PAGE SIX For Xmas Giving Perfumes, in single bottles 23c to $13.30 Perfume Sets $1.70 to $20.00 Manicure Sets $2.00 to $22.00 French Ivory Sets $2.00 to $25.00 French Ivory by the single piece. Clocks Brushes, Trays Mirrors, Combs Perfume Mottles -Manicure Articles etc. Rupert Pharmacy Prescription Specialists Wc Deliver. Phone 91 Desseit : Specials For the Week-end. Crushed Pineapple, 2's, 3 for S3c Singapore Pineapple, 2's, 7 for $1.00 Peaches, 2's, 3 for 85c Peaches, 2's, 3 for . . $1.30 Empress Cherry Jam ,4's, per tin 90c Empress Strawberry" Jam, 4's, per tin 90c Empress Raspberry' Jam, 4's. per tin , 90c Empress Blackberry. Plum, Greengage, Bed Currant and Apricot, per tin . . .73c Orange Marmalade, 4's, 2 for $1.25 Pears, Bartlett, 2's, 3 for 83c Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Closing : Out I SALE NOW IN FULL SWING .Many Bargains in COATS DRESSES HATS J. BENT Indies' Ready-to-Wear Third Ave. Phone 631 If your head aches, or reading or work- strains your eyes, or if you are the least bit doubtful about the efficiency of your eyes then consult us! Glasses are intended to make up for the deficiency in your eyesight. Our large patronage shows that we know how to produce such glasses. Have your eyes examined! A. E. Ireland GKADLATU OPTOMETRIST 27 Vears Practice 319 Third Avenue. Opp. U.W.V.A. WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Codar, Birch and Spruce Per load $6.50 Per half load 3.50 Per sack 50 Firelighters, 8 for 51.00 delivered. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 5S0 Night or Day WC BUY BOTTLES. IHAD DAD DRAGS DAUGHTER HOME lU.IItKSN MEIIS KlsMlX XOULKMAX IIL1 IO.lllt.VS HOMK I.N III lilts NEW YORK, Dec 8. Baroness Florence Clendenln Tornow. heiress to -the millions of Joseph Clendenln. rice-president of the American Smelting and Refining company, returned alone to her parental home, the New Tork American say, within a lew hours of. her runaway marriage to the Russian nobleman. The bridegroom remained In the brlday suite at the hotel where the couple registered soon after the hasty ceremony, according to the American, which quoted "those close to the family" as being adrlsed that Mr. Clen- a civil annulment. The ceremony took place at the Little Church Around the Corner. Decision of the newly created baron ess to return to her famUy Is said to have been reached after a dramatic scene, in which her father Invaded the bridal suite and interrupted the nuptial breakfast. The baron checked out of the. hotel that night NORTHERN PARTY1 HAS HARD TIME TWO III MMtr.H MILKS WITH IIOUM OVIK ICE T EM I'E It AT 1' LS KINNTM1 TO ITITY HELOW EDMONTON, Alta Dec 9. Trarel- lug for twelve days over river Ice with : five horse-drawn sleighs. In temperatures ranging from twenty to fifty be low, with horses crashing through this ; ice at times, and at other times hew ing a trail through Ice piled fifteen to twenty feet high, a much bedraggled and weary party reached here today. concluding the 210-miles trip from Fort Fitzgerald to McMurray and ther by rail. It was a highly exciting trip. : according to Joe Lacombe. a pioneer of the northern trails, who headed th j ' travelers and was greatly praised for the effective ray tn which he brought : Jap Oranges Are in. Per box Get your supply now because wc w . .Hwa.VV. VHs.f 4 lb. tins 75c All tVl.A Tima ttrtll n f.nM SORE THROAT? T)EAL promptly with the first sign of hoarseness, soreness or inflammation-it might be the forerunner of laryngitis.influenzaorserious bronchial trouble. The quickest, safest and most soothing remedy is Peps. As a Peps tablet dissolves in the mouth it gives off medicinal fumes that are breathed into the innermost recesses of throat and chest. In the-r speedy direct way Peps thoroughly disinfect the throat and" air-tubes, destroy mischievous germs, relieve any soreness, inflammation or irritation. Take Peps whenever ou sutptct you need them. A Peps in the mouth filters the air you treathe. and fortifies against sudden colds and chills and the infects a dangers encountered in trains', i reet cars and crowded assemblies. Peps are equally good for obsrinatr cough- anJ colds, bronchitis, bron thiil asthma, and other chest weak-re ses of old and young Peps ' fV fen thru hrtOetklt teft UKm them through their adventures. VICTORIA MAN IN PAKTY reach Jam, 4 lb. tins 65c l unhUch Apricot Jam, 4 lb. tins 65c Blackberry Jam, 4 lb. tins . . . 65c Loganberry Jam, 4 lb. tins .. 65c Googeberry Jam, 4 lb. tins . . . 65c Greengage Jam, 4 lb. tins . . . 63c Dlack Currant Jam, 4 lb. tins 75c Others in the party were Jack Bowen j who has been representing the Northern Traders. Limited, at rort Good Hope, and who has been on his way out for three months, leaving that a, pomi on August n. i. it. oinciair. fj flfl engineer of the Ulfated river boat I I II I Pioneer, which burned to the water's Ifl 1 g m edge near Fort Simpson on September j' 25, and who is now en route to Join nis wue in victoria. do not expect any more and they ,t necessary to cut test holes may run out "before Christmas, (every thirty or forty yards. Lacomb and Bowen being kept busy with their JAM SPECIALS axes, several times crossings were For One Week Only made over tee two and a halt to thres All pure Inches thick and these were taken on Plum or Prune. 4 lb. tins .. 50c At otber Plnt " men ha1 Cherry Jam, 4 lb. tins 75c MXn forft the nlnt TOU P'0 StrawlHrrv anrl I?n.r,Wrv Jnm P" "w the "You acUd Ilk .... .'IV V. HUI1I0 nil! IUM V.. . v. . . . . , . . . 10c to 2oc per tin higher if sugar nun continues to go up. i We have a Christmas tin of Nabob De Lux Tea worth $3.00. A three pound beautiful tin. Will sell 20 at each. Get yours now. Our supply of Christmas Ginger Wine has arrived. Quart bottles, each 50c This bottle sold last year for 75c. Stock up now on the following; California Table Figs, per lb. 25ci 10 lb. box for $1.75) Thompson Seedless Raisins, peri lb 20c 25 lb. box for $3.50, Mixed Peel, 50c, or 3 lb. for $1.00 Boiled Cider, quart bottles . . 50c B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 45 and 571 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone (S. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Band and Gravel We Specialize In Plane an Furniture Kevins. sleighs over by hand and then chase the animals over. Despite the most rigorous watchfulness the. horses went through time after time. I'KillTIMl IT OIT. a flah out of water." "Yes. I was a sucker." New Supplies J. B. Third Miller of Men's Clothing arriving regularly. For Prices and Quality Don't Forget Montreal Importers Avenue Proprietor Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Exquisite Stock of Kui Trimmings at low prices B. C. FUR Co. Next O.W.V.A. Third Ave. THE DAILY NEWS Friday, December 10, MARKETSHOWS SOME ADVANCES EUtiS. Ill'TTMt. ,NI Sl'O.lll IT JAP okanoes LiAiiLt: to m: mmuci: , Market prices show some recent ad- vances on eggs, butter and sugar. It la not expected that there will be any change in these prices tor a while and; I the tendency In the egg and butter .mirket should be toward lower prices soon or early In the new year. : Jap oranges are on the local market I la good quantities, but the present stock Is liable to be aold out before any j further shipments reach the coast frcm the Orient as there are no more boats due before Christmas which are carrying any of this fruit. Retail prices prevailing In the city today are as follows: LAKO Pure 28c Compound 23c LOOS, B.C. frfttt. pulleU Wc B.C. fresh, firsts COc B.C. fresh, extras 70c Local new laid 75e B.C. storage. No. 3 50c llsl! Halibut, lb 21a Salmon, cohoe. frozen 25e Smoked kippers, lb 15c Kippered salmon, lb 35c Smoked black cod. lb 33 He Finnan haddlea. lb 30c Salt mackerel, lb 25c Eastern salt herring. 3 for 35c Salt codfish fillets, lb. 30c Boneless salt cod bricks, lb 35c MCA T3 FowL No. 1 lb 35c to 43c Roasting chicken, lb 45c to 50c Ham. sliced, first grade oOc Ham, whole, first grade 50c Ham. picnic, lb 33ftc Cottage rolls, lb 40c Bacon, back, sliced 50c , Bacon, side 45c to 60c 'Pork, dry salt 35c Ayrshire bacon, lb 45c Veal, shoulder 3oo Veal, loin 40c , Veal, leg .' 40c Pork, shoulder 30c I Pork, loin 45c I"ork, leg 4 nc : Beef, pot roast HHc to ISc Beef. boUlng 10c to 12c Beef, steak 35cto4Cc Beef jroast, prune rib 30c Lamb, chops 50c '-. Lamb, shoulder 35e Mutton, leg' 40c Lamb, leg 48c Mutton, chops 40c Mutton shoulder , 30c IICTTLK Brookfleld. Shamrock and Woodland. 2 lbs. Q5c E.CX.. 3 lbs. Mc Capital. 2nd grade, 2 lbs. 85c Fraser Valley, lb.' . ." 50c uieese Ontario solids 30c StUton. lb 35c Kraft 45c Norwegian Ooat 65c Napoleon Llmberger 70c Roquefort 75c Swifts' Buttercup, lb. . .. 45c Oorgonzola. lb 75c McLaren's Cream. Jars .... 45c and 85c Oruyere 50c Oolden Loaf, lb 45c sruAit White, per 100 17.71 the horses and draw the VeUow. per 100 73J ILUUU Flour, 49 s. No. 1 hard wheat 13.75 fsstry flour, 10's 05c Pastry flour, 49's 2SKi VKOtTAIILtS BeeUi 6 lbs 35c luO lbs 13.75 D C. Carrots, lb Jc .00 lbs." tlli Rutebagas, 8 lbs 35c 100 lbs 13.75 Potatoes, 100 lbs t2M potatoes, S lbs. 35o Tomatoes, hothouse 40o Green peppers, lb 35e Parsley, bunch A fic Mint, bunch -..).. 6c Leeks, 3 bunches v... 15o Cauliflower. B.C.. head 35c-40c Oreen onions, dozen 35c Terrace cabbage, lb. ................ 6c California head lettuce 30c Oarllc, Imported, per lb 40c B C. Cooking onions, 0 lbs 35e Celery. 3 bunches 35c Hubbard squash, lb 7c Pumpkin, lb , 7c Sweet potatoes, lb 10c What Shall I Give? This question is easily ;answered, for here you have a" choice of Christmas (iifi ranging In price to suit your every mod. .. . Our Downstairs Store Is a Gift Shop In Itself. . Beautiful Diamonds, Diamond Rings, Tlcplns Pendants etc, set In white, green and yellow gold, featuring the latest designs. Price ranging from SI5.00 up. Clocks Siltcrwnre Cut Glass China Crockery Leather Hoods Week-end Specials These are not cash and carry. We have discontinued the rash and carry idea for various reasons. COMBINATION 20 lbs. Turnips 8 lbs. 8 lbs. G lb. 12 Brussel sprouts. 3 lb , 35c following: i n l it Jsp oranges, per box 75c Oranges, Nsrets. dozen 35c to 90c I Florida Orape rYult 15c Lemons, Eunklst, doz. .... 35c and 35c California grape fruit, 3 for 35c Bananas, 3 lbs. for 35o Extracted honey, lb 35c and 35c Apples. Mcintosh Reds t23i Apple. Jonathans JA0 Apples. Grimes Oolden 3.75 Cookllng apples ..' 11.95 Pears, winter, dozen 60c DKIKI) IKtlTS Dates, bulk, 3 lbs 35c Dates, Dromedary 35o Raisins, bulk. 3 lb 35o Raisins, pscksge, 3 lb. , 45c Cluster raisins, lb. ., 35c Lemon and orange' peel 30c Citron peel 60c Black cooking figs 30o White figs, lb ., 15o Table figs, lb 25a Currants ,:. 30c Prunes 10c to 35c Apples 35c Peaches, peeled 30e Apricots, lb ; 40o NUTS Almonds, shelled Valenclas 75o; ErsiU aad lUberts 3Co Carrots Onions Beets Hk. for SPECIAL $1.00 Campbell's Tomato Soup-3 tins for 35c Cocoa and Almond Soap The large white bar. special, 2 lbs. for 15c CANNED VEGETABLE SPECIAL 2 tins Tomatoes, 2's 2 tins Quaker Corn 2 tins Standard Peas i tin Itefugee Beans ' Special, 7 tins for $1.00 Picnic Hams, special per lb. I'J'jc Lard, In bulk, 2 lbs 35c New Dates in bulk, 2 lb, for 25c Price will advance shortly. Mixed Nuts, 2 lbs 35c Cluster Halsins, 2 pkgs 15c Swift's Cottage Bolls, per lb. 38c JAP OKANGES, per box . . $1.00 CANNED FRUIT SPECIAL t tins for 95c Your choice of 1 tin each of the Sliced Peaches, l's Globe Pears, 2's Canned Apricots, l's Standard Empire Loganberries, 2's Nabob Bed Plums, 2W Golden Pineapple, sliced, 2's i Weston's Arrowroot Biscuits, fresh and crisp, per lb 3'Jc Ginger Snaps, per lb IKc Swift's Premium Hams, large siie, per lb 39c Half Ham, jwr lb. -12c 2-ln-l Floor Wax, per tin . 10c Sunny Monday Laundry Soap, 4 i or z.ic 9 for 50c 2-ln-l Shoe Polish or Liquid Dressing. sjKfcial, 2 for 25c Patterson's Chocolate In Xmas package, 1 lb. net, special . . 15c Rupert Table Supply Co Phones 210. 211 and 212 hory Drassware .Fountain Pens Pencils Umbrellas Suitcases Fancy Deads Ladles' and .Men's Watches.- -Watches In the very latest designs, Wallham. Elgin, llnmilton and high-grade Swiss, nil KUJr nnteed. Popularly priced from jj5-,o to .S'JOO.OO. Pocket KnUes Handbags Fancy Stationery lloublganfs Perfumes Pocket Knives Razor and hundreds of miscellaneous suggestions too numerous to mention. The Diamond Specialist. Max Heilbroner Walnuts, broken shelled Mr Walnuts, shelled halves 6V Almonds 35c Peanuts 30c Manchurlan walnuts 35r California walnuts 4Sf No. 1 mixed nuu JSc li:i:u 100 lbs. : Wheat. No S aj.101 oats lira1 Bran 13.10 Shorts $3.30 Middlings 1230 Barley I33S Poultry mash 13 00 Special eggmaah 13 40 Oyster shell 1250 Bcrslch food $3tt) 527. 52V Third Auntie 1926 WESTHOLME THEATRE FRIDAY AND SATI RDAY. 7 and 9 p.m. Saturday Matinee at 3 p.m. Milton Sills .. IA In "Men of Steel" A gripping tH-man pht-drm; DORIS KKNYON. VICTOR Mcl.AGI.EN, FRANK llMtlER. GEORGE FAWCETT, MAE ALLISON, and all-star cast P ATI IK REVIEW. Admission 50c and 25c Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited ' Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating G.T.P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, llollernakrrs. BlacksmUhs, Pallrrn-makers. Founder. Woodworker. Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant Is euiped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 13 and 3S5 Ran ad ian National Qfo Largcft fiilway Syfltm in America Steamship and Train Service Pit I NO: IClPKItT Mill Irate I'HIMT. HtTMtT V 4Nt V y 'fKl ' m ' ' TOU I A, MMTTI.E, ami Inleriiie ilhle plnl rtirh I I IIINd: Kt'PUtT fr srMV.MtT ami ANVOV. WIUM r' PHIM i; ( II till I S fur VANCOl VliK U M ' ni"''"'1' l,AMts. fnrlnUlilly. PAssKMllll TRAINS IXAVP. niiMi: mnnr Kmh MONItAV. Hi:iMHAV and HA1IHIV at 1 1 . inllf i (il Hii:, :iiMONTOS, I.NMri:U. allini iji.iern tas Male. AllllNCV AM. OCKAN MK.sMSlllP LIMA l e CanailUii National i;.re fur .Money Orders, lorrljn i "i rlr., alMt lor )our nel shipment. i.i,n W MTV Tlt'KKT OH Hi:, 3J8 Tlllllll A Hi. IICIMI. I ,lT Chiffon Silk Hose In latest shades, Including Crystal Grey, Ak-mn, M and Atmosphere. $1.75 pair H. S. Wallace Co., Ltd. Phone 9 3rd nnu ru-