rriday December IP. 1920 --41 j --jot L MOVEMENTS oft limb cj'.I into play b -OdtfUUd HIV- . r of thou And of ll.TVCS. The will to mo vi inJ the power of motion kc depend upon tbrw p. rve. YOUR SERVES CONTROL YOUR ll&iLTUI For your Health's se- Consult d. a. McMillan Palmer Graduate CIIIKOPKACTOIt Koom G k 7, Exchange Hlock Phone G91 pATHO MEUROMETDl Service When Shopping for Christmas Gifts come to "Demers" I'hone 27 !.(). Mox 327 SKW VOUQ HEELS TO WINTER S 7 'FACE-USE OUR COAl AND VtWj VV titer n pretty 1-.ng ' "fled fellow and K c ' w oal pile a hard run for 1 money. V u"re In earnest to win a wrm home so. are we. to help you. ' go. Phone us now. NANA1MO WKI.MXCTON and ALUKHTA SOOTI.KSS COALS Albert & McCaffery Limited Phone- 116 and 117 Dr. Alexander Smith Blook Phona 676 DENTIST MILK Gnsh priro at tickets is ailvaticeil to 8 Quarts for $1.00 11 Pints for $1.00 C'Oinint'iiciiig November I- Valentin Dairy Phone 657. George rorie CHAUTKUKO ACCOUNTANT And auditor I'liona m He( oiid Avenue West. Prince Rupert MANY GOING TO HOMES OVERSEAS HIIAVV C'lllllMTMS .MOVKMI.NT THIN , . TO WATKK NOTICE IIIVIKHIV ami tC TAKE NOTICE that Ooaae Packing Company. Limited, whose addreaa U Vancouver. BO. will apply for a licence to '.aka and us 100 .000 gallon per day TH I NIW HOOVER I J-WI GIVE her , umi Give her more prccioui hours, laved from her never-ending battle of housecleaning! Give her aNcw Hoover a shining, beautiful token of how much you really appreciate her plucky struggle with obsolete, inefficient tools. For this New Hoover is the mostdesirablcof gifts through its perfected it will actually remove 131 more dirt from a rug.in thcordinary cleaning time than any former Hoover. This Christmas, give her theelectriccleanerchosen by nearly two million women . . . "Give Her a Hoover, and You Give Her the Nest." It is truer now than ever before. Complete with Dusting TooU, only S6.25 downt balance monthly Sold only by KA1EN UAHDWAHK CO. Phone .1. Griffith will run again and other aa-plranti It la expected will be found In i7 uueai. j, b. Lambert, Barner Keegan, George 'A. Kennedy, C. O, Iteld and W. H. Crocker. Aid. Oueat ha announced definitely nil Intention of retiring. The city council ha decided to cut UA1LWAVN municipal asea,uents another ten per -r.i. ' ' ll in 1927. The reduction haa beep J WINNIPEG. Dec. 10-01 replaces n,d PMH" on account of a great j back home in Kn gland and ScotlanJ lmMr'nent in the drlc financial jand baarth in Norway. Sweden and irr'!1:t!cm aur;n W P"t year. , Denmark and the other old countries I " ' ' 'that tn the'r ru to Canada are! Tr:- " parcel of reverted I brine brfcnteued up these daw as Wr'ncc O11' prppwtj have been apr !tht navar have been bnah'jd ni1- im b7 " dcalera for (stone vi mi . rSlL .Ttaae and cr-..tine. i itlie son mm came out to CanKla arc U""JJ uaci heme fur Christmas, Hun-drtda have already goae from' western Canada ai.d hundred are ltl to go batore the last hip aalU. Two special train, will leave Wlnnl-pat over the line of the Canadian National Railwayi from here today, carrying paangara from all part of wcetern Canada There were approximately 2M passengers on board the speataJ that pulled out of here yea-tstttay morning carrying person book, ad to iMvei overaeaa on the Letltla. Another special with 210 passenfm left yaaterday afternoon at 4 30 with passengers for the Baltic. ThU morn-I rig oo the Contlnratal Umlted there wm paawngm for the 88. An-190 la bound for Halifax. Practically all of theae ocean bound paaaenfm are fannera from polnta out aide of the vartoua cltlea and towne throughout waatern Canada who have not beta home for a goad many yean. PRINCE GEORGE While Mo( Taylor and Aid. Patter-will i!nt the mayoralty. It la eapected there m ill be aeveral candl-date in the aldrroianie field. Aid. Opie. Aid Fraaer Aid Moffat and AM. a collection 18524. SI. The sale will mean In tar arreara totalling School teacher of Prince Oeorgt have arranged to give a big banquet lor their puplla in the Prince Oeorge Hotel next Friday evening. Arrangr menu for the entertainment of the 350 or ao youngitera are In the handa pi T. 8. Cannlehael and Vflaa E. McKee. U. William. L. Davla. 8. Cowan, J I Pack. J. Wilton. J. Izowtkl, E. MUllgau and E. Olnen. " A proteat la to be tent to the attorney general by the Prince Oeorge city council at the fine of 1300 lrn- poned on Provincial Conatable Young. for aupplylng liquor to a minor here recently, being remitted. Walter Oraham O'Neill. achool teacher at Newlanda near here, la patient at the Prince Oeorge Hospital and It may be found neceasary to. am putate one or both of bla feet. While hunting, be lot hi way In the bush and both hi feet were frozen when hi gum boota were worn out aa he tramp ed In the wllderneai. J. W. Mien, who ha been stationed In the Peace River dlatrlct for the past three yean a road superintendent, returned to Prince Oeorge laat week with hi family. of water out of Unnamed a. ream, which i active teaaon is planned to atart very flow northwesterly and draina into Capuin'a Cove at head of Captain'ai" Cve The water will be diverted from I the atream at a point about 700 feet ii joi m jutn sii4 wui te used lor com merrial and domaatlc purposea upon the laad damnd aa Lot IZH. lunge Coast Dtatrt. This notice waa posted ; nn the ground on the 4th day of November. nt A copy of this notice and I an application punuant thereto and to the "Water Act" will be filed in the Mif of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert BC OtyertMns to the application may be filed with the aald Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Right. Parliament Building. Victoria. BC within thirty daya after lhe first appearuire of this notice In a local newspaper The date of the lint ' ' publication ol this notice is November 10 1929 ! 0088E PACKINO COMPANY LTD. ! Applicant. By J T Strang. Agent Lady curlen here have re-elected last year's oClcers. Mn. A. If. Booth 1 president; Mn. P. T. Buitln, vice-president, and Mis E Callum, secretary. An 1 CADE ANSWERS SCHOOL BOARD ih:mi:k umm iu uini ur.rr.xT c.ku:t imi:k kpiukmic casks i:ki: isi.Tr:n Dr. J. P. Cade, medical health officer, had a letter before the school board last night acknowledging receipt of the board letter In regard to the scarlet fever epidemic. In part, the letter read as follows: "Your resolution Implies ft laxnes that Is and wa not a fact. A far as I am aware all persona Ul aa well as those In contact with them have been Isolated. In two easee, this Isolation was deliberately broken, but aa soon aa I became aware of the fact. .checked. The City Health Department oua consideration to any auggestlon or any complaint relative to public health, and correct Infomatlon as to thenum- iber of Infectious caes, quarantine reg 1 illations, etc . can be had for the ask' ing." SCHOOL ATTENDANCE i IN NOVEMBER LOWER ! ON ACCOUNT SICKNESS 1 The average attendance at the city "schools for the month of Novembei 'was not quite high as usual on ac count of considerable aicicness among the pupils according to tha. report from the varloua principals read at the School Board meeting last night. i Miss 8. A. Mill rrportlng for Borden ! Street school showed an average attendance for the month of 91.S per 'cent with 291 nupUt attending. The report submitted by Mn. A. B. Llnse'y of Seal Cove School, showed an aver age attendance in Division 1 of 94.3 per cent and Division II. of M.3 pet cent. Booth School, with a total at tendance of 425, showed an .average attendance during the month of 91.13 Irjer cent according to the report ot Principal D. 11. Hartncss. Thoa. Peddle High School principal, recorded an averaire attendance of 9J.1 per cent with a total ot 140 during the month iPrlnclDal Peddle reported activity in WATER NOTICE. Ill VERSION" AN1 I'SE. TAKE NOTICE that John Dvbhavn, whOKe address la P.O. Box 1700. Prince Rupert, B.C.. will apply for a licence to take and use 4.000 fallona per day ot water out of an unnamed creek which flmv nontherlv and drains Into Nesto In let, about one mile from the head of the Inlet, on its south shore. The waier win be diverted from the. atream at the natural outlet ot a small lake, about 040 feet from the mouth of the creek, and will ba used for domestlo and Industrial purpoea upon the 7 acre of land de- scriDeu aa urtsurveyra iiiu i"r niv.n le ass 1 applied. This notice waa pouted on .the ground on the 33rd day of November. 1920. A copy of this notice and an application pursuant thereto and to the "Water Act" will be filed In the office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, BC. Objections to tha application may be tiled with the aald Water Recorder or with the Comptroller ot Water Rights, Parliament Buildings. Victoria, B.C., within thirty days after the first appearance ot thla notice In a local newspaper. The date of the tint publication ot thla notice 1 December 1, 1028. JOHN DYB1IAVN. Applicant. ;;?HE DAILY NEW3 f: Ja.aujii..xiJ. j-UL'i. j j if It 1 i-. . . c r redenza N ow t t : "M V Credenza $385 . . you wish to be certain of securing for Christmas the delights of the world's , newest and greatest musical discovery -Thursday December 2nd marked the first anniversary of the Orthophonic Crtilenza. The reception which during the past year, has been accorded this remarkable invention exceeded even the most lileral calculations. The demand for this remarkable -new musical instrument, created on the Victor principle of "matched impedance" or "smtxith How of sound", bs increased, so enormously, we have as yet been unable to supply it fully. It t ; . ' li , . . , . ' . . . Victor Talking Machine Company Made only by Victor the Literary and Debating societies and recommended certain minor alterations in the laboratory during the Christmas vacation, TEACHERS' FEDERATION NAMESNEW OFFICERS Ml lllanrtie Marilonnld Elected to llriul Pedagogics) Organization tlurlng Coming Term The Prince Rupert Teachen' Federation at its annual meeting In tho Booth Memorial School last night, eleted orncers for the ensuing term as follows: President, Mlsa Blanche Macdonald. Vice-President. J. S. Wilson. Secretary Treasurer. W. v. C. O'Neill. Executive, Mrs. B. Walker, Miss E. A, Mercer. Mlsa A. Pierce, and D. H. Hartness. About 200 Swedish engineers and technical experts will aerve the Soviet government In Ita different tinea of industrial activity In response to a Moscow invitation. uniiGm True tny Sound This, despite the fact that we have been working our manufactory overtime. v Those who read this announcement have a distinct advantage among music lovers. They will profit by the information it contains, to place their orders, now, for that Christmas Credenza. Any "His Master's Voice" Dealer will explain his plan of convenient payments, which applies to any of the Orthophonic Victrola models, . . . from SI 15.00 to $430.00. Note: We made the same announcement about a year ago. Vet, many people suffered, temporary disappointment. 1 MX ,u WJJ ionic Trade Mark Reg'd Victrola The Celebrated Viyella : Shirts English Warm, but not heavy. CLYDELliA by same fjrm, light weight. For wear and appearance, unbeatable. Third Avenue. of Canada, Limited .PAGE FIVE . y i Look for this trademark Snappy Styles ii Tweed : Suits for Men We are overstocked In Tweeds. These come In first-class materials and snappy styles, and are perfectly tailored. Steve King Phone Green 85