I ff ' 1 THROAT? r)EAl. promptly with the u first sikii of liomeiiess, soreness or inflammation jt might he the forerunner of lirynRitis.influeiuaorserious bronchial trouble. The quickest, safest and most soothing remedy is Peps. As a Peps tablet dis solves in tlit- mouth it gives off medicinal fumes that are brtathed into the innermost recesses of throat and chest. In thr.r sorrily direct way IVps l' urouthly disinfect the ihrojt and tr. tubes, destroy mitchlrvnutfcrrmt, re!:rve any soreness, inflainmition or imtition. Tile Peps whenever ou tutpttl v:u need ehem A Pep In ihe ciL-jlh filter the air you breathe, isJ (jrtifiea against sudden coMs and it. !i snl the Infect a danger en centered in trains, meet ran and era Jed attrmhli-a, Prr are equally good for obstinate louih anJ raids, bcwichilit. bfon t:l atthma, and other thctt elite ki of old and o, .. J Tt F'-'M bMi . ... t ' r . WrY IS THE "nKER)!? ALlOOOOMW BORDER THEIR WNTEK GOAL f AGAIN.' J There a time and place everything, and thin is ' t-t time for you to buy -r oal and place It in your ' Price arc riuht and the de ) ery service wan never bcMer Place your order tods NAXA1MO - WELLINGTON or AI.IJERTA SOOTl.ESS Albert & McCaffery Limited Phonen 116 and 117 Dr. Alexander Smith Blook Phona 57B DENTIST LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phono tl. (:rUu, Warehousing, and Nltrlbiiliiig Team or Motor Bervlue. o Bond and Gravel w Spoclallta In Piano and Fur-tliuro Govlna MILK i price of tickets is ndvnnccil lo J Quarts for $1.00 11 Pints for $1.00 k'MuniiMiiMng NovtMiiliei" I. Valentin Dairy Phono 057. The Parade of Fashion poem ix hkesm:k English drcuunskers In search of catch-names for their new creation, liMe seized upon the poem of Alfred it Musset and Jean Cocteau for name. 'Odlle Rete au bord de LUe." la an exptilsite tea gown, while "Apres lc luerwer oestcs," m not unnaturally ratner lunerrai looking gown. Ill TTONS A I.IXOItUIONS Button and button hole along the aide aeam, reaehlng right Iron hem to thouldrr. 1 one English dressmaker! way of decorating a almple velvet win. ter Irock. The button are the alze of a silver American dollar. On one long- slretrd. black velvet frock, antique sil ver button were used while on a nary blue crepe-de-ehlne the necessary touch of color was obwtned by big nt red bullous imuiiir iii.t i:k i ok paint Bright blur, auch m ultramarine and royal, arc favorite colon for bouse painting in London thU fall. The color are particularly prominent in the fashionable Knlghtabrtdge and South Kensington area. There I an old au-penoitlon that by painting your hou blue you keep the vltche away from It and attract good luck. miiiv ivTi:ii wwtniioin: The Duchess of York ha completed selection of her winter wardrobe. All ttte Dew colon (Ublia. prune, grotto, green are Included. She hsdher favor-It turban atnaped hat cepted for her In velvet with a litUe brush at the aide Till: "U" M'.CK The "W" aeek U the latest ttample of alphabetical atyle In English evening frock. It la an amusing variation of the V -shape and U-sbape neeka and la )rlnf used on a large number of thU easont dinner dresses, particularly .how made from black velvet. ii:im ami black i:i.i:t Every Eton-cropped debuunte and sub-deb la laataUng upon having at Iraat one Mack velvet frock for evening wear in her wardrabe. The new Mart relret dinner drena relies for e3eet upon cut and line and rarely shows any untuning In this respect the W-shape beck is a great help, creating unusual en ret about the corsage and removing ir.r suggestion of hardness. Tt Itl'l l AMI llAKK ItniH The Queen of Rumania' favoritism tot purple and dirk aubergine red hat had a profound effect on Parlslon de-liner and these shade are becoming more pnrotnent in the new winter !hlon Short velvet jacketa, particularly in deep purple, have made their appear-snee for the Rlflera aeason. The deep ted shade have found particular favor ii. wrap One eostumer ha designed a sleeveless Dalmatian coat of quilted crepe de rhine. dark red. to match the heavy aooien wrap which la worn over It on a cold dar The Inner coat la lined J with squirrel and I datped about the I waist by a narrow belt. -Mi:i.niv IN iiu!: The melody of song w transformed into the melody of color by a silk stocking firm. To display appropriate even-in tints for mlladT'a hose, "La Ves- !tale," ahlch opened the New York opera season, aerved a their InsplraUon. On a huge card were displayed the first few bar of the opera and Instead of the black hole dlnt? tint were ! substituted. The range of selection varied from pale pink shade to the .heavier tonea of orchid and raspberry mi i'oiiT M.TUi:s ion r.vr.MMi The Duchess of York has put her rovsi foot down on the Increasing cus tom of wearing sport clothing In Uie evening The Duchesa believe in smarter dress for the smarter et. and hss set the fashion. The Duchess, wife of King Oeorge1 Mcond on. after sporting events ha appeared in a complete change. Sport clothes therefore re an ngm up um tea lime In London society circle, bu: are tabooed for evening wear, except In the country, during hunta or other most intcrmal affairs. Mills AMI W.Tr.HllOTTl.KH .. . mil ff' vti the unusual I - rm H " (request of two women at a London : hotel nunei as mrj Ished waiter their mulls. The waiter removed two tmall hot-water bottlca I Try It ton iM Ufore you to to bed. Not Inrtsnt rrlltl from the it U ilws you lhat km H pves r))f Mitnini ikm -.Im., unbclirvsW A fluid, urimiiui in fcui".. p... ileaolna wi'" - -it .tin difSMa. ,"; Vs.. Tr O. U, O, . . W. J. McCutcheon Drug Storo and Ormot Limited, Do Your Christmas Shopping Early - - and in Comfort Fifth Annual TEMPTATION SALE Our Entire $45,000 Stock of high grade men's and bays' clothing and furnishings to be sold at cost and less than cost Mr. L. Garsin, from Edmonton, Alberta, has full charge of this sale HERE IS WHERE YOUR DOLLAR DOES THE WORK OF TWO We can quote here only a few prices prevailing at our sale. Watch this space for other bargain prices daily Terms Strictly Cash Mail Orders Given Strict Attention No Charge Accounts Itegular $5.00 Stanflelds Red Isabel UNDERWEAR Temptation Sale 1'rlce ja.H.- Two-piece or combination Regular $3.00 and $4.00 Tooke, Inng and Arrow SHIRTS Temptation Sale Price Sl.."i In f incut Broadcloth, Russian and Itedford Cords. Regular $1.00 and $5.00 Sport SWEATERS Temptation Sale Price Monarch and Universal, 100 per cent pure wool. Regular up to $1.25, St. Margaret's All Wool HOYS' AND (!IRI.S' STOCKINGS. Temptation Sale Price Per pair tl.-r St. Margaret's Pure Wool ME.VS SOCKS Temptation Sale Price 4.-0 Made in England Regular up to $12.00, Hoys' TWO PANTS SUITS Temptation Sale Trice $u.-ir t Fifty only. Regular 9oc Boys' Golf HOSE Temptation Sale Price Per pair "" f Men's Overcoats Regular $28.50, Pure Wool, Belted Style, Blanket Back, Storm Collar. The latest mode. Temptation Sale Price $17.45 Regular $12.00 finest Winter Overcoats in all shades Plush Lined, latest style in Sports Model. Temptation Sale Price $24.95 Men's Suits 98 only, Men's Suits in TweedSc Regular from $18.50 to $22.50. Temptation Sale Price $11.45 50 Men's Blue Serges Tweeds and Worsted Suits Regular up to $37.50. Temptation Sale Price $16.95 54 only. Men's High Grade guaranteed English Botany Blue, Gray, and Brown , Serge Suits Regular $40.00. Temptation Sale Price Regular 33c Per Pair Cashmerette MEN'S SOCKS Temptation Sale Price C pairs for 5c X November 20, 1920 Friday THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE I songs. Third Avenue which he recharged with boiling water. They were returned on a silver salver and the guesta departed satisfied. Muffa are slowly nuking their way Into vogue galn and ruost store show, lng them exhibit alongside small hot wnter botUrs. Tl) KNCOt'UAtiE I'OKTItV LONDON, Nov. 26. Lady Maud War-render. President General of the Poetry Society, on her winter visit to tin United States, Intends' taking active measures to extend the Poetry Society In America. She hopes for the adoption there of Shakespeare recitals in connection with which Lady Maud will give a concert of Shape-peare" Women of Old and New World Doing Interesting Things women itn.E this town Women who have most to do with making the famous Umburg cheeses exported annually from the little pom mune, Herck la VUle. have taken over by a coup d'etat, the entire idralnla-tratlon of municipal affairs A nutyoresa sits In the Mayor's chair. The women, after long planning, -sub. mltted a full list of candidates at th last election. Bo did the men. nut the lords of creation sent In, their list too late and the feminists won on a tech nlcallty. I'ltlNTESS AS VDOfESTEn Princess Mary, warmly wrapped In heavy coat trimmed wlt) ponysMn, wai an lnUtiittd spectator s,t the, autumn racing gallops. Whenybe uv SoUrlo, she remarked that It seemed ! Impossible auch a .beautiful creature could be beaten. Her words were nm prophetic. - however, for Solarlo was nosed out in the big race. I'OH MUS. ItAIJIWIN Mrs. Stanley Baldwin believes It pays to advertise, and when she has anything to do with electric signs she wants them big. The Y.W.C.A. Central London Clubhouse Is near Oxford Street, but in i order that It might be seen palnly at j night from" that great thoroughfare Mrs. I Baldwin suggested an Illuminated sign. Mrs. Baldwin objected because they were not big and bright enough. So the manufacturers designed one to meet Mrs. Baldwin's requirement. Mrs, Bald win Is much Interested In all actlrltle-1 of the association, WANT OWN ATHLETIC IIOIIV Women athletesv have started a campaign for equal rights, They want a woman's athletic association, subsidized by the government and run entirely by women. Men have such an organization, they say, but It also supervises anuUur sports of women, A separate body. cq. operating with the men whenever necessary, it is believed, would more effectively promote athletics among women, lUTIIKSft ACTIK The Duchess of dulse, wife of the new pretender to the French throne, has spent some weeks In Paris, visiting the leading, royalist families and giving receptions for royalist supporters, Thi French Republic has looked, on with equanimity and has not Interfered. The Duchess, one' of the sisters of the late Duke of Orleans, la permitted full cops In promoting royalist propaganda. $24.95 ACME IMPORTERS Women . of the Royalist pretenders are not barred, from France. MEIIAL FOR FAMILY Madame Catherine Plerron of Vteu, In the famous chicken region, mother of sixteen robust children, has been awarded the cross of the Legion ofj Honor. She received the coveted ml ribbon, not merely because she has had sixteen children, but rather that she has reared them correctly and at the same time run a large farm. And there are others, for the tradition of large families haa not altogether died out In the French country district. There Is Madame Jeanne Poll- rlmotlt, of TUlay-le-Peneux In Normandy. She. too. has raised sixteen' children and led a comfortable existence . In doing It. She has Just bought a I bicycle, so as to keep In touch with : those of her children who have married I and live away from the village. SLOW M'EIXII "Learn to speak slowly other graces will follow In their proper place." was the advice given by Miss Ada Moore, expert In voice production, to the Women's xrovistonal club In London. Miss Moore, who fs a. sister of Eva Moore, the actress, and Lady Ouggls-berg. later told the women who are anxious to improve their public speaking that the three P'a -pitch, point and pause must be studied carefully after a public spoaker has learned to put on the brakes and hot rush pell-mell through his remarks. (1IRI. SAVES SEVEN LIVES Erna Nlssen, a young girl from Troll-holm In the' province of Holsteln, sin gle handed aaved four women and three men from drowning and waa awarded the Prussian hero medal The Famous Armor-CIad SUITS FOR BOYS 2 pairs pants, double knee, seat and elbow. The strongest boys' suit made. Ask the mother whose boy has one. Temptation Sale Price $ 11.15 Regular up to $22.50. Regular 15c each. Men's Hemstitched WHITE HANDKERCHIEFS. Temptation Sale Price Per dozen Regular 75c 31 EN'S SUSPENDERS Temptation Sale Price Per pair .to? Regular $1.25 Men's High Grade SILK AND WOOL HOSE Temptation Sale Price Wr In all shades. Third Avenue SEND IT TO THE LAUNDRY -:- -:- ALL CLASSES OF LAUNDRY WORK Including three distinct services for Family Work, viz.: SOFT FINISH, THRIF-T-SERVICE and WET WASH at most reasonable prices. DRY CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING Pioneer Laundry and Dry Cleaners Phone 118 and we will do the rest. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services VtM Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketchikan. Wranrrli, Juneau and KkagwayNov. 15. ?9; tier. 13, M. To Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle Nov, S, 19. Dee. 3, 17. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Itutedale. Bast Helta llrlla. Ocean Falls. Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver eterv Saturday, II a.m. Agency, for all SleumMilp Line. Full Information from-- W. C ORCHARD. General Atnt. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prime Rupert, B.C. 5 .... m ft. 1 Mr .mm 9 m- ' Mt"J ' ... - .... . . . , -