PAGE TWC r-'-a Ask Your Grocer For It "SALADA" wiereon iiui GREEN TEA Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILT EDITION Oil wa history. The speaker aiJ be thought t he .people of lrinc; and If the government had not JipenJIie liquidators and supplied the money the whole road would tunv bo a Mrcak of rust and a pasture. Thn Conservative government believed that the osity at the hands of the coun try (applause) Mr. Meigben said be bad been T78 Superior to any other green tea sold. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. H. P. PULLEN. Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES! City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month ft. on By mail to ail parts of the British Empire and the United ; 8tate, in advance, per year ........ 10.0(1 To all other countries, in advance, per year ........... -S7.50 Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 98 . 88 All advertising should be in The Daily New? Office before 4 p.m. on day preceding publication. AM advertising received subject to approval. ' Monday, August 16. 1920. PREMIER MEIGHEN SPEAKS AT (old that certain 'building con-TWO MEETINGS SATURDAY' slruction had been opposed by NI6HT BEFORE BIG CROWD : the Umservative narty. That was OF PRINCE RUPERT PEOPLE (continued from page one) true and many Liberals hud op posed them, too. Hut wten they found ttiinp done it was the business of he Conservatives to tinako them pay and that was th? course he, as Pre.nicr, propoe Itupert woulc. agree, however, ij0 ,,ursue. . if T ..... ' "'Anything we can do lo put u t, of Sir Robert Borden a lilt I hwlwvi trougll ,he port 4,r nr'uT r, rn ' 'n?e,,,aW Prince Rupert, in fact any Can-after. It hadtbeen into put oper- ,hnl , ationhadgone Into llquiilalloa0ieralio from the pov,rnlIieiU of which I am the bead. Local Matters . The speaker said be bad been approached in respect to several mailer since bis arrivel in lU- railroad had been hniH. by thsjcily. One of these matter hai wish or i lie people and thai pomilieen in connection with iliej munitie had been built up 'providing of facilities for fisher thereon and it was their duty to'mpn for the protection of their finih the enterprise. The Con-boats in the harbor, lie was notJ -fcrvalive government had finish- sure whether there had been any cd it and when the en lerprise-hniji amount placed in the junplemen failed as a private enterprise the'tary estimates, before parliament government had operated It. Other railway enterprises had la i red at the same time because railroads had been over-constructed. The Canadian Northern bad been saved from bankruptcy by the financial aid of the povT rnment. ' 'The systems had been collected tcwemer anu made into one .great- transcontinental system 'home Liberals had claimed that they had left the U.T.P. out but thp Order taking it into the transcontinental system based on Hie statute had been passed be fore the Conservatives went out of office and the whole work wa done, by the government prior to the Mackenzie King administra tion. V r. Asset to Country Hie .aIiorial Railway system pt todayy as one great raihvav was the -work' of the Conserva tive government. The svsIpt,, was showing signs of life at th1 present time and economies -ofJ internal management had taken place which would finally result in the railway being an asset to the country, ITwas nonsense td talk about the Conservative party losing interest in these lines. The national syslem, said the speaker, was the creation of the Con servative party which would not neglect ny community resident bad been dissolved, but he wa No kitchen work following the supply bill of the. last session. He could not h-s sure on that point of the amount but if such an amount bad been included the money would be ex- emled for the purpose intended. f not he .asked for a mandato from the people before he could! spenu any money. In regard to be erection of a federal building n the city, Mr. Meighen said lid was unable to speak. lie had also been approached with respect to the subject of the issuing of fish Iran licenses. This matter bad been (he sub ject of a strong representation made lo him by Mr. Brady and ln- uMeighen) thought be would bear uiore about fi from that gentleman in the House of Com mons afjer ;Seplember 14 'laugh ter and cheers). II was only b getting on the ground that the real facts of the case could be' heard mul Mr. Meighen said that h& (bought I !m. govern mfint could justify jlsejf by cancelling these regulations .and having (he matter thoroughly invest igaled. Fiscal Policy ' During Ihe contest of 1921 bis government bad been attacked because of their fisca-1 policy and, the succeeding cove rnment had placed mi the free list half of the imimrfa of the country. Th? Conservative party had then ap-uealed to the covin. ry for support on their policy but ial been badly defeated. While de- or worry SHREDDED WHEAT Ready-cooked and ready-to. cat Cooling Kefreshin Satisfying Conservative' party had known very well (hey had not been defeated on the issues before the people in that election. In Quebec they Had the.. Mild the issue was conscription and that Mr ighen was a .monster; who wauled -their sons lo bo murdered and by litis cry thv Liberals had swept th provinc? of Quebec. Hut the platform Ihe Liberal contention and Vror gressivc convention had not bee? put into effect. They did no! disturb very -seriously tthc mineral level hf jhe Conservative tarifr but bac1 Jei't it jutwheit; ild wisjU riid Result' of., Liberal mlminislralion had been tha! capital hud refused In invest It self in Canadian enterprises but the United Stales bad taken the opposite course. At the end o' 1131. when the Conservative went out of office-, Ihe United Stales bad substituted the Ford-ney tariff and reinforce.! thei;-position. The year 123 had l.een the biggest from an indu4-. trial standpoint in the history of the Stales which had been ex celled by business in 1925, and their actual production today exceeded everything in l'J25. i In Canada, just us fine i C6unlry as the United Stales blessed with four bountiful liar vests,' found itself in our years with .3,000 factories closed and 800,000 or its citizens had gone lo another land to live. This, In a few brief words, told Ihe story what a tariff to gain t lie allegiance of the Progressive votes in the House, and thus maintain a majority for (he Liberals, bad done for the country- -Bitter Experience The people of Canada bad learned from thaj bitter experience, ami that experience lia. sunk home, and on the same .ap peal in the last election tJiii Conservatives had carried li province, eened up in one, ami lost only two. In Quebec again the old question of conscriptiod had been revived and that the speaker was the enemy of tilt; province and ould tiring about a war with Turkey to get the sons of Canada murdered. "Ho you believe that the Lib eral parly today stands against the Protective system?" asked Mr. Mekghen. A member of the government in that election, in Quebec last fall, denounced (he speaker for not being a higher protectionist. The Liberal pouey of the country should be lo hold the resources of the country to be developed by the people of he country instead of shipping out the assets of our Dominion and then boasting about our ex ports. If Canada was going .o ship out the 'lalural wealth of her mines and forests, and shlpJ out I lie fit workers to micraie in the American llepublic, (hen Ihe sooner we raised the white Hag and (old them wc were an annex of (heirs (he more honest lo ourselves we would be. Definite System Mr. Meighen stated f lie country wanted u definite protective sys tem applied on all our prciucU and- placed on a stable footing I bat the workers can know de finitely that their wages cannot be taken from them by legisla tion mid when that was done Canada would surprise the who'c world. The principal of a pro lective policy did not merely an ply I. manufactured goods bul applied lo everything even to transportation. Pritccion waS jieiessury 'for the transportation routes to see that they carried the prouuets of the country ami .o-si-e that ihe lines to the soulli uid not attack our trade. Will respect to the agricultural in dustry the Canadian tariff should be put as high as the American (nriff. There was no reason in the world why the United Stales' should shut out our surplus production and allow 110.0011,001) of Ihe products we raised to 1m sold here against (he farm production of Canada. That was unjust to Canada. Customs Scandal Ileferrimg to the customs scan dal the speaker said Ihe Conservatives bad not attacked lh King administration on the score of administration incompetency. Mr. Meighen said be had been a member of the government for some nine yearn past and no one who had not been a member of parliament had any realization of how. vast the government mechanism is. No mailer how honest the heads of departments may be they cannot keep In such close touch with all details as the. head of a commercial busl ness could. While error is hound lo creep in and fraud in bound to creep in, still there was on? thing no government could ex. fuse and that was the moral de-generation of a government de. parlmerU. within itself and al lowing a large department of stale to become permeated with wrong doing and to come In col i. J -- - ftldhdny, Auu JMHpLV LLafSBflBiLTLVBLv 4 7v BBBBBBLbP III aBBBBBBBBBBBBBI All the FlaTor from the Orange Tint the juice of luscious oranftt -next, the 'dellctte flavor -of tbeir pil next, the xettful ttnf of the fruit acid found in orange, letnont and timet. Added to this a pure food, color, tuch at you use in your caket and candiet a pure cane tujar healthful carbonated water. Serve Orange-CRUSH at home to the family or when ffiendt drop In for a vitit. You can always -ttll the genuine by the name Orange-CRUSH blown right into the Krinkly Bottle. Have your .dealer send a case today. stood convicted of a crime whicD was one of the bitterest experv ences in the political annals ot Canada the Toronto-lilobe bad xtated, Ihe leading Literal organ in the country. Amounted to Nothing In face of those assertions tbtj late I'rime Minister, had come into the west and bad tried to make (he people believe" the ad verse customs report ha: amounted lo nothing. The Lib.) eral government stood conviclfij ny a riiiiiiiiii lee appointed ny u self, namely four Liberals, 60 Progressive, or five LiberaTsq Cnnyiclj-d Ijy tlem jdf'lbe rapid degeiieiilKKi of lll uiost Vljil ;.. i-i. '-.' i I he speaker Iiad Jljtrdicl itt his ha ilds and no clause of the whole report bad once been reail by the cx-Pi-ime Minister in anM one of his speeches In the prei sent campaign. There was not a. line in the whole report but re-J fleeted upon the government oj Mackenzie King. The whojV moral degeneratin of the cuj-tonis department had been coin1 jtassed within the four years of the Mackenzie King government.' Smuggling bad become a veritable profession and I bat opcrai- Img right under 'he eyes of tue customs orricials with the approval of the leading officials of Hint drparlmerit. -'The- evidence had disclosed further that pro ducts made -by United ijlates prison labor had been smuggled Into the country. II would bo in famous, naid Mr. Meisfhen, to make Canadian labor compete will the prison labor of I In United flutes. These goods had been imported not In limited quantities (nil in hundreds o' tons, Mnporled, by the connivance, and approval of Ihe heads of 'department. Ooods had been imported illegally wilh Iho aj-proval of lush officials who ha I Iteen made rich at Ho, expent-e of the 'iniiesl laborer and -lionesl storekeeper of ur-country. Th' report showed up the officials is unfit for their noslllons and I'm lliese. officials were not only In connivance and collusion wit.i Have You Met This Fellow? old-tlme fakir is patting, But occasionally you will meet with THE another kind of deception. Eager for cooling, toothing deliciousnett, you'll atk for Orange-CKUSH, but will you get it ? The man behind the counter may murmur that he had tome but he's fust sold out "Here't something just as good." Probably he's stocked a cate or two, sold it out promptly and Is foisting cheap imitations on the public This type of dealer substitutes because of the I taction of a cent more profit on each bottle of in interior drink he sells. All Orange-CRUSH dealers are high-grade dealers merchants who will hand you Orange-CKUSH when you atk for it. Orange-CRUSH costs them more than cheap imitations but it brings them far larger volume of sales. And that't what makes Orange-CRUSH such a profitable and satisfactory drink to handle. Orange CRUSH lemon-CRUSH lusiun and connivance with lie criminals but were their-swindlers. The administration' selves inuktrg a business of th-of the Mackenzie King govern- try illWIt traffic they were ment stood tn the prisoner's sworn to exterminate und de-dock convicted of the most re-) Urny. The iniiitsUr himtelf had vulliiig scandal in the history jf'made ii a bunnes to sell seized the Dominion. The audience ifquor lo his political friend-, said the speaker, in Witt think hfsimade in illicit stills, and ha I language was strong but that wasialso signed a order that no i' Ihe language of the leading party organ, the Oraln firowers'pe touched. The liquor hud been! iSuide. Tli3 Liberal tfovenuiieni oepuriiuriii ji ine; ? governineiM. "I say; Thaf is fhe vKtlct at ($ five 'LlCeral members' ,-of tlssr'tl romtniltee," saiil Mr. SlcigheT, Hcit still In his country was tr old to the Canadian dtstille at a few cents a gallon, the being responsible to pay t'J.OJ r gallon if used. Man after man had gone into the witness 40X. business men of all shades of polities, and had said they eould add to their business 20 per cent more in employee, ome said SO per cent, and sdme nld IW0 per een'.. If Hie customs ileparlineni were honestly ad thinisiereil. (ae ,ian had ani JMiat in his whole line of husines. e had not employed one quar ter Ihe number of people he pould have employed if ihe ens-lome department liiid been hon- f continued on page five! WATER NOTICr, 1 Olfrln and Ult TAkK .Oril t Out SninrIIU rfin., l.ini,4iiy Umllnl, hir iMrr U Our Aienuc Wharf. vnrm-r, B r. o-VI f tr a lirwa n, uk aiU ttl Uu vrr nilnut of wau-r ul at un ninixl itieam. which fi iwirirw-m ma dnm. Jnlu lfr.,-)n Biv. Mati InWl, ab-ui 4 rtnin esl of ,V. W. eonicr i i.t U7, am im unrriru innii in Hrram 1 n 1 .mm in iuin.riri) nircllon rwn .". w. ciirtHT nr ji 117 1, o. c. Phi.. ml lie II wd for Inilil.trHI ami' li,..n -tl- pnrpo iil-.n lh Miid t1e.ntx-d 1. r" . vuern urnrkitie Dm. llili ivillre n vtiKi fn tin; tr-mnd un Ihe inn day .f Jirljr. jv. A copy of I il noilr and in itliu.ti pur.unn Uvertft ml tn the 'Vlcr Arr m t flled in lli- orri.e of (he Wlr llerordrr lipllnijim inay Im- filJ ), . , wi'f w-roNwr or iih lh l oiniiirt.iier l.f Walrr lllfhlt. l-irliinnt i.,.,.... l-loru. U. C, wllhln ililrir day afi-r ib rirn Knnrf (r ihia nolir m ( r,i nwpKr. Tin? dale or lh firm publlra. lion of Hi 1 nit(ri it Jniv to. wnniiiur. CAI.VF.RT COMI-AJIV. LTII., LAND ACT. Caiilar Unit DlMrlrt. Un.1 nrordlnt DUtrlrt bf Prlnr llurwrl mr.A ..?.. i!!!n" " "" M0,-" TAKE .ViTlCF. that Edwin JUI-. Frort 6f Allin. In in rrovln-n nr Brliuh Cuium. la. oreupatKin t.rratln tourm launrh. Inienda lo ii-plr for rrti.lion lo Dur-rh! the fullowlnr 1-srrit.e1 lands- Coniiiinrlnr 11 im planlrd at lh Miintieaat ivirnr .f Olarr av. in aiim llio hr- lln- w-i a rhalna; ihonre Jiilli 1 0 fhalna: ihPnr- ,,,1 ,rf Jgft? Ihfnre n.-lli 0 rhalna. lo nnini Vi roniinpiiri-mi-m. EDWIM JL'LCS EOOEfIT, Tik1 Vav III lata PPllrint. LAND ACT. Noilc of InUstlon to Apply to liui Un in Prlnre Ituprrt Und B-roMin Uia trlct of Ciai Hanre I, and itluite on " Sotnh liirhaM, TAKE MiTICE thai Alfred Swanson. of t'rinre fniprri, rx-nipatlnn Vthn-r ' iS-nd to apply, for a ! of Ilia follow. ' Inr d-rrll)1 landa: Ciimnieiirlnr al a pol f'tniM at the north Mid of South narhaM Inland; lhn"e armmd th- Mland at hirh water mar. and conlalninr SO acr, m,r or la ALFRKU SWAMSO.1." baud April 17. tlil. pp"f"- lime CRUSH oteamship and Irani Service iaiiiBfi from rmftCK NuecRT f-ir VAncouvtR, Vrcroma, lonvl earh aaONOA V and TMUNSOAV 00 s SATUNOAV, M p.m. rr ANVOX atvl STCWANT MOMOAr, FRIDAY, 00 p.m. tt.r ALASKA WtOSlISDAT, 4 00 P-m. For saAsscrr iNLsrr asoNDAV, a 00 p.m. For SaiOIOATI IMLCT and SOUTH QUCIN CMARLOTTS U9A fortalfhtly, FASSCHOCR TRAINS LIAVC PR1NCI RUeiRT dill r SI 11.10 ajn. r.r rninci otonoc. sdsionton, wiNNieco, ai - t Canada, lulled Stair. AiMf alt Ot suamahip LI. Vt Canadlaii .latlvmt ttpt for Nj r nr alto for ior lutl hlnrnL Cllf Tkaat OffUa, IS ThlrS A Print RupaM. Fa WS- IcanadianT pACinc Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services SasjaaMaaaaNaaaaaaaMsiiiBSMBaBSaB Sailings froni Prince Rupert To Katchllan, Wrsnall, Jiinaau an Slagway Atat 2, , S, 1S, W, " T Vantautar, VKu'rla an SaatOa Aat 4, T, 11, 14. n- PRINCCSS BCATRICC Campkall Rtiar, ana Vascautar aa Sauraay 11 a.m. Fe..littaalt, Catt Nalla SJalla, Ocn Falla, Rama), Altrt ! ataaay tar all StMmahla Lisas. Fall lafaeiKatia W. O. ORCHARD Oanaral AaU Ovrnae af 4th Sir! and ' Ata, Prlaca Riiparl, mu. I UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED). Salllnn from 'Pnera Ruarl. . r vANCOUVCR. VICTORIA. Saeas Bay, ana Alan Bay, 1""' ' VANOOUVCR, VICTORIA. AlaM Bay, an Swanaoa Bay, Salraf. For PORT SISIPSON an Naaa Rlr Cannarlaa. Thrt4ay p.m. rr ruriT arvpsoN, UNTOI,' ALIO! ANSI, ITawaif T, mitnmtj. - (i. ias im iiMi-t. 4raaly, AtL r r ... - - lUirthen Teapot n. plain and decorated, ernrh t mm 50o to I llnrlhen Tlean Voln. 3.jl., 3 ijl. nod t l . . eiu li 75c, Si jflc Knrlhen Mixing llmvl. ,i;.e 7" eaf-h 4j0 Knrthen Mixing HowN. jaizn 8" ench (tt Karlhen Mixing llowU, Alio 9" each 54 Iinrlhen Mixing Itowls. nine 10" earh 75c l-kirthin Mixlnig Howl. hIc M" each Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. Phone '101 255 3rd A- , 1 WICHMANN OIL ENGI NES are aelllnr fat. He i,n M lnP if jou uaiil yi.ura Oil ",,r " , Uiif. Wlrliinann -itm-a not vihrale. dl 'all tlav. will '"' Ural r,t toiallrr. 110 m.kerp, no nollli ENGINEERING CORPORATION, LIMITED Marina Dapartmanti Mr.'O. Tallafaan. . ft uw- ORANVILLI ISLAND VANCOUVa.