November 20, 1020 Victor Records fjiTrot Vocal Barcelona International Novelty Orcbeitra Cherie Warlnft's Pennsylvanians Gladys Illce (Soprano) Baby Face Fox Trot Jan Garhcr and Ills Orchestra Hundreds of Red Seal Records (acoustic recording) by famous artists, now available at more than one third off the regular price. At "His Master's Voice" Dealers Vkt or Talking MuMn Co. Fine Imported Sorgo .ergo and and S S ..Mi nj"A flfl o lo io oi order in our tl fi Rupert lupert us low as tjtvo wecu anus niaiio s"up in .Princo 31113 20071 20271 20105 Vocal Jack Smith (The Whispering Baritone) 20229 Mary Lou Foi Trot n. F. Goodrich Sllvrrtown Cord Orchestra 20204 Where'd You Get Those Eyes ? feu Trot George Olten ami Hit Music 20112 of Canada, Limited YARD LEY'S Toiletries been renowned fr m iv than Uo ve..r.. Since 17T0 they rvc been unnurM-.-d fr their charm and quality. Wc have a variety f Vardley's lavender Sts on di- hi. It would make ideal Christmas Gift for either men or ::Cir iWurmv Toilet Water. Face Powder and Soap $0.00 laf.h Salt. Fate i'owder and Soap ivume. Talcum, Soap, Face Powder and Schet .t:i.."o, Si $10.00 f - h and Soap ,-"i0- urn Shaving Soap and Shaving Lotion s2.0i), S.."( &. !$:t.00 mg nowljtVwiih ti, Via l'ow f'd fcnglish Lavender Water 7.-r, $1.00, $1.7.", 2..i0, Sa.r0 '-vender Hath Cry0l $--50' SI ' Lavender Blooms, fof ''f"' 1 sutler Face 'Powder and Compacts . $1.00 & .!. 1 nder Sachet in Silk Knveloe W V have nome wonderful French Doll Powder Puff and Powder Boxes from M)0 u Ormes Ltd. The Pinnecr Druggists 3rd Aenue nnd Glh Street The Kexall Store Phones 82 and 200 Subscription taken for an Magazine at lowest rate. Adjustable Wrenches CRESCENT WRENCHES ineh, each $1.00 12 inch, each $2.75 f' nch( each $1.25 15 inch, each i J L00 '"eh, each $1.50 Douh o end. 6 -8 .... 1( Inch, each $1.73 Double end. 8-10 .... 18 inch, each r,- Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert U.C, 1 - Residence, 244 Fifth Avenue West P. O. Box 247 ANGER, Th Tailor "3SI.U, ,,.. 'AN0En'Cu"erMc.RUP.r,B.CL ROADPROGRAM OF COWICH AN A.MIIITKtlX DISTRICT PLANS LA ltd II t;-;VIIIl UKS OX VANCOUVER " ""' " if , DUNCAN, Nov. 28. At a meeting of the-North. Cmleha. Council, thie coun cil considered and approved a program of road construction and. estimates of costs tn connection threwlth, covering a period ot twelve year., to be financed by the Issue of .hort-tline debentures, bearing Interest at the rate of five per cent and maturing in aeven years. The program contemplates a total pendlture during this period of 245,- 384. or an average of $20,450 per an num. This compares with an average yearly expenditure during the past five years of 121.288 per annum. The council's plan provides for the tarvlatlng of fourteen miles of Island Highway, for which seventy-five per cent of the cost will b provided by the Provincial Oovemment. Nearly seven mile more will be Included under the heading of "Secondary Highways," towards which the Government will contribute on a fifty-fifty basis. The Quamlchan Lake Road and Evans Road come under this classification. In addition. It - Is planned to pave the Bell.McKlnnln, Olbbins, and Lake road. Duncan Street, the streets of Chemalnu townslte, and a portion of Bonkall Road. The cost of pavln; these roads wUl be paid for entirely by the municipality. Fourteen miles of roadway are included under this heading. TOPLEY PROPERTY LIKELY TO BE SOLD . S'WMNH) With $10,(MMI l)ou The Interior News -of Smithers sayi that The Standard SUver-Lead Company of Spots ne eipects to purchase the mining property reiently discovered by Frank Taylor of Topley on a thirty month bond for 1200.000 with 110.000 ea.h down. B. N .Sharp, field engineer for thl company, and W. 11. North, general manager, have vUlted the Mr. -Taylor denim that tha property j ha been taken by the Consolidated i Company ot Trail, a reported by the Omlneea Herald. WllttLESS KtrOItT it a.m. DEAD TREE POINT. Barometrr. temperature. 36. DIOBT ISLAND. Clear, calm; barometer 291; temperature, 32; ! smooth: 6:40 pm. spoke steamer CataU at Bella Bella northbound. I I ' DEAD TREE POINT. Barometer. 29.-34: temperature, 38. , DID BY ISLAND. Clear, calm; barometer. J3.49: temperature. 39; sea ' smooth: 11 ain. spoke ateamer Prince Rupert abeam Klew Nuggett outh- bound. ' MITICC Take notice that I. Lee Tow. have M.M.ttai4 (ha tStl.Inat ItnAttrn n tha B C Cafe ot Harelton, B.C. All claims I against said business must be prtscnted ; to me on or before December 1. 1926. I will not be responsible for any claims In connection with the above business presented to me after said date. THROUGH SLEEPING CARS TO SHIP'S SIDE . The Canadian National Railways have made arrangements to operate tourls and standard sleeping cars througn Irom the Pacific Coast to the ship.-tide at Montreal and Halifax In connection with Old Country sailings during November and December. For full Information regarding rate reservations, passports, etc.. call at City Ticket Office. Canadian NatlonM Hallway. 528 Third Avenue. Phone 200 Lutheran Women's Aid Sale of Work. December I. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Local and Personal Arthur's Taxi. Phone 678. BC. Undertakers: PbuiSe 41. Coal "thf, Ooasi.AVDI tonight. nnluht ' . Basketball Phone V.,.. 15. P.R, 233 Exhibition Hall, -3 jjames. .Admission 2Jc and' tOc. Children's party In I.PDE. Hall tomorrow from 7 to 12,- Admission 25c. J. Bruce Johnstone, ot LakeUte. like sailed this morhlng on the Prince Rupert for Victoria. '' St.- Andrew's Society: Church Service at rint Presbyterian Church. Sunday, November 28 at 750 . p m. Hubert Ward sailed fbls morning on the steamer Prince Rupert for Vancouver on a brief business trip. Wm. McRae baa opened a sboemak- !ng and repairing shop at 230 Eighth i &venue West. Phone, Oreen 717. 278 The Universal Trading Company are showing Boys serge and tweed suits. size 20 to 31. with extra pants, for 455. T Adam Maekle,. it lsherles Inspector. saUed this morning, on the Prince Ru pert for Vancouver, hi trip being on official business. O. B. McKague, auditor ot the C.NJI. operating department, returned to Van couver on the Prince Rupert thl morn ing after one ot his periodical visit here. H. W. Liberty and J. E. Smith, wtw have been in the city for some time t!!:r.i itvk In a Vancouver Ravines I and loan concern, returned south the Prince Rupert this morning. Herbert M. RoUtton. editor ot Tb Portland News. 8tewart. B.C.. arrived I- I Victoria this morning on a visit to 4 his parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. M. Ro:-. ston, Menales SUeet Victoria Times. Jack Keefe sailed this morning onj the Prince Rupert for Vancouver en i route to Los Angeles where be will en- Uv a h.tlM.v vl.H 11m MTVrtl In rf- turn to tne city in aooui two mouuu time. N. Trlller of the news agents' de partment of the Canadian National Railway at Vancouver returned south , I this morning after having made the round trip north on the steamer Prince, Rupert. . Rupert Marine PKKli&U; power tug P.R.T. No. 1 is going on the pontoon. ill ion the dry dock for repairs. The veaaei jwas squeecnl some time ago at tboj (Albert & McCatTery wharf by the! ' steamer Prince .John. Mrs. Paul O. Ludwlg. B47 Secoad Aveuue, left this morning to. visit her daughter In California. Mrs. Ludwlg haa been alck in bed recently and she requested the DaUy News to express her thanks to the doctor who attended her In her illness and many local friends who manifested their kindness. Oovemment Agent Norman A. Watt sailed this morning on the steamer Prince Rupert for the south having in his charge the remains ot the late E. II. T. Hyde, formre customs offlcer at Any-ex. who died In the smelter town some two years ago and whose remains have been exhumed and wM now be Interred In Victoria. Corp. T. C. Brlce. who has been with the local detachment ot the Royal Canadian Mounted Police tor many years, sailed this morning on the Prince Rupert this morning for Vancouver where he has been transferred for orders with the possibility that he may return here. Stall Sergeant Walshaw has arrived from Vancouver to take Corp. Brlce's .place on the local forcr . Beside Joe Sankey. the Indian murderer, who will hang at Okalla on Feb- , ,4, 4 4 ruary 16, two other prisoners wer a ivvntlvri'MPVTC . j uken south on the steamer Prince Ru-I .jlH'rt thu onilng. They were Augus- j Ills Diopm, uuius tnc uiruwti patient, and Matilda Danes. Hazelton Indian, who will serve five months at I Okalla for vagrancy. Inspector Splllcri t,i,, rs n,.M Tw.m., i ii ft " l ntk.nn mm r-amm mwm Adair Cnrsa I.O.D E. Bridge. Dec. 3. Native Sous of Canada first Aunual Ball, Moose Hall, December 10. Kstahllshed 1923. PLATES AND BHIIKJKS I ;tUU WUIi'VHUm uiuwu ... v. in... mv In charge ot the men prisoners while Mrs. R. woman. P. Ponder is escorting the Possensej sailing ln b? f , n.r the ttramcC Prlr.ce) fynipecttiils morplng for the south included Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Calvert aud family. N. A. Wat. J. Bruce, Johnstone, Constable Thomas Camm, Cortstuble Robert Olbson, Mrs. R. P. Ponder, Inspector William Splller. Miss I. J. Coulter. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Oale. P. Allen. A. M. Johnson, K.C.. A. Noble . and. E. ,E. Hill for Victoria; Hubert Ward. E. WOOdWOrth. J. J. wo goia neoa anow m.Kre,e? MrTluitlce D. A, MeDonaldV T. moaera onageworx. ,e a Drlce Ml'MeUod. CI,. 8. McKaguet T. jpec'allte In this branch L N,Kll0 V.JJulra, VwiicJrflijuW. of dentistry. DrFP Kenny DENTIST i Exchange Block. Uberti', M. 8. Bryaif. Mr. and Mr. E. II. StmiMon. A. C. Abbott, J. E. Smith, Cl Mrs. A. Colbert, Adam Mackle, Miss M. ', J. A, Johnston, O. Steward,! Eckstrom, Th The Canadian girls tn I' -a r a r rvr ahs Men's We are throwing on sale 150 Men's and Young Men's Suits to make room for goods arriving for our Xmas trade. Sale is now on and will continue until these 150 suits all go. All suits on sale are our regular stock and these sale prices mean a big saving to you. Fashion Craft Men's Suits sell at one price from coast to coast and regular price label is stilched on every suit by the manufacturer. In Tweeds and Worsteds. Itegular $29.50, for Begular $31.50, for $19.45 $23.45 Leishman's Men's Suits Canada's finest Custom Tailored Clothes., Fifty only, in Blue Serges, Tweeds and Worsteds. Regular $15.00 to $60.00, for Sixth Street. f $34.45 sV safest ' 11 Suits ; BRYANT & GREER, LTD. "The Clothes Shop for Men, rrnr?TirTr7iMjEN f WATCHES)? Prince Kupert. Let us help you with your Christmas gifts You can have ierfect confidence in the quality of our goods. We will exchange or refund the money for any unsatisfactory article. COMMUNITY AND 1817 KOGEKS SILVER Our prices, r:ght here at home, are the same as Laton's or other mail order houses. Teaspoons, any pattern, doz. $4.25 Dessert Spoon?, per. set . . y . . . . . $S.00 Other pieces in proportion. We have aUo Tudor Plate and Wm. Rogers at about half these prices. An endless variety of Silver Presents These two handsome pieces $6.o0 John Bulger, Ltd. Training; of James Kohmer. S. Shlmada, A. F. Cur-1 presbyterlan Church will hold a tla. J. O. Lloyd and Mr. and Mrs, Nell M,e Q home C00klns with ft musical McMillan and family for Vancouver; rrm SfttultUy from 3 to 6. Jack IJUdltch; Ellas Wlgsend. M. A. ; . KralU, C. Paulson, H. a. Johnson. Olot1 Mr. John Locke arrived yesterday to Emblem, Mrs. Paul & Ludwlg ftnd.iom her husband who went m tar as 1 . . . sm. ... w. o-an Mrs. T. L. Stafford for SeatUe; C. Kat- smithers to mret ner. inrjr Phone lO'J auyama for Ocean Falls, ft nat In the Eceacr apartments. J Jewellers WHY NOT A CLOCK? This beautiful mahogany two-tone chime clock for $25.00 Single tone strike in similar shapes, for $1C00 .Westminster chime l,4-hour on four bells for $60.00 I 1 UNION STEAMSHIPS, LIMITED Sailing from Prince lliiert. lor VANCOL'VEU, VICTORIA. Swanson. lujr and Alert lUy, tr,1Turdar, 3 p.m. For V.WCUUYEK, VICTOKIA. Alert Bay and Swanion liar, etc Saturday, a.m. lor POUT Sl.Ml'SON. ANVOX. ALICE ARM, 8TKWAKT anil .N'aas Ulttr I'aiinerlPM, Sunday, 8 p.m. 7 1S3 2ml Avenue. IL 31. SMITH. Agent. Prince ltiirl.. M.C. P