V 1 Hit Minutes Deliberation a ll VI. H. March .'1. Hirry Davis Sent up to Ascites Following Finding Body In His Cabin l.V.ON, Mmch S. Harry - vhom II la ullucd killed ' u 11 " II. Jiiiilli, a wood thoii-"" February 12, has lieeu " 1 u for trial nt the next lt- - i Hie nubile court here. Tite liddy of Sinllh wu found '' 'he Davi cabin at Selkirk. Nun, ul tesllinony Inillcati'd Dial ''' "'ii wan cati.cd Iy u luillel n,i " Hie upiier pari of Hie " WoiiutU in the head would ao-ie death hut not Immedl '' "'" The lloyal Caiuidlan Mutinied Police discovered Hit' " 'Iv ot u cellar in the l)avi cabin. U.S. CITIZEN IS STONED MEXICO Oovernment Asked to Approhend Qullty Persons Following Brutal Crime MI .Mco CITY, March --loo "'HI, United Slide citizen em-Ployed hy the Mexican National 1 aitwnys. wa "hrulnlly lnned In ''"nlh," llm American endiasy nolificd Indny from Miual J'1"- The Mexican government 'I been requeued lo apprehend P 1 .ypwle, 6ivi wUagri, Uienii. hil evening U'nliy or Ihe munler fj V ine Muedde in Hie Van-! -rueful Hospital mi lle-j The aitf court jury hi Hie verdict after fif-uttes deliberation Mini vva pui'l by Mr. Justly (Iinl Putunle should - I mi July 1 1, -it Iwitrhiha of Hie (Bee "rul word wen iillered only emotion displayed 1 "xiiicr, who iinuieiliiilely to Okntla Jail In awnjl il reuse plea wa thai the ' - insane HM'I wax Iheji -a ' ounlablc f""- hix ae DAWSON TRIAL MURDER CHARGE 1 EFFORTS ARE MADE ! TO SELL RAILWAY BY VANCOUVER MAN VICToill.V. Mur. St.-Effort iii Mil lite Pacific Orciit KaUern 1 1 :i i I v h y to Itritish or I itttrtl SlnU" rpitaltt rp Muz made liy Dal Thomas of an-utMtalwiJitirc l4KV.. Oilier llrlll-h Columbia promoter are also endeavoring to dispose of I he line. lemj.. 27. O TO DISCUSS LOCARNO PACT AFTER EASTER Premier Mackenzie King Announces That Opportunity Will be Offered to Members UTIAVVA. March :. The I,o"aiii" pael in to lie up for de-half Hi Hie IIiiiix- of r.imniiiii.. Yeli-rilay I'remier MaeVeiiti Kin iiiiiKHinreil thai ineiuber.4 vmiiiIiI he citcn an oiporlimily oT lii iiKiiijt il and Camilla' relu-Imiii llierelo after Hie l'.a!ler WEATHERREPORT liovernineiil Telegraph; Prince Huperl Part cloudy, calm; leinp., i'erraee Clear, calm; lenip., 30. Anyov Hear, calm; temp., 3:i. Stewart Clear, calm; letup.. Ilazellou Cltnir, calm; tonip-2. Telivgraph Creek Part cloudy, calm; letup., 25. Sinilher Cloudy, calm; temp., ao. lltiin Lake I'.louily, cairn; Whllelmit'e Cloudy, calm; temp., 10. ' llig Siilnioti Clear, calm; lenip., 38. l)avvon Cloudy, caltu: temp., 5 ahovo. Average for Yukon '.'0 above. BOLWTY ON CROWS" IS BEING OFFERED Depredations of the Birds Given as Reason for tnori 10 in-duco Killing YICTHIIIA. March 21. A limlnly of leu cent each for Ihe killing id erow belwoeti April 1 and Ihe end of May I ntittouiiccil. The offering nf Hc l'otlltty fol I I : i i i ; lows a erle of ciinilainl of Hie deiircdalion of Hie bird in Jvariou parts of the province. 'J hit inoriiii; itaw the return to tut port 01 mx uf the large American halibut cliuoiicri willi call lie thai tti'ti- sold over the I Nli I'.veiiaiiKe. Had weather has been interfering with fiiliin-' during the punt two week and. for IIih retuuti, Mune of the fare tin iimrttiiiK were not a large u uual. The wnalhyr i now improving and a cuiiderable amount of halibul i exiweleil to arrivu liere during Hie next few-day. Tli'eie were 155.0MU lb, of fbh old by the American lo;il and price were high and well fiuclainvil, averugfng around iDr and Be. The ingle mall I niiudian Imal which lauded 1.-500 pound wa piiid 17,Co and 7c. Arrival of Hie day were a follow: American KatiMga. Jo.niK) li., to Ho At-lilt FWierleii. Seaiidia. .'IS.tHin Hi., and Pan 25 TAXI Ambulance ncl;. Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Hall, Service with newly laid dancing Anywhere at Anytime. floor for hire. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, and 6th St. PRINCE RUPERT The latest and for Hie MATT VIDECK, Prop. . a. W" least. Phone 467. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper VOL XVI.. NO. 70. 1JIIM:K JUPF.HT, H.C., WKl).E8DAY, MAItCH 2i. i20. Veilerdajfi Clreuialluo. 1(3 Street Sale, tit PRIOR KIVF. GENT'S. r ama. 15.000 lls t the Hodjj; I, nitnf. - YaLutat. 38,(i lb., and Trln-ily. Id.tfOO Ib-i.. In Ihe.naiiudian Fih X Odd Storage Co. CheUea, ?l.non II,.. I() (he Pacific Flherie. Canadian While l.ily. 1,500 lb., lo Hie lloy.il I I. h (. Salmon A'nilMdhnng. I.S70 red and Ifiil while. a ?n.:- anil He. lo Hie Can Hi I in 1 1 l'ih & f'ohl Storage Ho. LONDON, March 21. - - A de spulcli lo Lloyd's from Mauaos llraxil, reports 10 1 lives lost in Ihe destruction of the Hrazllian steamer Pars Hrcarvanko hy fire at sea. t he steamer carried full cargo Included In which was a iiiantily of Inflammable good. k . Accounls up In March 10 lolnl ling 915,501 were passed for pny men! by the city council Inst night . RRITIQH rnVCDMlWCMT IQ WCII CITCTAIMETi WUHUll Uv T LilUuflLiU 1 I J TTLiiiti 0JOltUMjU DOLLY VARDEN MINE AT ALICE ARM IS TO BE THOROUGHLY TESTED SOON Baldwin Government of Britain Shows Strength Secures majority of 189 over combined opposition approving Geneva policy under Sir Austen Chamberlain LONDON. M.l ll ll L' i Voted li slri.llir .urn. Mil lrimi..i " n -ll, t I I!. lA ti mid .Sir Aii-I'i Chamberlain rame virlnriously tml tf ' K nitiirk on In- Oeiieva Miry led by former Premier! I, ' lieorgiV Chamberlain w. sustained by ;i majority r iH'J,j Im mder In inaugurate a debate on th rereul League of; proceeding al Oenevn mill Sir Aoleu Chamberlain'.' i rem. I.loyd (icorge moved u reduction in foreign office' fi . .1 motion wIih-Ii n equivalent to a vole uf censure: government. M I he cud of a lengthy debate the motion: :. 'tided hy it vole of in :t0. J SENTENCED TO HANG IN JULY : - - Etnllo Pasquale Convicted by Jury Last Evening After 15 HALIBUT PRICES WELL SUSTAINED Several Large American Schooners Arrived Here With Catches This Morning KING OF CLUBS WINSLINCOLN Zionist Came Socond and Ves- slngton Star Third In Annual Classic STEEPLECHASE FRIDAY LINCOLN, March St. The flat racing caon in England opened today with King of Clubs winner oT the Lincolnshire Handicap. The decuhd horse was Zionist and the third Yessinglou Star. The lolnl number of, starters was 20. This I the 7.Trd season for Ihe running of this great sportsman' claie. The (Iriiiul National steeple chase will be run Friday. Among well Known hordes taking part will be Mid Tay Hrhlcc and Silvo. l'aclr of these horses has taken tnirl in past events 011 the same course 11 tut has made a ood showing. FIRE DESTROYED A HOTEL MOUNT VERNON . . - , MOUNT Yl'.llNON. Yn.. March 21. Fire, which destroyed the Windsor lolel lier( Imlay. Is es limaleil to have caused a loss of 1? 150.00(1. It was fought for hours wHh the aid of equipment rush ed from surrounding comtattnl ties before It was subdued. " SPANISH PUGILIST BEAT ENGLISHMAN PAItls. March 51. . Panllttn rzcudilen. the Swinish heavv. wetahl pugilist, knocked out Hurry rake of Ktuglnnd Inst nlglii. aflcr only one niinule ami ?5 seconds of fighting. MAY MOVK TO AMKIllliA. (ieorge IL. former king 'ur (ireeee. and lit wire, who are .-aid lo be contemplating building a home and M-lllmg down in Florida far from Ihe hazard of ltalkau politic. Prince Paul, Uie cx-king'. hrollier, now in- Clin ago, 1 aulhorily for the tnfornialion. ROAD WORK -TOtoME Provincial Government Calling for Tenders on Kaien Island Highway Work on the Kalen Island highway between the city limits and Galloway Rapids will be resumed by the provincial government within the next month. The department of public Works Is about to call for tenders for the completion of clearing and grubbing and for further construction from the city end. There Is also some further surveying to be done. UNEMPLOYED STILL HERE Slight Improvement In Situat'on Is Reported No General Opening Up Yet There are now nboul 50 ,11 50 men registered at the. govern ment labor bureau as being un employed. Owing lo the prepar ations tor l lie cauiiiini; season ami some resumption in Hi.1 limbering .industry, there h.v been some improvement in (he employment sanation recently aiinotigii as yet mere lias nee" HO general reopening up of in dustries. There is a steady movement uf melt lo the city seeking work, especially from up country dis Iricts. They are a good lpe ri men and the most of them are seeking work in mining or log ging. MANY LIVES LOST AT SEA Brazilian Steamer Burns and 104 Persons Were Victims of Fire PHONE WAS RINGING FOR SEVERAL HOURS Yesterday the proof reader paed up a typographical error in a cla-. sified . advert! emcllt in tlii paper. Furnilur' was for- ale appHrarif "lo ' plume lllack 703. The error made il "Phone ".Kt" and failing lo gel a response applicant kepi ringing (hi office fun several hours. There mut-have been .a lattge uuuiher of people reading classified advertisements yesterday ami answering them. GOOD PAY DIRT NOME WORKINGS Actual Value of Latest Gold Strike Not Yet Determined But Thought Rich NOMK, Mar. 21.--Wittier min ing in tlie .Nome ilistrict llii seaon lias rereived an impetus nol experienced for many year. In numerous localities dump being tnken out by iinliviilu.il miners forecast some rich liper itlon. Foremost among those who have made recent rich strikes ire Connelly tiro, who appear lo have the greatest body of highgrade ore on Ihe Anvil-e.x-ler divide. Old time prospector.-, who have visited, the properly leelare thai it compares favor ibly willi the gold bonatuaS it 1 he halcyon days id Nome. Dan Connelly told friend here that it Is yet impossible tu termine the actual value of the. strike. Steam hoists are beitttg used to lake out pay dirt. Hotly pay is sometime found as liigl us twenty feet. Sixty-cent pan are sometimes found, while twenty-live cent quenl. pans are fro ELECTION CASES ARE PROCEEDING EDMONTON FDMONTON. March 21. - The trial is proceeding here, of four men, Jencr. lloliertsou, Harris ami Hollos for contravention of the Flection Act in Athabaska Mimelhing like thirty witnesses are here ami 11 number have al widy been heard before Mr. Jus lice Ives In the criminal rourt. Advertise, in Ilia Daily News. Victor Spencer and Associates Will Diamond Drill and Tunnel at Dolly Varden Mine Property An energetic itinipaigii of development work in the way of diamond drilling and tunnelling will lie tur(ed ill May on Iho Uoliy Yanlen mine by Col. Victor Spencer and aociates anil, if the reMtll of that work is satisfactory, a mill will he installed and the property put 011 a' producing- basis again staled E. A. Ilaggen. proident of Mining Kugineeriiig Hecoid of Yaucoov.er and welt known consulting engineer, who was a visitor In the City yelerday afternoon following a weekV visit lo Mite Arm. Col. Spencer and hij associates' - - ' who were formerly interested in jvprii-k nriT T riri the JKdly Varden; have again ac-1 !H k W j 1 H U ipjirrd the properly under leac uLlLlLiliiX and it i their intention to prove! jn lTTin 1 rPTTi once ami for alt if furllier devel-i I K I A I Ml opm-nrof the famous mine isl 1U LlULllrilLlU warrattled. l.al year, on their behalf,' the properly was exam ined hy J. F. Tener, a consulting cngiiWr, and it i understood work now to be undertaken is a reull of his recommendation. Mr. Ilaggen states that the! I hilly Yarden railway is now lie-' in, put in shape by the govern mem nir usr a a morougiuare 4. to the Kilsault itiver mining dis tinct. Il 1 Jlr. Ha also visitetl (he Portland Canal i district and he is of Hie opinion that both regions are due for an ,cra of important mineral dwel- onmcnt Un season. Stewart Developments 1 Irfu At Stewart, Mr. llaggeii found the It'tg Missouri mine to be looking exceedingly well. There is enough ore already blocked out to repay it owners their invest-! muni of 250,l00 and Hi ere is! huge body in sight. Dan Mc- Vichie. consulting engineer from alt Lake City, i at present on the property laying out plans for it Tut ure operation particularly ilh a view to settling question regarding ore treatment and transportation. The establish ment ot a one stack tcatl smeller on the property it is expect ed will be hi recommendation P. E. Peterson is general superintendent at the Jlig Missouri and Angus McLcod is foreman. The hitter will leave there, how ever, in May to take charge ot work on the Marmot Metals. Last Tuesday, Mr. llagigen re ports, the new 200 ton unit, doubling the concentrator capa city there was put in operation The H.C. Silver ami Dunvvell mines arc steadily shipping ore, W. J. Crawford having the transportation contract for the for mer properly, ami Fred Young for the latter. Mr. Ilaggen will leave Vancou ver next week for lie (leva, Swit zerland, where he lias been called lo aUcnd u financial ami invest metit conference. He will bo away from Hritish Columbia for about two month. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Wheat, . H.U. Silver. Dunvvell 1 , , 1.. t 1.. . Marmot w,.... Premier Porter IdaHo .. Silver Crest .... Surf Inlet Hid i.5t 2.00 2.12 .15 .07i 2.2:1 US .la .on Asked 2.10 2.20 .18 MY, 2,30 .10 ,0U The bylaw providing fof the temporary borrowing by the city from the bank of I25,000 was given its final reading at last night's eotineii meeting. Prince George Man Gets off Because Papers Wrongly Made Out VANCOlVKIl, March 2 1 The conviction or Mis. Margaret Weasel liy Magistrate Muran of Prince lieorge for selling beer was quashed by Mr. Justice I. A. McOonahl on Hie ground that it W'ils illcr-ral Iip(:iiw. llii, nffimsi. 4,'Jlhat ihe railwuy will not again!Wil!, ,,cscribe.l H baving occur- ibe oiM-ratetl by any one inglclreil r ear-. Prince t ieorge. Inuning company but Ihal it will.,,.,, Morau is magistrale for falUnl" the iiajuls-aif.lm giv.tlhe rity Ttmriherefot'c Ihv aHee1t rrnmeiH to mainlalti as a publi- infraction may have occurred nioiiwd.v. J without his jurisdiction. im'siucs .nre .rm, .ir. nage'i: DOCTOR SHOWED FALSE CORNS Victoria Police Make Charges of Falso Pretenses Against Chiropodist VICTOllIA, March 2t. That Dr. K. M Melle, after removing a patient's corns had a habiL of displaying inanuracluri'ii'cttre - r . r.. "J" . ' i.V"- iiooi 01 wie cincicy 01 ine treat ment was the allegation ot the city police when lie -was arraigned in court yesterday chargr-ed with obtaining money by raise pretenses. TJie magistrale remanded the case u week. CHILDREN AND MAID BURNED Three Lost Lives by Fire While Mother Was Away From the Home SMITH, Alb.. March 2L Nel lie Cory, a maid, mid Itlchard and Farrall, the two young child ren tif Mr. Albert Vincent, were Huned to tlealli vvlicn HiQ home win destroyed aioikg with a country store in the abenuu of the mother with four other child- ran. The maid evidently, lost her lire when trying lo Ve?eue the children. KILLED SELF WITHSHOTGUN Body of Joe Daly, Alaskan Sourdough, Found Near La-touche - . SEWAIUV March 2i. loe Daly, a sourdtiugh, i, reported to have shot himelf to death 37 miles from Latoiiclic n montli ago. A small bftul of hi wa found washetPashore ami Daly' body vas foumi. ju a rough shelter nearby, where indication were that he had killed himscir with a shotgun. 1 ' is i