0f f PAOI FOI GLASSES SMASHED BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM OVER A WOMAN IN ' THERE IS. PH!QFSbOR PACE- VE-V-IAM PR9PEVS.O YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND f EDMONTON SALOON SO -CtiT ACCUAlMTED space- 6uppotK IT IS MY PROFSSION- BUT HOW KNOviOU 00 voul r WE FIMOTHR 5 fJTTO "WITH HIM AMD 'SEE TUfT J YOU KNOW I AM - IMEVJ PUAN EDMONTON', Aug. 21. In the NTSi.LlF.NT TOW I VJILLHti AN ASTRONOMER VHEN DID EJJl K.N days of old when knighjs were - 1 I VOOCOMKTO -fOUFlNO'BrVI TUS COUNTRY? cold they used to smash a lanci; "TMCsl? or two for the sake of a lady but in these days of sex. equality the ladies take to smashing glasses for the favor of a man as witness the sad case of Tilllf .and Annie. Tillie's surname 14 Litwin, and she appeared before Magistrate .Murpny in the wo men's police court, charged with inflicting actual bodily harm on -" r r. a. .urs. .Annie Jioycnutt. Annie admitted, under the cross-examination of R. F. Jack son, defence counsel, that alio had been into several hotels looking for her man and hai finally found him in a beer par lor, quaffing a ftapnn of ale with Till'c, She admitted that sue uau snppeu ner erring spouse's face, but denied that she deliberately knocked over the glasses, spattering the beer over Til lie. Then, she said, Tillie had seix oa one or the plasscs and hurled it full at her -face at short .range, Warding off the glass, it struck her uplifted nand and gashed 41. Dr. J. Smith testified thai he had found -Airs. Hoychuk in his office, and the floor was wamped with gor. when he Arrived. One or the arteries had been cut, and the woman, would have died if it bail of not been promptly lied un. Magistrafe Murphy remanded the accused for trial and fixed bai! a! G00. CAPTAIN GARDINER BACK IN EDMONTON of a WAY TO VANCOUVER I KIlMOYTOV Ann. t lli..!nn I i; .: " ' 7. ?! , the distinction or being the first man who ever took a steamer thru the dangerous White Horse rapids in (he Klondyke rush of '99, Captain J. flardiner, captain of the Hudson's Hay Company's steamer Distributor, arrived in the city, from ,iro.Murray.v - - S - me sicamer. nas Deen laid up li-!01 Smith ttie southern ter-J t miniis? of. the run between thai , pbmt'and Aklavik, ror the balance or or the the season, season, snva says Iho Ihe captain. nlln Who is COl'nir home fnr n hnliMav' . i !. '.. - " II in titiiiuutcr. ii. is very uniiKeiyi(t, that she will make any more trips this season, he adds. The past season has been one or the busiest he has experienced, commented the old sailor, Iwho has spent 16 years in the servicn of the company, and has nosed a we craft into most of the waters of the north and the Alaskan coast. ' we In. .-5,1. i 1. - I 1 the lMniPf in, m.t o fi..i , ' V " s; : .. r me .jiiui; mi anu 1111s jear, 1 I 1 . I . . ;1 juumry j-fins o tie wecominc1 in V eti creas mgly popular with ik Americ- ans. SIDNEY BRICK WORKS I 1 1. IC TA Dr DrDlIIIT lu lU DL KCDUILI 'a,s Fire Last Week Destroyed Plant at Sidney Island Adjoining A; - Saanleh VICTORIA, Aug. 31 -In statement to The .Times maiMi to " here Henry C. Hall. K.O..' tin le.J1 half of the I'eerless Hrick and Tile Company Limited, Sidney! island, slated the firm had de cided lo rebuild the Sidney Island plant destroyed by fire. The loss is estimated roughly in tlm neighborhood of $20,000, pending final reports from the plant. The fire starled from an unknown- source late on Wednesday evening, springing into vio lence during the night hours. Hy inursday morning the conflag ration sent a column or. Hams high into the air, and presented a a spectacle that attracted attention rrom a distance of fifteen miles around. At Sidney the sight of the flames made residents Inclined to believn that those on the isjand might be Ir. danger. Hoals put put. Atter tho names were brought under a measure of control it was found tho central portion Of the brick plant had been badly gulled, tor Ihe moment Iwenly rive employees, engaged in the operation or the plant, are idle, but the burnt section will be rebuilt, stated Mr. Hall. It js planned lo make an Immediate start on Ihe erection of the new structure to lake the place of I the plant and equipment deal royed by fire. Insurance was carried Advertise In the Dally News. RUGBY TEAM IS GREATEST YET Manager of New Zealand All- .Blacks Is Proud of His 29 Athletes. What is probably the greatest earn of rugby players ever to come out of the Antipodes coiw sisting of twenty-nine picked men of ew Zelaml arriverj in 'Vic-' loria aboard the R.M.S, Aorangi, the Canadian-Australasian I Line, says the Victoria Times of iriday. Twenty-nine prize letes in the finest possible physi - cal condition were in the parly, t This learn not only represents, the very best which -ew Zealand c,n produce., but further than that, its members are exponents the great thirteen-man game. game which has been born inj New Zealand. 1 in- urn :ijir ui tiibj', lilt) rules of which both the Ilucby League and the Rugby Union of New Zealand have recognized, al though only the league plays with a Ihirleen man team, gives more proteclion to Ihe player thnn has ever been the case berore," said K. H. Mair, manager and coach of Ihe travelling team or All-Blacks. New Rules "I have heard that Victoria has somrt remarkalily-good 'material ror rugby teams," continued Mr.i M'": . ;"""". n. jou people is without a doubt, the last thinjr in improved rupby. We were told,, when the Mugby Union team or All-Iilacks came home last year, that Victoria put up a slirr fight even against overwhelming odds. Well, although have a superior team to that which toured Canada last year. wouia " ne giaq 10 meet vour llOS. "' ",r" ly sfceiCJHij Ihechangedrulesor theN few land same. Chiefly, as he le poinl point- - as these, with sprinters in jits back division who nre all ten second men n nthe field with a ball under their arms SPORT CHAT Although the ftj-ros have already ciiH-hed their position in Ihe finals, it is not ye! certain that Ihe Sons oT Canada will Ihj the second team as they have yet to win que more ame to assure themselves of getting in the play nns. There , are two potMUied games between the Sons and Terminals lo bo played this week one tonight ami the other on Friday. Should the Terminals win these games, they would twt tied with the Sons ror Setfond plac thus necessitating .1 nlav-off lo decide whili team would go In the finals with the leading Cyrus. Should the Sons secure second place this week, Ihe post-xeason play-off of Ihe best three out of fiv ames between them ami th fiyros will start next week. There had been a possibility that Hector McDonald might battle Vic Foley during Fair Week here, but the possibility went glimmering at Vancouver last Fri- night so sombody else will 1'"" '''olp', opponent lure. Mac- ou'. e changes make it more I'onald s meteoric climb tip Ihe f a mechanical sport.lhe leam'f'"1" ''-" 'ecked by 1 being a machine, . directed In its plays more in the American style than Ihe old English. It still, 1.:.-. si.. 1 a ' r,n,"!, ,,,e iu"ameni- of original pa me of rugby football. New "Touch" Rule. Firstrof all, explained .Mr. Mair. the old line-nut system has been done away with. In the first place the ball may not he kicked "louch" from any position on the field, i If it is there, is a cnim i,ac 01 ''e point where it. 'was" kicked. Only when a player is inside bis own twenty-five yard line may be kick lo "louch" and then the ball must bounce oul of play. In addition to the change In the number of players, the new system is to play an advantage rule. This is a more ihvolved thing and requires careful ex planation, which Mr. Mair did not have lime to give. Another great change, which cives every player (greater proteclion, is that when man is tackled he must be rreed immediately ami given a chance to play the ball. This eradicates For Colic And Cramps Paint In The Stomach THEM'S NOTHING TO EQUAL It hu been In use for the put eighty yn; iU icUon U pluuut, rapid, re. imi ua enectuii, uxa reiiol cotut prompuy. t . lie sure that you get "Dr. Fowler's" wbtn You uk for it. . ,Put up only by The T. Milbura Co., Tlmllul T A kA the practice of "piling" on a man and prevents injuries. There are hair u dozen other rule which the new system embrares .all.nf which' . . 11.- 1 1 I 1 1 1 lit" 11 atriiiiifr .ew .rninuiic rs in- end t show during Iheir tour. Great Qraanlzatlon The team, which is scheduled tof iday in F-nglnnd on September 9, is the finest team, according to! criiics. eer lo come out or the Antipodes. U. C. Dufly. first full back Of the squad is heralded as the greatest man in his position playing rugby today. He ha a mightier irk, than Xepia, who caused a sensation here last sea- son, and is a belter man all round. The leant is comprised of such roiey 1 1 1 in no uncertain manner, Ihe veteran winning decisively atter ten rounds or flashy milling. Foley was complete master of the situation and won as he liked. Foley weighed l2Wi pounds and MacDonald 123 U. At no lime was there anything bordering on a knockout, nnd it didn't appear, especially in the last two rounds, that Foley WHsoxendiug- himself. He subjected the Scot lo a lerri fic body massage, hut apparently was -arrable- enoltcK to hang no L'ft fS I 't lift 1 u gn til nutialiAi . l.'st ' nu;vi 1111 in? 11 ij ; & IF ley obviously was in his bes' form. He was faster than Ihe flashy Scot, timed his punches belter and his ring generalship was of championship calibre. Foley won every round except Ihe seventh, with MacDonald perhaps yetting an even break in the sec ond. CROW SLAUGHTER IN ALBERTA RESULTS IN INCREASE IN DUCKS F.DMONTO.V. Aug. 2 i. -Crow shooting is proceeding merril under the provincial government's' anti-pest campaign, it Is reported by Ihe game branch. A considerably larger number of schools throughout Ihe province aro Inking part in the contest this year than last, according 0 reports received at Ihe game guardians office, and it is anticipated (hat when time Is up, Spplpmlter I, there will be many thousands of lead birds In count. A marked increase in the, wild duck population of the province has resulted, it is said, from Ihe crow-ftahling campaigns rif the last two years. Other good fif- fects are expected lo show them- selves as time goes cm, W anted For ForlRent Sale DAILY 2c per word in MRS. MALLORY- TENNIS CHAMP Regained Title After Defeating Elizabeth Ryan After Losing First Set. - t KHU.M klll.l.s. Aug. 21. Molla Mallnry. seven lime wo men's naiiniial tennis champion. regained Mie title in a sensational comeback which carried her up the hill I" ictory over KHsahflh Ryan. Hie --ores tin 1-0, 6-1. f-7. The Inuniph was gained with a smashing attack alter she had Iwen" fkccl with seemingly certain dt'fi'.i' bdlowing the loss ol the flr'sl - t. Mls It ; 11 came back by winning 4ue iloiililf title with F.linor iUi! llar'ner. when they deteated Mary ltrvne and Mrs. I'. H. Cha-pin 3-6. 12-10. SPURIOUS MONEY IS BEING CIRCULATED AROUND SPOKANE KF.TUIIKAN. Aug. 23. -Advices have been rweived in Ketchikan tiHllie effecl thai Ihe City of Spokane ha Ihcii recently fUMkiel with take 2( federal resent miles bearing the stamp oT the Sun FranciCfi mint and the pic ture or drover Cleveland. I'ho rake bills were printed on genuine bills, to provide Ihe silk threads in the paper and thus throw off del cot inn. The l bills were first treated with a blenching chemical which made them perfectly white. An enKraMtii of a 20 federal re serve not from the 8an Francisco mini was them made frnm the photograph, and the blsached oul l bill- were reirinlenl from the engraving. The nk is a little lighter in shade :uan 1 tint used by llm mini giving (he bill the impn-ssinn of ' " ' '' ' age. '.. The erlt number arc rtnt as clear rut a? 00 h geitufjif 820 FEMININE BODY IS . DECIDEDLY ARTISTIC PAWS, Aug. 21.--"Nothing in Ihe wi.rld is mitre artistic than a naked feminine body," aid Lee Sbubeit. the New York theatrical manager,, lo a reporter of the Paris edition of the New York Herald-Tribune whon asked re garding Flo Ziegfeld's campaign for modesty on Ihe slage. "The world has no objection lo nudi'y in sculolure or painting." said Slniheri. "so why object to it be hind Hi a footlights: Nudity is on Hie st.itrp In slay, I believe." PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Tuesday, August 24 High . 1.33 a.m. 22.7 U.U i.m. 21.1 Low 8.01 a.m. 0.8 20.23 p.m. 3.H Wednesday, August 25 High ....,. - 2.20 a.m. 22,7 M.Bfl p.m. 21.8 Low H.ir. a.m. 0.0 , . 2I.0Q p.m. 3.3 Thursday, August 26 3.08 a.m. 22.1 15.30 p.m. 21.7 9.27 a.m. 1.8 21.54 p.m. 3.3 :.... ,5, High Low fl. NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. advance. No Advertisement taken for leu than50c , WANTED. WaTF.D. -One" rojiable mAn in evrry lown. niercnant prefer red, to lake ordern for be: rustom-m.'Kt clothes in Canada. Higbesl romniUslon. lies Tailoring Co; Ltd.. To ronto ii) u7 T FOR. SALE. AN Al trriUX ALK will bo hettj al Ihe house of Mr. J. Me-Kechnie on Sberbrook Averin 1 rear of Hnlhwell giiruue, it lb Avenue; on Thursday, 3Cth Augusl, at 2.30 p.m., eonit-ing of aramophonr. Oak Dit-ine suite, davenport. enret. chairs, Singr sewing maehinr, lino, oak bureau. bed. healer, etc. IMiilpotl A l.'vill. Aur-tioneers. too FOR SALK CJioiot walerfrftii; properly !'3t25. Fiw roomeil furnished house In ginidcondi lion. OatrnUy loented. Irl 83,)00 cash. Write .iwnr. ItoiiS, Petersburg, Ataka. FOIl SALE. Itnnch In Naa Val ley, very reasonable; or may Iruile for good fasboat w liveiok. J. T aner, A He Ami. It.:. Full SALF Hudson motHr in first elas condition: fine fot pleasure txial. Snap. Apply. Uo 318. Daily New Offlee. FOIt SAI.K. Hoiel Masselt. A good bargain. Ill health eauv for selling. Apply William Hud'on, Massett. It.C. TV..NT FOR SALK. New this year and used only one week Price (. Pulleii, Daily News. $15.00 PF.lt MONTH buys a plendid view lot on tirnham Aver.ue. Walker s Music Store FOH SALK- -Largo modern houe splendidly located. Apply 0 P. Tinker. TO RENT FOR RF..NT. Larson building ai 171 Third Avenue Kal; six room niodorn flat with bathroom and workshop prcmisp on street Ifoor. Apply Hyde Transfer. 139 Second Avenue. FOH nKXTi Newly decorated house, two bedrooms. 20.00. Apply 215 Fourth Ave. Ii. FOn rtlNT.- Four room suits, hot water heated. Apply Smlti A Mallet. MODF.IIN HOrSR ror rant Five rooms and baih Monro Ilros. BOARD AND 'ROOM. HOARD. - The Inlander, 833 Second Avenue Phone 137. SUMMER RESORTS. LAKKLSK LODOK, near Terrace. Visit Lakelse lilhia Hot Springs. Lilhia is one, of th . finest mineral waters known for rheumatism. Hood, fly fishing ror rainbow trout In Lakelse lake and river. Motors meet all trains giving through connection with Lodge. Telephone connected to Terrace. J. Hruce Johnstone. manaer. MISCELLANEOUS 1500 M(lNIHLOrfinxi3?i MAO IP. OAS. .00 ranVliafs 33 gallons gasoline. No car. bon. Ouaranleed harmless, Proven merits. Your name on cans. Wrile, quick for par. liculars and proof of (hi statement, p. .. Lefebvre A Co.. Aleiandrln. Ont.. Canada. suenow nre your rhapces mr inn inixeii doiiiiies? He Topplnl My most dan- ;gernus opponent Is In love with mr partner. JMZZ J Articles Lost' and Found, &c AQENTS WANTED. W.NTi:i. A Man for an Un- usual Agency. Darwin Limited established 1U yeXr operating a chain of Ladle' lleady-lo-Wear Shops in Mont - runt and lllluu-n. am nrnv .t.!'"' , , ,, , ' nuniHU Ii tending their opera' ions so a . k reaeh eery part or Canada. "ihTJkT. ; This Mn a golden opportun- l"r yKst:y ily. or reliable men ami women1 Ut handle our exetuvn line oft Ladie' Ueady-lu-YV-ur Clolhe. Helling fJiterb-nie imi neces sary- if ymi mean i:i:ne will teach you !nw Our Fall line t now ready, thi!- sellmtr Ailtril is a real ' l'a!i.in Slmw" in a ueal portfolio. tiil won. defnl Ouiru is Fre W rdia Me rftprlIK. Write onmtell us aNtuI ywursclf arnl Ihe lerritery ymi twai'. net our nmaiing prfinosUini. Ilftltcr do it umv laler may 1m loo late. Itarwtiii UmlletL Iepl. 35. Ibix 612, Montreal,' Que. EXCEPTIONAL BARQAIN8 in USED CARS I fl Ford l.iglii Delivrry from . ;r.0ftnp I Frd Tmlor Se.lan .... fami.oo 1 Old Five Pasenger ,Touring lAOO.OO Fonl overhauling ami repair-1 ".JjJLV'" H'lrtU dtre mg at flat rale pric. Cylinder reboring and nprrindlng. Drake IlnM by machinery, llallery charging. KAIEN OARAQE Dealers In all General Motors Products WltKCKINii SFHVICR DAY AND MiiHT Phone 52 FREE INSPECTION Why run your car when It Is nol operating properly? It. means ailded expense later Oel ready for ralney nnd-misiy weather make an insistent call to have your motor and brakes up in lip-lop cnndillfin. First class work guaranteed by Skilled Mechanics 8. E. PARKER, LTDn AuthorUed Ford Sales and Service FORD Cars Trucks Tractors FRANCOIS LAKE LODQE Mrautirully situated noar Ferry Landing Altitude 2115 feet. Oamplng and Fishing Trips arranged FIRST CLASS TAMLK with proiltirn FIlKEHl FltOM TIIK FAUMr 1 Tn,"A,Tplp to the Lake Counlry this year. Fnr reservations, wrlle Mrs. Henkel. Francois I.nke. H.C. TAXI Phone 07 Taxi (Call fleorge. Paul or Oust) Six and Seven Passenger Slude, bakers at your disposal nnv lime, ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Blook. Acroii from Empress Ilolel. !, V ji. i 1.. w WMM I., mi ' tsii Viiu. t.L'l 'J iliin. inltrt n.n id fkr ,;. (Ml fill In. frr Ir.. 1 ni. Ml Ibr fill. IC i W lu ll I' Hi. I fl'..l .III, I V to I ix.l Vk.:. 7..: II - m Il t.. w 1 'fe , I- f ll, , VI .'I, . I ,. , - hi ll-Mfl (I I 1 n' 1 n .rih 1 br 11 - f. , " ltn i p H. 1 tatl I Ir - ..! . ' 1 a im t -.Tr ... 1 uti pii' Ik. I11I I'll lll : 1 fc V;r lin . u 1.,. ii--NImI m ( Dm-Uw C tii It MMII lldl.r r 1 tm an4k m j Tfco tti tw Mlltt M J ' STVxi Miii Hvilt f IllHIIHUlMllai Pnn- ftmi mt IT rh mur i.r 1 Vuum rsitfcr Tsir. M"Ti 31 inn eifktSt Iiaij: -. it B C. mi4i - tf M -Csjmireftnf lrt t 1 fam iwriiwi - :-t it- i 1 1 , fc tsr- l maUMuiii m . M lv k 11 0 1 1 1 MINIMI CT- cinTiricsTi or mm! le M Ih l :a ' JJJ lr tntirfi Wr 1 t'l rrM- Or V .'I nd mhiimI ' t-'l ' , rt i . . tti rl trtxt. iuy (U 1 ' J1 oruhrsir f Hi 'unit'l rM of ftton .. 1 ' Aim! tutihtr m rtj Mff Ik tttlM I I- '" I ptrt ihn 191 f,K gjjjs MlfllRAL ACT. r.iBTincATf or ISH"?! miuf s'"' - IH'l. ttVw li .if AtVI Aiyxnint i : "TJ'fj 1 1 ?.- .... . t lend, mir div tJzL in seplr i il" ' . 1 CWIfKll lm (rt!il iiw or ntittimat a b rlaim. . t litirroroil. . . ., im. l PM lhi ill nr, MINI SAL - 01" CHTiriUl vr ni.rk Smilh JllifAl "rw L . .in. UlnHif ...... II . .iiif i. - irk-l. trr kiriM a irlliliurv 'ii r nn ll Uli"'ri 1 T'u TKt MOTIl R . I'' V "I1! In APPlr lo. the 1, I" ...,1.1 ..r imnr i"1 v.rilll it nr . p,,.r pf ntilllnli.f llKirr fUlro... ... milr fNTilon " J""", WW . .h i.,111. r vu I ' HIT fmnmvrnif nl. ... inn. " K... .hi. HI . (llf " .'." II" ii.iri, tin- M yi:... LAND CT' . . 1 U Nolle of lntMi err Ltd. .Hint lurni In rnnr nl" ;'":, I' n.lrux nilfM l.lllHl " n. f III. in'ri. ---n, 1 . TSS' 3; S f lie t . - . -ii n inlrn.K " " man dif roninrnrln " oil"",, inrh WAirr Mr I" ,crf'. mmt..An.l wini.."- ri" DAtld JUS! MtB.