TAXI and t3 Ambulance Service k. . -ft Anyltma V TT 1 1 D l B mm nilflllliVi Wf . . . .... I SUna noyai nii ru '..,.. and 6th 81 WATT VIDECK, Prop. Iiim -granted imniiiii'tii 11 laH or the rourlh floor of ' iiliick for this purpoMC NOTICE TO LIBERALS OF SKEENA RIDINQ I'l'c I.iherul eommlllrp 'inniM, aoa Tiiinl Ave, nexl r lio Kleotric llakcry. will '"' lon every nftornoon "' evening until olccllon nay Lib . ")..,,, :t H, j,. J' riioniun. J. C. McLennan ami John Flmvin. Ml three teukrr. Premie: .Meijrlien, Leon Ladner and 4. C. firacly. ,tdtlreetl euch nn-.-titiv although the adlrce wen more IcnKlhy and more impre--ive lefnr IId- la i er uuilienef In the theatre Leon Ladner open il with u n tdomient aildreo. .'. U. Itradv followed with an int ,i4ioiieil lipiwal for UiKirl ami Jlr. ilenrheu gave a rcaoiied nu-uvunt ol III view (it Ihe out. nlilliilltiK iiiHttei pertainiua In Ihe present political ituatioi. iich a- tariff, the eotmii in-Vfiltpulinn ami the tHinnlitution-al iueKtmii nividvi'il in the re- iuai or ine itnveriior to gran: dissolution to Mackenzie Kinn lie nlo meiitioiii'd evi!ral mailed of local inter1! (tarticularly the flfCMiou he had come lo that the fluh trap lieeiiiM nhould be ran-icllwl for tin' present until fur- Iher mvetii:atioii iiad been mad)-. Hint the futh boat fliNitn Khoulo lie buill if It was found the .Mar-kenile King Koverummii an umouut in the upp:- meiilary enlnnale with which to Jo the work, but he retailed to oiiiinil himself in regard to . ( office liuilihiiK. Mr, Melghen's Speech III. lion. Arthur Aieigiicu, Pre inirr of Canada, the speaker of lie evening, aroc to iiddre.s tin meeliiig amiiUt applause. Mr. Mrijilicn ptefaced liM itpeei'h by xtatinK that It had been over a period ut very many year thai he had enterl.iint'd the hope 'l wotne day reachiuy the far north ami the i ity of Prince Hupert. It wax not only a pleaniire but a revelation lo viil thin fine new Canadian city, nee the iin!ulrii, iioar ot the n?Mialioii! or Ihe ilizi'iix, meet I In- people and pe. mime rlor intimate kmnvledge or Ihe district. The City or 1'rinee Hupcrt. the speaker anid, was p long way from Ihe more populated iiartH of Ihe country but K wn part or Cniunln and wa bei- ler than he Ihouxhl It wan. He did not think it would be too bad lo live in Prince lluperl, in Tact it seemed lo .posnes the jitiynteat factor which would make It, ith devclopmenl, ond oT Ihe mot liouu'irul citios in the Hot minion. Streak of Rust The speaker remarked that it hud been aid Hint (lit- city had i. .... iM'Kiiitnii nf the Libera! parly and had enjoyed no sup- port or inierext irom uie von-nerviiljve parly. U wan irup ami i... Viiliiiii ! I lii 1;ihI man tc III- deny Hie credit lo the Liberal party. The (Hand Iiuuk raci-fie railway venture had been the enlerprife or the Liberal parly in ID0.1 and 1, and the Trans-oain I Inn nlnl likewise. At Mini time or railway development the. veil- .... . , . i 1 1. . r turn ilHl IinL meet wun toe nuur of the Coi)fo;r.yulive parly. That iiieu on pno PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper BostonGrill Large Upstair Dining Mall, wjlh newly laid dancing lloor for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, The latest and best fur the least. Phone 467. Ly ii, XU, Xo, 11)1. I'lUXCK UL'l'KUT, . C., 310XDAY Allll'ST 10, 1020. siurdr circuution. utt strrtt siw-. m PRldK FIVR (JKNTS LARGE CROWD HEARlHGHEN SATURDAY lACHNZIE KING SAYS ANTI-AMERICAN PROPAGANDA DOING COUNTRY HARM 'rentier Meighm Speaks at Two Meetkgs Saturday Night Before Big Crowd Prince Rupert People large crowd ul men and wurm'ii or all .liitcle or thought omiiion liirni'il mil Kiiliml i'IV IMlflll ttfl telin illlfl litflnii Ii, II... I '- - , j ...l... .... .-vi. uiiu linivil IU I IV i 411 II.. ..I.-.. I......I .. , . . r iruiur .Mi-iKiicii. .viusi in uiem mm never seen or heard; In; (ore. Iliey heard u clever speech or n clever lawyer an nlile man ami gave good utleiition IhroiighotiL The holme riicutre was parked to Ihe doom uud there wai n i gnUiering iif Hie overflow mecling in lloslou Hull. At the n meet nig U II. Orme, president or the district Conservative iirion, presided and at the smaller gathering, hi assistant, ' M'- A. .M.iiiii. u I'huirmaii. (n ITTCDTIDP TC ,lb'' i,,a,f,Hm Mr ill uD UilU ltJ i M"v"r XrtMrt" " Stuart, pre. iili-nl of the Prince llupert Con-ATAIM DI A VIMn,",rvn,'v Association. J. u. Wll- HuHlll rLillllUl,a"","1 unro. Joseph I Fecit I .Sr.. J. A. KtrkjKilrie, J. II. Hants Trying to Secure Service (of Max Carey, Former Pirate Captain. VMlR. Auk. Hi. --4 In tal-,v -i? ' ikihIih nco red two v it-amsi New York in the nd game, (lehrlg also lilt tmirv which hud hecu Idle -ul days during which thrn ,1 wen damaged by tiller- m- ' i lloston today. tl w York (iianU are mak- oiig uid in "Pure Hie er-Maxuiey. former PilU- inn. American League mi. 1 1 - ."i. Cleveland 7-0. i 5. New York 1-3. ipsua t Washington 3. o. . in:ayi II. rulled - " ( ' Mini: nf ruin. National League I ... Ill o..lyi. 4 11. EOPENED INE FOUNDCORPSES ftr Many Years Workmen Begin to Take Out Bodlea of Entombed Miners. t ' LLAHTOX, X. H., Au. 10 nearly hair a century, the ''." which had remained uilv sealed In the bowels iu'IIi mnce the tragic ox- in I HHO, entombing IU whoso bodies had never ovored. hegun to (give Up in d on Hulunlay when nt- penetrate the old work- V'-I Kill xful. V tier- nnteivd the foul ln-.' Ml r-ciiveri-il three hodlc!. wn icn or the cornes IiUt - ami li-atlier helU or the w ti it-1 me xuul to have i. d'Olly ireii'rveil. 10NT0N MUSEUM GETS ENCOURAGEMENT " montox. Aug. it. nrrmt 11 inn nh a city muxcum here 1 ii. v to mieeeed. The city BIO FIGHT BETWEEN WHALE AND THRASHER 4 On I lit la 4 1 joiu: hliujiu' trip of tiic stcaim r IM-imc Cimrleri tin- iii-'Hiiii'i wii- nee(l h fiaiil between a 4 50-lon whale a: ,1 a !liia-.iei whale wlnie rvti Uneer. Charlotte Sound. The ma oi' moiifiti'rit were o:tl ai'ot a Ulta:lT ol a in:!e from tif boat unit lb w.iale m iid MYRTLE CAUGHT . ! be lirly eeen juiupin? r hi?li out of the witter, or- firerii .on Ihe boat titaled tiiey have never ne'-n a whn.e Junip u far out of tlie vva;r .fore. MORNING FIRE AT VANCOUVER VAXCtlt'VLH ;i! til Three firemen wen- siiitn: y injured ami damape estimated i( ?;i jo.Ono va. caused thi- morning by a lire whiell gulled the warehouse on Itcalty street hoiisovt: the American I'uint Co. ami the (iutta Perehii Itubber Company. The fire was one of the most pecla-cular in ycur owmis lo large iuuntilleii of comliiustible mailer ami il took the entire fire flitm(r force Hi roe liour- to khiii control. AT CRANBROOR CIIA.MUKMIK, Auk. 10 Myrtle, oiie or the three elephants winch escaped Irn day a;to, whs captured tin morning three miles north of- (his city. Search is continuing fur the remainiim I wo which are ul large. They are believed now to be widely separated HUGH SUTHERLAND . DIES AT WINNIPEG VLNIPF.(i. Aug. 10. Hugo Sutherland, aed HI. a member in the Selkirk federal parliament during the year IHa-'-7. and chief exeeu'ive olficer for thfl old Canadian Northern Railway Tor many yearn, and an esteemed old tinier, died in Loudon, Hug:-laml, im Saturday acconluift lo a calil received here, .. For two years' deceased was gold mining in Tlrilish Columbia .before Joining Ihe' Canadian .Northern in UHll. PREMIER MEIGHEN WAS WELL RECEIVED YANCOLVF.Il. Auit. K Premier Moiigheiv was given an enthusiastic reception on his arrival here this morning- Later ho went to Xew ' Weslmlnsler to deliver an Hildws. and then leaven- for lloy.ston In Ihe Co- mox-Alliernl riding where Jie xpenk loniuht. The .Premier expressed himself a fi .wiiudi.rruUy pleaded with hi norlhern trip and says he i!n-joyed Ihij stuuery immensely. i i.Jr U? JsKc wfhf ----WWW ---w-m- sbibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibB 1 wkt tfLBV ---WWWt'f mp& A. II. Kilioti. Hi- i;h ip- Wake ieio nuii Al an Cobhani are sln.vvn here to ordei named. The WakeueHI High ol 20.000 mile to Aiislr. i.d mid La k inleiTiipted in a desert stretch, 100 nine- northwest or Basra, where a wandering Arab shot nt tlie plane. Young F.Ilioll whs mortally wounded and died in hospital where Hvans took him. Perjury Charged in Connection With Gleaning up Voters' Lists Vancouver Centre Constituency YAXCOL'YKH. Aug. 10. An information charging perjury has been laid before Carle llohmson. justice of Hie peace, against Amos C Ferguson,- said to Ie a worker in the Liberal ranks, in connection vvilh Ihe filing before Chief Registrar Haskius oT affidavits demanding that upward or '1,01)0 names be removed from the voters' list in Vancouver Centre on the ground that they 'no longwc resided in that constituency. A siiniiiMiis was issued today railing on Ferguson to appear in court on Wednesday. The list of names submitted to the registrar included those of' - lion. II. II. Stevens and in wife.' Liberal headquarters, issued a I statement denying any attempt loj remove Ihe names oT bona fide, resident. alid statinv that they, were seeking to remove only thei names of persons who have long! since rcaeu io resine n ine tits-; trie!. JAPANESE VESSEL IS ON THE ROCKS COIUKIVA. Aug. It. The St. Paul wireless -tat ion in Ilelning Sea picked up a message slutiiK that the Japanese steamer I'nkaii Maru Xo. l.' was in distress off the Aleutian Islands yesterday j ami later reports said the vessel t v as on Hie rocks. I SENATOR DIES MOXTKF.AL. Auk. 10. Senator All red Tiiitiaudeau. "5 years of age. died Sunday night. next House Mr. Slork took two days orr at Whllehorse in order lb .-aid Fred CoiiKdon in his political fight with (ieorgo Jllack. lit; addressed an enlhuslasllo inecUn?iut Wlhile- horse ami he says he considers 'Mr. Congdon has u good ithuncc , I ueuey. COFFIN ONLY, BUT NO BODY Packing Case Said to Contain Kitchener Found to be Empty, LONDON, Aug. 16 The British Home office officially an-nounced today that the packing ' case recently delivered at Wa-; terloo station and alleged to contain the bedy of Kitchener, '"was found to contain an empty coffin." The statement added: "The coffin was new and obviously had not contained human romalns." Frank Powers, a British newspaperman, had previously declared that it contained the body of the famous military leader, which had been buried In Norway following the disaster of the Hampshire. Atlin Will Go Stronger Liberal Than at Last Election Says Fred . Stork on His Return from North "Mr. H rady ha not a Chinaman's chance in Alliit." de- claied Fred Stork on his arrival from the north this morning. "Lost ear the vole for me in that pari .of the constituency vyas about two lo one uud il will he bettor tin time." Mr. Slork litis been receiving advices from the east uud from till he sees and hears he says he feels, sure Mackenzie King will go hark mtidit.slmiiger than he did nl the last election. "The people want al government vvilh ft working majority and they are swinging lo Mackenzie King in order to secure that. King will g"t full control in tho or winning. The 'Liberal split which caused the trouble in tho last election has been healed and they are now all enthusiastically behind Congdnu. Mr. Stork is now off to visit, Hie southern part or the constl- Mackenzie King Says Conservative Campaign ! Breeds Illwill in U.S. : i KA.MLOOPS, Aug. Id. "I should Iik to draw attention of my fellow Canadian lo the unpatriotic aspect or the campaign oi prejudice again! (lie great republic to the south which ihe leaders of the Con set vat he party are again seeking to aroue," lerlitred Mackenzie King here Saturday night at hi third and . unit meeting in Hrilish Columbia. ' "For themselves," Mr. King said, speaking or the Conser-, alive lenders, "it comes at a particularly inopportune moment. : livery hotel in every city of Canada is today crowded vvilh Amer-l e:n, lourisls who cherish onlvi - - - ' i lie kindliest feeling toward theji peojue oi i tie immmton ami wnui ire iiemliii their tminev money v,vitJ .reei in all parts of oor cauntry. fai it -would be difficult 0 estimate' hal the tourist trade alone mean lo the present prosperity ami future development ot our and. "II i wholly unnecessary lo talk or annexation and the con temptuuux terms in which many Conservatives reier to the United Slate does not .foster ?ood wHI It breeds ill will in a variety of directions. It is a cheap sort of business at best and a parly dri- -I en to itfieala.x)f iEuVkiioleaii- :iot wonder if its -unpatriotic altitude i arousing in the hearts and mind of the public a resentment that will make itself felt in no uncertain terms. "If this campaign is kept up along these lines, I intend to have much to say about it duriiv- the next tew weeks. The eopIe of Canada expected lo have more positive statements trom the Con servative leader and less or detractions, concluded Mr. King. JAPANESE FOUND DEAD IN HIS BED It. liayashi, Japanese, was found dead in his shack on Third Avenue West by thy provincial police yesterday after-' noon. In response lo notification by two Japanese that Ihey could uot gain admittance at the shack the police forced Ihe thmr and found llayash' dead in 'bed. Ih Treiuayne was called and found that liayashi had been dead for some four hours. An enquiry will be held into the death by Coroner Tannock. BEAR BOUND SOUTH ON FINA LVOYAGE POINT HAIIIIOW. Aug. 14. The coastguard cutter Hear, turn ing south on tier final voyage to the Arotic, left Point Harrow today for Xome. The assengers included several men who re mained here after the Detroit! Arctic expedition went to the s'ates. FISHING SCHOONER LOST IN A STORM HALIFAX, Aug. 10.- -Fears uce relt .-'that the La Havre fishing sehooneY Sadie Knickle with a crew jaf, &2 foundered In lho storm last Saturday vvhicn wreckej the Sylvia Mosher. Xo word has been received of the crew of either vessel. RUTH HITS HOMEH TO BRING AID Case Against Rancher Dismissed By Magistrate When Cause of Fire Known. WILLIAMS LAKE, Aug. 16. Fearing blood poisoning in the reel eauseil by poison ivy "might prove fatal. Otto Kroner set fire to the limber around his lonely raneh in the Horsefly district, nrthrr'af IferTc. 4uf-b'rili?r 16 summon aid. This story he told in court here when brought lo trial on a diarge of setting out a fire without a verniit, which was dismissed by Magistrate C. II. I )uil well. The flames Quickly spread over the woods of Kroner's land and were heading for Hie nearby timber when the Hre fighters arrived on the scene and subdued them after a stiff battle. QUARREL ENDS IN KILLING One of Builders of C.P.R. Is Ar rested on Murder Charge - . v UOXDOX. Aug. IG.-Jealousy is alleged to have caused a quarrel belween . Alphotise F. A. Smith una John T. Iierham on Friday uisht al Whltstable near Canterbury, which had as Us se- jquel the olealh ot Derhatif and lite arrest or Sinllh on' a churpe. oT murder. Smill is n grandson of tho late Hugh Ryan who, with Sir Frank -Smith and Lord Stralh-cona, was instrumental in building up the Canadian Pacific railway system. Herliam is tno grandson of llrigadier-lieneral Tyler, Y.., a noted general ic ihe Hiitisb army Smifi i wealthy, having inherited the bulk or Ilyan's grea! foe. tine. EARTHQUAKE IN BRITAIN I.OXnOX. Aug. Ifl, Twenty counties experienced earthquake shocks yesterday In England and Wales. Il was particularly .acute at Hiriniiwham where people believed a big explosion had ENGLAND GOOD LEAD TEST CRICKET MATCH AGAINST AUSTRALIANS LOXDOX. Auk. 10. The seoro XL OHI, Aug. 10 Habeiin Saturday's piny in the lest Hulli scored his 38tl homer . in match belween England and Au-the ifirst . Inning ibf ya douiil? tralia was for dhe flrsl inning: header against1 WttShinglon.lUnglaiuJ t'HO, Australia 00 ror There were none on bales ,.; Jfou wjj-kxls, f ' a . 11