PAGE SIX NOW YOU CAN BUY 3 FOR THE o PRICE OF Z PD & Co. Tooth Paste PD & Co. Vanishing Cream PD & Co. Shaving Cream PD & Co. Almond Cream PD & Co. Tar Shampoo For a limited lime mily vc will give yon free any one of the bove items providing you purchase two of Uieni. You get 1. SO value for $1. o. Don't miss this.' Rupert Pharmacy Prpsi-ripliun Specialists We deliver. Phone 94 Crockery Specials Fancy Teapots. . 63c to $1.75 Cups and Saucers, gold rim, Ier dor $2.23 Cups and Saucers, fancy, per doz $2.73 Cruet Sets 83c to $1.25 Sandwich Sets, each . . $150 Bon-Bon Dishes 60c to $1.25 Lunch Kit.?, each $.1.25 Thermos Bottles, each . . 95c Brass Smoker Set $4.75 Brass Jardinere $1.75 Mussailem Grocery Co. Ltd. Great Variety of Ladies' Silk Stockings In all the latest colors "Demers" We aim U please Phone 27. P.O. Box 327 If your head aches, or reading or work strums your eyes, or if you are the least hit doubtful about the efficiency of your eyes then consult us! Glasses are intended to make up for Die deficiency in spur eyesight. Our large pa I run age shows that we know how to produce such glasses. Have your eyes examined! A. E. Ireland (JIUIIIATK OPTOMETKIST 27 Inn Practice 319 Tlilrd iienue. Opp. G.tV.V.,1. WOOD Dry Jack Pino, Cedar, Birch and Spruce Per load $8.50 Per half load ........ 3.50 Per sack so Firelighters, AS for $1.00 delivered. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 60 Night or Day WC BUY BOTTLES. XMAS PUDDING SEASON HERE KMiLlMI CULT TUXS HOW TO .MAKE I AMOI S OLII COl NTKV DELICACY LONDON. Nov 25. Hie open season on Eagllsh plum puddings has started. All over the island, from the hut of the lowest tenant farmer to the mansion of ' the highest peer, preparations for this traditional Christmas dish are under way Francois Latry. chef of the Savoy Restaurant, has already made 2.000 pounds of Christmas pudding- No ritual could be more Impressive to the epicure than to see Xlr Latrj mix his first plum pudding of the season. For thirty. years he has assembled. his assistants about htm on a date set sereral weeks before Christmas. Then. with a flourish that might be taken from some quaint, religious ceremony, he has poured the first brttle of brandy into the pudding mixture. A diminutive page boy always makes the first stir "VIlx your puddings several weeks in i advance and let the flavor improve." Is his advice. Here is his own recipe fcr a seven-pound English plum pudding, made public for the first time: Ingredients Twelve ounces Malaga raisins. 2 ounces currants. 13 ounces j suet. 9 ounces flour. 4 ounces chapped apple, one ounce orange peel, 8 ounces brown sugar, half pint milk. 12 ounces Smyrna raisins. 12. ounces crystallized peel. 10 ounces bread crumbs, one ounce ginger, one ounce citron peel, one teaspoonful silt, six eggs, quarter of a pint of brandy or sherry. Bow to make It All the dry Ingredient should be well mixed together. A little extra mixing weH repays the trouble. Beat the eras and add them to the mUk. then pour over the dry ta- gredlents and again mix thoroughly. . Pack into greased moulds and boll for six hours at the time of making. The puddings should be billed fcr a further six hou-s when wanted for use The best sautes are white, custard cr brandy sauce. EFFORT TO SECURE SHORTER HOURS OF LABOR IN ALBERTA through a r-rom.ue-.danion that work men's hura .r. -..e tu siic should no DIRECT ERV1C TO IRELAND CHRISTXAS sajunas From St. Jsha t-r. ; M.r)al tu BrUst. liver ii N unssa i.. ;unw. imt Urr. I- ! Jim : Belfa.t. uer- I .i. , it. N'Bi-4Sir.i i , ' brrtwurr. ro-iilluiii'lM. nimerr Thrsuoh Tourist tlttpina Cars Direct U Ship's SMs Four Winter Crulsss. 'Round th World . Dee. 2 Mtdfurrtntan Ftb. 12 Wtrt Indies Jan. 28 Ftb. 2S 1827 Summit Selling List Now Atailabl I AtpJy t At tats erciii!iere or j. . FOXSrER. Geo. Act, CP.R. Suuon. Vtsconrcr. M Tlltfhote Seymoar 2610, M aw Ctn. Psc Ey.. TraSe Agau. Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Exquisite Slock or v'ui Trimming)) at low pricen B. C.RJR Co. N8xt O.W.V.A. Third Ave TUGBOATS Day Phones 423, 533, Green 238, Black 735. Nlflht. Phonet 68,. 539, Green 238, Black 735. RUPERT MARINE PRODUCTS, LTD. GEO. U. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. George Rorie ! CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR I'hone 387 211 breond Avenue Wet, Prince Itupert TlMUEIt SALE X4S02 Sealed Tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands at Victoria, B C . not later than noon on the 23rd day of December. 1B28. for the purchase of Licence X1302. to cut 6341.500 FJ3.M. of Spruce. Hemlock and Cedar, on an area situated on Maude Island adjoining Lota 460 and 481. Skldegate Inlet. Queen Charlotte Islands. Two (2) -years will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forester. Victoria. BC or District Fores-ter. Prince Rupert. BC. PUM TIM HER SALE X8U0. Sealed Tenders marked. "Tender on 1 XB440." will be received by the Honour- able, the Minister ot Lands, at Victoria. I B C up to twelve o'clock noon on the ' 4th day of January. 1927. for the pur-chase of Pulp Licence X8440. to cut I timber situated on Oraham Island. Queen Charlotte Islands District. Thirty yeara will be allowed for the removal of the timber. All tenders must comply with Bee lion 19 of the "Forest Act." The highest 'or any tender not neces sarily accepted. : Further particulars may be bad from ,me cniet forester, victoria. B.C. Butt er ; OUR OWN BRAND We have 150 pounds to sell. Regular COc. SATURDAY ONLY j3 lbs, for $l.MWi I This is a first irrade Creamery Ilutter and equat to any other creamery butter on the market. B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 13 and 571 THE DAILY NEWS ' ' ' T I 1 t , m ,. . , , , t I "Ripe for the Pipe'? m snwawawawawaw 5 tss i R1 i i ia snwawawt. i ibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbw i"i I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i twi i i I C H I I U CUT plug M I I W tu I j I 15c per packet a j. I Save the VALUABLE poker hands I a week. This, however, was defeated awns, with a choice of selection, could aft a considerate trugmeat had arisen b sent to churches subscribing to the on the point. resolution submitted ' service.'" he said. "The wave length by the Calgary Trades and Labor Coun- j woald be printed on each film and. by etl that the Factory Act be amended tuning in on the specified Sunday, the fixing the maalrnwn workday at eight : picture could be projected to the ac-teasers for all employes in cities and ! compaaunent of radto subtitles and towns, under section 13 of the Act. be- ' oratory cf nationally-known potptt fig tog adopted. urea. r0, determined -nmltt. bfnr th motion w. ! formt r,K. . ..- . ' ' " "TJZ VI ted that a commission called to . nominal coat" gate, attending :he Albert, Federation , hoo o wjW ta the L ui uaxn roafrj.jn 'us wees: to pui Iprevtnoe la December to make a tbor-i ; ough investigation. It would depend , upon upcm how now much mucn thought utougni ana mad tnnuenc influence RADIO-MOVIE SERMONS BLATCHFORD FIELD ' ered . an , -t, . , t . ,, f.T, Ay, tbt atlM coalite thxoughout th, I NAMED llllirn rnn FOR iiivrnn MAYOR " : proTtnce as to bow far they get in the ' ' direction of a 40-hour week. He Edmonton's Chief Magistrate fihea vaougni u iney goi a t-nour week generally, workers would have accom- i pllshed a real step forward, as it was weU known some worked 10 and even 12 hours a day. Lrate of AbrrMf to At lend m-m!uii of larUjiuriit ; EDMONTON. Nr. 27 IMatcitford j Field will be the name of the aviation grounds on the New Hagmaaa estate ; ' The city council on motion of Alderman J. 11. DjAizlas deetded to uk ah n-t. POSSIBLE, SAYS DIRECTOR 'TJl'LTJ'L be named after th Clan who was in- ; HOLLYWOOD, CaU Nor 27.- Radio . Jj ,trumenUl m gftUo lt , ermons Ulurtrated by motion picture.; 8peakln ,n f.Vor ot the motion I are a posslbUlty. says Fred Niblo. tlm 1 AWerman anT?T , Blatchford had been the bt mayor In -Advafice . prinU of proposed aer-l... . riri th.t - lived here. Leave of absence m granted the mayor from December 3 to allow him to Lake up his new duties member from East Edmonton at Ottawa and Monday was the last night for him to preside at council meeting. MAVOIt (iKATKl t L I want to thank h aldermen, com- mlssioner. heads of departments, civic employees, the press and the general public for kindness, and serious co-op nation during my threw years as mayor." said K. A. Blatcbford. MJ "I do not think s mayor has eter had bet ter support and I will never forget the Interests of Edmonton." "I move that the next mayor wear the same smile as you always do." aald Alderman C O, Rsbton. amid the an. plause of the entire counclL BOBBED HAIR HAS SAVED ONE GERMAN INDUSTRY BERLIN. Nov 27 Trim your own." seema to be the motto of large numbers of German maids and matrons who have succumbed to the bobbed-hair epidemic A larje ateel goods works announce a heavy Increase tn the sale of hair cltppera. and have found that in most case women 'are the ultimate users. Thus to at leaat one. German Industry, in- contrast with those hard hit, the bobbed.hatr fad has proved a de-tided acceUerative. -DUDS" STILL A .MENACE IN FRENCH WAR AREAS LENS. France. Nov. 87. Casualties ' from hidden projectiles that have escaped the search of the crews em- Dldved to (Km of France are still common here.' eight years ago the "last cannon shot! was fired. ; Children are the most frequent auf . ' ttrtn. The severe refutations arslnit ' the picking up of metal scrap by any but the persons employed to clean the region of projectile have reduced the! numtwr or aueb accidents but they still occur at the rate of about two per week In the coal region. Advertise la th Dally I.'ewa sMBsBHHBMBis SCRAMBLED POLITICS IN ONTARIO TODAY Edmonton Bullet in i The om thing made clear by the nominal too tn Ontario la the confuted tau into which provincial pohtM have been thrown by the dodging of badly scared premier. Nominally Ul support era of the government were put In the running, s gainst U2 opponent. Bat naif the Oonservatcve members art a likely to bolt the government aa the liquor question as tn support It. The oppostnc groups arc split crosswise by the same am. Nobody oan ted If the Fergnse gov. ernment were returned whether It nuM chanfo th Uqnor taw. Nobody can test tf the opposing parties obtained a major-Ity wbetner they ceutd keep It from be-tog- changed, if the Ontario voters can discover from the ttae-up on nomination Say what kind of a government Jhty are likely to have, or what kind of liquor law they are likely to get. after the af-fair as over, they must have a highly developed faculty of political prophecy THROUGH SLEEPING CARS TOSHIP'S SIDE The Canadian National Railways have made arrangement to operate tourts' and standard sleeping car through from the Pacific Coast to the ship aide at Montreal and Halifax In connection with Old Country sailings during November and December. For full Information regarding rate reaervatlona. passports, etc. rail at City Ticket Ofttce. Canadian National isilways. 528 Third Avenue Phone 380 Advertise in The Dally Newt TIM HER SALE XbSOl Sealed Tenders will be received by the District Forester, net later than noon on the 9lb dav of December. 1928. for the purchase of Licence X8501. covering five areas In Canoe Pas, rung 2. Coast District, to cut 690X100 feet board meaa-ure of spruce, hemlock, balaam and cedar sawlogs, Two i2i yeara will be allowed for removal of timber Further particulars of the Chief Forester. Victoria, or the District Forester. Prince Rupert. DC Cunard Anchor - Donaldson Christmas Sailings From Halifax to Plfmoulh, Hair and London . " In r. i Ifaat. Lttsrpool and Olatovw - - I HUM , III r. it From 8L John, N.B., to Bslfast, Utsrpoel and Olssgew - I ' ''tis if From New York to Chsrbewrg and tauthsmpten H llrr-nrarl ... h , . IquitaiHt ,,. nmouth-Chrbo irt. Southampton . Mtiirpltfii . , i Qussnsuwn snd Llttrpaol .. !) . . Ii, . H AIJIIIIIS , , " lull infortiislMtn tr.dli irM misrd f.x a.. f, IliMinr-t W . Vauiuer. D.;. DIAMONDS! DIAMONDS! DIAMONDS! Arc out' of our leading lines. buy dirtu t In Euroinr fpr iot cash. This enables us to conii . store in Canada. In fact few stores carry as UrK, rfnirs. brooches. K?ndants, etc., In the very latent white. rreen and yellow jrold. Isnte diamoBds fifteen hundred dollars. Our store has won the . fidence antl respect of the buyintr public from r...; for fair dealintr. VISIT OUR HASE.MENT STORE Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist 'aHsHMHwawawawawaBawBa 327, i2! Third Aicnut WESTHOLME THEATRE TON GHT O vLY at 7 and 9 Adolphe Menjou, Flo rence Vidor and all SUr cast in The Grand Duchess and The Waiter A fast, frisky, trortreously dreaaed rnmed lrn... t Parisian flavor Made with panchromatic film making that,.. . tinir strikingly life-like. -OUR (.'ANtr COMEDY -YOUR OWN HACK VMM). PATIIE REVIEW Violin .Solo by V. Ralasno Adminolon - COc and 25c UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Mlllngs friM fTlm-r Krft. lor V.tX'Ol t KK, tlCTOKIA, xwanton Uj and .tint IUy tl lc.' 3 p m. lor t.tM'Ol'i KK, t lCTOKIA. Alert Hat and hwantoa IU rtc tV 9 a.m. lor WHIT Sl.MrOS. AWOX. Al.lft: AKI, ItU AUT and Nae Canneries hunday. S pin. 113 tnd .ttfime. k. l. SMITH. AgenL Prince Kapm at MONTH-END Specials Monarch fireen Slrlpc 12 ladles Dfe Hone Vulues to $10 'o ' l'cr juiir . v J3c m? at ,,r While Flnnneletle Children's Citmbinalluns 5 yards for $1.00 result.. SJ , . . Ladles Coiels Raby Crib IJIanketH Cossard Front L Pink and Hlue, each 51.00 atylc 388. Rcjr .l; Su.00, to clear J- UidleV Coals C only to clear nt each Elastic Section (Hik $15.00 Kcir. ll &O, for H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. I'hone 9. 3rd Ave, and Full-"