-Li .BBS- " 1 PAaB;TVVC THI!1 DAILY NSWB Sterling Value "SAIADA" v." TEA The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA , ,,, in .kiiiu iui II. Half Truth Policy TOO Weguarnnteethequulityofeverypound. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited. Third Avenue, fl. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES i City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month . . . Sl.nri By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year fO.Pli To all other countries, in advance, per year . $7.60 . i Transient Display Advertising $1.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page ,$2.80 per fnrh Local Readers, per insertion . .2fe wr line Classified Advertising, per insertion . .2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion . , ..... .... . 15c' per sgnte line ' umiract nates on Application. All advertising should be in The Daily News Office before 4 p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Mamber of Audit Bureau of Circulation. DAILY KDITIOH Tuesday, August 24, 1926. Doe Mackenzie King X Ever Make a Speech? The few readers of the Conservative organ in fliis citv are beginning' to wonder if ex-premier Mackenzie Jving ever niuke a speech, beeniie these are never reported in that paper. AiC parenlly the usual Conservative tartoc of giving one side only u " f sectors is i.emg adopted. Common people should not .r .uiiuweu ro Know kid mucli. ir they rend .Mackenzie King's speeches, they might not vote the right way. The Daily New;, believes-in giving both ides to the pcpl and Melting Niem judge. Any policy of trying to keep people ... iii um t Mire io lose out in this en ightened age. The a Tieon Ih ilmnlv r-;il ....I .....l r.. :i . ... In This Campaign. ' fc; I J Z Z$ Z Whmi it,,.;.. i..:i...Ti,i.. . : .- . t".: r If t i ... ri(,wi:ii njurn-i-ii me ejectors at the West-. muniH i neatre recently, he t.ecnis to have so impressed with the hair truth idea his loyal henchman, the new political .loe who Avuld lead the Prince Rupert ejectors into a Grange land,: that lie undertook lo play a little game of his own in tlic more remote Jortion' of Hie constituency, lfuppily ho was effectively v...iMvnu u,, unu iib ion many voies in inut district through what' Seemed like an attempt to deceive the electors over the filr trap biisiue,.. The matter was. fully explained vesterdav by; the publication in this paper of, the. telegrams The fishermen already knew nil about it, but they had not lieen given it in the htilftrnth manner or the new campaigner,, but in toto by Mr Stork himself. i Btception of Premier Meighen at Edmonton. ;The Edmonton Bulletin, speaking ediorialv, snvs: r.Frigtdity was the outstanding characlcfistic'of the Meighen mwting in the Arena on Thursday evening. Edmonton audience js never effusive. But it can clap whey a telhug argument invite open approval, and it seldom H'jv-M ? meeting to close without cheer for the Meakers and tpeAchairmau. ' , ;JiiIt can also withhold applnyse when a speukcr substitutes arneiies- lor siruigni-uheaci discussion. And there are limes whti m Plenty of Punch and Pep SHREDDED WHEAT jfctht hotdays-a real energy food-Meshing and safisfying-Bf iWy-cwk (1 TAY ON AUTOS LIMERICKS NOW ALL ! WAS REDUCED Man Who Was on the Spot Tall, of Delegation to Ottawa nuloiiidbilfs but that they iiddoU In the tuMei" on clothiiur. TliU is a complex. If tliey didn't reduce the tariff why did 1,000 Osliawa people travel down to Ottawa to jrn-test ayainst (he reduction,? I sat in Keith's Theatre in Ottawa and listened to that delegation Never in my life have I een a more tense crowd one more violenlly in earnest. They wer i mm need that the bottom haJ drojiped out of Heaven. Vet these people came down according to Mr. Meisheii, because the Liber al. failed tn reduce the tariff on automobile..,. l(nw uuignificent ly absurd. Then lake the next story: They tell us that there hai been an increase in the import! of automobile, due to the re duction of the duty the j-educ lion which in the next hrealli l hey tell us has never lakeit place. II is to laugh. Issue Was Confused .Now, lei u. try lo get UiN matter straight. The tariff on automobiles was 35 per rent The Liberals reduced it to 20 per cent (applicable to all car under l,20n in value). Later on they removed the sales tax on Canadian inais automobiles arid left It on the Imported. Per sonally 1 think that in removvi? me sales tax they made a nun iukc. j rue, ii wa purely n question of lowering taxaliott and the reduction of ttxatlon if a fundamental ot Liberal faith- it i an eternal duty of Liberal policy io reduce taxe increased by Tory extra vngance and tu tidily. but the objcUn I hold against this action had a far different trusts. The Tory front benrhor are notoriously unscru pulous in the presenlaliou at political argument. Lowering lie nales tax gave them Just pre MClV Hip nnnnHiinll v M1..1'. sought. It enabled them to eon rue the isiue in the pubHJ mind. I objeet. lo it, not Immi cause K was bud -;onomlp, liut hecauc :: v-i md iioliUcaU stzategy. Meighen, Bennett t all ure following nreciselv Hint ool cy. I hey now tell us that the. tariff won not reduced. MORAVIAN SHIP IS MAKING LAST VISIT HUDSON BAY POSTS TOHONTO. Aug. 24 .In J 7 70. when the indefatigable Moravian missionaries firmly established their post on the inhospitable shore of Labrmlor, a boat named the Harmony began to sail annu-r ally from London lo lake theml supplies and bring back furs and oil to sell for the support of the it simply puis on its hat and walks out in silent protest t work. The fourth Harmony agaiust a display i.f side-stepping aud iittempts lo get by with uiiuiic rtvillllll) Ul me mcis sAll Kdmonlon aiidiencK exnecls wlmn lpmup .if f,...o,i- come-) tofiijldress them on mutterp or '.national concern, lhal he. willMc.x aPH i!"e Hiuarely, iidnill the relevant facts, avoid Mndllguik, and make -out bis 1'ai.e ou the basis of a supposition that liisHiearers have a pretty clear understanding if the miliiiet. " ;TlidfMr. Meighen did not do in a number of instances. His IS now making the Inst of these an pual voyaeces on behalf of tin mission, for she is going over to the Hudson's Bay Company, to whom the" 'Jloravlan Church has given a lease of Its trading posts This will not in any way Interfere with the continuance of their or ncuiurj- umj 11ee.11 reaumg uie newsjiapers. They recognized the dinary evangelistic oim! educn evasiieiiehs. 1 ney suw mat lie wo trying to lake them in.ftinnal work. As uiil thx iinr. Ad 4hey acted nccoi-dingly. The meeting generated about as moiiy Is taking out missionaries. much enthusiasm as a cold pancake. I including one Labrador-horn girl. ,.."vyiiiiiux i lu,ue iien . uie .... rrerruer neciareu mat the Mac- Miss a. 1'errett, and Dr. Vojtech I' heuzie..' King irovernmcut wanted t 10 con nil nf the rl..fii.m inachiiiery because it was hoped that a Baldy Robb could be turiiedioo.se in every coustilucucy in Canada. .His hearers simply wit and Junked at the man -when he uttered that amiiziug piece of nonsense. To the credit of their heart and heads. Jus party friends gnve Mr. Meighen no applause for trying to tie the.m up to so monstrous a charge. Huk, professor of anthropology at Hron University, Czecho Slovakia, and his wife, who will do surgical and research work for a year. As the number of agencies op (crating in the interests of the Labrado rCskimo Is small, the new P0'0". in run vviui btitivn Not Likely Any more Will be Received but Few Dayt Allow-. ed for Out-of-Town Contributors A ,fAu .I.'... a iiinrD will hfl nl- By It. J. aclinmn) , '' V ' . V limeriek OTTAWA, Au. 2.Tliro.UKli-r " "n '.I n V.. hoi it it out his Eastern campaign ; ' ft , , will W als did not reduce tlic duty oni 1, ;"1 ,.. ; i -fc-1...- .. . .. .., our cjeMiio'- wei-K uit t-- rniPlrac4ori men" veiifieanre do wreak; Such attacks go lo waste They arV ull in bad taste ! And voapumsi the grain," so IcfNpenk. j Sejdcmber the Hth lis due. Let brains prompt Hint cms or ym'M rue, YVhi-lher Liberal or Tory Forget yonr own jtlor.v. And A-ole-for t tie man who can do All the Tories and l iberals ba tie On each other their speakers do tattle; Just to hear their own speeches 1 You would Hunk they we- peaelie. n Hut they make just a terrib!'! rattle HeprPKenltng our last and be-' west, ("boose (lie man who U cleane : and bet. Vole for need not for talk. I 1 Be ije Brady or Stork, May his party slkiid firm nt tl-.- test. I September' fourteenth is the date When wo shall all know our fate .l'eaoe and prosperity We wraut pventuaUy, Ho vole 4ur the Uina randidale. Vancouver the town of many apes Ten thousand of tnern did eon- gregate To meet Stevens, oh my! Who nahl. I beat King by and by"; But he didn't .Meighen it. Mr. stork surely won't tip there . the opening of our parliament fail . Someone asks. "So I see, "Where will he Kcbo answers, "Where" A winner is Stork. I am told. man who fought for us no bold; See the grain elevalor And other thins later. So don t leave him out in tbi eobl OLD AGE PENSIONS AND LIBERAL PARTY Victoria Checking ud Loose Statements of Conservative , Party Leaders is prepared to recommend the adoption of Hip bill hpre. should it be passed at parliament's next departure in connection with the1 Another Conservative slory h Moravian work is expected to'11"" tr,e bill would exclude any arouse much interest. Amon the! wi,,ow was not a Brills! Iiveyeres, or white settlers, the United Church of Canada conducts missioni with Newfoundland as base, and Dr. Orenfell's work Is well known. HOTEL ARRIVAL Prince Rupert John Flewin, ort Simpson. Len 8. Hatch, Juneau; Mr. and Mrs. A. Bpnnett and H. Yono-imira, Vancouver; II. II. Ourd, Mr. and Mrs. Noda and II, Kan-asaga, Casslar Cannery; J, Cleveland, Seattle. Central I). Hornstcin, Vancouver; V.A. Chpsley, Shames; W. F. Tavlor, A. E. Mark and It. Hunt, CX.lt.; M. Newman, Hazelton; E. L. Davies, city. subject before her marriage. buoh Is not the case, It wan pointed out. The bill extends lo every person who at the date of Hip propod cpinmpiicemenl of the pension was a British ub- Ject and in addition, the bill ex i utiihh ui a widow who was a British subject before her mar riage. , yJomforir and Economy ,, , 1 THE MAN-IN THE MOON aye: j a "I Among the tlratgw that keep! some eule happy nre health, j wealth and a political canipaisn ! An art man i a man w ho get naid for his tabor; 'an artist l! one who hopes to. The only fault with UbBes piteliing iw that be nas lo hnw support to be sffeetlve. A pitcher came in From AMifrth so etever. But the learn he played with SupiHirleil him never. Irf('s bmvp a swetistakp on the first train of whml to come to I'rlnee HtifMHl. I'll buy a tieket. The first ear of wheat to eonie 1ire oiwbl to Ih turned over to fktrk. coiisblefiror the purl he ptayod in bringing it here, Jake says. t A murderer M said 'lo tie wrtt lug a book. I sttppoie the honor if being an autlinr Kr'worth hang- kitur for. Probably it wan bin only hope of getting ililo print. Jake says he like Brady. To Uee Much innocent nmfidenre in VICTOUIA, Aug. Jt. IiosnKhe eipi-mrs who nrp Jnhoiil io slalements which Conservatlvia,,I "im to the polttifnl tree, is leadprs arp niukin about old age pensions are here neing checked up by Liberals. Anion? other things it has been asserted that the British Columbia gov ernment, notified -tim. Federal Onverijyni jinn! It (would not adopt1 $be lbt nfge ' fipSsion bill Introduced tn :pnrllamenthy the .MacKeilziP Mng Uoveiiment. en dorsed by Hip House of Com mons and later rejected by the (Conservative Senate. It was ex plained today that the llrltisn Columbia government gave the federal auMiorltic no such notification. On the contrary, as announced by I'remler Oliver In his speecli before the I, flic rat nominating convention here this week, the provincial government a beautiful sight, he declares. Jakes lakes a gfeat interest In politics. He says he like to read' Hie IH Up humorous arllelfs wril-j ten by His Itoyat Chips up fh street. He wonders why "Life"? 'down not copy them, or poibly! I'MJICh." Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert August 24, 1910. There is talk of the eoal showing on the (irnnd Trunk Pacific line at Seuton near tniitlier t-comung a shipping mine. TherV Is said tn be a six foot vein or uooil grade bituminous. Conservative are emphatically denying Liberal accusations nf shady political practices in con-oecllon with the taking of the overseas vole. Major McMullin has received word to enllsl men for transport work overseas if possible. MINERAL ACT ...u,.n.? r".r,',.m'" N"- By hi1SJm iiim niii-rii i.i4in. UMlKIr n h.. Aiiinl Minliit lilruioii ..f tl. i..M.r ilMr "l I Sr'w.riuv'"?. ",' "r'"' Vm I TAkK MTll':t: 0141 Th P.iitliir Oom! 5 "".!!' Jn-.. rw muwV" "iifi,2 ;jn. pv,7ui nieiid tiny ,u rnm Uh'I dl iK-rn.f .lo arj-ly m llm .Mlnlii. n i Or.ni; nt hi ffiiw itaim. ',r"wn! Anil furtlipf uhit itWi Hut mHUm nn. ', italHue of siirh Certir.r.ie Uf (,I,,.,J"; 9'ATni Dili dy nf Sf)ifniM.r. A.H.. h. Finsrn. aitmu. Subscribe to the Dally News, Made in Canada Practical Yet Beautiful and waterproof, the smooth surface of Congoleurn SEAMLESS Qold Seal Art - Rugs defies accidents. Dust, nshes, tracked-in mud and spilled things vanish like magic with only light mopping. And no amount of sun, rain or hard service can dim the rich beautiful colorings. Congoleurn Gold Seal Art-Rugs are a quality product sold with a real money-hack guarantee. See thern at your dealer's. Look for This Cold Semi When You Bay V QOLD SEAL CUAF Ml A.NTTr. ttOMTMOl CONCOLEUM CANADA LIMITED MONTREAL. QUEBEC v' PREVENT FOREST FIRES YOU CAN HELP B.C. FOREST SERVICE Steamship and Train Service Stilinti fmm primcc kupcrt tor vsncouvia, vioTosis. i"1 rrh SIONOAr Ili4 THURSDAY 4 00 S m, SATUPOAT. S.OO S-"- t'ur ANYOX U1 STI WART MONDAY, fRIOAV. M - ror ALASKA WEDNESDAY, 400 p.m. For MASSCTT INLET MONDAY, 4.00 p.m. for SKIDEOATK INLET Six! SOUTH QUEEN CHAAIOTTI foftnljhtlf. PASSENOIR TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT 1" 11.30 J for PRIN0C OE0R0E, EOM0NT0N, WINNIPEO, II Cnaf1, I nilH sutr. Agi ill Oft SUimihlp Lln. Um CAnidiin NiilotMl r.ipton fur Muiwy orlr. ir r so for your nl hlnnl. Cllr Tlcltl Offk, B2S ThlrS At., Print Rupert. ICANADIAh i ILH Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To MUhlHn, Wfing.il, Junuu nS SUgwr U0 !i . To Vtnaur, VUlorl tni Sttlll Auguil 4, 7, 11, 2,1 PRINCESS BEATfUCE. 0mpbll Rlr, n4 nour r Surlf 11 ".,. ,. r BuUdalt, Kaat SOU Bll. OeMn rIH, Ntmu, Altri Sn f.r til StMmhlp LlnT " ' W. O. ORCHARD rl Anl. 0rnr f 4IS SUI d Sfd Anu. Prln RPt I UNION STEAMSHIPS. LIMITED!! stllmn tram Prince hupart. . P. f HANOOUVER. !' 1 "'' '', VIOTORIA, Snn BAY, 10 VANOOUVER. VIOTORIA, AI.M BSY. ' ,,u""' ruriT siaiPSON And NM RUr 0nnrlM, Thorta! Pr PORT SISJPSON. ANVOE, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Sund, in BtMn. n. M. 8mlth, Anen pri s