L December 10, 1926 I' iiiLi''iVii in w j ir-A I - til j i Gifts for the Child 77E OLYMriAH ZEUS uCimpUttd at Oljmtria oias, grtalttf sculptor Known. This 40 out Mtalu of gold and hvry kk 8 years to txtcutt, and is cimtldtftd 4th b) tht World's Sevtn Wimdert. -"Tht Sevtn Wonders vj tht Ancunt World." U WonderWorld 5f"rA5 the famous uerc k bculptor nude hi chef u oruvre when he cin-If ( r--J the hunt watue of Vxms at Olrmpu. V-W-l hit ilcv? Ui-J in maflfrrHCCC in the New Bmoiwkk inflrumcnt, it nrJi vf labiicl design and rcvuiucioaary acoustical principles. l-rf wi ciruvx describe k a.iiuan rrrfomMnct, Fxrlutive. recenc v,- : J.jturts reveal a natural loot xouiiooat In iu truthful rcpro-it -1 of the original mnrdwg y- it Hear it Grninarf the new Brunswick with ar Mumnc ever -i. In --.L- U I 1 i .t.I ... .L. jeweag achievement ii mwnal hiK. rrked IriMU I155 to J1&5. uon NuuivnuM hiumki $5,000.00 for a Name "1 Price 1 1 o. inJ Pn;r i vu. jrd Pnie V. I names anj slogan dtKrirung iKe re marl able new I wk.1 Cinr4rtc inturmalioa at four nearest Brunswick I 1 J The Brurmvkt-BalVe-Colktd Company of Canada Ltmkcil Toronto Montreal - Waaatrcjc - Calgary s BnirvswlckVondert of the World'Series No. 4 Gifts ren Frtncy horv Itahv r,,m Wp to S.".50 p:A J Haliy (ift Ruxr, Soap, Talc and Cream $1.00 Hl) Animal Perfumes -fi C E'thiirn an.l Walkman Pencil, from .SI. 00 up Wilfrman'H Ideal Fountain Pens from up I'm and Pencil S.t. from -S".0 up SUHonerv. from tr lw Mt to $5.00 "Mum Toys (a real circus), from $1.00 to $:."." flet Knlvns from each WH 'lOUth OriTMtl fr.,m llti '-t Hnle llos Camera, from " Kxlks from , 00 UP V lff that last the year round it a auUcrlptfon to one of l irany Chlldren' Jlawatlnea. We enn give you the lowest rites obtainable. Ormes Ltd. 1 Moneer Drueetat 3rd Ainue and Clh Street "TRY A NIP TONIGHT? The Koxall Store Phones 82 and 200 BEST PROCURABLE "H' ....... "OHM fki.a ..... . . I anwvi' Dio on Origin.! Label -look for It .1 iU, Yd10rr'.? ,nd ln,i" n GRANT'S 'TEST I'RUtunA""- Kon1vci'l,soii,e,,' s not published ur ti;i:;cV!!mMinqu0' i lLQlrol Uoard or by tho aoverinnnit uf Urlib Columbia Local and Personal AxthWa Tail, Phono 678. BO. UnderUkers. Pbone 41. Bautlul cup and aauceri at Bul ger'. 75c and up. 290 4iHl2!5" Js52owork at satlon Army.aturdajr" at 230. New ihlprnt-nt of allvcrware china opened up at Bulger . the 8al- and 200 Wetholir.e tonight, -Men of Steel the great he-man how with a great Ur. Auctioneer, a. P. Brine, Caah or trade for article of value. 209 Second Street. Phone 774. ' tf it'' I. O. O. Y. whlt drive and dance in Baton Hall, Tuesday, December 14, at 8.30. Arthur'a Orchcatra. Account and salarle totaling 16 45834 were paased for payment by the School Board last evening. Orean HrclUI by Iter. A. W. It. Ahlr it strwart, IJ.C. In ft. Andrew' Cathedral, MonilJ), Ircrm-.Ix-r 13 at 8 p.m. 291 On account of the Chrlatmaa aeason the aehool teacher will receive their cheque pa December 17. a many of the teacher; will be out of town dur ing the holiday. It's i! Where To the Ntle on f Canada flrt Annual llall In Miiy Hall, lrlila), lc-nil-r 1. Arthur's four plre orchestra. Krfrehinrnt. Oeiitle-men II.IMI. Ijdlm ,Vic. 290 A. T. Eckoff left this morning for the south and wUl be away a few weeks on bu stars. During Mr. Eckoff's absence, bis studio will be closed but j the Regent Hotel will remain open under the management of James Kubov. . Look In Bent's window and take guess bow many beans are In the Jar. first prire. gentleman's diamond ring, value 175 00; second prize ladles' wrist wstcb value (29.00; third prize, gentlemen's nugget pin. value 115.00. Beat' Closing Out Sale. U On Remington typewriter and several maps wtll be purchased for the high school It w as decided at the meeting of the school board last night. The typewriter wUl be used In the com mercial department and the maps art tor the use of classes In history and geography. I The Rotary Club wtll invite all tor. be cleared out before Christmas to mske room for new season's good. Do not miss this opportunity of getting bargains. Wm. Ooldbloom, Second Ave. rhone 522. Local friends will be learn of the birth at Booth School Concert December Annual 15 and Christmas 18. Established PJ2.1. PLATES AND HU1IK.ES No gold need show in modern brtdgewcrk. We aptclallzc in this branch of dentistry. DRfP Kenny DENTIST 1 Exchange lilock. Coal Coal. "the bet." Phone 15. look over Bulger' 82.00 bargain table. 75c. 11.00 P.B. 293 and 299 Buy Rupert 'manufactured ihlngle from Seal Cove Lumber Co., Ltd. u Buy your Chrlitmas Olfta, Salvation Army Sale, Saturday at 230 pin. Monthly meeting of St, Andrew' Society tonight at 8 o'clock. All members requested to attend. D. B. Finn, who 1 in charge of the local biological tUtlon, left thla morning on the Prince Rupert for Ottawa. Mr. and Mr. W. J. Reeve of Anyox wcer passenger on the Prince Rupert this morning boqnd for Ouadaljara, Mexico. Rev. A. W. R. Ashley f. of Stewart ar rived from the north on the Prince Rupert this morning. He wui give a pipe organ recital In the Anglican Cathedral while here. The court of revision' appointed on Monday nlgbt by the - Mayor to revia the civic voters Hat met this morning in the city hall and confirmed with one exception the list as It stands. The city council wUl, hold a special , meeting this afternoon to meet E. W. i Bowness. who it Is understood 1 deslr-: ous of submitting a proposal to thei city on behalf .of. his company for) ; taking over the city Hydro-Electric plant. J SPECIAL SAILINGS Trappers! Call and show your furs : to the Old Reliable House. It will pay j you as. we can guarantee to give yoi! higher prices than anyone elae. We' cases to confront blm this morning In prrt wtll be held here until 8.00 pjn., the local police court than for several ' arriving Vancouver on time Sunday daya past. James Mcaqr, and Barney , morning, at 9M o'clock. Munro were each fined ' tiS. or thirty The following week, on Wednesday. days In gaol, on charges of lntoxj- j December 22. this steamer wlU sail ici Capt. O. F. Morris, senior chaplain and Dominion field secretary of the Navy League of Canada, who haa been here for the past few weeks organizing a Prince Rupert branch, will sail tomorrow morning by the Catala for Vancouver where he win spend a few guest, at their luncheon on December JJ??Jt School. 23. The suggestion was presented to : the club at Its luncheon yesterday by Rot arias Oeorge Bryant and met with the unanimous approval of all the members. Misses Margaret ShleU. Margaret Mc-Oulre and Mary Dobb. all teachers in the local public schools, wrote asking the school board last night for increases In pay from the first of January. 1927. The Board decided to let the requests lie on the Uble until It next meeting. Fur! Furs! Furs! Wm. Qoldblcom. the old Reliable, la oSrrlng bis whola stock of made up furs at practically your own prices. MEETING OF NAYY LEAGUE LAST NIGHT PntjlTM ICeKrlrl at i:rcutite Meeting In Hank uf Mnntrral A well-attended meeting of the executive of the Prince Rupert Navy League was held In the Bank of Montreal las'. Everything haa got fcJeven!ng with Thos. MeClytuont, chair man, presiding, and D. C. Paterson. secretary. Captain O. F. Morris reported that, as the result of his canvass, the Prlnra corps committee. It was moved by Stanley W. Taylcr and seconded by Mayor S. M. Nwtj . that a hearty vote of thanks b tendered to Capt. O. F. Morris for his "very successful work In Prince Rupert. Captain Morris, in reply, expressed hta thanks to the members ot the committee for their co-operation and the citizens in general : for their many kindnesses and the ' splendid response to his appeal for con- I trlbutlona. - . TOO MICH. A Scotchman had signed the pledge, and the news spreak quickly, One ot his friends said to him: "D'ye mean tae tell me, Jock, that ye're no' goln' tac have another drink a long a you liver t.vV' "Ay. that' so." ' ' "D'ye mean tac say 'that ,lfi ye were standiu' In lake filled, witjwhlskcy rich! up tae yer knees ye wouldn't' be caught bendlnT "NO." V "Well, If it was rlcht up tae yer chin -and It's real Scotch whisky I'm talkln about would ye no sip ltt" , Here Jock began to waver, the pros pect was too alluring. Theni -"Well, I'm no' yin' I would, mind (ye. but I mlcht make a wee ripple wl' rhone 109 my hand,'' Anyox and Stewart at 4.00 pm. ln- stefcd of the usual sailing hour of 10 pjn.. returning from the north, arriving here 6.00 pxa. Thursday and sailing for Vancouver 630 pjn. that day instead of 9.00 am. Friday. This boa win arrive Vancouver 9.00 o'clock Christmas morning. Accommodation on both these sailings Is fast being taken up. and it Is suKKested those going south should weeks before proceeding to' his head-! make their reservations at early quarter in the East. The regular monthly meeting of the school board was held last evening In the city council chamber? ' Those attending the meeting were' Chairman It. B. Rochester. Trustee 8. D. John- possible. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince It u pert 231 R. W. McNeil. F. Wfllan. W. A. Mays: and II. M. Burrltt. Vancouver. E. W Bowness. Edmonton; Mrs. C. A. Mc- Peddle of the High Principal , claln. Hazelton: Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Miss MUls of Borden Street School. ' rrot. Terrace; A. Watt. CJJJL; W. r.. Principal D. H. Hartness of Booth j jjcAIee. Georgetown; A. Toung and M School. Principal Mr. Atiele P. Usne) j Buckley, Prince George; Capt. Felton. of Seal Cove School. Mrs. Darlington M. Yoserlc; W. Laing. Victoria; R. ar.d-Secretary J. L. Christie. Bramley. Nanaimo: Rev. A. W. R. Ashley, Stewart; Arthur Moo, Hyder. Savoy James Jack and Cnai. Shorter, Port Efcslngton; John Coulter and J. Tom as r son. Terrace; Hugh McDonald, Stewart: Thomas O. Morrow, Toronto. Central Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Welter. Saskatoon; Mr. and Mrs. V. S. Lahgill, Rosalind, Alta. Advertise In The. Dally News WATER NOTICE. DIVERSION AM 1E. 1 AUS NOTICE that Department of Public Works of Canada, whose address 1. Ottsm-a wilt anntv ttr ttcsnr. trt i uupcrt orancn now naa a memoersnip oi . take and use 3.000 gallons per day o; I 1 122 active members. Contributions re- : water out of unnamed stream, whlc! ; TTTL? icc,vetl ,mounted t0 ,737-w,th ddmon,; ; So0" TXrsVyiW, : Mrs. Pocock a i definite oromltea of over 150. On mo- : b b. The water win he diverted from I nursing home. Ashcroft, on December j tion, the name of Robert Blance and r j the stream at a point about 100 fee 2 of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Q. Dlbb were added to the executive com jw. McKay, formerly of Prince Rupert. Mrs. Blrnle of Smlthers. mother of Mrs. McKay. I at present in Ashcroft. Mr. McKay was formerly manager of the loca? Government Telegraph office. ,4 i ANNOUNCEMENTS : I Native Sons ot Canada first Annual 'Ball, Moose Hall, December 10. Prince Rupert Boys' Band Concert. Presbyterian Church, December 14. mlttee. west of the northwest corner of Lot 36, , " j subdivision of part of Lot 1993. Rangt-; ' V.. and will be used for domestic pur-1 t0 poec upon the land described as Dodge . .Island. This notice was posted on the, . , , have oversight of the organization of ground on the 22nd day of November.; sea cadet corps, consisting of Thos. Mc-' 1926. A copy of this notice and an ap-1 Clymont. D. C. Paterson, Stanley W. I Pftlon. DSr,u.?,nJll?,rei0. ,n.d, t0t.h8 1 Z . . Water Act" will be fUed in the office Taylor. Mrs. H. E. Tremayne and j Rober: w ot the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. Special values on the bargain tablei ! Blance. Lieut. R. P. Ponder, RU.. Objections to the application may at Bulger's. 75c, 11.00 and (2.00. 293 stated that the training quarter of the Of filed with the said Water Recorder or , jwith the Comptroller ot Water Rights. R.C.N.V.R.. and the services of Chle: ( Parliament Buildings. Victoria, B.C. Petty Officer Instructor Dawes, would te . within thirty days after the first ap ni.wf . t v,- ritansi.At nf ttik . mh- pearance oi ti paper. tic hi notice in a local news- The date of the first publlca- Ion of this notice Is November 24. 1926. DEPARTMENT OP PUBLIC WORKS. CANADA, Applicant-By J. P. Forde, District Engineer, Agent. Gougli Caused Constant Coughing Mrs. D. M. Nolan, Douglastowo, V.H., writes: -"Two year ago I had a terrible roM which settled in my bronchial t alios and rauwd constant eouxhiiijr, and I could not sleep day or night. I read about Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup and thought 1 would give it a trial. After taking three bottles I was completely- rid of my coujfh, and hava never had a rold since." Dr. Wood'" has been on the market for the past 33 rears, and it timely use may save you from suffering I from soma serious bronchial or lung' I trouble. Price 35c. a bottle, larga family slis i 60c pat nn only by The T. ililburn I .Co.. Limited. Toronto. Qnt, . PAGE THREE fMALKIN C I? - -mk Sold Evenwlicre mSHffmkh f V r in ilic Vacuum, j specially mink. Wm. Goldbloom. ; Mrtng to go south after the school Second Avenue. Phone 622. tf clase Friday, December 17, the Cana- t Idlan National Steamships announce Magistrate McClymont ' had mere ' that on that day the SS. Prince Ru- cation. Roy Sweet, on a charge of vagrancy, was demanded until FOR VANCOUVER In order to accommodate those de- SEND IT TO THE LAUNDRY -:- -:- ALL CLASSES OF LAUNDRY WORK Including three distinct nervices for Family Work, viz.: SOFT FINISH, THRIF-T-SEHVICE and WET WASIL at most reasonable prices. DRY CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING Pioneer Laundry and Dry Cleaners Phone 118 and we will do the rest These Chilly Nights Require heat in Ihe house. We have jusl received our Fall shipment of Gurney Oxford Heaters For economy ami efficieii'-y they cannot be cxcclleu. Call and inspect our slock. We also carry a complete liue of Condor Electxic Lamps in all sizes. Stork's Hardware Limited IcanadianT Vcinc VaaiivayX 710 Second Avenue Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services mIS Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketchikan, Wrangrll. Juneau and Skajnay Nov. IX 29; Dec. 13. 29. To Vaneouter, Victoria and Seattle Nov. 2. 19. Dec. 3, 17, PRINCESS IIKATItlCC lor Itiitrdnle, t:at Hella Itella. Orean tails Naniu, Alert Hay. Campbell Hirer, and Vancouver every Saturday, II a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full Information from W. C. OKCIIAHU. tleneral Agent. Comer of 4th street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, II.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sailings from lrlnre Rupert, tor VANCOl'VKIt, VICTORIA, snanson Hay and Alert Hay, tc, Tuesday, 3 LUI. For VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Alert Hay and Swanson Hay, tlvH Saturday, 9 a.m. lor POUT SIMPSON. ANVOV. ALICE ARM, STEWART and Naas River Canneries Sunday, 8 p.m. 113 2nd Avenue. It. M. SMITH, Agent. Prince Rupert, H.C. Coleman Radiant Heater is a Family Gift It's attractive finish adds to the appearance of any room It is a portable heater that makes it's own gas. Caa.be used anytime anywhere; no installation expense. Suitable alike for the living room, dining room, bedroom or bathroom. !i;7.."0 each Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, R.C. Residence, 244 Fifth Avenue West ANGER, The Tailor Fine Imported Serge and Scotch Tweed Suits made to order in our shop in Prince Rupert as low as 223 Sixth Street I. ANGER, Cutter P. O. Box 247 $50.00 Prince Rupert, B. C. .ft V 1 t ffVl --.1 .1