tttifirarioiy. It may mean only a fi'W .fiCiils Id you,: wtiili!(ff n3ti Mean our re . fair i.i- Many people who dealt with 11 fi veari ago am rolnliug back convinced llial we know our business. ' Pleated to Show You 1 Tilt STOHE WITH THE CLOCrV tw Felt Hats ind Full Line Thread SILK HOSIERY $1.50 "Demers" . We .aim to pleae Phone 27. P.O. Box 327 BULKLEY Market 311 Third Avenue, Has been taken over from Oeorgo Kerr by J. Preece late with Sealy and Ooodton Fresh Meats arriving Twice Weekly from the Bulktey Valley Phone 178 Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phona 576 DENTIST LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone U. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service, float, Band and Gravel. W Specialize In Plane and Funlture Bevlna. MILK From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM Wo specially recommend our Table Cream at !5o for Half Pint. 0'iallty and Fcrvlce Special loe Delivery Service Valentin Dairy Phone 667 P A INC DHTADfi aoulh HARVESTING GW Ilain has retarded harvesting In the prairie provinces hut ollt. envice the weather has bfvii fa-viiiulilc ami Hip lale crops will liiMK'fTl, says I lie Hank of Mon- Itreal ifroji report. In Quebec (II Qultoa lot we think of ours.' ilinlrlrU report prop condition , ,. , . "j satisfactory and avnig yields Hia much w nro anJ.,,, (iilT).di R o . Xl,.,it lo reprice anyilili?;.,IIpnt ,;,.., ,,.. i,.fl.. vM' operations', liu'C have been Mff.t'ficial io root rops, rof't piitotlMni.lfojjJlfijlialilp KootlWprovlnpc!.. excellent griwYn'x con- iiillon prevail uml nil crops aro doing In Jlrfllsh Columbia rain liavn fallen after a prolonged dry spell, but are Inn Talc In benefit with the exception of roots, Prairie Province Western Are Further raln have delayed lurve.ling, lull late crops continue lo improve and un average yield Ik expected, Hniall hail losses have occurred m scattered localities. .Vorllicrn Area Hnrvnalim ha been delayed Iiy scattered shower anil cold weather. t.aU, 'rOp are progressing favorably ;iud average yields are. cxpcelei: in mosl localities, j Sonilirasieru Area I'rnsperM ion Hie whole are poor. Whi lursf lands are jfivina fair return many crop do not warrant cu'-II Hit; Saskatchewan Nnilhern Area Harvesting t now fairly general and the yield jb. 1 1 win proiiariiy mme clcxe In lue I I.. , . - I I" year average. I liwQfiv I Smil,"r" Area Wheat cut. j " 'veil under way. with gnn.1 yieiu omameii in the south, n I nil and southeaster! disfriel tftemirfil rnonnf kliiu.. - - . - " .. ery ami fold weather throughout the province has helped the f'll ing of imma damasre from sawflv sawfly U U report reported at a nuinher nf poind. Manitoba Propee! ronlinue favorable for a good average crop. Opera tion have lieen deluyed Iiy rain,1 hut 50 pr rent It rut tn the fouMieru .'mrtion of the provincfr BHllth Columbia , The i-ultiner of praln.i uener-nlly roinpletPil and ifirpuliln? i ui-ll under way with (rood aver ;.i;xe yii-ld. Potatoes have suf- UNO ACT. Nttlc. of Inttnllon to Apply to Lata tana. in t .K.l honiritiiir imirlrt nf Prlmo Hiiiiort, ami fltuaio n mirth ihore or in rniiamed llav on Snutli-Woal C.nat or fill lalaiid, atHiut on nillo ral fhin Bluff TLr NOTirr that F.. nnimoan. of Low Inloi. rnivlnm nt Hrlli.'h Columbia, ncrij. Himn. i.annory .nanmrr, iniriiu. iu evij or a Icaoe or the folliiwlns doarrltiod aiult I't.niiiifnrind at a iwni ulanteil on tha ahnro nr an iinnanioil liar n the aoulh. tt nf iMtt Manil. alxml (in mil oaat i.f Muff Polnli lliance north twonly rialn. inonro oai iwonijr rnnui, nmiT, luoniv rliaina. nr lo. to I II U Wator Mark: ihonoo fullowins hlrh walor mark wonlorly tn llnt nf foiiiiiionronionl, ami onniaininir oiumjt rri, ni"i7 r r. IHTUi iuut . ,ssrAt) und aor. . Ml I Canlar land DKirlrt. Land Rornrdint nlMrlrt of I'rlnco tuiport ami aituaiou on Taku Ann, alinul t mlka aoulliwrM o( tl Kill 1 n dl aiiinni nijrr, - TAKK NOTICE Uiat Franrla nirhar r.l?.,.: r.t Aiim. in:., ordinal on mil inanaaor. Iniemi io apply for prniliim o Vur lum itio r.iliowlur dnti'4 KOIIIIIIoiirniK ii fc ,, hoi' or ia Ann "w t io iiiiiiiiii in aiiiiiiv llior ami rnnninr thence o rlialna wit llionro chain mnn uifmr rani and ini'iire m iiu'm. tmlnl or roiiiiiionrciiioni, " "07.uNcK'n.c..A..n Data. AlUa, May 10, UU. niirU) ronlalnlna' iHiffliiijiiii ((red from lark of moisture and extended it he ilop will be well beow avcr-.lnles. aise Plums and pears are above "OOVEftMIINT LIQUOR ACT" Nolle. f Application (or OotiMM I Trsn'tr r Ik... xotk K is luniar nivii ihsi nn im IMH l4j' r Svtutl tt hf un.lrrlnv() iniMid to H'l'lr t ti l.iqmtr Coutrl Hxrt fr niM"nt lo irimrrr nf Prrr U llrrlirrl lUmpum. Tl"'r Muvntil n J. rjrriin -if Ibe T'.n nf I'nrl C.lenint. In ill imnlT nf prliir nuprt. In I ho Fro. Inr lit llrlll'h CulnnilH. Ih irntrrr. nTrn t rnnr import, n, c... m an diy of inly, tm. itrnnFRT iHMrTOJi. iiir.otMinK mi scit.M, CICCO.XE. Pflifint ml Trnfrfi MlfllRAL ACT C.rllf let et Imsroi.m.nU. tlrnmnlo u. . Iji Hll. Minonl Claim, hIukIi' in ltx Atlln Minlnr Pillnn nf tlx :ur lllriM, nn Iho WrM Ann of T-kun Ami, ilxail throe noarlor. nf mil. in lroaln the mould nf Wann lllvrr. Tiki: OTIi K that I, Chariot K., rroo Minor' irtirirato n. ST4t. Intomt, Uiy rtava fnmi the ilalo liorrr. in apply in ih Minlnr fiooonlor fur coriirirato if imtiMt'enHtnia, rr lh imrfMiw nf nh-talnlni rrwn nranl of Ino atxivo rlaltn. (n1 furlhor takrn nmiro that irtion, nmlor o-tlm S. nml ho onninionco1 do-fur lh Iu. n( twti Cortlflrat. of tin- er,'T"' "a . j ii. Mr, f -r lit a"". Miss Marlon F.mhley has re ttionre' hnrlh cotiiiucncrmont 19 EliWIM Datod May tn. IdtA SUe TO fi APMUCIATtD Bf MEN OF JUDGMENT I -?mnrw i"" ..Mi m. I This advertisement i not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by tbe Government of Hri'.ish -Columbia, ' VANDEfiHOOF Joseph (iraham, the Liberal candidate for Cariboo, i tour-ln tliN part of the diitrirt Mil week nrcompanied by Hon. A. M. .Mant-on, KJC., and II. (. Perry, M.L.A. of Fort 5eor?e. They will penk in Vanderhonf nn Thurs day eveniny. Iloberl Halrd, Inspector of mu- lure cops. .nmifl,aVn'Vva? ,,rrP ia:! wfe,k j n-ctir,p the book, of the viS- laKt. lurnil hero after bavin? spenll six weeks at Stuart Lake. Miss Aleita Mitchell returned lat week from n trip to Van couver and i visiting with Mr. and Mrs. George 0ton. Mrs. turned Thomas I'orler has lo Vanderlioof after visit in the ri. average. Wealthy apples are "r. and Mrs. Clarence Lam, moviiur in heavy quantities and Pitt, early settlers, who left for jure of very fine quality. Heavy, W nshlnglou five yers ago, mo-jram Shi week will be of grealjtor'ed In lat week lo spend a theiirru to the lale apple crop, week or so visiting with obi Paiurage is poor but will ben. friends. efu by recent rain. t Miss Violet Day left last weeU for Vancouver where she is vi iliiiB with . Mr. and Mrs. George II. Ontram, Itev. and Mrs. Geonge J. Gray rrnre immirri 410 nui huh in tp I re lettviinjr this week for Van- knin rit drniii Moiri. p.n ci. 'r"l,'p" ucre .ir. lira) win ai-nienK h c. up. ih un.i drrriiM-i lend Hie provincial synod of tb l ot T. Mrl IT. in S0MIVUI11B f ll T4, rii. , ,. . yu.-Mi cntrioiio iuiui. rnnre imparl;'. m liihiiihu, linn Hfiiry oitinri. nj inr rroinrt nil prilith Cdlumtilt, fnxii Trink Hlrki lol ALICE ARM There is considerable gratifica tion here nt thi fact that Alice Arm district carried off three mineral prizes at the Vancouver Bx-hihitlon. The Standard group nnj ttcGr'alh Mountain took the first priie for lnc ore; the La Hose, TERRACE Mr". I, O. ftuart and llijvc rhildrrn who have holiday ins: at Hill Farm relumed to their horn1 " In I'rinep liuperl on Saturday. C. It. Oilliert returned orf Friday from a huMnen trip to ' MU Husbbj relumed on ,ai-urday In her home in Prinet Ilu-perl after n viclt at "The CrusA-ways." Hie summer Jiomo of Mr. arid Mih. It. I,. Mrlniosli. , Mrs. I)., ! Hall of Vancouver left for her home oa .Saturday after having spent ihp past few monllis with h"r sons, .1. Morse liar I nf Terracp and Floyd Hall of Smilhers. Mrs. I). I), Munro was an afternoon lea hoslfss on Friday In Honor of Mrs. Hall 8r. and Mrs. Olio Von Heps. Mr. and Mrs. Olio Von Hees and III lie daughter left on Saturday for Vancouver where Mr. Von Hees has accepted a position. H Is in old timer In Terrace, having iieen here slrn-el lUli, and was until recent iy I - John Crelicn was a patient in the. Terrace Hospital for several days las I week receiving treat ment for an injured knee. days. Miss KIli6li'Uead spent the week end with Miss Mary Wilson at Hemo, . Miss Mary 0Connel of Prince Rupert is spendft? a holiday at the home of Mrl ,. Sherwood. Mr. an.l Mrs. W. C. Sparke relumed on Friday from a com- "a i a a f United ,,mp'1 business and holiday trip n iuiii-oiirr Mr. nnd Mrs. George Abbott of Prince liuperl spent .the weak end in Terrace. Miss Rates left on Saturday for I.oveland, Colorado. Mr. and Mrs J,' Anthony of Hemo were in town on Saturday. W. Vanderlip relurned on Friday from Vancouver where be openl buyers' week In the inter-els of the Terrace Hardware Co. He spent several days at Jasper en route home. John MrRan of Prince Rupert spent the week end with bis family, who an holidaying in Terrace. Herbert Morrison and- Qhas. Wilson (jiff Ijalellon, i 'were in town lit, lV .WerkJ-ndi-? i v . --r ml l. . navts or. the Hopper hit'ib Mlliititr in Wa In tit 1 nl-f anRard( third prize for copper... mi(p from . IrtjnIn ,n Mrs. V. II. KeroTln, of PrtnceS,a",'' , Itupert, Is hcreMo visit with l.eri ,, nnr,P of Am,hllrv son and daushler-in-law. My. and, ,... snliiardav and Sundnv in Mrs. II ,F. Kerjiin. The bifjtfcsl (nnce nf the sfa- son look place here on Sat unlay t i . i ...i. ii . in.. . i i town. T. V. Rrewer of Smlthers was n business visitor here at the infill lll'll nut .li- ,TU .Mfll- ,..!. anil dians nnd party Journeyed here. ' . from Anyox. I I .. L' . , . rin.nn.ti. II.a niimmii nni iiiinin mi- Lamp otI Iclosiw of the Sunday school Cauiar l and nutnrL land nooorrtin canin at l.akclsp Lake and Ihirly nutriri nf prmco iiunort, and aituaia on air ' ncpoiiinanicil ' hv Hcv. nnd ' sum l.ako about J mllos outhot or 7." , ., . A ,. Aiim Tonito. i.Mrs Wni. Allen, Mrs. A. 0. low- .TAKK .XdTir.K that Edwin Mlej Fsrert. u- ta llorllin I'nulrr llov W nf Attin. in in rroyinro of nntish cohim- 0T M,s I'eriua i owier, tie. v . tiia. occupation nporatinir touriat launch,: j". tiarfont ami Prof. Wlckendrn JWihS rSIESina Vie'Si' tanar" ! relumed lo lown qulle deliKhled ..Vrn:r" i f' J ..r"",.r,,.J,..,,,?S with tlieir week's -outing. White " P..HI.....1 .i.iii., vi u. lacier ri Bay, u.j, in ill . i . i ii i i.iar, aiiuairn aa aouv t: llio ihro lino wot t iiiith q chaina: thonco ci Atiini" thonco Miiowint the weather man was not , quite oau'Vii rtainiio kind to the girls in tbe way rhalni, Jl'LES to point or EOOKHT, applicant. MINERAL ACT Certificate of Imnrotemente. Ilrnwnio No. 5 Minora! Claim, alinalo In H. MC.N. FHASER, Altat. of sunshine and dry weather ns he had been lo the boys the preceding week, they were quili in enthusiastic about their good lime and good care nnd their ! ardor was not u whit dampened itio Atim Mminr imninn of iho r.atr.hy Iho rain. Much Interest va nieiriri. nn wann n adJolnlnr and to vor, .. i ii.a ., ii.t. .,., iho nih or iirnwnio No. 4 M.n. taken in me camp mis summer takf. mitick that h. Keratitw.iijv . romnutnily In neneral. i, oatnos lite iiiiiiui iij 111 k u. mi, Froo Mlnrr'a C.crliriraloNn. SOnnJ, Intend.! ,'" amy d.r from the dale lirronf. in applyland Yt'ry generous donalions Of lo the Mlnlnir llociirdor for a Cortiriral t,il, looiistutts roo.l 4 1 II f f a nnd ana inonrj mnnov as ns nf imprnviinonM, f,.r tiio piirpoe of nil-,""01" taininjr a cmwn Orant or the aiive claim, well as equipment, jnadn possible And furlhor lake notice that action, nn-r ,.... miidw. fr .i.n.t dor aoctlnn 5. timet lie coinmniced before a week S OUIItlg tor many Child. nionta.'" of """ r'r"r,r,w imrro-jiTit, with splendid care and su-..LNTED day of Sepirmber. A.D.I pervlsion, an abundance of well cooked food and tbe advantage! Farm. show an James Mayhall are also in the party. Four years ago 1 5,000,0(10 humpaaek eggs were taken to Washington and two years ago 38,n00,"00& were taken. Thcas Came from Fidalgo Hay. The fish did wen, nut. there was a cry for a larger variety, so Mr Mayhall went lo Karluk hoping j to secure them there. The en lerprise was not successful and he is hoping for better luck f. the fiordova disirict, where Die run is more favorable. He had hoped to secure as many ft; ns two years agro. 1 ney are t. be packed in moss lined boxes for shipment. LOST A MILLION DOLLARS J CANADA Splllera M'lllng Concern Follov Fate of Many Other British Concerns (Financial Posl) A writer in the London Stou. hxchanjre (iazelle says of the venture of the Spillers Milling interests in Western Canada th.'tt it was "nn ill-starred day when the directors decided to jro in to Canada; Ihev have now sold their interests In line and tor initial' elevators there, and they charged 200.000 apainst profit and loss account last year. 10 create a reserve tit meet tlie'Can- adian loss, about half that sum licinp needed to meet the los on exehanpe." Whether the loss on exchange referred to had anything to on wilh conditions in Canada or merely reflscled careless hanking the fact remains that this loss of $1,000,000 is heinjt charged up against Canada and the experi ence is evidently being adver tised in a manner that will dis courage capital from romins to this country. The experience of the Bpillors Company Is not a new one as representing Iho outcome of Rrilish industrial ventures in Canada. A number of other con cerns have suffered like losses And II may be frankly pointed nut that others in the future will of the discipline necessary to make for harmony in a contmu-nlly life. J. M. Hoar and t?. A. Hayls, Kalum Lake mining men, spent the week end In town. 1'.. Chesley was . up Shames on Saturday. from Mr. and Mrs. Collar! and son of Prince Itupert arrived on Sat.-urday to spend a holiday at llial nfidar August 24, 1926. THB DAIL7 RVWd rf pkan ftv Wftat Good is a Jeweller's Guarantee HiiiifliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiudiiiiiiMiuiniiiuiifi Aggregate Value of $920,919,628 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1925, $61,492,242 1'he Mining Laws of this Povirice are more liberal and the lower than those of any jiihcr Province in the Dominion, or any colony in the British Kmpire. Mineral locations are granled to discoverers for nominal fees. Ahsoluie Titles are obtained by developing such properties, Ihc security of which is guarflntee'd by Crown Grants. Full information, together with Mining Heporls and Maps,, may be obtained gratis by addressing THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MINES , Victoria, British Columbia. N.B. Practically all British Columbia Mineral Properties upon which development work has been done are' described in some one of the Annual Reports of tbe Minister of Mines. Those considering mining investments should refer In such reports. Tffey are available without charge on application to the Department of Mines, Victoria, B.C. Iteport.s covering each of the six Mineral Survey Districts arn published eparalely, and are available orj application. Reports of the Geological Survey of Canada, Winch Building, Vancouver, are recommended as valuable sources of J2Sv JWMM SALMON has been ncre" for the past six, rfT.C LWJO fUI CnD STATFS years and will be greatly missed by many friends, especially in; , - musical circles in which she Hump'ps Being Transported to took a very active part. For ; Washington Rivera From time Mrs. Von Hees will be tliei Northwestern Part of srursl of Mrs. ; Patterson (nee Territory .miss .vine .uruoiicaii in .ew Wpslminsler. BRITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO THE END OF DECEMBER, 1825. Has produced .Minerals ns follows:. Placer Gold, $77,flfl3,0.i5; Lode (Told, $ 122,808,-Silver, 974,111,307; Lead, $89,21,907; Copper, 10r,ni2,047; zinc, !f3ft,n25,047; .Miscellaneous Minerals, $1,501,387; Coal and Coke, 273,08,053; .Building Stone, Hrick, Cement, etc., $ i 4,005,880; making its Mineral Production to the end of 1025 I V in VlHtf W Viit ! lllinin. back salmon e?s for trasplanl-inK to the stale of Washington are tieinff souylit- by an official Iarty which arrived here today from t tie westward, headed by L. K. Mayhall, general superin- Mlss Marsh returned ,'endent or hatcheries ror the on .xaiuraay from racinc where''"1-' "''"" .-. she was the guest of Mr. and;,,p u aceonipanied by Ed. Jor- Mrs. T. II. McCubbln for several enon a asIMan. an, ler and Frank Warren of-Kltna. Wash. Mrs. Mayhall and younx Paints & Varnishes Floor Varnish Stain in Five Colors. Zip-Glo it dries in thirty minutes. Satin-Glo for walls, furniture and woodwork, Alabastine in twenty-one popular tinst. also white. Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. Phone 101 255r3rd Ave. Residence Phone, Black 617 P. O. Box 247 ANGER, The Tailor Fine Imported Serge and Scotch (tr AA Tweed Suits made to order in 0,ir,l I UU shop in Prince Rupert as low ns ijtV I. ANGER, Cutter 223 Sixth Street Prince Rupert, B. C. WICHMANN OIL ENGINES arc u illnr fa Bo ut In tlmo ir t iii want youra tht taintcr nomembor, Wi 'tuuann duos, not vibrato, will idle ill day. will slow dowp ror trolllnfr. rirat fist uullor. no upkoop. no noitlo iniublo. ENGINEERING CORPORATION, LIMITED Marina Department: Mr. O. Tallafaan. ORANVILLE ISLAND VANCOUVER, B. C Canadian field without closel..-studying Canadian conditions, m j lo conduct their operations .a this ;ounlry by aid of the Atlan tic cable. II might have been expe.ded that the dismal failure of the efforts to manage the firand Trunk Itailway by a board silling in London would have shown tin futility of lone distance management. Hut no, other failures have followed because Hrilish direct. ors have decided that Canada should do business jn the Hrilish way. And so iiunaua is niamen for losses which should be charged to the stiff-neckedness ot British capitalists. The Home Name For It Teacher (talking on the wick edness of stealing! .Now, if 1 were to put jny hand in some oWs pocket and take money what would I be? I.itlld Hoy Please, Miss, you'd be his wife. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Laaaa Land In Prlnco Kuporl Land Borordlnt Dl-trlcl or Hanne , Cot Land District, and ltual on 4'asars laland. TAKE .NOTICE that J. B. Francla, of Tomika, Alborta, occupation Minuter, intend lo applv tor a lea of the followlni-drurrluod lands: rjimiiionrinr at a njdl Dlintod at tn North Wost rr.d or i-auat Island, nor coast Triansulatlon Sta. Ill: thonco around the laland at Man water mark and roiitainluir tnoo arroa, rnnra or low. JOSKI'lt URITLAND FltAQS, luo tun, to. pllcant. THE BANKRUPTCY ACT. IN THE ESTATE OF ANME lUCIlMOND. Authorliod Asslpior. , MtTICK la heroby lven that Annlo rtlch-moiid. of t'rtnce Huirt, II. C. did on Iho i tm iir nr tuiu.t. tti. make an author uM airnntftil or all hrr proixrty rnri tho benefit or bor creJllors, ami llrat II. MarLeiM, orriclal IVeeelver. haa an-1 also fare similarly If the pro- .r'iiToobt..rm.irT.Tretu:a at JheTrl moters expect to establish in the ' "rM"!?." T.r"'tL .iohi?e 10 ,J I .NOTICE 1 rrlhif slven that Iho rirt moi'tlhl- ofl vifilllura In the alMive onuto will boutnMd'atia ornre or inn. uiiirui HeeflTefarilKf USfrl Home, frlnc Mu-pcrl, I). t: on the tltn day ot Aurual, tli, at It o'clock tn Iho foremioii. To entitle you la vote thereat proof of vnur claim inuM bo Iwlirotl wllh nie beroro ihe meetlnr hold, proxif to bo tist'd at the. nieetint mut he iiMltred villi nio prior tliereto. And further take notice that It you hare anv claim atalnal the drbtcr tor which you are entitled to rank, proof ot such claim mutt be riled with nut within iliirtv .lave, from Ihe dile of thle notice for rrom'and arier the etpiratlon of ihe lime ried bV anineciion nt wetion 31 tr the mid Act I ahall dletnoute Ihe rro- ceeda of the dcblor'a ealal anHMir the panic entitled therein havlnr retard only to the rlalnie of which I have then iioll-. lvTH at I'rlnce Itupert. H. '.,. thla nth day o Auiit. ts6ii-v.- l. m una ay Fi't-Ltn. Cuilodlan. All Nerves! All nerves I What a common expression! In this busy era with the problems ot 4iome. management, club activities, and even political affairs crowding her day, how often the housewife complains of nervousness, headache, backache and general fatigue, i These symptoms ' of Ill-feeling aro often due to strained eye muscles and nerves which can be relieved by properly fitfed'ehis.ies. A. E. Ireland Graduate Optometrist for 27 yeacs. 15 years constant practice in, Toronto. Phone Red 442 319 3rd Ave., Opp. G.W.V.A. SUMMER SUGGESTIONS FOR WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Birch and Spruce Per load ...... .,..,S6.50 Per half load 3.50 Per sack ............ .SO Burn Wood and Keep Cooll HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 880 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Hxqulalte Stock of Fur Trimmings at low prices B. C. FUR Co. Neil Q.W.V.A. Third Ave.