PAGE F01 FEATURES HORSES IN FIRE PICTURE ... Love, Romance and IhfetlcltyAre' Theme of IP.idiWeek Showing of "The Still-Alarm." !ln the mld-weftk picirp, f'The, Still Alarm,'" hick Fay, 'fireman, anl his charming young fi(c. Dunn, ward politician ami niari-j about-lown. The. drudgrtry of the little, home, is beginning to loll on' Lucy.'brit ishe conceals it from Iter husband. Perry observe it and begins lo act accordingly! I'relendinVj to 1e4I)icVs.iriend,lie starts undermining his Wife' Jove. .' . On the third anniversary of Dick and L,ucy's wedding Perry brines her a bouquet in which is concealed a valuabl Rift. Lucy accepts the fkiwersbut refuses 46 accept the jewelry. j lick returhs"h"ome Willi "his! present a cheap little picture. 1 tlM it. at I miiip i ii inrec are at supper, ' Dick Is called to Duty -by a te.nn-hijnt fire. During his absence pptry prevails Itpon Lucy to desert her husband. The two leave together. In the meantime at the fire Dick 'has rescued a mother and baby. The: woman dies' and Dk"k adopts the baby. Dick and Andy Todd anqther,.fjrcman, arrive home with the baby only to find Lucy pone. 3Iighteen years have passed and the baby, known as Drina Fay, raised by Dick, Andy and .Mrs. Maloney, has frrown into anH aftraotive girl with flapper tenj v chief, Andy a lieutenant. Tom Jtraml, young fireman, is in love with Drina, but worried by her apparent longing; for a gay life. Drina loves clothes and has a TTHE LIMITED MAIL TO Plot Tells of Efforts to Wreck Train. and How Three Tramps Save It. "The Limited Mail," here to night, is pjcturization of Elmer Complications result when Jim is billed in a wreck due to Hob's carclessnefs (n missing a damger signal. Hobbie, falls into itream .when he follows Hob in' his grief-atricken wanderings,' and the man sacrifices the boy to rescue the Mail Train from a landslide. How Spike rescues little Ilolu Jie, how Caroline's faith is restored and' she and Hob find Imp piness together forms the climai to Hie dramatic story. "THE GREATER GLORY" LS WEEK-END FILM Adaptation of Austrian Novel to 'Screen Is Good Picture. Despite the fact thai "The iflrealer Olory." June Mathis' ureal . suner-feature. whieli will BRINGING UP FATHER ueiicies. imck is now Dauajion inn or actual scenes fighting at the front there .are Packet, none. The Greater Glory" is an adaptation of ''Viennese Medley," celebraled novel by Edith O desire for the stage. Masie, a Jshaughnessy, wife of the Ameri-friend takes her to a falioiialle. can ambassador at Vienna. The iiHtdisle shop where she is employed as a mannikin by Madame Celeste. Perry Dunn, older and craftier, is interested in the shop and is asmilleii -with the girlish charms of Drina. One night a great fire 'breaks out in the fashionable apartment house building, in twhich the shop,i located. the fire companies responding to the alarm are those com- unanded by Dick Fay.. Andy Todds Company and Tom llrahd's afe out, too. The firenvni fighl their way into the building. Whall iJ)ick finds in one of the burning apanmems is a slaruirtg climax to illiis thrilling picture. screen production was carried out along colossal lines. More than a year was pent by Miss Miilhifj the. various scenes. The poignant story traces the fortunes of a typical -weIlro-do Viennese family. II follows them from prosperity to poverty to the beginning of arehabilitation. The central- figuren the epic drama is a kindly maiden aunt, arislo jrajjc,, unworldly and intensely synipalhelic lo all the ills about her. The finding of an actress take this role was attend5 the utmost difficulty, and Lucyl Iteaiimont. well known on the stage .was selected only after iniore than 300 rharacler women I had failed to fill all the rieninil Bfc MiUWN iUNMfflTrn,l"j!fL. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert August 16, 1916, Vance' iiirilling melodranu of J. McNeil, of Telkwa, who a'- first, jnu may land II.MI.wdol ine siorj" concerns me ior-,- Tiie difficulty is that many do r 1 1 1. ? 1 1 ant ( fni AfilllA navA I li 1 uii"! ii iitii niuusuu. a iier-oo-j' -" -.n-- nui well oasterner vAin turns lramnla,, there now, and joins forces with Spike, and Potts, two others of the carefree brotherhood. Wjien the three ave the Limited Mail from des truction by a mountain landtlide, Oim Fowler, the mail clerk, sfrikeq tip. a friendship wilh Boh. Romance and Thrills ; TogeMie,r0e two men,bringsup 'Hob's motherless little son ltofv-Me and together they fall in love jwith Caroline Dale, an attractive little waitress. Ilob' past in the form of rt rfiorys girl returns to disturb his romance, and further H. C Mess, of Findlay, Durham line nf lli fi T I' tv - tlent and general manager of Ihfc U.I. P., arrived in the cilv last Transcontinental." He made the Irip west in order to make a heard about h 4!te toy missing the old xenlienian wiih a show ball. Dr the. seed coming up in tin' showing 'P'rtlen !!se the picture on tin It will soon be the time for seme of us to pay for last ear's Xmas card. Don't forget lhat limerick on the political'. situation. Try thi. one. There once was a man from th wst, and large In filming a company Who bece , wU!, , He talked long and loud.. Got 'he goat of the rrew$, And next year will e diking r. rest. Marj" rolled her stockings. In a doorway on the .street: Hi-t a cop, Walked slowly by; 'Cos Mary looked so sweet. - 7:,;; WHAT NOT TO DO IN WRITING LIMERICKS Be Sure You Have the Rhythm Correct Or It Is Not Eligible. There have been some very good limericks sent In for the prize competition, but there ijia ;ie lietter even yet. Hememiier gl'hal the prize U five ami three dollars for first ami second prize respectively. If you Won't gel the not recognize a limerick when they see it. Perhaps by showing ne or two that are not torrent V Brody, of Victoria, returne.) m?"el. ' ,P eompar-las( ,,Pr 'ha last evening evening from from a a Irip trip alon-r""-, w!,m.e nriiriy rorr.rri leciuiicaiiy, n reach! al- Smilheri. He was very agreei U,m"1" .a Fl Wa?r 'm not ably surprise and tin he vest ex-',lSre', sentiment: tent of arable lands delighted the v loi. 1 Morfcy''n8iTda:prM'f- i.uue .rmur can make a Speech;" good evening on -his private cafP18' a P"' ne can'1 "'"ly and In enntrisl wild Ihsl lorn an the (i.T.P. steamer. lonce are not in correct form: The date is now set for September Ml And there is only one thing toi TUC MAMIWTin: UAOW remom!,er, UlU iriXUVin 'IIlli.mVUll That Hradv or -lorV will soon he y elected. N) bring in your vole and don Judzine from the ! oe oejecleil Hie W'estlinlme nni llnslnn iinii Hrady you are a scholar. on Saturday night, Tom Mix ha A ma of renown, ot nolliimg on Premier-Sleighcn and Leon Ladncr as a drawing card. Starting out for Parliament A IJhcral for to down. King is no King David, Nor Mriphen Uncle Sam, When II comes lo ilecoratlnsl'b'ng bfng Janged Parliament arches of .welcome you've gql to And dissolved ft as they sarw hand it to the Conservative com. inrre is a icaKBge in uie cusioms.i miHeei Wty'wnndrrfu hqw dc- lliere is grafting in roraUve getifus wflrcrop np nn- King has been delhrone ned I And Meiglien is in tl Now that the tarvia work is! comiileted, how will the smalt boy 00 gel m ms ",S "an" hands black? ",nck7 be shown at the week-end. deals ... Mw Rupert Uie air, . ie cJialr, HOTEL ARRIVALS enilrniv lii, v'Unn.. .i,,i..n .,.il I " F. Wachsniitli. Exeter. 2c per word in advance. No Advcrtitement taken for' lets than 50c Davis, Vancouver: Miss S. V. PickeU. J. P. Marshall, Irvini: llosejiberg, Hollywood, llalif.; F. D. -Malhers, .Vanwuver; J. II Engdal, SealU'N Ii. F. .MeHisti, A .. k a. Vnrmer; oir. ani .Mrs. n. Petersen, Seattle. . Central C. A. Smith, II. Xurk, S. Shef- sky, J. G. rteevei. S. Ilrnkeiijratf . M. . Tate. C.N. It.; T. 11. fi. Westgate. Winnii-.-v; '.i. M. Ha-burt, 'I'amaqtia. Pa. SPORT CHAT A r-cnrd is i-Lnnied for Joh.i Weissmuller, -u .mining star of the Illinois AH... m a perform an in a75-f'l pool al Jm ork. Arnuteui AlUletir I'nion officials tt.itrtl ii i tn in 2min. 1 1 3sec. for the J.'u-yar! breast style, wtiieti is I l-5ec. ra!er than his former mark. j. Prize winner fr traginly a well as romeyty at the latest examinations of the Conservatoire. the Male School of Acting, Mademoiselle Murclle Home.' had the ftalferimr experience of being engnard Iiy Hie Comedi Pranvaise. Physical culture ha i"n almost as strong a pan- sion vvltli Mll. riomee as hen tutbition to act. She is an ath lete and iohI a dinloiua as svin- na.l from the City of Paris. !i.m !iai-nts intended he,r to fcrcoii'i' rhool teacher. To. I Sloan wuj one of th. greatest Jocneya f all lime Shian had one great faculty- tiir ability to control animal" Not only horses, but all oth animals, lie could pick uz, i vicious ral or ilog ami have i: as lame as you want it in five minutes. Sloan one walked ui :o a dog tuat had gone mad. He snapped hi fingers al il and ir. two minutes the animal was as docile as a lamb. As Snappc Garrison, rvnowoed horse owner and trainer, onc aid: "You can't be a great joekey wilhou: making the horse feel he has firm friend in you. Horse will run their fastest Jor Uie Jockcj they like- Sloan , kiiewj when U whip, a.iyl. whenj joj eeoid. r !! Hill sometinves he gts out onwal4 cooljL.Jia.1 4J-. flue ipiic of - teachW!..--..- - ' Ihands. .rpsrfeet cit mi trie1 sad- NX lib his stories so tall. He can flim flam us all. die, and knew Uie 'knnuk of mak ing a Irorse do his very best llandolpti Rose, the famous New Zealand runner. " evidejiMv general inspection and to enable or two ve.rse.s which were sent will find Paavo furmi in toi him to make the Alaska trip b)in, but which.. jl will he seen at form if he succeeds tn his ef- forts to obtain a erio of match aces w'ih the Finn on the lat- ler's home soil this summer vuriin recent triumphs over Mv:n Wide, the Swedish star. first over a nifl route In t.i and thftn at 3,000 melers Ir world's revord time of 8.20 4-10, indicate thai the pjiantom One Is ready lo give Rose a speedy reccp'.on. Ilo-e maJa a name for lilmscll by forcing Lloyd Halm. 4he ne. Mmftrlcan mile champion, to tak nis dust in a series of races in Hie Antipodes during the winter Subeiniet:ijy he has gone half way aron-irj the world In a quest of 4i test wilh NurmL MEMORIALS FOR TWO GREAT BALL PLAYERS nfinr M.e vt-nr n..n i. ! .! 'I Cn.rn on ,hft 'V1 "Win Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. A. H. AnnJ The memories of Christy Ma pie so called war ene In the en 1m" " ma an'1 11 'n,S0 on nn'1 w,fp' Los Angeles; F. Phis- lliwm and Ivldie Plank, two of 41 re proXclloT jH"! ""'i'1 C,,in' e,ro and cator, Mrs. and Miss Cassel, Ter- 'ne greai.-si pllchers who ever f ii. ..i.i .i ... ..i.' 1,air- race; T. Ode, Vancouver: Miss sleiied on a maior league neak. army of the former An. n t. 7. . . . K,lft " "'"''"rs, Port Simpson; bolh will be perpetualed in filling .: I ,l a puy golf was not played I.I. E. Lord. Port F.s.intrinn- pn,.i fm.1. inn m 'TAW mm fclKwar, 'in Adam and Eve' time: Then I F. C. Stratford Victoria V Arthur. Henef iV a a. 17 w .a'e heVn' ti -. I ' 'I ' WANTED. every town, merchant prefer red. to lake orders for bes custom-made clothes in Can ana. ingiiesi commission. Ilex Tnilorir Co. I.liL, To renin (5 srON FOR SALE. FOIl SALE Hudson motor i i first class rmwliftoh? 'fine for pleasure boat. Snap, Apply, l!o 31 H. Daily New Office. FOIl SALE. Hotel Massett. , good bargain. Ill health cause for sellinsr. Apply William Hudson. MaMelL H.C. TEXT FOR SALE. New tl.U year and uel only on wK. Prire g0.- Pallen. Dally New. FOir SALE Dining room mit-A in good eondilton. Phone lHaek 7J0. tf OH SALE Ii rge motlem iioimc splMdMIy loene,!. Apply O. P. Tinker. FOIl SALF-Cream wicker buggy. Phone Illue 1 82. tyi TO RENT (FOIl flENT. Larsen bulldlftg a 171 Third Avenue East; six room modern flat with bathroom and workshop premise on street Ifoor. Apply Hyde Transfer, 139 Second Avenue. HOUSES for nenl. Some are furnished. 130 and up. App.y SIS Fourth Avenue East. OH RENT. Pianos, plump-graphs and sewing machines. Walker'a Music Stare. TOR RE.NT. Four room suite. hot water hrated. Apply Smlti A Mallet. VOIl HKXT Five room hous. Seventh Avenue Wet. Plione 730. tf MODERN HOUSE for rent Five rooms and bath. Munro Hros qOftRD AND ROOM. UHM.M , .Ml HOARD in nrivule held lo aid the erection of the .Muuiewson .Memorial at Huekitoll i;onege. while "lildin Plank Divs have been nrranged in many parks io rain? 1 1 j mis lor a gymnasium Hearing the soiithnaw's nam- . . . . now iiiiuer cousiructlon at Oj. tsbung College. D. McD. Hunter was a pas M-n?er inr norihern noim. Ihe Cardena lal night on a busl-' IIV3 Lllll. Articles Lost and Found, Ac AGENTS WANTED. WANTED. One reliable man in WANTED. A Man for an Un- usual Agency. Darwins . t.nitHd-"ftlfltlUhed It) years oiraima a ehain of Ladle' lleady-to-Wear Shop in Montreal and Ottawa, are now ex-tendinis their o(e re lions so as to reach Very part of iinada. ThU wjiens a gddii opportunity for rftiaMe men ami woTnen ' to handle our ex. luKe lm o( Ladies' lleal -lo-W-ni Clolhe. Selling experienre nnl iter-sary if you nuan Imihi. ww FURTHER REDUCTION IN Rupert: ftuilr Touring Sri Itoailster 'pjippad ;hiin arh , , I -1 i ion True Chassis I Ht3.mi KAIEN GARAGE Dealers In all General Motors Products home, about five minutes' wnWcU'OVrnmnl lates included: irom Post Office. Apply Hot 3l Daily News, or phon Kiack HOARD. Thu Inlander. 8.1.1 Second Avenue. Phone 1.17 SUMMER RESORTS. I .A K ELSE LODOE, near Terrace visit Lakelse Hthia Ho: .springs. I.tthla Is on of th . finest mineral waters known for rheumatism, flood fl lining for rainbow trout In Lakelse lake and river. Motor meet all trains giving through connection with Lodge. Tele phone connected lo Terrace J. Hnice Johnstone, manager MISCELLANEOUS .nn Mf N Till. EASY SKLMXi. MAOIC OAS. ? I. oo can epiaR 4.1 gauons gasotina.vNn car non. ouaraiilev harmless. Proven merits. Your name on cans. Write quick for par- iirmars ami proof of this siatemenl. P. A. I.efrhvr A i.o.. Alexandria. On I.. Canada. 1020.00 FRANCOIS LAKE LODGE Ibaiitifuiiy situated near Ferry Landing . Alllhido 2M5 feet. Camping and Fishing Trips Arranged FIRST'CLASS TWHLE with produce FIUH FROM THE FARM. talie n rflp-lo fhC; Lake Counlry fHfsryVar. For reservnllohs, wrile Mrs, llenkel. I'rnncoln Lako. H.C TAXI Phone 67 Taxi M ft lil By George McManm I rIMl! 1 I WONDER IP IX I S I I ( DO -YOU KNOW How I I ")H I ( JOST A MlNUTE-1 . THIS, UdOKSj.j. . ( kJO -nn I 1 "H ' n ' rrjOWNHOMB- f I . ' D r Jl v f 1 ' I ' 'M -flff ,Bml . -M mQ imi .jHIp JflfiJra IZJbs0' yflteln perhaps Kve would have beenf l I loo busy to be tempted. , i week at theatre ii v anted rv ii if m TTfiiMii ii i nnimnn nn Monday and Tuesday "The Limited .Mail." Comedy, "Uotsy Totsy." Inlernalronal News. Wednesday and Thursday "The Still Alarm." Comply, TIIb OQrtps "Andy's Lion Tale."- Aesop's. Film Fghles, . -Friday and Saturday "The Greater dory" Pathe Heview. in ' . .. - ., - . I fa mf nil. IIll MaV aV aTB.BB.alB ft E I aV The first lliinp Pa usually does on Sunday morning is to prl, the funny paper from tn bany. Nobody looks at a girl's haV n-lwailays. Thertrreri lUnUinrthn.n:. stalimmt plan'was - tli world One oi the things t nave neve III for aU W UN IW Ta. n M M f 1 II I I I For Rent UtULl 11LVT J jbt J JIl ILI tWO. wTta N0TICI We I. Vuruut. r!T IT' "t ! 1 tlw tllrr ,. IN tomth I'nrtir , umhI ft Himim i... Wicpr ! r m. ,,,. TMt 4llrf , A Ibr tl US) i 1" i IH 111., i, MrttMai II vwn-i. "HI. I fii. .1 Wmttr luurlrr OIilloB. . niea tu iiv . , Mil lta- CMnpir. i . rriuurtii jhWU !. tn,, ,,. m bollr i i . , Tb dt ,tt tw f mim u Jmi i ; , STVMHHO VII .i ; ii TUE Soilo mrv now in VlieCl l.O.D. PrtnCS I'IMI uf "H I wsira hotici will teach you h.w (Mir F'all it'fr" ' hn lit now ready, our nellin f- if 4tt -,i . ontfit u a r.-ai Fnhion Sho" in a nt portfolio. wn- ,,tU"'',U'"; ' derfal f)tflt i Free to rHin- " i.V hi ffpre.enuttves. WrUe a JJl'fV 'n; , nw tell a about yr-lf ""ft;" ".Z"1 V silrt th territory you want. '- il. our amaKing.proMlHIn. prM tLiHl' IMIer n it now later may J 'Vr too lal. Darwins Umiied, Wei' .. o Dept. 35. Dot Si, MBnIre,.. Sr.1;Sr,, V 0.. :S. BSf! AhhAAAB k a -SO lino net, 1. r PRICES i Mtr. f litttiiM u )? uu. The foltowlnq Chevrolet prices ?ty "Mp" sa ( fully $xt5.o rkr tiMstr n HS.OU pw tnl ik. l - , BjrHie at : flOJTH.OM HIWHf AtrwrlM, la lwtdan Seia f 1 185.00 Ligtit Deliv.rj Cfra ( .rmMmmt it im f k.0IU I Pld ll 4 l M ihti i.r Sir tr. U Inr ral Itim Tr xoTirc ihi tn JCtftrr" Crlir all UM. "Hljr lr tt m apflr in itk Xi i iafiirirl of Impt re it nbldnmt Mr ftim. tiki furttw-r Uk iiw1r trlkn iy m tMfirr lite io ' tcnerTrmenu. MlJ ibis 111 da -t H. II. rss I HINIS1L ACT' cinnricATC or mesotttirn I nit ctaiwi i v WHFCKIN.. snt!.-F DAY AX1 SiTr toiJELi w I'-'.' Phone 52 The following prices aro now elfectiv. F.O.H. Prince Rupert. ItunitKjiit twrl Roadnter L'l'oiirlng Coupe Tudor 'Sedan Fordor Sedan Light Delivery ." Ll. Delivery Van ''ommerrtnl Oliassis I ruck Chassis Slrv... 5l.p0 fl.80.0ti 002.V 75I.O0 7M 00 831.00 SOt.OO cia.oo H8.fh 5HI.00 Self stnrtor included on all model. Term payments arranged if If desired. S, E. PARKER, LTD. Dealers. 219 Second Avenue. MlltaSL CT MINERAL ACT. 1 l I wi ' I I - I 1 ''31 IV 2 l in i-i ii - - i ll '. CCRTiricATf or i"rovii2 nit rRVmi Miyrtl Ill Atlln Mlolnt l: - 1 irlrl. W'hw lor-aiK! v t rantn DirfHiMi TAiT KOTIir Hill lirre Mlnrr't Cerlint' Mir n a iMuf al,t ifmva n ui X!:? r19 19 iltJr I" the Ml' if Ortlfffte of lmtr !. pno Of oMtlnlnr ne KM fnrlher lake r utiiir rilon IT. m hefore the iu of ImrfsnfUB-nia. In IK if P an . n us i ... .ki. a f w. .... ii. - in irsoi"T' CtRTI'ICATI or fiUfk Smith Minml lh AUin Mlhlnr tl 1 irlft. Whre k" alrl trlMilirr of r 1 " ijolnlnr Ihe 0rry ttn ii aumihrrlr tu TAKI' KOTICF lhl ' al-jllf I rl lend. .HIT t ' M In iPiilr Ift the Minmi , . ili r CrrllfH-aie if Imniwn t r,.!T.-... .... ,ti-. ii"' HiHler -ion J nit -f w hrforr Ihe lne 'f ! t mi ft ma n I . Til"1" pte1 Ihl. Ill llTH'f nt Notltt Of InUnl LAND ACT. ill I; w r" Ion U tPP't niil i trinm liiinert I 'l"' K ' .. rfrtf tut ilTH F IMI r- ..... int pnrrna (Call Oeorge. Paul or (lust) ixv.rr nw ami seven Passenger Rludo baker al your disposal any lime. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block. Acrou from Empress Hotel, .int"" num. immrti in !' Hh,d li . Ill rtinimin. ".,) l '-., l.t'.nrt. rx.iriM. liH-JJ" f Ihrnre el t rhi" " ,,,icrl mrt w"w Mirt . in'""; Switrt 1ltth "W-r Virk , ,rir. "" ,,,, n lLLFPV Dittd iuM Uta.