M iifamJa.i' ia PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEW? Free from Dust iDUTHIE TALKS SAMOA" BulK tea is not sifted liKe Salad a. Tee Daily News PRLVCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, exrejv Sunday, fey Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited. Thfrd Avenue. ' IL F. P.ULLEN - - Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mall or carrier, per matfc By mail to all parts Oi the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year To all other countries, in advance, per year Advertising and Circulation Telephone - SS Editor and Reporters Tefcpbc&e - - - SS Member of Aodit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITIOX. Friday, Not. CROWN BRAND Purest and Best CORN SYRUP THE CANADA STARCH CO, LIMITED - MONTREAL CRM SiCO HON. S. F. TOUHE COXSERVATIE LEADER. The Conservative deadlock at the Krafeops eenrectioc n ebosen a can to lead them who is Bern better fitted for the work than any cf those previously mentioned for the position. Simon Fraer Tolmie. who was the linal choke of the con vention. Is an outstanding man as aa agriculturist and one who it; is expected will not stoop to any of the pettiness which has often " characterized the provincial politician While he haa had no -: reritnee in the provincial House and knows little of pariizaentar-! BACK TO THE LAND FOR A LEADER. Readers of history will remember bow the Rsmans found it aecessary to take a mau from between the hasdres of a plow to save NEARLY A LEADER. BUT NOT QUITE. Leoa Ladder came very near t beinjr leader of the party. He had a majority vote of the eecvectioa but was unable to secure the desired sixty per cent, scoethic; which bis opponents apparently jaikedoB when they framed the cocreatiott constitution. Hitherto a majority rote has carried. However, Mr. Ladner will be able to entinue his parliamentary work at Ottawa and if an opportunity jkoctd arise for a Ccnserva. W. J. Boweer, who dropped oat near the beginning and who! Jorre oenica cenator iayior, ts prooably oat for good. It is sot likely that he will again aUeaapt to lead the. party in this province but is much more likely to ta ike federal jfield; poihly as a successor to Mr. Tolmie. 'l' t KING APPROVES CANADIAN APPOINTMENT. The new dignity of the Canadian nation was emphasized yts-terdap when King George in Person trsrand the Hon.'rincent Massey as minister of His Majesty's Canadian Government to Washington. This is thr ffr-t appointment of the kind approTeu &y tte King and Is an indication of the change which has -ome about as a result of the Imreriai Conference. IH!4RDSBURG r ii OF NEW MILL MYn AT M!TUrK IIC HI M-lNs HK CU.Cfc.TATO AT UVDMiN R Mt-NC ( w ti a"rJe tak'ja tixj lit property nitT.iV tu pmeat rale ! '&css&i4 aa TTrt-T erenSif td t2tat Ijt errcKr a ccsre&rer oa tte Dstble Baa after tbe arc jw. jaaye tie literuc ICeva, lir Dcaut re- turned ta Saabecs ca TtsrxUT eren- j iex after a trtp of raspecuaa eg ti jtaCne and be did nc attecpt tn cca-tret tbe c:rtyigf: Jell f-r tbe tn-' 'trt of ttxi uvm. aea bat nw 'coca unamnil ptty rae and fiea up a edy a kift rraSr at !a ti rrxaas cX Orrt&spsc&t dsns tie pa i few jns. I "Ore esresatrred fca tbc abaft siV1 ri'i'j of tbe .ye projr am, tbe d-ft tap tie err aboo&a and tbe cuataaway et the ore depcarsa in lie ! varices vertaac a2 entered tsw tie ljQ0jeS2RB CC tl fl'Kl. vbo av the tarty necvasfly tl mM-rf a cper-Moo of a sajcr aca. ef vbieb lie racai pnnCt aad CrsS to be ptjivs! voafcl be tbe aaEJ to bxndle a reaerouaiy wsi4 ens m frwt esl ta tbr '- -f litiAspartatica aloo m sal cs!d sa j2g ' tt -r cX misced rocu to t2t rx'Jo et ,rm.uaaaa and 'i prya- " I UUCC alWEBfi tS ZBC TOCld JaSt? t lb. rxrtiue ractJSstd cOser aSer to have been of yreat benefit to the party for as a result they have 1 wwasy. Ct&s et THE MAN LN THE MOON Ays: ars: j a i " ' l-' 7 - M Mmrm .k. in - Canada . for several . years and that experience should stand him ' tare tn tie near future it wiH be a easiest between two farmers, Farmer John Oliver and Farmer Sfcnoa Fraser Tofcaie. II jw vast to Lrr? ycur &aaa oot '&coUxn. Alio g3rc tte socc court It Is difficult to se how the Coaserratires cld have secured a better leader than they have done. If he is elected to the Lerisla-! Soe pecpte vaat to twoa pis toy ascasa of a paMat fchirpratr isxtrad ot sm Oreiop t&to oak azd ottr tsm scatty to sap. I kaav a boa trader ci cm. Sbe tee city ircm tn attackiEg eneiaj . -So today the farmer is to the : Joca Oliver, mho Xoa 3crv' art abost ti -ore- was never asTthinr eii Vrt frr-r r. ; fore he entered politics has bees cte cf the jreat 5cpc-s of pt-"ffT? tatesmaaship. S. F. ToJrae was taicea from the fiiat when a 332QS caadidate was seeded dciia; te war and both Liberals and vcsrTaaves suFponea ram wfieteaveartdty for neither krw to wnicn party he belozztd and both risised him. He was rtrarrA thee fcy a hare majority in Victoria md has beea returoed at twoicnte. jreneral elecUocs since as a CdnserTatire, and during the Meirheni -- - tv-iuou vi maiawrt w agnciUUUT tor wniCU h was wQ fitted. sia Tte Crapped a p(2t t bocO acjosr on Lfce r ran: ire pa reject aad K ate- tern r ttroofk aad sift a tete tsa gsrrrt aas bot tary rt iidcf to Jet oat jaitcc cacvct a saa aft caa tU betier coo- Tbe ateasera are r--j So tiers, ao tere. The ateassera an Jake lay to there Tbe atexsirra are exsisx Tt bofeoe are b" I'sirr.a. So wat in pen sea Co -a-e care. U aayoe oa 'rtte vac? I Co, belt tSi la decate a jnrt sc!aertpt)oa to ta fund tor taUr can ot Uberated toota. Tie St Uo a zsaa la .ttirrrteaed by a atsnaper be trda abont aa mrarh uve pverrment to arain take the rtiss of office in the federal fieW. iJ, LTJf ZZ Mr iaaer wjU undoubtedly be a possibility for , ministerial posi-lZ. J tioa, i: he is then a member. 1 Senator Tayhw. the choice of a section of the cbnvmllon, is almost unknown in modern politics. He is the owner of the New Westminster Columbian, a strongly partisan daily newspaper, which has never made any great mark in the newspaper field, although it has been a a financial success. aeee penoa vanted ta tract " htm Tbe saa ba la 3st aa (ool usybody ctoes cot hate toaay ao. Jut aboct coe rrort bit tM aad Tsr&sey U1 be wmts? hit raetacirv I Uh I vaa a Coaserratrfe ao tbat I could sboot ore? tbe cboace ot tbe r.rv leader. ToV RRnestSoaTvoold co To Cad oat vbat I xjtk. ru Jan tue to be oce Za potitvai tun Ob bcrr I vodd cac kle aad cnr. wtat a wonderful old watii tala vottld be tt tbere were no eaesaSea. AS what a dtBtbtfol pEa&et tbl xould be to lire oa tt tbere vere no ttteads vbo tea tbe auat ctd atceies orer and over arain. t knov a lot of real brare boy arooad tbl tovn. Tbey are alvaya r-;ec to hit aoccebody. i Crtriab Oornmhla la tbe Cant po. fraKe vpoa eartb pat nov acondtsg to 'tbe Ontario inoderaUoeltia aad tbe Ivcrat prortacc ttt aid ef Radea ac-iecrdln to tbe prcfctbtttonlita. Ton can prore arjytblbz from oa. , Tbe crrat country la all tbla vide jvtde vortd to rlaat ant Tbe creatt little tovn ta thla vide vice vend it Kgtst her?, aad tbe rreateat la ; tbla great little tova ta tbta rreat Jvlde vortd Ob Jtatralny. vby aboold ;i aay.ao! TERRaCE Rural Dean and Ura. T. J. Uanb 'returned ta Ttrrace ca Wedneaday afar a four mostba boOdiy. dartnt vbtcA Urae Ur. Uarab t tit led reUtrrra and fnenda In Toronto, Liur. Uantrealt aad Vancoarer. Ur. Uarrb rpest bsaj Itenproied' tn bealtb aa tbe reenlt at F QUICKLY banished "I safieredjrears of agony through bind ttdiias: pelts," says Mrs. W. Hoghes, of HocheUga St, Montreal "Pais, loss of streagth, cosipete misery, was ny daily let until I came across Zira-Bult I know now that there rs nothia oa earth to equal this grand herbal healer. Since it lifted se from misery cy earnest wish is to make Za rn-Btik known to all sufcrers." m. Moves Pain Like Magic S titr trt C E- asters rrrarrsed eij- from a W4E- trtp to Urs. Rf. BaeAA cf Pictnc u a rHttsr t tbe boa of ter parent Ux. tad Urv Taft CETte tt tt. a ret rat Ta-mum paper eoBtatoed aa accoaEt of Tie deatb ta tbt Taa-renTer MJtttary Borpetal et Ceonre , (TcartX Edvarfta. a eB kaoa oU ttantr of tfe!a strtct. Ur Edartft; Qru cane !aaa tbe raSey dsstcx eect- IrtarUaa daya abd took cp a pre- etsp- i Ca ta tbe Kataaa tuaae Etrirt He aa oreneaa fsnti tbe war aad be had m brea ta raod braltit asoce' rTtnT: bac. for an year after jtfee rar be vxa eopasyed aa Tratdtsaa en 3 CXJL, lair? raez tbe USKary Bxprul tec trrataeat. He aM a calr of Torks&are. Esjtasd. i K. CerOan returned day trara a mm veeka bnMtfay tfen tc Searo. Ura. Jaa Rig.Tifa vSao apent several daya ts. Pnoce Hspert tnk tbe veea ead. iimaiil beet on Wed&ewiay. Terrace etpe.tesced atoraa ef tbe aeaaao et tsf. DL W. rroea a Szprrt te am aoeae aocrw. aeeaeanantrd by real Terrace t4. oabered ta eaiswat. Se far tbe tberaoorarter at tzpect a ae-tUI ts aay V. SoerSe estrrUSaed "be Ladtea OttSd en Wedataday afternooo. wben Q&a) arraaireraesta vere made far tfcesr aa of t far Satnrday. No TT Mr. and Mr. O. T. Sssda2 eater. ta&aed oa TDeeday ererlr at an enjoy-sb bridre party vbea atx UUea nr Btayed. Kiftx aoxea vert nude by Ujai Canbopc aad Dr. Tnrpet After re- Cmbsaesa vre lerted a eery pieaaaa' tear va apeat in daactnc- Darla remrned on Wedneaday abort tntinn trip to Prince A BVKber c4 tbe tovn peopie hate eafcjyed arrrral daya rood akaUat 00 tbe aloach at Braua's lalaad. vbere qoe a atretelt ot a'pfeedrt Ice m araXlabSe. 4' H. K. HUM tQ rereeraed frera mace aspert oa Wed&eaday after a abort btntoeaa trtfL F. C. Baibop i. tbia vrki trmmt bother torre mfSot ta ccetxcnon vttb bla cSectrle ttxbt plant. Wbra It n ta vorkiar ft-WTjilAjq Vtr. Babop ex pert ta ba?e sa3efeat ararr for aB par-poe teqartd. Tbe WJL of tbe AnScaa Cboreb T. 1. iUnb vttb item ZVacoa aa Aereruae rn tbe Deny JCm 1 Cough CaHsed CfKtait Cf Hhii rmirai Syruii Closing Out Read! Third Atenue. HAZETON There vma a aooad ef retelry bea -U tbe sUm turned out atta drum and comet Satardaf rreUnc ta vet-cne tbe SalranOa Amy oScera. la Ibe party vaa Ootonet aad Ura. Otdean -CBcr. aecretary ef Canada Wrat. vttb "(adqtnrtera at Winnrpeer. BUS Cap-' ara UerrKV sbo la aa expert abe; rnnceru&a aa a aa a Cne at&grr. ttoc Cbnrclx. editor ef tbe War -Cry. Adfetaat Kerr vbo la veQ knovn tni Ztla diatrlrt. A meeUnc abkb a' pen ta tbe pabUc vaa betd ta tbe' jwembty Haa. aad vaa vrU atteaded.' -"be party apent part 'of Svmaay at' elenkVovll. and on Uoaday vest eaat m tbeir toor. A Vn vaa born to Ur. and Ura. Ji at lb Jtftat oa x, j. lb O&d. CoeratalttVffit Jocanje Sayert. knovn aa tbe rare-W taxi emer. left recently tat 8 lev. art vbere be via apead tbe vtater. He raet oa Tbaraday at tbe nome ef Ura Matends retumlec ta tbe tprt&f to rr- Toave ma tnatceaa. A party ef tadana left for tbe aowtb accenpanted by Co&aiabte Wyman. rbere tbey vSI take a coarae ta farm-tikg or docMatle aeteace vork at OkaOa. i Uaavi Cox ha returned to 'Prince fcnpert tearts tcut a lev daya na:uc ber borae. and bar aSetrr vbo ta nov reported on tbe var to raaoreie Mr. D. V. 5hn, Dwsglajtovm. itftrr rer Tery aeon Blaeaa in tbe trn:-"Tv yeara are I Lai 'boepttal a trrnbSa eaU viien arttied k ' feraaeknl aa4 rasW eetxaat goc e tbe adtneatea and torera -it I seer vnka bate been aeea iraunA Of. WMv'f vd P ta an appearance iswv. uxnioi were votatd be renirm iCeak and eatocs on auar 'roesn Bat. Corp. RaQ of Ttaa la in cbart and t-Mtfit I vanM gt-f h a trfaL I PT -rsrta I After taktar Uree UctWe I vaa net- (" CnewtabJe Wyssan. rwwy m f ttj eoart. a4 taft i nw lad a eeU afire.- T WtatTro 'Dr. WooH'a" laa Im en tie nxr- ket fw tlhe . a . a -ttd ysai tAfora father yea bttended to cjrrr ser aited tbe ml vt. tJy r air ? rtn trm nfm 0?T tn- fraaa nu kerica lenackial ar bag anevered tbe yovnx ntan vttb trtclie. Jarw ereaaaea. -A3 ba .rzrz?zzi j&j&l& vr2 .1 tij im a, aim oi iwua tea SS tJi ttrntte, OU 'biaa y tmM.--Waabtartco tux Sa.le Act! Ladies: Your opportunity is here. Dont delay, but come and let your own eyes see the visible proof of this crisis Sale Now On COATS, RAINCOATS, DRESSES, HATS, PETERS' SILK LINGERIE, HOSE, etc, all must be sold LADIES VELOI'R COATS Fer trimmed. Regular S33.00. for S'2SA) 5 only at this price. INDIES AFTERNOON DRESSES Just arrived. Sites 36 to 44. Value to $35.00. for sai.OO INDIES COATS Sffrk and Wool Needle point. Regular Slt.9 fer C7.".iH LADIES COATS EngUsh Breaddoth. ReguFar for 4 SI.I.IH) HE.WV SILK silk. Importev value u li PETERS" ONLY ORIGIN Al HVRL003! LINGERIE S tn one. for MeHn Soirtt Nightgnwss PylaaM Snft INDIES CHARMA1NE ClTH Rrgsjtar for J. BENT INDIES READY TO WEAR $i:4 IIJ3 H.V Dr.rsrs WOOI, UN ED SPORT ITJT Regular $37 JO. 2 only, for r MERCHANTS SAIJS j4:RVI("E IN CHARGE rhnC Boys! This Snappy Weather YOU WANT ALL WOOL SWEATERS Mackinaw Coats, Suits, Steve King Third Atenue. TRUNIPTOJIIC C2p BEST PROCURABLE Caps phone tiffrt BawiaHaTaHaVBnHnHaaaHaiaBaaev . ,. . i Tie Ori(iaat UWI-ImI far (t at Ike VeaJer CRArfTS -BEST rROCURA&LE This adrerhement not pulliheI or d'uplM.f Lq ior Go u I ml Hoard or by Ihe Cove1 of Hrtliih Columbia, 3