illf jday, March 4, 1926. k ii -Jl ff Hm I, i f y V1 ir T't if KaBBBBBMTBBBiIBBBMr9VaBaBaBaaBJaKa lJ'W L7VM T 11 AtsMfr 1 ft I . I 1 1 . 1 I iff 3 It II mi I on distance and quality. You always get them both when you have Peanut Tubes in your set. Strong. but economical on the batteries. Now $3.00-ucre $3.50 Victor Northern Electric Peanut The Hev.;l Si.-r. Prd Avenue and Cth Street. Tubes ZS si ii It a I r s ii m m 51 z I : z : : : si X Ii :i t3 11 l r s THREE FLOWfiKS Preparations For Exquisite Care of thhe Skin t:i-.m Creum. Skin i T It 1 1 1 l i -ii. I .i i ti i ; ; k liii-. mi . . 50c each For the Face I ai ' I r m while, ii.i'mi.i! ami lirillit'ttt 7Ec and SI. 00 u-. in it. irk, 1 1 1 1 1 i ii . .iiid light -hides 50c I i-ii'-k mimI Kliiuv Pciicd, ein li 35c II; 'uiitiui-. Tab -it iii powder. Smiji .Hid Perfume. With each SI. 00 box of Three Flowers Face Powder .: ii'i kiviiir i-n k.ifc'1' containing; ix Iriiil .ize Three Flowers Preparations Free. . booklet lit ' Me Art, i : ,i mi i you may IliW I'll' till' .Ikll(r. Ormes Limited 1 , i el' Drntftnl Phones 82 and 200 Seagrass Chairs and Rockers $7.35 and $7.75 Wicker Furniture III I.'' klU'll '. Centre 'r.r,.i- iin!'i. ix Table-, Window iM(Manlii..' i ' Si. i il- .hi' " in ca-oii. BARRIE'S Home Furnishings tOne dour ti 'if I New- ofin-e, 3rd Avenue. Phone 123 Fishermen s Sopplie FISH LINES, HOOKS, ROPES, TWINES, FISH NETTING AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUBOER CLOTHING, GROCERIES. Compare Our Prices Lipsetr, Cunningham Co. Ltd. Second Avenue and McBrido St. TU G BOATS Day PhH , Rupert Jk Marine Gr. 238 Black 735 Products Ltd. GEO. Q. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. Night Phones GS7 539 Gr. 238 Dlack 735 Local and Personal l'lione 15. I'.ll. Coal Co. Arthur's Taxi. l'lione 078. U.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Camcroifs Dance Orchestra, tf SlifiMonV 'Pail and Mcsciier Service. Phb'fle 131. t Mr. an.J Mrs. Lloyd G. Wilson relumed from Port Cleiiicnls on the Prince Charles yesterday af ternoon. J. M. .Monioiui of Alice Ann, who ha heon loidiuff recently in Victoria, arrived in the city from the oulli on the l'rir.ce llupert yesterday aflurnoon. Mr. J. Wilkinson of Victoria arriveil mi the fteainer l'rinci- ftuperl yeleriiay afternoon and will in the eity wilh her dauK liter, Mr. V. Alileson. Ialn I.. I'ilt, manager of Hie Premier Miim, and Mr. I'llt Weir lan-ngei aboard tli l'rinof itiiieri yeitenlay morning' ro-tiiriiiiiii north from Vancouver. Robert Jane, who went souI'j recently. vriUi tlie mnairt of hi hmthor, llif late Thonia Jone., relurnej Ut lhi city on . tli I'riiire Hujert ytUrday after ni'iiii. O. A. I lank, manager of tbf ll.C. Silver mine, and Mr,.. iank will 1m pHdensern mtlng oouth on ijie Prinre Huiert tomorrow morniNu from Slewarl to Van couver. !. W. Mrl.emsn. Slmvar! Imrrt- ware maii,y,wa a itatfenser rt- lurnine nnnn on the I'ruice itu-liert yelerday afternoon after a is week' buoineftH trip to an- eoiixer and other point iu I If pootb. ieore Shaw, who has le?i for the past several weeks in III-' south on a holiday trip which toitk him an far as 'li Jnanp, MeKiey. relurmrd to the eity on i he Prince lluiirt yesterday af- Irrnwon. Mr. Alin'rt Farrow arrHed Mi- Piinee liuperl yrslenlay af-lei'imoii in join Mr. Farrow who iia- In i n in t"lie eity for the past eek or no on ileanilii iiispee-iii'ii ilulieo. Tiiey will return 'Hill tomorrow morning. r.harles Lake, well known Slew m l pioneer, w as a pasena,?r ahoariMlie Prince !tiiiert yeter-lay Nflernoou reluming to the iiiLtiin- camp af'er havns spent Hit' winter on a triji south which look him an far as California. lll.AXKiri' SPECIAI, For iit hmI of two week eumuieneiiiv Ma red I. we offr you a special ieitueel price oT She for sbtglt mil rOr for double blankets. We 'juaranlee in wash your blankets without shrinking. Give, us a (rial. Jnt phone 1 1 H ami we wil! to I lie resi. Pioneer laundry, I. hi., Thiril Avenue ami MeMrfde 55 I.. C MatiHinf, formerly dis-Incl forester tifre and now forester in charjre of management for I he province w ilh hoaibiuar-lers in Victoria, reached the city from the onli yi-sterday after- hi and will proceed to the interim- ' on Saturday. Mr. Manning i here on an iiispeclion trip particularly in connection wilh aistant rangers' exnmina-I urn whieh are atioul to take place al various points in thi Ii! net . THE DENNY ALLEN CO.'S ANNUAL MARCH SALE :5r Fancy Cups nnd Saucer, now 1 5c L'c l-lii v I isli l'orcelain Cups anil Saucers, now 15c. 25 per cent off all F.uglUh China Cups and Saucers.. .'5 per cent off all Fancy China. 10 per cent off ibiiner Services! (.lima urea a ana nutter plates, only .'5e. 5t nriirATcn IN? IV I ALE or STOUT W Builds Up Your Health THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THKEB Mims Ilarhcau announces her Spring Millinery opening on Friday and Saturday. Si St. Andrew-Society Ladies' Auxiliary Hauler .Sale llomccook-Tea in the Hooiih to Thurs-day, March 25. .Mr, (ii-ore 'J. 1'aiin', wife of (lie Tclkwa doctor,' ami child will bo iaM;iwr from train to boat tomorrow moriim on (heir way ' to A'ancouvcr. Mrs. .1. C. Italcnian, who hv het'u vixilhig In the city with her ulster. Mrc. Joseph iKinund, re turned to I'rlncii George on last night's train. (i. C. MacKay, district engineer for the provincial departinciil of puhlic works, will nail ahoard t'iu Prince llupert lomorrow morn hik for (Ifean 1 alls on depart- nnuital iJulien. Idxaiuinalioiii for forest ran per are heln? conducted a( Ter race, March H, and burns Lake March 10. Xo candidates offer- d here for the examination which was to have heen held. Jack Marilonalil, who is in charge of the Masrlt Timber Co.' plant at Kuckley Hay, and Mrs. Marilonald and son reachei the city on Ibo Prince Charlej yesterday afternoon. They will re (urn to the. Is'amls Salurdav night. Crank I'asura ami Art Courte, logging men for the Kelly Log tring iUi.. arrived from bogaii In lei on the Prime Charles yester day afternoon. Mr. Pazura wll remain in the city for a time an Mr. Oiurle will go outh l'rida? morning. Mr. Peler rflophen, who hasi been visiting in the south, returned to Die city, on the Prince llu'rl. yesterday afternoon. Mrs Slephefi i uow ijiiile recovered from injuries sustained when she was si nick ny an auiomoliiip Koine wedfcit ago. - A (i. K. lla)-ward, bead of the Haywnrd Lumber Co., which operate the Canada Products sawmill at L'sTi, and Mrs. Hay wiird were assenger from boat to train yesterday returning So t he r borne in Hdmuntou atlc. h viil to Vancouver. Jack .McOtll was n passenger ahftaiil tlie Prince llupert yes- li nla) afternoon going through to Anyox where he will rejoin the lirauby slatT after having spent the winter in the south wilh hi parent. Mr. and Mr, (ieorge P. MeColl at UassMy, Vancouver Island. .1. V. King.' port toward of Canadian National Coast Steamships, arrived from Vancouver on tlie Prinw llupert yesterday af-teriioon, his mission being ii connection with I tic outfitlinc o the steamer l'miee John whidi i resuming service after hav in undergone annual ill the local dry dock. overhau'. Mr.. F. V. Allen arrived on the Prince llupert yesterday afternoon from Vancouver lo join Mr. Allen who is a mcmltcr oi Ihe l.ipsetl-Cuuniughain staff. Mr. Allen is lo open a beauty luirlor and hairdressing eslnb-lishment in Ihe prcuiics on 'Hiinl Avkiuic formejly occupied hy tltfs Prince llupert F.xchangc. The members of the Holarj Club, their wives and jdher friend are enterlaiulng the nurses of tlie oily at a cabaret dinner this evening at the SI. Heyl rafe at seven o'clock, II is announced (hat there will be no speeches. The welcoming committee consists of Harry Itoehe-ler. Thoma. Trotier, John Ior. nnd Farl llarrie. J. F. Hutchinson, revenue collector of the- Dominion Fisher ies; Capt. J. Hoyd, overseer for Skeena district; F. Warren, over seer for the ,aa, and D. S. Cameron, overseer for the ecu-Iral ilivision, will sail tomorrow morning on the Prince Hupcrl for Vancouver where they will (attend a conference of denurt uuii open muck .i.iiiicrware. menial officers. They will le umn r.ngusn urosveno- HWay ft Wl.,.ki bJ His Face Would Hang Him Judge lo prospective juryman) So you've formed an opinion of the case? P. J. Yes, your .honor, ouo look al that man convinced m: be was guilly. '- . Judge Heavens! vMaji, that'. the prosefultng attorney! Work, Save and Succeed THE surest way to get ahead in money matters is along the ti ii i .t r t ' ' - Jfc oia, wen inea pamway ai uuuu The Bank of Montreal is here to help you by providing you with a safe place for your savings and by paying you com- RANK OFW IV MA AIV lr 1 "I 1 U A I Ti -" IVlWlN 1 1LAL m Total Assets in excess of P.f,w;.k iRi7 -Jm$y $ Provincial Constahle J- If., Smith of this city is a patliMii In the Prince llupert (ieneral! Hospital where lit was admilleii Tuesday night. It may be neces sary for him to undergo an oper ation. City Police Couslahle Ab-x Mnolonalil will sail tomorrow j morning on the Prince Iltiperlj for (he south bavin? in his eos-j lody two men, (harlie Neill and; El of us(ufson, who will In-1 placed in the mental hospital A Esontale. Ottawa eorn,spindntH sli!i speak of FitiI Shirk as n prolt- al'Ie ilepuly speaker. He is a close luilent of Parliamentary rules ainl has all ended to his duties in the House much mir closely than the average member. His uppoiiilmenl woulil prove popular here, it is tlioifc-'li! a i' would indicate Ihe esteem in which lie Is held by the Parlia mentary leaders at the capital, j , I'ji'lgar Phinnpy, charged with j woundinv with Inleril, came up' asnin liefore Stipendiary Magi-Irale II. F. McI.eod in the pto-j vuicial piilii-f court I hit- morning, and wa further remamled fo:-j ehrhl days. 0car Saiidstrnm. Ihe man alleged to "have been; wounded in a recent brawl at. Lockeport, is still in hospila'j here hut it is expected 'hat lilsj condition will be such thai it j will be possible lo proceed wil'ij the preliminary trial next week. SPRING IS HERE. SpriitK is here. Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Jack Sherman observed a robin I wittering lustily near the corner of Seventh Ave and Taylor Street. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Mrs. D. W. Cael and daughter, Terrace: J. W. Thorn, Prince George: K. C. Manning, Victoria: C. I.a Fore, A. Atlin. George Jray. Charles Falconer and If. F. Ilobins. Vancouver: John M Morrison, Alice Arm: Mrs. G. Ii. Hayward, Kdmonlon: Mr. and Mr. .1. Macdonald and Master U W. Macdonald, Hockley Hay. Central A. .1. Wilds, .ledway: A. Mi -Master. IJueen Charlotte City: II P.. Alexander. Soinerville. J ANNOUNCEMENTS First Fluted Sale March i7 Church Faster Had 43 Bolls And Carbuncles At One Time Mr. CUnd Melinson, CastltfonL Ont, writ: "In regard to your rrmcdiea I hire to say that R1VB. wu tts osly 1 nifdiciaa I could gt to relievs me of my boils and carbuncle. I had forty tarf at one time, and ny doctor told me to take Tk "firtt bottU I took gave me fuck g-reat result that I took three more, and after I had uted them I was com- nletely reliervd of my boili and ca I DunWM." Put up only by The T. UUbuxa Co, Lhuw, Toronto, Oat. DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish j& Cold Storage Co., & Prince Rupert, B.C. Prospective Builders! COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDERS' SUPPLIES LUMBER Timbers. Dimension, .Shiplap, Fir Finish, Flooring. V Joint. Hustic and Uevel Siding, Cedar and Fir Boat Lumber, Fir and Cottonwood Veneer, Moulding", Shingles. Kolored Shingles, Lath, Oak. Hardwoods, Sah and Doors, Wood Pipe. CEMENTS, Etc. Portland llemenl, Kcene's Cement, As bestos Cement, Ilurdwall Plaster, Piaster or Paris, Plaster Hoard. Lime, Ilydraled Lime. Fireclay. BRICKS, Etc. Common Llrick, Fire Hrirk, Pressed Urick. Agrii-nlliiral Tile, Vitrified Pipe, Ffuc Lining. MISCELLANEOUS Nails, Huilding Paper, Tar Paper, Iliibberoid Uoofiiig, Johns. Manville's Asbestos Hoof-, ings. Asphalt. Asphalt Hoofing Papers, Sand and Gravel. NANAIMO-WELLINGTON COAL Try our Nut Coal for your Kitchen Range. ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones 116 and 117. Steamship and Train Service S.S. PRINCE RUPERT will li-uve PRINCE RUPERT tor VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, SEATTLE mil UileriiM'ilUtf (xiait- c.e'ti FRIDAY t S .m. S.S. PRINCE RUPERT fur STEWART mil ANYOX, VVEONESDAV, 10 pjn S.S. PRINCE .'OHN rorl 111 till for VANCOUVER Via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANOS. .PASSENOCR TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT EVERY M0N0AY, WEDNESDAY mil SATURDAY II S p.m. fur PRINCE OE0R0E, EDMONTON. WINNIPEG, (II ix.ints tailern Cinaili. I'nllcd SUtcA, AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Cllj Tkktt orric. S2S Third At, Prince RuptrC llCANADIANj PACinc Phon 260 , Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert f inCHIUX. WRA.NCELL JUNEAU. SIACWA! fti UMCOIiYER. VICTORIA ui SUTTU Fcbn7 R 22U. Mtfvk &ik ..FtWunr 12th. 26th, Muik IZik For Buttdalt, Swenion Bay, Eitt Bellt Btllt, Octtn Fall, Namu, Atari Bay, Campball Rltar, and Vancouver r, Saturdai 11 a.m. Aaansf for all Staamtltlp Lima. Full Information from W. C. ORCHARD Qantral Agtnt. Corner of 4th Straat end 3rd Anua, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sallln-s from 1'rince Ruicrt. 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanaon Bav, and Atari Bt,, Vuaadai, 6 P.M. .or VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Atari Bai, and Swanaon Bay, Saturday, 10 A.M. For ANYOX. PORT SIMPSON and Naaa RUar Cannarlaa, Trurtday p.m. For PORT StUPSON, ANYOX, ALICE ARM. STEWART, Sunday, S p.m. US 2nd Ayaau'. 4. Bamalay, Aatnt. PMnca Ruoart, B.a