Kovember 27, U2fl - - - - - : Uf??!?' , VMA ilUfTO TRENTON MAN IS VERY GRATEFUL SAYS THAT "FRUIT-A-TIVES" STOPPED NERVOUS HEADACHES f I w y I MR. R. A. BOVAV. Mr R"v A. Bovajr of Trrnton, Ontario, t r, huiy of "FriutHi-livw" for r ns the cause of ntrvow headache. I h I could tell every wffcrtr la the J riat Fruit s-livta' have done for tiTiip -"For yrsn I m moth ti C r t! ' t In b id bcadMhet, nervou dya-t, ;l ii- rr trouble. Then I ram- ' i" 'Fruil-t-thres'. Thank to t .! r(u) tablet I am ote Wore WrlT Air j too, a Glkted with nertoiH be4-k t . le probably they are traceable I - bxrtv il'imaih. kidney or Bvrr. V, i u n-t i the trnlW, natural belp r r"r ' i ir" which i nude from s -- f fr. h fruit juire birndVd with I Tr,ii a-tim" it nature' own r M promoting nealth and happiness. aid frr yourwlf, to-day. ;c t: everywhere. j4j now s m Tike roa tiicwm TOOPDER TK? 'if ITER COAL f There's a time and place r ' everything, and this is : beat lime for u t buy -r oal and place it in your Prices arc rijrht and tke cry service was never c".cr Place your order to-d NANAI.MO - WELLINGTON or ALHKKTA SOOTLFXSS Albert & McCaffery Limited PhoneK 116 and 117 Dr. Alexander Smith Ulock Phon 676 DENTIST LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phona if. 'ikrtage, Warehousing, nd UlitributliiK. Team r Motor 8erl-!. !oai Hand and (travel Spaclallta tn Plait an Pumltur Bvlna, MILK nsli nru'o of ti.'.kcls is ailvnnccil Id 0 Quarts fop $1.00 11 Pints fop $1.00 ft" nun dicing November 1. Valentin Dairy Phona 057. LUMBER We nro nmnufacluring rough nml dressed lumber. Kdifo grain boat ccdnr. Ilnllbiit and salmon boxes. Ask For Prlcos Seal Cove Lumber Co. Lid. PHONE 562 WATERFRONT WHIFFS Winter quiet is here but there will be plenty of activity hunting parties meet with success Selma is sold again time Uwre will be a number of halibut tsti salmon fishermen engaged In the Inter occupation of trapping but the moat of them win be taking the opportunity, after a neaon that ha been tenerally profitable and ucceMful. to wake a real holiday of tt sfter the nine mnlh or more of prkotieaUy.couaUnt tabor. Though perhaps more than usual of the men have gone on eitenslve Mips to their respective homes In the "foor earner." there are many who will be happy to remain In the peace of Ute family circle, decorating th- At the various flan packing houses, ttoe oflleM are now cleaning up the season's work and making their final accomtlnc In anticipation of taking It aay tar a while. There will be miner Iterations and repair In the pJsuU but Utere is understood to be nothing eitenslve planned eicept at the Canadian Pish k Cold Storage Co. where Uj trig job of converting the plant from staam to electric poer is already ttarUd The work will take at least a couple of month' time and wben It la completed It will speed up oparauowa there by greatly Increasing 'Olbson the plant's eOeiency and capacity The change will cost a good deal of money ui the manaenaent think It will be north it. Beet Ooodccwpe wa In port from Thursday aftetaxMtl to Friday morning turn Lew ' Island on hi powerboat rVrtlta O geMtftg MlppUes far hi farm ',m Porcher Island. Harry Daggett, wharfinger at the demnment Wharf. I eipected bom on Monday after having spent a month's leave of absence In the south. Harry's many frteods win be glad to sf him baek in time for any poasoble turkey rtlbbaffe WMrnameata. Rupert Marine Products' power tug ill Tl. Capt Urn Oreen. was on in iwsrt Ways during the aeek for a 'finer overhaul and the PRX, Capt. Hsms Kerr, is now on dry dock hav-i in repairs made feikralAg a recent 'uvtng squfae at the Albert & Mc- Csfferv mharf by the steamer Prince tke absence of bis cheery disposition be able to resume hit work at the Prince Bupert Rowing & Yacht dub. Shef' place la being taken temporarily by an Individual who avoided the Waterfront Whiff man like lie would a tax collector or (tool pigeon and refuted to disclose his name for pabll-cation in thla '"penny rag" which he never result anyway or in other worda, turned him down cold. Orlm deter- jinlnatlon urged aaid Waterfront Whiff man to find that name in spite of it m!H h,,b1ut tiM r and the i:rst boH htrlw SlS landed l..r1 it catch am nr-j.tiuii.. ii ..v,.. ii tt. ,,t . . : Is- " lue nun WBO ,. ' i--.pv.v n uiim uii-iuuDiij in iijB iiancrir-'iiijiu bis pay check, so the only ,une suspended, the waterfront Is entering unon atj6iet period which Wiusion that could be reached was 'Will prevail until the month of February when the halibut boats that Mid individual was m widely and vunuuviicv mieiwve preparations tor the 1927 season and when :vwawy knownvthat everybody had thj aalmoTi Interims will again start to think of a coming season. rorgottfn hu nsae- Wonder where While there may be little stir apparent during the, months of Decern-jA,tx McIUe plcktd hUn np- ttnyT. ler and January, there will still be a Kood deal of quiet work pro-! Ponow1n(r th, rnmn!.,u, , th . .res, n, for the shipbuilders have already a good deal of work tn.JEX.ZSZZ ...... ... . uuuall,g nrw Don jcow Bay. the popular Hubert haa mot rrjwin ana aiieraiion. more or 1cm eaterwlve. on many of the jearttlng boaU. During the same mean wlntrr but there win be odd towlnr'"1 hl' "aanctum aanctorum" to the Jobs- to keep at least aome of the fleet, i ,ront here he wUl now be able to Including Oapt. "Handsome" Jim Mor-rison, busy during the coming two or three month. ' - Mfke McCaffery waa seen thla weekend dlMUsrtng the political situation, lie remarked that it waa too bod that Dr. Tolmle was a Conservative for the Liberal might be wishing he was a Liberal before they got done with him. IHNTIXJ Tlllr Freddie Anderson, the Vancouver lawyer who became Internationally famous about 'a year ago this time when he Chflatma tree and stirring the cake, gave the United State Volstead Act betore another season of almost con'- people the slip In San Franclwo. was a Unt aboence begin. member of a hunting party which made a trip to Old Hartley Bay. last week-end. The party brought back Mgr buck. U or seven geese and about one hundred ducks to prove Its marks-menahlp. Other members of the party were Stan Taylor. Thor Johnson and Hippy Ritchie. Five deer and a collection of bird comprised the bag brought home by a party consisting of Oapt. Chris. Hen- The schooner Terten left last Sat urday oa a hunUng trip down the see who comes by water Instead of by land. The room formerly used as the Ward office has been taken over Vj W. Tf. McCalrum, the crlbbage fiend and. Insurance shark, a Is headquarters. A "ten foot extension has been placed on tlie waterfronl end of the Suebiro boat buUding eatabllshment in Cow (Bay. Jim Bacon bas now moved hi office to the building that haa Just been completed for him by the provincial government. The Interior of the com-modroua premise i being prepared for action as icon a the fish tt&rt comltv: again. Ray Love I continuing to spread out! and ha now completed his second ad- j dltion in twelve months. If this keep ! up there soon won't be any room for ! anybody else. In any case he Is so' confident of -the speed that will be made by the various government In ! putting Into effect the Cow Bay de- i velopment scheme that be haa gone to ' the trouble and expense of making j rtcksen. Tom Smith. Herman Newell (this commodious addition on the land- and the last mentioned son which returned to port after a five-day trip to Welcome Harbor on the schooner acape that it la proposed aq to develop SEUM.t OU) Afi.UN The halibut schooner Selma that was bought hardly more than a month ago , has again been sold. Chris Olaen being the new purchaser of the vessel from coast having on board Alex Duthie, I charie. une ,ni Arthur Nlckerson Pete Thompson. Harry Mt rules and LeeiSklpper Olsen wa. formerly part owner Dett. The party I expected back thls:of tne schooner Johanna, having sold week end. his intM-ret In tht tost to his nartner. i ;Jotra Wick, a few days before the ex-. WhUe Tommy Trotler friend at the plosion took place on the Johanna Inlander mess hare been bemoaning ' recently. Law.. ftuM.tM Iiaiiu Mah TnmmP . . ' HT f Vuh.. n V. . Vu n ntranmat been sitting by his solitary self wonder- in research work here for some time on ' tng whst Uzzle did to him one day behalf of the International Fisheries I this week at Cow Bay and she did tt. Commission with his office in the fish- Tommy, of whom a fleeting glance waa erlea experimental station on the gov-; cauaht In bandages. Is now the pos- ernment wharf, leaves next week to semor of a few nice euta and bruise pay a brief visit to Ketchikan. After, and, what Is more Important, of a the Christmas holiday. Mr. Freeman ; lasting respect for a Ford ateering gear wUl join the staff of scientist which is which he found wa so 'ornery that It , conducting halibut investigations In I plunged him over the side when he the North Pacific on the schooner was trjiocently looking up the road and Skandla. thinking of the weather. Fifth Annual i i A collection of sponges that waa Shef Thompson is now out of hos gathered during the last year off the pital following Injuries sustained in west coast of the Queen Charlotte I- j John The rompsny reduction plant ' a recent accident while on duty but l land and Ooow Island, has been turn- j ' t Tuck Inlet is now closed for the will be a week or to yet before he will cd over to the biological board and TEMPTATION SALE MORNING SPECIALS-GOOD UNTIL NOON ON MONDAY Terms: Strictly Cash No Charge Accounts MEN'S UNDERWEAR Oc-Tee, Wolsey, SU Margaret's, Silk anil Wool and pure Wool Combinations for men in all ales. Special Temptation Sale Trice MEN' CAPS Wolff make, the best made in Canada, regular from $3.00 to ?4.00, Special Temptation Sale Price $ 1.1)5 HOYS' SUITS . Armor Clad Suits, regular up to $22.50; 2 pairs pants and belt, double seat, knees and elbows. The strongest boys suit made, in the very latest style. i Special Temptation Sale Price ' ' , 51 1.(15 A boy's cap free up to noon Monday with every Armor Clad Suit sold. HOYS' STOCKINGS St. Margaret's, made in England, double knees, all wool, all sizes. Special Temptation Sale Price l)5r Acme Importers Third Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. : PARE FIVE Closing Out Sale Third Avenue; $15,000 Sacrifice PRICES SPKAK LOUDEIl THAN WORDS. Hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. 212 LADIES' COATS At Bargain Prices Sizes from 7 years old to 4G. From $8.50 to $75.00 wUl be placed a an exhibit tn the museum of the local fisheries experimental station. These sponges. Which are similar in specie to but smaller than the European commercial sponge, are reported to be very common on this coast but their possibilities a a commercial product have not yet been determined. They grow ten the bottom of the ocean close to the shoreline and are frequently brought up on halibut books. A 40 by 60 coal abed, which It will be possible to fill either from railway cars or from boats mooring alongside. Is being erected by Phil pott & Evttt at the immediate west end of G.TJ. wharf No. 3. The whole wharf thereabout is being replied and redecked. work that wa essential if the wharf were to be put to further use. New float and a gangway leading to the wharf approach are being put in by the Imperial Oil Co. to replace the old floats which could be reached from the wharf by ladder only. The work la being done by the B. and B. department of the railway for the TO jiril.ll NEW BOAT John Wick ha given contract to the McLean boat 'building establishment to construct a new 48 x 12 hali- schoor.er to replace the Johanna which waa badly damaged In a recent gasoline explosion at the government wharf. The Johanna will - be con verted Into a seine boat with a new engine, the present engine in her to be placed in the new boat. The Johanna, which 1 a pretty orry looking craft Jut now. 1 moored beside the McLean (hop. BATTALION ORDERS By Lleut.-Colonel J. W. Nltfholls. Officer Commanding. 1st Battalion North British Columbia Regiment, 102nd Bn. C.F. Parade. Battalion will parade In the Armory. Monday evening, November 29. at 8 pm. Dress: drill order with side arms and rinrs. All raulcs are requested to attend this uniform parade. Meeting of the Sergeants will be held after parade Monday evening. Signal section parade for instruction Tuesday at 8 pjn. First Aid class attend for lecture Thursday at 8 pjn. Band practice in the Armory Friday at 8 p.m. Musketry: Miniature range open for practice Friday at 8 p.m. Orderly omcer'for the week ending Saturday, December 4: Lieutenant A. O. Rlx. Orderly sergeant: Sergeant W. Horrobln. 8. D. JOHNSTON, Major and Adjutant. Attd. 1st Bn. N.D.C. Rrgt. Adwtl In the DaUy Nw 3 COME IN AND SEE FOR YOURSELF Hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. 300 LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HATS Latest Styles All Pattern Hats at Half Price .MERCHANTS SALES SERVICE IN CHARGE REMAINDER OF LEASE AND STORE FIXTURES FOR SALE J. BENT LADIES' READY - TO - WEAR l ifllHHHBHHiSsMaMallaMLHHaa Phone 631 the Thing I Needed He said when they gave" him his new watch. We have some thin model watches which we. can specially recommend for Christmas. Nice design gold filled case, 17 jewelled movement, well made with all parts specially tested so that repair parts will always fit. The best timepieces we ever had for the price. We absolutely guarantee, these to give you satisfaction or exchange. ; Price $25.00 John Bulger, Ltd. - ,ft(JEN WATCH E OUR REPUTATION AND OUR PRODUCT ARE INSEPARABLE THE ONE DEPENDS ON THE OTHER AND "QUALITY" GO TOGETHER ft rins advertisement is not published -Or displayed by the Liquor Coutrol board or by the Government of British Columbia 1