PAGE FOUR Gift Umbrellas .Vobody would think iif presenting anybody wild an iiniDrlla .unless it was least afairly good one. To Ik acceptable al all-in Ixi worth' givliug or re .cciviug, an uniliri'll.'i .should cost at least 5.00. Anil when there is that much to he spent, the really wife persnn win see our sliick. Ninie as low as !2.00 Pure silk in colors nrourn $ . . John Bulger Ltd. Jewellers BOYS' SUITS In Tweeds, Serges and Cheviots "with 2 PAIRS PANTS i Largo range In choose rom in lalest.Hnlish styles from $9.85 ACME Importers Third Avenue Pure pork Sausage, per lb. .. 30c Heef and Pork Sausage, per Ih 25c Tomato Sausage, per 'lb. .... ... ... ..... 25c a Fresh Home-made Head Cheese, per Ih. .. 25c lleef Dripping, per lb... 10c Sealy 8 Doodson Sixth Street Phone 455. We deliver Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Office Hours 9 to 6. X-Ray Service Phone 6S6. Open Tuesday and Thursday Evenings Saturdays 9 to 12 nocn MILK From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM We specially recommend our Table Cream nt 15c for Hair Pint. Quality and Service Valentin Dairy Phone C57 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone M. Cartage, Warebonnlin, and Distributing, Team -or Motor Rervl'je. final, Bund and 0 ravel W Bpeclallit In Piano and PuMltura Bovlnfl. BRINGING UP FATHER THE DAILY HEWa V'illitil;tv j By George McManus "W" " "iinls? WW ICW . .. O 126 B InTi FTiHr r !. Crl Brinai tilm iimil I 1 THEATRE FIGHT AT THE ABBEY Play Delayed While Actors De. fend Stage Against Onslaught of Women OBJECTION TO THEME Sean O'Casey's "Plough and the Stars" Causos Disturbance In Dublin DUHLIX, Mar. ID. There wa an extraordinary uproar at I he Abbey Theatre here when vigor ous proiesi was maue ny repup - Deans against references in ?ean ...... .. i-i-. t .,.i... iii im nit- i ii'iiii.vourselve nsa n la Ihi. in l,.r and the Stars" o the Easter in- urreclion in 1 91 ft. Itooing and hissing during Hie econd act began the disturbance. The players could not be beam. even in the front .row of Ih stall. Then a man in the pi: precipitated uproar when he cried: "Send out O'Casey O. Casey, the coward!" In Hie gal. lery Mrs.Sheehy Skefllnglou, who has become mi promi'ienl a He. publican in recent years endeavored to make a speech To Make Protest "The Free Stale Oovernment is subsidising the Abbey Iq malign Pearse ami Connolly (leaders executed in 1910). Wo hat e not .come here as rowdies: t We came lo make a proles! Hgainsl Hie .defamation of I lei men "of Easier week," lu de clared. A young man sought In follow her example, but Ihe diii was so great that he could hardly be heard?" "We fought in Easier weeK, he shouled, "and we don t want any more of this play. It L slander on Ihe citizen ariuv"! (Ihe I.arkinile section of Ihe in- surreclionisls) . Meanwhile the players made heroic eiTnrls to carry on. but when "Ilosie Redmond" (a woman of Ihe slreei; came on, lUere were angry demands to "put the woman olf." In annlher pari of (he auditorium a wild!; exciled muii was licing forced out hy his friends. Shaking his fist at Mrs. Slieehy Skellinglon, lie said, "You are. a disgrace lo yom sex.'" At the opening of the third act twenty women rushed frdni Hie pit lo Hie slalls. Two of them succeeded in reaching IK" slagc, where a, general . melee ' took place., . . , , , .'-': An Actor's' Appeal ' x The invading women were thrown bodily back into Ihe orchestra. A young man then Irion" (o reach Hie stage, but was cut nlT by Hie lowering of the curtain. This he grabbed, swing ing out of it in a frantic endeavor to pull it down. Women rushed to aid him in his project, but he was suddenly thrown into ihe stalls by a sharp blow from one of I lie aelors. The pandemonium created a panic amonig a section of the imlieuce, who dashed for the exits and added lothe confusion. Fights on the Stage ' As soon as Ihe curtain was raised again, up dashed another youth In the slajre und got inlj grips with two aclresses opening Ihe next scene. Immediately a couple of aelors rushed from (he wings and unceremoniously pushed oir the Intruder. Another man had got. on the stage by thin lime am) was allocked by n num her of Hie players, lie retaliated vigorously, and after several blows were exchanged a hardy punch on .the Jaw hurled liiin into the stalls. Meanwhile the allercalloni were going on among Hie two 8eelIong of the audience. For several minutes he players calmly walked up and down the stage, but the performance va not resume.!. A change, rami? a challenge trophy In he com. over Ihe. troubled scene when ajpelod for and held hy Hie chain, parly of detectives and uniform-! pinns of recognized senior lea-i ed police arrived and iuirkly dis - tributed themselves through different parls of the house. Mr. Yeats's Speech Senator V. II. Yeats, Ihe we'l known poet and dramatist, win is a director of Hie theatre, calne forward lo Ihe accompaniment o a lorrenl or hoos and hisses. What he said was quite tnanm'hV lo a large seclfoii of Ihe audienc. who knew he was speaking only by the movemenl of his lips and Ihe waving of his hands in dramatic- gesture. This was hit pe.ech: "I though! you had go! tired nr Ibis. It commenced fifteen rears n?o. You have iIU"i-i-in . an over-recurring celeliralion orjleams. The lat nmaleiir learn Ihe arrival of Hie Irih genius?, Once more you have rocked the which in 191.1 defeated the Syd cradle of genius. The news oflney, X.ll., learn in Ihe ancient Ibis will go from country lo'eily. Toronto was Ihe Nrst pro- country. You have once mnrefessioual team to win I lie Sinn. rocked the cradle of a reputation, Die fame of O'Casey is liorn to. ; night. This is upollieoois." ! ft.UI M ooiaier aona As Senator Yeals retired, shouts of "We want Hie play," mingled wilh cries of "t p the Itepubliet't Over a dozen women demonstra tor seized a number of front row schIs, vacated by people who had rushed awuy in panic I he women began to sing Hum "Soldier's Song," and Ihe chorus wa quickly taken up in Ihe gal-: lery. Thive. or four police proaclied Ihe women and ejected a number of them, while olliers lied lo the pit. The removal of Ihese demon- lralors marked the beginning nfilrophy. The Stanley Cnp nt pre ine ueieai of me iiiiurlier. .Mrs. Slieehy SkelHngton rose ami an nounced that "we are now leaving the hall under police protection. I am," she added, "one or the widows of Easter Week be cause none of you fought on either side. The play is going t I,ondoii soon lo tie advertised there because j( belies Ireland. All you need new is to Mint 'Ood save Ihe King."' She then left. The play proceeded and thongi, there were frequent inlcrrupHui it was kept up lo Ihe und. WHIST LEAGUE Sons of England Won ' Ovor Orange Lodge In Ante-Dated Game of -Men's' Section. ' t In an anle-daled game at the men' cclion of the Fraternal Wiijsl League List niglil. liu Suns of F.ngliitid woit ovor Hi-' Orange Lodge by a ol 7 to 2. The final games of the season will Jake pluce lomoriow nigbl as follows: Oddfellows vs. Moose; Knight or -Columbus vs. F.lks; St. Andrew's vs. II rent War Yelerfips. The league iandin lo dale is as follows: W. L. Pis. St. Amlrew's 12 " 12 Moose II f, it K. of 1 i 7 , Flks (o 10 K. of 0.'...., 9 8 9 Oddfidlows 9 8 9" S. 'f C 7 11 7 S. of i: 7 11 7 1.. o. 1 a 12 0 W. V. A 5 13 5 SPORT CHAT j Us The Slanley Cup, which Is now emblonialie of Ihe professional hockey rliiiiniiionsliip or Ihe world, has Uen in exlslence for 3.1 years. It was donated in 1893 lo the Amateur Hockey Association of Canada hy the late Lord Stanley or Preslnn, I hen Govsrnor-CUneral or Canada, as '.'flies al thai lime. The first holders ofjhe rup were Ihe .Montreal Amateur Alhlelle team, i'haniiious of Ihe Amateur Hockey Association of Canada in 1893. From 189.1 lo 1898, Ihe contests for Ihe sup consisted of single matches. In 1898 the idea of playing hcl (wo out of three games for Hie cup was in. aiiguratcd by the association, the Viclorias of Montreal and Ylc.j loria of Winnipeg making tbei request tn the trustee lo play under Ihfvl arrangement The Stanley Cup remained an amateur trophy for 20 years, tin. til in tilt I it w.n fnmiwl mi, t,r comi.el II lim i.r nmf,..,!,,.,-,! I hold Ihe cup wn Ouebep, ley Cup, healing the Victoria of the Coast league three straight games in Toronto. The run , . t i a ieni wesi ui me iiuiowing year. Ottawa winning the National llocfcey Association hampiou-hip ,hul losing lo .the .Yane.ujvcr team. 'i 0 Stanley Cup championship for lOSfi will eventually be decided by Ihe result of Hie coining crie of Igame lielwneTr Ihe head-liners of I he Xalionnlulloekcy League ea and Ihe champion learn of the W elrrn Canada Hockey I.eai gue. The winner or the X.H.I.. play-olfs will meel (he weslern champion to contest for the sent is in Ihe West, being held by Ihe Victoria Cougars of tin Weslern Canada League through Ihejr win over Canadiens of the X.ll.L. in Yieloria last season. This year Ihe Western leant win-ninig Ihe Western C'tuada League lille will travel and play in Hie oily represented by the loam on top afler the .WILL. The record of learns winning Ihe Cup since it became a professional trophy in 191 1 is as follows: 1911' Toronto defeated Victoria in Toronto. I9I5 Vancouver defeated -Olla- wa in Vancouver. I9IC--fL-madicn defeated )P,orl- ):i(id in '.Mfiijlreni;! . 1917-'Seallle 4e(.ia!e, Chiipdjen in'Sealllel' 4 Ji I OIK Toronto defeated yjiuoi- veV in VancoiW.' W 1919 Xo decision". -Canadiens played Seal lie in Seattle bul the series was slopped by inDui'iiza epidemic. 1920 Ollawu defealed Seallle, playing three games In Ollawn and two in Toronto. ' 1921 Ollawn defeated Vancouver in Vancouver. 1922 Toronto defeated Vancouver in Toronto. 192.1 Ottawa ilefealed Vancou. ver and Edmonton In two series. 1921 Canadiens debated Calgary in Toronto. 1925-Yieloria ilefealed Canadiens in Victoria. Praise of Her First-Horn A learned proressor, who was unfortunately very nheul-mlnd ed, was smlliig a few days nl the residence of his married piece, and had listened long to the praise- , of.... her firt-horii When she paiWd for breath, lh lUdfeisor fell Dial he must say something. "Han Hie Utile fellow walk?" he asked, wilh appearance of in-lerest. Yuilkr criefl Ihe mother. "Why, he's been walkinig now tor Hve months." "Dear ; meT" exclaimed the pro- IW anted For Sale DAILY For Rent 2c per word in vwtKTr WAXTKH. Compelenl woman for genrral hmisework. 1'hnn U8. 73 FOR SALE 1 OH SALi:. - New and used machinery, boats and engine-. Columbia propellors. Oill pis- Ion rings. AIo small boat suitable for I roller or gill nelier. ! h.. new style Pal mer engine. Price Mllil.00 Xorthern Hxchringe, ;3 Jnd Avenue. r Ht Two tone walnul illning suile; Chesterfield sel; two lone walnul bow fool its and dreer; Cimiin . chef nde; fpiahogairr fHob-Wr necle boiikrase;- MttlArcli heal er. Phone ItlaHt 703.r 13 IIKAVKX A.M III!LL.-Swe.len Ikon's greal work on the lif after deatli ami a real world beyond. Over M pages. Onl I.'.c poslaiil. II. o., I8U I'.oclid Axenue. Toroulo. FOIl SALE. I hp t eyeb- 192.1 model X. 1 S. engine enmplele; oiiiiii praciieailt new.. fiinp ror enh J'hone tied rll evenings, between 9 -ii'd 71 HOTEL and (ieneral Store foi rent or for sale. Full particulars on application to Johnson and Lei hike, owners, F.ndako, H.C. 70 Ffllt SALK. .. h.p. Imperial I-cyele marine engine. Apply Soiirdoiiglt Hay. 72 FOIl SALI-:. Phino player, in Hrst rla eoiolilioo Apply Savoy Hotel. 73 TO RENT FOIt ItCXT.--Modern rour room ed Hat wilh Monarch ange, Clapp Hlock. Westenhaver Ilron. tr FOR It EXT. Pianos, player pianos, phonographs and sewing machines. Walker's Music Slore. FOfl IlF.NT.-,Tai!qr-Miop; two business rooms below. IvvjH living rooms above. Westenhaver llros. ti I'DII.MSIII I) HmisekeepintT (looms lo rent by t ho day, week or month. Phone lied C07. If FOIl RF.XT. Furnished housekeeping suite, Mtissallcm Aparlrnenls. Phone ,18. tr FOIt IIF.XT. Four room suite. hot water hented. Apply Smlli A Mallet. MOIICllN FLAT for Itent. Apply 1 Mai Hnllhroner. 1 ( PALM Ell HOl'SF.. Furnished suites ror rent. if BOARD AND ROOM. ItO.Mll) A'X I) IIOOM", 125 Thirl Avenue. Phone lied 33ft. IIOAIU) The Inlander. 830 Second Avenue rion t.1? PIQEONS HACIXO Homers, bred rrom some of Hie best blood In (he world Strains, Ollts, - llarker. Hon Ami; also Carneaux Pygmy Pouters, Tumbler and Squab llreeders. Slock birds nnd trained birds. From 5.on in $15.00 per pair, .lack Hanks, 1153 Hastings 'Street, East, Vancouver, H.O. ressor, nvain relaxing into ah slraeliop, "what a long way he must have gone!" Subscribe to the Dally News. NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. advance. No Advertisement taken for feu than 50c DRY WOOD. Spill lo any length In 4. blocks, per load S0.OO. . SM.T IIKIIIll.Ntl. A. ISAACSON, Seal Cove. Phone lilaek I ft I DANCING. ri'HF IIOX OFFICE will nol be opeietill 7 p.m. on Wednesday. March .11, a) OIMF Hill 1 STMIIE Mrs. H. O. Crew's Concert at Ihe West holme "lliealre on Tuesday. April rt AUCTIONEER. 0. F. IllllXE. Furniture nnd ean map. Hold ways a blind a t ha I to anything hul n suuar deal. You gej result nnd face value. Ituy your dining, liv ing, beil room nnd household necessities rrom Urine. Make one dollar look like two. I buy and el or exchange, rt. F. Urine, 209 Second Street Public bailiff. Phone 771. FURNITUE AND RANQES FAWCETI". Premier and Flnlay Itanse always In slock. Itesl-more beds, continuous 2 Inch posi, irom :io.mi up; any finish desired. Hiniiw room suites; living room chairs and lounges. , pood assortment Of pallerns jtominiou' 'Linoleums from 75c per yard. Lin oleum rugs, 92rt pallerns. nil sites. Wicker chairs 7.50 up Hed linen. Table linens and towels. A. Mackenzie. Furnl ture. Phone 775. AUCTION SALE. At'CTlOX SALE will be held al 733 Tallow Street, renr oYjSU Eighth Avenue Wesl. on Thursday, Mnreh 25, nt 2.30 i.m. consisting of oak dining suite; Cougnlcom rugs. Morris chair, rockers, dek, healer, pictures, Siiiger sewing mneh-ine. bureau, ImmIs, ehlfToniere, Unoleum, range, kitchen nlen il. ele. PIIILPft'lT, EVIIT & 'Q-, Aurlioiieers. 1 70 Al'irjIOX S,LE will l.e held at 735 Firth Avenue West on Saturday, March 27 nl ?.3ft p.m. consisting or Mendelssohn piano, oak davenport, Congo, eum rugs, rugs, combination desk nnd ohinn cabinet, Singer sewing machine, oak (able with iiiilomnlh eaes. cliirronlere, bureau, beds, chairs, healer, ele. PIIILPOTT. HVITT Co., Lid., Aucltoneers. 72 TRAPPER3I 1 NEEH 10.000 MINK SKINS He .1 prlres paid. Sen me berore you sell your furn. If Km fur I'll luy I hem. W. QOLDBLOOM, Second Avo, Tlie Honesf Fur Mnn. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Wednesday. March 9 "kIi I0:.1ft a. 111 172 f; 2.1 .1.1 11 111 IT I l-ii ., 10 17:11 p.m. tf.t ' Thursday. Marrh 9H I""1' IliSfl 1.. in. (7.9 ft. "w 5:33 a.m. 9.2 17:51 p.m. 5.7 " Friday, March 20 0:07 a.m. I8.0 n. 12:03 p.m. 18.7 " ft: 1 2 a.m. 8,1 " 18:28 p.m. 5.2 " A..;. i tLoftt and vuiM.nfr 4 AUTOMOBILES i See the New Imoi-n.. CHEVROLET8 louring, price t ft II ti pert ih:i(m lloadoler, price y i tt 1. Hiiliert . . .. CJUipe, price Fot '' 11, perl nnnfli, price F.o II I- perl nh, pru-e F.ou p., .. . perl ... luindnu Sedan. t .... 1 , prince iiMri i s Comiocrcinl Clin Prince Unpen 1 .- ,lt -l 1 Ion Clias.i. : it Prince llop. i 5 1 g. Cnll In nnd gel p.u , 1 , . O.M.A.C. Easy Payment Plu. A few barnains .1, s, j Cars KAIEN OARAQE lhaler in all .- , H -, PntdtirU, r.ailili . M . tin, Oakland, um-m line nnd Clo- WIIHCKI.Vo SFIIVP 1 M . Mi ill ! xi: hi 1 1 MUCKS AT M- 1 XI TIM K PWM . delivered pi " ' V Self starter .in.l 1 1 llunahoul .. ' Touring : Coupe ..... :' 'I'Uilor Sedan Fonlor Se.Ii . ' Cimmemal Clmsi. i rnek Ctias.i,. - Guaranteed Used Cart at SperiMllv l"W lKMOXSTIIATo. n Hiil 'M lesson at a'' S. E. PARKER, LTD. 219 Seoml v TAXI Phone 67 Tal (Call Heorge. Paol "! Six- and seven-pass. n. 1 -s ' bakers nl yur disp" i s for SOe Service ROSS flROS. POOL R00 Meeker Block Across from I '!' n'd Q00D EATS CAFE, Third Avenue S' I Opposite .n! - OOOH MEALS i. Old' ' r,itti nr Ten Sr vM HEAL IIOMK i illlhl ti ' v Mrs. linger. Prnpr ' " PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE Back to the old stand. 315 Third Av r. m All Hie la'e- ' SHEET Ml sir. s. 1 1.1. Nil. Process uuiuiiiuiu .oUt RECORDS AND PHONOGRAPH ROTHWELL'S TRANSFER . Coal - Wood and Furniture Moving llnxgnge and Fspro SIciidiLIHIe's Nw '',,n" .152. lie. Phnne nrrrnj. FURNITURE. ... nw . nn.i . . Secondlmnd K',r"t f4- lure Store, we nuy - -i change New nnd S"0,",l ii' floods, OEO. PAPADOPUkOS Men 8.1? Third Ave, CAMERON TRANSFC" Phone 177 aaaoe, Furniture If you want anything w"' or delivered, pnmi P.O. Uo o9-