PAGE SIX Corsettes 0349 I r CUKStlTC- , Special value. Just arrived. All sizes. $L25 H. S Wallace Co. Ld. Phone 9. Third Ave. and Fulton. Just Arrived .V fresh shipment of Romanies Assorted Chocolates, Boxes $1.00 to $4.00 Hulk Creams. Orange, Van-Hie, Lemon, (linger Snowballs Peppermint, etc., per lb. ... 75c Uracils in cream, per lb. ..... $1.25 Hurul Almonds- per lb. $1.00 Jlocbon's Famous Almond Crisp, per lb $1.00 RupertPharmacy Prescription Specialists Phone 94. We deliver. New Arrivals of the latest models of Ladies' Hats and Coats jdsl in. Spun Silk, per yard $1.25 Cotton Crepes, all colors, per yard 25c Mrs. Wff Wilson Third Avenue P.O. Ilox - - J89 Phone Green 389 Real Bargains The values offered m our combination Kndials are the best. COMBINATION SALES No. 11 tin 'Apricots, i's. 1 tin Peacjice, 1 tin Pineapple, ... 3 for 85c No. 21 (in Haspberrics, 1 tin Cherries, 1 tin plums 3 for 85o No. 3 1 tin 'Loganberries, 1 tin Del, Monte Prunes. 1 till Strawberries 3 for 95o No. 41, tin Fruit Salad, 1 lin Pearlies. 2Vs, 1 tin Pineapples, SVj'b v.... 3 for $1.15 Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 84 Dr. Alexander Smith Eiiick Phone B5 , DENTIST PILES SHIPPED FOR WORK HERE; iJteconlstructlon of Government Wharf and Building of Biological Station to Start Soon Creosoted piles lo be used in connection with the rcconslruiv lion of the west end of the gov ernment wharf have been shin-l ped from Vancouver and shouMj arrive lie re wilbin the next win. or so. All oilier materia! heinfr already on hand, everything is ii. readiness for work on the wbart reconstruction and l lie biological station to commence as soon as I he piles arrive. John Curri" has the .contract for the wharf reconstruction and Mitchell & Currio for the biological station; building ALBERTA IS ASKING PROTECTON FOR GAME Danger of Killing Out Elk and Ruffed Grouse In Prairie Province KDMONTOX. March :'t. More and better waine m oled ion in Mherta was asked for by a de- Cost Price K Set Aside For One Week We are cleaning up on a few lines and to move them nuickly offer the following exceptional values: lb. California Prunes, medium size ... . , i 55c 5 ill. California Table Figs .i 55c lb. Malkin's llesl Pure Plum Jam 55c lb. MeCormick's Sweet llis-cuils 55c 3 tins Malkin's Hest Peaches 55c 3 t Malkin's llesl Apricots 55c 35c iikgs. Hobin Hood Polled Oats 55c 7 bars' Palmolive Soap .... 55c 2 tins IMmoiilc Spinach, :." 55c 3 lius Singapore Pineapple. sliced 55c 2 lins Malkin's llesl Pineapple, sliced 55c 4 tins Heinz Pork & 1 leans . . 55c 7 liters. Jelly Powders . - . . 55c 7 fins kippered Herring .... 55c of 4 pkgs. Cleaned Currants .. 55c be 11 Molls Toilet Paper 55c 2 Cations Sunlight Soap .... 55c (real West, Tudor, or our own bulk Tea, lb 55c Ontario Pure Honey. 2 ',4 lb. tin ,. 55c hollies Slerling Calstip ... 55c 2 tins Libby's Asnarasrus Tins 55c Fresh Fruit nod fircen Vegetables, first quality. We Sell for Less B.C. Butchers and Grocers, Ltd. Phones 45 and 574. PRICE (ST Dry Cleaning and Pressing Men- Suits, cleaned and pressed 2.00 Men's Suits, sponged and pressed jsl.oo Men's Pants, cleaned and pressed $l.oo Men's Pauls, sponged and pressed r,oc Men's Overeoals, cleaned and pressed, from.. 2.00 Men's Overcoats, sponged and pressed ...... 81.00' Ladles' List Ladies' Suits, dark colors . ... ?2.00 Ladies' Suits, light color 2.50 Ladies' Skirls, dark colors 151.00 Ladies' Skirts, light color - 151.25 Ladles' Skirts, pleated and cleaned $1 .70 Ladles' Skirls, pressed only 81.00 Ladies Skirls, plealed HI. 00 Hoffman Vacuum Pressed Is Best & DRY CLEANERS Phone 8 She Was Trouble! With Chronic Constipation Once your bowfh become comtl- - pated you are in for a lot of trouble, u constipation ii one of the mot prolific lourcea of dineaae that the human race ia addicted to, therefor a free motion of the bowel every day ahould bo the aim of everyone who aapirea to perfect health. Mra. O. W Lawrence, Cloverdale Eaut, N.B., write: "I waa troubled with chronic constipation, and became o bad I was almost afraid to eat anything. One day 1 aaw your advertisement of Milb urn's to I pot three rials, and after tsVlnr them I have never been troubled sioco with constipation." Tut up only b The T. Millurm Cc Limited, Toronto, Out. potation from the Northern Al-uerta Oamo. and Protective League tiiat came before the agricultural committee, of ' the oousc. Present measures and methods 01 protection aro inadequate, claimed Dr. It. A. Itooiiry, who was spokesman for the party, and inasmuch as the wild igame all over Canada is a great national u,-nt il should be given more and beller care. Ceorge Mills, Liberal member for Athabaska, took exception lo the iniplic;Uion that Alberta's a i lie protection is poor, lie said lie bad found the laws very good and very well enforced, and he tlso objected lo putting the blame for over-hunting on the Indians, for his uwn experience had been thai white men are (he .voist offenders. lion. Oeorge Hundley declared bat strict game protection ami enforcement is a gigaiilic proposition and that in spile of all lie efforts thai ran be made a great deal of game destruction will take place, because of I he large area lo cover. Some Species In Danger Particular mention was made by Dr. Ilooney of Hie danger of! killing oul elk and some of the birds, such as ruffed grouse. tttj ibis province. Immediate steps! should be taken, be thought, to save the remnant of elk in I lie' ilrazeati country, and in (he easel of the ruffed grouse, which are now In a serious condition ibiout'li both excessive shooting and disease, he recommended a lose season (his year. 11 was I he feeling of Hie Pro-cetive League that 25 per cenl all game licenses fees should set aside for game protection arid propagation1 and dial for tbe enforcement of the flame Act there should be permanent sal aried uruardian. with also an increase in the fine for minor hi- rriiiigemenls lo 850. Bears are Prized Dr. Ilooney lold the committee hat as a mailer of courtesy ex change il is desirable thai lbe fees for non-resident bunting licenses lo hunters from other provinces should be on the same basis as charged in lliose provinces t0 non-residents. H nlso bad a good word to say for lbe hears, which he thought have been unjustly penalized. Ilolh iMacK and grizzly hears are srreally prized rame ami are not nearly so injurious lo ollmr life as supposed. A close season from June to September was re commended. Advertise in the Daily News. Bring us your foot troubles Do you suffer from crooked or overlapping toes? These are warnings of worse foot trouble. Correct this condition with Dr. Scholl's Toe-Flex, one of the many DlScholls Rot Comfort Appliances which hnve brought relief to foot unren In every country on the llobe. We have these remarkable appliance! here at the atore. If you want ture comfort bring your foot trouble to us. Don't risk worse pain '-see us now Jabour Bros., Ltd. THE DAILY NEWS Vednei1ay, March 24, 1020. ) i i BIG BOAT RACE ON SATURDAY Oxford and Cambridge Will Corn pete In Historic Event for 78th Time i.O.NDO.N. March -' I. One oi Ihe big spoil events of I tit year to Londoners and others, the Oxford - Cambridge I iiiversily boat race on (lie Thames, which annually draws crowds of 'spec lators estimated all the way from 500,000 lo i.ooii.oou wiU take place on Saturday. Tin will be the 78lh race between .the Dark lllue (Oxford) and die ! I I. .1,1 III.... Ii' I ... .Iftlll WIUU u HUM lllpi 1 ' ,11111 u- usual keen interest is being shown in the coming contest. The race ,la.l year was disappointing in the fact that there was a cold wind which churnel the water up lo such an extent thai Ihe Oxford boat hot-aim water-logged ami the Dark Illu! was unable, lo rcuain in the con test tn the end. The Thames was very rough, especially On lbe south or Surrey side, which the Oxford crew perforce had to take because Cambridge won tho loss and chose lbe Middlesex or north shore, which fumished some proleclioa from tho biting wind. Cambridge finished lbe race alone, I lie time being 5 1 minutes ami 51 seconds, slowe: than usual hut regarded a creditable in view of the wiuo and water conditions. Tbe course, from Putney to Mortlakc is I U miles. CamhrMge victory lasl year whs lbe aCilh win lor the Light IHue, four less tian that of Oxford. Cambridge was the general favorite before the race. The IH77 race resulted in a ie Since the wai Cambridge has wmi every rara except one, Oxford being victori ous in 112,'I. During the wai the annum! inter-nniversity boai races were suspended. nominations" at ketchikan Harry Nunan Formerly of Prln:e Rupert Among Those Aspiring to Mayoralty KKTCIJIKAN.tAlai:. 21. Harry Nunan, formerly of Prince Ilu- pert is among tho.-e nominated icre for the mayoralty Ilis yeai Tliirly-ntne persons wer nominated to, be candidates for municipal offices at a caucus :v Ihe council chamber. Seven were named lo enler the rum for mayor, including Thnmaw 1'orry, present . incumbent. Twenty-one nominations' wcr- made lo fill three places mi lb" city council, while eleven were named for one vacancy on Ihe school board. Tilings for the various office Will close March 31 al 5 p. to llegislralion for the April 0 elec tion will end at I p.m. April 3. according lo an annoiinceiiien; by .1. K. Johnson, ily clerk. Nominees ami Ihe offices for which they were named are as follows: The Nominees Tor mayor: Thomas Tony, It. lleckmau, D. C. Cannon, M. It llucey, H. C. Nunan, V. K. Spaubiing. l-'or couneilmen: Frank. V. Thompson, N. II. .Walker, .1. S. Ilurgun, II. C. Strong, I. It. Ilun-spergrr, K. A.. Drnger, Henry Li wick, II. P. Hansen, Axel 0 berg, I'. II. Hold, !'. II. Itytis, J. II. llolie, Julius Hansen, Kldor. .1. Daly, A. A. Wakefield. Alfred Howe, Hans Sorenson, K. J. Dyei, Oeorgo Morrison, J. A. Talbot and .lack Cordet. For the school board: Mrs. Axel W. Carlson, K. L. Slidierg, Dr. W. L". Peteison, Hay Hall; A. L. Oils, A .1. I'.la, Mrs. Hoy Jones, Mrs. H. C. Carothers, Mri C. '.M. Taylor, Mrs. W. A. Ilalz- beiiuer ami Mrs. i. II. Dobbs. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. DKIIIY ISLAND. Part cloudy, calm; 'batoiiieM'', y'; leni- DMA It 'irH!ir,1'(Tl.VT. - Haro-meler, 30.50: leinperature, 35, HULL HAItHOIL Pari cloudy, light south wind;, barometer, 30. 32; temperature, 13; jlglit nwcll; 7.3(1 a.m. spoke steamer Primvj John left Allisoii Harbor south bound; 8 p.m. spoke lug Cape MARCH CAME IN LIKE A LAMB But Is going out like our WEEK-END SPECIALS With a Bang I Aft shA Swift s Premium Ham, boneless. machine sheed. special per lb 33c 'We will cut II any thickness llixpieforl Cheese, per lb. . . 65c Oruyere Cheese, per lb 45c Hulk Lard, per lb 19c LENTEN SUGGESTIONS Only ten more days until Faster. Fresh sprinjr Salmon While, per lb 12'ic lied, per lb 30c Smoked lllaek CmI. per lb. 20c Fresh Halibut. mt lb 20c Kippered llerriiiK. Ir lb... 15c Finnan lladdies. ? (1 45c Dry Salt ChI. V lb. bricks, eai-li I 29o Socke Salmon. Vi's, per tin 21c S'ockeve Salmiio, !. per tin 39c Dry Shrimp. '. per tin . . 25c Saanlch Clam, tier tin .... 17c I.bter. Fugle Ih jiihI. 'i .. 25c Lobster. Ijiale hrand. Vj's. . 45c BRAN I TlMlS WHEAT 1 IAJATTVI rOOO MACY TO UT W" W5THH tm apt Posl" Ilrau Flakes, mMial, ; pkus. 29c jflalkln'a Best Pure Honey, si rain ed, i lh. I ins 79c (This Imney Is mil sugared and is in big ili'iuniid ihnv owing !o the prevalence of slcknews and robls. Ilorliek. Malted Milk, hosoilal size, speeial $3.23 Johnson' Fluid llerf. hiuhlv re commended by pliysiriaiis, c, oz. bid He. special 99o StinkM Mediiini Oraie. mndi- oio size. 3 dozen for . . . . 95o Florida OrHpe Frnil. fur . . 35o California (Irnpe Fruil. slraiubt 10c i Combination Canned Vegetables. , 7 tins for $1.00 tins each Tomatoes p,.a and Corn, ami 1 1m Ilefuger llenns. Rupert Table Supply Co Phones 210, 211, 212 Alice; 8 p. m spoke motoiMhip Xorco. Kelcliikan for . Seattle. 3 Hi miles from Seal He; V p.m spoke sleamer J'linee (ieorge abeam Natuu iiorlhbouml; 3 a.m. out chooner M.C. Hird, Manhattan I., Pauline .1., ZahalhM, Pacific IL, Wireless, Orient, California, Pioneer III., Ilergeri, Fremont, Aloha and Swan. Noon DKIIIY ISLAND. Part cloudy, calm; barometer, 30.52: leinperature, 60;iea smooth. 'DHAD TUKK l'OI.VIV-1 la rounder, 30.20; temperature. l;tj. HULL HAHHOH. -Clear, ligh-norlhwesl wind; barometer, .'to -2H; leiujieriiiure, 17; Ihghl swell; 9 a. nr. sioke lug Pacific Monarch lowing barge Hiseayen at Hardy Hay southbound; U a.m. spok'e steamer Cardena leaving Jlella Hella soiillihound. BILL TO ENABLE MARRYING NIECE LONDON, March i. Sir Ar-Ihur Jleiin has introduced into Ihe lloue of Commons a bill lo enable persons to marry their nephews and nieces. If It becomes law a man will be able to marry his deceased wife's Scott towing bitciiit Hlngainon oil, niece, and a woman lo marry eiilrancfl Inland; buutid for l'orljher ucia-axed husband'-, nephew. Satisfied : Satisfied ctislonlers arc IIionu who gel value for llieir tnoiicy. Oor I ft re is nue wliere n have a stock mid price cipial lo any in Canada lo choose from. Visil our liasenienl slore lor Uhiila. Ilrassw nre. Class am ovellics. Modern Optical Department Here yon have Ihe M-rviccs of a pracllcal opliciaii who has had over 2 1 years' oxperjcin e. Our many satisfied ciisloniers nn mir hel refeiancu. Max Heilbron Jeweller and Optician WESTHOLME THEATRE TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Harold Lloyd in The tiriglilcol Ivvinkie l a log!.l, mshi g cliui kliug. siiHi-lniig, lii-liing along the field ul uniili. pholopiay Unit brings cvn yihmg IIihI makes life worth lining. L iiiIi galore. Thrills am) he.irl-lhridm. l'a k i rammed, j..mmcd and crMtuiiieil with jo) ami vvijdly li-lerii ul fun. Poor Humid. Hi i untie whs Lamb, (ml Hu t made him Hie college gnat until lie saved the uuy at thing foot bull mulch. Then he wai. u hero, but llieir In r -were us, uolliiug to Hie nole I'cgg) I mil wrilleo to him wil!' the magic wonK "I love on." Merriment. pf. IhhkIi ler woven ioln a gloimiis Ming ul voolb ami ruiiiame A rouiedy sopreiiie. Strung east. Harold Lloyd, Jobyna Raliton, Brooks Deneolct. James Anderson, Joe HarHnglon, Pal Harmon, Hazel Keener and otherf. "The Pacemakers" Series No. 1 George O'Mara and Alberta Vaughn In "Welcome Granger." INTERNATIONAL NEWS 50c and 23c HAT 25c .Save niiiiie and renew vour IIjI wilh tin ll)t. Glossy Black Yellow Dull Black Gray Navy Blue Sage Green Cadet Clue Old Rote Liberty Blue Cerlte Natural Straw Lavender Burnt Straw Violet Brown Henna We have full tine of EASTER NOVELTIES -Clim o lale Kfrfls, IliM.-lei-s, Haldol, Kelt. !.. from 5c up. EaUcr Postcards, 2 for 5c Ormes Limited The Ilex. .11 Hloic 3rd Avenue and Olh Street. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND) SHIPYARD Operating O. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmith, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINQ. Our plant is. equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND'COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 9SP Easter New Hats New Coats "DEMERS" We .aim Phone 27. Customers 527520 Third Avenue "The Freshman )7 DYES each 1'ioueer lniffgiU Phones 82 and 200 Is Near New Frocks New Suits lo P.O. Box 327.