWII I HUM ll-J( KIM. AMI Ml I1HI It Kj 27 "Sometimes one uld brine meatber of ttrre and five them . -a edge of the altuaUOO." : r. A U Ataaaon. altar v. i the customs uummtolott liquor sroujxUn , t liquor esport house. ired that wilder the law iiquor wwa shipped for lit x o and alw to Winds. - ..-.! aeetned "lilt carry K' wraiUe " He tnenUonad t I. bad mad three trlfi Ma to Inwi and ptv S ertlficalea ttvovXat lt t ved at IU MrMeaa de-Dra-ha from W.ackln and :t from eaten of the :t :tt of liquor amuffllnii. OMANIAN KING SERIOUSLY ILL I'LV MAHIi: lltllKMMi llllMi: Ifit IT CAM Ml M-M'II.IT IITS III ( IIVMI.hT OnADE Nor 37. IleporU re-1 from Duchareat aay King i ondltlon la liopeleaa Hla : "- reached a final stage. at ma in Rumania la politic-1 p: rted to be alarming. Reporuj a Queen Marie, who U no .. i.jnieward. wll( atop t : ' confer Willi her eldest aon n..a -,iv to the propriety of hla lilt father's bedside If ff mdltlon should permit. '!' ?-:h from Paris states that "t Lezenufi. a surgeon and can-siist left there today for to examine the King. lOLMIE WILL NOT RESIGN Is 'AiMim, to in: mkmukii kh "UMC II IN 1'I.AI E Ol' C Ot EN-7HV MIIKX TIMi: t ltKS I VANCOUVER, Nov. 37. Hon. 8. r. clnu ii.. ... ..fj.. , ncwiy appoinira iraurr C tUfrVatlVB n.rlv fnr nrltl.h CaU mb srnved here this morning from Kmioopa convention. It Is under-;t he will not Immediately re-J ' federal seat but that It. amtlnua to leadlhe House 0 T;lrale wm ,lk'y ""'P1 'he offer oaanich when the time j mt C .ventry resigning. SENATOR DIES I HAM "Tnr - . ...... .j .vrn, ov. x f. senator " dle1 thl nornlng after an - -ing two years. !r " It The Dally News OGDEN POINT DOCK i AT VICTORIA WILL Wheat B, C. Silver . DunwfH Olscler Oranby Howe Sound Independence Indian U As L Premier Surf Inn'1 Bid. U8; 1.72 as .05 33.00 30.00 .0814 .oU .03 U 300 .02 Parliamentary Banquet1, L'NI)ON, November 27. ''Speaking tor the Dominion of i ilc la-ed Premier Mackenzie King, at a farewell dinner i remler of the Dominion by the Empire Parliamentary i n the Royal Gallery of the House of Lord last night, L s I an say that the pride of our jwople in the achievements lr sen. 1 Conference in respect to Canada's relations in do-t - external affair, will be not in what has been gained but 'he fart that what hits been attained is now no longer open Id: -V Our pride will lie greater in that this acknowledgement -was md without a dlent'.ng voice I ud that la ill that h txen accorded. n-, AmVlllVI t ut IV you i me MotbeiteBd nd we of the liillUVll lJuajlitJ I 3oin.. ii hsve been la complete ae r COMMISSION OF SMUGGLING'; The charter of liberties and collectively en)oy tn to all anorarane have been enltrted lu reality there bti been. respects Bn.- ,h political institutions na'ural at elopment along inevitable line." BE USED DECEMBER 1 VICTORIA. No 27 Preparation are 'tMUat HMde to harr the Ofden Point iPleea re4 for the hanaitnn of the. . i . piaiaent urant on trmnor . , IrarMd. Toe Prealdent Orant U due rram the Orient on December 1 with a ablpmant of S3 .000 bundle or ICS.-000 boaeaof Japanese oranges it at manned to hae all the rail- iMfki ramaleted and the eara lu the rr for the bandllsc of thli bl eomMnment of eertand Irelght. Hill. lKl"Mir tO VANCOltl.K The nam. Inatead of belnc train ahlpped to Vaneourer by coaatwUe leaner, will be loaded here by Victoria longahomnen Into the car and i.im to Vanoourer by ear ferry rta rttrtcta Bay and Port Mann over the C.NJV Unea. Ouard bound. the prirtMit Orant U expected to be the tirat tnwl to load lumber for th nriMit tram Vletorla'i lumber aanembiy 'punt, which will be In operation by then. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL EMil.MI I.EAUli: UltMuil I. Birmingham 3. Leeds United 0. Blackburn 2. Manchester U. 1. Bury 0. Liverpool 2. Everton 1. Bolton 1 Huddersfield 4. Derby County 3. Wednesday-Cardiff postponed-Leicester 6. Aston Villa 1. nu II. tn 2. BumleV 1. Sunderland 3. Sheffield United 0. Tottenham 1. NewcuMle United 3. Wt Bromwteh 1, Arsenal j. DltMoii II. Bsrnriey-Preston ponstioned. Blsckpool 2. Port Vale 3. Darlington 1. Hull City 3. niikim 2. Clapton a Manchester City 1. South Shields 3. Mlddlesboro 3. Southampton . Notts rorest . Chelsea 1. Oldham 8, Notts County 2. Portsmouth 2. Wolverhampton 1. Swansea 1. Bradford City 0. SCOfTI!! I.EAtll E l Mm I. Aberdeen 1. St. Mlren 0. ' Crlilc 7. Dundee United 1. Dunfermline 0. Alrdrleoniln 2. Falkirk. 2. Hlbernlsns 0. Rangers 6. Clyde 0. Heart 0, St. Johnstone 0. Kilmarnock 0. Hamilton A. 1. tMhrwell 3. Psrtick Thistles 1. Queens Turk 3. Cowdenbeath 1. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Asked. 1.78 1.00 .07 37.60 41.30 .03 J .03 It .08 2.03 .03 alM) In artdxea deUrered by Sir Abe BaHey at inc. Rtif niey uoja unu-mar School, tfce adtool which he at tended fifty yer apo Hi adrlce Tie u service In order to mslntaln our Em Inire. Problems are handed on to you i . . I to maintain the lite and Integrity of the nation, and the great traditions of the nast, nd bear In mind you pass I through this world only once, and that I you are the trustees of the Nation's and Empire's title deeds, and should you neglect your duty you will not get CANADIAN IN ENGLAND ACQUITTED OF MURDER MAIDSTONE. England. Nov. 27. - Al nhonse Smith, former British Columbian, grandson of Hugh Ryan. Canadian rail way builder, waa acquitted of the charge TllltlE MILE I'll am: IN WHICH MACHINE lil'NS AMI RULES the the ARE I'SIIII EATTI.E, Nov. SI. After a Hirer mile rlia In wlilrh tnacliltie giin and title fire raked the trk Kiieril lm.it 319. that trkvl Mirrrmlered t fulled M:ife ru.t- guard pltket IhmI 3X11 off Mian. nun Point, three nillr-lruiu Alia- vorten Millie Iwmid from Viimttii- rT tn Seultle. tretl KiiliettMHi of Vlrtorla mill Chester Reeve were In vli.trge of limit. II wui ailmltteil Hut luu (ini)iinUiii liMsrtl 91 Kivkx f lliior utrrlHKiril, nine vivkv of iHinileil lliior bring tuund mi I lie vraft unil flte ntlier rre rrtrletrd from the water. in Yukon elections would tate piece at WINNIPEG. Nov. 37. Mayor Ralph the Yuk-n Territorial sittings with a Webb was re-elected yesterday for o I Judge of the appeal or aupremt court ikii i ...... t. n rimfMi hlr nriii.h r?nlumhln. If the Petition , 1 1 , J t UI. I v . ..t'...l ... v. ww. - , I.41IIU labor candidate by ft majority of 7.000. goes to trial IV will necessity a Brit PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT, H.C., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1D2G THREE of the principal contestants in the con ing international beauty contest ;o be he'd in ... r. t A- t X. A. 11 .. T f t-tlni- Mien ITnvat VM-WJ T II I me unueu states, ieii to ngni: jiim i ckkj iaiiiuiu. uicai mimui, w... GOOD ADVICE iru oiaic.i. .Mile. t uiiiucuui; tjianj ui ucub ... GIVEN BOYS i Victoria Colonist) Sound adrk-e to achoolboya m con- Witness in Drug Smuggling Case Won Confidence, ol the Leaders of Gang to Land Ihem iw. iwjipo oni-f vu.tnrHau afiprnnnn nf the case nf three Italians and at nl I I - - - 1 . ...t.U t...! Mumttnrd n f 1 n n I'f fit 1 1 i in rc f t,rnnej4? wnu ate vuarxcu huh uciuk ureuiuvio " "!,1M...m,iiir,f riiiir, Wmp A Partlow. thp chief witness for the UnLtna ? FT.rJ'nTT. customs department, declared he won the confidence of Claries noTln a.?. Marino, now in the ,,itentiary. and became a member of what he wur outdoor mea. for gamea are uociareu to oc- h mug j-mupis ii; s-.., .-. v..v w ... ereat moril training and character de bringing the priricijials to justice, lie nau no nope 01 rcwaru, ne . 1. ..ii . ,it nhrticai Rjifct. neitlior did he expect anything on turning the information , i iiwyv' " n i - - .t DamAothr rntwntAi notfr. I over io me cujiouu omevn. w tike mtucular atrensth. U1 grow with "I did thi because I have no use for rxerrtee." Sfr Abe believes that the old a man wno smuggles or mamn uuj. nk.. nt rmlind la tUl to be found I nc saia. amouE her schoolboys and Is as en- The cae is proceeding. durable aa ever, litre is the summing, un of his advice: Remember there are such things ua lueat. but luek means hard work. Many people persuade themselves, though not outers, that they work hard a man who will not work In the future will he one too many tor England. Bear tn mind It Is a areat advantage to start life with nothing, for then you have nothing to lose. You can all succeed if you will If your will Is the condl- Itton. Try V mark the page lt which you live, remembering every Individual is a teacher for zood or ertl. Attempt to I order your own destiny; opportunities are sometimes made, sometimes given no man can make sure his desired op- will come but every man Iportunlty can make sure that he will be ready for lit when It comes Have grit and courage In your troub- Iim hut avmnathv for others when in I trouble. Let your watchword be ser I vice. Each one must render Individual SPEEDBOAT WITH LIQUOR IS CAPTURED INTENSK tOU WAVE MWITOKA AMI l ONTARIO WINNIPEG. Nov. 27. An Intense cold wave struck Western Ontario and Manitoba last night White River, Ontario, reported 30 below zero. Fort WUltam 12 below. In some parts of Manitoba the thermometer registered 22 below. At Mlnnedosa It was 19. ..r.r.r CONSTANTINOPLE HAS DESTRUCTIVE FIRE CONSTANTINOPLE. Nov. 27 A fire of Brusa tn .Anatolia destroying 300 today devastated the business section shops and causing a mometary ! at million and a qurter dollars. Numer ous persons were injured. EIGHTY-FOWERE KILLED IN TORNADO ifrtiDitTa iin. n triiihtv.four twr r.u The trills of the rodents are I Thursday and Friday Tne miurea niuu Another chance, for you wm ltoi pass turncJ (u as evidence I ber 200. . . . ... i this way again. Election Petition for Yukon Filed Aeainst Captain George Black on Corruption Charges tMv'pnitfi'i! vi.,.,i,. ot n.iioin Kunnr Hhiek. niember- nf ot murder murder brought brought aialnat against him mm as as a ai n.vwv. i.... ""imUCi ..x-.,.. . result of tint dctth of John Dtrham. elect for the Yukon In the Federal Parliament, was advised in nvira . ...-!..- 1 i. ...un. fil...l .ih. Tmecl'l. sillpcinir emitn was seiurucra w mwuwwi jrom IKtWSUll Hint ciiiiuii t intu i"tiv imnriuinnunt fnr mrrvlnir a loaded re-1 ........i A dimiuirlni.. ,..vmittnt tll.wr.il A till rorrimt acts in C0n- ,.lmm.n... - " . - - - rf w . I jlCHm itllll 9U''UI,bia VtflllllllkiVU KlVftW, - - - - volver. n..rtinii with hi election. Captain Mack, who defeated Fred Congtlon.-the Liberal, by a MAYOR OF WINNIPFG majority of approximately 175, declared here that there was nothing RE-ELECTED YESTERDAY Captaln'illack stated that the court to try an election petition ish Columbia Judje proceeding to the Yukou and us all proceedings are staid during the session of parliament, the trial could not take place- before Circulation 1708 8. Sales 677 IIKlMi TOVKIST FROM OI T- f MIIE VICTORIA, Nov. 27. Proposals to spend 1100.000 for advertising Seattle, Vancouver. Tacoma. Victoria and Belling- ham. will be considered at the annual meeting of the Puget Sounders and Brit Terrace. Cloudy, calm. temp. 23. Anycx. Cloudy, calm. temp. 30. Stewart. Cloudy, calm, temp., 28. Rosswood Cloudy.' calm, temp. 23. Alyansh. Cloudy, calm. temp. 19. Harelton. Cloudy, calm. temp. 20. Telegraph Creek. Clear, calm, temp Smlthers Cloudy, calm. temp. 17. Burns Lake. Snowing, temp. 18. Whltehome. Cloudy, calm, temper- Mini are known to be dead as result .ature 7 below of the tornado which struck slxj Dawson. Clear. itiAhin inumthiru nUr a hnunt v I uui hem and southwestern states late SO below. south wind. temp. Selkirk.- Temperature 40 below. FOG STOPS RACE IN NOVEMBER HANDICAP MANCHESTER TODAY i MANCHESTER. Nov. 27. For the sec ond year the Manchester November Handicap hsd to be abandoned owing to in clement weather. Heavy fog made the race Impossible. World events are called to the attention of ;Qb)o Wesleyan University students in a novel way. An electrically lighted map has been set up In a corridor, where the students gather dally, the world aSalrs are shown upon It. The King and Queen of England are for the first time at In ,11 residence iTwwiiv. .wi tun - Ait. Mary, Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and beat forthe least. , Phone 457. Price? Five Cents ?ETITIGy .0 UNSEA T YUKON MEMBER WMIER KING AT LONDON BANQUET SPEAKS ON CHANGES Seized Liquor Did Not Reach Destination is1 Statement of Officer VICTORIA, November 27. Shipments of thousands of cases jof liquor were cleared for Mexico, Guatemala and Nicaragua which 'in his opinion never were Intended to reach their destination, ac-j cording to F. V. Davie, collector of customs of the City of Victoria. I before the customs commission Friday evening. ' ' Davie told of a shipment of 18,000 cases from Victoria aboard the Prince Albert for Guatemala in the summer of 1924 after a bond had been given that the cargo would be landed outside Canada. Later some of the shipment had been found aboard the "Eva B" which had been seized. PUBLIC1TYF0R LOOPHCLEFOR COAST CITIES! NEGOTIATIONS HVE LIKELY TO JOIN EITORTS TO I MAY HE ITIUilEU fONt'EHEME HE- t'O RE RAlLWAYMEVr STRIKE (iOEH INTO EFFECT MONTREAL. Nov. 27. An apparent leophole for further negotiations be tween the Canadian Railways and the conductors and trainmen Is left In a statement Issued today by the man- Uh Columbia Associated, to be held' committee of the rallw.ys. After th 01 nC"' tn Victor;, next month. f The stun of M3.0CO was csnalbuted .. . .r.rTotiestiont the sUtement'-concludes: "IV to a r&mmumij tuna by v cities Interested last year and the success of the campaign has led to the proposal for the big tncreass. Co-operation wUl also be offered to the South Washington HoteUnen's Aa-soclatlon tn their $25,000 advertising campaign of the same territory. Plans weie briefly outlined at a meeting of Puget Sounders and British Columbtsns Associated held ln Seattle 'did not seem therefore that any use ful purpose could be accomplished by further negotiations between commit tees which heretofore bad failed to reach an agreement especially In view of the report of the board which had been appointed by the committee." However the manager's committee further intimated that they assumed before reaching ony conclusion the Saturday. R. H. B. Ker. chairman of the ; employees representatives would desire Victoria and Wand Publicity Bureau; j to confer further with the. railway ex-Oeorge L Warrene, Publicity Commls-1 ecutlves. stoner. and Stephen Jones of Victoria,! . : '' representing thla city. Fred Crone., TfrI lrTat 01 the Jolnt ALII1WA 1 lull Although Vlctcria and Vancouver delegates were not In a position to pledge their cities for the three-fold Increase of their subscriptions they were" evi dently Impressed with the proposal. On a population basis Victoria's subscription would be 6.600, which would mean doubling the amount paid Into' the general fund and transferring S2.000 contributed to the British Columbia prairie fund to the $100,000 fund. WEATHER REPORT Prince Rupert. Cloudy, calm, tem perature 31. OF AFFECTIONS JlTMl.ME.NT RE.M:RVEI IN . COI RT CAM: AT llEVEITOKE ON CMIM FOR 1(MMMH REVELSTOKE, Nor. 27.-. Mrs Justice Murphy reserved his decision after the supreme court hearing here In suit for 1100.000 damages brought In the 3upreme Court against John Powles by Harold Forester, both Of Wlllmar. for alienation of the affections of Fores ter's wife by defendant. WHITE STAR" LINE IS SOLD At'lTRt:i UV THE ROVAI. . MAIL PACKET COMPANY. VOR W.HOtl.lHM) LONDON. Nov. 27. The Royal Mall Packet Company announced today that : arrangements had been concluded whereby they acquire the wlole of the capital share of the White. Star. line on January 1. The price to be'patd la approximately S33.00O.O00 for the 600.000 ton fleet which Includes some of the finest liners afloat. INDIAN KILLED BY YOUNG LAD DUTCH HARBOR. Nov. 37. EgnaU Popoff. an ndlan, vu shot and kilttd by a seveateen-year-old boy whom ha had adopted, federal officials reported here. Last night, on their return from Blorka vUlage tn which they were staying, the youth. Is said to have admitted killing Popoff. The authorltltt reported that they were told th shooting took U111V UUI1U5 avuV' UI VU.IIf II..U1.- Queen Alexandra's old home Sandrlng- 1 tloo oj a successful fishing mt whaling under the superintendence of Queen Advertise In the Dnlly News , i t 1 ' f