Ldar August 10, 020. m r Summer. White 7hins Each time white summer clothes are washed their pure whiteness must be restored. To accomplish this) is simple enough, however. Juitcolour the rinsing water with ever reliable , ,' i,r " Reckif t's Bag Blue In the handy bag with the Blue and White stripes 1MB The New Orthophonic Victrola Is exciting more comment and attracting more favor than hat any musical Instrument beforo. s.mply f'Tg'-i any opinion w h:iM M,r lial--fu m -utile or other ie - "f ap- iiifiillv minilar iniriiniiiili ml ,i; t It- first ojl "i iuiiH). u' in mi'l hi i You tii' ,i!miikIi(1 a; Hie fi le' -w it it .wliirli fiery mu- .i iiiRti4i ur otlf r- - : ' J': 'iK ' il for hi QRENADA MODEL Mahogany and Walnut $200 OTHER MODELS $115 ' $275 3S5 Ternu Arranged eMcuMvsMd Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Opcmtlng Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Elo. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINO. Our plant i rpnppi ,0 handle l! hinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 3BJ Phone 34 Dus and Taxi Meets all Trains and Boats. ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI, Proprietor. P.O. Box 100 Simiiioii H Steel Red. Sini. ami Oslermoor Mul- trcvscs in every room. , , &2 Rooms. Hot und Hold Water. Baths ami bhnwers. Hli'tn Healed, Kleclric Light. Corner of Third Avo and Sixth St. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Hesldonco Phono, Black 617 P. O. Box,24Z ANGER, The Tailor Fiiio Imported H.-rgo nmi s,,",,'h ( A 00 Tweed ijiiils mudu lo order m Ykif utr simp id Prime Rupert a low, as ltl Ve I. ANGER, Cutter 223 8lxth Street Prince Rupert, B. C. Local and Personal Arthur's Tail. Phone 878. tf U.C. Undertakers, Pbone 4t Baseball tonight, (iyros vs. Sons of Canada. 0.30 sharp. Crystal Firelighters, 48 fo It. 00. Hyde Transfer. I'uon 580. tf Mrs. Hunbciw and child sailci lat nulit on llic Cardena fo Alice Arm. J'ry . , Foothills Slove Goa.. ;.00 iM;ijtloiu No soot. -I'll I pottKvUl?'H Co. Ltd, .tf Mriv'H. tWrolinc of Stewart. who ban been holidaying in t It -south, f returning north on lit - l'rince Charles tliU afternoon. Dr. and Mm. I.. W. Herein re turned-; to the city on the Car lo 'llio .city on the tcainer Lar- Jerui last nlj'ht after holidaying in (ho south. Alex. Mackenzie returned ! i si; ciiy on me. rruic-e -nane.- I hit morjilng from a combined iiuiiH' and pleasure trip t Vaneoliver. V. Fisher, 'provincial lax collector, was a pansriiftcr for Stewart :n the Cardena Iaf niKht uu a departmental buinp-- rip. Trrtor (Ilarke of tile forcsii-lepartmenl announce that lie - simply aclin? -district fori-and ha nol received any c- inaiii'iit apitointnient to Ural o sllinn. Ksllier Dick, an Indian sir. atis lumtenced lo three month' imprisonment at Okalla prtMit. arm on a charge of vi,'ranc ! Masilralc MrUlymonl in tl ily puflec court thin nmniiiiK- Canon Ilalam of alatooit. Sack., wax a paen?er arriving in the city on Hip Prince Charlc this mornintr from Vancou'.' and relunieil fust on the inorn- iuur train. C.N.H. VHeamef Prtnee Geonre. Capi. II. Nfslden. doektnl at 10.30 o'clock ihi moritittp from Ska it - way. Alaska, and will sail on her. return to Vancouver' and ay port at i i'-in. C.X.H. Hlcamir I'rmce Cliarle., I'jpl. Neil MrLean, docked at IU.30 o'clock thix mornintr from Vanctiuvei nml will rail foe stcwari, Anyux and MasicPil Inlet at 4 p.m. Co'ottfl J. M. UoUiou, civil engineer of Port Clements, ned in the elly on the Prince Charlotte thii inoniiiiK ami will ail on the 1'rineo CJiarle (hi afternoon for the Uuecn Char lode Inland. The body of a Chinaman, a yet nol identified, was found drowned al the I'urt llwanl cannery on Friday. The body- had been in the water for sev eral day. The provincial jolic are imeallicatlng. L'nion steamer Canlena, Capi. I. Fimllay. (iotKCd al U.I5 o'clock lasl nljrLt froni Vancouver and wayporls and sailed for Steward, nyox and Alice Arm al It p.m. The steamer was delayed coming north u ii lead i Hi? a heavy cargo of Minion ean. al iho tulelale cannery. .1. 1. Marshall, Irving Hocn hertr and Mis S. K. picked, re presenting Hie Fox Film Corporation of Hollywood, California, proceeded by gashoal tlrts morn-nig to complete the "shooting" of .almun fishing scenes on ih. Skeena Hlver. After taking movie xcene of Iho city the party will proceed lo Jasper l'ark on lo-niorrow morning's Irjiin. Mrs. Donald, wife of Caplain Donald of the steamer l'rince Ituperl, arcompauled by her daughter Miss Florence Donald, is leaving this afternon on tlu sleamer l'rince Charles for Uueen Charlolle lslandt and ther. direct s.inlh In lior home In Vaneoliver. Mrs. and Misr Donald have been holidaying in l'rince ntipert ror a number or weens and. huw occupied Mis l(dhwell's house on Fiflli Ave. DEATH Margaret Slevcnson Hendery, dearly beloved wife of Waller I.nngwill, died at l.os .Uweles August in. Funeral Monday,1 Angus! Id. lo Kv'erirreen Ceme-I le'ry, liot Angeles, THE DAILY NEWB PAQ1 THREE V i J I lm fe. MmhCi la effect to Septembe: 18 Return Limit October 31 1926 HOUND TRIP TO DENVER. SIM.t! OMAHA ... IW.SJ ST. LOUIS. CHICAGO. DETROIT .... CINCINNATI CLEVELAND TORONTO ATLANTA . PITTSBURO . . . WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON 129J5 133 AO I J JO IS7.92 1SS.40 IbOM 166 OS 169.6$ 172.06 19J.6 197.11 199.70 105.76 LIBERAL STOPOVER PRIVILEGES enable you to vUit ZXON NATIONAL PARK TEtLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATIONAL PARK DtLuxt Trains 55jtiTlt-42 Superior Srrvict n r Scenic Routt UNION PACIFIC FOR INFORMATION AND RESEAVA. TION CALL ON OR WRITE UNION STATION, SEATTLE, 1405 Fourth Ave. Don (iraham left on tin uiorning'5 train for Welaskiwin fliertn. Matthew Lodge, a director the; Canadian .National Ilaihvays i a passeiitger atioard the Princt diaries for slcw&rl. Mr. and Mrs.:i"l'. Cook, win Have b- en visiting" in the oily returned lo Anyox on the steam er Cart I an a last night. Miss Catherine Ward of Mas sett ,who has liecn holidaying in the south, was a passenger aboard the Prince Charles Ibis morning en route home. Ceorge S. Hussell, of the Daily Xews mechanical staff, will sa'l on the steamer Cordelia tomorrow afternoon for Vancouver on a prolonged holiday trip. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Fogg, ami four daughters, are making . th-' round-trip on the l'rince Charles lo Stewart, Anyox and , Masselt. Mr. Foyg is chief plerk to 11. C. Keeley, Pacific coast manager f iho C.C.M.M., Vancouver. II. C. llochesler, of Montreal, arrived in the city on yesterday afternoon's train ami is vlsilir.R with Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Morgan. Hays Cove Cirele. Mrs. llochesler and daughter Kathleen have been visiting with MP. and Mr Morgan for the past' few weeks Mrs. W. F. Ilianfj acoompanieJ by her grandson, who lias been visiting willi her sister and brolher-iii-W, Flre Cljief ami Mrs. D. II. McDonald., will sail on the Prince tieorge this after noon for Vancouver eu route home.- REMIER MEIGHEN ENTERTAINED AT COMMODORE CAFE Whilst in l'rince Ilupert Sat urday the premier.of Canada, the II mil I Hon. Arthur Meiahen was enterlained by some of his friends and supporters in the- banquet room of tiie Commodore Cafe. He congratulated the management on the excellent cuisine and service, remarking thai it was equal in every respect to anything he had met with in his Iraveis. INED FIVE DOLLARS FOR BARKING OF DOG KD.MOX.TOX, Aug." 16. Paul Itobltola came pret ty near to com mitting the crime of lese majesty. or something equally serious, when he permitted an Alsatian police dog tha he owns to dis- urb the slumbers of Inspector V!ec Jliddle. Mr. Middle is em ployed in the cily health depart ment, and it seems that be is an inspector of Mrenery In back yards microbes and strange noises. Anyway, lie was the com plainant when Itohotta appeared before Magistrate Primrose in the My police court, changed with disturbing the peace and quiet f Alexander fliddle." Considerable discussion arose between his worship and City Prosecutor A. E. I'opple as to the .irreel wording of the charge. and it was finally amended to ead as above. Then the inspec ts anil two stalwart gentlemen in itiue stepped into the dock and spoke in aggrieved tones of the suffering and anguish they- had s is" amed as a result of the un -eemiy barking of the unmanner- y bound. The accused was fined j ami t'osts. IRE WRITING HISTORY SAYS MACKENZIE KING We are writing history n ''anada tiitw. one of lie most In teresliiitfr chapters in the history of the Krilish Kmpire, and after September It. the people bf Great Itritain and of all the Itrilisli Do minions beyond the seas will read how valuable or otherwise the eople of Canada regarded their constitutional ri-lits. See to it then Hiat this one link which keeps us all (rue to Ihe lirilisli Kmpire is nol liruken by any vio lators of that greatest of all gifts and inheritances we have, our constitutional rights under the Hrrtish constitution." W. L. Mackenzie King. TINY WHITE FLOWER AFTER LONG SEARCH UXALASKA, Air. 10. More than 100 years ago a small white flower .declared to grow only on this Island of the Aleutian group, was found near here. During Ihe last century botanists vainly searched for it. Ttiis summer the second specimen was obtained here by Prof. George Haley, of St. F.gnalus College, San Francisco. The bloom was- first reported by a Frenchman who accompanied a party known as the Kolzebue expedition to this island in 1815-ll. Five other parties came lo hunt for it and left empty-hand ed. VERY SMALLSUM TO START RAILWAY l.Ol ISVILLK. Ky Aug. 10. Itankiug well among the leaders Inspector S. T. Wubds of lb" t(lav in the railroad field, the lloyal Canadian Mounjed Polici.. Louisville and .Nashville llailroad accompanied hy Mrs. Woods and. w,en founded d-id not contain family, arrived in thea'clly on the Prince Charles Ihfs morning from llegiua. Inspccjur Wood will lake over comniand of tfm northern detachment of the H. C. M. 1. succeeding Inspector Ac-land recently transferred lo Prince Albert. WEDDING ANNIVERSARY CAPT. AND MJtSJilORRISON In celebration of their ehlr..i wedding anniversary, flapl. nnd Mrs. .lames Morrison wcr" tho guests of honor last nlfelil at surprise dinner held, at the resilience of Mr. anil Mrs'.y.ioe Jack. Slork lluilding. Coverswere laid for len people and i(livv;guesl.s of honor were, the reclpTC'nls of many eongralulallons'. During (he evening the happy., couple were presented wUh ji' bemillful lemoiges china tea set lm behalf of Ihe guests" present. enough money in its treasury lo pay for a mouth's ice bill, as now consumed on any one of its leading pullman trains. The road's treasury al the time of its foundation contained but $35.45 in actual cash. Today its monthly payrool alone approximates 0.50t),000. CP. It. steamer Princess Charlotte. Capt. C. C. Sainley, docked al 7.15 o'clock Ibis morning from Vancouver en route to Skagwny, Alaska, for which point she sailed at lu.30 a.m. The boat carried a heavy complement of rtnirid-li'lp tourist passengers. Mrs. C. W. Maker is returning to M.issell toi the t'rinee Cluirles this afternoon after holidaying in Ihe south. Mr. Maker Is. - an official of the Langarn Packing Co. Advertise In the Dally News. Ittovta spoonful of LUX improves the Appeamnce of Fine Hair 'JHE luxurious Lux lather cleanses each Individual hair right down to the scalp and separates the strands when they are inclined to mat. The Lux shampoo gives hair of goss amer-like fineness a silky flufiyness that makes it seem to have almost doubled in volume. "a UMiI WiMi V iHmni iimib i wmm tfcequkr LUX Shampoos will keep the hair Beautiful-Safely Lever Brothers Limited Toronto t-J3 French : Ivory at Cost In order to make room for our entire stock of French dow's for bargains. Frames Mirrors Clocks Jewel Boxes Trays Puff Boxes Powder'Boxes Hair Receivers new goods we are selling out Ivory at cosL See our win-Perfume Bottles Button Hooks .Shoe Horns Manicure Pieces Vases Calendars Cream Jars Napkin Rings Ormes Ltd. The REX ALL STORK 3rd Avenue and 6th Street I'lOXKKH, DRUtitilSTS Phones 82 and 200 Everything for the Builder LUMBER We have the most complcle stock of timbers, dimensions, shiplap, fir finish, flooring, V joinl. veneers, etc., in Northern B.C. We can supply everything In a building from the foundation to the last piece of finish. Before buying inspect our slock. It will pay you. Our prices are right. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 117 GRANT'S Best Procurable Jot (THE ORIGINAL) Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST INuFINEST HIGHLAND" MALT bJim.Clmlil CWtJUnM. Dll. aWMM rius advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia.